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Information on the crawl of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and. On slash science. School where and when exactly tracing down every Single Person whos come in contact with a coronavirus kariya surely thats something only take can solve we must be able to trace every infection chain we are working on an app that can help us do that. But thats got civil rights activists worried. That there is a real risk that these kinds of Surveillance Systems will assist after this phase of the plans and it. Is alan did. Still privacy at stake but could we solve this crisis. Welcome to covert to 900 special here and you knew someone who had jones good to have you with us the technology has been a blessing during this pandemic in many ways speed working from home or staying in touch with friends and family and take helps us keep track of the virus in australia launched a corona tracing app it records whos been in contact with whom so they can be warned if someones infected china is using apps to help prevent a 2nd wave of infections uses scanned q. R. Codes and Public Places to share information about their Health South Korea has developed smartphone applications that help authorities track the movements of infected people which are published online and the government in india has also launched an app that lets people know if theres an incident of the coronavirus nearby one of the worst affected countries italy is also working on an app the tracks people whove come in contact with a confirmed case and germany is developing a system of voluntary information sharing. Well the word voluntary may seem odd given the scale of the pandemic but germans really cherish their data privacy after weeks of partial lockdown however theyre also keen to get back to normal life and an app could be key in getting there. Getting the virus and going into self isolation is a challenge for anyone but Data Protection is just as much an issue for many germans during this crisis thats hardly surprising given the 2 periods of mass surveillance in the countrys history. Thats why those behind the corona rap have to guarantee data wont be stored centrally essentially the app will work like a kind of diary noting which phones come close to each other and for how long the phones exchange key codes dont directly reveal their own as if someone contracts the virus their code is made available to other uses they can then check regularly to see if theyre affected only information stays on the individual phones. Thats rather different to china a country where surveillance is part of everyday life the large Chinese Telecommunications companies granted to authorities access to their databases at the beginning of february allowing them to track individuals movements thanks to centralized data storage chinese authorities are able to see precisely where those infected spend their time and also see where groups of people have gathered. All of this allows them to identify individuals as potential spreaders of the virus but for democratic societies thats unthinkable for many people like here in germany anything alluding to surveillance is unacceptable. That attitude has led to Tech Giants Apple and google to reject centralized tracing apps and focus instead on developing tools the decentralized versions of tracing up in singapore for example centrally collects the names and ages of its uses but apple wont play ball and say the app only works on i phones if the user keeps it permanently open as a result just 20 percent of singapore rians use it aided by big tex new acceptable tools german App Developers could have a corona wrap ready by june or. Of a more im joined by martin Postdoctoral Research or edwin university in borehole where he specializes in Data Protection good to have you with us this tell you how can a tracing app ensure data privacy on the one hand and limit the spread of the virus. Yes 1st of all thanks for having me so weve seen around the world over the last weeks contract the a uses every movement to do turnaround where theyre been met except for hunter tracing to work at the airport to know all the specific details of who you met and where but its only important to know that you have met a person that was later. Infected so its not important to actually know all the details but only to know that you have met someone and what what the current debate in germany is all about and europe and thats what we that what theyre trying to implement with the latest version exactly and this is why it takes a little bit longer than in some other countries i mean i personally i have nothing to hide at least i think so but given the implications of this the app how foolproof is it i mean could the epic center false info about someone being infected. So 1st of all the have itself will not protect your right because thats one of the problems with the with the coronavirus is that you often dont know that you are trying to somebody is infected so its only in the end it will only help to inform your afterwords that you have met an infected person and the other the problem is with the Data Security and thats what youve also mentioned and thats what it what researchers are working on. Another group of researchers working at the moment to ensure that for example only Health Authorities are able to say who was infected and whos not so or that youre not able if you use the air that you can and. Added data for example you know i could make a list of people that i dont like and put them on the list and say i met those people and when i didnt think that they all have to go to current time right thats what we want to prevent and thats why where security is important but this is heaven for tech savvy people but of course given that itll still take a while until there is a vaccine would you say that tech is key for us to get back to a normal life. So the press writes of i think the word hope limit the spread of despair of the rough iris but overall i think sometimes people have too many hopes in this technology or because it can only be one part of the puzzle to solve this crisis and to limit the spread of the virus. After all we dont actually know whether these apps will work because definitely been tested for a long time effect in singapore where they had this that id like this for for some weeks already but it didnt help at all because the people who were that where the virus is spreading now didnt have any chance to do distancing and also there are discussions about how many people can actually install that because their technical requirements you have to have a phone that is not older than a few years and thats not what i read in terms of their discussion discussing that apart 80 to 90 percent of the people who actually have the technical requirements will have a phone that could work and then you would still need enough people that actually install it ok so what youre telling us theres still a long way to go but its worth taking the time for it to to make it work matinee degel in there from rio Van University in thank you so much for your time. Thanks bye. All this is still so many questions and many more questions that you all have about the coronavirus now luckily we do have an expert in house its time now to get some more answers from our science editor derek williams. Can taking off your shoes when inside help reduce the transmission of hiv 19. Great question were constantly hearing about how infectious droplets that are coughed up or sneezed out subtle pretty quickly to the ground where of course they could end up on the soles of your shoes now a chinese study in a sick or in blue han found the virus on the shoes of staff about half the time but but thats a hospital in the midst of a pandemic so its kind of to be expected in other settings its going to be much more rare i didnt find any documented cases where shoes had been shown to be a means of transmission but plenty of doctors are saying that even if the danger is slight it certainly cant hurt to leave your shoes at the front door when you come home especially if you live in a household with small children who spend lots of time on the floor after all stars who have to isnt the only pathogen out there and you never know what you might have stepped in. Has the pandemic now made sounds kavi to more common than of that coronaviruses. This question cant really be answered since we just dont have the data but i would say its probably no at least at this point 7 perona viruses are currently known to infect humans the list includes sars and murmurs and then 4 strains that arent deadly at all they only cause cold like symptoms most of us will get those last for at some time in our lives and many of us will get them repeatedly at the moment weve confirmed a couple of 1000000 covert 19 cases now even if 10 to 20 times that number of people have actually been infected and havent been confirmed were still talk. Maybe 15000000 hypothetical cases of prove it 1000 worldwide but there are over 7000000000 people on the planet and and how many of us have colds at the moment a lot almost certainly many more than have or have had covert 19. And Eric Williams will be back to answer more questions tomorrow as this take aviation of our show comes to a close lets take a look at a community that shuns all modern life and is still pitching in to battle the pandemic over 400 families in the United States the u. S. State of indiana a working for a start up to make facemasks home sewing is the norm in the community thats mostly rejects todays technology of the companys own a believes traditional social distancing of the amish lowest the risk of contaminating the masks during production its also a way to generate income for the community a sales of homemade products drop with falling visitor numbers. And thats all for our 900 special 14 days for water sky to our website it d. W. Dot com where weve got a dedicated section on the pandemic in 30 languages i want to get jones in the end and for me in the team thanks for watching. Eco india. From plastic waste. To crude oil. To indian entrepreneurs have turned their countrys waste problem into a lucrative business. If their plans transforms trash into high quality food and eco friendly feel. Good. The next. They were abducted by the nazis and taken to germany to be raised as citizens of the. During world war 2 thousands of polish children suffered this fate. Even today many of them dont know who their real parents were. Stolen children the Kidnapping Campaign of nonsi germany. In 45 minutes w. A z. Morrow a symbol of a long conflict in the philippines between the muslims and the christian population. As fighters occupied the city center in 2000 the president due to his response was. This is not the kind of freedom that me. How did morality become a gateway to islamize terror. An exclusive report from a destroyed city. In the sights of fire starts may 20th on d w. The. Plastic is everywhere you know water washes lunchboxes make up to us and our favorites make us and all of it goes from garbage faster than you would imagine according to the latest numbers

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