Transcripts For DW Testosterone 20240713 :

DW Testosterone July 13, 2024

Testosterone is the most important mile 6 homeowner men who are heavily influenced by testosterone a city egotistical and they enjoy taking risks but a number of european scientists have been trying to find out whether testosterone is really as bad as its reputation. Weve come to the months to University Hospital to talk to talk to michelles its man a german specialist in the treatment of diseases that affect men hes also an expert on hormones. Just as to what was feed a dinner just astro is responsible for the development of a number of male physical characteristics including hair patterns on the head bowed head also determines beard growth affects muscles and a mans overall personality just as to when its a much more complex hormones and some people might think theyre also s. Nic the encounter. Most testosterone is produced in the testes but a small amount comes from the adrenal cortex. The specific sources of testosterone of allied excels the hormones that are responsible for developing male characteristics in the body of code and regions the most important androgen testosterone. Levels of testosterone rise dramatically during puberty and then remain at a high level but researchers have also found significant short term increases in this whole mind immediately after birth. Thus plus a sign of its hard to say why that happens but it seems to be a part of the metro station process in the brain tissue and in the male reproductive system this theres almost a whole. Christian of all flips and brawn at the age of 20 he discovered that he had 2 little testosterone in his body doctors later determined that the cells in his brain were not sending up the proper production signals because of the problem wasnt clear. As far. As concepts were realizing that something was wrong was a gradual process so it didnt happen overnight i kept feeling worse and worse at target i had no energy at all and no sex drive either speck ministers none but i could feel something just wasnt right it. Could feel that i. I was diagnosed with depression cops and when i realized that something was seriously wrong with me out of control of the top i went. Home was a medical student at the time and a body builder he kept a close eye on his metabolism and testosterone levels. And was a fluke but i couldnt figure out what was going on i got along well with my family and had a girlfriend i was doing well at school and then i figured out that this might have something to do with a testosterone deficiency i was in a thing to swim so i had some tests done and the levels turned out to be about 0 thats a bit low is in the sense of any. How much testosterone demand actually need. To average men have at least 8. 00 to 12. 00 normal for a leader of testosterone to anything below that represents a deficiency but the amount also depends on genetics a single misinformed if you need to convince testosterone levels are much lower food about 5 to 10 percent that of men. They use the testosterone to synthesize estrogen this is the primary female sex hormone us to get. That synthesis is carried out by an enzyme called aromatase it can be found in cells in several parts of the body including the brain adrenal glands ovaries and testes. In the face of such testosterone levels christian fold chose a potentially risky form of medical treatment. Will soon have a kid i knew i needed hormone replacement therapy after other possible causes like vitamin d. Or deficiency have been ruled out it might also add to what i was also. One of the side effects of hormone replacement therapy is that it suppresses sperm production which can cause infertility. Just tossed around as naturally produced in the testicles but the process begins in the brain and he sort of civically in the hypothalamus sign and. Hides it links the bodys nervous system to the endurance system where the pituitary gland shouted do you. The pitch or treat land is divided into 2 sections the anterior portion produces 2 key hormones l r h and f s h l n h is responsible for stimulating the production of testosterone in the testes f s h contributes to the production of span. These 2 hormones report back to the brain and within the body is producing enough testosterone and spurn. The brain adjusts the amounts of each as necessary. Indeed to store testosterone replacement therapy suppresses the hormones in the pituitary gland that are responsible for sperm production and its like a Birth Control pill an opinion mongers. In the mind of what if a minister starstruck deficient and wants to have children we have to take a different approach. Low testosterone can have serious effects on the body it can too much of its own mind make men overly aggressive. This is leon home of france a center for cognitive neuroscience is. Called dr here is a Research Director here. Has been studying the influence of testosterone on Human Behavior and hes found little evidence that to store strong stalks aggression in men. Should. Be a vector the testosterone has on Human Behavior is by no means clear but there is some indirect evidence that in the interim sample high levels of testosterone have been found in some Prison Inmates whove committed serious crimes to you more and we did a study which indicated that patients who were given testosterone injections if you could become more aggressive say on the fix you when you call to show. Your testosterone can also actually improve social behaviors who. Are some group or neutral it does seem to. d so at this point theres little hard evidence pointing to a link between increased levels of testosterone and aggressive behavior. d dreyer conducted an experiment to try to prove or disprove these clients his 1st task was to measure the testosterone levels in the participants blood. Ready ready ready testosterone is a fat soluble hormone so it can pass through the membranes of cells bind with hormone receptors and then produce changes in the cell structure. Testosterone can be identified and measured in various bodily fluids. Including saliva urine and blood. Before the experiment begins one group of participants is injected with testosterone the other group is given a placebo. Group and we tried to determine whether the increase in testosterone levels would contribute to a change in behavior as your graph shows that both groups started out with approximately the same level of testosterone actually looking at the short is then we gave one group of testosterone as jack shows stores of the armies and recorded the increase in the level of this hormone all. Of them now the test subjects are going to take part in a game exercise called ultimatum the game is frequently used in Behavior Research its designed to test whether a person is generous also fish one of the players is given a sum of money and is required to share part of that with the other if the 2nd player accepts the offer the deal goes ahead as planned but if he rejects it neither player gets any money. From or at this point we observed no differ. Its between the player whod been given testosterone and the one who hasnt still. As it. Now the rules of the game are going to change a bit the players will be able to use the money to reward fair behavior or punish unfair behavior and this is where driver and his colleagues observed a difference between the player who got an extra dose of testosterone and the one who didnt. Seem to be should team his crew so through its a subtle difference and we confirmed it only in the 2nd stage of the experiment what can you what. The group administered with extra testosterone imposed a more severe punishment when they believed that they hadnt been given enough money but at the same time they also reacted more positively when given more money than expected he did you know. If we observed a big difference in the behavior of the 2 groups. So can testosterone also stimulate generosity in men the researchers was surprised by the results but the situation is more complex than that dreyer says theres a subconscious motivation at work here. Some of the young showing a quarter sure. This man aman and shows clearly can improve your social status if you cooperate with people used or engage in other kinds of positive social behavior. So more so while testosterone can influence aggression commitments which it also plays a role in the ability to act with generosity so thats been living in the. Dry has been looking for more evidence to support his theory on the influence of testosterone so hes been studying brain activity. There are 2 sides to a. Testosterone based behavior that can improve a man social status and that process could be linked to various mechanisms in the brain. Particularly a group of neural structures known as the reward system. Improves social status generates a sense of well being like a reward that may explain the boasting trait commonly associated with excessive manly behavior that you know is to suppose someone up to god theres always a motivation behind generosity if someone sees you being generous theyre more likely to think highly of you for example that men will probably be more generous if they know that they are being observed by women. Simply by buying the sheep so this indicates another link between testosterone and generous behavior. Lets you choose to open 3 was nothing that was. So testosterone may be responsible for positive and negative behavior in both cases this behavior seems to be directed at preserving or even improving social status. Psychologist pronto mehta is an associate professor at University College in london. His research focuses on how hormones particularly testosterone influence Human Behavior. The evidence for that myth that testosterone is directly related to masculine traits like your question has not borne out in the data so there are plenty of results suggesting that testosterone is either weakly or unrelated to aggressive behavior at all in humans including human males so the field is still trying to unpack these kinds of the side. To understand when testosterone might be related to other behaviors like helping and prosocial behavior as well. Metro has carried out an experiment that involves the ultimatum game similar to the one we saw early on. Its actually a way to look at 2 kinds of behaviors one is trust to what extent is the 1st mover trusting and 2 to look at reciprocity of trust if someone is hyper trusting is the 2nd mover going to reciprocate that trust. As in the experiment carried out by john implored dry out one player was given an extra dose of testosterone the other player was given a placebo. Experiment will measure the level of trust between the 2 the player administered testosterone can use his money to make sure that the other player also profits but will the 2nd player give back some of his winnings and suggestion of gratitude or would he keep it all for himself. We found 2 interesting facts 1st is consistent with the stereotype testosterone reduce trust in the 1st mover so that is somewhat consistent with the stereotype from being related to. Competitiveness and threat and the environment and maybe. Mobilizing more selfish social behaviors rights are going to keep money. Next the players reverse their elves. In both tests the player with the extra testosterone shares his winnings with the other this is an example of prosocial behavior. We know that reciprocity even cooperate in situations where its going to garner status and what we found is that has offered to sit routes across city more arguing that in a cooperate environment its again a superstition prosocial behaviors that you gain status and so though in those situations systems arent actually my prosocial. Mehta is convinced that to starts to run plays a much more complex role in Human Behavior than researchers previously thought. For example we can promote socially positive behavior but theres always a motivating factor behind that behavior. You can imagine when we think about our leaders and people in positions of power they have expertise knowledge and experience that theyre going to relate to their subordinates thats part of being a good leader thats also part of some definitions of power where youre helping others as a way to influence others in some ways so you could think of it as process but its also in some definitions and exertion of power but concepts such as masculinity status and power to see differently in various cultures around the wont will the test results differ from one country to the next. So my locker toryism one in someone elses laboratory in germany someone elses laboratory is in a rural part of the south of the United States that should theoretically be expected to change the results. But the effects of testosterone on the human body are the same regardless of culture and geography when Christian Vall found out that he was infertile he started looking for solutions. My mother took me to see a urologist and he told her that i would never have children or that i could have a super lot of sex life as it was to swim and my mom didnt think it was funny so i started reading up on my condition it was in a stream of bytes of folks or. Is there a medical solution to infertility caused by testosterone deficiency. Doctors its my muffins somehow. When i. Dont like something and one of the things we can do for men who suffer from this problem is to give them injections of good not a drop in hormones and they have a done deal that he could to help the form of treatment has been used for years even decades where yet seems and comes. Trope ans include l h which is responsible for the production of testosterone in the testes and if s. H. Which contributes to the production of sperm. The treatment was successful for christian of all for his body was able to produce testosterone and fish are sperm for a short period of time he had the sperm frozen for later use. He starts to define a listen to what the doctors told me at 1st it would have ended right there but now i can have children 100. 1 of the szell types is a professor of psychology at Friedrich Alexander university in erlang and his Research Work focuses on how testosterone affects the body specifically bone growth. And on. Just asteroids and extradite its counterpart in females and contribute significantly to bone strength and density action from Prenatal Development to maturity. Or this mean comments about. A clear example during the 1st 3 months of pregnancy testosterone causes the ring fingers of the male fetus to grow longer than the index fingers in the sling fingers. Short highest notes that in general womens index fingers are longer than they ring fingers in many its just the opposite. Here you can see that in this image of a mans hand. In the extreme it is clearly shorter than the ring finger. Because. Testosterone clearly has an influence on bone growth even in the early stages of pregnancy. It may also be responsible for the Early Development of the socalled power motive. As a scientist so im interested in finding out where that motive comes from i suspect that its origins can be found in biology is that. Here is conducting an experiment in which the participants write a fantasy narrative this may help them to determine whether they are motivated by power. Or the power motor is a common human characteristic that involves one persons efforts to have an impact on the behavior of others this motivation does not necessarily manifest itself in conscious attitudes or the beliefs that we have about ourselves our Research Indicates that the way we perceive ourselves actually has little to do with what makes us tick and what influences our spontaneous behavior. Which for. This part of the experiment involves a series of 10 tests and finding out how the participants respond to victory or defeat. The test results can be manipulated one participant can win up to 8 of the 10 rounds. The researchers want to find out whether any changes take place in the test subjects hormone levels. And we found that the power lot of plays a role in their response to winning or losing. Those who won this had higher levels of testosterone than those who lost everything from. And if one of the participants is not motivated by power but wins it has no effect on the amount of testosterone in his system. We cant say that winning or losing is exclusively responsible for changes in testosterone levels. Have to take into account factors such as the individuals personality and motivation the fortunes in. Those factors are shaped by testosterone during fetal Brain Development. To matriculate. Does it all come down to testosterone and its influence in determining for example male finger length and the development of the power motive. Women have only 10 percent of the testosterone levels found in men does that mean that they are less motivated by power. And vitally theres evidence that indicates that there is a connection between the length of womens fingers and the power motive complex as i was not its a complex situation that will require a lot more research. Scientists have learned more in recent years about female sex hormones but the relationship between women in power has not been widely studied. The field has focused on male reproductive system and males for the past 100 years and has largely in their collective looking at female sex hormones in the context of status and leadership and this is. This is a large gap in the literature today. Weve come to the university of cambridge to talk to clinical psychologist simon baron cohen. Part of his research focuses on how gender affects Human Behavior in general and the brain in particular. Weve been looking sex differences in the mind between males and females on average and one of tests that we use is where you have to find a shape thats hidden in the design as quickly as you can. And we find that on average man are faster at finding this target hidden in the overall design. Baron cohen and his colleagues conducted behavioral studies of children and adolescents they started by testing hormone levels in numerous samples of amniotic fluid the liquid that helps protect the fetus in the womb. Weve measured the testosterone during the pregnancy in the womb in the amniotic fluid so this is the baby in the womb and some women during pregnancy have a clinical procedure called amniocentesis where a needle goes into that fluid to take out some of the fluid and we can measure testosterone in the fluid and babies vary in terms of how much of the hormone they are exposed to so boys showed more and more testosterone than girls in the on the arctic floor and. In the early stages of Fetal Development the genitalia show no signs of gender distinction. After approximately the 7th week of gestation a gene

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