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A no confidence vote in the government so we can win a snap election i tell you lawmakers are expected to meet to set a date for the vote plus the death toll jumps in southern and western india after heavy monsoon rains and mudslides almost 200 are feared dead and hundreds of thousands have been displaced and a russia tries to tighten the screws on you tube over the last streaming of recent protests in moscow the demonstrators have been calling for free and Fair Elections to the city council. On leyla hauraki welcome to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and to our other viewers around the world. Tonight says china shows signs of losing patience with demonstrators in hong kong a senior u. S. Official has called on all. All sides to avoid violence saying societies are best served when diverse political views are respected and can be freely and peacefully expressed while the official spoke on conditions on condition of anonymity rather on kong authorities shut down the airport earlier today as thousands of activists staged a sit in there showdown came as the Chinese Government signaled rising anger at the protest announcing some violent demonstrations as quote terrorism for the 1st time. A huge occupation Hong Kong International shut down for most of the day. Civil disobedience and disruption a mainstays of this protest movement is a kind of increase in campinas off selfishness caused to a lot of people but because we cannot afford this is some often or im not voidable because we fight for our final goal that is our freedom and that is why we pay a lot its all just a single file i think. It does not it doesnt matter right theyre also angry at Police Violence was when i was an eye for an eye and protest as a dressed up in solidarity with another demonstrates a who was filmed bleeding heavily from her eye the video went viral over the weekend. These processes of anger at hong kongs all thirtys who have been closely watched by the authoritarian government in beijing Hong Kong International airport is one of the safest airport one of the most efficient airport and what has been done today has seriously. Homme repetition of hong kong as well as their home International Airport and therefore i would like to hear once again to all those who are know them and straight to your own call International Airport to leave peacefully and i sure know its possible many have now gone Home Business should go back to normal but the protest is set to continue with many fearing a violent crackdown at the behest of beijing. Im joined now here in the studio by activist karin chung who is following course the situation of back home must be very difficult to see whats happening the situation of Hong Kong International seems to be calming down now as we speak do you think that protesters will attempt to stage a stunt of that scale again especially thinking about the china might want to intensify the crackdown i think the demonstrators will go on to do the demonstrations because as we can see that the baking said that there is a sign of the terrorism today that means there is no room for the protests to give in and i expect that there will be another demonstration on the following weekend or if the. Police brutality is going to be more intense and more people to come out and because to explain to me the thinking behind these protests because initially of course it was against the extradition bill but it has now become a plethora of other demands that the protesters want the government to listen to them as well can you tell me what the thinking behind it now is because at the very beginning they were saying that again as extra action bill that with found out that there are so many problems in hong kong and the main problem is that we dont have a complete democracy in hong kong thats why give us that if we. One to avoid. Problems in the future that we have to have complete democracy in hong kong. What i wonder though is that if species were to pass lets see a very quick law to intensify the crackdown on the prodemocracy demonstrators in hong kong with that act as a deterrent. I mean we are trying to prevent a crackdown thats why today demonstrated they went to the airport to. Seize the airport and tell the government that we dont want to have any violence and we dont want people to lost their lives or to have an unheard of course by the police and i can say how that protest will go but were trying to prevent a crackdown that has been trying to present a crackdown what is the public support for these on growing protests. And now im in germany i cant say criticize but i think the majority is pro demonstrators because as we can see individuals that many valens were caused by the police that day to rubber bullets in the face and also they came too late when against went on the street to attack the protesters so now we can see that the police theyre not really helping people and people the civilians they have already a bit of fear that theyre not safe anymore when they walk on the street at night so i guess or so far as news i read that most of the people there are pro demonstrators what would it take at this point to resolve this issue peacefully as i think the government really need to respond to mount a protest because so far they have held so many press conference but they didnt answer any questions or and in demands that people its trying to say all right carol thank you so much for coming in illuminating some of the suspects thank you. Next we shift our attention to italy where the senate will convene on choose day for a special session to figure out its next steps in the countrys political crisis well during a meeting in rome earlier today Party Leaders agreed that the senate would attempt to set a date for a motion of no confidence in the government last week the leader of the far right leak interior minister met there salvini had called for snap elections and a bit to lead a new government. Tourists got a special tour of italy started building on monday because inside the countrys future was under discussion snap elections no decision yet bice premier luigi to my own called ending the coalition youre responsible im assured my dear you know salvini and his party decided to cancel the coalition and run away from the problems facing italians which must be resolved back to talks all day on finding a way forward selby in his former Coalition Partners the 5 Star Movement opposed to the elections the Democratic Party is split. Ones at sea it is so fun my. One to avoid elections turning this government crisis into an economic emergency that could possibly even force italy out of the e. U. So got. 3 more snow in a post c b idea of a caretaker government passing the new budget that the current government is running away from and Holding Elections afterward is neither possible nor credible it would be a huge give to the far right that we are actually trying to stop to set a veto or to gobble a new right Wing Alliance among Silvio Berlusconi supports a sell beanies league and the neo fascist brothers of italy supports early elections into the sea we are the power of yes yes to big projects yes to tax cuts to reforms in taxes education and justice and to traditional family values and through the senate is to decide the next steps tuesday evening Prime Minister joseph a county will likely face a confidence vote on aug 20th. Lets get you more on the political unrest in italy lets join a journalist john hooper he is in florence he is the economist correspondent in italy john good to see you what can we expect when the senate meets on tuesday. Well we can certainly expect some high drama because its clear now that mr so leni is not going to get what he wants easily the Opposition Center left Democratic Party and his former allies in the fire star who are trying to slow things down as much as possible he would like to have a new confidence vote in the government which he is a part of rather ironic as soon as possible they are trying to drag everything out as much as possible i dont hooping to postpone the vote on the debate until after the next weekend and why why would they want to do that can you explain that well the logic of this is that if mr salvini is made to wait that point will be reached where it will be impossible for the incoming government to put together a budget for next year which is always a long process in italy or at least of one judge who will not trigger an automatic mechanism whereby if moved here on balance then the sales the da has to go up and not be a very popular measure the 100 pound on mr zoe. Lets for the sake of this conversation presume that mr 70 does manage to get his way would he have enough support to form a new government. That too is in doubt he is running around about 3637 percent in the polls at the moment and he needs around 40 by most estimates to be able to control the next column and if there is to be an act. And for that he is probably going to be counting on support from a group of former neo fascists and may have to bring in the party which is headed by Silvio Berlusconi so he comes back into the picture now Mr Berlusconi has quite a few scores to settle with mr salvini so theres every possibility of drama there. And who would have thought that we would see mrs possibly see mr Silvio Berlusconi make a comeback john hooper the economist correspondents in l. A. Thank you. I want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. A migrant new migrant rescue ship has saved more than 250 people in his 1st 3 days in the mediterranean the ocean viking picked up the migrants off the coast of libya is the largest of the rescue boats searching the seas between north africa and italy. The Trump Administration has announced new rules aimed at cutting illegal immigration into the u. S. Well the rules would deny permanent residency and citizenship to legal migrants who use public assistance such as food stamps or medicare an official said the u. S. Wanted immigrants who are selfsufficient. And yemeni separatist groups supported by the United Arab Emirates says its ready for talks with yemens saudi backed government the separatists seized control of the city of aden over the weekend after a breakdown in the Coalition Fighting yemens iranian back to the rebels will be separatists to seek independence 1st southern yemen. Funerals have been held for 5 russian engineers killed last week by an explosion at a Nuclear Weapons Research Center a spokesman for the center said the blast occurred as the engineers were testing a nuclear isotope power source for a rocket engine russian environmentalist are calling on the kremlin to release details of a reported radioactive leak. And we stay in russia where that countrys interior Ministry Says it has launched a probe after a video of a Riot Police Officer punching a female protester in the stomach went viral the video was shared by several russian celebrities on social media and has been viewed millions of times it comes amid accusations that authorities have been using Excessive Force to break up demonstrations calling for free elections in moscow a protest theres have gathered for the past 4 weekends in the capital and other so. These. Are very uncomfortable of viewing social media has been playing a central war in drawing attention to the protests and now the countrys media regulator is demanding that you tube stop promoting live streams of the demonstrations that you know we report a crime thats been joins us now for good to see you a call what does moscow want you choose to do in this case i mean 1st of all these protests they were a big deal i mean 60000 protesters in the capital city more than 200 people arrested including the woman we saw in that disturbing video so the very next day russias Communications Watchdog actually sends of a letter to google thats you tubes Parent Company and its essentially saying look stop promoting these rallies or else i mean this is that letter it specifically says that the site was sending push notifications to you tube users to help promote what its calling these unlawful demonstrations the letter as you can see also says if google doesnt respond it will be regarded as quote interference in the Sovereign Affairs of the states hostile influence and obstruction of its democratic elections the letter doesnt actually say specifically what russia might do in response but those are some strong words there a google for its part has not publicly responded to that letter but interesting to see russia really trying to crack down to these on these push notifications really what they think is promoting these videos well lets talk a little bit more about that why does russia want you to stop this person out of occasions i mean the letter doesnt specifically mention which accounts were sending these notifications it doesnt sound like a big deal when you think about it on the surface but its pretty clear what russia is concerned about right that it doesnt necessarily like the fact that there are so many videos out there on youtube that have so many different views take a look at just some of what you can find on you tube when it comes to these protests there were scores of accounts in fact of life streaming the demonstrations for hours on saturday that one was about 8 hours stream on you tube many of the largest channels that we could see were were run by International Broadcasters so Radio Free Europe voice of america. This particular stream from Radio Free Europe was seen by more than 2000000 people you see interviews there with protesters an active discussion board on the right side there if you read between the lines those might be the kinds of things that russia didnt necessarily like about with this on you tube ok so from the perspective these stories are kind of explains why theyre so focused on you tube any other reasons i mean you know there are other of course social Media Outlets and russia but you know television and media in general in russia but specifically television is highly censored its very much controlled by the government so if youre a russian citizen i mean you tube is really the safe haven for speech free speech is where you can go to see a video of these protests or to hear anti kremlin opinions the best example really of youtubes power in russia is alexina all the himself this big opposition figure he really became famous from his you tube videos i mean take a look at what he was up to on you tube this really launched into stardom he has 3000000 subscribers they come to watch these sorts of investigations you might remember this one in the state corruption looking at the Prime Minister potentially using dirty money to buy buy mansions and other property that has 30000000 views in a country where you really cannot safely talk that much openly about anti kremlin viewpoints so you tube and google in general they are being targeted by russia and the government in general weve seen this before so this letter not coming out of nowhere certainly in the crosshairs of the russian government certainly in the crosshairs of the russian government report a call now from thank you as always in india nearly 200 people have died in severe Monsoon Floods and mudslides the rains a force hundreds of thousands to flee their homes in the south and west of the country the worst hit states are maharashtra car on talk and kerala and its only been a year since corrales suffered its worst ever flooding. The terentia rains just keep coming teams across indias southern and western states have mounted major rescue and relief efforts more than 300000 people have been evacuated in the worst affected areas Carola Karnataka and maharashtra to provide assistance in the prevailing particular region the drug testers saw 1st american born has deployed to 1st india faces rain related disasters during the monsoon season which kills hundreds of people in each year flood waters and landslides have made roads impassable have cut off and even in some cases downed bridges and have made traveling by bus and train impossible. People are forced to seek shelter and safety at relief camps some houses are covered in several metres of mud like that cafe which has been completely destroyed in like a mad kerala. Its been at least 5 or 6 things everybody is stuck in the villages animals and everything all stuck there people are facing a lot of problems. Waters coming from all directions and entered all the houses. Rescue teams worked tirelessly to evacuate those affected by the floods and most at risk. They are also being helped by the Good Samaritans in their communities the worst may not be over authorities worry that the flood hit areas will be pummeled by more thunderstorms hampering their rescue operations even further. The islamic holiday of aid has begun around the world while the 40 festivities are considered the holiest in the muslim calendar but this year theyre taking place in the shadow of Political Tension in several countries. The in israel and the west Bank Thousands flocked to the al aksa mosque in jerusalem to offer prayers to commemorate god testing abrahams faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son but each had a political edge in ramallah where palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas blasts the crowds but also vowed to establish an independent palestinian state. Politics what part of the proceedings in india ruled kashmir to when muslims were only allowed to go to mosques alone or in pairs the middle rising tensions and the security lockdown strong feelings are on display behind me weve gathered here not for aid but to show solidarity with the people of india and how kashmir. We want to tell india that despite its crew to the people of kashmir will not remain silent pakistan and a significant event. In syria shepherds gather their flocks to selfsacrifice but for many the conflict destroyed the joy of eat. The spirit of 8 is 100 percent missing and i hope in my shop to create a nice atmosphere for the people so they can forget the misery and displacement. The celebrations last 4 days and although marred by conflicts here in syria and elsewhere these children at least could enjoy some of the fun of the fair for the festivities. Lets bring up history there are some of the other stories making news around the world. The no reach of the man charged with killing his stepsister and opening fire in a mosque near oslo has denied the accusations and asked to be released 21 year old philip months house made the statement at a Court Hearing the court ruled that he can be held for 4 weeks while the investigation continues. Conservative hunger yemen a is guatemalas new president he won the 2nd round of president ial elections on sunday with nearly 60 percent of the vote the former boss of the prison system defeated Sandra Torres a left leaning former 1st lady. Swiss rescuers are searching for a man and a girl missing since sunday after their car was swept away by a flooding river heavy rains in the alps sent water mud and debris surging through the village most on in the south west of the country. The German Government is planning a lot to ban plastic bags because it says voluntary agreements with retailers havent worked well enough one seen as a pioneer of green policy germy has been struggling to deliver on its environmental goals including reducing greenhouse gases. A reusable cloth bag thats the ideal alternative but ubiquitous plastic bag still reign supreme germans use an average of 24. 00 plastic bags a year that adds up to 2000000000. 00 plastic bags annually and thats too much according to germanys minister of environment. Thats why im going to ban plastic bags out right its an important and symbolic step to discourage Throwaway Society from using things once and then tossing them out and it cant go on were going to put a stop to it. Thats for several years now theres been a charge and most plastic bags which is led to a 2 thirds reduction in their use now that last 3rd is in the target a move many german support ms are special im fine with it i have enough cloth bags and the like that i can use and reuse simple design its definitely a good thing those plastic bags are thrown around just about everywhere its a sensible environmental step to take to reduce plastics plus weve got a new addition to the i i really like them and i was just shopping and you can scrunch them up so nicely. If the environment minister has her way this will be just the 1st step shes already got her sights on single use Plastic Packaging like that used for a fruit and vegetables its likely that producers and manufacturers will be asked to carry part of the disposal costs so that others arent left to deal with the rubbish. Now to tennis and canada as a rogers cup canadian teenager bianca and area school became the 1st female home winner of the cup in 50 years after Serina Williams thats a pull out with an injury a williams was only on court in toronto for 16 minutes before she had to stop playing because of back spasms she was left in tears and she was consoled by her appeal. In the mens final encounter that rafael nadal came out on top in his match against daniele. Reigning champion rafael nadal dazzled from the all showing plenty of aggression to set the tone early on the against im neil made better who was just surviving to break points and breaking medvedev serve the world number 2 looked in control of his russian rival showed fight but couldnt pull sarahs. Nidal sealed the 1st set 63 with this suit put shot down the line and it was smooth sailing from then on much to the delight of his spanish supporters in the audience. White and gold failed to turn around much better if fortunes in the 2nd set no doubt at this point clearly comfortable with everything the world number 8 through its him. The spaniard consistently broke in the 2nd set to cruise to 6 nil claiming the rogers cup for the 2nd year running making it the 1st time he has defended a title on the fly coach. Now recharge his batteries before the u. S. Open having pulled out of the cincinnati musters shortly after this match and. Now this is it every news on leyla her ox stay tuned because ill be back shortly to take you through the day i want to leave you now with pictures from australia its experiencing some particularly harsh Winter Weather right now including at least snowfalls in some low lying areas and thats led to some unusual images like these that you see kangaroos hopping through snow in New South Wales all definitely not an everyday sight down under thank you so much for watching ill see in a sec. The finest berlet close guy for germanys booming capital i love berlin. 50 nations 50 stories and 15 very personal to come berlins very best features. Book now planet berlin our hero max series every week on d. W. Robots are still in the Development Phase of some books whats going to happen when they grow up. With humans and machines able to peacefully coexist. Or are we on the verge of a robot collapse. If we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then lets face it its probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. Artificial intelligence now spreading through our society. Is this the beginning of a going to digital age. Will we be subjected to continuous state surveillance. Ai will experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this Technology Create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. Based robot collapse starts aug 14th on t. W. Theyve gathered in such numbers they were able to shut down one of the worlds busiest airports Hong Kong International there are the prodemocracy activists reeling against here gas petrol bombs and the territorys government but hong kong is officially a part of china and beijing is now signaling it may take a different tack on the 2 months of protests and start to crack down

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