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They may have a new lead. Im brian thomas good to have you with us today germany has unveiled the biggest stimulus package in its history in an effort to lift the country out of a coronavirus induced recession the 130000000000 euro plan will slash taxes and money to families and incentivize businesses to keep training workers some quarter of a 1000000 people lost their jobs in may alone bringing the total number of unemployed to about 3000000. After 2 days of intense talks their marriage with 50000000000. 00 euros more than anyone expected and a dramatic surprise aimed to get g. M. Inge reaching for their wallets will be cut by 3 percent until the end of the year. Were missing the 1st of all to see it would know that a long time and we need to make sure that everyone has the courage to investigate and to make sure that the consumer demand rights is to unseat. For weeks Industry Leaders have lobbied hard for a marriage and see help in the end there was a little for everyone thought and if you think. There will be a great number of further measures aimed at reviving the economy and we will agree on a bridging Program Using exiting means for middle and small businesses. Among the measures families will receive 300. 00 euros per child the government will help local municipalities cover billions in tax falls there will be bonuses for companies to keep Training Programs despite the pandemic and purchase incentives for electric cars missing amid the measures long hoped for purchase premiums for cars with petrol and diesel engines here even the mighty Auto Industry could not prevail joining us now for more is our Political Correspondent kate brady good morning to you kate germany tends to be highly allergic when it comes to big spending programs taking on debt are we witnessing a general shift in how berlin handles the economy. We certainly are seeing a shift in of course these are unprecedented circumstances that germany and the rest the rest of the world finds itself in right now and of course it took some 21 hours of marathon talks but in the end we know now that the german the governing german parties are going to be plowing some 130000000000 euros into rebooting the German Economy and this certainly is a shift in the behavior here in germany and the days of penny pinching over the cent pinching seem to be over at least for now in the initial response to the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic and lets not forget that this is also on top of the 750000000000 euro Financial Aid package that was also announced by the German Government back in the end of at the end of march so we certainly are seeing a shift here in berlin and some massive levels of spending as well what are some of your big takeaways from this deal. So well its a wide range of measures but i think some of the most prominent takeaways things like families theyre going to be provided with an extra 300. 00 euros per child on top of that v. A. T. Here in germany is temporarily going to be cut from 19 percent to 16 percent and were also seeing a government supported rebates on purchases of electric cars and also interestingly included in this package is some 50000000000. 00 euros and thats a fund set to address things like digitalisation even innovation and also Climate Change within the German Economy and these are issues that germany has really been fall in behind on in recent years so i think this package is certainly being used to take on some new opportunities as well. Are germans comfortable with with this new approach or hows this deal being received in drug. It has been received quite well of course a. Circumstance is that we find ourselves in right now require a huge response like this but goes outside of germany that our concerns especially among weaker economies specially within the European Union and also especially the the your is there in the size of this german splurged spend in splurge could indeed actually worsen the financial imbalances within the european within the european Single Market and also within the euro zone there are certainly some concerns outside of germany but this is within the country seen very much as the boost the German Economy needs kate thanks so much for that. Well the german auto sectors following this very closely did have used Chelsea Delaney joins us with more on that from frankfurt good debut delaying the big surprise of this package is the reduction in the sales tax the value added tax which in so it will boost the Auto Industry including both Combustion Engine and electric vehicles is that a compromise daughters are to live with well theres a lot of celebration over this package today among investors and economists its a little bit of a disappointment for the german artist sector though they had one added specific incentives for all types of vehicles as sort of purchasers premium and that came up against a lot of opposition from both politicians and climate activists who said that wasnt really go along with what germanys role as. That and Climate Change effort so they didnt get that but they did get as you mentioned the reduction in the value added tax that will help bring down the cost of vehicles and theyre also going to be getting this and creates then and premiums for electric vehicles so that will certainly increase the demand for electric vehicles at a time when all german automakers are investing a lot of money into becoming more electrified so that could also help in the long term as well josie ladies thanks very much for that from frankfurt today lets get you up today down some of the latest corona virus developments global confirmed cases of risen to more than 6500000 more than 384000 people have died austria is lifting all virus related border restrictions for all neighboring countries except italy as of today this comes after germany said it would lift a travel ban for 29 European Countries beginning june the 15th british doctors are testing a type of anti inflammatory i would proven to see if it reduces respiratory failure in patients with severe over 1000 cysts symptoms and amazon has been sued for allegedly fostering the spread of the corona virus by mandating unsafe working conditions the complaint was filed by 3 employees and their family members in new york. On the United States the officer arrested over the killing of george floyd will now face an upgraded charge of 2nd degree murder 3 other officers at the scene last week will also now be facing charges on wednesday floyds family visited a memorial in minneapolis where he died. A son grieving the loss of his father this is where george floyd begged for his life handcuffed under the weight of 3 officers while another stood by after 8 minutes and 46 seconds george floyd lost his struggle quincy has come in search of one thing. Very night with my family. Trying to diss my father. Bakri say everyone for joining us of sport and love. And i thank you for that. Now there is new hope and his pursuit of justice filed an amended complaint that charges the charges former Minneapolis Police officer Derrick Shaaban with murder in the 2nd degree for the death of george floyd i believe the evidence available to us now supports the stronger charge of 2nd degree murder misstate is also issued arrest warrants for the other officers involved they face felony murder charges in the 2nd degree for aiding and abetting and to everyone that is watching i say george floyd mattered he was loved his family was important his life had value and we will see justice for him and for you and we will find civil rights Attorney Benjamin Crump says this moment is a Tipping Point for equality if he if america truly believes in the words of thomas jefferson. That we hold these truths to be self evident there oh man or credit equally theyre then down 2 by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among them are life liberty and pursuit of happiness where america that means black people true. From coast to coast and around the world protesters have marched for some way but also to push against a you must Justice System that they say too often treats black citizens without humanity many believe after decades of failed starts that the us is ready for change. I was joined earlier by the time he is stefan simones in minneapolis who told us more about what was behind the decision to upgrade the charges against officers off them. Well the attorney general said there were legal reasons for this of course but he also said that he thought its in the best interests for the flood some relief for the city of minneapolis for the state of minnesota and for the entire country and maybe he is right about that but to also say that even if the charges on significantly harsher now all 4 charged Police Officers can potentially go to prison for 40 years thats up from 25 years just for one of them now all 4 of them for maximum of 40 yes if they get convicted. I have to say this if they get convicted is key for the crowd behind me for the protest to see in minneapolis because they are only cautiously optimistic that there will actually be a conviction they are happy about the charges theyre happy about the arrests today of the remaining 3 officers who were also involved in the demise of george floyd in. My back here just as ok like about 10 days ago simon suffered if i could joy. Can you tell us about the charges that the other 3 officers are now are now facing what are they looking at. Its aiding and abetting to 2nd degree murder that is what theyre looking at and that is. Significant again 40 years in prison. Thats what theyre looking at and again i have to stress that the optimism that they will stick in court. Protesters here demands that the attorney general actually gets rid of the county attorney county attorney general attorney who is still working with the attorney general on this case nobody trusts apparently this man he has hes too close to the Police Department protest just tell us. That was date of you Stefan Simmons force in the apple us president from former defense secretary james mattis as issued a sharp condemnation of the president s handling of the protests writing in the atlantic magazine that is describes trump as the only president in his lifetime who does not try to night americans but instead to divide them he also called the president saying he deployed the u. S. Military to deal with violent unrest as a threat to the Us Constitution not just resigned in the summer of 2018 in protest over from spalls he on syria. Lets check in with some of the other stories making the news today parts of brazil are relaxing social distancing rules designed to contain the coronavirus in some cities parts and churches have been reopened despite the death toll continuing to rise brazil reported a record 1349. 00 deaths wednesday taking the National Total to more than 32000. 00. Russias president has declared a state of emergency over a fuel spill in a region of siberia last friday some 20000 tons of diesel leaked into waterways after a fuel reservoir collapsed at a power plant near the city of norilsk a series of criminal probes have been launched. Stong kong now lawmakers there are expected to vote on a controversial new National Anthem all today debate was briefly suspended after prodemocracy legislators staged a protest in the Chamber China has been pushing for the bill in order to criminalize insults to its National Anthem opponents see the legislation as part of a Wider Campaign by beijing to clamp down on human rights in hong kong this comes as china prepares to enforce a strict new National Security law in the semi autonomous territory. All today is also the anniversary of chinas crackdown on democracy protests in beijings tenement square 1989 people in hong kong have traditionally mark this day but commemorations this year have been banned Authorities Say this is because the coronavirus but critics allege its another move by beijing to suppress freedom of speech and assembly well talk to a democracy activist in a moment 1st we have this report on how chinas president xi jinping has taken a tough approach from the very outset as part of a broader strategy to assert chinas authority on the global stage. Back in march 25th when she became the president china if you could have known what kind of leader he was going to become. That it soon became clear that he planned to take a hard line especially with people he regarded as a threat to the state. One of his 1st moves was to target both high and low ranking officials and a Sweeping Campaign against corruption indicting more than 100000. 00 people on charges of graft or abuse of power. This turned out to be the start of what she viewed as an Historic Mission to restore china to its former greatness but fishies goal to be realized the Chinese Communist party needed to consolidate his power and exert more control in all areas of life. In 2014 this led to g. s 1st major showdown with prodemocracy protesters in hong kong. To demonstrate is that a new edict from china would prevent opposition politicians from standing for election. But she was also encountering opposition at home after rounding up more than 200. 00 to human rights lawyers. Critics of the move showed a new determination to silence dissent and question any possible threat to communist party rule. At the same time he was also projecting strength in other ways beefing up chinas military muscle. And building artificial islands in contested waters of the south china sea. But the real game changer came in march 28th seen when she stunned the world by scrapping president ial term limits effectively making himself ruler of a one party state for life. But the covert 900 outbreak in woo han was another turning point as the epicenter moved to other countries he was able to cast himself as a savior by providing aid. He also said chinas reported success in containing the disease compared to other countries prove that his authoritarian style of rule 2 superior to other forms of government. Lets talk more about this now to do that were joined by john he is a hong kong politician democracy activist been arrested by police there faces charges for organizing protests and demonstrating thanks so much for joining us today this years tournament vigil has has been banned for the very 1st time authorities. Thats true to the coronavirus what are your thoughts on that. That than it is politically motivated when you look at home going to hong kong now this is like the no mon you know when you look at us always so proud that everywhere you know the government allowed she was a religious gathering are all day. After day not a little gathering so the only thing bad now is political expression and so this is both of them will do that and it is very sad that we have 30. 1 genius candlelight vigil khan damning a mosque in 89 and mourning those who suffered by the moccasin and the mondale and one body but. Police and us in the name of 19 and it only showed to a world that it is no longer one country just as the. One that showed their loyalty to the band and the coming National Security what will it do to what id like to jump in on the on those would like to jump in on the events are moving very quickly to say the Hong Kong Legislature is expected to pass a law criminalizing insults to chinas National Anthem and a new security bill the one you just mentioned by beijing is looming for the territory are hong kong human rights under threat to the point that theyve this might be irretrievable. You know where were worried that were into a new era of you know not allowing and if them do it on call we out you know like going back to china where the whole china will not allow any of this dissension deals or defense spending boys are we going to like the light china when everyone in hong kong at the fiocco about what they sat and you know people that we are allowed to go and have the kind of video this yes band album ixia it seems that even even worse now with the nexus you know long. And the National Anthem go on is now being asked in the Legislative Council so that the whole thing up and the National Security or is laid in the team a structure that you know going to top down on us so we have a redo worry about what will happen in the long haul off the National Security role will be os theres not in hong kong but in beijing and also very clear into banks and into our system right now you are getting some very strong support from democratic countries for example from the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson hes announced that the u. K. Is ready to open its doors to 3000000 hong kong citizens if china and that this National Security along hong kong what are your thoughts on that. But we have to tell borg johnson you know come on we are not wanting to have only an exit poll we want to stay in hong kong you know you seem to be saying that oh everyone leave on call and you dont then its over you know we dont want to hong kong to the ova and we want to stay all and we are asking the world because youre ok our government especially if you sign the sign of rigid joint declaration what are you going to do except its a goal are you going to stand up to china and say that you know its too much is too much that whole country its a system the joints i go on and. Break by china are going to say that they going to invite the Nation Special on envoy to come to go to hong kong the world going to unite together in green gum and other european country and say we witness the sign of the great and we the hong kong you dont go whoa not just to china dole is on the china solvency of china and make a promise and let the world not just make statement but do something diplomatically internationally to stand on call. Thank you very much for your comments on such an important day and such an important commemoration that will not be taking place today for hong kong thank you very much thank you. Please say they have a debt of 5 a new suspect in the 2007 disappearance of the british toddler madeleine mccann. Now despite a vast International Search and intense Media Coverage her fate remains a mystery authorities are asking for the publics help for any information that could link the new suspect to the case. When Madeline Mccann disappeared from her room in this resort in portugal she became a global story her face instantly recognizable from news bulletins and missing posters. In spite of her parents efforts to raise awareness and an extensive search by police the 3 year old was never found. Now 13 years later a suspect has suddenly emerged a german man who lived in this house near the resort when madeline disappeared. Just off the suspect is a german citizen and was 30 years old at the time of madeleines disappearance his currently in prison in germany because of a sexual crime and drug dealing from 1905 to 2007 he was in portugal almost continuously and it lived in a house between prior dilution and live costs for a couple of years. Like their german counterparts British Police are appealing for information linking him to madelines case. There might be people in the past who because fearful have come forward to the place my message is to anybody that has information. Did he speak to you in confidence and tell you what happened that night. 2 vehicles could offer up clues this v. W. Camper van and this jag you are sedan are thought to have been in the suspects possession. Madelines family can now hope that vital questions will finally be answered. For some more details lets bring in deed of used to get moss joining us from london a good day to you the mccann family is talking to the press this morning what more can you tell us about that. Well it was a spokesman for the mccann family and he said that theyre just hoping that they can somehow get some closure on the case they say theres no optimism no real hope that madelyne would be a lawyer but they just hoping that the case can be moved forward. You have to remember that the family maintained. For madelyne they hired private investigators. As they also maintain some sort of public profile they never gave up the search for her daughter they were also initially the suspects in the case when the Portuguese Police opened the case very early on but that had been cleared and now they are still fighting to get some closure. And to know what happened to their daughter its been a very long struggle for the family and its being treated now this case as a murder case how close in this moment right now are the ties between german british and Portuguese Police well the British Police is working together with the german and Portuguese Police the but Portuguese Police were initially the lead investigator because obviously the crime happened in portugal then the British Police had taken over and now the German Police is leading in this particular strand of investigation but all the forces all working together it is interesting that the German Police are treating it as a Murder Investigation press the British Police are still saying for them its a missing pass an investigation so they say they have no evidence whatsoever whats happened to madeleine whether shes still alive or whether shes dead so for them its still a missing person investigation. Thanks very much for bring us up to date on this case from long and this morning. We have this one sports side before we go the German Football Association says players in germanys bonus league are free to show their support for the protests in the u. S. Several players did so during matches this past weekend hartmans jaden santiago got a yellow card for moving his shirt with a message in support of protesters yesterday has decided that no disciplinary action would be taken against the players. Well dont forget theres more on these and other stories our website e. W. Dot com you can also follow us of course on social media im brian thomas for the entire news team thanks for me. To the conflict zone team sebastian. Even before the coronavirus pandemic lebanons economy was plummeting through the floor joining me from beirut this week is the countrys foreign minister nazi 50 love a movie go shades just me for assistance for guarantees good news for these governments is any better than the previous ones close. To. This see is not always merciful. On the southern tip of the americas. Circumnavigation has proved a challenge for generations of seafarers. But also a milestone here we are like a pawn. This is a magical moment the legend of keep horne. In 45 minutes on w. When the water rises cities will sink into the sea. Entire stretches of land will be abandoned. And the water has to. Be stopped its happening faster than anticipated. Massive gridlock are supposed to prevent flooding but they only delay the inevitable. How will we live in the future. 66 meters rising sea levels starts to slip on g. W. Our plan is clear it is to fight corruption when one of the people of lebanon going to get back i know we are very much we are very much aware that dr levy. Letting me finish the answer as a bowler whether you like it or dislike it appears ants and a component of a society even before the coronavirus pandemic lebanons economy was plummeting through the floor decades of catastrophic mismanagement and rampant corruption pushed almost half the population into poverty joining me from beirut this week is the countrys foreign minister. As leveling the go

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