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To look at the possibilities for exactly that. South korea says it will be holding talks with the north next week it will be the first high level negotiations between the neighbors and more than two years. And the latest on the book sending shock waves across washington Michael Wolff fire and fury gets an Early Release later today despite attempts by President Trumps lawyers to block its publication the book paints the president as incompetent but how accurate is its portrayal of the trumpet ministration. Im brian thomas a very warm welcome to the show. Germany is still waiting for a new government more than three months after elections and according to a new poll that weight is weighing on the public mood a new survey by pollsters in for tests makes grammar reading for chancellor all american and her conservatives it shows only forty percent of germans want a repeat of the coalition with the social democrats as the two sides prepare for talks and the america desperately needs to deliver more than one hundred days after the federal elections she still has no government the last Coalition Talks fell apart and new polls showed germans have no stomach for her next proposed solution another grand coalition. Only five percent view a new grand coalition as very good and forty percent as good thirty four percent view a grand coalition as less good and eighteen percent as bad. Further entangling macas predicament her popularity has slipped in the meantime. And the longer Coalition Talks take the worse it gets only fifty three percent support uncle america staying in office in october it was sixty one percent forty five percent are against her staying in office. Germans have the following attitudes about America America stands for political stability seventy percent agree best days as chancellor are over sixty seven percent agree and merkel c. D. U. Neglects concerns over refugees according to fifty nine percent. Of the german governments most important task by far is still the refugee issue even though its less politically charged than it was a year ago. When asked if families of war refugees should be allowed to join them here in germany forty one percent said yes forty eight percent said no. And if new elections were held this sunday germans would not vote much differently than a month ago the c. D. U. C. S. U. Would receive thirty three percent of the vote the s. P. D. Twenty one percent the f. T. Would get thirteen percent of the vote and the f. D. P. Nine percent the left party would also get nine percent and the green party eleven percent subtle variations only with the conservatives and the left party. Ok lets break down these numbers now with our Political Correspondent kate brady here in the suit studio good morning kate looking at these numbers what do they mean for the upcoming Coalition Talks this weekend its quite clear that both the social democrats and the conservatives know that that current into these exploratory talks on sunday to discuss something which fifty two percent of germans quite clearly arent all that keen on and so they know that if this is going to work or if these exploratory talks are going to move on to Coalition Negotiations for a grand coalition and the deal has to be very very good forty five percent of germans are in favor of this grand coalition which seems like quite a large number first climbs but when you compare that to four years a guy when the last of the Current Coalition was being formed sixty six percent of germans were in favor of thats a huge difference over fareed of for you is that is a massive falloff and theres a lot of drama in tension and in the background to these talks you know when you when you think that the last ones failed the former talks failed just couple months ago now if these break down on sunday ok theyre exploratory talks but if they dont amount to anything what are all americas options that well shes got two main options if these exploratory talks dont succeed she has a minority government which she has repeatedly said that she does not want and so that would be quite a grueling process the moscow those two main parliamentary groups that they would lose seats in parliament and also the concern that the far right a. F. P. Would also gain more seats and of course for all parties involved its very very expensive to suddenly launch another campaign yes a lot of people are saying a minority government is the most likely possibility if these talks break down you know michael still does have considerable support but looking at these numbers her trajectory is definitely to the downside could she see as a result a mutiny. In her christian democrats and possibly a move to replace or well at this stage its very unlikely that were going to suddenly see a rebellion of course directly after the election that there was a lot of unrest particularly from the variances the posse the c. S. Here but they were the c. S. U. In c. T. You have really patched up that relationship since the election to try and push forward to create a stable government that i so desperately seeking at the moment but of course theres also the main point that it within the c. D. U. Theres no real success to mco and regardless of what happens that is going to be a real focus for the cd even the conservatives in the community as as right now there is no alternative to matter so there will be a push to develop new leadership in the future keep brady thanks very much for breaking down the numbers for us this friday morning and well be taking a look at whats ahead for european politics in twenty eighteen thats coming up later in the show. In other news north and south korea have agreed to hold their first formal talks in more than two years next tuesday now the dialogue will pave the way for north korean athletes to attend the upcoming Winter Olympics in the south this announcement came hours after the u. S. Agreed to delay joint military exercises with south korea korea until after the Olympic Games now the meetings are expected to be held january the ninth at paul moon jong thats in the dim old tries own between the two sides and it was the site of past talks with very latest lets go straight to seoul and reuters Senior Correspondent josh myth josh what can we expect from the meeting coming up on tuesday. Well officials from both sides are expected to talk about at the minimum the north turkish participation in the upcoming Olympic Games which up until now had not been clear that they were going to attend but both sides have also said that they are willing to talk about reducing overall tensions here on cream instead of the question of whether that will also consider addressing the norths Nuclear Weapons program which is obviously drawing a lot of International Pressure and which has increased sanctions on the north ok now is it fair to talk of a breakthrough here with the north Korean Olympic Team apparently on its way now to the Olympic Games in the south you know and is that going to defuse tensions. I think a lot of people here in south korea and a lot around the world are approaching this fairly skeptically but also hopefully by itself the participation of north korean athletes at the olympics is not expected to be any kind of breakthrough but i think many people are hoping that you know if this goes to a cause in weapons testing by the north and as you mentioned the delay in these. Drills by south korea and the United States that it could provide of a little bit of breathing room for some reduction in tensions and possibly talks about her resolution down the road you know the u. S. Announcing that this delaying these joint military exercises that that is unusual isnt it can you characterize that for us. South korean president moon had said that he requested this of the United States specifically to send a signal that he was interested in reducing tensions here around the Olympic Games the pentagon meanwhile has said that its more a matter of practicality around the games but the reality is no matter what it does potentially lower tensions here again. Having these very public displays of force by the United States and south korea at a time when these talks could be crucial ok josh thanks so much for that josh this for us in seoul now for some of the other stories making news around the world former proving president hu jia mori has been discharged from hospital a week after receiving a pardon and current president Pedro Kaczynski the pardon for the seventy nine year old has led to nationwide protests he was convicted of human rights abuses. Scientists in australia say a major outbreak of a coral eating starfish has been damaging the countrys Great Barrier Reef Research scuppered the predator a crown of thorns starfish in plague proportions at the wreaths a southern edge last month now the governments been calling the marine animals a massive winter storm has roared across the east coast of the us were cast indicate it will dump up to forty six centimeters of snow in a number of areas and then send a blast of cold air thats likely to break records meteorologists of called the storm a bomb psych lone. Now a new book that lays bare the growing difficulties of Donald Trumps presidency is set for an Early Release later today now that despite efforts by trumps lawyers to block the book from going on sale the president has also ripped into the work of its author Michael Wolff after extracts from it portrayed a white house steeped in intrigue and betrayal its all but certain to be a bestseller just days into the new year thesis book betraying the u. S. President and seen it unprepared for office as throwing the white house into a frenzy some of the harshest commentary in the book has come from steve bannon a right wing firebrand and Donald Trumps form a strategy chief ban and has attacked a Donald Trump Jr for twenty sixteen meeting with a group of russians in the book by Michael Wolff bannon is quoted as saying even if you thought that this was not treasonous all run patriotic will bend and i happen to think its all of that you should have called the f. B. I. Immediately to which the president hit back steve benen has nothing to do with me or my presidency when he was fired he not only lost his job he lost his mind. Its a spectacular fall out between the two former allies bannon was the one who helped carve out trumps nationalist agenda that helped him win the oval Office Despite the furor over his quotes bannan told the president a great man on his radio show. In the present state is a great man you know i supporting day in and day out. The patrol has in rights tronic. Anywhere he has seen and i dont really know me a great man last night so obviously changes to pretty quick thank you all very much i. Thank you i dont talk i dont go. To. The white house is trying to cost down on the books accuracy again this book is mistake after mistake after mistake as for the bombshell book the publishers have brought forward its release to friday despite cease and desist threats from Donald Trumps lawyers. So how accurate is this book for more lets bring in ethan berman whos a radio talk show host and a political commentator in los angeles good morning youthen. President trying to says that author Michael Wolff had no white house access and you know were even seeing some top journalists and a former Obama Administration official slamming wolf as quote a sleazeball and a writer of fiction you know how credible is he and this book. Well i mean were weve yet to find out where i dont have my hands on the book yet were going to find out a few hours how do how accurate it really is but heres what we do know is that this administration has had the highest turnover in its upper ranks in any administration in recent history thirty three percent turnover in the highest ranks sixty people of the senior staff in the first year in office so we know theres been chaos we know theres been challenges between personalities writes priebus the chief of staff was out very quickly and read almost record time we had Michael Slinn with so many scandals happening with this Administration Whether or not mr wolfe is entirely accurate it fits the narrative of what we the American People have seen this first year of the Trump Administration ok now a new element here and somebody really outside the narrative completely is trump and bannan in a political my fight right now are we going to see a civil war and a split inside the make America Great again movement i dont think its going to be a full on civil war i think steve bannon automatically loses the president is the person in power hes in charge of the Republican Party weve seen the republican establishment line up behind President Trump with the recent tax reform bill steve bannon is the guy thats on the outs i dont know thats going to be a full on civil war i think bannon is just going to be the big loser in all of this ok now what about the democrats is this a late Christmas Gift for the democrats and their chances in the midterm elections. Yeah i think that the twenty eighteen in the midterm elections the democrats if they get their act together have a strong chance of both taking back the senate and the house of representatives putting a real big crimp into Donald Trumps plans for his presidency this is something that theyre going to add in to their plans and their political attacks on the republicans no question about it ethan berman thanks very much ethan for being with us this morning from los angeles or christoph the president has of course also been talking to the press about some happier news the historic high on wall street indeed brian its been a very happy new year for wall street the Dow Jones Industrial average has surged past twenty five thousand points for the First Time Ever thursdays new milestone comes of the back of a rapid rise for the blue chip index boosted in part by an overhaul of u. S. Taxes which substantially cuts the Corporate Tax rate u. S. President on trump was quick to claim responsibility and already has his sights set on yet another record we did in fact break twenty five thousand very substantially break it very easily so i guess i knew numbers thirty thousand but what they what it means is every time you see that number go up on wall street it means jobs i mean success. So lets try to put this into perspective here and lets have a look at the dow over the last decade now after the financial crisis u. S. Markets had a low of about six thousand six hundred points youll see it appearing right there just after barack obama had been elected to the white house since then the market has seen quite a steady rise the longest bull market in wall street history in fact now the dollar had almost tripled in value by the end of twenty sixteen when donald trump won the election it has continued to rise since then and now for more lets bring in our financial correspondent daniel kolbe in frankfurts daniel what are people in frankfurt saying has donald trump been crucial to the upswing and the continued upswing in u. S. Markets. Well investors here at the Trading Floor christopher are telling me that yeah he is a really a selfconfident guy to Say Something like this because here we are seeing this rally happening and with new records at the wall street in the United States but frankly speaking we have seen this rarely already happening for about ten years and we also have to remember how many times we talked last year about share about falling shares because of donald trump because of reforms he did not get through because of comments that he made on twitter for example regarding to the tension with north korea many are telling me that the only thing he really get through and that was really helping the market was this tax reform he has done very little when it comes to creating new jobs very little when it comes to have less policies and of course a lot of whats playing into this bruce right now at the wall street is still because of the former government because of the former government of president barack obama we have the dow hitting the historic marker of twenty five thousand points yesterday how much of that is rubbing off on european markets today. Well it is giving certainly the markets here in europe we didnt see a christmas rarely in many investors are saying that we are now seeing a rally at these here starting off two thousand and eighteen investors are believing that we are going to see again higher shares we already closed yesterday with a plus a one point five per cent the only negative factor right now is a very strong euro with a mark of about one twenty one thats always harming a little bit the export business but in general investors believe that this is going to be a very successful day here and european markets as well then your Company Frankfurt thank you. Tech giants are grappling with security flaws that could leave billions of devices around the world vulnerable to hackers earlier this week Security Experts revealed the flaws and processors made by some of the leading companies of the industry now a highly recommended bug fix leave systems running much slower and theres more disturbing news intel knew about the flaws well before they were disclosed to the public and the companys chief executive officers behavior before the revelation raises questions as well. Intel c. E. O. Brian cranston it sold thirty nine Million Dollars in Company Stocks in options in november months after learning about the flaw and well before the problem was reported publicly intel says the stock sale was unrelated to the chip problem it said it planned on going public with the flaw soon and it was working in the meantime to find a fix the bug is a nightmare for the u. S. Tech giant but also for consumers millions of computers and devices are affected and one basic fix for the issue the socalled kaiser patch comes with the caveat as one of its developers explains. It might have economic impact. For cloud providers because now they with the kaiser patches they might have Higher Energy costs. Also. For regular customers and they will also have Higher Energy costs because of these patches daniel groups was among those who informed intel of the design flaw in its chips he thinks intel was right not to disclose the problem immediately. I think its a good idea to not publicly disclose this from the start because these are very c. V. Attacks and non sophisticated attacker could immediately use this attack to leak Sensitive Data from you know mary now the whole world knows but because the kaiser patch uses more energy it slows down devices hardly an incentive to get the fix thats why some researchers would rather change how computer chips are designed but that wont happen over night. And its back to brian and a look at the challenges the European Union is facing this year thats right christoph the e. U. Faces a number of tough issues in the year ahead but there are opportunities as well if germany can get a stable government in place it could france lead an effort to reshape the block which has been deeply shaken by brecks in our d w series this week of what twenty eighteen has a store or brussels correspondent max hoffman looks at what is at stake for the. These three have big plans for two thousand and eighteen especially regarding migration. The reform of the euro zone and of course brics. Thing to see if they can be stopped and looked at. The e. U. Institutions see a window of opportunity to resolve many of europes most pressing problems but the window of opportunity might not be as large as many people are hoping for and thats mainly due to that woman that you can see behind the flags the german chancellor are going to back in many ways shes still the queen of europe of course but as long as she doesnt have a governing coalition in berlin her hands are pretty much tied to. The man whos blowing wind into the sails of a reformed European Union is french president michel going to fit in and hes given many speeches and express many ideas and grand visions for two thousand and eighteen and beyond the critically one of them establishing a real European Monetary Fund to support countries that need help to avoid bankruptcy like greece in two thousand and ten. Another one given the eurozone its own budget to invest and absorb economic shocks overall mccall is calling for my. Its deeper european integration. But not everybody is on board with that at all there is resistance in germany among others for example and it seems like some of the old fault lines are becoming visible again. And for the fault lines between spending and austerity but also between the west. And east especially on migration the e. U. Institutions want a comprehensive deal on asylum and relocation until june but hungarys victoria is still unwilling to accept refugee quotas and he has allies that. We should concentrate on issues where we feel that they be a ready to reach an agreement it would be a big mistake to continue into open issues the red we feel that these issues will. Divide was again European Union as he put see in the past on the basis of what i think i mean frankly. Poland undermining the rule of law and its ongoing quarrels with brussels could increase this east west divide even further in two thousand and eighteen. But of course there is one thing unifying the European Union at least twenty seven of its Member States and thats well this woman thats walking towards us right there theresa may of course its not about the person herself but its about what shes trying to do leading her country the United Kingdom out of the European Union brags that. So far the e. U. Twenty seven have shown remarkable unity on braggs it but it will get tougher in two thousand and eighteen because with the second phase of the negotiations starting soon future trade relations between the twenty seven remaining Member States and the u. K. Are on the menu including sectors like the german car industry. Thats when nestle interests in the e. U. Might collide. The clock is ticking. Migration. Euro zone reform. And brags that the e. U. Needs to agree on all these topics in two thousand and eighteen to take advantage of this window of opportunity to. Them and. We have some tennis news now and Serena Williams will not be competing at the sponsor stallion open the tennis star was due to make a comeback at just four months after giving birth to her first child she had planned to defend her title having won at Melbourne Park last year when she was pregnant but she has now pulled out after losing in exhibition match in dobie last weekend saying she needs more time to prepare her withdrawal comes less than twenty four hours after fellow former world number one andy murray withdrew from the mens event with a chronic hip injury. Its a reminder now the top stories were following for you today in a new survey german voters have expressed their dismay at the drawn out negotiations to form a new government less than half support a new coalition between on the ackles conservatives and the social democrats and only fifty three percent want machall to continue as champs. The white house has dismissed the new book about the Trump Presidency as law its also moving to prevent its publication the book includes explosive remarks from former chief strategist steve back. This is news live from berlin dont forget we have more of our website dot com you can also follow us on twitter and of course facebook as well for now though for the entire news team thanks for being us. Ecoli out in africa. The. Price of. Intensity of feeling. The recent chinese Beauty Products from there. One needs to be done to stop. Them safe from arms to the back out of. Africa next on d w. Life in the arctic is hard to draw the line. There were people who just wanted to leave after one week but if you can stand it eventually you could. There are people who want to live here and nowhere else why. I moved here to experience beauty and excitement. In the years of the last trip to the ends of in forty five minutes on d w. Ws Program Guide on the internet the highlights. The whole. Dot com highlights. I shot maggie has no children which makes her feel worthless and incomplete. In a society that expects them to bear children this is a burden many married yet childless women in niger suffer from. A wife is only fully accepted upon motherhood. A very personal film about the suffering of childless women in niger. Fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on d. W. Hello and welcome to the latest edition of eco at africa the environment

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