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Etiquette to contain the coronavirus germanys interior minister is not shaking hands with anyone as the country moves to lay down the best practices for keeping the virus in. Plus californias latino population could have a decisive voice in the super tuesday vote for president ial candidates for expecting to vote mainly democratic in this election but which of the candidates will get their back. Im brian thomas great to have you with us today we begin this program in israel where exit polls suggest that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a solid lead over his main rival in mondays parliamentary election but israeli media is saying that his look party and its allies are likely to fall short of an outright parliamentary majority official results are expected later today. This is the night of the giant victory. Netanyahu is victorious until exit polls were announced it wasnt clear whether his alliance of parties would get the most votes his opponent benny gantz leader of the centrist alliance did not concede defeat but he didnt sound that upbeat we saw the lowest campaign in the history of israel where many lies and slanders were spread against us and me personally they thought i would get frightened they thought i would link and im telling you i did not and i will not netanyahu supporters were pleasantly surprised. That story. Put it that. Its likely netanyahu will be given a chance to form a coalition for an historic 5th term but its unclear exactly how hell break the deadlock this election was called after he tried and failed to get enough support last time around netanyahu campaigned in the shadow of a looming corruption trial which is due to start in 2 weeks his victory to cement his reputation as israels most durable of politicians. For more lets bring in Dalia Sheindlin shes a political consultant at the Israeli Institute for Foreign Policy joining us from tel aviv today good day to you thanks for coming in and can you tell us how it is results different from the last 2 israeli elections. One of the major difference is that the crude finally has a victory over the Competitor Party blue and white youll remember that in april the parties were absolutely tied at 35. 00 seats each and in the elections of september the who went down a few scenes and had a slight disadvantage this is before we even talk about the Coalition Partners i think that there is a major psychological impact in the country to seeing one party do significantly better than the other. It is projected to have 36. 00 or 37. 00 seats anywhere between a 3. 00 and 5. 00 seat need over the competitor that makes a big difference in terms of peoples perception that they want we have had a year of deadlock and this looks different having said that as you point out it is not clear that the could has the 61 seats needed to form a coalition a majority of the parliamentary seats and so we will have to await some Coalition Negotiation which will be fraught there will be challenges to the legal tender possibility of the Prime Minister the current Prime Minister being asked to form a government while under indictment the Supreme Court may be asked to rule on that and that will generate a lot of uncertainty but the fact that the likud is leaving is the major difference for now let me jump in on that what are your thoughts well do to go see asians that will be ahead now that you mentioned will they lead to a majority for Benjamin Netanyahu or will we see continued political deadlock. Well there is another option that people started to talk about which looks also likely or possible which is that the likud when its while its forming the government and you know who can ask people to defect from the other side theres no rule that a person or a faction within the party cannot leave and join another party remember that. Many of our parties are coalitions of smaller parties that came together and there are laws against individual defectors or that place heavy sanctions on small you know small portions of the party defecting but if there is a faction and existing faction within a party from the center a left and we have several of those who might be candidates for joining a right wing government thats not impossible and there are few sanctions on that kind of shake a so for example blue and white as small parties within it its an amalgam of several parties and one of those parties is a fairly right leaning party of bloodshed was formerly called person lets bring this all together doesnt look like israel is headed into a period of stability under a center right government now israel is probably heading into a period of more stability under a government that might be a fully right wing government with maybe somebody from the center but not necessarily again the one of the candidates for that defection is essentially a right wing candidate so it could very well be firm rightly government dollars silence from the things really institute for Foreign Policy in tel avivs thanks so much for your input this morning putting this all together for us thank you for having me. Lets get you briefed on some of the other stories making the news this hour chiles president has threatened to reimpose a state of emergency as antigovernment demonstrations Gain Momentum violent clashes rocked the countless on thiago again on monday since october the south American Country has seen protests over economic inequality and the high cost of the. Flooding caused by heavy rains has killed at least 4 people in affected thousands of others in Rio De Janeiro in the west of the city the dollars dragged away cars water and mud rising there above one meter and many hopes. The vatican has opened its archives on the papacy of pius the 12 during world war 2 the archives were kept secret for decades of missed accusations parise turned a blind eye during the holocaust dozens of scholars have gone to rome to examine the archives documents. Now see that detentions at the border between the European Union and turkey and fears of a new chapter of the migration crisis is set to worsen it started when turkey confirmed over the weekend that it would not stop migrants in its territory from trying to enter the e. U. Now since then thousands have been heading towards greece for song the journey has already turned deadly on monday a child drowned after a boat capsized on route to the island of lesbos other migrants are facing determined pushback as they try to reach the you by land and by sea. Repelled at sea turkey released this footage of the coastal city of bodrum say it shows a greek coast guard pushing back a boat filled with migrants its one of the tactics we call thirtys are using off to turkey opened its border allowing migrants to try and enter the e. U. Greece says it has stopped almost 10000. 00 attempted crossings over a 24 hour period. They fired tear gas to disperse the crowds gathering at the border fences. The migrants can head to greek or to authorities across the river telling them to go back the borders are closed. Its not a command thats likely to be obeyed. We keep waiting here because we left our homes those of us who had homes whenever things to sell got money for them so they could get out if we have to go back we will have to sleep in the streets. What can we do were stuck here we cant go back home. On sunday some groups tried a hazardous route across the river ever us with some success greece accuses ankara of organizing a campaign to push people through the greek turkish border. This migrant from cameroon waded across the river to reach greece she says shed been told to leave turkey and along with refugees from syria she was taken by pass from istanbul to the turkish border. More syria. No. But greek police were waiting on the other side. German chancellor Angela Merkel criticized turkish president rejects at a one for using the migrants as political pawns. In this thing given all the understanding and a willingness to provide more support. I think its totally unacceptable to deal with this at the expense of migrants so its off to me theyve been encouraged to go to the border only to end up at a dead end again. And our policy and the policy of the e. U. Turkey deal is not aimed at conducting politics at the migrants expense deaf misting a politics of moms. With migrants stuck in a no mans land the pressure is on for politicians to find a way out of the stalemate. Lets go now to the ws marc songer hes on the greek side of the turkish agree border good day to you max can you tell us where you are and whats happening where you are this morning. Dessie morning brian im here im standing here only on the greek side at the customs a checkpoint in custom. I dont have actual eyes on the situation at the border this is still a few 100 meters away from the actual border line where according to i. O. M. Roughly 30000 people are stuck waiting to be able to cross europe. Has acquired here you dont see cant really see the tragedy that is unfolding here there are vehicles passing in and now mostly military and police and going into the green zone i havent been to the green dont get myself but from college on the ground ive heard that there is full of military and trying to see a couple situation ok ok michael groups of migrants have been trying to force their way through the border over the past few days are you getting a sense of how a Greek Security forces will respond should that continue. Where you know this is a this is a very large border area were talking about this is roughly 200 kilometers of border between greece and turkey separated by a river partially separated also with. Thick the dictations so its difficult to keep an oversight here but when youre driving along the highway on the highway along the border you see a military presence you see some some convoys especially in the morning i was where there has been some movements of migrants trying to cross in the past and the grief also has announced to step up its game to deploy more military here to the region but also to hold you know i want to point here but also frontex the Border Protection agency has said that they will send more forces to the to the area but this is going to take some time so from what i can see them within the next 5 to 10 days ok were looking at some images right now of some are groups on the other side of the border and in turkey how are they coping and how are they getting access to water sanitation as their numbers continue to grow. Far as i know theres not much happening with the greek side so theyre all terribly dependent on the turkish side of probably more so dependent on their own there were groups here. For you during your own cup and what ive been told that since crude and water and supplies. Tried to do your bit you were soldiers and. So i agree that the people who are stuck at the other side of the border theyre pretty much. Max and are monitoring the situation for us and cost the nice this morning thats on the greek side of the turkish greece border. Well as the number of cases of coronavirus around the world continue to increase rapidly the World Health Organization says we are in quote on charted territorial though it also maintains that the outbreak can still be contained the total number of infections worldwide is now over 90000 nearly 5000 of those cases are in south korea the country outside china with most of them more than 3000 patients have died officials in italy thats the worst had country in europe say that the number of deaths has jumped from 34 to 52 however the number of patients who have recovered from this virus worldwide thats now at over 48000. 3 cases of the coronavirus a virus have now been recorded here in berlin as the number of new infections increases in Germany Public Health officials are emphasizing the need for regular hand washing is one way to stop the virus from spreading theyre also telling people to avoid handshakes but for some here in germany that is proving to be difficult the window of opportunity for containing the corona virus is narrowing and shaking hands for some is now out of the question even german chancellor Angela Merkel was politely put in phatic we refused by her interior minister. The virus has spread to 18 of the 27 e. U. Countries the block center for disease prevention and control announced further action he said e. C. U. Has announced today that the risk level has risen from moderate to high for people in the European Union another with the virus continues to spread its really is the epicenter of the european fight against the outbreak its record of the most cases in the e. U. And the most deaths in the capital room lines for tourist hot spots are unusually short the response has been on film wearing a protective mask but we went. More than 60 countries have now reported cases and in iran the most serious outbreak outside of china continues impacting daily life and shaking the countrys already struggling economy. Much more you know we have no choice but to be open to have commitments and i have bank checks to clear i know many others who are in a similar situation who are supposed to take care of our checks and debts if we stay home with. The impact on irans economy is an extreme case the o. E. C. D. Slashed its Global Growth forecast for this year by half a percent to 2. 4 percent the worst performance since the 2008 financial crisis. Its to the us now where theres been another boost for democratic president ial candidate joe biden the former again thats better amy clo bush are and people do get have all now endorsed by the head of todays keys slate of primaries primaries and caucuses youll recall are the mechanism by which democrats and republicans nominate their president ial candidates is pretty certain of course that donald trump will be winning the republican nomination but joe biden is only one of 5 candidates still not running for the democratic nomination so whats so special. About super tuesday its can sit or the most important of all the primaries because 14 states will be voting in the u. S. Under this system the more votes a candidate gets the more delegates there awarded and the states with the most democratic delegates up for grabs today are california with 415 and texas with 228 now by the end of super tuesday it should become clear who the democratic president ial nominee will be california as americas biggest latino population which gives them a huge voice in deciding who which democratic candidate will run against President Trump in november w. s alexander phenomena travel to los angeles to see what issues are energizing the latino voters there. Which is a minimum it on the air with Armando Guayana producer with k w k w a latino Radio Station in los angeles for its not politics is his passion but this tuesday armando assess many latinos just like emo are eager to get out and vote. Theyre looking for a good leader theyre looking for somebody theyre going to give you confidence theyre going to gave them. The p. S. For. Their own leaving most of our latinos we leave check to check to pay check. President Donald Trumps policies and treachery disturb many of the teachers they all are hoping for a candidate who can vote place here. As soon as california moved its primary to super tuesday it was clear latinos would be crucial in choosing the democrats president ial nominee they represent roughly a 3rd of the states eligible voters and their influence is growing. At a rally in Downtown Los Angeles california so chris used to speak price with its 415 delegates no wonder the candidates are campaigning to live their last minutes these are Bernie Sanders supporters he seems to be the most successful candidate in reaching out to latino voters. I think you just talked to a lot of people that are like the guy building the bench by the. Big corporations and special interests whether its Big Oil Big Pharma the gun industry and are essentially creating our policy with their money and wondering if andersen doing is trying to get the power away from the big corporations and give it back to the People Like Us people are struggling right now people falling into homelessness mean the 1st time in their lives because rents are too high. Housing homes guarantee candidate like center centers. And i believe that we need to invest in mass Public Housing after the rally at meo is tackled a popular place in the we need christian a run up policy director at the Latino Community foundation the school it is to make sure that everything latino can vote hes hoping for a high turnout on super tuesday night you know as have been traumatized living under the Top Administration you know if you look at the child separation crisis he tried to end the doco program i feel like latinos in this particular action ours are seeing this as a moment to really fight back and actually stand up to whats happening in our country today. And super tuesday seems like an important 1st step to bring about change. Is good more now on whats ahead this super tuesday with you stuff and siemens for us in washington good morning to you stefan Bernie Sanders is looking strong in california with latino voters as we saw in a report there do they think that they will be better off economically with a president sanders whos far left policies are are frankly frightening a lot of democratic voters right now. Brian i think you hit the nail there with the. Least as critics say promising everything especially to the immigrant and to the Latino Community in california for that very reason 419 delegates to craft there if senators can make this that is one of the top prizes like you have for however. The democratic. Elites saying that whenever he promises to immigrants or to latino voters latino democrat voters in california he would never ever be able to fulfill those promises but for now you have sent us live strong in california joe biden. To the country strong in texas so this is going to be interesting with both of them it is isnt it and the stop bernie push inside the Democratic Party right now is rallying around joe biden is there any way to say who has the edge right now. Ed chess Joe Biden Joe biden had a tremendous 48 hours 3. Acknowledgements and the support of big dont rule amy. As you have said and that is of course just 24 hours before super tuesday and guess where this happens in texas on states just a few hours ago and thats of course all for a reason so all eyes are on joe biden just remember just a few days ago before saturday joe bidens campaign was basically written off then he wins South Carolina now hes back Vice President showing up strong on all networks in the United States and wants to capitalize on the momentum his gathered and the as you said democrats core elites the classic democrats are reading around biden right now ok we can forget stuff on billionaire Mike Bloomberg still out there hes piling on the cash and plenty of it in his bid to get the nomination what role is he playing in this super tuesday vote. Yeah i wish i could answer that question you have to write Michael Bloomberg mayor of new york is the wild card here the x. Factor if you want to know what he actually knows how he will perform it will be the 1st time this will be the 1st time that bloomberg is actually on the ballot so nobody has an inkling or indicate what would have happened if he would have been on the ballots voting ballots at the polls in states who already have voted so all d. Eyes are so to speak also on on him because nobody can really gauge if hes making them substantial dent into the count for biden and for senators briefly if you could stuff on undecided voters always key in you this elections which democratic candidate do you think would attract the most voters against donald trump. My bets are on joe biden because he is for a majority of those undecided independent voters probably the most electable democrats more electable than. Bernie sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Michael Bloomberg but ive been wrong before so keep that well we will know more today stefan thanks so much for that from washington. This is news these are our top stories israeli Prime Minister and human not who has claimed victory in his countrys general election but updated exit polls say his likud party and its allies will likely fall short of a parliamentary majority this was israels 3rd election in less than a year. The corona virus is spreading to new countries even is the rate of new infections slows in china italy the worst hit country in europe says more than 2000 people are now infected the number of cases worldwide is over 90000. U. S. Senator Amy Klobuchar shar has and doors fellow moderate joe biden after ending her democratic president ial campaign endorsement comes on the eve of super tuesday when 14 u. S. States all their primaries. Chiles president has threatened to reimpose a state of emergency as antigovernment demonstrations over economic inequality Gain Momentum 15 metro stations have been closed in the capital santiago and its widespread violence. This is the news from berlin dont forget theres always more twitter feed or at our website w dot com. U. S. Singer and songwriter taylor swift has been named last years biggest selling global artist. Of. The yeah. This is the 2nd song taylor swift has received the accolades she was 1st named biggest selling global artist back in 24 tina 30 year old released her 7th album love her last years with us also a 10 time grammy. This is the interview news live from berlin we have more coming up at the top at the top the hour coming up next countries are stepping up their response to deal with the Economic Impact of the coronavirus interviews business well have that was gardell 1st in just a few seconds im brian thomas for all of us here in berlin thanks for us. Too. Sucker holds favors. No wonder the spectacular go in such plenty of emotion play. The best poker game day. Has. Been 60 minutes come. To know that 77 percent. Are younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and me. And you know what its time all voices. Of the 77 percent talk about the issue. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend are d. W. I. Carefully. Will soon be nice to be a good. Match. Discover the. Play. Subscribe to the documentary on the tube. Look are all of virus keep spreading and Central Banks are beginning to fight financial come to age and reserve bank of australia becomes the 1st central bank to no Interest Rates will the fed and the e. C. B. Follow suit. The Geneva Motor Show becomes the 1st big business casualty of the coronavirus one of the biggest con shows in the world is council. On supply chain problems due to the virus albrights on making drugs the scouse commodity at a time

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