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A stick from their president. And dozens feared dead after torrential rains caused these floods in afghanistan destroying thousands of homes and trapping people beneath the rubble. Im bring our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin tonight in the United States with that ongoing fallout from the shooting of jacob blake authorities now arrested a 17 year old for allegedly gunning down 2 people during a 3rd night of unrest in the city of commotion wisconsin the gunman was caught on video running through the streets of the city opening fire on protesters who were trying to disarm him the violence kept a 3rd straight night of protests unleashed by the shooting of the late. On sunday the 29 year old was shot several times at close range by police and she attempted to enter the s. U. V. Where his 3 children were sitting his family says that he is now paralyzed. Spondon it is Stefan Simons is in. Good afternoon to you so whats the latest there what more do we know about this arrest. Parody the arrest happened early this morning in illinois in antioch illinois you said 17 year old teenager arrested by Law Enforcement in illinois on a arrest warrant issued by an osha police in wisconsin now it shots with if with intentional homicide that is basically murder in 2 cases he is at the moment in a juvenile Detention Center in illinois they is of course a transfer request from wisconsin and kenosha and as soon as this. Young man sees the job. Its possible that he will be transferred to Law Enforcement and to jail he can no shop where im standing here is actually where this all went down and yes the day after we talked and deny progress my cameraman and i stood right there at this gas station and where i am now this is where those shots were fired which we clearly heard of course 2 bursts of 67. 00 shots at the time and then people running towards and saying somebody got shot somebody got shot and then police moved in and rushed to it after they were asked basically pleaded with by it demonstrates by protesters to rush to the scene. And here we are one day later suspect in custody. But you know thats part of this story. What happened last night you had what police are saying were vigilante attacks militia groups armed citizens running through the streets last night who are these people. Yeah absolutely right we witnessed this all day yesterday an increase an uptake all foot in numbers of people men women white men and women in fatigues in camouflage heavily armed with multiple handguns on their on their belts or. Legs and long rifles are 15 m. 16 say kalashnikovs they were roaming around here they were kind of mean dealing with the protester crowd and i think the protester crowd actually didnt greedy take them too serious as they were just like going with the flow until this happened so who are those People Police as well as officials and people we talked to here witnesses say that this is actually something they see a lot here and which is fairly common there are vigilante militia type groups loosely organized. No hard structure as far as we can tell to them but loosely organized the white folk. Who apparently have a neck for weapons and for a mission to protect businesses and their communities and as we see if necessary with the force of weapons and we know also that the u. S. President s stick with democratic governors like wisconsin or places where you see this type of violence in the u. S. President has now tweeted that hes sending in more National Guard troops and federal enforcement agents how will that affect the situation on the ground there were your. Good questions so you have to ride for the governor had apparently asked the federal government and. That is the trumpet of restraint for the allowance to free more National Guard troops this will be happening now after it was increased the other day already and now more National Guard troops will come to town now they are bound by law to do not police work they are not the guys who are arresting people or following pushing down straightest down the line there for protection of properties of federal property state Properties City properties ever they establish a security perimeter perimeter the federal troops is a totally different method those are the guys which we reported you were a member and paul into a nap without insignia without identification no name no nothing you cant identify them you dont know where theyre from really and they can go around and actually never people off the street as we have witnessed in in portland so if theyre here coming day you know this that the governor a democrat by the way in wisconsin has to. Yasser agree to it and i guess he did because he i think he feels a little bit this is slipping out of hand now after what happened yesterday yeah its definitely it is still a fluid situation well have to see what happens tonight when those enforcements arrive stiffens on is in conjunction wisconsin stefan thank you armed militia like groups are increasingly adding a new layer of tension the public protests in the United States in some cases right wing activists openly carrying weapons have been patrolling in time racism demonstrations with the blessing of local Law Enforcement our correspondent all over cell and met with members of one militia thats known ounds american will. Target training with the Armed Civilian Group American somewhere in the state of washington. This is one of peter d. S. Is favored rifles the notorious a k 47 or kalashnikov for originally made by the soviet army but now a weapon of choice to defend American Values as he says. Pretty good classic so they dont make them like that anymore. D. S. Believes it takes armed men like him and his group to keep america the way it is. They fear freedom is under threat in the wake of the pandemic and countrywide protests but theyre also led by conspiracy theories. Their government is in the midst of a coup. Theres certain members of our government who are actively working to change this government from what its designed to be the land of opportunity theyre trying to turn us into some sort of socialist government a new form of government humanitarianism where the group is on what they call a mission to portland in the past they have acted to self peace keepers tonight they want to get firsthand impressions off the Portland Protests that have been going on for more than 80 nights. You know the view of refuses to wear face masks protesters attacked them immediately they were Walking Around as a group of people into a group of people surrounded by a group of people while not wearing face coverings despite that being the law understandably so because they were in the middle of a pandemic i believe like some of it has to do with our president. Let that kind of behavior and that ideology just courage and i think that now they think that they have power. When they were here for black lives matter and theyre all here for White Supremacy so theres a clear. You know theres a clear difference of opinion and their opinion is not welcome here. But d. S. Insists his group does not stand for White Supremacy he wants the police to take tougher action against what he sees as a violent black lives matter movement. In my opinion when it gets to this type. Of mob mentality it should be dispersed thats where i stand with it. Police hanging back i understand that theyre worried about the numbers growing but i would handle the situation differently if i had the manpower and equipment. Critics say im civilian groups like american wolf are inciting violence just by their presence but in the end it was they who had to retreat. In america the political left and the right are drifting ever further apart. The events in connection they are unfolding against the backdrop of the Republican National convention this week where later tonight Vice President mike pence will take center stage tuesday nights lineup featured a speech by 1st Lady Melania Trump who sold to strike a note of unity and to offer a softer picture of her husband. If one was about the pending apocalypse of a democrat when from washington d. C. To the 2025 maybe you can National Convention then let me move to soften the image of americas most unpopular president in almost 40 years now id like to invite johns wife jamie to join us as grant john im going to cheat you know this is a full pardon. Pardon so im not going to one of his friends but for a former. The theme of redemption set the tone for a night which casts trump as americas savior. Bush family drafted in to sing his praises this is a fight that we are in right now and it is a fight that only my father can win as a recent graduate i can relate to so many of you who might be looking for a job my pother arriving economy once and believe me he will do it again my problem there im speaking to you from beautiful jerusalem looking out of the office the appearance of the secretary of state a figure normally kept out of Party Politics that rankled diplomats. This was the convention that group with Convention Trump delivered her headline speech from the white house in a breach of ethical norms offering a message of unity charged with the 1st nights warnings about democratic demons. I dont want to use this precious time attacking the other side because as we saw last week that kind of talk only serves to divide the country for a day the 1st lady then touched on her husbands controversial relationship with the truth. The all knowledge donald trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. Total honesty is like to be as citizens deserve our president whether you like it or not we always know like hes thinking. Her remarks ochlik out to the republican partys appeal to undecided voters ignore crumbs malls and give him a 2nd chance. In the 1st lady there saying total honesty from the president thats what americans deserve to talk about that im joined now by our Washington Bureau chief in is all that he needs you enos day 2 of the Republican Convention 1st lady maloney a truck she gave a speech what what was the party trying to achieve with her speech. So brant her job was kind of simple she should too soft and the political agenda of President Donald Trump she was meant to build a bridge to women who dont like his harsh on those if you want to say so words and tags she was actually the only one who really addressed the covered 19 pandemic here and to reaching out in a very very emotional way to those who have lost families and friends to the wires so she was there too soft and the approach of the appearance of president obama trying to soften his appearance and in the face of some real hard facts right now weve got these violent protests in connection with guns and weve got an extremely dangerous hurricane bearing down right now on the gulf coast and of course the corona virus and didnt continues to rage on will president trumps handling of all of this help or hinder his chance of reelection. Really very many unpredictable things going on let me start with the hurricane the hurricane probably will head hits texas worse texas this year is the spring state so it will really matter how they react to it and we have to keep in mind in times of a plane denny pandemic it shall be really really difficult you know to shelter those who will be affected by the hurricane what do you do with the sick ones how do you do social distancing these days can know shall we have seen how donald trump is stealing with racial operators is over the last couple of months but this is really different from what we learn from the shorter he conquered of playing his old tactic to say you know this is what happens of the writing kalev to taking over matter activists and tea fire activists like killing white suburban americans so thats going to be tricky for him to address that and the pandemic people are still dying here we expect like tens of thousands more deaths until november so its not said donald trump can really use all these things for his own political agenda. But 69 days to go until the election so a lot can happen between now and then we will see you just pull in washington needed as always thank you. Artist take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world and a u. S. Congressional committee has renewed its subpoena to do each of bain for president trumps financial records the House Intelligence Committee is looking into whether there are any financial links between trump and the russian government. Says it will cooperate with all authorised investigations the city of berlin has banned an upcoming weekend protest against corona virus restrictions citing concerns about spreading the virus authorities broke up a similar protest here earlier this month where thousands of people ignored social distancing route germany has seen its coded 19 numbers search in recent weeks the greek coast guard says it has rescued 96 migrants off the island of health care in the eastern a g. And c. They have been travelling in a yacht that was found partially sunk most have now been transported to the nearby island of ruins. Hurricane lure is rapidly gaining strength as it bears down on the u. S. Gulf coast is expected to make landfall as a powerful category 4 storm with sustained winds of up to 250 Kilometers Per Hour hundreds of thousands of people in texas and louisiana have been ordered to leave their home. Iran has agreed to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect 2 sites where the ages he suspects undeclared Nuclear Material might be stored and the i. A. E. A. Head rafia grossly and iranian leaders said theyd already agreed to dates for the inspections iran had earlier denied inspectors access prompting washington to point to the issue as evidence that tehran should not be trusted the agreement comes a day after the u. N. Security council blocked a u. S. Demand to reimpose same sions on iran. Are for more on these developments now im joined by dr parsi hes one of the founders of the National Iranian American Council which represents a rainy ins in the u. S. Hes also Vice President of the quincy organization for statecraft he joins me tonight from washington its good to see you again mr parrs the dizziness this looks like a conciliatory mood from tehran will the trumpet ministrations see it that way. No i think the trump instruction will be quite frustrated because what they probably wanted was a crisis between the i. A. E. A. And iran which they would then be able to escalate further early on in the trumpet ministration the in the trunk years they actually went to the i am were trying to strong arm guy to request access to her idea of sites and i pushed back because they had no clear evidence that would justify such a request later on and such a request was made by the i. A. E. A. And the iranians have agreed for inspections of 2 of these size it seems like partly as a result of the i. A. E. A. Also saying that they dont have any further questions beyond that it does not seem likely that this was independent of the Un Security Council decision had the Un Security Council caved to trump it seems unlikely that the iranians would have been forthcoming when it comes to diy a request you mentioned the Un Security Council decision to block u. S. Efforts to reimpose suggestions i mean how is that going to impact the trumpet ministrations strategy towards iran. Well the Trump Administration strategy towards iran is a failure by all accounts because it has not been able to do anything positive on the Nuclear Front on the contrary the Iranian Program is a less restrained now than when the trumpet ministration now was inside of the agreement moreover when it comes to irans regional activities and all of these other things that trump promised that he would push back against iran as weve seen the opposite we actually seen the iranians counterpressure to us by being more aggressive in various places so its failed on that front but its also failed on what probably was its quare objective which was to escalate matters towards a conflict and weve seen how europe and russia and china and other countries essentially have closed ranks and are protecting the agreement and pushing back against efforts by trump that clearly have been designed to kill the deal and spark a crisis and so right now we actually dont have a bigger crisis than we otherwise would have had europe and china and russia not on the snow we know that president drive has repeatedly said that hes prepared to do a deal with iran. We know that iran says that the 2050 nuclear deal is still alive says its hobbling on crutches so you think theres any likelihood that were going to see any breakthrough before the november election not at all because the iranians have no interest and they go shooting with a trumpet missed ration that they probably believe is in its last months moreover as long as pompei 0 and others are still in the trumpet mr ation who the iranians have no trust for because they have seen how come theo and bolton and others were undermining efforts to negotiate a deal between the United States and north korea those factors all make it you know essentially impossible for the iranians to see any value of any negotiations would trump would by then however it will likely be quite different for the parsi as always good to get your insights on this we appreciate your time tonight thank you. Thank you. Rescue teams are searching for survivors and bodies after flooding in northern afghanistan torrential rains caused flash floods in parwan province washing away thousands of homes local Officials Say at least 100 people are confirmed dead but the final death toll is likely to be much higher they say it could take weeks to determine the number of casualties. The time was of the essence for many families in pa one province getting the injured to hospital with the highest priority vehicles this case and a few ambulances and high demand and desperation people carried loved ones and that. Those able to get treatment fraught with worry about their families i cut through bob wire to get to the roof of my neighbors house i want to get my family on to the roof top as the water approach to save their lives but suddenly the floodwaters swept everything away 7 members of my family a missing. Torrents of water and deborah rushed through the city of sharon destroying homes burying people in the rubble many were asleep when the deluge struck. The rule collapsed and water poured into the house i managed to rescue 7 members of my family but i couldnt save my mother. Rescue teams are using heavy machinery to dig through the mt searching for bodies hoping against hope to find survivors floods are no rarity in northern and eastern afghanistan they need hundreds dead every year. Up by lets go to india now where schools have been closed for months as part of efforts to contain the cola virus pandemic and that has exposed inequalities in indias Education Sector classes have moved on line but many students are not able to access lessons due to poor Internet Connectivity and for children with disabilities the struggle is much harder some survey. Kartikeya likes to look closely at the colors of his Story Building blocks before he starts playing with them. He can only see to some extent large objects and colors. He was born with only logical disorder visual impairment and have troubles with fine motor skills. The 9 year old studies in the 2nd grade of a Government School along with children without disabilities. The school does not provide him with a special educator all the crucial resources he needs to study. As a result he is almost entirely dependent on his mother for his education. That is challenging enough right now the shutting down of schools during the coverage lockdown has put him at risk of missing out on formal education and. Mucking about talking about impaired to other children disabled children are lagging behind in studies now even more than before but theyre facing many problems he cannot see properly what can you understand from a small i phone screen and sometimes there are Network Issues too because of which he cannot attend the classes there the lack of inclusion in the Education System for children with disabilities has never been more pronounced than now. According to some recent surveys majority of students with disabilities are finding it difficult to cope with Online Education at the same time many nongovernmental organizations which address the needs of these children and provide them with academic support are also reeling under the impact of college 19 and the Lockdown National association for the blind in delhi is one such organization. That helps children with visual impairment and multiple disabilities to build a foundation in learning so that they can lead to join means school its one of them dormant were not receiving many donations now. So were not able to pay our stuff or provide the facilities for the differently abled trolldom. Weve also not been receiving the funds we normally get from the government from reformatting on experts feel that during this pandemic the special needs of students with disabilities have been completely left out from education policies which any we kept them on the sidelines. To do online and systematically going north to be to cater to them you know knows would visit pretty orderly days it was in accessibility and engender information Communication Technologies it all learned those were disabilities not ready developed and ive been seeing them there are also issues all nonavailability your internet device. Despite all the hardships he faces is unlikely and happy and like other children he has one deed to be a doctor another be a single. The Education System to him to be more inclusive. From berlin and bring golf for all of us your thanks for the company after a short break ill be back to take you through the days to come. Org. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all be. True just 3 of the topics from cover and we couldnt read your part is called spectrum if you would like an information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at d. F. W. Dot com look forward slash science. Hi im neil counted hockey the 2nd season of on the fence its about environment and still about society. And its still about us but all planets on the brink he spoke to several leading experts in the faith. She still only makes sense if. Beethoven invention is to do to. Keep. Rock n roll. Any romance still in beethoven or not in the course of a conscious always. The same way that the biggest composer of all time icons in the International World class horn player sara was on a musical journey of discovery. Without. A start september 16th on t. W. Who is on patrol who is in control of the streets in small town america after 3 nights of protests and violence in commercial wisconsin there is no obvious or easy answer well began his anger over Police Brutality against a black man has quickly morphed into murder in the midst of armed to civilians 2 people were shot dead tuesday night in whats being called a vigil

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