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The blaze might have been started to protest coronavirus lockdown measures dozens of residents of the overcrowded facility had recently tested positive for cocaine 19. The crypt of the not a dam cathedral in paris has reopened to the public nearly a year and a half after a massive blaze gutted the landmarks in syria the crypt offers an exhibition dedicated to the rights of victims hugo and an architect to lead a 19th Century Restoration of the cathedral this is d. W. News from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at news of visit our website w dot com. The maria refugee camp in greece had become a shameful symbol for europe a symbol of the misery that migrants encounter when they try to come here a symbol of the failure of the European Union to agree on a fair and equitable migration policy on tuesday night europes largest refugee camp went up in flames leaving thousands homeless yet again tonight what will happen to these people has their dream of europe gone up in smoke was that dream ever more than smoke and mirrors im pretty tough in berlin this is the day. This is a good trick to see images of what happened in moria a terrible. Picture of the different i express my sorrow over the events in moria i recognized the difficult conditions because youll. Go in. Normandy typical still nothing is an excuse for find out reactions to health checked into listening to that history will not abandon greece to deal with this alone found in the people in the camps. Also coming up the explosive odio recording us President Donald Trump admitting that he downplayed the deadly threat from the coronavirus that he concealed the truth from the public the president has never lied to the American Public on coded the president s been very the president was expressing common his actions reflect that. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with smoke and ashes and thousands of people who were once again without a home on tuesday night the migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos coldfire by daybreak the extent of the destruction was visible the overcrowded camp built for 3000 which had become home 212000 was completely destroyed maria was europes largest refugee camp but it was never designed or built to be that for years its over crowned in squalid conditions had triggered warning after warning of a humanitarian disaster in the. The coronavirus pandemic had added yet another layer of danger in fear when now that humanitarian disaster has happened what will you do about it 1st now is the time for soul searching in the face of europes lack of empathy for the plight of refugees for others the smoke will send a signal to would be migrants telling them to think twice before they head for the shores of europe our coverage begins tonight with this report daylight reveals the devastation morea lies in ruins it was a temporary home for over 12000. 00 migrants stuck on the greek island of less boss human Rights Groups have long deployed conditions in the overcrowded camps operating at 4 times its intended capacity. Overnight several shocks went up in flames before the entire camp began to. Winds reaching 70 Kilometers Per Hour fanned the flames forcing thousands to flee. Their hours. To get it for parts for. Her or. It is. The inhabitants headed to nearby hills and woods others began walking to the islands capital mytilene the. Riot police were deployed along the roads amid fears that the camps residents might spread the coronavirus across the island last week moria was placed under lockdown after 35 cases were detected in the camp. As day broke some residents return to search for belongings among the remains of the fire has been put out but over 12000 migrants are now left homeless once more in their lives they have nowhere to go. What next for moria is a question many have been posing for years and. Has now become. Well the morea camp was built to cope with an unprecedented number of people who fled war in trying to reach europe back in 2015 the trails of migrants making their way through Eastern Europe seemed endless spent many never reached their destination the perilous journey by boat across the mediterranean claimed more than 3700. 00 lives that year and at the end of august police in austria made a gruesome discovery the bodies of 7 words into a truck on its way from hungary to germany. The news sent shock waves around the world and it prompted european leaders to act. Its a humanitarian tragedy that has influenced european politics like no longer the procession of migrants and refugees hoping to find a new home in the e. U. A crisis that peaked in 2015. For 5 years now hundreds of reporters myself included have been trying to shed some light on the policies that e. U. Member states and institutions have been trying to come up with in response to these pictures so lets take a look at what has actually changed since 2015 is the e. U. Any better prepared for a new major increase in migration flows today one thing that your Member States here at the European Council in brussels have all agreed on is strengthening then use external borders part of that strategy has been a landmark deal with charted to prevent migrants an Asylum Seekers from entering the you in the 1st place and despite the recent drought over what exactly turkey gets in return apart from Financial Aid for refugees in turkey the effect has been a dramatic decrease in the number of the rifles. Preventing people from heading for europe is now a common condition that the e. U. Ties to economic partnerships and Even Development aid particularly when it comes to african countries its also why they fund the libyan coast guard proactive search and rescue operations like this one along the Central Mediterranean routes have in turn practically stopped so europes fortress is stronger than ever but what about europes ideals human rights protection from War International conventions the u. Commissions plan was that Reception Centers like this one on the greek island of less would welcome Asylum Seekers in a dignified manner and process their Police Station forms quickly but moria europes biggest camp for displaced people became a sprawling symbol. A failure even before the devastating fire and a recent convert 90 lockdown built to house 3000 some 12000 people were living here rather than days it took off years to process applications thanks to baracoa see indifference but above all a lack of political will this human suffering is the result of dysfunctional legislation the Current System known as the doppler regulation stipulates that most people must claim asylum in their country of arrival but states with extra no borders like italy or greece say thats just not fair so in the heat of the crisis the you tried to bring in relocation quote us with each country taking their share of refugees and migrants based on their g. D. P. And population but the idea crashed and burned hungary the Czech Republic slovakia and poland refused to accept refugees or abide by the rules now its done only one of all im sorry basis 5 years on the e. U. Remains deeply divided on the issue take the coronavirus pandemic already some Member States have been using the virus as an excuse to bring in tougher controls without epidemiological justification after countless delays the e. U. Commission is expected to finally bring forward its new pact on migration and asylum at the end of the month. Its president was a life on the line is adamant that he uses asylum system needs a fresh start. And for more now im joined by eric Mark Lawrence he is a member of the greens and a member of the European Parliament mr norcrosss good to have you on the program youve been to moria before youve seen firsthand the deplorable conditions there did you think that a disaster like this fire was inevitable was it just a matter of time. I actually did not only think that this kind of contest will happen but he said it in interviews in ma many humans having organization said that the situation we have is a big problem and that these kind of protests of pekin happen and every time so we did not know how this catastrophe would happen but as it is was just a question of time when Something Like this happens and was very clear who do you blame for the conditions that allowed this disaster i think its a difficult question actually so of cause you can say ok they have people who try to put some files in the can and in the end they are responsible you can say that you know that we sponsor the settings or count on fire as a politician and as a member of so you can see him and to follow the political debates about you can assign him system as a condition that takes on about us for quite a long time i must say that im not very interested in doing the police work now and seeing who did the fire im interested in talking about a situation where you can Member States governments where also we in the European Parliament were not able to react to this situation to this catastrophe and i think in the end its a political hes off them and we should feel ashamed for that i mean this does it does expose one of the European Unions greatest failures i mean this is what happens when some members of the e. U. Refuse to take the migrants and leave other members of his greece to deal with the reality on the ground do you agree. I would say that its not only a few Member States who did not we locate people from greece on the big island especially its all of them so there were some in the states that said ok we take some unaccompanied minors but in the end we cannot say ok we have no unified positions on our son policy for quite a long time for 4 years so you can Member States do not find a position keeping commission as a position that you can find and has a position as you can Member States are not able to find a unified position and they are also not able to see said when you have conditions where there is not enough water where there is no education for the children where there is no Fire Protection system that they could test if you would have an absence somebody had to react so its like responsibility not from the you can do william and the others its their responsibility to everybody who has a. Possibility to have do you know who is going to take responsibility for these migrants now. What i have from today is pretty shocking actually so yesterday at night received. Some friends and i said ok its a. Few minutes later. And says ok thats. The end it was clear that almost the whole camp was burning and we have 13000. 00 Homeless People who lost everything and the situation is that they just have no they have not even have a tent to sleep they have nothing left and. They have the 2nd night just without saying. I need a shamed as a politician i cannot do something that if i would be in government i would take. Action to have these people make humanitarian aid or not. To. People earlier this week 13000 shares were placed in front of the German Parliament building to symbolize the 13000 People Living in the camp the just went up in flames and you were involved with that demonstration having to wear face masks has brought thousands of protesters here to berlin recently. Burned out refugees in greece will they get more attention than just a bunch of. So i come directly from a demonstration and the demonstration was 5 to 10000 people who were just shocked by this its not accidental but these are and the pictures they saw and the 5 to 10000 people was noble mobilization for one day and also in Different Countries in the cities in germany where demonstrators and so i think that we should understand the depth lots of people. Who would be very proud when they can use their possibilities to help people in need and i think that the situation where we get so much from the fall i will give you all north every time when we talk about migration about the problem of migration but when we have a. Huge amount of people and possibilities to help these poor people and i think it makes genuine i dont care about people like doing demonstration prepay snouts but i care about the dignity of people about human rights and i think that they are the basis of our societies and i think that many people are not against the we look asian of these people actually yeah yeah well it will be interesting to see if there is a mini type of public action now that this camp has been destroyed eric mark fraud a member of the European Parliament mr mccullough we appreciate your time and your thoughts tonight thank you. Thank you. I think you just sort of will not necessarily think i dont think thats the thats the phrase used me. Actually internationally have well if you look at other Nobel Laureates for example in the germ nothing its nobody asked in her personal life of this fierceness and how he treats his life for nasa through other Nobel Peace Prize winning. And you shouldnt ask that for have rights or or maria their personal right for it really does the rest it has nothing to do what it gets international. And that was the far right norwegian lawmaker christiane t. Bring yetta explaining why he has again nominated u. S. President donald trump for the Nobel Peace Prize he says trump should be considered because of his role in the Peace Agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates and mr t. Bring you get a 1st nominated President Trump for the prize back in 20 teen for his efforts to bring reconciliation between north and south korea. Are lets take this story now to washington d. W. Correspondent abbie who has the sun joins me now abby good evening to you has there been reaction from the white house to this nomination for the president. Certainly brian i mean they welcome this nomination and they praise the israel u. A. E. Agreement that led to the norwegian m. P. To nominate trump in the 1st place and again it allows the white house and the administration to tout president traumas Foreign Policy prowess thats what theyve been doing in this homestretch going into the election they certainly did that when the argument agreement rather was initially find her critics will certainly question how substantial of this agreement will be in bringing about lasting peace to the region especially given that the palestinians werent even invited to the table and that could in fact hurt the overall Peace Process but the white house certainly doesnt see it that way brant the norwegian lawmaker nominating mr draw he is a far right member of the Norwegian Parliament now that would be reason enough for most politicians in the u. S. To disassociate themselves what about president. While hes not one to turn against anyone who is complimentary of him he hasnt actually mentioned the norwegian m. P. By name and neither has the white house and not press release the nomination process is worth noting here any politician working at the National Level can put forth a name for 2020 in particular there are more than 300 nominees so this is by no means a short list again as you mentioned earlier this is the same m. P. From norway who nominated tromp in 2018 back then he cited the president as a reason for improved relations on the Korean Peninsula but again as i mentioned in my 1st answer what kind of progress was actually made about what critics are saying that north and south korea leaders did meet in a historic summit but in the end when kim jong un met with trump on 3 separate occasions he did so without making any major concessions and north korea continues to test missile and has not agreed to give up its Nuclear Program nor has it addressed Human Rights Violations so again there is a big gap between having summits and findings and seeing actual results on the ground that is indeed the truth trending on twitter at the moment is hash tag. And we learned today that. Donald trump told the truth reporter bob woodward that he knew the coronavirus was dangerous and deadly and on march 19th he admitted to bob woodward that he had always wanted to play the devil so here we have the president admitting that he has concealed the truth about this pandemic. And its on tape brant trump spoke more than a dozen times with bob woodward for this book and bob woodward of course is a veteran journalist who broke the watergate story that ended up helping to push president nixon out of the white house and his new book reveals that in the days leading up to the lockdowns and multiple states the president was downplaying the virus publicly but privately he seemed to understand and grasp the fact that it was a deadly disease and that it was an air Borne Disease so in the tape from mid march trump is heard saying quote i wanted to always play it down i still like playing it down because i dont want to create panic but again at the time he was still publicly saying that the corona virus was similar to the seasonal flu that it would disappear by summer that the u. S. Had it under control now were moving into mid september more than 189000 americans have died from the virus and there are nearly 6 and a half 1000000 cases and questions are swirling now about whether some americans particularly his supporters would have behaved differently had they heard him warn them sooner and trump spoke just a short while ago and he reiterated the fact that he just did not want to cause panic at the time that was what he was saying but again not panicking it doesnt mean not reacting we also heard from democratic president ial candidate joe biden he was asked about this tape and he called it quote a life and death betrayal of the American People to be used. For doing from washington tonight explosive words there from the president abbi thank you. Well believe it or not its despite the pandemic a Film Festival is now underway in italy the venice Film Festival is the 1st major Film Festival to be held since the world went into pandemic lockdown a german film entitled and tomorrow the entire world is in the running for the top prize the golden lion julian hynes his film tells the story of a student who joins a left wing activist by the white we stream is in germany but eventually shes forced to question how far shes prepared to go to fight for her political ideals. Are you joining me now from venice is our movie guru to be reporter scott wants for a good evening to you scott tell us more about why the director selected this topic looking at extremism in the political spectrum yeah hi friend it was interesting i was able to talk to the director julie of before the premier of the film here in venice and she said she thought the topic was so important to tell now because she feels that the biggest question the biggest political question in germany at the moment is how to fight right wing extremism and she said it was so vital to have this film out now because of the surge in support for right wing ideology in germany lets have a listen to what she had to say. Thank you and thats internee 13 percent of voters who support a far right party it has seats in the National Parliament and in the federal states thats new they used to be fringe parties now theyre becoming mainstream i think it is not of people were killed in homs and hama as you tried to force his way into a synagogue you might have gotten how do you think that escalating right now. Is going to be. So scott is this film is it all of biographically inspired. Yes very much so the director was a member of the far Left Activist Group thats depicted in the film of course this may become famous also because of attacks from donald trump against it she spent 10 years with what the movement she assured me that she was never involved in a violent actions and that they violence thats the pick in the film is not something that she personally experience but she said she took direct inspiration emotional inspiration for her character in the film and said that the the questions that the young woman in the film face particularly the big question how far are you willing to go to defend and to fight for the the things that you believe in and she said that comes directly from her own personal experience yeah interesting so lets talk about all of these films what are your favorites to win the golden lion and then she. Yeah its a very interesting year because typically we have a lot of big hollywood films last year joker of course was here and one that is we dont have those films here this year because of corona so weve got a lot of very sort of personal artist movies and very political movies here and i think probably will have one of the other winning my 2 picks for them would be on the personal side pieces of a woman a very delicate story about trauma about a woman who loses a child and what that does to her and to her family starring Vanessa Kirby in a role i that for me is a breakout role for her i think shes the shoo in to win the best actress prize and on the political side i picked a documentary. By an italian documentary filmmaker he made a famous film fire at sea about Syrian Refugees trying to escape to europe here hes gone to the people who didnt leave their countries to go trying to survive in the war zones of the middle east a very powerful movie that really goes far far deeper than were used to seeing the refugee crisis and look at the real human faces behind the strategy those are my 2 picks for gold mine but of course well find out who wins in a couple days on all right. With the latest from the venice Film Festival tonight invent is scott thank you very much stay safe. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either d. W. News or you can follow me at brant gulfs t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then to morrow is another day well see you then. Go for. Political dissent in russia can be life threatening poison alexina is just one example we meet i listen leaders who refused to be intimidated. Human rights are disregarded. Freedom and justice dont exist here you can spend 30 days behind bars just for calling for a protest. Song on your a. D w. We know this is scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance hands if you can stay at how we deal with human for here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we are all in this together and together well make it through. The state you see everybody stays safe so stay safe increased chance to save. Life on earth one of the kind and. A. Coincidence. Or the improbable happen. Should the philosophers let it be on the creation of our solar system and our planet is a bit like winning the lottery. One more unique start september 18th on g. W. Hello and welcome to this weeks focus on this show and its great to have you with us the russian Opposition Leader alexei nepali is still recovering after being poisoned by the military grade nerve agent

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