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Criticism and cut short his holiday to face the bushfires christ 62 volunteer firefighters battling a blaze near sydney that killed as crews worked to contain more than 100 finest. Police in any attack over new nationwide protests against its controversial new citizenship 11 people died in the on the western towns that are to take the. Last stop to private in hawaii to find out which country dominated a qualifying for such things taking him picks next year. And have a home free glad you could join me british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won the backing of lawmakers for his bill to take fortune out of the European Union now the vote followed the concern. It is substantial victory in last weeks snap election the veil has a few more stages to go through before it becomes law but getting past this 1st hurdle means that the u. K. Is finally on a definite course to leaving the European Union at the end of next month. After winning his historic election victory last week Boris Johnson said he wanted to heal the nation and in the house of commons he presented his bracks sits bill as a step towards that was a time that together as one reinvigorated nation one United Kingdom filled with a renewed confidence in our National Destiny and determined the glass to take advantage of the opportunities but not before us but despite the sweet talking johnson had stripped away many of the sweetness trees a may had added to help and peace support it before the election that raised passions from the opposition. This things out of an issue is not only workers rights that are being downgraded it is commentary and rights because the ability of the legislature to scrutinize executive has been taking it is bad for democracy. Outgoing labor leader Jeremy Corbyn still licking his wounds after humiliating defeat drew attention instead to what he saw as bracks its damaging implications for ordinary people will sell out on this deal will be used as a battering ram to drive us down the path of yet more deregulation. And so wards i took sick deal with donald trump he didnt draw attention to a surprise in johnsons bill which will limit the negotiating time to just 12 months critics argue it will give the Prime Minister thats room to maneuver in talks johnson says itll speed things up yeah it is true we depart from the e. U. On the 31st agenda that point breaks it will be done it will be over johnsons mantra during the election was get bracks it done but its unlikely that the argument over britains place in europe will end with this bill on the new rules well the correspondent bob of a zal says that the mood among conservative m. P. s is trial and after Boris Johnson won his brags that vote in the house of commons. Britain is going to leave the European Union on the 3031st of january. And the triumphant poll of conservative problem in chariots that we just saw and heard again means to let go of all hope for those who had opposed the protest movement and of course deal position would try to sort of wrangle concessions far soft of rexx it or maybe a 2nd referendum for months and months on end we remember this fractious year in british politics but all that is now coming to an end because the rest is mere formality there are some fall new votes to overcome in the end nothing now stands in the way of Boris Johnson and his brics it. So that is the respective from london the path ahead is still fraught with pitfalls and perhaps the Biggest Issue remains what will happen in an island off the brakes it will kick you know from business is here to explain why good to see you i mean 1st off what has been the reaction in audit today to this vote i think probably relief on the one hand a certain amount of bewilderment again an ongoing sadness that britain is leaving the u. Because obviously its its for our land it is a tragedy and also a major challenge and then also a certain amount of skepticism its almost like the boy who cried wolf you know theyve heard so many different so many times this is going to happen so i think theres going to be a combination of all these different feelings when when people in art and see what Boris Johnson is saying today in the house of commons and one of the things that he was saying in the house of commons today was the fact that this now so the issue over the irish buddha arguably one of the trickiest most contentious issues in this whole debate is he right when he says well i think like a lot of things he said in the run up to the to the election talking about the bracks issue is that i mean its partially right in the. The solution that hes come up with moves the moves the hard border to back to the seaports where goods coming into the into Northern Ireland will be checked at the seaports rather than at a hard border with the rest of our land with the south of ireland but at the he also said that it will be no problem with czechs a lot of the commentators today under also members of the government have been saying that actually there could be some problems with this and that he needs to maybe calm down and be a bit more considerate in his approach to this off of this bill is passed were talking about you know a few trading relationship between the u. K. And the European Union the world to the law its largest economies i mean why is tiny island so central in this well its made i mean because of the historical relationship because a part of the island of ireland is a part of the United Kingdom and even though and is very small in economic terms regarding in relation to the to the United Kingdom it is a member of the e. U. The e. U. Has backed arlen in the face of whats going on in the u. K. And it also has huge potential for if you look at scotland scotland is looking at whats happening in ireland in the recent election voters in Northern Ireland 68 percent of them voted in favor of remain parties so that could be the northern arm decides to leave. To leave britain which for would which would be a disaster for the whole bracks of project it would also spark movements in scotland so theres a lot of different issues even though on it is quite small geographically it has fights above its weight in terms of the importance that it has for the overall brecks of the base you just get the sense today that there are potentially so many more steps to come surprises pitfalls potentially that putting into that to for us today cafe and from business thank you so much. When i take it now some of the other stories making news around the world. Britains Prince Philip has been admitted to a London Hospital for what Buckingham Palace says is precautionary treatment of a preexisting condition of oil sources told the media that Queen Elizabeths 98 year old husband was able to enter the Hospital Building on foot the prince retired from public life in 2870. A 2nd Intelligence Service officer has died after a shooting outside russias f. S. B. Security headquarters last night the suspect was shot dead by police at the scene investigators raided his home outside of moscow earlier on friday. Supporters of Outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister saad hariri blocked streets and scuffled with soldiers in beirut theyre angry at the nomination of a politician backed by militant Group Hezbollah to meet the next government of Prime Minister designate. Has promised to work toward stability in the crisis to the country. A straight as Prime Minister Scott Morrison has apologized for go on holiday while the country contends with a massive bushfire emergency mr marson paid tribute to 2 volunteer firefighters who were killed as they tackled the blaze near sydney 3 others were seriously injured now they were among thousands battling to contain about 100 ferocious blazes raging across the state of New South Wales. Crews struggling to tame wild bushfires in South Australia rule teams are doing their best to contain the threat in multiple locations but its perilous work especially for those on the ground. On thursday to volunteer firefighters were killed battling flames just south of sydney and road while and jeffrey keeping died after a burning tree fell on the truck. These 2 brave young men who lost their lives represent for us the thousands and thousands of volunteers on the ground today tomorrow and in the days coming put their own life their own safety on the line to protect others sydney meanwhile has been envelop than a shroud of smoke with fires raging near the state capital only its taller structures remain visible its famous landmarks kasten an apple collected light. On the ground a few dear to venture outside without face masks air pollution in sydney is now several times what experts believe to be hazardous the fires are being fuelled by drought and record temperatures which Scientists Say a result of Climate Change. And many are angry at this man Prime Minister Scott Morrison is currently facing criticism for leaving the country to holiday in hawaii. Protesters turned up at his empty home in sydney and accused him of not doing enough to end the country some reliance on fossil fuels the reality of Climate Change is upon us droughts are getting longer and more severe heat waves are becoming longer and more severe our bushfire season is creeping into spring and winter we are living in a dangerous climate and it is time for our Prime Minister to get out of the pockets of the coal and gas lobby groups and to start thinking about the future of the strain only and. Has responded to the crisis and cut short his holiday but while he has apologized for being absent he has yet to give in to demands to act on Climate Change. When james morris is from the New South Wales Rural Fire Service he told us what firefighters a doing to combat these mega blazes based far has been burning in very very remark and rugged terrain a lot of these areas do not have close can time lines other way can simply do a direct attack or do close can time and so are now strategies now to fall back to communities and want to areas to protect times as these fires come out into habited areas now the Biggest Issue at this stage is that these trials asar large and with catastrophic fire conditions predicted for tomorrow across a number of areas the only thing that we will be out do tomorrow is to protect law and try to protect property where we can under these conditions cause its simply too dangerous to be able to have far far as trying to control these fires under those conditions. Well youre watching the daily news still to come the u. S. Spacecraft starliner fails to reach the desired overt for its test flights the International Space station will look at whats caused the great ship what it means for the mission. The 1st at least 11 people have been killed during growing demonstrations against indias new citizenship law protesters have clashed with police in cities across the country despite large gatherings being banned in many areas now the new no offers a route to indian citizenship for migrants fake religious persecution in neighboring countries but it excludes muslims now purchase a say this violates indias secular constitution that are growing fears that the or could be a step on the way to stripping Indian Muslims of their citizenship has more what the people there say any other museum will be able to get into the citizenship of india right it is not a muslim what business is there is this or something this is a discrimination all right on the basis of religion. The goal of our democracy is to include everyone in a democracy and nobody is right should be harmed when our rights are threatened of course we will turn out onto the streets everyone who cares about their independence that they are yeah i dont harm you if you are united we can bring change we have elected this government we can make it for 2 the government is in power because of us we have given them their power without us there nothing. Would you know correspondent mr gys well has been to one of the protests and sent us this now from delhis mosque. Massive protests have broken out once again in the National Capital we have the john was just one of the biggest mosques in the country and protesters have turned out in force to speak out against the controversial citizenship Amendment Act but this is not the 1st time that a process happening in dendy the act was passed over 2 weeks ago in parliament and there have been taught tests almost every day and theyre also not district to new delhi yesterday of protests broke out across 10 states the missions were not granted on many of these fought us but people have still turned out the missions were not granted for the spot test either which is why of this also a heavy security deployment on the ground the police has been criticized over the last week for using Excessive Force the example of the jon hammar. University in new delhi stands out when last weekend students unless of the Police Deployed Excessive Force beat up students and also used tear gas against students who were protesting peacefully the police have the night these allegations and they say that only the minimal amount of force was used theres also been widespread criticism of the fact that internet shutdowns have been carried out across the country in different parts of the country where protests have broken out that questions being raised if this government is using undemocratic means to clamp down on dissent these top test just civil protests have largely been peaceful there have been some reports so while and but most of these protesters turning out are only coming out with both does and slogans the critics of this act and the protestors are saying that this act is unconstitutional because it violates the secular fabric of this countrys constitution theyre saying that granting citizenship on the basis of religion is not something that india. Should we doing as a secular country this act basically makes it easy for non muslims from afghanistan mung edition pakistan to gain indian citizenship and protesters and critics are concerned that this combined with other boiler seas off the Indian Government could harm Indian Muslims the government has denied that this act will impact Indian Muslims in any way but protesters here are telling us that they will continue with this civil unrest until the government does something that is also high hopes been staked in the Indian Supreme Court the hope is that the Indian Supreme Court will strike down this act as unconstitutional. Well the troubled u. S. Aircraft Company Boeing faces another setback its starliner astral capsule went off course and didnt reach its planned or base but the u. S. Space agency nasa says that the an unmanned spacecraft is in a stable position after its launch on a test flight to the International Space station on friday now the starliner is meant to free nasa from reliance on russia to travel to the International Space station now has been forced to rely on russian soyuz rockets to transport is astronauts since the Space Shuttle program was terminated in 2011 well in a News Conference in the us or administrator Jim Bryden Stein said that a technical error with the on board clock caused the glitch to take a listen to what he had to say. That anomaly resulted in the vehicle believing that the time was different than it actually was and because that timing was a little bit off. What ended up happening is the spacecraft tried to maintain a very precise control that it normally wouldnt have tried to maintain and it burned a lot of a lot of prop in that in that part of the flight and when that prop got burnt looked like we were going to be able to go ahead and rendezvous with the International Space station well lets bring in kate cowan now a former nasa employee and now a credentialed nasa journalist kate according to a nasa administrator the timing was a bit off is that an accurate assessment of what went wrong in your view oh yeah he explained it perfectly well the clock did not know what time it was but the spacecraft did exactly what it should have done at the time the clock find it was unfortunately the clock was wrong and here we are ok so i mean nasa was also katie seeking to reassure perhaps all those space geeks out there saying that they stole a line as all the systems are working does that look to be the case. If the spacecraft is most likely perfect condition and Everything Else henceforth will go according to plan except its main purpose of flying was to test the spacecraft and also go to the International Space station and it will not be able to do that its likely that it will come in to land in about 2 days otherwise again its just a matter of the clock not knowing what time it is and everything you know not going according to plan so the program will go ahead with these 1st test flights including astronauts next year one of them did appear at the News Conference lets listen to what she had to say and then come back to. We are looking forward to flying on starliner we dont have any safety concerns that everything an asset and all the systems that would keep us safe have functioned properly on the launch and currently on the vehicle were looking forward to all the test data im looking forward to landing at white sands so i guess the question is is this a line of ready to bring astronauts safely into space and crucially back safely as well well one of you just heard an astronaut say shes ready to go and so i mean i take that with the agree deal certainty but yet that these years you know hes always a 1st time why something that is what has happened here and you know sometimes things go well sometimes they dont i hope we dont hear the phrase space is hard because this is something that you know the u. S. And russia have been doing for more than half a century and is putting people low earth orbit but that said this is an advanced spacecraft its had the benefit of half a century of flying people into space and you know if if youre going to have a problem have a problem with the clock because again the clock was off but the spacecraft to everything perfectly well just at the right time so you know this is probably the best bad problem you could have in a flight like this is that normal day because the cutting off it seems like something that nasa should be able to get right you know what this is certainly for getting the to be honest when i heard this is what the cause was this is sort of like forgetting the tie your shoes i mean its you know normally the 1st flight you expect something much more complicated or you know its good to go wrong but this is sort of a you know. I would like to hear the meeting where this was 1st announced to nasa that the clock was wrong and very brief if you dont mind i mean how important is this program not just for nasa but boeing as well because it has had a low point reputation a flight. Well you know its a big company so i wouldnt connect this spacecraft in any way with the airliner problems with that theyre just 2 totally different groups of people to truly have types of vehicles and so forth clearly its important to boeing you have there is another company several of the companies that are doing this as well space x. Will be flying their own crew spacecraft soon and theres several other companies that are looking to get involved as well and what nasa decided to do here was as they replace the Space Shuttle with commercial vehicles they were kind of smart and thought you know what i dont want to have just one way to get to space i want 2 or 3 such that if Something Like this happens youve got another type of spacecraft that can pick up the slack so you know again something went wrong it shouldnt have gone wrong but you kind of see that this the system actually is a little bit better thought out than the way that weve used to put people into space which is one big spacecraft with no backup yet its always good to have backups but are you confident that they start line up program will be a success story. Yes am i am i getting this is sort of a center so of a unfortunate and slightly dumb mistake but if this is the mistake theyre going to have in the 1st place well ok thats a good one to have all right keith cowing thanks a lot your perspective a pleasure well this is the devaneys these are all top stories. British lawmakers have backs Prime Minister Boris Johnsons withdrawal bill by a large majority u. K. Is now on course to leave the European Union at the end of january voting largely followed party lines and follows the failure of similar attempts to take the measure through parliament before a recent election that delivered a big victory to johnsons conservatives. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has apologised for going on holidays the country faces a massive bush farm urgency to volunteer firefighters have died battling the at least 100. 00 blazes across the state of New South Wales the fires have been burning for weeks consuming nearly 1200000 hectares of land. In india at least 11 people have died in mass rallies against a new citizenship story thousands more have been arrested following a police ban on large gatherings the new law makes it easier for non muslim migrants to gain indian citizenship critics say that the measures threaten indias secular democracy. Well this is the news from berlin for more followers on twitter d w news all visit our website dot com. Now surfing makes its debut at the summer olympics next year in the wall surf league is acting as a qualification breach now brazil proved they will be a force to be reckoned with in tokyo with male surfers finishing 1st and 2nd in hawaii but the world title went to the lesser known of the 2. I champion performance from brazils its hollow for a 000. But theres a wing showing in hawaii saw the 25 year old still his 1st world surfing title. Trophies are one thing but an even greater prize has a so being secured. For as underdog victory means hes earned a place at next years Olympic Games in tokyo alongside compact trip and runner up gabriel medina. Im so happy right now to represent various you know it games with gabriel ok the brazilians will be joined at the games next july and august by mail surface from the likes of australia france japan and the us. Its the 1st time surfing will be included as an olympic event. Another performance like this one will be the bare minimum if sarah is to achieve more glory in japan next year. When i forget you can always get d w news on the go with our get access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications on your phone for any breaking news and if you are part of a news story you can also use the g w out to send us photos and videos of what is happening where you are just download the app from google play or from the apple store where you are watching the news from berlin up next eco africa the environment magazine theres a get all the latest news on our website that is d w dot com im home free in balance thanks for your company and c. C. Because africa as greece is tragic climate protection students from 20 countries involved in a scientific expedition need to chat columns to collect samples from to devise the same time to look at sea surface temperatures or the prosecutor help them to spread environmental awareness i cut him. When he wants to share that theres a lot that we can be cold comfort god knows d. W. People. I think is everything challenging 1st off i make a muslim. School much different culture between here and there so challenging for everything. From the from the so i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. Months ago my license to work as a swimming instructor a douche for an hour and 2 children 100. 00 just one of the toughest. Whats your story take part share it on in full migrants caught. In the other side of Climate Change. Cause for most of us come. Up some stupid people. One day years today how far future is going to cut. G. W. Dot com for candidates if the multimedia seems clear cut. Hello and welcome to the new edition of africa. In germany n. T. V. In uganda and. I am sondra to novia reporting from compiler here in uganda and of course with my charming colleague in nigeria hello everybody. And greetings from this part of the world

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