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Behind bars while murderers and rapists are growing free and investigation into Sexual Exploitation helped italian prosecutors convict 4 people who smuggled women from nigeria as a sex slave. Im burnt off its good to have you with us it is a bleak forecast for the Global Economy the International Monetary fund says that the Global Economy is on track this year for the kind of downturn last seen in the Great Depression of the 1930 s. Far reaching measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus are likely to have a huge impact on Economic Growth heres more. Amid lockdowns business shut down some travel restrictions due to the covert 19 pandemic. Look its bleak for the Global Economy the i. M. F. Is now forecasting a decline of 3 percent this year before the pandemic emerged as a grave threat to Public Health and Economic Activity the organization was expecting over 3 percent growth in 2020. The i. M. F. Chief Economist Says the current measures to contain the pandemic make a severe slowdown on avoidable markets but this is a deep recession it is a recession that involves solvency issues it is deep isnt it in walls unemployment rates going up dramatically and these tend to leave scars and while there are many very strong policy actions being taken some of this will spill over into the end that 2nd half of this year into 2021 the i. M. F. Is optimistic about a robust recovery next year predicting Global Growth of 5. 8 percent the institution is providing loans to nations that need help in dealing with a pandemic. We are actively deploying our one trillion dollar lending capacity to support Vulnerable Countries including through rapid dispersing emergency financing and Debt Service Relief to a poorest member countries and we are calling on official credit has to do the same the i. M. F. Cautioned that its forecast this clouded by on certainty about the path the corona virus will take a 2nd outbreak of the pandemic next year could make the economic collapse far more extreme. A bleak picture there and its amazing how the forecasts have changed in just a matter of months lets talk about that now with Business Reporter she talks good evening to you or shoot us which parts of the world stand to be worst affected by the lock downs that were seeing now. But beyond that this clearly is a view of the crisis which means just no country would be sped. Would be would be actually spared of this crisis but particularly the emerging countries. Emerging countries i wonder do you see lot of capital outflows as Building Investors look for see haddons and Big Investments and spread particularly and which of those countries which are usually dependent on time would tourism countries like south africa and which of those countries which actually a good. Price is under way to the front and do that in. South africa then the user countries are particularly when it would be expected to be massively hit because of this crisis particularly in the speed the worst hit of independent and they have taken some of the legal morse sweepingly dont dont thats not going to be any disease and i should judge the i. M. F. Has already announced debt relief for 25 countries at how far is this going to go to help these nations that are struggling economically. Its a good beginning its not enough its just so i think i mean if its just are you sure that what is needed and thats what the other countries should go how great they should be involved why do you to be the speed with a crisis it cannot be good with individual human rights that countries have come out with each trillion dollars how lady placed under stimulus by Different Countries the act of says thats not enough and thats the reason why the need to come up with not with average American Bishops give more discussion is not going to be coming together to deal with this crisis averted richer countries coming to the rescue of countries this is the kind of effort that the i. M. F. Is looking at least so far not much has happened and if you look at the g 20 the only thing they came up with was a shortage that bad ready to do what it might take have expected what that means so clearly people are look at what funky measures and steps actually actually had was even the crisis and also ahead were going to cut the process once disease is going again yeah youre speaking there to a leadership vacuum in International Geopolitics that is for sure he doesnt use a few times panting with the latest tonight thank you. Or Turkeys Parliament has said yes to releasing tens of thousands of prisoners as the country tries to reduce overcrowding in jails and curb the spread of the virus but opposition parties in the country they say that the wall excludes anyone critical of president government now the temporary releases do not cover people who were jailed on terrorism charges including politicians and journalists who were arrested in the crackdown that followed the attempted coup in turkey back in 2016. Its an awkward moment for a group photo members of heir to once party ignore appeals your physical distancing from the president of the Turkish Parliament perhaps not too surprising since they also ignored the oppositions criticism of a bill that commute sentences for about a 3rd of turkeys prisoners excluded from the bill are journalists aligned with the opposition or others critical of the government jailed on what are widely seen as flimsy terror charges. This is a sentence commutation that fits your political priorities. The law introduced by erda once a k party and backed by his nationalist allies the m h p converts some prison terms to house arrest the turkish Justice Minister says 17 prisoners have the corona virus and 3 of them have since died womens organizations and human rights activists have been campaigning against the legislation. Almost all the crimes committed include theft fraud physical assault Sexual Assault and violence against women all of them 90000. 00 inmates will be released from prison. The corona virus pandemic is keeping turkeys daily life on hold a 48 hour curfew went into effect last weekend and beginning friday residents of over 30 cities in the country will be on lockdown. Well a court in the italian city of florence has sentenced for human traffickers to 16 years in prison for smuggling Nigerian Women to italy to serve as sex slaves italian authorities began their investigation based in part on work that was done by d. W. Reporters reporters who learned of the trafficking ring in nigeria and then followed the trail all the way to florence Rights Groups have praised the convictions as a rare success in the fight against Sexual Exploitation. Well adrian krishi is one of the d. W. Reporters who uncovered this trafficking ring when he was reporting from west africa he is now based in cape town in south africa. Adrian congratulations to you excellent work there tell us about the report that you coproduced back in 2016 that led to what were seeing now well back then brands the number of migrants was going up there with were trying to go from western africa all the way to europe so we were walking on a 5 part series for you doubly about this issue of migration and forced migration we went to nigeria niger as well as italy we talked to a lot of victims and then of course we also wanted to talk to the human traffickers which of course turned out to be very difficult we tried that many many times it was really difficult but then when our research was almost done we sort of lucky and we finally found a victim who was willing to talk to us about Human Trafficking lets have a look. In 2016 d. W. Reporters investigated along the Human Trafficking route between italy and nigeria starting in between city when i gerry and girls are recruited. Leaders here that traditional priests forced them to pledge loyalty to their traffickers. The migrants then passed the dangerous desert in niger on their way to libya. From there they crossed to italy where tens of thousands of nigerians and out as prostitutes selling sex for as little as 10 euros after Long Research one nigerian agreed to talk to us about her my dumb this is what they call nigerian traffickers here under one condition she wants to remain anonymous the madam trafficked her to italy to force her into prostitution. Wish you well conned you sometimes. It will be turned you so we cant really we cant know that you. Know is no sane way. We traced down the mud down in a suburb of florence in a darkened apartment and i jerry and colleague and just 1st with a hidden camera and under false pretense money with money. Our you know number of. I think he meets in all my ego on one rare and 6 female young nigerians insides. Afterwards we confront the legit madame she denies all allegations of trafficking but constantly contradicts herself the girls she says are tenants. And then they have to do prostitution to get money to live here. But will move on to more help to work out how to one look for bogun not want them to move so its a lie when they say that they are its brightest. Even though we talked to the state prosecutor about our research who then starts to investigate and finds proof it is no lie because of the corona virus pandemic she is only able to send us a written response after the conviction i would like to thank you for you invaluable cooperation in the opening of the investigation which led to the identification of the significant number of victims humanitarian organizations are taking care of the victims now it is not clear what their future will look like or if they will be allowed to stay in europe permanently but their time in slavery has come to an end. Here their time in slavery has come to an end its a rear story that we can report that has maybe its a good ending adrian tell us a bit more about how these girls were exploited. Well the young woman you have seen in the reports told us a story that we feared many times from Nigerian Women she was living in been in city. She didnt see opportunity for the for her life there anymore and then she was approached by a Contact Person of the my dom of the human traffickers you have seen in the report who promised a better life in europe and they took care on the journey they arranged all the transportation by land and by sea to bring all the way from nigeria to europe but once she arrived they told her that now you have to pay back 45000 euros a lot of money for the journey and they basically that way forced her into prostitution and its not only this case of this one woman youve seen in the report the prosecutor later found out that this very Human Trafficking was involved in various cases even all the way to germany and france she brought many young women from nigeria to europe and exploited her they had to start working at 5 pm every day they were not allowed to come back home until 3 am they had to work even when they were in their period and they had to spend a lot of extra money ridiculous prices for example 100 euros per month for the pavement space where they had to prostitute themselves weve got about half a minute left why is it so hard for prosecutors to convict people like we saw in your story. 1st of all the woman the victims are scared to speak out they came to the country illegally and of course they have kind of afraid to talk to the authorities additionally you have also seen that in the report many of them swore an oath back in nigeria which counts a lot and the culture in this particular area of nigeria but theres a little bit of reason for optimism at the moment been in the highest traditional authorities now say that the oath is related to Human Trafficking and not valid anymore so people are hoping that this might be a game changer in the future important reporting from our very own age increase joining us tonight in cape town adrian thank you very much. You want to be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you there. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. 19 special next on d w. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate street color of prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters tune in now. In the fight against a coronavirus theres still one big unknown how many people have actually contracted and maybe even without showing any symptoms one way to answer the question is by antibodies. An antibody is a protective protein produced by the immune system to destroy for example harmful viruses when a pathogen enters the human body the immune system recognizes it and produces antibodies that dark onto the pathogens and eugenes to remove them later a test can be used to detect these antibodies in. A persons bloodstream antibodies are also used in vaccines to make people immune to future infections but immunity doesnt always last a lifetime so what do we know about sars cove 2 and how long will people be immune after an infection. These will be some of our topics on this edition of covert 900. 00 special here on the w. News im chris coburn berlin wall Computer Program now in the quest to fight the corona virus is small town in germany could provide valuable answers and spec and the state of north rhinewestphalia has become an epicenter of the Current Health crisis now scientists are using the town as a testing ground to find out how covert 900. 00 spread and how to move forward. The streets are empty in heinsberg the town on germanys western border with holland has become the epicenter of the Coronavirus Crisis in the country it was here that the virus spread at a local carnival infecting dozens of citizens and putting the town in the focus of politicians and by rolla just like. There. First the unique opportunity to us because the virus arrived here on a very specific date on february 14th or 15th during carnival. Based on this we have sufficient data for example to determine unrecorded cases. Heinsberg has become a case study for cobbett 19 and the question how can we go back to normal a lot depends on how patients develop immunity to covet 19 through antibodies to find out mouth swaps and blood tests were conducted in 1000 locals. And 15 percent of the population of the municipality here can no longer be infected with sars 2. Hours computer talk. There has been some criticism that the study might not be representative of other regions also some experts fear it might be too early to say whether or not bodies prevent further infections with corona virus. Also are failing scientists here in a moment if and if so how the search for antibodies can help the fight against covert 19 1st a quick reminder what exactly we mean when we talk about antibodies antibodies are produced by the immune system to neutralize pathogens when for example a virus enters the body the immune system produces specific antibodies that dark onto the virus and anti genes to remove it now these antibodies can be detected in a persons bloodstream later on. So lets take a closer look at the matter with jack halls a hes a professor of epidemiology at the handhold center for Infection Research its good to have you on the program does finding any time buddies mean that the pathogen has been eliminated the infection is over not necessarily you know and your body its just the fact that the human system has had contact with the pathogen and all that also the fact that theyve gotten off of their disease has been kossuth and caught that then the body is Human Resource time against new infection and so how does detecting these antibodies help us against the fight against the corona virus here ok so this helps it would. Creation that it also individual level so the population that we know how many chris senator supposed to have antibodies we do also know that those people will not be able to transfer it and because of the to be cation and transmission process its a epidemic anymore so this house and necessity what kind of measures we need to do it also helps us in determining how many percent of the cases that counting to actually exist and that helps us to assess only the cases portion to the case that actually exists so those figures are very important as assessment of the risk of their identity but also for the assessment of the strategies to fight against it and then now some experts say this really does anybody test dont deliver Accurate Enough results that antibodies against other forms of Corona Corona virus get to take to and then get mistaken. This is going this is a big difficulty that we have so so far the currently available antibody tests and some costly i give the election to the to the other call no access and it is difficult to assess our notches this phaedo at this percentage actually is the hope that in the future energy mind that its working on that you were at the party has to be available that it will be more precise and more specific and there are reports about potential re infections despite the people supposedly being immune what are we to make of that well i think that quite so far they dont imply that people got the infection despite or the you knew they would die already that this detection was biased as possible after people have it covered and thats yet another thing so not necessarily does a person that we caught us of it as had a negative test was in the virus action necessarily have immunity probably infection or doesnt also mean that the companys a case so we need to look into that more and more desperate need to look at the antibody detection of those patients and then wed also see it as a patient who had we identify cation and detection of pathogens he got ill of it just carry us the pathogen you know from any other diseases that people maybe carry as a disease or a pathogen is actually for them you know. Is there a way to determine how long immunity will last and terms of sars kind of to. Im afraid the only bait is is time we need to look at the patients at the disease at one point in time from which you have antibodies from a good time and then reactivate and go into the future but are there cases among those who get it is the 2nd now your institution wants to conduct Antibody Testing similar to the one weve seen in the report but on a much larger scale what do you hope to show by doing that so by the colleagues in hyderabad and on a very important study with a very specific focus and a very exclusive look at the t v 5 number of studies at different times in a different look at the country in order to get a better section on the you that you that in their own local predation but also on the change of the units that are over time and by that you ought to be got ready for the ticks and policymakers and Decision Making us on how to adjust the interventions in the fight against it and jack halls of the Household Center for Infectious Research thank you for sharing your thoughts with us youre very welcome. And not a staple segment on our show you send us your questions about the coronavirus we try to answer them and the man hard at work and doing so is our science editor Derek Williams. If i order take away in an infected compared the livery person sneezes on it can i get covert 1000 i can use this a lot its something that worries people lets put it this way theres no evidence so far suggesting that take out or take away food contributes in any way to cope with 19 transmission there are no reported cases that have been linked to food there arent any full blown studies yet on covert 19 but there have been some similar studies on this topic with other coronaviruses and they showed that transmission in those pathogens doesnt really happen by a digestive tract in the 1st stages of the infection at least coronaviruses in general invade the cells in the upper respiratory tract sars cove to also often appears to gain its 1st foothold in the nose which food doesnt enter of course viruses that are swallowed in food and up in the digestive tract and are eventually killed by the acid in your stomach so as far as we can tell takeaway food doesnt present a danger packaging probably presents slightly more of one thats why many experts also say if you want to be extra safe you can transfer take out food to your own household dishes dispose of the containers quickly and of course then wash your hands thoroughly. Drinking water carry the virus and. We still dont know everything there is to know about the transmission of source code too but were learning all the time and as far as we can tell theres no way to get covert 19 from Drinking Water the w. H. O. Says there is no abbott. About the survival of the virus in either part of the water or sewage and other corona viruses are not transmitted this way source code to is actually whats called an envelop virus which means it has a quite fragile membrane that doesnt protect it all that long outside the body standard treatment methods used in most municipal Drinking Water systems like filtration and in this infection should in activated just like they do other pathogens if you live somewhere where you dont have access to safe treated Drinking Water then the precautions that youve always taken to protect yourself like boiling your Drinking Water should also inactivate in the coronavirus that was our science editor Derek Williams answering your questions about the corona virus and that wraps up this edition of covert 19 special for more on the pandemic to check out our social Media Channels and our website a d. W. Dot com it has dedicated covert 1000 pages in 30 languages im chris coburn brylin thanks for watching and take care. Key cost. Of soul. In the us some. Yes some yes some news its a kind of culture walk to me a send me a phenomena. Or a family unbelievable trip. On the. Ruins. Morale weeks. Symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. Between the muslims. And the christian population. Went by as fighters on the city center nelson 17 president of churchs response was told. By dinner it will never again put a poll of. The reconquest turned into tragedy. Is a bigger issue that both is not the kind of freedom that we. How did our become a gateway to islamist terror. As theyre now facing so you got i mean more seriously or sole. And exclusive reports from a destroyed city. Philippines in the sights of bias starts may 20th on d w. I made it up against them at

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