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To prove. Im going to. Want to welcome to the program it. Region has gone ahead with Regional Elections despite being told not to do so by Prime Minister of the country had been due to hold national and Regional Elections last month but the federal government postponed them indefinitely because of the. Decisions into groene accuse obvious made of using the situation to prolong his rule no surprise population is rated to be small its around 5 percent of ethiopias 109000000. 00 people need us from the ethnic group dominates at ethiope. His politics were nearly 30 years but that ended when i be afeared came to power in 2018 now about 2700000 people in the region are expected to verts to gray officials have warned that an intervention by the federal government would amount to a quote declaration of war. An act of defiance in ethiopias Northern Region and to cry. These people are lining up to vote in an election that the federal government says is illegal. It also says the results will be no and void. But voters here determined to press ahead saying its a democratic right to cast their ballots in with the latest argument how can we be without electing a government. Should we leave it open we must vote the federal government is saying that this election is not legitimate due to the corona virus but the election is legitimate the only thing to have an effect in a film is the election campaigning has been in full swing in the regional capital mcalary. More than 600 candidates from 5 parties are vying for just over 150 seats in the regional parliament. So tip to win is a party that already governs a regional particular ip Peoples Liberation front on t. P. L f c theyve played an outsized role in politics since leading the Armed Struggle to liberate the country from a marxist dictator in 1901. But their influence has waned since Prime Minister abbey admit came to power in 2018. Theyre also facing pressure from a party that wants to try to go its own way and secede from ethiopia so many people have started to question if you are preaching to many in the village do share the views have started to agree with your analysis sure at this moment the acceptance is beyond our expectations. Respective to gripe breaking away is yet another headache for Prime Minister ahmed who is struggling to keep the country unified. But for the moment his main challenge will be to decide how to respond to a vote he deems unconstitutional. For more on the story im joined by have beck and i from the deed. Service good to see you there so how is government likely to respond to this. Last saturdays house of a division i dont mislead declared dot. Todays election is unconstitutional and therefore void so we dont know how did this decision will be implemented in regards to. The federal governments relationship but the Prime Minister. Did this election illegal. Military intervene intervention to resolve this dispute for their governments might have options at its disposal if it decided to intervene to respond but any kind of measures for sure we complicate things further right and also i can understand that but tell us more about this standoff between the leaders into grat. And Prime Minister asked. Of both parties who are in power in and in l. A. Where members of the former e. P. A. Out of diff who governed the country since 1991 the rivalry intensified after primaries robbie homage and his circle decided to merge that and e. P. Out there and then after the 2 parties t. P. A. Left and then you really form a Prosperity Party failed to agree on almost everything even the Prime Minister removed over members of t. P. A. People and if members for its cognate. Prosper Tea Party Members and the federal government officials accused the t. P. In their fee for almost or even did a bad thing this happened within the last 2. 00 decades so all the valerie the difference was there but it was intensified after the merger of the f. S. If they could. Its a great take this a step further and push for cessation they have the memory about wanting independence in this region. We. Should grow proud for. The people who are inclined to our decision of dots one idea which becomes some more footprint is east peace among the 5 but its got a part of this we are participating in this poll in this election todays election one roof intended to have an independent to degrade mission we see where that is not going to party we. Give the Regional Government or not but this is not an easy issue with many people afraid as if there are approved by the federal government by people on different out of government so. We see what would happen but its not. A new think they discussed among the political elites for the last 4 years all right thats i said to bethany with that insight for us whos from the park service thank you. A day off a report alleging that u. S. President donald trump made crude and disparaging remarks about Nelson Mandela and theres still no word of denial from mr trump no tweet all statement distancing involve the alleged remarks now in a book written by Michael Cohen trumps cola personal lawyer the u. S. President allegedly said that mandela if the whole country up now its a whole if mandela he was no leader but also mandela foundations of africa criticized donald trump for used. In a statement the foundations say that we do not believe that leaders who conduct themselves in the way mr trump does are in a position to offer all forces of commentary on the life and with all. In a moment i was talking to the spokesperson of south africas ruling party the a. N. C. 1st have a listen to some South Africans we are asked how they felt about mr trump alleged remarks. I dont think is a. Great president because as for me on my site it doesnt care about black people it doesnt care about what happened to us and i really dont think that President Trump have to have anything in those people for 1st of all in the very 1st is proven time and time again that his very 1st. We all thought africa like most people we do know what the kind of leader that mandela was we do know all the struggles that he went through says mandela was a bad leader i mean take a look around do you see whats happening in the streets thats because of fears like Nelson Mandela when bella 1st of all he was a good man you know he was the father of the nation you know and he was a very giving man you know and he was there for the children and you know a lot of things changed because of mandela and we are working in the streets and we are free because and joining me from johannesburg is pull him up he is a spokesperson for the African National congress or the a. N. C. Welcome to africa mr we just heard from South Africans reacting to mr trumps alleged remarks about former president Nelson Mandela what has the president of your party and the country sorghum apostle say about this. Just 1st tuesday to the police here in the African National congress but we are condemned today despite a few months attributed to president of the United States going to time about a president as a man there you would know that president mandela well i quote who is celebrated to this day because of the route that he played not just on going guys in south africas people but the resources they need for the peace of the rest of the wit show you all of the committee with a set mr trump has in the past insulted south africa one could say in 2030 for example he tweeted that south africa was a quote crime ridden mess waiting to explode and quote whatever it is a shame to say south africa and the u. S. Spend like with mr trump in the white house. Well we we there are those kind of lesions where they do from state to state we gauge with the president of the arctic or south africa but we do not welcome. Some of these comments that would seek to undermine our superiority they have a good National Congress including the government it leads right here in south africa having bestowed on itself the mantle of leading society will never go out of its way to undermine the civilian to other nations we expect that the president of the us will also be doing the same respecting the rule that democratically elected governments like i was occupy and are expected to perform on be out of the cities as they did. And then some other i would also give this again this is alleged to have been said by mr trump that he is said to have lost mamie a country thats run by a black person that is obsessed that is except say it loosely quoting him there but you have to speak for one of the oldest parties on the continent so to say just your reaction to that that youve got somebody in the white house who is basically disregarding an entire continent leadership we do not need our fit nation from dont have crime or any other leader outside this country it is the people of the people of this country the republic of south africa we have gone out in successive elections to indorse and. The a. N. C. Led government where we shot that we built a strong multiparty democracy now if you come to south africa regardless of the challenges that would take on the ground you will see that the infrastructure we have built over the past 26 years is such that we have to be focused on constructing a better country where people write that split my ba in johannesburg he speaks for the a. N. C. Thank you so. Thats it for now you can find more of our stories on our web site thats. Dash africa. And faced the fates of. One continent. 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. We explore every day life. What europeans fear and what they hope for. On europe. D. W. Passion drama competition whatever marketing numbers atmosphere cover fight thats hacking into mission love hate money. Fans from slander spams and friends. To go off on you tube join us. As shakeout after the academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences in los angeles over diversity means strict new rules for any film vying for the best picture oscar will get the lowdown on what that means for the industry and also in the pipeline. A codex minister a 14th century collection of middle high german poetry makes a rare appearance at an exhibition in months. And in meet the german my colleague Rachel Stewart gives us a comprehensive tour of germanys at times quirky film and television landscape. Well to be eligible for a best picture oscar filmmakers will have to adapt to new inclusion and diversity guidelines in unspent came on tuesday and the new rules will be implemented in 2024 at the academy said the decision was part of a greater push to promote diversity both on and off screen and none too soon as the problem is hardly new. Black demonstrators are brutally beaten by Police Martin luther king was the figurehead of the 1960 s. Protest movement 2015 the movie so mark was the hot chip to sweep the oscars but went home almost empty handed reactions were angry at the academy and the oscars were considered too white. I disproportionate amount of people who do not look like me doing what i do. Protests on social media use the hash tag off so whites women true protestors that larry werent getting a fur tail at the oscar awards ceremony in 2019 despite all the protests it was mostly white men who took to the stage in 2020 and more positive signal from hollywood the south korean film parasites became the 1st Foreign Language movie to win best film. And our film experts got rockstro joins me once again from the Venice Film Festival to talk about the new oscar rules welcome scott in a nutshell just tell us what are these new requirements. Well the new comments and to be clear they only apply for nominees for best picture so only the very top award handed out by the oscars but these requirements are based require diversity at all levels in front of the camera but also in the production staff all the way to the people who market the film that there should be very strict requirements for a degree of diversity in the cast in the director and all the way down basically if you dont have that degree of diversity you will not qualify for best picture and how surprised were you by this rule change. Quite a bit i knew that the academy wanted to make a change i didnt think it would be this this radical really will be interesting to see how this is received because this goes a lot further than i at least expected the academy do it shows that theyre quite serious about pushing hollywood to become more diverse ok so essentially this is a good thing obviously with the academy wanting to shed that a white image but what impact might this have on the stories that filmmakers want to tell. Yeah itll be interesting because i mean if you look just at the nominees for best picture this year 8 of the 10 wouldnt qualify under these new rules i mean films like a joke which which won best actor or. The irishman but also a film like little women which many celebrated as a tribute. To female filmmaking because its only white women on screen it wouldnt qualify under the new diversity rules so itll be interesting to see what impact this will have and if we will start to see new and different stories and if certain stories might start to disappear from hollywood. Its very interesting obviously we were speaking earlier that diverse diversity is a relative term it depends on the perspective that youre coming from but id like to go to another story thats flaring up again disneys new live action remake of moulin is facing boycott calls from activists for being partly at least filmed in the region in china where we are muslims are being persecuted by the Chinese Government now coming from our diversity discussion there heres a film that was hailed for its chinese story with an all chinese cast but tripping up for cozying up to beijing how big a problem is this for disney. A pretty big problem actually i mean hollywood the big studios at least have an issue with china theyre desperate to get into the Chinese Market is a huge market they need it to really make their film successful but the Chinese Government to time determines what films get in and so hollywoods really bending over backwards and has been for years to do everything it can not to offend china and disney with thought to have the ideal type of film a chinese story with an all chinese cast ideal for the for the Chinese Market but because they shot in this area of china where alleged these these persecutions are taking place its really put them in a in a bad light im not sure if its actually going to hurt the film itself commercially but it definitely has hurt the image that disney has because no one wants to be seen as a cheerleader for a dictatorship thats right well scheduled to be released in theaters in china on friday i believe so we will keep an eye on not and see what kind of an impact this controversy has had thanks very much for joining in tuning into i think and god will see you tomorrow scott roxboro in venice next up we go back in time to the middle ages here in germany and a new exhibition in my aunts sheds light on the complicated power structures that were in that area at the time of charles the great of the king of the franks and the founder of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 800 well its been years in the making this exhibition and years since one of its central attractions has actually seen the light. This massive steel door protects one of the most valuable books in the world the codex manesar is 700 years old a collection of songs and poems from an entire era 811 decorated parchment pages with love as the central theme. Greets with singing the sweet ones i neither can nor want to avoid. This is the source for more than half of mina saying poetry. Very rarely then the book out to those people interested in seeing get up close this is really about the aura of the original. The last time was 14 years ago now the codex manesar is going back on public view its been cushioned in shop and fireproof packaging for the journey its insured for 80000000 euros and has a police escort. And this is its new temporary home from charlemagne to Frederick Baba ross are the exhibition the kaisers and the pillars of the power in the land as museum minds examines the complicated network of relationships between emperors and kings and bishops and princes. And we want to show how the middle ages were different in fact only about 10 percent of the population belong to the pillars of society but it is just as important to us to show that they were always in a network of influence with each other so there was a process of negotiation that was not just based on orders and obedience the emperors power was limited. The funeral crown of empress gives a lot of sway via the marriage certificate of farnell the acts. Mission reflects the importance of women in the middle ages as the pivot of court life. The woman is in charge she holds the court together even when the men are waging war and shes the guarantor of a courtly behavior that rises above desire and brutality. Women are objects of desire but at the same time the educators of man without the codex men are so we would not have this perspective on the not so dark middle ages. And from literature back to cinema now a topic that is ever close to our hearts especially german cinema and television i think for very obvious reasons and nowhere is it more evident that national tastes really do differ when you arrive here in germany as a foreigner for instance there are a number of lets call them idiosyncrasies to get your head around but there are also a great many more. Crime scene thats the name of one of germanys favorite ever t. V. Shows millions treated on sundays at 8 50 pm sharp and the show has been running for 50 years the germans love crime drama but what makes this one so special its got murder and intrigue of course and often picks up on current social debates like far right extremism or the refugee crisis started see what has got to be regional accents different episodes filmed in different cities with different local detectives taking the lead. Vienna in austria a new sense of that even while theyre in town. Because learning to not stop our 1st not going to crash for another day of solving murders. Ive got to get something off my chest i am not a big fan of German Television but things are looking up in 2015 a series about a young east german spy and made waves approach that he 3 was the 1st german language show to ever want to make a u. S. Network and became the most watched Foreign Language drama ever in britain and duck was recently voted the best all time one of us live from. Other impressive productions like. Im just shaking up the ship small screen and helping its a type of switch to want to. Know what about the Silver Screen lets find out more from my colleague on film buff. Of. Much more features. I was kicked off the air for giving bush. The a focus is this judge aquino into knots in a coma. Golson for students to dodge of a foreclosure happened. 100 years ago the majority of films being watched and judged. Many german in fact it was the 1st country to try and protect its National Film industry using a quota law for every foreign film shown in germany a german film had to be made and distributed abroad that actually lead to quantity over quality anyway these days the majority of film showing in german cinemas are imports mostly from the u. S. And you know that means right. So it is just in from the father which often cunt him on the door just him as he flew on her own having is in view about the argument that some. In this hollywood stars who are on. Dubbing is an important industry the top names can be quite famous in their own right and we usually take on more than one stop to say this guy has been the german voice of Robert De Niro Robert Redford Dennis Hopper and ladies and gentlemen i now give you the german voice that im jay leno jelly fish as the cloudy opening is on spins and. The end is included. As the tuna is to see it so doesnt india and also. In storage as it seems on and the avoiding. The shoot to do it mentality at n. B. C. And do it shined for you hasta la vista baby. And that does bring us and lightens to the end of this edition so until we meet again all the best from us here in berlin and stay safe. During the conflict. Charla is roiling the west and europe along with the us in many cultures just. Pushing back at issue a growing list of Human Rights Concerns including homeowners new security law my guest this week from beijing is one cool yeah well why is whose country for so many fights these days aware of a new media conflict of. 90 minutes on w. Hijacking the news. Where i come from the news is being hijacked journalism it still has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them whack anyone. In countries like russia china churchy people are told is that something and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond that you are facing scare tactics intimidation. And i wonder is that where were headed as well. My responsibility as a journalist is to give me on the smoke and mirrors its not just about the prayer for balance or being neutral its about being truthful. Funding is important golf and i were getting. Frank from. International gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the home with. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and triallists services. Be allat guest at Frankfurt Airport city managed by from. This is d. W. News live from berlin a massive Fire Destroys the main migrant camp in greece thousands who fled to moria camp on the island of glasgows are now homeless the overcrowded facility was under coronavirus lockdown arson is suspected also coming up the u. K. Government says it is prepared to break International Law as difficult breaks and talks resume in london parts of the Withdrawal Agreement with the e. U. Are under threat well get the reaction of a leading european lawmaker. And a wonder of nature on top of a middle east garbage dump it is a rest stop on the great stork migration from europe to Southern Africa now underway. Im sumi so much going to thank you for joining us fire has swept through the biggest migrant camp on the greek island of les pauls thousands of refugees at moria have been taken to safety away from the overcrowded facility there were no immediate reports of casualties authorities are investigating the blaze as arson local media reports suggest the fires may have been started as a protest against a coronavirus lockdown imposed this week. Daylight reveals the devastation morea lies in ruins it was a temporary home for over 12000 migrants stuck on the greek island of les boss human Rights Groups have long deplored conditions and the overcrowded camp operating at 4 times its intended capacity. Overnight several shacks went up in flames before the entire camp began to burn. Winds reaching 70 Kilometers Per Hour fanned the flames forcing thousands to flee. Near our. City for parts for. Her or. His. Tea and habitants headed to nearby hills and woods others began walking to the islands capital mytilene e. Riot police were deployed along the roads amid fears that the camps residents might spread the coronavirus across the island last week moria was placed under lockdown after 35 cases were detected in the camp. As day broke some residents return to search for belongings among the remains the fire has been put out but over 12000 migrants are now left homeless once more in their lives they have nowhere to go what next for moria is a question many have been posing for years and answer from authorities has now become ever more urgent. Lets get more on the story now with correspondent antiterrorist sava she joins us from athens hi anthony you have reported from morea frequently what are your sources there telling you about the situation on the ground right now. Well kristie that is a Prime Minister came out just a few minutes ago with a with a nationally televised address and he declared the island of lesbos in a state of emergency and this will be him this emergency status will be enforced perform months which is indicative of the scale of the exercise now which the authorities have to face and this basically includes getting these 12500. 00 people into secure as shelters it also has to deal has to do with dealing with a Health Crisis it was an outbreak there was a covert 19 outbreak within the facilities and we understand that one of the reasons that these protests and fires kind of sparked were because were in response to the isolation procedures that were about to be involved upon so what were seeing right now is that authorities while the fire has been extinguished theyre trying to find an open area back tense will be set up for these people to find immediate shelter in the meantime 500 unaccompanied children minors have been sent to other locations the Prime Minister has also contacted brussels raising a bigger issue which is basically he was saying that greece can no longer shoulder the entire migration crisis and fend for these situations. That was correspondent. In athens speaking to us a little bit earlier as we heard greece is calling on the e. U. Parliament to take action i asked our brussels correspondent parent record about the role of the e. U. Parliament and what they can actually do. Protesting is the only thing the parliamentarians can do right now and they needed the 20 of them have stuff have spontaneously gathered here in front of the building of the European Parliament the European Parliament is only a code legislator and the whole migration policy process and so far the Member States refuse to accept any changes in gratian or asylum laws and they refuse of course to take migrants from greece and to distribute them to relocate them all over europe and this is the main problem right now well a lot of aid organizations that have criticized you today for not having acted sooner on this question despite a various warnings about the conditions on last fall so what reactions have you seen there to the fire today. So many people. Shocked actually about these pictures but i think that cannot do much because the numbers say the the governments of the Member States refuse to engage in a serious process to solve the problem the e. U. Commissioner for migration johansson said today we will take the e. U. Will take 400. 00 on the company minus from the island but this is of course only a drop in the ocean and at the end of the month the commission will table a new proposal is how to solve the migration crisis but it is still up in the if the Member States will actually take this and gauge in a meaningful discussion. Has been very good reporting from brussels thank you. Now british Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he will push ahead with legislation that could go against the braggs that agreement made with the European Union and therefore breach International Law the announcement prompted dismayed reactions from the European Union and its Member States that demanded emergency talks to address the new legislation and warned that any minor breach could undermine any future relations germany and france called on johnson to stand by the exit deal that had already been agreed. So what does this mean for negotiations we can hear from a David Mcallister hes the chairman of the European Parliaments u. K. Coordination group in brussels good evening mr mcallister on twitter earlier you cold on the u. K. To clarify this issue as soon as possible but as we heard the British Government has essentially already admitted that this legislation would breach International Law and the agreement so do you think that this is a bargaining tactic. I dont know its a british tactic on nought but what i can tell you is the full implementation of the recall agreement particularly the portugal ireland and Northern Ireland as a legal obligation under international or this was mutually agreed the treaty entered into force on the 1st of february this year and since then no party can you know actually change clarify amend interpret or discipline that anymore and especially the rigorous implementation of a protocol on the island and move on and this is necessary not only to protect peace and stability on the island of ireland but also its crucial that the integrity of the single market. The draft bill presented today by the u. K. Government raises serious concerns in this regard it cost doubts whether the scope of and is still committed to abide by its obligations on the roof of the cream and meant it says an Immediate Reaction the commission rightly so called for an extraordinary very meeting of the joint committee to ask the u. K. Government to explain the draft bill and i understand that this meeting will really take place tomorrow mr mcallister if this legislation is to be carried forward and passed can you still trust the u. K. As a trading partner. While the european situations are now doing is carefully analyzing a draft or from a legal point of human of course it will also have to be interpreted politically Commission President from the other european actors but also representatives of the states have all been very clear in their messaging in the last few hours that the. Correct implementation of the color Green Movement and especially the correct implementation of the protocol another moment. Is a matter of trust for our future partnership and of course this has an impact on the british credibility the to comply with by having International Treaties i always said that the implementation of the work or agreement is a kind of a litmus test for the u. K. Government and especially for the confidence of the trust we have the British Government so really the ball is in the British Field now and they have to explain what this is all about i must say that many here in brussels including me we are seriously concerned mr macmaster even if we put this legislation aside there is very little time to get a trade agreement done at this point are you Still Holding out hope that an agreement is possible the European Union has always engaged in a constructive matter during these negotiations since we started it but we have always showed our willingness and already in the us to get a deal done we believe that future relations of you that kingdom should have a solid legal ground but to be honest about last few weeks we have made sufficient progress on key issues including the local Playing Field and fisheries and as you rightly mention we are starting to run out of time it was the u. K. Prime minister himself who announced this week the latest on the 15th of october we need clarity so now we have the negotiating around finishing probably tomorrow and then there will be a nightly go shifting around end of september beginning of october and then we will know if theres still an option for finding a deal or not. In this situation no the european commission. Member states we are all well advised to. Ration also for this option. Exclude. Will have to leave it there David Mcallister chair of the e. U. U. K. Accord Nation Committee thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. Now twice a year storks follow a 12000 kilometer migration route between Southern Africa and europe and one of the best viewing spots for bird watchers to see this wonder of nature is a garbage dump in the middle east. Time for break for flocks of white storks in the Jordan Valley and the occupied west bank at dawn on you thought of just yasi leshem is up early to observe the birds at this huge garbage dump twice a year distorts navigate their way thousands of kilometers from europe to Southern Africa and back israel and the palestinian territories are like a bottleneck theyre one of the main micro tare routes for millions of birds. Because they avoid to fly over the mediterranean so we are like a highway of course or treasure between 3 called good and so we are lucky to have in fact 600000 stalks flying twice a year over all that almost all the World Population of whites talks about how the 50000. 00. 6000. 00 or so we are lucky to be in the best highway of the job would still. Rather than taking a shorter route over the mediterranean like smaller bats stalks fly over land to catch up or streams of whom at pockets to write a thermos to conserve energy. To landfill is like a pit stop for the storks they just stay for the night to rest to feed and gather strength before setting off on the next. The last 10 years they know to look for. You are places where you catch a thief but for garbage that of course they have plastic bags and stuff like that which is of course dangerous but the goal will be if the easy food although bird migration happens twice every year it still amazes he was studies to birds for decades unlike most humans to storks dont need g. P. S. To arrive at their distin nation we had one stalk that was amazing for 15 years she was going every you focus said this in your book and then a 1000000000 to this same treat new kept a year after year. If they have strong winds she can compensate and she knows how to go but said the exactly where she wants to go because. Its time for this truck to take off every day they fly between 302500 kilometers next stop the egyptian sinai before they continue their exhausting Journey Towards their winter home in Southern Africa. Coming up next to how the coronavirus pandemic has pummeled the South African economy with no sign of a turnaround in sight thats a Business News with stephen beardsley. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word published in the. Germany to learn german why not a simple online. Free shops. Learning course nikos speak german. On the korean

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