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And d. N. R. Over a week ago they were investigating alleged abuses against muslims well get an update on their disappearance from now on. And a life in the shadows of the frontline we have an exclusive report from a village in Eastern Ukraine thats been cut off leaving residents with no way out. Also coming up are the wheels coming off for over europe deals the Ride Hailing Company of big blow its top court says it over is a taxi service not Just Announced well look at the fallout. And the german cup shock i hope to keep up their good form against cologne the home side had most of the opportunities stay tuned to see if they found the back of the net. Im sumi so much gonda good to have you with us after months of ten. Between warsaw and brussels the e. U. Has now started a process that could strip poland of its Voting Rights in the block the move comes after polands Parliament Last week adopted new reforms allowing it to effectively choose members of the countrys Supreme Court the e. U. Says this puts the courts under political control and violates european norms in an unprecedented move though the commission has now triggered the socalled article seven which paves the way to punishing poland. European Commission Deputy had france timmermans made that announcement in brussels a short while ago lets listen to what he said it is with a heavy heart that we have decided to initiate article seventy one. But the facts leave us no church. I stood before you in july when i clearly said. That we dont most reached a situation where we would need to invoke article seven one situation since then has not improved but deteriorated so we have no other option so no other option lets bring in our brussels our correspondent teri schultz and here in berlin from the polish service we have wojciech good to see you both terry remind us why exactly is the e. U. Considering sanctions here. Well so be as you heard of Vice President Franz Timmermans is clearly exasperated its been him personally who had to negotiate with the polish government over these last two years trying to bring them back into compliance with the e. U. Law in terms of freedom of the judiciary right now the government has given itself the power to in some cases terminate judges or at least control their terms all the way up to the Supreme Court and timmerman says thats simply not an e. U. Norm and that poland must amend these decisions rollback these laws and poland has basically ignored every recommendation the commission has made and so as to remain said they are left no choice they have to go to the back of the tool shed and bring out their most powerful weapon to suspend possibly polands Voting Rights to possibly cost money and was poland being the biggest net beneficiary of e. U. Funds theyre hoping that this time warsaw will listen so wojciech the e. U. Saying it has no choice whats the polish government saying. Well the polish Prime Minister met those more obvious q. Wrote on twenty third this judicial reform in poland is necessary and it will be carried out however he also said that hes ready to talk with the European Commission his spokeswoman said that polish Prime Minister would meet with the president of the commissions are in january if such a meeting will be organized however other politicians of the ruling kilo and Justice Party in poland or the other politician from the government they use some harsher words for example the polish Foreign Ministry said that this decision made by the European Commission was a political decision and also the spokes women for ruling glowin Justice Party said it was a political decision and that she said it could have something to do with the fact that poland doesnt want to accept the muslim immigrants so it shows that for the part of the government this decision is clearly not a legal but a political decision or it will article seven has been triggered lets take a look at what exactly that entails that Catherine Martens sent us this report. Europe has mechanisms to deal with cases of delinquency and that means more than just idle threats and reprimands. Should an e. U. Country go against the principles of democracy then europe has no choice but to nail its colors to the mast. Article several cumbered triggered by the European Commission only in the case of a persistent and serious breach of the rule of law its the most radical form of sanctions within the European Union and has not been applied so far. Every you country must uphold basic values including freedom Human Dignity and the rule of law breaches can incur real punishment but imposing sanctions is no simple process. Every Single Member state passed if the approval of the European Commission needs within the material the Member States in order to trigger at augusta the thankful scotland it tough they can in cleared the suspension of Voting Rights. Video of even one e. U. Countries against imposing sanctions in article seven amounts to nothing more than empty posturing. So terry as we heard there article seven has never been applied up until now will we really see brussels sanction poland. Well as we also heard those sanctions can be tough but they will require the agreement from twenty seven other governments all the governments except poland would have to agree to suspend its Voting Rights and already the hungary and government has promised warsaw it wont let that happen so we already know that in the end the government will block this most severe circumstances from coming to pass but the commission is hoping that the surete possible you know bad image that poland will be getting simply by going through these procedures may bring it back into compliance and theyve given the polish government three months to reconsider its decisions wojciech what do you think will that threat have any impact on the polish government could it force warsaw to actually change those controversial measures to be honest i dont expect much to happen the government knew actually that this decision was it was coming its not a surprise for war so and in the recent weeks nobody did nothing in the worst avoided so it shows clearly that war so its not afraid of this decision and hungary the political ally will not allow this hard sanctions to be implemented so polish government is calm i believe however for the polish opposition it is strengthening because the opposition in poland to may say now that the government is ruining poland in the European Union right teri schultz in brussels and wojciech maskey at our polish service good to talk to you both. Now to some other stories making news around the world the European Unions chief braggs at negotiator says britain should have a transition period shorter than two years after it leaves the thats a three months short of in britain an initially sought. The u. K. Would have to abide by e. U. Rules during that time. Austrias new chancellor has met with European Parliament ahead antonio to johnny as he seeks to reassure e. U. Leaders that his Government Supports the bloc Sebastian Court says austria remains pro european despite a euro skeptic party joining the Government Conservatives form a coalition with the far right Freedom Party this week. In mexico a reporter has been shot dead in the Southern State of vera cruz Authorities Say good model paris was killed in front of dozens of parents and children at his sons School Christmas Party Parents were regularly about security and Drug Trafficking he is the twelfth journalist to be killed in mexico this year. Mean maher has barred a senior United Nations rights monitor from entering the Country Special reparatory young he leave was due to visit in march january she planned to assess a legit Rights Violations against the Muslim Minority more than six hundred thousand were him to have fled suspected ethnic cleansing in Rakhine State on the border with bangladesh mean maher says it will no longer cooperate with police. Meanwhile pressure is mounting on me and maher authorities to release two reuters journalists arrested more than a week ago the matter accused of violating a colonial era official secrets law they had been investigating the allege and a military crackdown on her head to muslims. Committed to finding the truth but now held captive thirty one year old while alone and twenty seven year old cho so who are described as bookish and warm by family and friends. While lone joint Reuters News Agency over a year ago from a family of rice farmers hed always dreamed of becoming a journalist. Hes also written a Childrens Book cofounded a charity to promote tolerance between myanmar ethnic groups and worked with often. Good husband to me the heart and he continues to learn. To know you know but usually hes not a politician journalist. I believe he wouldnt do anything wrong thats why i want him to be free to soon as possible. Wrote poetry before violence and his native state led him to write news. But his learns reporting on the military crackdown that which has forced more than six hundred fifty thousand muslims to flee has cost them their freedom. Theyve been missing since last tuesday after being invited to dine with Police Officers and young gone myanmars ministry of information released this photo of the two men who it said had illegally obtained documents on the violence they plan to share with International Media foreign governments human Rights Groups the u. N. And the e. U. Have condemned the arrests we expect for me im all for it is to ensure the Food Production of the rights and to release the journalists as quickly as possible freedom of the press and media is the foundation and the corners or the corner stone of in the. Mouth or t. S. A. Police have almost completed their probe of the two journalists after which a court case against them again. Journalist david greene bomb has been following up the plight of these detained eternals and he joins us from there gone hi david can you tell us what documents these two journalists gained access to. Well its not exactly clear what they had. It were invited to dinner that night to joint police and then shortly after that dinner ended and they left the restaurant they were arrested and then what basically did was a full these put them they showed a picture of these journalists and then on a table in front of them were paperwork and phones and money and and keep in mind this is usually what this government would do. To people who are charged with drug crimes so when you see a situation like that that was alarming to a lot of people its not really clear one thing that has come up in recent days some of the local press have brought up is there any connection to what these reporters were doing and a mass grave that was just recently turned up we do know that these two reuters journalists have been working on stories on the crisis in Rakhine State whats not clear if they were working on anything in this mass grave and whats the key economic. Is that keep in mind that while the u. N. Officials and human Rights Groups have accusing them or is military of ethnic cleansing the military has been repeatedly denying it saying its launch its own investigation has cleared its own troops of any wrongdoing so the question here is are these room it remains are they going to turn out to blow a hole in the militarys claims and if they do is this something the reuters journalists were working on and is that why they were arrested and these are all things we just do not know yet so possibly damning information they got their hands on a number of journalists david local and foreign have come under pressure have been arrested and what impact is that having on the ability to report especially on the forehand. Yes you know ive talked to all of a number of local reporters whos basically said this is just had a Chilling Effect because you know those reuters reporters are facing the possibility because theyve been you know charge of the official secrets act that could lead potentially to a fourteen Year Prison Sentence so a lot of reporters are really concerned that on sensitive issues if they do anything more than just scratch the bare surface that something could happen to them next so this is having a concerns only with the local press and then on top of that keep in mind the Foreign Press you have local reporters who work with you in the form of war the local reporters you depend on for their Language Skills for their contacts for their understanding of the contacts so this could have a real Chilling Effect on reporting thats done in this country particularly on the sensitive or kind crisis which is of the utmost importance to really find out what has been going on up there and david just very briefly if you can this comes as the main a human rights monitor from the u. N. Has been banned from coming to the country whats your take on that well this is you know she herself has said that this does raise the question if they have something that hide and people have been accusing the emeryville when she came here ah shes the number of trips already since her man they started in two thousand and fourteen and there were a number of places they would not allow her to go citing security concerns and that raised questions about whether or not they were trying to hide things and this is just going to raise those alarm bells i mean you see me and my military who which is the most powerful situation this country has been doing everything it can to undercut the uns image with the local population here accusing them of collaborating with the insurgents and things like that things that have been dismissed in the National Community but they really raise those concerns and got a lot of the local population to believe it and this just seems like one more step in the right journalist david greene and yet for us i thank you very much. Youre watching the news still to come in the german cop shot i hope to keep up their good form against the home side had most of the chance to stay tuned to see if they found the. First benazir ben is it over for over it could be both the way they do business at least semi over is the biggest name in the economy which in gauges temp workers and its just hit its biggest roadblock European Court ruling the app doesnt just connect people wanting a ride with those trying to earn some extra cash the is a regular Transportation Company and needs to follow the rules a simple app a couple of clicks and before you know it is waiting he or she drives a private vehicle and is basically just an ordinary citizen that was the original idea behind it but off to countless battles europe says contact it that easy the bombshell came on wednesday with a ruling by the European Court of justice a spanish Taxi Drivers Association submitted a complaint of unfair competition by the u. S. Company in response the top European Court decided folds into the category of transportation rather than Technology Services and just like any other taxi company its therefore subject to regulation from now on all drivers need a license to work thats already the case in many e. U. Countries vehicles must also be officially registered as taxis something that could put the brakes on business model. The ruling is a milestone for Taxi Companies europe wind theyve continually protested against like here in romania at the end of november the us apps rock bottom prices meant customers turned their backs on the stablished Taxi Companies but now it seems may be heading down a dead end street. Brussels correspondent max hoffman if this signals the end of the road for. Well the end of it would probably be a little exaggerated here but it will probably have consequences in spain at least because what the European Court of justice has said now is that countries can regulate as a Transportation Company as we understand the ruling they dont have to do it so if some country chooses for example to regulate we were in a different set of rules or established new laws saying we like we were the way it is they are free to do so but they want to regulate them as Taxi Companies then theyre allowed to do this in many countries have chosen to do so for example germany for example france also here in belgium we have but those drivers also in the licenses they also need training so this will drive up the cost of this will obliterate their unique advantage that they have in the past and this will benefit the Taxi Companies but it will not be the end of it because as we were already has stated that is true there are already being regulated as a taxi company as a Transportation Company in many countries in the European Union the german business sector is calling on lynn for a tax overhaul in response to trumps plan it says europes biggest economy will need a competitive boost to head off industry moving to the United States the u. S. Senate is possible publicans one and a trill one and a half trillion dollar overhaul of the house of representatives must first take another vote off the procedural violations the President Donald Trump wants to sign the bill into law before christmas critics say the package is a deficit bloating giveaway to the super rich republicans argue the tax cuts for corporations Small Businesses and individuals. Economic growth. Over to dan you call out financial correspondent daniel whats the opinion on the Trading Floor there in frankfurt is is it a good or a bad bill. Well actually investors here have very different opinions regarding this topic than some are really saying well its a good idea because you know what donald trump is hoping to get from this tax reform that the u. S. Economy is going to get another boost with this also european and also germany German Companies could benefit others are also saying that this move this is tax reform could be actually very dangerous could be harming european could be harming german jobs because many country Many Companies might say well we might be shifting our locations over from europe to the United States because there we have those very low taxes at the moment thats also why the. Thats the german ss nation for industry is really saying that germany needs to be more compatible when it comes to attack so that there needs to be much more attractive tax system with also a lower Corporate Tax here being in force in germany as well bam and what happened to mondays dacs rally when trade is thought the bill was a good idea those gains of petering out. Well i thought on my final day here before christmas i could be announcing that we see this dax really again happening but it is actually not the case we are down at the moment many experts are already saying that mostly all this well that was coming from the tax reform is already was already in in this of boost that we saw on monday so no big boost here at the blue chip index stocks today ben thank you very much. Ok it is german cup week and who better to talk about all the action with the pablo fully aaliyahs from dating sports so the bundesliga is on its winter break that the doesnt mean german soccer is on a winter break no not quite yet and we already saw so many pretty exciting clashes take place choose day one being against cologne it was a pretty tight affair and cologne considering the desperate season that theyve had so far in the bundesliga didnt look too badly but i think we should take a look at the report first yeah lets take a look. Now that would be in the here and show because late two to george frankfurt in the bundesliga at the weekend and the defender was again in the action against cologne heading over in the first half corners were going to prove useful to shall go oh game another one in the Second Period lead to another good chance this time a t in the stats it was denied by an excellent save from team zero zero on. Despite cologne offering little for it shock of fans were it wouldnt be their night. But the fears were raised on sixty three minutes when yet another corner was met superbly by max maya the midfielder is an outside pit for germanys will cup squad and head is light that will do his case no harm. The final whistle was greeted with jumps of delight from coach dominica to disco shellcode know the cup is that best chance of a trophy this one nearly finished with maya the hero this time a ok problem how important is a good cup run for a team like shaka well for too much alcohol have really underperformed over the past number of years this is really a no there boost to their already brimming confidence because weve seen basically that in the bundesliga yeah theyre flying high theyre eleven points. Behind bar in munich theyre in second spot but theyve been doing incredibly well and this is a team that you know have always been one of the big teams in the bull in this league and were seeing that this season so when theyre doing well as well in like the german cup and weve seen them you know beat cologne there despite the fact it was a difficult clash it was a lot more difficult than perhaps they imagined it is great for them and its great to see shaka doing well again and i just want to briefly say that cologne despite the fact that they lost again they are beginning to show signs of improvement and theres actually a bit of last minute news is that their coach devon who back is now going to its been announced just today that hes going to be staying on as the cologne manager till the end of the season not till the end of the winter break which was the original plan so good news for them a little bit of stability and perhaps things will begin to improve after that win over the weekend in the bundesliga for for the other four matches in the over a round of sixteen are tonight and there is one of course that stands out yeah before i get to that i am going to just mention that on tuesday there were some other wins of course in the german cup we saw minds go through volves of course and third tier pot up on so great news for them particularly and on wednesday weve got some big games one game that i definitely watch is club against laver whos not so it was a great game at braman against. Freiburg hiding behind him who are a Second Division team theyre going to be playing against frankfurt and like you were just saying theres one game and of course thats the one that we really want to know all about and whats going to happen is by and against dortmund of course any clash between these two is always very exciting and its down you know its going to be difficult for dortmund so i think a look at what we can expect from that match. Change of fortune brought on by this man. Has laid dormant to back to back wins since taking over in the space of a week he went from being sacked by the league boss and club for a moment to coaching the heavyweights of german football. So to see france use chances of silverware. Youd like the headlines when you go once the trophy. Of course you have a chance of winning it with a team like goldman and then you do with a team like. This is it this is it. But im informed by in munich us standing in the way you dont win the cup defense the record holders have won fourteen of the last fifteen games and supine has returned as coach in october including a three one away win in dont mind i but hes experienced enough to know that dont and will up their game for the star their food by the. Football doesnt follow with scripts. In a cup game like this identifying there is a favorites because dortmund have sharing that they can step up to the big occasion im going tight games that he knows lexington the c. L. English given couldnt hide his nose the stakes are high with most big teams already out of the competition the winner will be taking a massive step towards the trophy. Ok if i was talk about dortmund what does a new coach peter star have been doing differently is going to be enough well one thing that hes been doing is hes been tightening that the fans because dormant of course went through this quite extended period of were not winning games it was from september till the summer we didnt see any victories for them but he tightened up the fans they have no problem up from scoring goals so basically he did that and also often when you get a new manager its sort of like a boost of confidence to the team and i think that that is part of why were seeing this sort of reserve dormant in the past few weeks i think sad to think were going to do a domestic double this year well byron our big team they always do well and this season its absolutely no different like i mentioned earlier. There are eleven points clear in the bundesliga its going to be a very exciting clash and it will be a big test for paid down in munich of course for dortmund to see had they get on well see whether that reserve that weve been seeing is going to continue just before christmas for them when they can go and relax and prepare for twenty eighteen munich though like every year are always a danger on this year could be another double for them all right i mean endorsement a game not to be missed thank you very much publicly astounded at the sports i see me. Youre watching news still to come on the program stuck in an Eastern Ukraine war zone what will happen to the people in this village on the frontline if outside help cannot reach them. Israel arrests of palestinian teenager after video of her kicking and punching Israeli Soldiers goes viral online well hear more from our social media team. And the spanish region of catalonia prepares for crucial elections tomorrow well tell you whats at stake. Dont forget you can always get news on the go download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the app to send us your photos and your videos. Thanks for watching t. V. Were back in two minutes. Life in the arctic it is hard to know. There were people who just wanted to leave after one week but if you can stand it eventually you could. There are people who want to live here nor else. I moved here to experience beauty and excitement. In the news of the last true soap in forty five minutes on d w. Its all happening due to a video of frequently. During link to news from africa and the world. Your link to essentially stories and discussions in the un will come to do did you suffering program tonight from villain in germany from the news of these eaves i want to weep say d. W. T. It comes to much afrikaans joint. D. W. Africa. Lived to serve. Danger lurks in the water we were the only old surfing ways and polluted water. Basically the sea so the owners moments to back up what was only a little initial. Hes only decent to go somewhere every day and see more and more broadly she much time on the sea gives me everything the waves the wind i have to give Something Back you know blind to it its true seemed already on the other side. Waves surfers fighting against the unseen the sea starting january seventh you dont. Want them back youre watching t. V. Every your news is our top story the European Commission has launched Disciplinary Proceedings against poland over judicial reforms the e. U. Says are undemocratic the move could lead to unprecedented sanctions against warsaw including the loss of its Voting Rights. To Eastern Ukraine where fighting between ukrainian troops and russian backed separatists has escalated to the worst level in months the past week alone a scene three ukrainian soldiers killed and at least eight civilian seriously wounded just days before this latest flare up our correspondent nick conley visited the region and met the People Living on the frontline of the conflict heres his exclusive report that takes us to the small village of. Single potholed road is all that connects the village of jonker to the outside world the ridge that overshadows the village is already deep in separatist held territory here the front line begins where peoples gardens and. Because one hundred forty mostly elderly residents are dependent on outside help since public transport broke down the nearest supermarket is several hours walk away its only thanks to this volunteer letting go that International Aid is able to reach those who need it most. Still of the creepy we are the villages cut off people here have no way of getting out people here are just about surviving mostly thanks to what they can grow and that god will sit on the floor on the price is the. Twenty seven year old catcher takes us to her house on the far edge of the village. Three children left in java all the other families have long since left a single mother kathy relies on help from my parents and n. G. O. S her youngest son is just eighteen months old ive been here. For the last two weeks theyve been shooting every single day without a break i used to be scared but now you just get used to it after a while when the conflict broke out the family used to take cover in an outside cellar since that was hit they hide inside so that the family this is the best protected room the one least likely to get hit on that side we are protected by the house i was born and from that side we barely get anything coming at us and if there is then there are trees touch wood this house has never had a direct hit so far. One of the separatists only seventy meters away there on the next street. Bridge in the distance locals tell us serves as a voltage point for separatists nighters. Shows us where a direct hit brought down the roof of the cellar she used to hide in yes if i had somewhere to go that was really mine id leave but just to be tolerated i dont want that ive tried that twice already. Beyond catches house only ruins remain and the front line trenches most of them buried deep enough to stand up in safely. We mean to ukrainian soldiers on guard duty theyre also father and son most of. Where we are theres plenty of shooting mostly at night its a bit quieter during the day but it happens. Its december and darkness falls early and with the shooting starts its time to leave. Just a few kilometers down the road is the more your to get checkpoint one of only a handful of places where civilians can cross between government and separatist held territory. Up to ten thousand people make this journey every day. My father died ive just been to his funeral. Here i went from my pension i live in the whole of congo to autumn off for my pension its really badly organized particularly on the separatist side. But even the checkpoints aunt entirely safe in recent months this crossing has come under attack three times. Its a three hour wait out in the cold for these people here queuing to cross the circle separation line that divides Ukrainian Government troops from progress and separatists its now been almost three years since the front moved in this region cutting off the just seven kilometers behind me from its suburbs and the ukrainian held sides. These checkpoints were set up as a temporary stopgap but with political efforts to resolve the conflict going nowhere in a hurry theyve long since become a permanent fixture of life here in Eastern Ukraine. Nicholas conley reporting there and he joins us for more on this story now hi nick good to see you what exactly is stopping people like just from getting out of this region. What exactly. Did really seem to be. Empty houses there are people that. Most people who could afford to have already left but those like. Three children all of them in school shes on her own in in the village shes in she has a house she has got and she can somehow. He has about a million displaced people from this conflict so this. Is the place that. People are trying to make it work. Much longer the fighting in ukraine is now into its fourth year how serious is this latest escalation. It is true that people least military people. Has really got people. Calling for restraint more. Three ukraine is always were just within. Just a few days up we visited eight civilians. In the nearby i think the. Most where it was. From a control center thats meant to avoid accidents or misunderstanding. Separatists and Russian Troops that really was something that was met with. Pretty much out of. This doesnt matter where does all of this leave the push for peace in this region. Well the. True. Expecting the first move the same goes for. That was something that was introduced in the autumn. They basically Something Backed up yesterday they dont really see much potential. Willingness. To play ball and the west doesnt put more pressure on whats going to be going to happen at least from perspective is that this will depend on the west. Pressure most and making sure the separatists. Connelly of reporting for us thank you very much. Now the spanish region of catalonia is for pairing for a snap Regional Election tomorrow lets give you a quick reminder of why this election is so important not just for spain befit the entire European Union that three months ago a disputed referendum produced a yes vote for independence but madrid declared it unconstitutional shutting down many polling stations and a spanish unionists boycotted it after the vote tensions ran high you saw this hundreds of thousands of independence supporters about as well as unionists took to the streets of barcelona on parliament then declared its independence from spain and the dritte reacted immediately spanish Prime Minister Mariano Darfur here shia sacked the local government called fresh elections but campaigning has been anything but easy several former ministers are in jail on rebellion charges while others including a this man expresident carlos pushed them all fled the country for belgium who is running for office again addressing his supporters from a safe distance. This is one seat that catalonia his former president. Will not be needing to spy you know Campaign Rally he would be having his say from over a thousand kilometers away this is electioneering an exile. Me i want to be available to him is that hes now that were facing one of cats alone is most decisive elections once again i ask for your vote. And i make this request with the promise that if im elected president i will enter the Government Palace the company by the whole legitimate government that was. Either completed. It may be a far cry from the massive referendum rallies here than just three months ago but of support here among the die hard to see know where he could well return. When we came to support our president because we want him back once and for all we want him to come back on december twenty first we want. Back now. This is an election like no other the last Campaign Stop for candidates from the rival poor independents left party was to the president holding their leader. Audio could ask his fate loomed large as an evening rally. For him there is more at stake than mere votes. And bring out the young audio was calm and content when i explain the Campaign Details to him. But he knows that were the best guarantee for him to get out of prison i mean you know get in the aggregate to do the lobbying. But the republicans face a strong challenge from anti independence candidate. Detail supporters that she will draw a line under the chaos of the separatists. Which is the fittest to desist oracle day it will be important because thursday will be the end date for the independence process of puja mont junk at us and forget oh its over its enough to go down here but over. This campaign has been viewed as a test of the regions Pro Independence movement but with the vote neck in neck and polls predicting a Hung Parliament catalonians may yet deliver a mixed result. Now clashes have broken broken out in gaza and the west bank amid ongoing on rest sparked by the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital Israeli Forces fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of Palestinian Protesters at various locations many palestinians were heated calls to demonstrate against the u. S. Policy shift the timing meant to coincide with a visit to the country by and by the Vice President might have that visit was postponed at the last minute. Meanwhile the arrest of a palestinian teenager has sparked. Outrage online i had to mimi who is believed to be seventeen has been accused of assault after a video of her hitting Israeli Soldiers went viral on social media now many are criticizing her arrest as being a to have handed lets bring in was let me from social media was that tell us more about the story hi sue me this young activist that you mentioned i had to mimi lives with her family in the west bank late last week this video here it went viral is the young woman and the blue jacket you can see her punching and kicking Israeli Soldiers outside her home the soldiers are not not reacting aggressively but it doesnt seem like theyre being heard either and early yesterday morning the israeli army raided the to mimi familys home and they took away the army says she suspected of assault and participating in violent riots last week now those rights were against Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital and i had father is saying that the girls were angry because Israeli Soldiers had fired tear gas at their home and they have also injured one of their cousins with a rubber bullet on facebook a father of writes dear friends. Really military raid my home they broke into our home and arrested my daughter had to mimi confiscated all the Computers Cameras and Communications Equipment hit everyone and searched the contents of our home now we cant verify whether thats true but the video of the confrontation has definitely sparked a storm three other girls including had to me were arrested over the incident and there have been accused of assault but supporters of them are saying that theres no way these young girls could have assaulted the heavily armed soldiers ok well tell us more about i had to mimi herself. Well for years i had family have been very prominent campaigners in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Had herself is only seventeen but shes to been taking part in protests since she was a young child and as a result she has become this well known champion of the palestinian cause shes won many awards for her activism but many in israel say had been activists like her staged these confrontations like we saw earlier to provoke Israeli Soldiers into reacting violently like this journalist here for the Jerusalem Post of hardcore of she says the tamimi family uses kids as bait sends them to assault soldiers so they can film them but receiving also a lot of International Support all around the world her name was even trending overnight lebanese american academy. Says arresting her in the middle of the night from her family should have never have happened and i quote he said i had to me was forcibly taken away from her parents home by israelis at four am shes a child activist a child now we dont know what will happen next who had to me means to me but were keeping up with the story and we have a great report on our website at the w dot com. And see me from social Media Service thank you. Turning now to german politics or rather the german political vacuum because almost ninety days after the election there is still no coalition in sight chancellor merkels conservatives are holding another round of talks with potential partners the social democrats w has an exclusive interview with the deputy chairman who is against entering into a second grand Coalition Sat down with Michelle Friedman for conflict zone take a look. Living in the real world i dont want to grand coalition a candidate screwed it im skeptical about this more skeptical that other people in my party im skeptical that this would be the best way to do but rule see what happens in there goes his tell you another thing if we dont come together at all we will have new elections i dont seek them i dont like them i think its not a good thing to do when you can see that entire interview on the conflicts on online at dave you dot com slash conflict zone you can check out the broadcast times there as well so ben is back with more biz and a fighting pollution ban with finances yes and praise today from environmentalists for chinas decision to create a National Carbon market it could become the Worlds Largest exchange for a missions credits the plan is to force power plants to buy c o two certificates in order to produce Energy Experts say putting a price on Carbon Dioxide is a vital step in preventing catastrophic Global Warming china is the Worlds Largest producer of Greenhouse Gases a dozen countries and territories in north and south america recently announced theyd start similar programs its been a contentious issue in australia and critics say europes system has been largely ineffective. Its billion now asia correspondent based in singapore and grey haying and so hows this going to help clean up chinas act well china is this is a very big move for china to help. In the world trying to do this on a market based making it isnt down that means its using it covered credits exchange and its not enough of the details of that but if its anything like the program that is being practiced in the e. U. This puts a cap on the amount of the bloody more Carbon Dioxide thats being emitted by factories and plants in china but will it work to reckon. I dont like any of that many of chinas in vicious play and it is very hard to see whether they are not there will see any Media Business that the intent while the country has tried to limit the amount of coal in use this winter has had to reauthorize the use of coal in northern china due to natural gas shortage so it needs to lead on the foundation before proceeding any further with such grand plans ok but ive heard they wont be introducing carbon futures to help the fight help in the fight against pollution is that right thats correct if theyre not doing that at the moment it doesnt like china doesnt like a little suspect this is in its Financial Markets as weve seen over the years. Thats the reason the exact reason they dont want you know inexperienced treated us who are used to treating coal to be able to cause market panic that being said china is still conducting feasibility studies in some regions and some exchanges so its not been ruled out at the moment ok playing it safe and praying for us there thank you very much for vintage car enthusiasts theres no place like cuba separate from the industrial world of buggered by the United States the island nation seem stuck in time its streets one giant classic car show stocked with chevys and pontiacs but now theres a new car in town a drive along the mali called framed by have on our skyline and the ocean cubans have enjoyed driving the old boxy lot us for decades yet they are ready for newer models and at the russian exhibition in havana they got a first look. We think that the new models have a great future in the cuban market and will be loved not only by cubans but also by tourists visiting them. While tourists like cubas u. S. Style classic cars cubans themselves have long relied on Russian Technology including machinery and trucks the islands links to russia are strong. Our policy is to diversify our relationships not to depend on just one market nor one product but to work in the broadest way possible and of course the political relationship with russia is excellent as is the economic relationship and this reflects that. The new law is of course a symbol of the political tug of war over cuba after the u. S. Had opened relations with the communist country during the Obama Administration president on the trump is retreating from cuba opening a vacancy that russia is more than happy to fill. Russia as one of the few countries that gives cuba credit because you know perfectly well that you because of the embargo especially the financial blockade despite good regimes it cant Access International Financial Markets mcevers infamous you know its been us here for now is only shipping three hundred new cars to cuba but the deal opens a new chapter for russian cuban ties. Now fans of german literature might know the name. He was one of germanys most important postwar writers referred to during his lifetime as the conscience of the nation on december twenty first time they would have been a hundred years old culture editor karen holmes that is here with us karen a why was he so important for germany when he was really very much a chronicler of the those first decades of postwar germany sumi and hes still required reading in many german schools today not only did he describe what he saw and what he knew very very well but he also had absolutely no bones about criticising it so he was an ordinary soldier in the days of World War Two that was an experience that followed him haunted him his entire life and actually ultimately made him become a writer he wrote novels and was a master of the short story very much a champion of free speech. And a real thorn in the side of the conservative establishment in germany these pictures are from one nine hundred seventy two when he was awarded the nobel prize for literature that was just one year after you behind the Nobel Peace Prize so he was very much considered part of this sort of spirit of renewal in literature and in political thinking in germany so one of his big themes was was violence how war can impact the lives of ordinary people and he loved to basically take it up with every Major Institution lets have a little look at a bit more about a hundred is better than them. The writer. A man who was not content to stay on the sidelines in the fiftys critics and the public praise time but when the writer started intervening on politics he fell from grace with the conservative press though criticized the way the state and the media handled the left wing terrorism crisis in the seventys the author then was accused of promoting violence. And. An author anyone who writes a book must create his figure physically psychologically and spiritually in an authentic way this figure then as free to go wherever and do whatever he or she wants im not responsible for that. You. Know was political but not a politician he felt a responsibility to the world and took to the streets for what he believed in. September nine hundred eighty three demonstrating outside a u. S. Missile base and southwest germany against nato its decision to upgrade its weapons systems. And its writing politics serve merely as a background his story circle around ordinary people and their daily life struggles. And nine hundred eighty nine four years after. The Birth Foundation together with his family turned his summer residence and into a refuge for artists and authors most of whom were forced to leave their countries for reasons of oppression not only builds novels stood the test of time also a Strong Political commitment. Just the foundation the foundation was just mentioned there should clarify thats a political think tank thats affiliated with the green party and active in over sixty countries so may not be as well known as other german writers. But it sounds like he was very important to understanding postwar germany absolutely in germany as you know didnt do very well initially with coming to terms with its past obviously that huge word forgotten heights vegetal is a really big deal for a country with a nazi past many people were content in those early years to just sweep all of that under the rug and it was very very adamant about calling them out on that and criticizing things that he saw in germanys poles for development so whats important to read from one of his best stories is the last on or of cutting a bloom that was published in one thousand nine hundred four and that was sort of in the heat of the Red Army Faction terrorism crisis in germany or remember this. Or is about the really harsh treatment of an innocent woman by the media and by the police in this climate of panic at the time no it was quickly made into a film that can have a look here by german directors my god he doesnt touch fucka shroom golf but a lot of flak for this story because it takes a real swipe at tabloid news sensationalism and the role of the media patrolling ireland he was even actually accused of sympathizing with terrorist causes and perhaps thats one of the reasons that hes maybe not so well known outside of germany is because his political topics were so intensely in internal to germany at the time but his work is more relevant than ever today id say more on his work on our website absolutely yes that you dont get me a dot com slash culture all right with our culture editor cant help that thank you very much. And we have time for a minor of our top story the European Commission is launching Disciplinary Proceedings against poland over judicial reforms the e. U. Says are on democratic the move could lead to unprecedented sanctions against warsong fluting the loss of its e. U. Voting rights. Are back in just a few minutes. Before. Life in the arctic is hot and raw the know. There were people who just wanted to leave after one week but if you can stand it eventually you could watch the world there are people who want to live here and nowhere else why. I moved here to experience beauty and excitement of. The new year of the arctic a trip to the ends of the in fifteen minutes on d w. Its all about the moments that lie before. Its all about the stories inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us and be inspired by distinctive instagram or others at g. W. Stories the new topic each week on instagram oh and if. They require. An angle for cutting i need a rapid movement. With the right fast but i have gone fast but i walk up and go up from us. Thank you im. Aware of where i need my family and where. I laugh i look i want. I will find out. What the market are for. Theyre my i want. Well were making a gaggle almost the galileo of the moment and. What i meant. Was i think theres a hour that. This is due to the news live from berlin poland on the outs with the e. U. Brussels follows through on its threat to punish warsaw over judicial reforms it says are on democratic the move could see poland stripped of its evo tinged reiss

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