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The military calls on protesters to stop blocking roads and bridges in baghdad as their harsh crackdown continues plus this week marks 30 years since the physical barrier separating east and west germany came down the line wall may be history but how united is the nation today we take a look at some of the differences that persist decades after the fall of the wall. Thats when youre so mourning subway commute means fending off groping of men women in japan are saying time is. Following terry march and good to have you with us the president of chile has proposed a minimum wage increase in a bid to calm tensions amid the countrys worst on rest in decades protests started last month span. Marked by a hike in subway fares and then widened into a Mass Movement against inequality president Sebastian Pinera also wants congress to approve other measures but will it be enough to convince angry citizens to give up their protests. The demonstrators clash with police in santiago unappeased by the governments latest concessions. Protesters build barricades and police respond. But according to to name Prosecutors Police tactics do not stop with tear gas water cannon and arrests they are investigating more than 800. 00 allegations of abuse by Police Including torture rape and beatings. President says his government has nothing to hide he has vowed to investigate crimes committed by police with the same tenacity as they pursue demonstrators who destroy property means of course it will work well with the same force and rekha any abuse it has been committed and the lack of respect use of force will also be investigated by the prosecution and the courts of justice if. Thats what happens in a democracy look at the rule of law thats in about it. What started as a protest over a rise in subway fares almost 3 weeks ago has grown into a movement against what many on the street see as the you wanting gap between rich and poor and the lack of support for ordinary people highways are just one of the Many Services chill a ins pay for directly Truck Drivers block the ring roads around the capital they say tolls for the roads operated by private companies are too high. If the fences are not a piece of highway agreements have been in place since 2006 the companies have turned back the investment 8 times over. And they keep charging us and people lined it up with. Some demonstrators want a new constitution for today one that protects social services and resources from being privatized for them increasing the minimum wage is just not enough. Call for lake is covering the story for us in santiago she says mistrust of the government and police remains hard well president said i stand being it as trying to appease protestors with symbolic gestures like the approval of minimum wage subsidies many see right through him in recent days he has embarked on a Charm Offensive of sorts giving lots of interviews visiting victims of Police Brutality in the hospital but too many people out in the streets protesting again today its too little too late and most importantly it comes from a president that they want gone the protests actually spread out today they didnt only take place in the centric plaza ditalia square people also gathered in santiago financial district and what struck me personally the most was how far riot police was driving protesters into residential areas there were hordes of people that had nothing to do with the protests hiding out in 4 years not daring to go out in the street fearing the lingering tear gas or being hit by stray rubber bullets so there is a deep feeling of insecurity and a huge mistrust in the police force and that is something the president will have to tackle if he wants to keep these protests from escalating. Nicol fairly there well theres also growing unrest in neighboring bolivia where opposition groups say president. Manipulated the results to claim victory in last months president ial election supporters and opponents of president iran this have clashed in several cities these images come from pas one student was killed in clashes with in another city the opposition has rallied around a civic leader named Luis Fernando camacho he has arrived in la paz following to go to the president ial palace to demand that iran a sign of prebudget and letter of resignation. Protesters in iraq have accused Security Forces there of firing live rounds of people who are blocking a bridge in the capital baghdad demonstrations against the government started early last month since then more than 250. 00 people have been killed and thousands injured the military has called on people to stop blocking roads ports an oil refinery saying its costing the country billions of dollars through. Gunfire ricochets around the streets of central baghdad. Demonstrates is trying to take shelter as bullets rained down fired witnesses say by iraqi Security Forces. Since tuesday antigovernment protest is have been blocking a major bridge in the capital. Police want them gone oh if they didnt let the United Nations see they use life or leads with human beings protesting and demanding our rights oh are you in there with those who fail got severely beaten look at what they did to my leg and my hand they started shooting live ammunition at us. Pretense of also broken out in on the parts of iraq in basra in the south of the country Security Forces broke up an Anti Government sit in demonstration. More than 250. 00 iraqis have lost their lives since the unrest began at the beginning of october the the violence is being condemned by the International Community. The secretary general says he is shocked by the death toll we have seen in recent days in iraq since the start of the demonstration the point neither side prepared to back down chaos has returned to the streets of iraq. Now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today iran has resumed uranium enrichment at an underground Nuclear Plant and a further significant step away from its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers this comes after the United States withdrew from the agreement and re impose sanctions on tehran irans Atomic Energy spokesman announced the move on state t. V. German Airline Lufthansa has canceled 1300 flights on thursday and friday affecting around 180000 passengers its the result of a 2 day strike by cabin crew over pay and conditions industrial action will affect mainly affects flights leaving germany airports. And u. S. Secretary of state like pump a 0 has arrived in germany to join in celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall and the end of the cold war he will visit leipsic and berlin to highlight the role of the United States in helping the people of eastern and Central Europe defeat communist. Well theres plenty going on across germany this week to mark that anniversary highlights of the festivities include video displays beamed onto iconic cold war sites the berlin wall surrounded what used to be west berlin east German Authorities said they built it to protect their country from supposed fascists but in reality it prevented their own citizens from fleeing to the democratic half of the divided cities a portal to the rest of the free world. After the fall of the berlin wall and ember night 1909 the 2 germanys were quickly reunited on a political level but socially and economically reunification has been difficult despite billions of euros in subsidies and an overhaul of infrastructure in the east major differences persists the w. s linda reports. This is in the middle of berlin the wall is still here but as the memory of the citys physical division ended long ago but there are still great differences between east and west incomes remain high in the west thats visible in each paycheck. The income gap may have narrowed over the past 30 years but on average westerners still earn a lot more. Reunification brought with it the collapse of almost all industry in east germany virtually nothing came along to replace it it wasnt for lack of money the government invested 1. 6 trillion euros in the former east. But high paying jobs are rare in the east mind and 3 percent of Major Companies are in the west in other key difference in the number of leadership positions in the east versus west after reunification the top jobs in politics education and commercial were filled by westerners what started as a quick solution to replace eastern germany executives has stayed almost entirely in place. Federal judges University Chancellor senior government officials Corporate Executives Decision Making positions are rally filled by easton is. Only 1. 7 percent of top leadership jobs are held by eastern germans and theres also a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction in the eastern part of the country 57 percent of easterners according to polls consider themselves 2nd class citizens that discontent also comes to the surface in elections the far right populist alternative for germany is twice as strong in the east as in the west. Recent Election Results have shaken the political establishment bringing east and west together is proving much harder than expected Great Strides have been made since 1809. 00 but experts say it will take decades more until the differences dividing germany are truly overcome. Well for some analysis Thomas Sparrow from our political desk is here with his crews good to see you told us technically germany has been reunited longer than it was divided thomas but as we just saw many many former east germans feel still feel like 2nd class citizens 30 years later yes why is germany failed to recover a sense of unity among its people well its important to stress that germany has indeed achieved a lot since the fall of the wall the wall 30 years ago since those street demonstrations that led to the fall of the wall where people were fighting for for freedom for democracy and even back then many people didnt know what was going to happen afterwards in that story that happened afterwards is a story indeed that many consider to be a story of success a story where people managed to bridge that divide with the differences were reduced in many ways but as you said problems still remain and there is still a very big challenge for German Authorities when it comes to trying to reduce some of the differences that still persist that we saw for example in libya as reported when you when you ask why why there is that sense of germany not being completely unified you have to think about perception on the one hand you also have to think about reality when you think about reality you see those statistics that linda mentioned the fact that for example income is different between the east and the west that Political Representation is different between the east and the west that there are many differences when it comes to these kinds of issues between the 2 parts of germany and theres a sense of perception thats especially in many east and germans who believe that they are not represented as well as people in the west that they do not as much as people in the west that they have been left behind all those a perception that a very important when it comes to understanding this problem of these differences between east and germany and west and this feeling of being 2nd class citizens these perceptions of inequality that youre talking about and some of them are very real or based on real facts this do. Satisfaction of the people in the east expresses itself politically and is reshaping germanys Political Landscape i would agree with you there in particular this is something thats been used by Political Parties on the right of the political spectrum in particular the party known as the f. T. Alternative for germany that is a party that is particularly strong in the eastern part of the country and we saw that for example in recent Regional Elections in the last few months we had 3 Regional Elections in the east where the a if team managed to get a very significant results for them and in particular they managed to get those results terry because they tapped into those feelings of uncertainty in the into that specific perception that were talking about when many people in the east feel as 2nd class citizens where they feel left behind by traditional parties so the government has done a lot try to overcome these divisions 1. 00 trillion euros pumped into the east what can it still do now to overcome these remaining divisions theres a whole package planned by the current Government Coalition which includes moving federal offices to the east increasing infrastructure making sure that for example train nines that were scrapped are put back in places in the east that Internet Connection is improved so you have a really a long list of things that the governor wants to do but the Governments Commission for german unity has also stressed that there is a structural issue that its something that began 30 years ago that has advanced a lot since then that is happening right now and that will probably continue also in the next few years and maybe even in the next few decades just briefly thomas many challenges what about the upside of green if occasion what is principally being celebrated recently is a story of success and this is something that we have to remember time and time again yes there might be differences yes there might be challenges but above all this is a story the germans a celebrating the berlin wall was a symbol of the cold war it was a symbol of 2 very different opposing political and economic systems and that was overcome and that is something that german the celebrated thomas thank you very much so a sparrow from our political desk. Of course all this week is bringing you special coverage of reports on the events leading up to the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago well also have live coverage of saturdays ceremonies and commemorations that is of course the 9th of november. Youre watching still to come a suspected subway groper is chased by schoolgirls in tokyo the japanese women are calling times on widespread Sexual Assault on crowded trains. Heavy rains are causing record flooding across east africa more than 2000000 people in several countries are effective especially in somalia and south sudan there the civil war had already left devastation now the rains are making things worse and forecasters say they could continue for weeks for. Water to the horizon entire villages have been submerged aide workers say theyre among the worst floods in the areas history south sudan has declared a state of emergency. Rising waters have pushed out more than 400000 people but not everyone can leave easily. Who are though this is so hard for disabled people like me that everyone is trying to save themselves 1st. But are not all of the water is getting deeper every day and i cant crawl in it. We need help to improve the situation here. For the u. N. And aid groups providing relief in south sudan poses a huge challenge a brutal civil war has already worn down the countrys infrastructure and Health System and as waters rise so does the risk of disease. The situation is so bad that now were living with dead animals waste and all submerged under the water were afraid of catching diseases and getting hurt we need help people are hungry or lost supplies have gone with the water were appealing for urgent support we need tents food and places to sleep. East africa is no stranger to cycles of drought and floods but experts say Climate Change is making oceans warmer and weather extremes worse the indian ocean which sends rains to east africa is unusually warm right now that means up to another 6 weeks of heavy rain for a region already under water. Catch up on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today gunmen have attacked a convoy of a Canadian Gold Mining Company killing at least 37 people the buses were transporting employees of the same mofo company in the east of the country and were being escorted by military personnel. A false alarm. Ship cole airport caused cancellations of a massive deployment of security personnel Spanish Airline air europa apologized saying the hijacking alert system on one of its planes had been activated by accident no passengers were harmed. And french actress catherine dinner is recovering in hospital after suffering a minor stroke according to her family these 76 year old actress is a star of french cinema and has featured in more than 100 films. Now taking the subway during rush hour can be a harrowing experience for anyone but in japan many women have the additional stress of dealing with this it all and Sexual Assault almost every woman there has a story of unwanted touching or groping its so much of a problem that transport officials started designated women only carry tjs a few years ago thats helped but it hasnt eliminated the problem now women are taking action to demand change. Tokyo in the morning rush hour the japanese capitals trains are jam packed bodies pressing against bodies for some these are the perfect conditions for to con or groping. Some of them i have been touched a lot of times around here and most people i know have had the same experience in. Life and using the agile smartphone function this path sent me a picture of his thing that of the big city. The continent has been part of japanese pop culture for some time cartoon films showing schoolgirls as helpless groping victims of a large fan base in a country where some couples do not even dare to hold hands in public. Situations like this one. Where groper is chased are rare. Most victims suffer in silence. Victims like ramon. Who was sexually harassed as a schoolgirl in the train she kept silent out of shame and because groping seemed socially acceptable for so long in japan. She recently developed a program that she can read or an Early Warning system to combat gropers 40000. 00 have already registered. When you got the a feeling of powerlessness comes from the fact that brokers are perceived as being completely normal it goes so far that the victims fear that the train will be stopped by their cry for help and that their fellow travellers will arrive late for work out of some kind of consideration they prefer not to say anything. Wants to change that she was sexually harassed when she was at Primary School the blogger has written a book about her experiences and demands that women talk about theres. A guilt moment i used to travel to school on the train with my male friends their experience of that environment was very different to mine so i realised that men can really only understand the problem if we talk about it clearly. And that is what ogawa does now. She takes us to an event of women who dont want to put up with it anymore. The flower demo takes place once a month its for people who have been victims of groping or who have experienced sexual violence. So the demo is a very important place for us a place where we gain hope and the feeling that our voices can change something. In japan a country where few are outspoken the flower demos are almost about pollution. By you know. Some of the women talk about their worst experiences and seeing that gives me the feeling that were moving together not. Only. And tell if something changes in japan. Will be coming back here every month. That is. Well football now and much day 4 of the Champions League day brannock from v. W. Sport is here to talk us through it morning day so 2 games to spare still in the group stage and a handful of teams have already qualified for the knockout round are they the favorites then to win yes so after last night p. S. G. You venturesome byron munition are the 3 1st teams to advance into the knockout rounds and there are 3 of the biggest teams in the world but just because theyre through doesnt mean i think we can necessarily call them favorites i mean looking at byron for instance there in the middle of really disarray and actually they just got rid of their coach sunday and it was their interim coach on the flicks 1st 1st match under the reins so if they can get through it doesnt really i mean you know want to say anybody can do it but theyre struggling and still managed and we actually have a quote from interim coach the flick about that experience as its been made a license im very pleased with that so for most of the team put on its its not been an easy week for the players and staff after the coaching change and obviously weve reached the last 16 of the Champions League and were very happy if we. Very happy but it was a lackluster win there for bion is that going to be enough to assure by and fans that the season is back on track and that the flick is the guy to take them where they need to go yeah i mean as you said it really was a bit of an unconvincing to know when over of the. They showed a lot of the issues that theyve had in the past couple weeks underneath coco bouts that didnt initially improve under flick the defense really looked in disarray they were pretty of loss and as usual their reliance. Who got another goal to kind of bail them out plus a late one from paris to make it look a bit better so i mean flick he was only there a couple of days he didnt magically fix a bunch of injuries and change the entire look of the team but also that theyre in flux its hard to say that hell even be there very long and at the end of the day its still biron there through into the knockout rounds and theyre only 4 points from the top of the bundesliga and this weekend they have a massive match against dortmund coming up where they could actually even keep moving up that ladder ok speaking of dortmund how did they and the other 2 bonus league teams fare in the competitions it was a solid showing for german teams in the Champions League last night dortmund pulled off a thrilling 32. 00 victory over into milan where they came back from 2 nil thanks to kimi scoring 2 goals so that it has them breathing down barcelonas north America Group and then by leverkusen held on against a political madrid for a 21 win which was really solid from them so big night for all the german teams and there is a pretty decent chance that all of them could advance today thank you so much Dave Braddock from v. W. Sports. Just realign or at the top stories were following for you here today on the news chiles president has moved to increase the minimum wage benefit to quell the countrys worst unrest in decades police in santiago have used water cannon and tear gas on protesters against inequality. And in iraq and the government protestors accuse Security Forces of shooting at them with live bullets the military has called on protesters to stop blocking roads and bridges in baghdad. This is t w news live from berlin up next focus on europe with reports on the violence against french politicians songs focus on europe this week also has stories all slovakia russia and kosovo and of course all this news information on our website e. W. Dot com thanks very much. Shortage of teachers in rural areas. Its a big problem for russia and a huge problem for children. Oh you know our son yon isnt a teacher but he wants to do something positive. He volunteered early travels to remote areas in teaches kids to open doors of opportunity for them. Next on t. W. Into the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian is hong kongs prodemocracy movement imagined it has be our qualified support of the International Community it is better to get i guess this week here in berlin to use joe yusuf a prodemocracy activist should he tell movement now charge to make a deal with the Hong Kong Government before that becomes impossible conflict zone. In 60 minutes on d w. Come to. Discover your concept discover it with a. School. After 100 lives the ideals of the bombs are more relevant today than they were a 100 years ago visionaries reshapes things to cut all the boss people understood design as a way of shaping society. With this. Small 3 part documentary starts november 14th on d. W. L. O. And a warm welcome to focus on europe. Thanks for joining us today. They are terrorists who tortured and killed for their own caliphate the Islamic State jihadists many brought their wives and children to the war in syria or founded families there some 5000 came from europe and after the fall of the terror group may

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