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A project about artists and their right to express their views freely. D. W. Dot com or to freedom. Once upon a time there was a country the largest in the world in fact it was an empire it was called soviet union shortly before it seventieth birthday it vanished from the map. It. Should be a shape shifter you shave with a good shake youll believe if you take the state over here. The soviet union had been strongly dependent on Commodity Prices but russia in the two thousand was even more so two thirds of russias exports were generated by the oil and natural gas sector. Economy could receive russias economy as a model economy that depends entirely on oil prices everyone just trades new Petroleum Products when the prices are high but if they drop the russian economy has a real problem this is very bad economics among them. To draw its neighboring countries back into its fear of influence russia sold them or oil and natural gas at knock down prices. Small gifts sustain friendships big ones create dependency. Overseas to come on the book russia uses the economy to apply political pressure to stop the former soviet states from moving toward europe this is sort of the universe i use a. Better us is a good example its a buffer between russia and nato and a conduit for russian oil and gas supplies to europe. Socialist would scotians and he she lists of things you think. They are mutually dependent. Russia relies on transit countries like belarus and ukraine which transport gas and oil to europe. There are always been quarrels about transit operations. That are in the. Unexplained oh look i go and glad im here put in have played this dependency game for years. Wants to have things both ways favorable prices and independence from russia couldnt tolerate sit as long as bellerose does not turn towards the west with the monsoon to mco. This is why lucas shank always says that bella looses the little brother and russia the big brother and that we will always be together. These declarations appealed to the russian government. Which means better routes receives considerable economic aid. The russian subsidies account for fifteen to eighteen percent of Gross Domestic Product its. These enormous subsidies have made bellerose relatively stable. But thats because. Over twenty years look at sankoh got about one hundred billion dollars but did nothing constructive with it. It was all stolen. Shows in return russia put pressure on Location Code to allow it to deploy heavy weapons here. And you say this Financial Support has cost us our sovereignty and perhaps even our statehood and that has meant complete absorption into the Russian Army Russian ideology and the russian world. Me. Most brother ruffians still accept the monopoly of their russian neighbors and of left to walk a fine line between solidarity and independence. But georgia was a different case. After the rose revolution it quickly developed into a pluralistic comparatively well functioning country. The tax system was simplified and the Banking Sector and Public Services modernized its cities were transformed. Mikhail saakashvili the new president completely renovated the center of tbilisi. Will decide life the city will soon move after the rez revolution foreign capital began to flow into the country it felt like a new era was coming people had a great visions that our country would become a new switzerland or singapore or that an economic miracle would happen. And a big boom really did start things that were worth a Million Dollars now cost one hundred million apartments in tbilisi were more expensive than in moscow we had an Enormous Growth in our client base and hired new staff who earned really good money. Looking west away from putins russia circus really brought in renowned architects from all over the world the striking New Buildings were intended as a symbol of the new era. But soccers really wasnt only interested in giving the city a facelift he also launched a crackdown on corruption in politics bureaucracy and the Police Thousands of corrupt politicians and state officials were arrested the entire Traffic Police force some sixteen thousand officers were sacked corruption was almost defeated in the first four years. Here actually alasania served as georgias ambassador to the United Nations from two thousand and six to two thousand and eight. But. I would say so. Ports from United States and other western countries to make this inform successful. We have well trained on the nato standards armed forces that are capable of conducting any type of war their military operation. Military wise security wise i think georgia is ready to become the member right now. But theres a political decision that needs to be taken and we understand its also coralie did with the relationship with russia. U. S. President george w. Bush was the main advocate of georgian and ukrainian membership in nato the struggle for the former soviet republics was a struggle over spheres of influence. After the dissolution of the warsaw pact the moscow Led Military Alliance most former soviet republics hope to join nato. Estonia latvia and lithuania became part of the Atlantic Alliance in two thousand and four. Called it for the long in the us russia is actively engaged in democratic liberal reforms and is a liberal economy so where does this pressure on russia come from. People putin has often said that if there are no ideological differences between capitalism and socialism why is nato expanding eastwards what you were not as preserving as i was. At the two thousand and seven Munich Security Conference the conflict came into the open boat incognitos eastern enlarge meant a direct threat to russia at the studios now but whats the illusion for the future a ship would in plano with. Putins aim was to create a defensive ring around russia and he intended georgia and ukraine to be part of it. That would both and it is not in the kremlins opinion that the west has to accept that this is in our National Interest that ukraine should belong to the russian protectorate as well as belarus and probably moldova the whole of trans caucasian should be our protectorate as well from the. Pub or paragon our from the Newspaper Novaya Gazeta is known for is critical and often ironic take on russias leadership but more credible because thats why russia will never let go of ukraine weve got our teeth into it like a bulldog well if the west accepts this if theres a yell to two agreement then well work with europe. The two thousand and eight nato summit in bucharest was dominated by the question of eastern and large might russias objections split the alliance. In the end a compromise was found george urn and ukraine were fobbed off with a promise of nato membership some time in the future. Meanwhile a longstanding can. Looked at the border between russia and georgia was heating up ever since the end of the soviet union two regions a conjoined South Ossetia had been seeking independence from georgia in two thousand and eight People Living on the border became pawns in a bigger game. To do something i get a my burnt out houses over there. I lived like i was in a fairy tale i had central heating a bathroom wine cellar. Thats all thats left to make a lump of metal and a refrigerator. I had to raise my arms and give it all up which i have nothing left. We always got along with the associations we ate and drank together even a borrowed money from each other. But now there is no hope of reconciliation theres no future anymore not a bit of out of love. The border between georgia and russia became the new border between the world powers. Russia banned the import of georgian products the georgians arrested alleged russian spies the conflict was escalating. It was obvious that we were moving step by step into a war with russia i forced saakashvili to call the russian president to diffuse the situation. During this conversation Vladimir Putin told saakashvili straight up that if the georgian government launched military operations against a kazuya and South Ossetia the russians would send in their army. Body mcalinden syria bus because it all would see the bloodshed. Just like. The interests of abkhazia and South Ossetia had long ceased to be the real issue in the conflict and a proxy war was looming. During the night of august seventh to the eighth two thousand and eight this war finally broke out georgia marched into South Ossetia such as really claimed a small enclave was historically georgian. Buttin regarded this as an attack on russia itself and struck back. He would brook no one rest on the edges of his empire especially on what he saw as a frontier with the west. The war against georgia was a demonstration of putins resolve he was intent on keeping as many of the former soviet republics as possible out of the wests embrace if necessary by military force. The war lasted only five days eight hundred fifty people were killed thousands more wounded and twenty four thousand South Ossetians fled the fighting. The russian army penetrated deep into georgia itself the country also lost the support of the west which condemned its attack on the breakaway region. Georgias dream of nato membership was over at least for the moment. Russia drew another lesson from its victory in the caucasus if it wanted to throw its weight around it would need a modern army. That teached there were tactical and logistical problems. We invaded georgia with rusty obsolete equipment the georgian artillery caused a lot of casualties and some of our soldiers panicked when they came under fire when. The russian militarys First International deployment since the disintegration of the soviet union revealed the cracks beneath the surface. The former pillar of the soviet empire had been neglected for decades after the war in the caucasus president Dmitri Medvedev announced a long overdue modernization of the Russian Armed forces. When you more. With. Us do in the crises get he gets acquitted them but nonetheless i mean that i see if you do it its going to shit that would mean that we dont expect a war like this off to twenty twenty five on the assumption that a major world crisis would break out resources would become scarce and people in the most widely differing countries would be starving that russia is so vast and so rich in resources that we face attacks from all sides we must be prepared. To get them over the meaning that. When putin became president russias military budget was just four billion dollars. By two thousand and eleven it had climbed to seventy two billion. The Global Financial crisis in two thousand and eight put a stop to russias recovery oil and gas prices were falling on the Global Market Foreign Investors were concerned about state interference in the economy and the war in georgia. And usually good news is when you can use the Current Crisis has no external cause is the model in which putins regime is founded the distribution of oil revenues has run out of steam youve generated. The gap between rich and poor in russia widened dramatically. Moscow was still doing relatively well but elsewhere people were struggling. The good old days were looking better than ever. With a city d. S. S. That enables this there was still a lot of nostalgia there for the soviet distribution economy or state supported government contracts subsidies and rising social expenditure. Said sir nicholas holbert. But even in moscow people were wistfully looking back to soviet times this nostalgia appeared in many forms for example in the restaurant of the Famous Department store. Some of them are cantinas designed according to the traditional soviet model the cashiers wear bonnets and there are tablecloths and flowers on the tables. What this is the famous vending machine that stood on the streets in soviet times you could buy normal water for one kopek or water with syrup for three. The generation that knew the Old Soviet Union still exists thats why this place is so popular the atmosphere here is familiar to everyone many young people also like to come here they were interested in finding out how their grandmothers mothers and fathers lived what. Was. That in reporting picked up on his country mens longing for a new National Pride soviet symbols and traditions were dug out again red army banners the melody of the soviet National Anthem military parades on red square after an eighteen year interruption on may ninth two thousand and eight a grand parade was staged at the kremlin to mark the anniversary of the soviet victory in the great patriotic war. Propaganda gave putin the aura of a charismatic leader this is his image an old style fight against bureaucracy like the nice song and the bad boy as all good things in the country are attributed to him everything bad to someone else. Fortunately for most of you were you were we all understood that medved yes was just a pure sorrow good when it wasnt seen as an independent politician but rather as putin psychic. In two thousand and twelve flooding near putin became president again. For partly admitted that this had been the plan all along. Putin saw the revival of his country as his lifes work. Here do you think and i see you know about what i feel at night we did you. Give me the idea i were. Put in spreading ruffian colleague Alexander Lukashenko has been in office since one thousand nine hundred ninety four in many quarters his authoritarian style has earned him the name europes last dictator. To lose nobody has talked about free elections and belarus since one nine hundred ninety six elections and belarus are controlled by the government. And their results are pretty determined by the power apparatus. Hes. So bella roost does hold elections but the police and the Intelligence Services do Everything Possible to stifle any opposition. Or. Say a ship is from that is our group which was made up mainly of young people and went to the city center to hear the results in front of the Election Committee Building Solutions is. Suddenly a police car the street in front of us. They didnt care that i was a president ial candidate and had absolute immunity and. With and when i tried to get around the car and continue on as a grenade suddenly exploded and shooting broke out. Yeah because of years of knowing that i mean suddenly i was on the ground under boots in the snow. Somebody screamed theyre killing the president ial candidate. Someones face was burnt and in this madness i lost consciousness them. Yesterdays and then a. Nuclear i have survived the assassination attempt but his ordeal continued when he was kidnapped from the hospital i think the democrats are reasonably needs he knew i was in the hospital emergency room lying naked on a drip when i was suddenly dragged by my feet back out into the cold. And it wasnt minus ten but minus twenty five degrees celsius outside you dont expect to survive that the new shoes. Was sentenced to two years on charges of incitement to mass riot he was only released from prison after diplomatic pressure from europe and suffering a stroke. The regime is built on the forces that carried out the orders to crush any peaceful resistance in two thousand and ten that is. Back in russia the rigged parliamentary elections of two thousand and eleven were leading to growing dissatisfaction especially among the middle classes the kremlin reverted to the tried and tested formula repression and violence a little the college delude you too many people who were particularly active entrepreneurial and well educated no longer felt they had any prospects in this country. The sense of stagnation of status was quite strong dissatisfaction with the situation led to mass demonstration as. The biggest protests in russias recent history started just a day after putins reelection hundreds of thousands took to the streets to demand more transparency and accountability and an investigation into the allegations of electoral fraud. The governments response was brutal soviet style conditions were resurrected whoever is in forests is against us critics were branded enemies of russia or enemies of the state opposition activists were placed under surveillance. In belarus soviet style conditions had never been done away with in the first place. He says. His person who is under surveillance has to live with a number of limitations you i have no right to leave the country. I have no right to hang out in places where alcohol is served because. I have no right to take part in large public gatherings. They decided to silence me so to speak. Now im sitting here like a fool. Brother rowsley an activist popular you know grand offer is just twenty nine years old but has been jailed several times. Because of the yemeni shoeless was this my friends and i decided to do something funny to set up a resistance organization. Our first action was to take stuffed toys including teddy bears and put them in a busy spot opposite the government building was. Painted various funny placards the slogans as if the toys themselves were demonstrating in. Your Community One of the posters for example said freedom for political prisoners. Another was carried by a stuffed toy with an im missing that said the cops took out my eye. So they were funny things but our action prompted some serious feedbacks and. People began to add their own toys when it even started to happen in europe as a sign of solidarity with belarus. Next year those are his jewishness in the midst of the. Of course the brillo scene authorities didnt think the appearance of the stuffed toys in western european cities was humorous we know got off was hauled in our dan. You know what was in the middle we didnt last that long as consequence then they put us in jail. Thank you more the high and mighty were afraid of boys putting toys around the city and thats just stupid at the cost of. The interest of those little ones and then you may move on to the digital not you know what i said. Poignant that needs to do good to say i was sentenced to four years in prison for moves and music i had to serve so many years for absolutely nothing she will see that goes on but you dont only suffer yourself as with your relatives suffer too. Thats the worst thing that happened my wife also spent fifteen days in jail. In the end we got married in prison. I was wearing prison clothes no jacket nothing press completely in black with my prison number and this girl she said i didnt have a white dress or a veil the Precious Metals are forbidden in prisons so there were no rings. It was all pretty sober and somber but still its my best memory from the eight months i was there. In the end the European Union pushed for going abroad or else released from prison. Today he still has to report to the police every week exile belarusians style. In georgia criticism of president Mikhail Saakashvili was growing louder the catastrophic war and celibacy sure was just one of the reasons another was the one time reformers own actions during his second term in office he underwent a shift. It was not prepared to leave the leadership i was. Really i mean lets move toward terry terry and. Rule of the country to keep his own power intact. Shortly before the parliamentary elections in two thousand and twelve allegations of maltreatment doona georgian prison rocked the republic. When the videos of guards beating inmates were made Public People turned against suckers field. Goal knew that something terrible was happening there but didnt Pay Attention when you have systematic problem that you are overlooking and there is a torture systematic inside your penitentiary system you have to address this all youre going to be blamed for thats. Oppositional activists and politicians in the country united under a new Political Alliance called the Georgian Dream and set out to remove saakashvili was to play bum democrat it was the gods leader business instead of strengthening democratic structures the government introduced tougher measures to control the media and parliament. And so we had a strong almost a thorough tarion president ial republic with a totally submissive parliament. Absolutely rattled she. Saakashvili resorted to brute force to quell the protests. This was the same man who had studied and worked as a lawyer in the us and do it been so proud of that peaceful rose revolution. With this its trained on blood of us when we were crushed with such unexpected severity the west said practically nothing. It didnt demand that saakashvili justify what he was doing to show. Clear if youre seen as pro western youll be forgiven a lot if youre seen as pro russian you can be beaten tortured and killed and no one will say a thing about it. These double standards lead to great frustration and disappointment with western values a lot of us a little bit busy much. Nevertheless the Georgian Dream coalition swept the next parliamentary elections because saakashvili was forced to flee your broad. After all the euphoria of the rose revolution and the longing for europe disillusionment set in. Suckers release prowest and government was now seen as repressive and corrupt freedom and democracy had ultimately prevailed but western values had clearly suffered a loss of prestige. Good bandish really who had already enjoyed Great Success as a Real Estate Broker found a new role as an arch conservative t. V. Presenter with an attitude highly critical of the west. Civilization awakens desires that lead to moral depravity and the media spreads this depravity not just homosexuality but every kind of depravity such as consumption and selfindulgence. People are concerned about this and think we should get less money and hold onto our identity instead. In russia and western and especially anti American Attitudes took root you know visual propaganda in this new cold war the aim was to cement the power of the state. Bureau of. This in this christian values are not taken seriously in europe anymore a new type of morality has been imposed that is the antithesis of christian ideals. God says that marriage is an alliance between man and woman. And now same sex relationships are counted as marriage. This is mortal sin is a serious and an forgivable. Thank god we still preserve moral and christian values in russia. But if we abandon them so help us god then it will quickly bring about the end of the world which was. The current phase of anti western sentiment is the longest and most aggressive so far. Can see with. The propaganda is using all the stereotypes and cliches that existed about the west during the soviet era. Criticism of the west and reconciliation with tradition that was also moscows approach to chechnya. Off became president of chechnya with Vladimir Putin support the republic of been reintegrated into moscows empire. Whether you like runs on or not hes created order after two wars and that is of great importance i mean this is. The fighting ended in two thousand and nine. Russian troops were pulling out. Of promised moscow he would combat terrorism in chechnya and moscow promised to fund the republics reconstruction it was the same deal that putin had reached with cut a year off father subsidies in return for stability. But that was to forums on the reconstruction of chechnya the construction of new houses streets and Everything Else is a question of prestige hes keen to be a popular politician in the. Muslims but it all ends badly for anyone who criticizes him as lord woods. After years of conflict church now it became a legal black hole within the Russian Federation moscow turned a blind eye. To the killing putin isnt very bothered about human rights. Its not the decisive issue guiding his policies rights are violated everywhere in russia. In ukraine the next round of the battle between pro russian and pro western factions erupted in two thousand and ten ukrainian lectured Viktor Yushchenko righteous president looking for Financial Assistance he turned to moscow. Following the tried and tested president putin offered to cut gas prices and pay several billion dollars for Ukrainian Government bonds in return. Was to tear up ukraines agreement of association with the e. U. Ukrainians took to the streets in protest as many as a Million People joined the euro mind on demonstrations prominent european politicians poured fuel on the revolutionary fire. Their appearances were seen as a sign of solid. Already against an ever more brutal state apparatus. Is that stewart i have been on the my dance since the twenty fourth of november it was a demonstration for our integration into europe because nobody had expected Something Like this to happen in the twenty First Century that on peaceful streets in a peaceful european city where your friends would die before your eyes was that. What started as a peaceful protest turned violent after the Ukrainian Special forces intervened. Is needed to have the president. Didnt want to say what i felt is hard to describe i was in shock people were left unconscious their head smashed in half dead you know girls were screaming in a state of shock that. An old lady was with us Alexandra Michelle obama she was probably about seventy five a harmless old granny who had been sitting with us at three oclock in the morning carrying a small e. U. Flag. She was also in shock and was just running back and forth with red tear stained eyes crying children children children. On february eighteenth two thousand and fourteen the uprising became a civil war more than one hundred people were killed. Which was distant while we stayed here from the twentieth to the twenty first of february there was shooting all around you could hear it. On the nineteenth of february we also started to look after the wounded. These were guys from the police all very young we treated them in silence once a young policeman said but were protecting you i was kind of disgusted and asked him from whom. You know who are you protecting us from from our own people yes thats the hold a chance does. During the uprising president general coverage fled the country. Meanwhile pro russian separatists were using the chaos on the my down to seize power in Eastern Ukraine they knew they could count on political and military support from moscow. Crimea had been russian until nine hundred fifty four about seventy percent of its residents speak russian and more than half are ethnic russians and twenty fourteen of lattimer putin decided to arrange its return in a controversial referendum ninety six percent of crimea has voted in favor of it must go lost no time in using the vote to justify a land grab bringing a historically significant region back into the russian fold. Putin knew this would block ukraine from moving closer to europe at least temporarily and further weakening opposition at home. Cleverly played on peoples fears the kremlins propaganda said look at whats happening on the my don theyre shooting and killing people there do you want to revolution like this in moscow do you want thousands to die and people got scared. I wish they did to. Russia paid dearly for meddling in ukraine the west responded with sanctions the enochs ation of crimea resulted in the most serious crisis in russian european relations since the fall of the soviet union. But when the consequences became clear and sanctions were introduced it causes disillusionment and a deep very serious pessimism sets in. Everyone understood that reforms threatened putins pala thats why were stuck in a dead end and theres no way out of this could be new. And i see. That to a certain extent russia is experiencing a repeat of everything the soviet union went through before its collapse the serious economic problems of dependence on Raw Materials aggression toward the outside world. For Russia Ukraine today is what afghanistan was for the soviet union back then. When the soviet union interfered in the war there it sparked the crisis to the not the. More than twenty five years after the fall of the soviet empire light America Putin is still looking to restore russian power and prestige with mixed results musk owes an accession of crimea and it scarcely concealed intervention in the war in Eastern Ukraine have led it up a blind alley ukraine is more pro western than ever georgia and bella roasts are keeping russia at arms length and relations with the west are frosty. For now the attempt to revive the old soviet empire has failed not least due to russias own weaknesses but most of all its because today more and more people in the former soviet republics have transferred their loyalties to their own countries and their own future in this new issue which this is you because im not that you know youre a man if it becomes more normal here because if we had a better government here and better managers then things wouldnt be too bad. I freelanced i love this country and i will never leave it i want my children and grandchildren to live here. Much as i thank you come and visit us again soon come here and well welcome you into russian style for you. Duramax lives. I do not major profits the worlds most expensive painted goes on to the how much. Higher why finland is the worlds leader and design. Anticipation how one german wrapped his house in fall kilometers of cable christmas zero in thirty minutes on deep. Deep tells us stirring stories. It makes us laugh. And cry. Tremble and smile. Magical images and big emotions that none of us. Can go magazine to every gend own d w its. A little bit of the law that it. Was. Going to. Be one of. The human rights. D. W. As did every news coming to you live from berlin donald trump decision to recognize your brew slim as israels capital must be reversed

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