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A degree of common and united action local is calling on everyone in germany to protect the most vulnerable including the elderly also on the program in the Us Donald Trump labels himself a wartime president in the fight against the pandemic he moved to invoke legislation to speed the production of critical medical equipment and protective gear. Im told me a lot of well thanks for joining us german chancellor Angela Merkel has addressed the nation in a rare televised speech saying the country faces its biggest challenge since the 2nd world war this as the countrys top Disease Control official ones that germany could be dealing with 10000000 corona virus infections in the coming months if its citizens dont adhere to the measures outlined by the government. Berlins most famous locations should be bustling with tourists at this time of year but due to covered 19 they currently surrounded by empty streets its also highly unusual for a german chancellor to make a televised address but im said these are extraordinary times and she urged all citizens of germany to seriously consider their own obligations to society the situation is serious and take it seriously since german unification no since the 2nd world war there has been no challenge to our nation that has demanded such a degree of common and united action minds on this only dulles 100 and called witness because she said germany was in a good position but warned that it could not be complacent for those who do fall al that accident of that germany has an Excellent Health system perhaps one of the best in the world we can take some confidence from that but our hospital stay would be completely overstretched if too many patients with a severe corona infection well should be admitted in a short space of time. But it seems like this that the chancellor wants to reduce people and berlin waiting in long queues to be tested for the covered 19 virus and there were reports of people elsewhere in the country lining up for long periods before finally being tested across the country germans are having their nerves tested new border regulations on the polish border a causing massive traffic jams as far as the eye can see. In many places authorities have begun extending Police Patrols to enforce new regulations on which shops are allowed to remain open cultural establishment schools and nurseries are supposed to be closed along with most normal grocery shops. Were going to be our officers are on patrol all around the clock with 2 groups of 100. 00 each in addition we have Undercover Police officers and their only mission is to enforce the regulations. So far the German Government has resisted placing a nationwide curfew such as in spain france and italy but that could soon change. Now to what could turn out to be a major turning point in the drive to contain the corona virus china the epicenter of the original outbreak has reported no new local cases of the infection for the 1st time since it began recording them injured in january however there were 34. 00 new infections imported from abroad which threatens the progress china has made beijing imposed stringent restrictions on travel and movement in an attempt to prevent the virus from spreading the total number of confirmed corona virus infections in Mainland China is almost 81000. 00. Taiwan has managed to keep its infection rate follow of and its neighboring countries despite its proximity to the original epicenter china weeks ago the island was expected to become the 2nd worst hit region other than china so what did taiwan do to change the narrative and how will it cope with the ongoing but beyond going pandemic the w. s phoebe kong sent us this latest from taiwan. Surgical masks and gurgles have become part of dr whos uniform since the coronavirus outbreak began he was among the 1st group of doctors in taiwan to treat suspected patients that was back in january when the virus 1st spread from china across the strait. You know taiwan policy. Taiwan is experienced in understanding china we know what is reliable and when we should be skeptical. And because taiwan has long been isolated from the International Community we must take more steps ahead of the crisis and use our own judgment. Citizenship. This is where he ended up sleeping in a dormitory next to the hospital set aside for medical staff like him for time on the jail and as the treatment for a disease with no cure. It was hard to identify misinformation out 1st i was scared of spreading the virus to my family. I think this has to be a collective effort if each of us takes very strict a cautions ourselves it eases the burden on the health care system. Other than medics and military students and teachers at High School Level and below and now banned from overseas travel. Foreigners are denied entry but containing the virus is not only about Border Control communities have found themselves on the frontline. District officer of the local government gary kwan monitors individuals and a 14 day home quarantine. One of his duties is to take care of the day needs such as delivering fresh food. There and how do i thought that we help to make it easier for quarantine people to stay at home to reduce the risk of contagion if anyone least the apartment will be alerted by text message and call the police he or she may be fined the. Quarantine in taiwan may feel Service Based but its also stringent. Individuals are under surveillance. Telecom providers are cooperating to enable the government to track people via their mobile phones. Health officials believe Technology Helps contain concern and prevent panic. One example is the face mask rationing system where people can place their order and check availability online. Because it is a. New Technology Helps us to systemize containment policies in a transparent way it helps the public build up a sense of trust in the government because they are well informed about the situation. Taiwans next step is to broaden its testing regimen. Anyone with overseas travel history fever or respiratory symptoms is eligible for testing. According to research the spread of the virus can be largely contained if 60 percent of infection chains are broken and were trying our best to achieve that you know tens or you have time with. The islands remains concerned about a potential massive outbreak while waiting for a Vaccine Community and government that containment is the only way anyone knows how to fight the virus. Us President Trump assigned a relief package designed to cushion the blow from corona virus among other things the legislation includes free testing paid sick leave and food and medical aid trump has likened himself to a wartime president in the fight against coronavirus he says he will move to invoke the defense production act a measure that would allow the government to force us industry to speed up the production of critical medical equipment has more from the president s press conference. And to this day nobody seen anything like that what they were able to do during world war 2 and now its our time we must sacrifice together because we are all in this together and well come through together its the invisible enemy its always the toughest enemy the invisible enemy but were going to defeat the invisible enemy i think were going to do it even faster than we thought. And it will be a complete victory it will be as mentioned in that report donald trump made a major announcement about whats going to happen in the u. S. A reporter publicly as has been following this could you simplify what this defense production act and tails what donald trump is chasing well basically defense production acts permits President Trump to essentially order Manufacturing Industries to produce a in this case medical supplies and medical supplies could be hospital mosques and protective gear for medical workers at to deal with this covert 19 crisis so what this act basically it allows the president to have sort of special powers basically and it was something that dates back to 1950 its been used before in the United States plenty of times but also whats interesting with president truman perhaps also not very shocking in some ways is that hes tweeted this evening a message which is sort of contradicted what he was saying earlier he said that he only signed the defense production act to come but once again hes used this term the chinese virus should we need to invoke it in a worst Case Scenario now of course saying a worst Case Scenario based on the situation in the United States has perplexed Many Americans will say and he has also mentioned deploying naval warships to the east and west coast why is that being done well we just heard him actually mention there i mean he went into detail what they looked like which was also quite interesting to hear considering thats probably the least most Important Information but to basically the reason is because you know there is a pretty grave situation particularly in places like new york now we know that the new York Governor Andrew Cuomo as said that the comfort ship is going to be heading to new york harbor what we dont know is where the other ship is going to go at the moment but also in the United States media is reporting that it could actually be weeks away from arriving and we also dont know exactly where on the west coast. At this ship that is going to be based and then theres the economy thats been a major worry weve seen markets plummet how is trump planning to steady this ship well obviously this is one of the big concerns for President Trump you know the economy is one of the areas where President Trump has basically based his success as a president and also with his grave situation happening at the moment were seeing how thats affecting all aspects of the United States economy and theres an aid package at the moment and one is that there is a one trillion dollar plan and thats going to be directly for businesses and individuals the senate has also passed a corona virus bill thats the 2nd one at president will have to sign that all basically expands sick leave and also it provides funding for free testing so basically what were going to be seeing actually in the next weeks is that there could actually be direct payments being made to americans being sent directly to them and then theres going to be a lot of help for businesses one final quick note the u. S. Kind of the border has been closed only basically for nonessential traffic that is the only thing that is permitted into publicly ellis thank you and we are some of his correspondents around the world to give us their assessment of the coronavirus from their locations. I could never have imagined that people in europe would ask me to send them this 10 minutes risers from now. But nothing is normal these days here in west africa a region with peril already facing if a structure the security challenges they know watching this believe us people are fighting over oil and pay for in parts of the world considered much better off the government has shut down schools colleges james afam and polls across the country and as advice private companies do one law for them cloister to walk from the streets however bad a business of usual look because shops i markets remain open some seats of employees a ban on gathering for more than 50 people is the interesting name debbie the one exception that is being made is to weddings since in the soviet union and accidents was usually hushed up people in russia often seem to the government must be hiding something from them so when it comes to the corona virus many people here dont trust official reports and to say who are is the true extent of the catastrophe can only be guessed at. From the beginning of the crisis israel has taken trusted steps to slow down the spread of covert 19 israelis returning from any country have to go straight into self quarantine for 14 days foreigners cannot enter the country unless they have a place to quarantine. But the 2020 European Championship postponed until next summer due to the virus the German National Football Team has joined the efforts to contain the outbreak by donating 2 and a half 1000000 euros team germany among the favorites to win the championship hold on funds to show solidarity and donate to social causes as well during this process the teams donation went to a Coronavirus Fund raising service in germany. This is the dublin years live from berlin we have much more coverage of the corona virus pandemic on our website including information on what to do if you think youve been infected thats on d. W. Dot com im told me a lot of what its been good having you with us. Its all happening to children. During linked in news from africa and the world your links to exceptional stories and discussions can you and will come to their views after doing program tonight from funny to me from the news of easy to our website to demi to come smash africa join us on facebook and d. W. Africa

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