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A new wave of consolidation in the all the industry chrysler in france is p. S. A. From joe want to create the worlds 4th largest car maker plus the last to get it for the voice of authority in the bronx it debate. Thats been the speaker of the British Parliament john bercow retiring after 10 years in the chair. Im off to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin tonight with the historic vote in the u. S. Congress democrats have taken a major step in their efforts to impeach u. S. President donald trump the house of representatives today voted to move forward with the impeached. An investigation with a resolution that sets out the ground rules the lawmakers will use as they begin the transition from closed door sessions to public impeachment hearings the resolution is adopted without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Nancy pelosi presiding over a historic moment as expected the democratic majority carried the vote precisely no republicans bucks the party lines during the floor debate by ny familia arguments divided the hives democrats are trying to impeach the president because they are scared they cannot defeat him at the ballot box what are we fighting for defending our democracy for the people the impeachment probe centers on Donald Trumps efforts to pressure ukraine to investigate his political opponents shortly after the vote to formalize the process trump took to twitter calling it the greatest witch hunt in American History but even as republicans lined up to join the condemnation democrats were pushing ahead. We take no joy and having to move down this road and proceed with the impeachment inquiry but neither do we shrink from it. Earlier on thursday the top russia specialist on Trumps National Security Council was the latest in a long line of individuals to testify after weeks of closed door interviews thursdays vote means investigators will soon be able to hold public hearings and the men to stay on capitol hill bringing a house vote on impeachment one step closer are lets take this story now to washington d. C. Our bureau chief alexander phenomena shes following the efforts now as this impeachment process becomes official good evening to you alexandra so this is a vote that will definitely go down in history what happens next. The impeachment inquiry is now entering a totally new phase in only a few days i think in 10 days 1st public hearings will start on capitol hill hill where theyre republicans and the democrats will be able to invite witnesses to question them and were also president a tromso Legal Counsel will be able to defend the president publicly and its really a historic day in the united date in the United States because it just happened 3 times in the year as history that a sitting president was facing the prospect of impeachment and a lot of people will remember the the watergate hearings when Richard Nixon was president remember what happened with bill clinton. Talking about the public again being able to watch and listen to the witnesses that are being called to testify in this inquiry yes indeed the world will be watching but its whats even more important is that the American Public will be able to see for themselves what defects are and therefore the vote today was so crucial for the House Democrats because they know that eventually they need to convince the American People that President Trump abused his power and according to recent polls there is a small majority of the American People who support the impeachment inquiry and strums removal from office but the majority is small and the democrats are hoping that this is going to change in alexandria the presidency today again called the vote part of the greatest witch hunt in political history we know not a single republican voted for the motion in the house today i mean this read the senate will never have enough votes to remove convicted removed from office so whats the point of all of this. Well the democrats say that they have to do it but we simply have no other choice gerri now to lead the chair of the House Judiciary Committee said today they believe that they have to do its to protect. The american democracy the constitution and you are right at the moment president still very popular among his base and votes today show that hes party the House Republicans are behind him supporting him but at the moment we are just at the beginning of the proceedings so we have to wait in still and seeing if thats going to change its interesting many of the democrats say that the president has even admitted to this quid pro quo with with ukraine they say thats an Impeachable Offense you also youve got the president you have some republicans who say yes he asked for a favor but theres nothing wrong with that so how do you bring these 2 together mean does the conflict here is it they both see maybe the same thing but they dont really perceive the same thing. Well thats totally true and that proves once again how divided the congress is and the American Society that you have to democrats saying that president s trom abused hes power and you have republicans saying that there was no wrong doing on his side it just shows you how divided the country is at the moment all right our Washington Bureau chief alexander phenomenon the story for us tonight in washington alexandra thank you. Well the trump Reelection Team has reportedly spent thousands already on social media ads but they wont be doing that much longer on Twitter Twitter has announced that it will ban all political advertising on its platforms beginning next month now explaining the decision twitters c. E. O. Jack dorsey said that political ads force highly optimized and targeted political messages on to people and this he said brings risks politics where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions the talk about this is my colleague all the kurds good to see all that and it sounds like that dorsey is saying basically that social media has become a platform where political misinformation can be spread easily is that what this is about yeah i mean we all remember the example from 2016 the u. S. President ial election which really showed the targeted political ads on social media can spread misinformation and can sway votes i mean anyone can buy an ad which targets its as if a demographic or location or an interest and there are thousands of these data points that you can single out and this is really how of course this could have a tie thing online defense from traditional political advertising the social Media Companies know everything about as they know what we love what we hate what we fear and when you when you take that knowledge and use it to deliberately spread disinformation thats when we have a problem ok so we know twitter is leading the way with this the big question is you know is the competition going to follow i mean facebook uses political ads more than anyone right yeah i mean this is for facebook this is a question about money facebook and a lot more money on political advertising than what twitter does but what really has what facebook has done that really have raised eyebrows is the decision to accept political advertising for. What is quite normally quite rigorous rules of Fact Checking on on what they post as ads on their platform and much like a bug has this down to freedom of speech and this is what twitter c. E. O. Jack dorsey challenge today in his tweet he said that its not credible for us to say were working hard to stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info but if someone pays us to targets and force people to see a political ad well then they can say whatever they want so obviously a swipe at facebook that it is an argument right i mean you can tell lies an untruth as long as you paid for the right to have the space to do that so now all eyes are on facebook to see what its going to do right yet the pressure is the pressure is growing not just from from competitors from inside facebook as well 50 facebook employees recently wrote a letter to mark zuck a bug saying they objected to this policy this political pressure of course from the democrats particularly in the u. S. Including Elizabeth Warren has of course one of the democratic president ial contenders she recently challenged facebook policy by running an ad falsely claiming that facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg had endorsed donald trump for reelection now facebook didnt take that down that was always a test from her science to see how the system works is to early to tell what this twitter decision what impact it will have there are still many up and questions there but we might have to see whos in the white house in a year and a bit maybe facebook will have to insist on only facebooks position considering what happened in the president ial election in 2016 but as you say we will see if any change comes a little flicker thank you thank you. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world that migrant camps on greek islands are quote on the edge of catastrophe thats according to the council of europes commissioner for human rights who says that the situation has significantly worsen over the past year in recent months greece has once again become the main point of entry for people seeking asylum here in europe at least 10 people have been killed and dozens wounded by a car bomb in the town of afrin in Northern Syria near the Turkish Border afrin is a mainly kurdish enclave controlled by Syrian Rebels who captured the town last year north korea has fired 2 unidentified projectiles towards the sea off of its eastern coast and thats according to south korea and Japanese Military sources if confirmed as a Missile Launch it would be pyongyangs 12th launch this year it comes amid a deadlock in Nuclear Talks between north korea and the United States. More than 70 people have died in a fire on a train in southeastern pakistan the blaze is said to have broken out when a gas stove exploded as passengers were preparing breakfast on board and the train was traveling north were going to pull the map of here from karate and it was headed for islam of the accident occurred near the town as you see right there in the uk what poor local officials said most of the victims died after jumping off the fast moving carriages and we do have a warning for you this next report contains some images that some viewers may find disturbing this passenger train had been carrying pilgrims to a religious festival instead its jannie ended in tragedy. Officials say the blaze broke out when to gas stoves exploded as some passengers were preparing breakfast cooking oil carried by others then caught fire as the flames engulfed 3 carriages those on board stood little chance many flung themselves from the train while it was still moving at high speeds through eastern punjab province. A cylinder exploded and i dont know how fire erupted everywhere. I jumped out of the train to save my life there was a whole line of people behind me pushing. Me as pakistans railways minister visited the injured Prime Minister in mancala and offered his condolences to the victims hes ordered an investigation. This is pakistans was throw away disaster in almost 15 years but its just the latest in a series of accidents and lack of investment has caused the system to fall into disrepair. Some survivors have questioned whether the fire was caused by a cooking accident they believe a short circuit in the trains electrical system might have been to blame as questions mount rescue workers have begun the grim task of recovering bodies. Of police and fired tear gas to clear protesters from hong kongs Party Districts hundreds of demonstrators Wearing Masks filled the area to coincide with how when the party zone is usually buzzing with people in costume celebrating halloween but this year protesters wanted to make a political point by define a city wide ban on face coverings. Street demonstrations in hong kong are hitting hard but it isnt just the protesters bearing the brunt. Hong kongs economy is taking a serious hit the latest figures show its experiencing its 1st recession in a decade 5 months of demonstrations seem to be pushing the city into an economic crisis with the economy shrinking by 3. 2 percent in the 3rd quarter of the year following a half a percent drop in the 2nd the Tourism Industry accounts for a good chunk of that and its been hit especially hard busy streets and shops are deserted with visitors staying away because of the protests hotels are nearly empty with some staff being asked to take unpaid leave during the slump. No one is willing to spend money there are no tourists here absolutely none of the 4 even if we were having a bad time in business we still had some customers from other places like asians from malaysia singapore the philippines but this year there are very very few tourists i just bumped into only one customer whos from the philippines its very difficult to do business. But as the protests continue the authorities are turning to new measures to combat them hong kongs department of justice has issued an emergency injunction against using the internet and social media for anything that could be judged to be inciting violence i do websites and apps named by the department have been crucial in organizing the leaderless protest movement it comes on the back of the government introducing a ban on face masks something protesters are defying. Those protesting during halloween were critical of the new measures. This toilet area. Even. When they. Go it is crazy and lancers with no sign of the protesters backing down and the. Government equally determined hong kong is stuck in a standoff that is damaging its economic future. Well im joined now by one the mo and activists of the civil human rights front hes an organizer of prodemocracy protests that weve been seeing in hong kong its good to have you on the program you took part in todays protests and while you were doing that you know it was announced that hong kong has officially slipped into a recession you knew you know that beijing and maybe politicians in hong kong will be eager to blame the protests for the recession is there any way that the recession can work to the advantage of prodemocracy protesters. Hello what i have to say hong kong defense its economy on china too much in the past 22 years we have been transforming the host city to cater to the mainland chinese that were in the street in one call for example jewelry shops. You know. Where you can buy medicines and these shops they are not aiming hong kong is anymore and ive just heard from that video that they used to be some tourists from malaysia from from singapore from from philippines i have to say that is not true in the past in before 97 we used to have many tourists from from all over the world but then. We mainly target Chinese Tourists and that is not healthy i would say the projects. If i could just interrupt i would just say the importance of hong kong to china has has been diminished since 1907 immediately the percentage of the g. D. P. For china is now very small when you when you look at hong kong are you worried about. Just slowly becoming an important for beijing. Well i dont think g. D. P. Is that in politics in terms of the balance in china because. China stude needs home call for a huge amount of investment so other investment through hong kong to china. I dont have the figure im not the expert on that but then i know this is very important for them and apart from that china is their number one city for money laundry of Chinese Capital i am not saying this this is good but then china definitely needs hong kong so even if hong kong is not doing well in g. D. P. I dont think there will. Status and theyre not. Going to ask you about talks with kerry lam the leader of hong kong those talks the dialogue with korea lamb has basically stopped or protesters such as yourself are you trying to restart talks with kerry. What do you mean by stopped there was a lot with kerry 40 people were there and a police i mean among the people who joined the dialogue one of them is even Police Officer kerry left when she has a dialogue with hong kong this is only a political show she doesnt actually listen to i mean after that dialogue you know 30 people condemned kerry lemon condemn the police and what happened next next was a carrier and nouns and to mass loss through emergency regulation ordinance i mean if she really tries to solve the problem she wouldnt have taken. Steps to you know to suppress it further suppress the freedom of kong so whatever she does she only tries to show the International Media or International Community that she is doing something but in fact we know caroline too well in the past whenever she makes promises she breaks them she never spoke to her promises and therefore i wouldnt say that we stop the dialogue is kerry lamb who stop at and not to mention the escalation of Police Violence one moment activists of the civil human rights front joining us tonight from hong kong when we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you youre watching t. W. News coming up. Well. You became one of the most familiar faces of the brits to draw in the British Parliament now Speaker John Bercow well hes hung up his robes and maybe hes turning off his voice just a little story coming up in just about. All the races on to develop electric vehicles and driverless technologies and all the makers are teaming up to boost their chances of getting a podium position italian american. And frances p. S. A. Peugeot have confirmed that they intend to merge a 5050 split with headquarters in the netherlands the future looks bleak for the internal Combustion Engine car makers worry about getting left behind. Chrysler has failed to invest in new technologies such as autonomous driving and electric power thats why its been looking for a partner for a long time. Enter. The French Company has plenty of modern technology but its completely absent from the north American Market together they could become a dream team. The french government itself a shareholder in peugeot has already given the green light and this is good news this is good news for europe because you know that we have to face the challenges of electric cars all for the scholars and to face that kind of challenges you need to to have champions who will live. The combined company would have turnover of over 180000000000. 00 euros and it would have around 410000. 00 employees and making 9000000. 00 cars each year would put it in a different league. After folks fuckin toyota and the Renault Nissan alliance fee out chrysler together with Peugeot Citroen would be the 4th largest car maker in the world. Management hopes the merger will generate savings of more than 3 and a half 1000000000 euros but for employees hearing about cost savings sets off alarms many plants for example at fi at in italy are under utilized and peugeots german subsidiary opel and british folks all have been losing money for years even so the 2 sides say their merger should be completed without factory closures. Well in the u. K. Campaigning has already begun ahead of the pre christmas general elections scheduled for december 12th and some lawmakers will not be running for reelection and that includes this gentleman here the speaker of the house of Commons John Bercow he just finished his final day in the chair bercow has risen to International Prominence for his role during the breaks it parliamentary debates so much so that one word in particular is almost synonymous with his name. Nothing only shows him john bercow has become a British Household name was very interesting. And spare a studio trace ok you know so. Far. Back i was 1st elected to the role of speaker of the house of commons 10 years ago its been his job to chant debate antiquing want to hold. Oh there were a politician himself the speaker must also remain impartial at all times that beck has been accused by some of showing. Politico bias particularly when it comes to bricks it my ruling is their fault the motion will not be debated to day as it would be repetitive and disorderly to do so i know that the dynamics you face mean that on occasion you will sometimes have to please some and not others but it is becoming remarkable how often you please one lot and not the other. When he was getting the decisions in his favor he wasnt grumbling hes grumbling now because he doesnt like the judgment but his rulings have also defined the pump lake is clearly on the remain side and he said i will soar to the ministry whose sole aim is very old to state stock prices at the well i think hes actually standing up for democracy and for parliament. On the very day breaks it was supposed to happen but didnt a colorful politician is that going out of british politics while some may appear on taste to pasha others will miss the man who tried to put this house in it would. Be interesting to see who the replacement is or heres a reminder the top stories were following for you u. S. Lawmakers have approved the trump impeachment inquiry the resolution passed by a majority in the democratic controlled house it sets out the ground rules for public hearings in the impeachment process police have fired tear gas in hong kongs Party District protesters took over the area for halloween usually one of the busiest nights of the year and the latest Economic Data shows that hong kong is now in a recession for the 1st time in a decade after months of protests. Youre watching the w. News fly from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around for that. Dear friends dear antonio heres a scene. My 3 grandchildren sleep on troubled when i was in france is ages germany was split in 2 and remain divided for decades when your mother was born in 1969 the wall was already 8 years old as you know my grandchildren were born after the warfare born in the green line. 3 generations one family on a journey through recent german history. With. Us starts nov 6th on d. W. You may write to me down in history but you know thats a twist in that you may turn of me in this very daring and still night down. The demand to see me broken out of hand and knowing. Soulless foaming down. The back theres tension its a. New thing its a. Little. From the past. Let. Me. Look up. The u. S. Constitution is 229 years old in that time 3 u. S. President s have faced formal impeachment proceedings today President Donald Trump became the 4th tonight the politics of impeachment ill ask a former watergate prosecutor if he thinks impeachment can be fair and can the constitution survive the politicians who have promised to protect our bridge golf in berlin this is the day

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