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Committee is suspended who was immediately for. Olympic officials banned russia from the upcoming winter games over state sponsored doping clean athletes will only be allowed to eat as neutral. And a state of emergency in Southern California as firefighters battle severe wildfires almost two hundred thousand people are ordered to evacuate. Plus look out for those bitcoin millionaires as the cryptocurrency breaks through the Twelve Thousand dollar barrier the champagne corks are popping for some lucky investors will find out whats inflating the bit when bubble. And. They met him it is the first black woman to win britains prestigious turner prize for our she is also the oldest at sixty three we will look at her work. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Great to have you with us. U. S. President donald trump is expected to announce today that he will move americas embassy in israel to jerusalem recognizing the city as the capital of the jewish state it is a major change in american policy and one that the palestinians and arab states say could threaten the middle east Peace Process one palestinian diplomat has called it the kiss of death for the proposed two state solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Israel long ago declared jerusalem as its eternal capital but the rest of the world never recognized the move and to date no major countries have an embassy in the ancient city Donald Trumps decision would change that and could have an explosive effect on the region not least because the palestinians insist that East Jerusalem must be their capital if a two state solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict is to become a reality. The position of the president is very clear and if. This is going to move to jerusalem this is again. This is this would be acceptable for. This. It would complicate things to put an obstacle to the Peace Process maybe it will be the end of the Peace Process other leaders promptly echoed that warning. Mr trump drew is the red line for muslims. In cairo the head of the arab league said moving the u. S. Embassy would be an unnecessary provocation to the arab world the kings of saudi arabia and jordan both criticize the move as did iraqi Prime Minister high dare a body. It has to have that. The Iraqi Government warns of the consequences of this decision on the stability of the area and of the world it ignores the rights of palestinians and arabs and muslims alike. The United States appears to recognize that trumps announcement may trigger unrest in the mideast the state department has ordered its consulate personnel in israel not to conduct personal travel in jerusalems old city or the west bank and pope francis has expressed concern about president trumps expected announcement the pontiff calling for wisdom and prudence to prevail and to avoid further conflict in the middle east. My thoughts now go to jerusalem. In this regard i cannot keep silent about my deep concern over the situation that has a risen in recent days. And at the same time a heartfelt appeal so that everyone would be committed to respecting the status quo of the city. In accordance with the relevant resolutions of the united nations. Lets get more now on the situation we are joined by marcus chi here in the studio he is an International Affairs expert at the German Institute for international and Security Affairs welcome to you marcus take us through the basics here why it is declaring jerusalem the capital or rather recognizing it as the capital such a controversial issue it isnt legal i mentioned a political dimension the legal dimension is the status of jerusalem is has to be determined in International Negotiations eastern jerusalem or to resume its not as been and makes by israel in one thousand eight hundred bout that an exception has never been recognized by the International Communities of so the final status in legal terms is to be determined and to resume as one of the key question of the still existing middle east Peace Process and declaring or accepting that the rosalynn is israels capital means taking science in this in this context but surely you know people must know that the United States one of the biggest allies of the United States is israel so given that i mean we talk about you know the practical aspects on the ground with this change anything practically speaking for israelis and palestinians when it comes to everyday life but really i mean we have to keep in mind the legal situation exists in since nine hundred ninety five when the going Congress Really requested the u. S. Embassy to be transferred to the rules of them and the all president s since ninety ninety five if waive the decision of congress so actually nothing really changes and the there are some observers suggesting that the u. S. Consulate in jerusalem simply has been has simply has to be transformed and to be declared to the u. S. Embassy and that would be that would it be but at the end of the day sends a clear signal to the. Postilions that the United States is not the honest broker anymore of the the balanced even handed broker but its taking sides in the middle east Peace Process why would trump do this now i mean it seems the message that weve heard from the pontiff himself is that this is an unnecessary provocation absolutely i think that there are two things to consider first. Donald trump is in the process of fulfilling a lot of. Compelling. Obligations and good projects and this is one of them and the second thing is that the United States has been engaged in trying to mediate between their israel and the postings over the last couple of months behind the scenes very silently and obviously they have come to the administration has come to the conclusion that theres nothing to gain from it that there are no but is that there is no progress and theyre no good negotiating and then that the. Recent move announced or to be announced tonight will not really change the situation on the ground speaking of the situation on the ground there has been a call now for three days of rain. Do you anticipate that we are now going to see violence absolutely and i think the United States itself is expecting violence as far as ive seen this morning and the u. S. Administration has given the morning to the to the u. S. Embassies and consulates all around the world that theyre expecting violence in particular in the middle east but maybe in other places as well maybe even Violent Attacks on the u. S. Consulate and the embassies its really fueling because not only flew fueling the conflict but fueling violence in the region and the announcement hasnt even been made official yet already such a fallout marcus khan with the very latest joining us here in the Studio International Affairs Expert at the German Institute for international and Security Affairs thank you. Lets get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world the British Government says that it has not yet formally assessed how leaving the e. U. Will impact countrys economy minister david davis told parliament that such an analysis wasnt needed until later in the divorce process the comments are likely to inflame criticism of the government negotiations with brussels have stalled in recent days over the status of the irish border a man has appeared in court in london on suspicion of plotting to kill british Prime Minister theresa may prosecutors say that the extremist islamist plot involved in a bomb attack on her official residence one other man was arrested in connection with the case Security Officials believe that it is the ninth plot police have courted this year. French rock icon Johnny Holiday has died from lung cancer at the age of seventy four known as the french elvis holiday helped popularize rocknroll in francophone world helping himself one hundred million records in a fifty year career. He will be missed by many of his fans now to a day after russia was banned by competing in the twenty eighteen Winter Olympics for state sponsored doping the kremlin says that it will take time to consider its response twenty two individual athletes are appealing against a lifetime bans handed down by the International Olympic committee and any russian athletes that can prove that they are clean of doping will be allowed to compete as neutrals but time is short with just ten weeks before the games begin in south korea. The russian team has always called the oil at the Winter Olympics but that is set to change in twenty eight saying the i. O. C. Says clean athletes can compete under neutral flag but russia could still boycott the games and for fear that plates from competing opinion in the country is divided some feel their athletes should only compete under a russian flag. You can stick to them i think there will be very few athletes who will be great to compete under unusual but if someone does i would tell them to go after the money and find sponsors themselves we would not support you. Understandably though many athletes a came to compete in pyongyang whatever the conditions. Are going anthem have been taken away from us but we still have our honor and our conscience and each of us has a dream to go there and nobody will take away our desires to perform for our country i hope we will you know its around the situation and come out stronger. This starts in the sports teams were going to need the kremlin is considering its response but some russian officials are already looking to draw a line under the whole doping scandal. On the closing day of the Olympic Games the olympic committees looking dorothy will be reinstated on. That its very important that that will close the chapter on all the investigations in the prosecution of Russian Sports much the rossley of the new pressley of the. Sponsoring of president putin has said an olympic ban would amount to humiliation for this reason alone the kremlins response could be crucial to hell and if russias athletes compete at the games in south korea. Won best olympic ban of russia correspondent Emily Sherman is standing by with the latest from moscow so emily tell us a little bit more about the government reaction to this ban which seems to be a bit cautious is it also a cautiously action for example among russian citizens as well. Well its been quite a contrast actually in comparison to the official reaction which calls for no emotion and a considered reaction to this decision the reaction among the russian people has been rather emotional for example you can see that on social media where a hash tag has been trending yet that ive seen yet you go to is the hash tag which means no russian no games thats the thats the English Version and people on social media are calling for a boycott of the games theyre calling them unfair and theyre saying that politics should not be mixed with sports so my impression here is that basically on the streets and on social media from what ive seen people kind of see this is part of a western campaign against russia they include in that you know the sanctions against russia the allegations of hacking and now this doping scandal and you know people are really emotional about this especially because surveys show that that actually most people dont believe there was a state sponsored doping program so they feel theyre being unfairly punished and that the athletes are unfairly being punished as well and that negative feeling of allay the negative feeling not only about this decision but also towards the west how is that life lead to impact government. Well strangely enough it could actually have a positive effect on putins government. Ahead of the elections which are scheduled for march putin hasnt actually announced that hell be taking part but hes expected to announce his president ial campaign in the coming weeks and even before the announcement of the International Olympic committee some Media Outlets were saying that this whole kind of narrative of russia being punished and the west being against russia could be used in putins Election Campaign that already kind of worked when it cut when it came to crimea having a sort of external enemy the amec sation of crimea was punished as russians see as russians see it by western sanctions and it was condemned worldwide but here its widely seen as putin standing up to the west and kind of russia standing against the rest of the world and thats a rather popular narrative that putin could use cynically speaking at least in in his Election Campaign if he decides to run a mill a sure win with the latest from moscow thank you hundreds of migrants stranded in libya on their way to europe have been evacuated home to nigeria the u. N. Is stepping up efforts to fly migrants out of the country amid an outcry over reports that many are being sold into slavery those arriving in nigeria have some harrowing tales to tell. Relief to be on home soil again. Arriving back in nigeria hundreds of migrants repatriated from libya there their dreams of reaching europe were promptly cut short many were imprisoned tortured and sold as slaves by smugglers. You didnt lock you in the room you hardly eat rice nor. Do you need. To keep. The morning when you see three days in the d. Youll be seeing the beauty just so you see the money on this plane loaded for attorneys as part of an International Repatriation program thats been wrapped up in recent months these efforts follow a global outcry spots purports of migrants including girls sold in slave options or even if im pretty sure that what i see a thirteen year old would it be one fourteen Year Old Girl said to us two doesnt know how many men. Have stepped up this account many describe the hell of conditions and libyas detention camps over four hundred thousand african migrants languish but despite suffering atrocities many are still likely to re attempt a perilous journey to europe risking death and to peace all over again. It is time now for Business News with monica jones and today we have to talk about bitcoin monica we have to talk we dont possess bitcoin but we have to talk about it sara the cryptocurrency surpassed Twelve Thousand dollars today soaring from less than one thousand dollars at the start of the year so the sky is the limit it seems but analysts warn that the price it is based on nothing but speculative frenzy and that the acid bubble is poised to burst well that doesnt stop some Stock Exchanges and futures markets from joining the party. Bitcoins may be a mystery for most people but many are intrigued by the crypto currency bitcoins are mind in massive data centers such as here in china the currency only exists online theres no bank or Financial Institution behind it the cash flows are anonymous and theres little oversight and yet big coin is currently enjoying an unusual run. At the start of this year one bitcoin was worth one thousand dollars but for weeks theres been a lot of hype surrounding its more recent surge in value on wednesday its price reached a record high of over Twelve Thousand two hundred dollars that means bitcoin has jumped in value by over eleven hundred percent an unparalleled rise. Its even called the attention of the reputable trick cargo Commodities Exchange which announced plans to begin trading Bitcoin Futures investors will be able to buy and sell bitcoins at a fixed rate this will make the currency much easier to trade even japans on board bitcoin is listed on Stock Exchange now the ones g. B. s cryptocurrency is well on its way to entering the financial mainstream. So who else is on board lets cross over to our Financial Market correspondent was n n frank so how excited are investors and traders there is frank starting to trade bitcoin anytime soon. Many people here in Frankfurt Germany as financial city are talking about bitcoin but first dock market operator or the markets operator here in frankfurt. Only says theyre looking into this but they still have a lot of questions you know if you want to create and run a futures contract for example on bitcoin you have to make sure that the underlying asset the bitcoin is really transparent started slick wit that it can be traded all the time. And also that there is not too much of a price changes and especially the price change aspect is something that is really an extreme this year also the rig regulators here in germany they dont really like bitcoin the Financial Supervisory Authority is not even sure whether because it is a currency at all this all doesnt mean that the Underlying Technology because it wouldnt be interesting for people here alone the markets operator is currently working on three block chain. Projects one with Deutsche Bundesbank which is the reserve bank here in germany now and so they are open to new technologies also on currency markets but from searching bitcoins now to collapsing shares in time hold for an International Retail giant one has to say that runs Companies Like in germany or power land in england whats going on there how bad is it. Its really bad says in the steinhoff are down seven percent compared to last night and as you said this is not a Small Companies germanys second Biggest Furniture retailer after ikea in africa this company is really big and steinhoff es a member of the german m. D. X. And this index of Midcap Companies is down three percent today just because of this slump in the shares of steinhoff right come a gruesome in frankfurt thank you very much for this and we are just getting in the Agency Reports that the European Commission is planning for fundamental reforms for the e. U. The commission has just agreed to create a European Monetary Fund by the middle of twenty nineteen the fund will be similar to the international Monetary Fund but is designed to strengthen the economies of the euro zone reforms are scheduled to be discussed at an upcoming summit which takes place next week and with that we turning to the United States where thousands of homes off threatened by wildfire and california. Badly hit this area youve got that storm absolutely a state of emergency actually and in place in Southern California there are monica where firefighters are battling severe wildfires as we heard almost two hundred thousand people have been ordered to evacuate no one believed to have died in the fires but local media reporting that one person was killed in a car crash of fleeing the area. And he hoped to save this house now gone up in flames one of hundreds of homes destroyed by wild fire at this point all the firefighters can do is stand and watch. The biggest fire burning right now in california is here in Ventura County northwest of los angeles some neighborhoods have been spared others now just smoking piles of ash and debris authorities warn residents to get out while they still can. So we want to be really clear with folks we have lost structures we have not lost lives do not leave your homes. Hot dry winds have whipped the flames across more than eighty kilometers nearly to the Pacific Ocean twenty seven thousand has been one of the worst years on record for wildfires in california. The state fire chief blames Climate Change for spawning more and bigger blazes and warns that this wildfire could continue on its path of destruction for several more days. A tanzanian born artist has made history by becoming the first black woman to win britains most prestigious award the turner prize to him it scoops the award worth around twenty thousand euros for her work addressing racial politics and the legacy of slavery we know that she is a prize. Is the very you know. Its been a long wait for bain ahead shes not only the first black woman to pick up the turner prize but also the oldest ever went to britains most prestigious are towards the sixty three year old artist thank those who supported her since emerging in the one nine hundred eighty s. As a Leading Light of british blackheart to the arts and cultural historians who cared enough to write essays about my work for decades thank you you gave me substance in the wilderness use tanzania and born him it whos working clits postal indiana sets painted with images of black slaves benefited from a change in the prizes rules where previously only artists under fifty were eligible it used to be viewed as a vehicle for younger artists do what i wanted as a race by judges uncompromising tackling of racism him its historic win means shes finally got the recognition and she deserves thank sports news now and this week sees the final round of the Champions League group stage the best place teams of eight groups move on to the knockout stage Manchester United ventus basel all went through with victories on tuesday evening but Athletico Madrid who reached the Champions League final back in two thousand and fourteen and twenty sixteen are out after drawing with chelsea in group c. Byron munich missed the chance to top group b. But still got some revenge over par by beating them three one that results included two goals from quarantine so both teams go into the knockout draw. The remaining matches will be played this evening including dortmund who hope to break their poor run of form when they face family dread peter buzzs side are sixth in the point as they go and have had a dismal time in the Champions League a draw in madrid could secure dortmund qualification for the Europa League but their opponents are also keen to get back on track. When listen ten consecutive games top man there in a rut. And the problems kate mounting for coach peter bosch with injuries to Gonzalo Castro and maximillian phillips further decimating his squad. So its back to the drawing board once again. Under the bright lights of the Santiago Bernabeu desperately need a morale boosting performance. Morgan will try to play a good game its very important for a confidence us besides playing a good match we care about getting one or three points but well have to wait for that. Morgan. Real madrid have already qualified for the Champions League knockout rounds but dortmund wont be in for an easy ride the spanish giants a fourth in their Domestic League and want to build momentum themselves. The situation is not ideal in the league ok because were eight points behind us. Thats for a raise and us. But im relaxed about it because im sure thats going to change. But more is on the line for dortmunds on the pressure coach. A quick reminder now the top stories that were following for him before we go u. S. President donald trump expected to announce plans today to americas embassy in israel to jerusalem palestinians and arab states it could threaten the middle east Peace Process. Today im sorry thanks for watching. Citys. Biggest pervan centers are growing crowded affects can be catastrophic as housing gets scarce rents skyrocket and Traffic Congestion gets out of control how can the urban growth. And social the future of our cities made in germany. Made every day life simpler and more enjoyable. Thats what Finnish Design is all about. To celebrate the countrys one hundredth birthday. Designers are pulling out all the stops to prove that Finnish Design is an experience. Euro max in sixty minutes on d. W. Every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. Nico is in germany to learn german why not learn with them simple online on your mobile and free stuff from d w z e learning course nikos fake german made easy. G. W. True diversity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. On top of programming but there you know. That with us our innovations magazine for in asia. 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