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Early as this weekend how can travel resume safely with the continued coronavirus trusts us dont move too fast the white house is top expert on the coronavirus says the u. S. Could see needless suffering and death for economic damage if lockdowns and to susan. And the afghan president orders the military to restart operations against militants that comes after extremists attack civilian targets including a Maternity Ward killing mothers and if. Im seen as i was kind of glad you could join us german chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that the country must not jeopardize the progress thats made in containing the coronavirus by moving too quickly to lift restrictions. In parliament the chancellor face questions on the Economic Impact of the disease as well as on conditions for Seasonal Workers after a large corona Virus Outbreak at a slaughterhouse germany is now emerging from a nearly 2 months lock down but medical warned the country would be living with the disease for some time to come as a bit of the premium view it would be depressing if we had to reintroduce restrictions that we all want to leave behind us because we want too much too soon. So let us be courageous and vigilant let us reopen public and Economic Life step by step whilst keeping an eye on how the pandemic develops for our own lessons and about all let us return to our workplaces schools cafes and sports clubs whilst following the new rules social distancing handwashing and respecting the need to protect each other and. I firmly believe that if we remain consistent and prevent a relapse then we will all benefit. And done this because then in the next phase of the pandemic both a possible protecting Peoples Health and letting our economy recover as quickly as possible protecting jobs and enjoying a social life. Position of his and even money in before the good or lets bring in our Political Correspondent kate brady for more on this story hi kate we heard the chance are there talking about that very difficult balance between controlling the virus on one hand and also easing restrictions on the other does the government have broad support across parliament for its measures. Oh the certainly been the logic gap between different parliamentary groups in the last week or so when it comes to specifically the easing or relaxation of restrictions in germany and a lot of that comes down to this rather contentious issue of this emergency break which was decided on the last week between ungrammatical and the state premiers which means that if a district in germany reports more than 50 new cases per 100000 inhabitants over the past week then action appropriate action needs to be taken so we have seen some place in germany that have put on hold the easing of restrictions there because that has a not now knock on effect on the local industry so Going Forward this will be something that the government of both federal and state level will be keeping an eye on as you mentioned as well there have been these outbreaks at slaughterhouses as well which have had an impact on local numbers so there certainly imagine will be perhaps a reassessment in the coming weeks as to how effective this emergency brake is and how effective and these easing of restrictions are as well as of course the effects that they might be having on the new number of cases which is being closely observed here in germany kate what about among the german public i mean is there still widespread support for the governments course so far. Well if you look at the polls around 2 thirds of germans are currently support the current measures in place and the restrictions are still to a certain extent in place here in germany but of course thats a big drop from earlier on during the pandemic when over 90 percent of germans supported the restrictions that were in place and the action that was being taken by the German Government and at the same time as well just a few days ago at the weekend we saw an increasing number of demonstrations thousands of people across the country in various cities taking to the streets accusing politicians of infringing their rights and their freedoms here in germany but of course those protests have been looked at very closely in the following days this week particular as its now become clear that there were some far right extremist walking among normal citizens your average citizens who were out on the streets calling for for the protection of their rights and so that is something that the government will be keeping an eye on as well as local authorities as well in the coming weeks as there are of course fears that those protests may even grow yet and earlier we did hear the german interior minister jose hope to talk about easing some water controls bring us up to date on whats happening there. Or basically as of saturday may 15th there will be relaxed controls on the borders of france switzerland and austria and on the border of looks and border controls will be completely lifted and that could also be the case even with denmark as well but the whole civil for and the medical research as well during the chances question time that the plan is to have you free free travel across the e. U. By made june but of course in the meantime germanys Global Travel warning still remains in place around our political correspond kate brady there for us thank you. As germany and many other countries across europe loosen lockdown measures the Aviation Industry is preparing for a resurgence in passenger numbers depending on the airline that could mean a radically different airport and on board experience lets take a look at what taking to the skies might involve. Flying during a pandemic passengers on board this booked out Ryanair Flight from london to lisbon may have been Wearing Masks but they werent able to keep much distance from each other. All over the World Airlines are having to contend with the realities of the coronavirus. Air france officials have been taking temperature readings of passengers before they board in the hope of stopping people with symptoms from flying the cabins are disinfected every 5 days and some efforts are being made to keep people from getting too close to each other. On board case during is being kept to a minimum and duty Free Shopping is no longer on offer at the Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport in rome theyve been trialing socalled smart helmets. They allow the temperature readings to be taken while people are in motion. They work within a 7 measure radius. Its just one example of a number of innovations in health and safety that have arisen because of the pandemic you will be the little bit of us the airport official will be able to identify even within a group of people which individuals have a fever that needs attention. As lockdowns ease on travel resumes airlines will be left with a greater responsibility then add her for maintaining Public Health. In the u. S. The governments top Infectious Disease expert is one lawmakers that cities and states could see a spike in coated 1000 deaths if they lift their lockdowns too quickly anthony felt she expressed his concerns while testifying before the u. S. Senate from his home. Soon these things have become the new normal for people all over the world during this pandemic and the pop form took center stage in the u. S. Senate as the nations top Infectious Disease expert warns against rushing to reopen the economy it is a real risk you will trigger an outbreak you may not be able to control which in fact dark simply will set you back only leading to some suffering and death could be avoided it could even set you back road to try to get economic recovery when i was anthony fact she has served under 6 u. S. President s but in his role on the White House Coronavirus task force hes had to walk a tightrope between Public Health and the un scientific theories promoted by donald trump. This virus is going to disappear. Its a question of what but when you talk about will this virus just disappear and as i accept publicly many times that is just not going to happen because its such a highly transmissible virus and with the virus not going away felt she had another message for the senators safeguards like testing and Contact Tracing you need to be in place before states open up. So if the community or a region doesnt go by those guidelines and reopened the consequences could be pretty dark who are the consequences could be really serious. Public Health Officials believe many kovac 19 deaths in the u. S. Could have been avoided if are strict sions were close in place to weeks earlier. And they fear that if lawmakers batted to demands to quickly lift restrictions the death certificates for tens of thousands more victims would be signed doctors are trying to understand an illness and children that might be linked to the coronavirus the condition share symptoms with the wear and potentially life threatening coa saki disease which causes toxic shock cases were 1st reported in britain italy and spain and now it has been identified in the us. I mean the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic it was one of the few comforts for families the coronavirus really affected children now warnings they could be more vulnerable than 1st thought. This is every parents nightmare right. Your child me or she will be affected by this riders but its something we have to consider seriously. The u. S. Hotspot of new york is investigating dozens of children taken to hospital all showing symptoms similar to cows aki disease a rare inflammatory condition. And its associated with. A rash oftentimes in the dominant discomforts things like. Doctors increasingly see a link to coded 19. The reason i believe that we are seeing war right now is just because of sheer number of children who have been exposed the concern is also growing in europe as children head back to school after weeks of lockdown now parents are asking if its really safe. Nice when the last 10 days is that this disease is similar to callous sucky for Young Children may still have a lot of questions but for now Health Authorities around the world have few answers other than to be vigilant and gather more data weve asked for is for the Global Network of clinicians to be on alert for this and to ensure that they capture information on children systematically the statistics still paint a positive picture for children showing them unlikely to fall ill to the coronavirus and doctors stressed the link to cause ocular like symptoms still isnt 100 percent. Lets check in now and some other stories from around the world officials in yemen say at least 12 people died in fierce clashes in the Southern Province of i began on tuesday fighting broke out between saudi backed Government Troops and separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates but you sites were allies until the separatists declared itself will last a month. And twitter c. E. O. Jack dorsey says staff can continue working from home as long as they see fit even if that means forever he said a social Media Company favors decentralization and a Flexible Workforce but for those who prefer the traditional model Twitter Twitter is the offices will be their warm and welcoming selves once it is safe again. Fresh violence in afghanistan is threatening to further undermine the Peace Process that started in february between washington and the taliban the latest attacks on a funeral for a Police Commander and on a Maternity Ward where infants and mothers were among the dead a warning to our viewers some of the images in this report are distressing. Another day of deadly violence in afghanistan in the capital kabul gunmen disguised as police stormed a Maternity Hospital they killed 16 people including 2 newborn babies mothers and nurses. The gun battles raged for hours as the Security Forces struggled to evacuate over 100. 00 women and their infants. That was similar she looked like took my grandchild to the hospital to get a vaccine. When i heard a gunshot we were outside of the hospital. I wanted to go inside. They shot me and one of my grandchildren was killed i think that has been. So far no group has claimed responsibility but the days violence extended beyond kabul a suicide bomber in the Eastern Province of not a hard target to the funeral killing 24 people and wounding dozens more the socalled Islamic State which has a strong presence in our heart has claimed responsibility for this attack. The violence has provoked a strong response from the Afghan Government president ashraf ghani said the attacks left him no choice but to resume offensive military operations. To defend the country for the security and safety of the people in Public Places not to prevent the threats of taliban and other terrorist groups that my old Afghan Security and Defense Forces to come out of defensive mode back to offensive and stop their operations against the enemy. Afghan forces have been refraining from offensive action against the taliban as part of a cease fire deal brokered by the United States the taliban deny involvement in the attacks but theres a serious risk now that moves toward peace talks between the group and the government will be. Derailed. U. S. Secretary of state mike palm pale is in israel on his 1st foreign trip since march was Holding Meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new governing partner benny gantz talks are expected to touch on israels plans to annex parts of the west bank a move that is likely to lead to a flare up and tensions with palestinians and internationally. Visit comes a day before israels new unity government to schedule to be sworn in the challenge of tackling the coronavirus has played a part in ending an extended political deadlock. 3 times they ran against each other as fierce political rivals Benyamin Netanyahu for the conservatively could party and he guns from the centrist blue and white party but what 3 inconclusive elections couldnt solve the crisis no has the leaders agreed to form a National Emergency government to deal with the pandemic and to slim small honey you who dont market this cautious optimism about the end of the political deadlock it was recently reopened after several weeks of lockdown because of the corona pandemic. A quarter of the vote in everything is for the best i dont think we need to go to another election and i think gunsmith the right choice because im just going to have another election. And if i should go i think it is good to bring them in get to know who is managing the new government everybody in it and i hope it is not only for a year and a half but to the end. Of the new unity government is to be let bring it on yahoo for the 1st 18 months guns for the 2nd its initial focus the coup numbers but political battle over. A protest against certain yahoo in front of the stairs of jewels in jerusalem didnt you know who has been indicted on corruption charges his trial already postponed once is expected to start in 2 weeks he denies the allegations. Retired army colonel turner has taken part in these protests hes disappointed but many guns who progress election promise not to enter government with an indicted Prime Minister no honchos a. Saga it is true that hes innocent until hes Proven Guilty but its not right its not immoral and without values that a Prime Minister will leave the government in the afternoon and in the morning has to defend himself in court that it could very short aside from the pandemic the new Coalition Agreement singled out one other major policy issue the annexation of parts of the Israeli Occupied west bank in general you as President Donald Trump released his controversial vision for peace proposal now israels new government could pass legislation to annex israeli settlements and the children valley as early as july 3rd leader david and even start to happen as soon as possible but rejects the notion of a future palestinian state included in the trumpet post. You really need to go in july sovereignty should be applied over the Jordan Valley the northern dead sea area and the jewish settlements in the west bank regardless of transplant its a dangerous plan that will result in the formation of a palestinian terror state and we vaunt allow that to happen. A joint us israel mapping team is reportedly working on outlining the details the scope and timing of any an extension is still unclear but it would make a future sovereign palestinian state even more elusive. Facebook has agreed to pay out 52000000. 00 in a settlement brought by workers who developed posttraumatic stress disorder while moderating disturbing content a social Media Company has not admitted causing harm but has agreed to provide counseling for content moderators more than 11000 workers are eligible to receive the compensation which could open the door to lawsuits against similar social media companies. And Arthur Sullivan from the business is with us for more on this story hi arthur thanks for joining us this decision is being called a landmark one why is it so significant well there is content moderation sumi is quite new there has never been a ruling of this kind of force so its been quite an unregulated area and it has become increasingly important the last few years and what the ruling essentially means although facebook has not directly admitted that this work causes harm for users or has a night in either the. Attendant emmons of it are a tacit acknowledgement of how harmful this work is one of the most interesting Legal Precedents from the ruling or from the settlement rather is that the Current Research done by facebooks lawyers and also lawyers for the plant of up to half of those who have worked in this concentration job have suffered attendant Mental Health problems so for example addiction depression and as we already posttraumatic stress disorder so that means if youve got a job working in contact moderations the facebook theres a possibility that you have a one in 2 chance of developing resulting Mental Health problems i mean what are these workers subjected to well i mean essentially they have to moderate the entire platform of facebook so thats 2300000000 users and all the things that go up there so its some of the most disturbing content you can imagine you have to check videos of murder suicide sexual abuse rick animal cruelty things that no one should really have to watch but someone has to do it but the problem is that many of these workers are working for 3rd Party Companies so theyre extremely low paid theyre on average earning around 30000. 00 in america and much less than obvious like the philippines and india and when you contrast that with what an average fully contracted facebook workarounds interfering with benefits and shares and so on but 250000 a year it means that people who are doing this incredibly difficult work are not being paid enough on top of that they have been shown to develop very Serious Problems so for example the posttraumatic stress disorder its been shown that in many cases workers within weeks of starting this job and looking at these horrendous videos were developing problems in their dreams problems in their sleep and the serious effect. Posttraumatic stress disorder so you had a situation where people were doing this extremely damaging work with ive been out of quickly renumerated or also even trained and then Counseling Services were simply not really there are certainly off the level that they needed to be so what do you think this ruling means for the future of content moderation because its not just facebook its a lot of social media platforms dealing with this exactly so this ruling applies specifically to facebook and whats up an instrument facebook owns but it could open the door to you tube and twitter also facing similar cases from workers who have suffered as a result of having to moderate harm from disturbing content platforms but what is hoped by by those who brought this case is that it will 1st of all increase an awareness of just how serious this work is how important it is and how much it needs to be properly cared for both in terms of renumeration obviously but as the plaintiffs whove taken the case that its not about money its about been treated properly and having a safe environment in which to do this very important work all right Arthur Sullivan from the business thank you so much. Now in football the return of Germanys Bundesliga is just 3 days away but without fans under strict anti coronavirus guidelines matches will be played behind closed doors with supporters only allowed to follow the action on t. V. And the league famous for its passionate supporters the lack of atmosphere is a concern but an app developed in munich might provide a solution. The blunders leaguer returns this weekend with guys to matches without fans but a new app may provide a solution to eerie scenes inside stadiums across germany one of its inventors victim raz believes it could make Upcoming Games more enjoyable and interactive for fans watching on t. V. You know nothing really bad about it really good. Remote stadiums have really good sound systems so it sounds amazing its really fun and. Cool you know press a button and the whole stadium is cheering and. Some german clubs such as bruce human blood back have found novel ways to fill their stands these cardboard cutouts of fans faces cost 19. 00 euros a pop with proceeds going towards Community Projects the problem though they dont make any noise. The app provides an abundance of options cheering clapping singing and even whistling fans have their say at home and speakers inside stadiums respond the technology has already been in use in better roos one of the few european leagues to continue playing throughout the pandemic matches invention even provides a sense of home and away support to those watching from their sofa. The songs for one team come up with the left loudspeaker discounts for the other to come up with the right loudspeaker ration blocks which you happen stadiums usually but could artificial atmosphere be too much for beleaguered boomers league of fans to stomach. Ah its not the real thing well never never said the real thing i did so much better than nothing you know amazingly better than the the bundesliga is yet to adopt the idea and will make do without noise at the weekend but should eerily silent games cause fans to switch off perhaps a bit of extra buzz may need to be brought in. Well its not just fans who wont be able to attend the bundesliga games this weekend colognes famous mascot hennis the goat is also not allowed into the stadium because of coronavirus regulations a goat has been at every point is legal home match since 2008 but the run will come to an end and colognes game against mine on sunday fans hope the loss of their lucky charm will not hurt their chances a cologne had surged clear of the relegation zone when the bundesliga was suspended in march due to be coated in panda. Lets get a recap of our top stories now here on d w german chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that the country will to live with the coronavirus from some time to combat must not jeopardize progress containment and question and answer session lawmakers aspherical about how our government plans to help businesses reopen and recover germany is now emerging from a nearly 2 month lockdown. And in germany plans to relax border controls starting saturday out with several neighboring countries including austria switzerland and france germany had closed its borders stalled was essential travel due to growing a virus for cautious almost 2 months ago. Thank you for watching v. W. News. Africa. And warmth is the way to save listen endangered species. And bills are threatened by environmental destruction. A South African project tries to protect the baby birds lovingly rearing them by hand. But theres nothing to stop nature from calling eco africa. D. W. Nor didnt what do they dream of at night eating. As cleaners they see the face of horror. On their job censoring for the social media industry. In manila there are thousands of socalled content monitors day for day they scream terrifying images from online platforms. Up 225000 times a day. Or. The job for starvation wage. The strain is enormous. The cleaners are sworn to secrecy they are not allowed to talk about their work. And no one asks help me or to if. I could. I need to stop or something wont. Do social networks have any social responsibility at all. The cleaners social medias shadow industry starts to names on t. W. A very warm welcome sci fi vironment magazine coproduced by charles see here in nigeria detail being germany at and t. V. In uganda my name is now its

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