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Im still going to welcome to the Program German chancellor Angela Merkel has announced unprecedented new measures in response to the corona Virus Outbreak nonessentials shops are to close as well bozza theaters sports venues gyms and playgrounds theres also about religious gatherings until further notice and hospital visits are to be restricted at least 14 people in germany have died from the corona Virus Outbreak a more than 6600 have been infected here is the german chancellor then ill call them via internet in their mind we still need drastic measures as has so often been said to slow down the rate of infection. Such drastic measures have never been taken in our country. But at the moment they are necessary to reduce the amount of close contact between people. To bring down the number of infections and serious cases in our cancun tried to Political Correspondent welcome hans that the chancellor stopped short of declaring a state of emergency but the measure c. Announce was a significant number less. Yes indeed they are very significant and im president in modern germany in fact in some regional states some federal states in the federal state of varia that that has already declared its own state of emergency or stead of catastrophe as its called there in other words it does come very close to a state of emergency and the measures really to slow down on public life in germany to a trickle at least that is what is hoped what we havent yet seen are curfews for instance the absolute absolutely most drastic measures have not yet been taken at the moment its still a matter of trying to discourage people from going all of not giving them any reason to go all out as it were by closing down bars and pubs and clubs and so on and giving them the only reason to go to go through their shopping for instance that is still possible but at the moment then people are being encouraged being discouraged from going all encouraged to stay at home and it is hoped that that will finally lead to a total. A strong slowdown a much stronger slowdown of the spread of the virus and this followed consultations with international partners. Yes indeed what happened today was not only that there was a consultation between angle america and the 16 premiers of the German Federal states but there were also consultation with e. U. Leaders and she mentioned on my call france and obviously the e. U. Commission and there was also video consultation of the g 7 leaders and Others International leaders including the United States i think here theres an attempt here about im going to now go to bring back some sort of International Coordination both within the united between both within the European Union and internationally because both here in europe and internationally many states have been taking their own measures without coordinating with discussing them with anybody else even with their direct neighbors here in europe so im going to not because trying to bring back some sort of coronation on that level and how are germanys hospitals and Health Systems coping one has to say that at the moment things are still fairly ok the big big numbers have not yet reached german hospitals to the sick as to the extent that they could be overwhelmed and that is also shown by the comparatively small number of deaths that weve had in germany so far but obviously the fear is that as a virus spreads exponentially spreads very very correctly quickly the number of cases that reach hospitals will increase drastically as well and that is what the reason is for all of these measures that have been taken today and in recent weeks to try and slow down the spread to try and slow down the pressure on hospitals to make it possible to treat every severely ill person so that they can get better good talking to 1000 joining us hans hans brunt well germany has joined a growing list of countries attempting to curb the pandemic by imposing a full or partial border closures well it has an arms control zone the countrys borders with switzerland austria denmark luxembourg and france. Gridlock on the french german border these cars have been waiting for at least 30 minutes to end to germany. Where sending back any vehicle which is not being granted special status to enter germany has a valid reasons across its going to. Its just one of many makeshift border controls set up on monday in a bid to stem the corona Virus Outbreak german citizens and residents may continue through as can delivery drivers and those commuting to work anyone displaying coronavirus symptoms will be handed over to health authorities. She was an english minded normal actually they need to protect somehow from everything thats been happening its really bad at the moment there is no set time frame for these travel restrictions and the government says it might extend them to borders with other neighboring countries. Or the new Commission President has also proposed new travel restrictions are sort of on the line talked about a 30 day ban all nonessential travel into the block she made the announcement following a Conference Call with g 7 leaders the restrictions could be extended after the initial 30 day period we propose to introduce a temporary restriction on nonessential travel to the European Union why that because we think nonessential travel should be reduced right now to in order to not to spread the virus further be it within the European Union or by leaving the European Union but also to avoid nonessential travels not to have more potential strain on our Health Care System of course there will be exemptions for example for e. U. Citizens coming back home for Health Care Workers like doctors and nurses but also scientists working on the solution of this Health Crisis we do see but also. People commuting on borders now who are working on both sides of the borders for example there will be exemptions. D. W. Called home a gold mattress in brussels is standing by to talk us through this welcome go ahead tell us more about these restrictions. Quite extreme measures the head of the European Commission is suggesting here the closure of extra nl eve borders by the way including a country such as norway and switzerland so were looking in a total of 30 countries that would be closing their extra not borders allowing as miss from the line has pointed out essential traffic to continue via the external borders in other words a medical goods would be able to enter but also people who work inside the you would continue to be able to enter but nonessential travel would be excluded so those people could no longer come into the e. U. The idea here being that the e. U. That individual Member States will restrain from closing their borders in order to protect their population because this in dangers and the Commission President is quite clear on that this in danger is the internal market and in by endangering the internal market it in in danger is the entire supply chain of medical goods and of people who provide food for each other so so these centrals inside the e. U. Should continue running corporation is a big work in these days ok so this is a proposal from the commission at this stage is going to get a yes from heads of government and the parliament is unlikely to be any resistance i must follow and said that she talked prior to. Making this proposal to individual governments and she said overwhelmingly that this is this measure is being welcomed by Member States but formally it has to be consented and that is what the commission will seek tomorrow talking to thanks for now i get data becomes one to get a mattress in brussels. Meanwhile in the u. K. British Prime Minister baraks johnson has urged people to refrain from a non essential contact with one another to help slow the spread of the virus he calls our breaths to avoid all social venues as a country faces what he referred to as the fastest growth period of the virus so far the government also says the peak of the epidemic will affect parts of the country differently but the social distancing measures will help to ensure the virus is a short term problem now is the time for everyone to stop nonessential contact with others and to stop unnecessary travel we need people to start working from home where they possibly can and you should avoid pubs clubs theaters and other such social venues we are asking people to do something that is difficult and disruptive of their lives and the right moment as weve always said is to do it when it is most effective when we think it can make the biggest difference to slowing the spread of disease reducing the number of victims reducing the number of fatalities thats a pretty Prime Minister Prime Minister baraks johnson the World Health Organization has called on countries to increase Testing Programs as the best way to slow the pandemic advance w. H. O. Director general at ted ross at what im getting is a says governments need to do more to track down every potential case. The most effective way to prevent infections and save lives is breaking the chains of transmission and to do that you must test and isolate you cannot fight a fire burning folded and we can not stop this pond i mean if we dont know who is infected we have a simple message for all countries terrorist terrorist test. Lets go back to johnsons announcement in the u. K. Were going to have to doubly correspondent a burger at mass in london welcome back it was Boris Johnson only suggesting avoiding unnecessary social contact rather than giving with the force of law or as weve seen elsewhere in europe well Boris Johnson stress that the u. K. Was a. Liberal mature democracy and i think he wants to be seen as a liberal leader he also said when he was questioned about this he said that the government does have the power to eventually strengthen anything has a lot of powers within the law to make sure that actually this does happen but at the moment its just an advice its not enforcing anything this of course comes after the u. K. Government has been really criticized quite a lot for example by the w. H. O. They have been very critical that they havent been testing enough so it was seen as a bit lax all the measures so far so for boys johnson for this government is quite a step up i why these recommendations coming now. Well the government is saying that this is coming at the right time theyre looking at the particular cuff within the u. K. They saying that theyre looking at that data at the data here in the u. K. And this is what they seem to think that this is the appropriate measure in order to what they want to do which is to flatten the cuff their criticism has been quite scathing though over the last days theres even been a petition to go to parliament at bars johns of the government needs to do more needs to restrict movements more there were hundreds of scientists to the government to just be more strict and for example close schools so there has been a lot of pressure on the u. K. Government to to go as far as they did today so whats it like there in london at the moment well london is still somehow functioning the streets are not exactly empty if you look in the bars and the cafes theyre not as many people there as there would usually be my personal impression is that the young people are still out and about that they dont think this is really something thats affecting them very severely but you do also have a sense of panic for some people people are buying toilet paper for example this is almost sold out in supermarkets and its being sold on e bay for enormous sums of money so there is a sense that something is coming and i think with this step today with the government stepping up and people to avoid social contact this is going to be a sea change as well but how people feel in the u. K. About all of this i care about it not in london. As a quick reminder of our top story at this hour a german chancellor im going to machall has outlined her governments option plan to slow the spread of coronavirus measures include closing nonessential shops churches and playgrounds to also told journalists to see so foreign and domestic effect station traffic on monday introduced a sweeping controls on its borders. Only coronavirus the German Government response i mean how you should respond if you have it on our website that state of the dot com more world news of the top of the hour im going to. Go beyond. The stories that. Really. Annoyed every takes. The running now

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