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And Chinese State media air footage of mass riot drills seen as a warning from beijing from protesters. On the enemy list to this mans name and address they are among the thousands being shared between far right extremists fall in line the German Government place the threats but hes not so sure plus trademarks half a century since woodstock Music Festival kicked off the w makes a pilgrimage to the new york town now a shrine to those days of peace love and walk and roll. Oh im sorry martin good to have you with us stock markets around the globe are dropping amid signs of a looming recession the sharp sell off follows the. Release of poor Economic Data from germany and china a key u. S. Benchmark also signals more trouble ahead on wednesday the Dow Jones Industrial average suffered its worst day of the year so far closing 3 percent down all european equities shed more than 2 percent the financial jitters are continuing today thursday with asian markets down in afternoon trading. Well for more on this im joined now by christoph cover from our business desk and our financial correspondent anetta by spa in frankfurt lets start with you annetta stock markets have been dipping around the world whats the picture in frankfurt this morning. Well actually the back future has indicated that the market if opening up at least a little bit more stable and thats a normal reaction if we have a day off from asia sallow off because affairs of a recession then very very often the next day sees a certain kind of stabilize ation everybody is again sort of concentrating on how imminent gobbles recession on nod and if you look at the day to day yes i mean he has dipped into contractionary territory but thats not a lot of news apart from the bond market which has placed it in its yeah you curve. Crystal whats got investors spooked is it mainly u. S. Trade policy trumps trade policy particularly the dispute with china you have that plays a major role because if you have the worlds 2 biggest economies at loggerheads. That that has an impact not just on the United States and on china but also on the other countries demand in china is weakening not only for products made in the United States of which china does and doesnt even buy that many but also theres less appetite for products made in other countries german machinery for that example and Donald Trumps threat of punitive tariffs towards other countries has also soured the mood in International Trade so this uncertainty often confusion cluelessness of whats coming next when it comes to these policymakers that really has people on edge so u. S. Trade policy playing very much a role there another germany is all the brink of recession with negative growth in the 2nd quarter how does this factor into the Overall Economic picture. Well of course thats a very globally and that was widely expected the big question is whether germany was now heading into recession and that is a given according to many economists because the quarter looks very weak as well and this is of course fitting into the global the Recession Risk pick which also now spilled over the would be United States and here we still have Economic Data which looks pretty ok but if you look at sentiment indicators and leading indicators that already shows you that the economy also in the United States is cooling down and the new round of terrace its actually not tapping the u. S. As well that might be also one reason why donald trump back pedaled a little bit on those. So a massive trade dispute between china and the United States germany heading into recession it looks like at least technically kristoff what ken major Global Global players in this in this situation try to do to counter the downward trend will major Global Players looking at Central Banks and governments for that matter and thats what the problem is there is little room to maneuver Central Banks around the world have kept their Interest Rates low after they slashed them in response to the financial crisis 10 years ago so they have few options left and when it comes to governments well public debt is also very high around the world and and so governments cant or can hardly go out and borrow any money without falling into the debt trap so there is little room to maneuver germany is 1. 00 of the few countries that has fiscal options you know money that could be spent on a on a stimulus package however the German Government has so far said were not interested in that so thank you so much because of cover for our business and aneta our correspondent in frankfurt thank you very much to both of you. Hong kong is bracing for more mass protests today overnight police fired off tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters in the citys Financial Hub the prodemocracy demonstrations are now in their tents week marked by outbursts of violence u. S. President all trump has linked a possible trade deal with china to a peaceful resolution on hong kong on twitter he urged chinese leader xi jinping to solve the crisis humanely meanwhile beijing is ramping up its rhetoric saying the protests are approaching terrorism through yet another night of protests. And more tear gas as police and demonstrators clashed on the streets of hong kong. 10 weeks since millions marched against a controversial law the protest to show no sign of letting up the Police Respond to take us truncheons and arrest. And protesters are beginning to retaliate. As police stormed desist and at home comes a point on tuesday demonstrates his piece of Police Officer who attacked a woman. The police have seized on the incident to discredit the protest movement. We denounce the extreme and radical rioters for the use of filings. They might even deprive others of their lives to pursue their socalled human rights. As for such illegal behavior of extreme violence the police must sternly enforce laws and follow them up. Beijing is backing the. State media released these images showing a build up of Paramilitary Police on the border the message is clear if unrest continues china will intervene. On wednesday a small group of demonstrators were back at the airport with a message of their own and apologies. Travelers im for the protests turning violent. And in germany chancellor merkel chimed in to call for restraint on both sides. Its important for us that the basic law of 1907 isnt trying to new law which also guarantees freedom of speech and the rule of law in hong kong. At the subtle and that has a long history there and therefore everything must be done to avoid violence and to find a solution through dialogue. But it is not the Protesters Police know china a pair willing to compromise the specter of confrontation limbs launch over hong kong. Our correspondent phebe kong has been following these protests from the beginning and joins us now from hong kong more clashes there between police and protesters overnight with tear gas fired any end in sight. Well once again Hong Kong Hall is tied to an tyson and a protest last night by far and bounce the tear gas that is the scene that we have saw so frequently over the past. Week and. A pose has posed and not compromising anyway as to show although the Airport Police have asked would be its put out of body because the intelligent by courts that protest this down now be turning to streets some of them they are gathering outside the Station Department today although its not a massive posthaste but they obviously theyre continuing the momentum off the movement. The president has fired off a series of tweets regarding the unrest in hong kong heres what he had to say he appeared to be offering to meet with president xi of china and he said that he had 0 doubts that she could seoul the hong kong crisis quickly and humanely in his words. Appeared also to link a prospective trade deal with china to a solution in the territory urging china to work again this word humanely with kong 1st so phebe the u. S. President reaching out there to china and hong kong any reaction to that from authorities in hong kong or beijing. Well u. S. President almost time hes high sea current political crisis in hong kong for the clean u. S. And china. And just to say before actually china. Has once again week last time you asked for sending u. S. Navy ships for business. And some of the service here in hong kong they see this as a kind of reaction. For not being strong for not being. Being criticized for not taking a strong ally against chinas government in time solves the hong kong crisis so this may be a kind of reaction off the us and on the other hand hong kong has to stand still very hot to Day International support lawmaker has an obvious thing us to try to lobby the Us Government to impose a ban on export all the crowd cunto weapons to hong kong and also in the coming friday that will be another massive rallies to call bust up orphaned us and you pay specifically for their support to the protests in hong kong. Now all this is happening t. V. There appears to be a Chinese Military build up in shin shira and at the border with hong kong are people in hong kong worried about the. Well this kind of mask this kind of picture is a kind of for many a website called local citizens because this is not the 1st time for chinas government to send such warnings by visualizing chinese troops and intervening in hong kong so this is not something new for the hong kong citizens and most of them including of course has this somehow mentally they cant pretend that this is the west this is and that can happen and that many other their citizens they actually dont believe that these are the kind of government will handle it this way it is causing this will be at this point commie and that will be influential to the chinese economy as well and this will be a take home to a home whole international reputation. And i was. Talking to us from hong kong there just a short while ago now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today an autopsy performed on Jeffrey Steen the disgraced u. S. Multimillionaire has found several broken bones in his neck the perennial experts say this can occur to people who hang themselves or who have been strangled obscene was found dead in his jail cell on saturday he was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Police in the u. S. City of philadelphia say a gunman who injured 6 officers in an hours long shoot out is in custody the suspect had barricaded himself in a house after opening fire on Police Conducting a drug raid the officers injuries are said to be nonlife threatening. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he takes full responsibility for the findings of an ethics report which found he acted improperly trudeau is accused of attempting to prevent the criminal prosecution of a Construction Company on corruption charges the Prime Minister said he acted to protect canadian journalists. Far right violence here in germany is on the rise thats according to the countrys interior Ministry Authorities recorded more than 8000 offenses in the 1st half of this year and many people have reason to fear they could be targeted their names have appeared on far right enemy lists distributed Online Interior Ministry has said the lists do not pose a tangible threat but critics say authorities are not taking matters seriously enough. Ruben i gave out his name is on an enemy next to put together by rightwing extremists they also put his address online in an attempt to scare him and his colleagues. Ima be gone what we get a lot of Death Threats. Sometimes these Death Threats are very concrete. Its something we live with and weve made a decision to deal with it so were not intimidated by it thats. The reason ruben oig a bow is on this list is that he works for c watch an organization that rescues refugees in distress at sea. Right wing extremists are constantly uploading less to bear political opponents online the same list that ruben norgate bow is on also includes journalists and geo team members and politicians sometimes with insults next to their names and other less time its jews their names are marked with a star of david and although the authorities are aware of this list and most german states they have not informed the people who are named. Are authorities taking this matter seriously enough in june conservative politician bata lived here were shot dead by an alleged right were going to stream asked his name had appeared on a list compiled by the n. S. A. And extreme right tara network. The victims Advice Center reach out documents rightwing and racist attacks unlike the German Interior Ministry workers here think the lists are definitely dangerous. The data is that they are connected and of course its going to be used. As can reach our host is a danger maybe not right now for this could be the case in the future. So the danger of this list is really being laid down in this. As an expert on right wing extremism he wants the authorities to be more transparent and better at communicating especially where it concerns those who have already experienced hostility and the now more of a target than ever. Because it only fair to these people already is a danger now for even more so it would be feared if the Security Services were doing a good job they would see that danger and make that assessment of public of. Ruben i gave our has no idea who put him on the list but it wont stop him doing what he believes in and saving the lives of refugees out at sea. Our political correspondent. Is covering the story for us and joined just medaled we have any idea how many people are actually on these lists that the far right groups are keeping well actually townsends of people are affected the last list that was made public is a list of 25000 people that was compiled by a far right a group called not cause that has been uncovered earlier. There we also had earlier on this year a hostile trending on twitter of the other which means we will get you all these dot com pied names of about 200 people who were targeted by a far right sympathizers there was also much smaller list compiled by a german so they had compiled 23 names that he deemed of individuals he deemed being enemies of the state and of course earlier on the n. S. A. The national socialist. Those members had committed 10 racially motivated murders in germany between 2002007 how those so compounds such a list of about 10000 people how do these right wing groups who stay to publish these names on the internet and obviously using social media how do they go about compiling them well how can websites thats the main thats the main way of gathering data when i talk about they talk is not only names of people a petition is public figures driven is it so so their press another addresses their phone number so all the information that might be a that might help identify them and their whereabouts whats the interior ministry in germany doing about just as authorities are they going after these these these right wing groups who publish these lists well on uncovering such at least the government would like to the process to proceed to a Risk Assessment so are the threats really is is just so this is its a desk this is there a concrete threats being made we know that about her neighborhood a petition. In june this year it was on such of this so theres a Risk Assessment and then the government goes on to inform the people who watch on those 2 and they try to assess whether there are trees some people are placed under protection but many many suspects are under civilians but only for example more than 2500 people space and far right crimes nationwide but only 23 of them were actually arrested. I guess priority should also be to protect those who are truly threatened by those right wing groups or minimal shows from a political desk thank you so much thank you. Youre watching the news still to come the concert that defined the sixtys on the 50th anniversary of the iconic rock fest you know you visit woodstock where peace love and rock n roll never again. Shes become the poster girl for Climate Change awareness draitser the swedish teenager is the face of the fridays for future movement shes on her way to the United Nations now the United Nations Climate Summit in new york but as to biggest trying to keep her own Carbon Footprint as small as possible shes refused to fly there instead she set sail from england on a racing yacht. Making her way to the yacht that will be her in a row for the next 2 weeks the 16 year old has never sailed before and shes facing a challenging journey but she says shes willing to rough it especially if it helps bring Political Action to Climate Change what im concerned about is whether we we will do something or not whether the people in power will react and act. With unnecessary force. Has been the target of online abuse from across the political spectrum she says shes unfazed by the criticism. Though people who want climate delay use who want to do everything to shift the focus from the Climate Crisis to Something Else or want to to make people question the science and im not worried about that so im just going to do as i as i want to do and i think will have most impact. Conditions on board the 18 need to minutes to yacht a spouse and theres no toilet and sleeping quarters is a basic. You know. It shows her determination to accept uncomfortable conditions so she can get. Cross the atlantic as Carbon Neutral as possible on a normal yacht she could have had her own cabin with a conditioning in the shower but shes taking these bars that only produces a small amount of electricity by means of solar power and its very fast so it can bypass storms and hurricanes. Precious father and a filmmaker ira company on the voyage together with the crew they will travel some 5 and a half 1000 kilometers across the atlantic ocean. Sports now and in the way of a Super Cup Champions League winners liverpool beat Europe Europa League holders chelsea on penalties to lift the trophy stephanie from pat became the 1st female referee to take charge of a major mens match in European Competition she was widely praised for her performance chelsea took an early lead through olivier. Giroud but after an equaliser from saudi on monday and one goal each in extra time the match went to penalties the full were built thanks to some roads by new spanish goalkeeper i think toris liverpool coach jurgen klopp praised the atmosphere created by the fervent istanbul crowd. And i didnt know before the game oh good it will feel awfully good when you win it but its brilliant its really big that Michigan State it was outstanding 7 showed us again how big this club is where we go all supporters already there i dont know exactly how many fans were from istanbul but i can only say thank you so much because it was just a brilliant atmosphere. This week marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic woodstock Music Festival the event became a key moment in history as a symbol of the Counterculture Movement and an entire generations hopes for the future in 1969 an estimated 400000 people descended on a farm in upstate new york for 3 chaotic days of music and it seems its just full featured more than 30 syncrude in janis joplin and jimi hendrix but it also became a byword for mind expanding drugs and youthful idealism. 50 years old. It visits the town near to where it all happened. There are reminders everywhere from peace signs to tie dyes 19 sixties hippie culture is still ever present. But is woodstock become somewhat of a theme park. Mark hedrick has run a souvenir shop on the towns main street for over 20 years. Marketing is a stronghold in any kind of market like this the there was very little marketing done when the concert was done in fact that to the best of my knowledge there was never a shirt. And now the marketing stuff came after the fact. But here in the town you know we still like to take advantage of that. The local economy is benefited greatly since the festival took place and it doesnt matter now that it was held over 90 kilometers away in the time of bethel its been 50 years since the woodstock festival and the town of woodstock still draws thousands of tourists every year but why do they come here when many of those werent even born when the festival took place back in 1969. This night i think its just i think its obviously were hearing. That feeling of whats the special place for people like the people that believe in peace and love this is the place. Back at mark souvenir store business a steady who says tourist numbers are up despite this years festival being canceled the lure of woodstock remains unfettered we do get visitors. Many people claim to have been woodstock and. Maybe they were. I think there was an article a number of years ago. The number of people who claim to have been at woodstock is probably closer to like 5000000 residents 500000. The number who attended doesnt matter its the legacy of the festival holds for young and old alike on this its a 50th anniversary. Youre watching news from berlin coming up next focus on europe will be looking people affected by the general a bridge collapse in italy one year ago thanks for being with us. Europe transformed the focus on europes summer series. Razor sharp barbed wire hunger sealed off the balkan room how many Refugee Center the e. U. Shut down. But 30 years ago borders were dismantled with both. Hungary opened the gates and let east germans meet austria. Dubliner. Had a real talent besides. I come from there lots of people in fact more than the beeb in the future but not just democracy thats one reason im passionate about people and the traditions and they can send. To finishing the book is Fried Chicken run in to the for the fun in one and i remember thinking at the time if the bomb in the old conflict would have happened if people come together and unite for. What i do the news that often confronted difficult situations for conflict between does something still crises response might show up to confront good speeches on policies and development to put the spotlight and issues that matter most. To security question missionizing. Not has been achieved with so much money for john and i think people have to be Accountable Solutions my name is on the fact shes on an albuquerque doesnt feel. Low and welcome to focus on europe with me. It was a symbol of italys engineering legacy that came crashing down one year ago the marandi bridge in genoa

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