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Vietnam moved quickly to control of results of the virus after many months without cases. I british welcome to. Glad you could join us u. S. Health secretary alex has accused china of resisting information sharing and failing to warn the world on the covert 1000 pandemic speaking on a visit to taiwan he said this had led to increasing costs for the rest of the world it isnt a new allegation from the United States and some other countries but inside china 2 stories are emerging of people whove paid the price for the alleged knock of transparency jiang high a resident of sun john is angry with the government for not making public details about the virus which he claims could have prevented the death of his father in your small. This small neighborhood is home inch and gin is a place filled with memories for john high. Student wooden door last year my father used to sit at this place. Every time i come to these familiar places i go to places i used to visit with my father. Im overwhelmed with grief at the same time i feel anger jungly john highs father was a veteran of Chinas Nuclear Testing Program he was a 100 is a dent but he spent his last years at his sons home in the coastal city of shenzhen about 1000 kilometers from one in january he broke his leg as a veteran he enjoyed good medical insurance but he was required to get treated in his hometown. When he needed treatment i took him to. And when he was in hospital i sat by his. This was my way to show my love for him we chinese dont like to talk about our feelings to express our love with words but we show them with deeds. Now i feel haunted by remorse i feel that by taking him to han i sent him to his death. And the time covered 19 was already spreading in the city and local officials were reassuring people that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person alive as it later turned out his father contracted the virus in hospital john hi could do nothing but to sit by his bed and watch him get weak and. He has kept videos of his fathers final days on this film. Jungly fast drug for one week before he died his body was immediately taken for cremation. In my opinion the officials who covered of the disease in its early days have behaved like criminals. China since largely managed to control the spread of the virus life is back to normal in most places the government prides itself on its ability to contain new outbreaks through testing and quarantine the public mood has shifted from anger to appreciation of the governments response and those want to remember the sufferings of the past under pressure to keep quiet john hires try to file a case in court against your toiletries his case was rejected his social media accounts were shut down he has received threats from the authorities so this isnt a metal these events have left us relatives of the victims with a boundless feeling of pain its a pain that will stay for the rest of our lives but the local authorities just say this matter is already over their tone shows a complete disregard of other peoples lives causing to them no more cynical. All thats left of his fathers live pictures of happier days john has not even retrieved his ashes from the crematorium for fear of public outbreaks of anger the government requires that victims have to be buried in the presence of vishal is the condition he refused. That report by correspondent mathias. In the philippines president has volunteered to be the 1st in his country to try a new covert 1000 vaccine developed by russia to ted has suggested that russia wanted to offer the vaccine for free to the philippines there has been no confirmation from russia on this but a senior official said Clinical Trials were expected to begin in the philippines soon here is more of what they said. President. I will tell president putin that i have huge trust in your studies income botting covert 19 years. In. Maybe leave feeling. Really good. Show my trust in them i will tell doctors that i will be the 1st to get vaccinated well when the vaccine arrives. We will see if it works or if it works on me then it is good for everyone. For more lets go across to my colleague did a look at this one and our son thomas who joins me now from manila and i good to see you im wondering how filipinos view but not very good at it is offered to try out claimed russian covert vaccine on himself. Well its that statement has gotten a lot of mixed reactions there are a group of people who are saying that its absolutely preposterous to volunteer in south and at the same time theres another group that just says you know what sir if you want to be the 1st one to try out a vaccine that has not according to Global Health authorities has not gone under mass Clinical Trials then be our guest you can be the 1st one in line for that we have to remember that the philippines is still suffering from its traumatic experience with vaccines because of the botched dative Vaccine Program from a few years back thats where a lot of this is coming from so this lack of confidence in vaccines in general plus this over quantity and in an over promise of a russian back scene has caused incredulous sarcasm among the public and a lot of skepticism as well and of course this often from the president is coming in addition to it as such in some cases in the country and this has already forced a company in manila into another lockdown something you want experiencing you know sort of how is that going. Well were in the middle of the 1st week of lockdown and we have yet to see a drop in the new covert infection this lockdown was called for by the medical community who issued out a distress call saying that if we do not do this the Health System can collapse you can imagine that the kind of state of emergency that that quote from the medical community had spurred no motion in the if i could just go into that what people are telling me is that theyre very emotionally and economically hurting that we had 3 months of lockdown before this starting march so a lot of people feel that that was valuable 3 months of one of the longest and most punitive and Strict Lockdown could have been used to prepare the Health System so that the could have avoided this kind of mis managed approach to cove it 19 additionally a lot of people are just so very emotionally distraught just today if i may share you know there was a friend who had to deal with the death of a parent and a husband who she had lost in a span of one week both due to coal that the cases are hitting very close to home and underneath all of this economic suffering and this emotional pain is a lot of i should say simmering of anger now people are calling for 3 things the resignation of the Health Secretary a complete revamp of the cool video task force which is mostly comprised of retired generals and replacing them with scientists and epidemiologists and mostly they are demanding for a concrete health driven plan and theyre telling the president that waiting for a vaccine no matter where it falls a comes from is not up to that tough times for a small amount of sometimes an 11 to so much and stay safe. Its not just the philippines but vietnam as well which is fighting a good old of august this is after more than 3 months without any domestic transmission the latest outbreak began in the central city of denying and then spread to more than 13 locations around the country i thought of these have moved quickly to contain the latest outbreak planning for the worst vietnam has converted this sports arena into a back of covert hospital should the outbreak worsen the 1000 beds here would ease the pressure on hospitals in vietnams coronavirus epicenter the city of denying there on july 25th confirmed its 1st domestic coronavirus case in 3 months 2 more infections were reported the next day. The government wasted no time in responding it banned wildlife imports reimposed social distancing suspended the dole mystic football league. And on the 27th all tourists were ordered to leave tonight 80000 people mostly vietnamese holiday makers were abruptly evacuated from the beach resort authorities were taking no chances and people were not protesting. I should go back tomorrow afternoon but id rather flood back tonight. This is a situation no one wants so even though its not convenient we totally understand but yes i just want to return to one noyo. Emptied fast a shock for vietnam which earlier one international praise for being a pandemic Success Story no domestic cases in months thanks to quickly imposed travel bans lockdowns quarantines and widespread tracing and testing suddenly those achievement seemed in danger. And they got all provinces are at high risk and should raise their alert level senior officials there and the whole political system should take action the public should be careful and alert and follow instructions. Given the virus has since spread past and with over 400. 00 additional cases and at least 16 deaths compared to most countries those numbers remain miniscule the government hopes the tactics that prove themselves in the past will again do the trick but this latest outbreak shows how quickly the virus can reemerge when people think that its been beaten. Thats it for today be sure to check out other stories on dot com focused on facebook and twitter believe it today with images from one of the shows largest slums tired of being in mumbai as Health Workers screen people for symptoms of covert bank were back tomorrow stay safe every one of our. Hes quite as simple as it seems. To understand the world better we need to take a closer. Experience knowledge to morrow today. Letos and the truth can go wrong any wrong way to make an argument of course the subconscious always a World Without beethoven i cant begin to imagine. Without. Start september 16th on g. W. Welcome to news from the world of ops and culture and heres whats coming up in the next quarter of a. Silence from the past being preserved in an online museum. And off hugely successful series meet the germans is back and its present to rachel strode will be his talk about that and the new me the germans instagram travel the. But for us live cultural events around the world have been devastated by the coronavirus the city berlin is world famous for its techno clubs where the music and dancing stopped abruptly in march but artists are always inventive and now even take their music has been wants to go over the rooftops of this city from one of its most revered museums. Summer in berlin kovac 1000 put the brakes on the city now cultural life and gradually storing again but under strict hygiene regulations in movie theaters. And museums. The pandemic has also prompted germanys principal cultural institutions to try new paths depression Cultural Heritage foundation has for the very 1st time open the rooftops of the boat

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