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A german woman. Had been missing since monday. And. Completed the 1st. A major. Project. With. Welcome to the program. Open for most. For the 1st time in more than. Thousands of gathered outside the Historic Building to take in the prayer as it follows a controversial. President. Back into a mosque. On himself is in attendance along with several 100 invitees originally a cathedral the building has to the heart of istanbul for 1500 years. For more now im joined by d. W. Correspondent julio han whos quite near the hargus of fear in istanbul judea what is going on at the monument. Well the 1st friday prayer is underway inside the ioseph ear but also outside as you can see behind me there are thousands of people who are joining these prayers right behind me actually you can see many of my colleagues from turkish media who are our also praying now are joining the prayers according to the information we have about 500 people were allowed inside the i. O. C. There was a limitation due to coronavirus the measures but outside we actually souls thousands all people today many of them wrote their prayer rugs some of them even came from other parts of turkey just to be here today and to attend this event its a highly symbolic event for president eddo on himself who is inside ideas of fear right now he earlier recitals apart from the koran so he is joining this prayer weve seen him wearing a mosque and sitting socially distant to members all 3 is that cabinet today is probably the day that the prison aired on his telling his supporters islamic conservative voters the nationalists here in the country that he fulfilled a promise he made to them he had repeatedly promised to turn this iconic building that used to be a child and for the past 86 years was a museum to turn this Building Back into a mosque. Making the promise. To turn it back. I guess you have to understand the symbolism of the iosif here it is for many people here in turkey the old hymn it symbol of the muslim autumn the ground was of christian. In constantinople that is how istanbul was cold back than and many people say they have been longing for this to happen for the past decade basically since the i. S. O. Fear was turned into a museum 86 years ago by takis state found most of. Now everyone knows about the symbolism but it seems that is also help him helping him politically he clearly seems to sing so right now his popularity ratings are not looking very good the turkish economy has suffered a lot during the coronavirus endemic so for add on the i assume he has some kind of a joke or card he has posed now to really behind him his. Conservative islamic base. But the hard. Side what is going to change inside this historic. Well we havent been allowed inside yet but we understand it well from what weve seen from todays images they have rolled out a took was carpets that is one change for sure in the past 2 weeks but one of the biggest debates is about the christian i can and liz aid because islam forbids the depiction of the people and animals the images of mary jesus and christian sayings actually have to be covered during prayer times although the government insists they will be opened outside prayer time so visitors can go and see them the solution they found is at putting a huge cottons to cover of these icons and christian symbols but still there are huge concerns that actually changing this secular space into a religious one is doing harm is you know putting this historic structure of the World Heritage site at risk. In other news German Authorities have confirmed the release of helen mavis a german articulator who was abducted by iraqi militants this week in a Statement Foreign minister heikal moss expressed his relief he thanked the iraqi authorities for feeling free freeing maoris story and said she was now in the care of the German Embassy in baghdad mavis was kidnapped by gunmen outside office in the capital on monday the German National is a well known figure in baghdad where she runs an arts program for young iraqis shes also known as an outspoken critic of the government it remains unclear who was behind the kidnapping iraqi Authorities Say they are currently investigating. For more im joined now by. Who is a close friend of mavis huge antique roger ons us from bug have you been in contact with helen mavis insurgencies. Well i tried to call her but her son is still oh yeah i couldnt contact mary and we just heard that she was released and the Security Forces program is news but theres not been. In the days leading up to her kidnapping mavis had expressed fear for her safety and you have also you also said the dear friend was concerned for her safety why exactly what she wanted. You know they can not being became like a product of our daily life in baghdad. And this one this incident actually. Maybe you will l o l waking the big Global Market whats going on. We are in fear every day because my stuff our quakes had been i got kidnapped or are they had been treating so they left the city. We have very several journalists. Or critics near baghdad and they are spending kurds not they cannot come here because they had her seems many spirits. And then i think that actually shes a public figure she now many of you publish you have good criminal action to iraq hes considered her like you but the guy he is and president and she know that name since you know they all know being as a record even though that and maybe more than people who knew him very here so. It was a shock for us i know and her last since 1000 tents since he visited baghdad through for the 1st time and she was interesting crustacean this is me and. Shes president its a year in since right heres a girl the people around and care and just acknowledge her very well is human right here are some girl and she had she had help or of hearts help or hundreds of a young artists. She described the and the local and yorkshire t. V. And providing training sessions and many kinds of you know for children for for other people yes. Take us on a somber special do you know a close friend of his im a vis thanks so much for speaking to us from. Thank you can all some of the latest developments in the code on a lot of spend make around the wild australia has reintroduced restrictions and its most often the states New South Wales it comes off a new clusters of infections are most in the States Capital in sydney in recent days vietnam has suspended all imports of wild animals in an effort to cut the spread of the virus the country is one of the nations biggest consumers of wildlife products and the number of cases in the United States has boss the 4000000 mark the country accounts for more than a quarter of global infections the most anywhere in the wild and. And the rising numbers of coronavirus cases have also prompted u. S. President donald trump to cancel plans for the large Republican National convention in florida next month the 4 nights and oppression was expected to draw some 10000. 00 people to mark trumps formal nomination as the partys candidate for the election. A tough decision for a president who loves nothing more than a crowd donald trump canceled the Republican Convention in florida amid surging coronavirus cases across the state i looked at my team and i said the timing for this event is not right just not right with whats happened recently the flare up in florida to have a Big Convention its not the right time its really something that for me i have to protect the American People thats what ive always done thats what i always will do thats what im about. In a significant change in rhetoric since his rally in tulsa which saw thousands pack into an arena trump stressed the issue of safety looking forward to the viruses eppy center continues to mark right across the country from l. A. Hot spots like new york now hitting other densely populated states like florida hard. To record high for the state with more than 170 deaths and 10000 new infections some hospitals are reaching a Tipping Point this hospital in miami is it full capacity some of the stuff also contract at the virus. Its unpredictable so we learned about. What its like to be faced with something that we dont know anything about it if you think about a lot of other medical illnesses we know about it weve studied how to treat it we can expand our treatment this really came out of nowhere in our. Black florida trump who is facing an uphill battle according to opinion polls. And made criticism ivys handling of the pandemic in an Election Year it could be enough to cost him the tough job. China has ordered the United States to close one of its consulates in a tit for tat move the Foreign Ministry has given us officials a 72 oz dont leave the consulate in the south western city of chengdu. It comes off to washington told beijing to shut its Diplomatic Mission in Houston Texas earlier this week on tuesday the u. S. Accused 2 chinese nationals of attempting to steve covert 1000 Vaccine Research relation between the positive the lowest in 40 years. And the chinese Foreign Ministry defended its move saying it was a legitimate response to a provocation by the us. On july 21st the us launched a unilateral provocation related probably demanding that china close its consulate general and schuster and it will be the u. S. Move seriously breached International Law the basic norms of International Relations and the terms of the china u. S. Consulate convention it greatly harmed china u. S. Relations the measures taken by china is a legitimate and necessary response to the in recent well action by the us it conforms with International Law the basic wants of International Relations and customer diplomatic practices the Current Situation in china u. S. Relations is not what china decides to see and the u. S. Is completely responsible for all of this journalist. Is in beijing fawaz materiels how serious is this foreign nations between beijing and washington. This is a retaliatory move it has been announced from the very beginning on wednesday night. At a tuesday night at the us ordered the consulate in houston to be closed and then it was china announced the next day that it had been ordered to shut it down they have said they would retaliate everybody was expecting they would close the consulate and now it is clear which one it is this is pretty much reciprocal i would say that. The importance of this consulate in chengdu is about proportionate to the consulate in houston it is not one of the regions where the main a. P. Cannot make a Good American it to the t. s are but its still very important also because it covers t. Bet the. Relations between the 2 countries are at an all time low since they have established diplomatic relations in the end of the 1970s this move is probably not going to help them but it is also nothing that comes as a surprise china has not chosen to do something that would further escalate the situation and expect to move but then why specifically the consulate in trying to do what is. The consulate in chengdu is somewhat it is not one of the 2 most important consulates but it is still an important consulate it covers the southwest of china that includes many big geographical region also a densely populated region people from there american citizens but also chinese citizens who apply for visas will now have to travel much further there is also a political pawn because this consulate was responsible also for covering the bet for the u. S. And it has some kind of it has gained some kind of fame a few years ago when the police had the head of the Police Department of chongqing who was then. Involved in a Corruption Scandal that eventually brought down the whole establishment of this city fled to this consulate and spent 30 hours there so this is a place that has quite a history but heres bullinger briefing us about that history from beijing thank you so much. Ethiopia as Prime Minister has hailed the early filling of the massive diamond the blue nile river as historic the announcement came as rb ammar said his country had reached a major common understanding with so darren and egypt over the controversial project the mega them has been a source of tension between the countries for years construction of the dam and a power plant on the blue nile began 2011 so then in egypt are afraid that it can cut off the water supply to the countrys. Ethiopia is creating facts on the ground on the blue nile the mega dam has been filling up for weeks unnoticed by the public but these satellite images reveal the truth on twitter Prime Minister akhmed announced that the historic filling of the dam aided by rainfall was now complete that some welcome news for the negotiations with sudan and egypt both countries had warned ethiopia against filling the dam without prior agreement nial expert d. L. Cousy says that to them its a provocation we should not forget the Prime Minister was under severe pressure from the population because of the disappointment of the people for having. The too little. Ethiopia has been building africas largest hydroelectric dam for 10 years at a cost of 5000000000 euros it hopes to jumpstart its weak economy with cheap electrical power but cairo fears that Falling Water levels will have catastrophic consequences for egyptian agriculture more than 90 percent of egypts water supply comes from the nile many farmers fear that their fields will dry out of. We should go to war over the water im ready to fight for it. The livelihoods of millions of people are at stake but filling the mega dam has made agreement much less likely. Now to some other stories making news around the world direction rain is causing more problems in southern japan the bad weather is expected to last until sunday officials are warning of landslides and flooding in low lying areas of this month 60 people dead in the same part of the country. In thailand the protesters have set fire to images of the countrys Prime Minister. And his deputy public opposition to cry it has been growing in recent months protesters want his government to step down saying it came to power after unfeigned last year. A u. S. Air 15 fighter jet that few close to an iranian passenger plane was at a safe distance according to u. S. Officials but iranian sources say the mahaan air flight was forced to descend quickly to avoid a collision injuring some passengers the plane landed safely but the incident is likely to increase tensions between the u. S. And iran. And bulgarias opposition backed president rather has joined protests against his countrys government despite Prime Minister boyko borders of 3 key ministers and thursday protesters returned to the streets theyre calling for the entire government to resign accusing it of corruption and links to all the gods. And it is just over 10 years since 21. 00 young people were killed in a stampede inside a tunnel at a techno parade in western germany in me the trial of 3 people accused of contributing to the tragedy ended without a verdict we spoke to the mother of one victim about how one decade on shes trying to come to terms with her loss. Gabby miller will never forget the day 10 years ago that changed her life forever. I was out shopping when i heard that some people had died the report said 10 i wondered how 10 people could have died i thought perhaps a truck had tipped over if. You dont get put out at that moment gabby miller did not yet know that her son cussed young was among those cute. And i have a good question to have i i tried to call christian but it went straight to his voicemail gun that my husband arrived and my brother and his girlfriend and i realized at once that something terrible had happened and i knew cus john would not be coming home again money was tight of course young men hold a comb he along with hundreds of thousands of others had gone to the laughter right into spoke on july 24th 2010 to party and listen to music the venue was not an open field but enclosed there was only one access ramp where tunnel and underpasses converged people were streaming in from Different Directions the crash became so extreme that many had difficulty breathing 21 died 650 more were injured. Because john miller was 25 when he died. It was just a mother year when you look at how narrow the space was you have to ask yourself how could it ever have been approved you can see at once that it was not suitable employment growth. Finally in 2017 several workers from the municipality and the events firm were put on trial it became clear that the eventually never have been approved yet the trial ended without judgement this spring and no one was held responsible. With the court came to the conclusion that despite the terrible consequences the individual good of the 3 defendants was slight. The disaster had more to put causes many different factors contributed to the tragedy by didnt look so that it looked god the moonlight attended the hearings she feels let down by the judicial system resolved under pressure it is all men i find it in comprehensible it is hard to accept for me there has been no closure but still i will try to find my way there is no eternity if we fought and hoped all these years and in the end all we got was a slap in the face of the shock and division because. Nobody has assumed responsibility for christianes death 10 years after the tragedy got to move us through hopes she will somehow find peace. A Scientists Say the songs made by human beings vibrating across the ordered used by half during the globe unlocked caused by the koran of august and make Research Just save the fact a range of changes in what they describe as a wave of quiting between march and may of. Its the middle of nowhere yet even here in the german forest this human noise few places on earth dont have planes flying overhead or the hum of traffic in the distance but during covered lockdowns across the world Noise Pollution has quietened we so all over the world this wave of changes in the in sales make noise but also in the quiting that you can hear with your ears this is just fantastic in terms of like the science and the link we service whats what we feel and what we need to do as humans to to make this planet and environment better seismologists to measure the shaking of the earths surface registered an unprecedented drop in noise caused by humans between march and may they say that through learning to filter out vibrations caused by human activity they might be able to detect smaller earthquakes or areas might reveal some getting signals and thats really important for example or of great as an understand how it stresses. Or lives along geological. And wildlife researches have found dramatic changes an animal behavior when humans shut themselves away in their homes the lack of traffic and reduction in industry jeering the corona shutdown has also led to cleaner and it was for a bad reason but its also linked to a faith that we all as a dividual as if decided that we would make small efforts all together and all together we made it to prevent this virus to spread if were able to make such huge changes for our survival against the virus could we also do the same against other threats to life on earth like climate change. Major League Baseball restarts of the season on thursday after a delay due to the court and there was a special guest in attendance. Is leading expert on Infectious Disease through the 1st pitch at the. New york yankees. Stride but hes probably better off sticking to science. And a quick reminder of the top story were following for you. Feel as. Prize for the 1st time in more than 80 yaz it follows a controversial decrees from talkers president. The former museum back into a boss. Youre watching live from up next for a company. Thats on the show to the point often a short break but dont forget you can get the latest news and information on our web site all. Of the facts in 15 minutes. To the point strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. After 4 nights of heated negotiation with the leaders reached agreement on a 750000000000. Historic in principle will it prove so in practice find out onto the point. To point. A good next accountability. In good shape. But do you actually like to. Taste different. There are always new nutrition trends. And spite of all the differences of any nutritional in feds to apply to everyone. What should you case special attention to so how complicated is the good nutrition. Good shooting. In 60 minutes. Are they friends so long to be with you she said she should i see it go forward you wish it was limited you believe what im up in the fridge new stimulation or are they and i mean when you finish the feasts you have a glorious she wished you could go with me because you should know what hes going to be going to give much of my debit card for i just donald trump and flooding your putin were to part company men treat analyzes the difficult relationship between russia and the west and between their president s how does their rivalry and their dangerous mutual admiration affect the rest of the world to some bullies trump and putin starts august 3rd on d w. Its being hailed as a Pivotal Moment for europe e. U. Leaders agreement on a 750000000000 euro khurana recovery package after a marathon 4 nights of heated negotiations the leaders struck a deal to provide 390000000000 euros in crowds and another 360 on low interest loans to Member States hardest hit by the pandemic it will be fine

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