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Its good to have you with us we begin with another grim chapter in spains Coronavirus Crisis more than 10000 people have now died from complications linked to cope at 19 and thats after a record 950 people passed away in just the last 24 hours spain is now 2nd only to italy in the number of virus related deaths the Coronavirus Crisis creating also an economic crisis nearly a 1000000 people have lost their jobs since mid march meanwhile the countrys Health Care Workers they are overwhelmed and they are lacking critical protective gear. Stretched to breaking point the wards are philip this hospital the now the county so coronavirus patients lie in the corridors just north of barcelona medics have turned the Hospital Library into an intensive care unit spain is one of the worst hit countries the number of coronavirus deaths has no jumped to more than 10000 after a record 950 deaths in the space of a day. The Health Workers on the frontline say they are being put in an unthinkable position. We are lacking the staff at the moment and the few staff that we have available are in a dangerous situation themselves and at risk of becoming transmitters. Got infected because of the lack of protective measures as we dont have enough resources there are fewer and fewer suitable protective masks. And these are your thoughts in our eyes when somebody is doing things really badly and we need them to rectify their speeches if they dont do so to morrow we will double the number of infected Health Workers if we continue like this there would be enough professionals to take 8 of our patients. But there are glimmers of hope the reach of new infections in spain appears to be slowing and people are recovering here at a hospital the northeast of the country doctors discharged a 93 year old man who is made to feel recovery after 5 days in isolation. Spain has been in a nationwide locked day and since the middle of march and the standstill is hitting the economy hard 100000 people have lost their jobs and spains recorded its highest ever monthly rise in unemployment the government says it will have to work on relaunching the economy once the epidemic is under control Health Officials say data shows the curve is stabilizing but despite the slowdown in the rate of infections the fight to contain. Virus is far from. Our correspondent. In spain this evening this week spain has tightened the nationwide lockdown even further how are people in the country how are they dealing with these new restrictions. The people here they are dealing with. Incredibly disciplined incredibly well when i go to one of the markets here in the city one of the few nice places that you can go to i see. Measures taken seriously i see things very well organized and i see more and more people also with us of course staying. Also the mounting. Financial future. Also creates new conflict it creates new stress for some people and unfortunately the numbers of cases of Domestic Violence has increased significantly the number. Before and. The people are respecting and following the. Death toll for the day in the country are further measures under discussion maybe to help save lives. Well locked on measure c. In spain ready among the strictest in the world and officials trying hard to increase the capacity of hospitals trying hard to increase the number of emergency units and also buy to buy more protective gear for medical personnel and today the government also announced that it wants to use mobile phone data to track peoples movements government promises that its completely anonymous that its only to analyze measures that are already in place and not just for Law Enforcement purposes but some people yet in spain last a skeptic about this new step we learned today too that 900000 people in spain have lost their jobs and connected to this crisis what kind of help can they expect indeed its a very very bad economic crisis the months the month of march was the worst month for the labor market in the modern history of spain and the government has been rolling out new measures almost on a daily basis in the last 2 weeks pass some immediate measures in place now for people directly affected by the shutdown among these measures are to stop its. Direct financial aids and also new new loans for people but experts agree its not enough and that the next in the coming months will be very difficult for spain april definitely a tough month in spain young Philip Schultz for putting tonight from spain until thank you. Well heres a look now at some more ways that covert 19 is impacting the world the European Union says its rolling out a huge Relief Program for Member States who are struggling with the Coronavirus Crisis the e. U. Chief the lion unveiled the 100000000000 euro fund aiming to prevent widespread job losses due to the pandemic a Record Number of people have filed for Unemployment Benefits in the United States in the wake of the shutdown initial jobless claims last week rose to nearly 6700000 that exceeded even economists highest estimates and double the previous set just the previous week British Airways has reached a deal with the genius to temporarily suspend more than 30000. 00 employees its one of the most dramatic steps taken by an airline in response to falling passenger numbers and those continuing travel restrictions British Airways has already halted flights out of London Gatwick airport. Russian president Vladimir Putin has extended the countrys coronavirus lockdown until april 30th all citizens with the exception of essential workers must stay at home in russia he says workers will still receive their salaries during this period in a televised address putin stress the seriousness of the threat facing the country he warned that the peak of the virus still lies ahead. In south america the corona virus pandemic has hit brazil the hardest almost 7000 people have been in fact infected now that includes the 1st corona virus case among the indigenous population of the country or the countrys president. He has been under fire for his handling of the crisis last month he referred to covert 19 as quote a measly co hes also the only major world leader continuing to criticize a lockdown measures designed to slow the spread of the virus. It was a deliberate provocation by president jaya bosun r. O. Visiting a supermarket surrounded by shoppers right in the middle of the Coronavirus Crisis bowl scenario himself may be infected with the virus this is why he chose to mingle all the same. People we started should i have the coronavirus as a former athlete i dont need to worry. I wouldnt notice anything at the most a touch of the flu or a cold or do you want full throttle our families must be able to feed themselves thats why we should now all be returning to normal people in Rio De Janeiros biggest shantytown took the president at his word after days of isolation residents went back to work shrugging off the dangers of the virus. The local mayor fears he may soon be dealing with an epidemic. Is that it will be a disaster weve already been fighting a tuberculosis outbreak was because when he did you know residents dont realize that they would be safer staying at home. The crisis is escalating here. Unlike paul scenario brazils provincial governors acted from the start shutting beaches schools and supermarkets scientists are warning that the crisis is just beginning. We estimate that the democrats youre been brazil will peak in 2. 00 to 3. 00 weeks the infection rate is constantly increasing. Across brazil coronavirus victims of being buried and young people are among the dead. These scenes have sparked protests president sitting banging pans in anger and. He eventually backtracked even as we have a mission to save lives think without threatening jobs we have to focus on both the virus and the economy. In an apparent also narrowed now wants to fight the virus but too late to prevent him losing many supporters who now see him as irresponsible. And for more now were joined from Rio De Janeiro by the correspondent who filed that report months he is a bird once he has its good to have you on the show it looks like bill sonar is the way i asked man standing when it comes to leaders denying the severity of this crisis do we know where hes getting his information from and why he continues to just blow off the warnings. In the last week there was one wing of government more in to ensure on him so this was the wing of religious groups and off science deniers they recommended to both narrowed to take this risk of the corona virus not serious enough and now since accused day even ing he changed his mind and this was due to pressure from other from the other wing inside his government from the military groups and more science friendly groups so now whats narrow. Is on track thinking that isolation is a good measure. To attack and to the virus and so hes now and not anymore denying the problem well that is certainly a course reversal there we know that regional leaders have taken the Initiative Since he didnt and theyve been warning people you know to stay at home social distancing is Brazils Health care system is it also ready for a surge in patients. Its definitely not good but its much better than other Health Care Systems on the continent so the governors of the big states here readers are narrow and so polar they are not preparing a lot of. Temporarily beds and hospitals in and around the different cities for example he and readers are near 0 there is the american stadium and also since some border most of the khan of all temple they will be temporary hospitals and so there will be a higher capacity but we are not sure and we have to wait and see if this would be enough money is what about brazils Indigenous People and the threat to them whos looking out for the they are the most Vulnerable People here in brazil they have not the same antibodies as the rest of brazilians so they are now moving back as we hear in many countries in many parts of the country and many tribes going back to the amazon deep into it together with some members of the food neither the stage a body for Indigenous People that they try to hide in the forests in order to not get any more in contact with black white brazilians or foreignness so they want to protect them so steep into the jungle they definitely have to deal with a different immune system that is for sure correspondent much he is joining us tonight from Rio De Janeiro with us thank you. Our club rouge are set to be declared champions of the Belgian Program league after it was announced that the remainder of the current season will be cancelled bruce had a 15 point lead at the top of the belgian table before play was interrupted as a result of the coronavirus pandemic the decision sees belgium become the 1st country to cancel the rest of the professional football season in germany the bonus league is still suspended until at least the start of may with clubs discussing the feasibility of competing or completing the Current Campaign behind closed doors. Or despite the uncertainty surrounding the rest of the season some german clubs are slowly returning to training players are out of isolation and back at the Training Ground although social distancing from cautions are still being taken meaning that individual exercises or drills in pairs are the order of the day. Are among the other bundesliga side stu have returned to training under similar conditions. Youre watching d. W. News hour daily special on the pandemic is coming up next ill be back at the top of the hour with more news and to see that. To go beyond. The initial. Call about the stories that matter to you. Country that will do whatever it takes. To get out running. Into president economic d. W. Made for mines

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