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Give it up now were Even Stronger as an Opposition Force and at the same time were up against governing coalitions that look increasingly fragile. Also coming up amid boos and protests u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson warning westminster if lawmakers trying to tie his hands over break that hell hand the whole thing over to the voters. With leaving on the 31st of october if all bots we will know soon any attempt to get back up with these scrub that referendum and own and. Weve got conviction i believe we will get a deal. On to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and around the world welcome we begin the day with a quarter of the vote that feels a lot bigger here in germany the states of saxony and brandenburg held Regional Elections yesterday the conservatives in the social democrats the partys comprising the National Government a chance im going to medical or they took a major hit hemorrhaging voters while the far right party known as the a. T. F. Tea it pulled in a quarter of the vote in both states a party accused of giving xenophobia and neo nazi sympathizers a home is now the strongest Opposition Force in those 2 states just as it is in the National Parliament and there you see how in politics 25 percent can seem to be so much more the if day says that these results show that its days as a pariah party are over that it has found a new center in german politics and society but the mainstream parties refused to give way saying the notion of joining forces with the a hefty to form a government at any level remains out of the question. We want to keep the course of clear demarcation to the f. D. A. And therefore our decision stands there will be no Government Coalition with the f. D. A. Were becoming a Major Political force in this country this is the 1st election where the a deal was reelected and brilliantly so we doubled our results and brandenburg and almost tripled in sacks and huge you know. Of course i was happy that we managed literally in the homestretch to win this election for the book s. P. D. I mean you saw the opinion polls a few weeks ago we were still a 3rd place. But that we saw for the if the worries me a lot it was all right if we can compare this to what is happening in italy. There the lega formerly the lego nord is also initiating change they have reached the whole of italy and now are certainly the dominant Peoples Party there at the moment. Folks but we are moving in this direction except that the change is not coming from the north of the country but from the east. Well im joined tonight by frank christiane huns and he is a member of the 50 and of berlins City Parliament he used to be a member of the social democrats here in germany its good to have you on the show tonight lets talk lets talk numbers. 25 percent is what your party got in both of these Regional Elections to winning 25 percent it doesnt give you a victory or a mandate. In the a. F. D. Had been predicted to come in 1st in these elections yesterday do these results would you say do they mean that the mainstream parties were tougher than you expected when i thought i think that the mainstream parties are making a cartel of power cartel against us and the voters will notice this in the next 34 weeks because were going to have another election interest and so i think the voters will notice that we wish to be excluded. I think its good that we were came in 2nd and we had a little bit more in saxony where the c. D. U. Really was supposed to turn a little bit to the right because there is one. Stream of the party would which is more cooperative is a deal and the Prime Minister of this kind of this state said we do not want to touch f. T. So we have the untouchables and this is going to fail well ever be good or to come in 2nd place i mean as you say no one wants to join forces with you and govern with you so you cant deliver on any policy promises because youre not going to be in in government so the votes that you received yesterday when you say there are more protests votes instead of votes for your party where weve seen that we have a lot of protest votes but our program is convincing and off from election to election weve seen more voters vote from for us due to the program not for the for the candidates but for the program for the party itself i want to ask you about that do you see your party as part of this of whats been called a glow. Boal nativist way akin to the election of donald trump is president of the us britain in the u. K. Are you really are you related to all of this we are not related directly to them of course it has no direct relations but of course the we would say that our programs and to globalist its not nationalist but its just understanding that modernization and the economy. Make problems to the people and they want to sort of have a slow a pass whats going to happen regarding change and we do not want to hand over the serenity of our nation to superstructure unlike in brussels. Id like to show our viewers something that you read tweeted yesterday which caught my attention maybe we can pull that you read tweeted a tweet that reads now admits that Climate Change occurs because of changes in earths solar orbit raise your hand if you think liberals are wrong about fossil fuels coal seeing global warming. Now that is the tweet of a Climate Change denier are you and your party is that what 25 percent of the voters decided yesterday was devoted for a party of Climate Change deniers you cannot deny Climate Change we have time to change but the problem is is its manmade or not and we see a great. Propaganda from the green party which was very successful in the big Climate Campaign in the european elections and now weve seen that even the grain the green party is losing and theres a lot of people not only f. T. Voters thats the propaganda thats what i provide gonda its only its almost a religious belief of the idea that man can change its not for 2 degrees in science that is what its not science its the i. C. C. Theres also a. Minorities whos denying this and i tell you you should have read to Galileo Galilei if theres only one person who is right who says no than the 99 percent who say yes they will not succeed because science its not a question of quantity ledgers but just what youre saying youre saying that the scientists who say that Climate Change can be caused by man are part of the best conspiracy and that they all say im not talking about conspiracy but i see the green party in germany and leo posing in this direction and really wants to. Make people think that policy can really change the World Climate and this is a story in germany is responsible for just i think their point to percentage of c o 2 and theres nothing to change really in order to save the world if they say well lets go from extreme weather to extremists in the relationship that your party has with right wing extremists it has come under increased scrutiny earlier today your Party Leader Mr galland said that theres a clear line for the a. F. D. I mean do you think that voters saw that there was a clear line and that when they saw that line they realize that maybe they shouldnt vote for the a if they did it cost the voters i think it did cost us voters because the other party set in order to. Keep out of the Parliament Give us the votes so i think the c. D. U. In saxony because gods votes from the s. P. D. In the greens in order to keep us out but i always state and this is true for us we are not a right wing or Extremist Party we are the center right party which the c. D. U. The christian the mccanns were about 20 years ago and you see in the great internal problems within the c. D. U. And there are people who want to align with us make a coalition and just see that especially in saxony that almost 2 thirds of the population want a conservative liberal government and the c. D. U. Of today theres not conservative any more right from christian huns or with the berlin the restaurant we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight thank you much. In the bottom history of britain theres never been a more important i went for politicians to put country before tried and National Interest the full self interest we had numb to the state of our politics what is happening is shocking irresponsible and dangerous well that was former british Prime Minister tony blair speaking there blair is one of many past and present u. K. Public issues mourning of the consequences of leaving the European Union without a deal a new deal breaks it but that is exactly what will happen on october 31st unless parliament is able to change the course tomorrow or impedes or expected to introduce legislation that would ban a no deal breaks it and they only have this week to act the Prime Minister plans to suspend parliament for 5 weeks ending just before breaks it is scheduled to begin today Prime Minister johnson warned westminster that if lawmakers try to block his brakes it plans he will call new elections opposition and labor leader Jeremy Corbyn is now calling on all parties to join forces in parliament this week to ensure that a new deal breaks it can never happen a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister is also a possibility here as part of what Boris Johnson said earlier today. I believe we will get a deal at that crucial summit in october a deal that column it will certainly be able to scrooge in the us. And in the meantime the states on the gay she does get on with their work we dont want that sort of damocles over the next and weve got an election. Weve got an election i dont want an election you dont want an election. And now we want to talk to our correspondent Barbara Starr she is on the story for us tonight in london good evening to you barbara you know you could hear the booing you could hear the protests in the background there when the Prime Minister was speaking Boris Johnson said you dont want new elections i dont want new elections what did he mean is that a threat to parliament or is that a hint that hes ready and willing to call snap elections. Its quite clear brant seen from here that you dont want cheesecake i dont want cheesecake lets buy your really big one thats really what Boris Johnson said there because it was in fact a veiled threat of course to his own parliament ariens to the rebel tories who have announced that they are going to vote against him tomorrow he has already announced that he is going to take away from them that sort of effectively sort of sort of the mob just parliamentarians and that theyre going to be disallowed the not being put up again at this election that is now looming here so that is really maximum strength level will they be deterred from what we heard so far new because theyve really been getting angry and angry as throughout the last week under this barrage of threats from our sons and its something m. P. s feel like the Prime Minister has looked at them and said let them eat cake so we know that thats why theres a vote expected in Parliament Tomorrow in which m. P. s want to take control of the agenda away from the government you know the Prime Minister tonight urging them not to do their jobs do you think theyll listen. Very likely not because theyve more or less sort of cut ties with Boris Johnson and his sort of clique of hard line breaks to tears that are now sort of squatting as they see it in downing street and trying really heading for a new deal bracks and they say there is no men date for no deal for exit it would be economically hugely damaging to britain so we feel responsible for the country not the party we will be against no deal breaks and try to tie forest johnsons hands now what will happen tomorrow very likely is that they will vote for taking over the. Genda and that is the moment when Boris Johnson might be striking back already he can announce immediately that he wants to call elections sniff elections that is possible legally and then that vote will already come on wednesday so he sort of could cut them off at the knees really if he acts quickly so this is all about maneuvering and tactics and whats happening in Parliament Tomorrow and what about this legislation barbara that were hearing lawmakers they want to basically make it impossible for a no deal breaks it to happen what what will that legislation look like. That lets just say legislation is in motion to tie Boris Johnsons hands in the way that if there is no deal with the European Union by the e. U. Summit in mid october he then he would sort of have to ask again for another extension possibly till the end of january off 2020 so another 3 months delay 2 bricks if they wanted to they want to force him to do that in his earliest speech this evening he we heard that he said i will under no circumstances do that i will not feel tied to that so that can mean 2 things he will disregard the law that they might pas are on the other hand which everybody hears things is more likely hes going to call a snap elections just sort of palm and and sort of then head for no deal for exit so youre saying that 24 hours from now we could be talking about a parliament that trying to act and a Prime Minister that colditz wall and says were going to have new elections. Absolutely that is the possibility and it seems that Boris Johnson really is playing for broke here he is really trying to push this up to the very last moment he is ready. Split his party he is ready to dissolve parliament and he is in fact basically ready for it no deal breaks it trying to sort of call for elections and thats the last and the very tricky he might call for a net election everybody here expects october 14th but then its problem until its felt that if the opposition says ok lets do it lets go to the voter thats go to the polls then he has the chance and he has the power to change that election date after bracks it so he could play a double bit me sort of take the country out on october 31st and hold elections after that right impossible to predict but we will definitely be here to report if and when something happens tomorrow Barbara Biggs of on the story for us tonight in london barbara as always thank you. Well tonight we go inside a war that really lets look in in yemen the war is now entering its 5th year a war that feels like it has been going on forever at least a 100 people have died in an airstrike by the Saudi Led Coalition locals in the southwest of the country say that the dead were in a Detention Center used by the who thing rebels to hold their opponents now the head of the International Red cross in yemen toured the site and said that he expects the death toll to rise the center held about 170. 00 people but only 40 survived the Saudi Led Coalition said it fired at what it believed to be a military target the u. N. And the International Committee of the red cross they have condemned the attack. There we are talking about a devastating war in yemen that has been raging since 2015 and its far from over our correspondent funny the charge she joins me now and funny is one of the few journalists who has gained access to the country go inside and be able to come out and tell us what is going on inside funny its good to have you safe and sound here with us again what is happening in yemen. Yes 10 people in yemen you will probably get 10 different answers brand which has to do with a very volatile situation on the ground im talking right now specifically about the south of yemen the way our whatever is left of the Yemeni Government is operating most of whats left of the government is actually brought in from the exile in saudi arabia and you have this Saudi Led Coalition that is officially saying that they are trying to help the Yemeni Government to drive to feast through the back from the north and basically back the Yemeni Government but they are rifts within the saudi a coalition specific when it comes to the United Arab Emirates that is for example supporting the separatists in the south who are dreaming of a state in the south the way it was 990 says you can tell its a very complex situation its very very dangerous because you also have jihad he said are active in aden and around aden the interim capital since the war broke out and within this very volatile situation people are trying to go about their daily lives for example for a young doctor i Fresh Graduates of medical studies that i have met a couple of weeks ago who says shes working unpaid and she is going to continue her job for several reasons lets listen in lets watch this report. Things can change in seconds at this intensive care unit. This is john not shes 18 months and has been diagnosed with. Between life and death. By that did you request oxygen there is nothing the oxygen bottle and the room doesnt work. The doctor fatuma must improvise its not the 1st time she has felt helpless inhalation is the only option available for jenna at the moment. Its not just now. Her breathing is still fine so she needs to go right away. Shift is just beginning. The oxygen bottle is delivered after all make it many children do not for fatuma the fact that oxygen cannot always be provided on time is depressing when she began her medical studies before the war shortages were unheard off i was feeling optimistic i was really looking forward to graduate but its just so difficult to afford living even for doctors to consider you know what ive got here and. Happiness comes in small doses here this father is relieved his daughter is gaining some weight for now is there not enough doctors and most of those here must work unpaid. Hospitals cannot cope its not just the lack of food in yemen that brings a lot of people especially malnourished children to this hospital once they arrive they face another problem lack of medical supplies and theres not enough space simply they arent you know about all these children. These children are new patients waiting in the hallway for admission. 14 i was not prepared for this level of stress after a 24 hour shift she finally find sanctuary at home photography helps or to unwind at the age of 26 she finds her job overwhelming it makes me feel that i am not still working and just forget it all and live in our own the hospital and starting a new life maybe but there she wants to continue her medical studies in germany her father a geologist used to live there in 1980 s. Puppet i think the war never and will end and show me how. A lot of time how long then you have to deal with this is nobody gives but we hope the war ends for children because the people are suffering and they are in bad shape theres no stability nothing nothing no salary no jobs you. It is a last minute of the way. We did future so bleak fatima doesnt know stane yemen routine on paper she wants to continue working as a doctor to help people but she also wants better opportunities for these possible side of human. Story is about this one down there against all odds you were able to get her to open up her home she shared her story with you and you were telling me it was easier for her to do that because your own moment exact because i was a female reporting fact she told me when she asked me right away the camera person im going to come with is that a male or a female it was a camera man but he said ok thats fine as long as youre not a few not reporters so so thats fine and this is something ive also experienced in neighboring saudi arabia last year and at that especially when women are more keen to open up their lives to you because you are a woman because while you are seeing the situation unfolding in yemen its not like other challenges in yemen have come to hold like women Like Fighting now of course dream of going out with friends dream off being more independent she already very much is compared to a lot of friends that she has because i she says the parents are already quite open minded people with that a lot to travel alone if she would just get a visa to germany she says and could continue her studies here in germany but yes that definitely was the case for me it made things easier if i can put it that way in a very very difficult situation because as you could see also i had to cover up in order to you know to to work there we know how difficult it is to get to the truth when were reporting on any type of war situation. So with yemen so now that youve been there what can you say about any any chance of an end to this conflict coming are there any signs. I was hoping actually when i arrived because the situation even seemed to be lets put it that we did was like a temporary stability because when i arrived a couple of weeks ago it seemed that at least the selves of the yemeni yemeni stabilizing but just a few days later when i left. There was an attack. Claimed by. In aden and do you realize you know theres no stability not for themselves definitely not for the north and we do question is who is going to bring this Peace Process back to the agenda that started last year actually in stockholm in december 28th even since then we didnt really see much progress on the ground so i have to say unfortunately at this point we will not see any troops there any time soon because the elements involved in this conflict and their competing interests are getting more complex by the day and thats difficult its a complicated story its difficult also keep the worlds attention on it all the time but excellent reporting from the future thank you. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either d. W. News or you can follow me have t. V. And dont forget to use the hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Because. The full. Package should. Go. On to say. Such. That cuts. Will germanys car industry survive. Electro mobility is picking up speed. Around the world the market but he calls. But germany has been putting on the brakes. The automotive powerhouse a stock the slow leg. Running on empty. 60. With him how to be. If i had known that the mode be that small i never would have gone on the trip but i feel i would not support myself and my family somehow dangerous but its a theme of the going to give us leave with. One funky little bit of money to give them i have Serious Problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there once im going to. Want to know their story and for my friends farrah fight for survival information for margarets. Not stay 3 help one simple chizik

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