Lebanese we always have hope and we want to live our lives and nothing will stop us if you think that were fishing be the start of a new era a new era. Also coming up tonight it was 75 years ago when the 1st atomic bomb was dropped the destruction of hiroshima changed the world it left the survivors scarred forever. For me this is not a Peace Memorial its a graveyard. When i see people there its like theyre stamping on the heads of my parents and siblings she met them when i. Went to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a promise to the people of beirut and they warding to all of lebanon today french president emmanuel microland visited the lebanese capital in surveyed the devastation 2 explosions tuesday in a warehouse in the citys port killed 137 people and left 300000 homeless today mccrone also witnessed another explosion ainger on the streets aimed at the government that people blame for the deadly blasts listened as students begged him to save them from their own government he heard stories of corruption at the citys very core what he offered was aid and solidarity and a dose of hard reality saying if the country does not assure in true reforms its future will be lost emmanuel was treated like a National Hero in beirut while he may feel comfortable wearing the mantle of redeemer here in europe is seemed clear today that he wont he cant take up the duties of rescuing lebannon from itself. In a city wrecked by the force of tuesdays catastrophic explosion people in beirut are coming together to clean up the debris in the citys streets. But with solidarity and a strong sense of Community Comes also anger. At the corruption and mismanagement that are seen as causes of the blast and that have plagued the country for decades. Which is the company we are no longer able to continue this way in this situation people do not have enough money to continue what they started with the country cannot take it anymore. But shes come since and we have been fighting for 50 years in order to raise our family in these circumstances that we live in now were finished we have been working for our retirement but they finished us. Help from abroad is now coming into lebanon aid in specialized rescue teams from numerous countries french president manuel marco also landed in beirut and met with lebanons president the 1st foreign leader to visit since the explosion lebanon is a former french protectorate and the country still have close ties today. Markland then headed to the damaged neighborhoods of beirut surrounded by crowds of people he listened to the outrage and pleas for help well chance of revolution and the regime sounded all around. Like im here today im going to propose a new political pact this afternoon and i will come back by september 1st and if it has not been of taint i will take responsibility for it this is a Political Initiative aimed at bringing change to the country a big promise from a clone of the one that the lebanese people are desperately clinging to. Yet we continue our coverage tonight im joined here at the big table by my colleague dimiter he me from d. W. Arabic is as we learned last night from its good to have you back here with us tonight stephen to talk to me about the impact of microns visit today and his call for an independent investigation let me call it what. The news foreign minister told me just before i came to your show brant his said this statement including 2 other statements where like a slap on the authorities face lebanese authorities face lets start with this one that you started with the International Investigation when your money when mccall is demanding for that or asking for that basically is telling the government you are corrupt that i dont trust you ill bring my own people to investigate too and and also then we would have a good result so basically hes saying i dont trust you you are corrupted this is the 1st to slap the 2nd step when he told the politicians and he gave a statement about there should be if political changes a new political reform in the country this will never happen italy but on except with 2 things 1st either there would be like a resignation from the government and 2nd there would be an early election so basically hes asking for it in that article the 3rd think that he demanded in one of his statements it was really important during the press conference when the journalistic confronted her they told him you said what hezbollah member. During that meeting that that you did with the political. Members and you said you elected them im quoting them youre the one who elected them and brought them to the parliament and the government changed that and then as a president i want to im not going to sit with them so basically youre saying dont elect them next time the last thing one has said about the french. Aid he said its not going to be like a blank check which means there would be conditions and were going to make sure that this is it were not going to fall down or fall in the hands of the corrupt people who are up for all the decisions but if its the political elite in beirut if they are upset with what happened today why did they give the french president this platform today i mean he was received there they have a i mean do they you tell me you know they dont have a choice because we know the influence of friends that live on during their study between both countries together this is 1st 2nd hes one of the biggest countries in europe he has he is the one who was helping liberal not only him all the. French president s there would have been here but on by putting together an International Conferences in order to give aid and in order to get funds for lebanon to support the economy so that said basically they need it they need to have 100 you feel today coming from lebanon and seeing the french president walking through the streets there surveying the damage. Well. I will be honest with you i was devastated and sad when i saw the scene its so sad to see a foreign. President giving hope to the lebanese people why they dont president he didnt do that or the politician they didnt do that he was hugging them without putting the last win or the cases of god on a live i dont know one of the lebanese politicians give that he gave many hopes to them they saw hope in him and they were thinking that he is coming with a solution or at least his going to tell the government some really strong messages and to change the whole situation for them it was very sad and which is a good listen to an exchange between student and the french president to get. You know me so you know the corruption is unacceptable im a student my name is a b. The corruption its unacceptable and we learn about it at school how it works were outraged were shocked i mean the french speaking school they teach everything thats not happening in this country you know be imo down these a mandate or a verse of everything always politics which is so closed closed in on it so we dont know how to reverse it you have the power to do it please do it it was available good of us to believe. We did you know thats true hes asking france to take over for us do we know how many people in lebanon would like to see france take control of the country what fell today there were more than 50000 there were petition for that and ill be honest with you i have so many friends they signed that its not because they want this nobody wants that only about one they want their freedom and independence for gods sake that fighting for its right now but because its showing the frustration that they have it show the anger that they have its a big message also for the government to imbed us that everybody has a thought it is in front of the french president and also to say that if we would have you know a state like that supporting us would be more more than happy a case would have our rights where this would have. A case would trust the state and against the whole thing would be organized would have maybe a good life but but its a way to express the anger i think in my opinion you mentioned has problems the west was reluctant to help lebanon when the economy began collapsing partly because of hezbollah being a Political Force in the country now weve got the west stepping in setting up to the plate this will pull lebanon further towards europe in the us thats exactly what hezbollah syria and iran do not want. Well i see it i see it as a struggle for the european right now i ask about this question to anybody is to. Politicians and also to some german experts because hezbollah is a terrorist organization here in germany but how they are going to send all the say today about on you know avoiding hezbollah who is a part of this government were talking about minister of health actually the minister was named by hezbollah so how they are going to deal with the storage and how he had a quote ignored the situation in one mccaul he said again you elected them dont elect them i kind of deal with them not that he believes president french president i have to deal with this government i have to ask for conditions and they have to apply what im coming back and the 1st of september in order to evaluate what does that mean we have to wait and see what the local investigation is going to say what the International Community they are going to say about if there would be an International Investigation or not what hezbollah is going to be in whole this think this is very interesting in the coming days and brant we will be watching that and well have you back here on the show as you talk about it because i think the story will have some very long legs. Starting with g. W. Everything is always we appreciate your time in your insights thank you my pleasure always thank you. For the world is marking the 75th anniversary of the u. S. Bombing of hiroshima in japan the 1st atomic attack in august 1905 killed more than 140000 people survivors and families of victims laid wreaths at erosion was Peace Memorial park today they also remembered the moment the bomb hit with a bill followed by a minute of silence the ceremonies were scaled back this year because of the Global Health emergency only a handful of 4 dignitaries attended. A few survivors are still alive today their stories speak of horrors that the world should ensure never happened again. Jiro how masoom me is a heap in japanese that means survivor of the bomb. He was exposed to radiation and his mothers womb as she walked around ground 0 and he rose shima looking for his father. But his father had been killed. If we dont speak the bombing will be forgotten as if it had never happened thats why we must keep the history and peoples testimonies on record with us. On august 6th 1945 u. S. President harry truman gave the orders to drop an atomic bomb on the japanese port city of hiroshima. The blast and shock wave instantly killed tens of thousands of people tens of thousands more died from strange new diseases caused by radiation. 3 days later the u. S. Dropped a 2nd bomb on the city of nagasaki. Truman succeeded in winning a decisive victory over japan and an end to the 2nd world war. But not a painless one the white house and the u. S. Military were well aware that their celebrations came at the cost of over 100000 civilian lives here oshima bombing remains to this day the deadliest single act ever perpetrated by humans you know. Few here are still alive to tell their stories sumi hopes their memories will live on but that his generation will have been the last to endure such horror. More now lets bring in alex rosen hes chairman of the german chapter of International Physicians for the prevention of nuclear war mr president good to have you on the show we have lived in a Nuclear World now for 75 years is there any reason to believe that the world will ever be free of nuclear bomb. Well theres only 2 possibilities as we see its either we get rid of the bombs or the bombs get rid of us so yes i think there is a very realistic outlook we have managed to ban biological weapons chemical weapons weve managed to eliminate landmines and cluster munitions from the arsenals of even the states that want to keep them so yes there is a path internationally and terry in law to outlaw it to Ban Nuclear Weapons as well what kind of take me down that path what is a realistic. Future will we see the Nuclear Threat being reduced. There already is a very Large InternationalSecurity Architecture in the form of the n. P. T. The Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty but this treaty itself has proved toothless especially towards the Nuclear Weapon states which if not adhere to their to their. To actually just arm so what we need now is a new piece of humanitarian Law International law that actually prescribes the stigmatization the prohibition and then i lay ssion of Nuclear Weapons and this is the Nuclear Ban Treaty that was. That was signed by 122 countries 122 u. N. Member states in 2017 and which is being ratified by more and more states as we speak even today ireland in nigeria ratified the treaty bringing it closer to the 50 state votes it needs to become part of International Humanitarian law and this treaty will go a long way in actually prohibiting and banning Nuclear Weapons. In this world where the geo political situation is very volatile if the u. S. Security umbrella over europe were to end what would germany do you would have no choice but to acquire Nuclear Weapons to protect itself. Well i think this is an unrealistic scenario i think the scenario we should rather be talking about is a scenario where the International Community the states agree on a clear path of Mutual Understanding towards a Nuclear Weapons free world we will not see a situation where one side completely annihilates their Nuclear Arsenal and expects the other side to do the same what we can hope for what we can see is a process similar to what weve seen in the disarmament. Treaties of the cold war of small pieces of of moving closer to each other showing that willingness to disarm to. To to come together and i believe that germany can play a role here in actually mitigating between the u. S. On the one hand and russia on the other hand and this is what we need to push for right now here in germany that the German Government actually sees the opportunity that the Nuclear Ban Treaty offers how do you take away the incentive to acquire Nuclear Weapons if you look at north korea for example north korea knows that it hands a Nuclear Weapon and therefore it will not be attacked by the United States that is power thats leverage how do you take away the incentive for that. Well we always get this example of north korea but lets be honest the main danger in the world today is not north korea and its Nuclear Weapons the main danger still remains the large Nuclear Arsenals of the us and russia and this is where we need to start we need to start addressing the problem where it actually is and the main problem is that we have these 2 states who each have a Nuclear Arsenal large enough to annihilate not just their their cities but all of mankind and these 2 states and their allies need to sit together and actually agree on a path towards Nuclear Abolition and then believe me the other states will follow because it doesnt matter if you ask north korea or india or pakistan israel russia us all these countries are saying we strive for world free of Nuclear Weapons but the others have to start the others have to take the 1st step and this is unrealistic we need to take the 1st step together as a World Community alex rosen from the International Physicians for the prevention of nuclear war stories we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you. Nuclear weapons pose only one existential threat to life on earth if we dont destroy the planet with Nuclear Bombs and radiation Global Warming and Climate Change could still spell humanitys end nowhere is that more evident than at the top and bottom of the world the pope there melting Scientists Say the arctic has been warming up for years making the temperature difference between the north pole and the equator smaller and smaller the result what were oceans feeling extreme weather events. Hes still wearing a woolly hat but its no longer really necessary the ice in spitsbergen is melting its a problem that no ways most famous pota research achim homan has long been warning of we are losing the arctic as we know it because of Climate Change. And this is a forewarning of all the hardship. Spread around the planet. As the grand melts it gives up its secrets here a mammoth skeleton pulled from the mud in Russias Arctic after 10000 years in the permafrost rising temperatures here are delivering riches to some researches. Of those thoughts on the not a complete skeleton is always a valuable find because the individual bone fragments basically dont hold any information here we know the exact location of the origins of the mammoth and that is one specimen. Of. The arctic touche