A big step towards imagine russian control over the territory despite International Sanctions plus more allegations of racist abuse and english football the Players Association is demanding a government inquiry after shell seized on 20 alluding to was allegedly subjected to monkey chants on the pitch. Im sumi so much going to thank you for joining us a court in saudi arabia has sentenced 5 people to death for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi it also handed prison terms to 3 additional suspects in connection with the killing the saudi writer and dissident was never seen again after entering the kingdoms consulate in istanbul last year he was killed and reportedly dismembered inside the building but his remains were never found it was a resit. Of the u. S. At the time and known for writing critically about the saudi royal family. For more on the story we can speak to ca toby cadman hes an International Human rights lawyer who has followed this case closely toby thank you for joining us what do you make of this verdict. Well i think it is very disappointing i dont think anybody should be altogether surprised as it was very clear that this really was going to be a whitewash in the very beginning and i think whats most disappointing is that 2 senior officials who were alleged to have been close to the moment been somebody. Directly involved with the carrying out faulty execution and effectively the clean up operation where you one of them was charged earned and acquitted and one of them was not even charged so i dont think we can say that justice has been so. And it is clearly an attempt to. Appease or attempt to these International Community that action has been taken we saw the United Nations issue a special report to that implicated members of the royal family very high up including the crown prince himself tell me why hasnt there been an International Investigation into this case. Well obviously the their ability to speak their own part by the un special rapporteur has come up had also set tight the challenges involved with accountability at the International Level regrettably this is not a matter that the International Criminal court has jurisdiction to do with neither you know saudi arabia or members and their i. C. C. Doesnt deal with individual killings and interest criminal court doesnt have jurisdiction and also the Center Authorities made it quite clear that they would not cooperate with the turkish authorities in an address investigation being cared and would not cooperate with the un in their own investigation and i think the special report has highlighted in her report and since then in a number of statements that this is a vacuum all over accountability that there is no International Level to do with this i mean that was talk about potentially establishing a special tribunals as they did with the lebanon case with the cessation of hariri that the un could in fact set up an International Tribunal but it hasnt taken those discussions any further forward and so the only real way for the family to to see any justice is through seeking accountability through universal jurisdiction potentially in europe or in the United States tell me do you see that happening i mean what does this mean for democracy it seems neither at this point do you think that this case is now essentially closed. No its not close near and it will of course be the attempts to to ensure that those who are responsible how how terrible there are groups working with the family they dont try to to at least start a case where the civil criminal in the United States and also im sure there will be attempts to to bring this before courts in europe certainly the u. K. Courts and the german courts have jurisdiction to do with matters such as this and of course that will be what is continuing with the tactics with her to use them so i think that there will be accountability will the the person whos alternately responsible and who american intelligence said is ultimately responsible the crown prince that remains to be seen but i dont think its something thats necessarily going to happen immediately but its going to take some time all right toby cadman an International Human rights lawyer joining us thank you very much. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world thousands of held new protests in india against a controversial citizenship law it fast tracks indian citizenship for a number of persecuted minority groups but excludes muslims some critics call the law discriminatory and unconstitutional while others fear it will lead to mass migration into india more than 20 have died in a wrestling to protest against the law. China says it will lower import tariffs on more than 800. 00 products starting next month including food items like fish and frozen pork thats after what seems to be a thaw in the countrys trade battle with washington the 2 sides are reportedly making progress towards a comprehensive trade deal. In the u. S. State of virginia several people are in serious condition after dozens of cars were involved in a highway collision more than 60 vehicles crashed into one another Officials Say fog and ice likely contributed to the pileup no fatalities have been reported. Russia has officially launched direct Passenger Train Service to the annexed territory of crimea using a route that bypasses mainland ukraine people can now travel from St Petersburg southward to word the crimean city of sevastopol the trip takes 44 hours and crosses the crimean bridge which moscow is accused of building illegally question president Vladimir Putin rode along a section of the route on monday to inaugurate the railway must seize crimea from ukraine in 2014 a move that has drawn International Condemnation and the new train route to seen as a fresh step to cement russias grip on the region. Lets get the latest on the story our correspondent emily sure win a standing by in moscow why is this new Train Service so important to Vladimir Putin. Well sumi as you said the move russia has moved to annex the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 was condemned widely by the International Community but here in russia its seen as a patriotic victory and in a way this bridge is kind of a concrete manifestation of that russia russians after all see the Crimean Peninsula as there is during the soviet union it was a popular holiday destination and the peninsula is actually gifted by crucial to ukraine in 1954 when it didnt really matter when it was all the soviet union and so people here really celebrated the an accession the illegal an exception of that peninsula in 2014 as a defiant move from bloody amir putin hes very much seen as a symbol of kind of russia standing against the west defying the west and actually that manic sation led to a huge spike in putins ratings as well one that he could need at the moment with surveys showing that trust is that historic low in bloody revolution this whole thing covered by russian media. Well the coverage of this opening today has been rather bombastic we saw putin kind of traveling across the bridge we saw presenters referring to that footage today on t. V. As a historic moment just last year Vladimir Putin opened kind of a road traffic on the bridge he actually drove across a truck across the bridge now we see him and then in a train he was addressing as well workers today the workers that build that built this bridge in as people here say record time and he was saying that this is a symbol that russia really can do everything and anything at all and we mentioned that people accuse moscow of building that bridge illegally i mean how is this being seen internationally. Well this bridge is seen by the u. S. By the e. U. And by ukraine as well as a violation of ukraines sovereignty of course ukraine sees the bridge as illegal in the sense that people passengers will be entering entering what they see as ukrainian territory via the russian mainland so thats kind of against against International Law and there have been sanctions as well against russia starting in 2014 for the annexation and for russias involvement in supporting separatists in Eastern Ukraine as well and the e. U. Has just prolonged those sanctions for another half a year but it seems today from that footage that weve seen and from this opening from this this train journeys that were seeing this defiance that russia is certainly going to stand its ground when it comes to crimea. Been covering this story for us from moscow thank you well trains are definitely not running regularly in france a nationwide rail strike is well into his 3rd week there and it is wreaking havoc on transport across the country the strikers are protesting president plans to reform the pension system. The hustle and bustle of the holidays is nowhere in sight at this parisian train station nearly every other Long Distance train has been cancelled across france still many are determined to travel or go home for the holidays some passengers trying to rebook others give up. My ticket has been canceled as has my entire trip i wont be able to visit my children. Its just 10 percent of real workers or room 200 people are blocking the whole country before i believe in christmas miracles that hoping for a treat tomorrow. The french president whos visiting the ivory coast isnt hoping for a miracle but at least for a gesture of goodwill from the unions the movement has the right to strike is enshrined in the constitution but i think there are situations where a temporary truce would be good. Just out of respect to families if any but his appeal has fallen on deaf ears the unions plan to keep on striking over the holidays that means long queues and crowded trains as the countdown to christmas nears. Football now and in the u. K. The Players Association is calling on the British Government to launch an inquiry into racism that comes after shell see defender antonio who allegedly faced monkey chants during chelseas 2 no win over tottenham on sunday despite growing calls to do more to combat racism in football many feel there is still far too little action. The latest racist incident in the premier League Chelsea defender antonio due to go faced monkey chants by some spurs fans after clashing with son one man who received direct caught for the fall one minute ago complained about the verbal abuse the referee briefly stopped play during the 2nd half and a public announcement was made in the stadium morning that racist behavior was interfering with the game chelsea eventually went on to win the match but the incident overshadowed the victory. I hate racism in. Racing than in football and theres a point in that. Says i like that to happen i dont know whos Getting Better or worse but if it is fighting is true and i happened to be that was and punishment needs to be strong. Is hopeful that the fans will be identified i really hope that the offenders will be found and in a modern Football Ground like tottenham stadium with dozens of t. V. And security cameras it must be possible to find and punish them. But this is not an isolated incident in the premier league earlier this month Manchester United mitri and the fred was targeted by a Manchester City fan but the ruediger incident seems to have set a bar in motion on the professional Footballers Association is urging the British Government to get involved and set up an inquiry into the game and tottenham have also promised to take the strongest possible action but for many that is exactly whats lacking action. In german football sundays late one dislike the match frankfurt had a golden opportunity to end their slump they faced last place potter born but the freshly promoted team dug deep to pull off a surprise when. The last one just they got a match of 29 team. Coach audi which was frankfurt have been banged up by a heavy schedule meanwhile Stephan Baumgartner patter born want to keep the hope of leaving the drop zone and they got off to a strong start made serbia to be trying his luck from distance in the 9th minute and he hit the target frankfurt keeper felix speed volved could only watch it go in the last place where having a better game and they made it to nil shortly before the break defender Sebastian Sean lowe heading home a free kick patter born in command out after. He heard his men tried to erase the deficit after the restart but the most they could manage was a consolation goal from pass doest 21 the final score patter born with their 3rd win of the season and the newly promoted team havent thrown in the towel just yet. Right coming up next interview news asia with the range banners and dont forget for all the latest headlines you can follow us on twitter our handle there at the news thank you for watching. And in the end this is a me youre not allowed to stay here. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were lions and. Whats yours

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