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Germany has agreed to take in more than 1500. 00 refugees but athens wants other European Countries to help. And in his 1st Public Comments since his poisoning last month the russian Opposition Leader is pictured sitting up with his family he says that hes finally breathing on his own. Im off to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome u. S. President says today is the dawn of a new day in the middle east hes hosted a ceremony at the white house marking the normalization of relations between 2 goal for arab states and israel the Foreign Ministers of the United Arab Emirates and bahrain joint present. Trump and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to sign formal agreements to establish diplomatic relations its the 1st time in more than a quarter of a century that an arab states has established ties with israel trump expressed hope that other arab countries will soon follow while netanyahu think the president for his quote decisive leadership. This day is a pivot of history it heralds a new dawn of peace for thousands of years the jewish people have prayed for peace for decades the jewish state as prayed for peace and this is why today we are filled. With such profound gratitude im grateful to you President Trump for your decisive leadership you have unequivocally stood by israel side you have boldly confronted the tyrants of terror on you proposed a realistic vision for peace between israel and the palestinians and you have successfully brokered their store of peace that we are signing today a peace that has broad support in israel in america in the middle east indeed in the entire world that was the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking there in washington lets take the story now to washington our correspondent abbi the sun is standing by good evening to you abbi said the agreements they have been signed just how historic is all of this mean how much peace are we talking about here. Yeah i mean certainly historic to see these 4 men sitting together and signing those documents israel signed a document with the u. A. E. And signed another with bahrain and the Abraham Accords have been signed by all 4 parties involved including the United States as the broker we dont actually know all the details of whats included in these documents they are keeping it under wraps for the most part even after the signing and though it is symbolic and important we have to remember that the United Arab Emirates and boxing already had relations with israel in the shadows for years and experts say this deal to normalize is essentially about iran that you the u. A. E. Bahrain and israel see iran as a threat in the region and they want to strengthen alliances amongst themselves to fend off that threat that these 3 countries also see a further waning of influence american influence especially if trump is reelected in november so while the economics certainly played a part there are geopolitical factors as well or. Looking here. Well trying to netanyahu are hoping for this and promising this that there will be a domino effect throughout the arab world trump said earlier today that a handful of other nations are deep into talks already we dont know which countries he was referring to but certainly all eyes right now on saudi Arabia Riyadh have cautiously welcomed this deal but stayed mostly silent but observers will point out that bahrain would certainly not have moved ahead with without the green light from the kingdom and we have heard from the saudi king not today but in recent times that he has indicated that there will be no normalization without solving the palestinian question which is long been the arab position but as we see today that stance can change and we have to remember there were palestinian representatives at the signing today at the white house. On the story forwards in washington abbi thank you both state this story is really a correspondent time to kramer she is standing by good evening to you telling you lets start with the news thats coming in of rockets being fired from gaza israel what more do we know. The sirens went off actually doing the signing ceremony right at the time in washington and the police in the military confirmed the 2 rockets were fired from gaza into israel 2 at the Southern City of. And. One of them was intercepted by the iron dome Missile Defense system and one and 2 people were injured from trucks some suffered from shock. This deal how was it being viewed by the palestinians. Well i think we heard already from palestinian officials at the time and a nomination agreements were announced. They said its a betrayal some called it a sellout and i talked to a lot of palestinians here in the past week so theres a range of reactions to that some you know where initially very angry but also not surprised because those ties where known but they were mostly behind the scenes. There was also a sense of disappointment and abandonment and also reflected in some polls saying those countries abandon the palestinian cause at the same time theres also disappointment at their own leadership in ramallah and in gaza its a divided leadership that it that it come to this that its another problem with the trying ministration that there is no solution in sight at the same time also have to say theres a sense that there might be a shift in the region and up until now actually palestinians could actually count at least on the public the stated position by the arab countries that there would be no normalization with israel until israel and military occupation over palestinians and of course theres also concern that other countries might follow and that was even more so after the arab league last week failed. To come together on a resolution that was brought in by the palestinians certainly beginning to look like a paradigm shift in the middle east and not just the advantage of the palestinians. Thank you. Greece has called on the European Union to help deal with the migrant crisis unfolding on its Eastern Islands last week a fire on was destroyed europes largest refugee today European Union Council President Charles Michaud also appealed to e. U. Nations to step up their response to this crisis on tuesday germany said that it would take in more than 1500. 00 migrants from greece. As he walked away from a temporary migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos European Union Council President a shild michel made it clear he was not walking away from the problem. Difficult very complex situation but on behalf of the European Union i would want to see that i refused. All this migration challenge this is a common european challenge by the end of the ones you can commission in things new concrete proposal from the 3rd world those proposals are expected to include tougher border policing policies and renewed efforts to resettle migrants across the European Union are in the day both michelle and the greek Prime Minister jointly appealed for more solidarity from the 8 you. Athens want other Member States to help run the new refugee camps being built on greeces Eastern Islands. Bayne while the greek army has set up temporary accommodation for thousands of migrants displaced by the fires at the morea camp. Across the bay from these temporary camps many greek residents say they feel sorry for the migrants and i too would like to see more solidarity from the e. U. Then economy this is not a proper solution there are 27 European Union states if they all took 400 people it wouldnt even show up because they have big countries well that. If each country took in 400. 00 people the problem would be solved. But with the e. U. So far struggling to find a unified approach to the market crisis at its borders a lasting solution could still be a long road ahead. Or lets get more on this now with our Political Correspondent a man was shot and shes here in berlin good evening to you. Germany has agreed to take about 1500 people from 5 greek islands after talks in berlin where theyve been going on now for about a week this looks like good news is it. Well indeed it is good news for now the decision was taking was taken by the governing coalition between the conservatives and a social democrats and they took a bit long opinions well divided us to how many people germany could take in for example the coleader ideas. And i have been calling on germany to take 7000. Seekers and as it now stands youve mentioned a germany were taking a little over 1500. 00 Asylum Seekers has cations have already been accepted were talking mostly about families with children. As they are prioritized and they will be taken in by different regions states here in germany remind us why is the migration question such a polarizing one here in germany. Well we have to take a step back and we have to remember that 5 years ago well there was that defining moment when i got america save us way we can do days meaning thats germany would actually be able to handle the Strong Influence of migrants of refugees that 70 came in during the summer of 2015 and germany indeed took in far more migrants than any other e. U. Countries and as a result of that German Society became quite paula rise to be so the rise of the far right the rise of phrases to tax yet 60 percent off germans do you favor every day arrival of refugees in their country but as also 40 percent of them who dont tend some of them fear that germany will do more than any other e. U. Member states perhaps lets have a listen to what some people here in berlin have to say on the matter just think i think the e. U. And especially germany have a duty to help in emergency situations like these in that. Support the decision i think we can afford to take in 1500 refugees compared to the 150 they were talking about at 1st meeting of the me im not a little other country should follow germanys example because help is really needed to see these people suffering there thats just unbearable tricky sometimes im not sure if we have the room but i think everyone who needs help should be taken in. His as it is but of course its important to help these people where they are in the field but at the same time we need to realize were sending the message out that you need to escalate the situation to get what you want. And to me thats the wrong signal of your word from the street and what we know that the german chancellor Angela Merkel she has tried for years to push for a european wide solution to migration has not worked what role does the e. U. Play. Well it seems that things are moving a little bit after this fire in mori i know brussels you Commission President also left on the line confirmed that there would be talks about establishing a refugee camp run by greek authorities and european agencies in a week from now on september 23rd with you counsel michel weve just heard he made a report saying that the e. U. Must provide a just strong and efficient answer to the migration problem but it has been 5 years now and not a lot has changed since then and opinions between Member States between Member States are still strongly divided with countries which on the front line like greece like italy like spain demanding that i dont use states also do take in more as island seekers and other countries such as hungary or. State opposed to its. Political correspondent on the story for us here in berlin in the thank you well the russian opposition politician alexina vali has reached out on social media for the 1st time since his poisoning last month he shared a picture from the berlin hospital where hes being treated theres the picture it shows him sitting up in bed surrounded by his family now he says that he can finally breathe on his own his spokeswoman says that of only plans to return to russia after he recovers. D. W. Reporter jared reed was outside the charedi hospital here in berlin where alexina balding is being treated he told us about the huge response to these post is clearly a lot of goodwill for russian Opposition Leader alex cena valmy his post from his hospital bed here at the hospital in berlin is on track to becoming one of the most liked photos on instagram if he spokeswoman says he wants to come home to russia and that shes puzzled why people might think otherwise but that could still be some way off doctors dont yet know the long term effects of the poisoning on a felony 3 specialist trees have confirmed that he was poisoned with the soviet era nerve agent novacek russia continues to deny any involvement European Countries particularly germany pushing moscow to provide on says that was reporter jared reed reporting. German chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that antisemitism in germany has not gone away and that today many in the Jewish Community still do not feel safe she spoke today at a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the Central Council of jews in germany the organization was created in the wake of the holocaust and has been a driving force in revitalizing jewish life and culture. The yellow star gleams high above what was once the largest synagogue in germany the site of celebrations in berlin marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Central Council of jews in germany the councils mission at 1st was to help surviving jews leave the country after the horrors of the nazi regime most of them just wanted out but a few state. Where did those people get the courage and the optimism to start over from the beginning. Its a boy to this day that 1st jewish Pioneer Generation deserves our recognition and our respect. The founders of the Jewish Community and the Central Council of jews took a huge risk and gave germany another chance. For schools chancellor Angela Merkel said she was on or the jews in germany home these days but she also had a warning its a. It is a disgrace and i feel deeply ashamed of the expression of racism and antisemitism in our country in these times. It is true that racism and antisemitism have never disappeared for some time now they have become more visible and uninhibited. Last year in the city of a strong. A right wing extremist who intended to massacre people in. Violent antisemitic attacks have increased by 20 percent in the past 2 decades most committed by right wing extremists in. Many posts on social media with hatred and provocation we must never be silent about this muds. However merkel said that the majority of german citizens support the Jewish Community the Council President recognized that. Today 75 years after the show the Jewish Community is again ready to put its faith in germany our home towns fortunes suki. But he rounded off his speech on a somber note saying he very much hoped that that face would not be disappointed. It is a terrible report card the global plan to protect wildlife and save earths disappearing species from extinction has missed every target set 10 years ago in its latest report released on tuesday the United Nations says with none of these goals met the effect on plant and animal species has been devastating. The cotton topped tamarin the white rhinoceros. Lions all in danger the situation is also grim for many other species. The same goes for much plant life which is rapidly losing its diversity. About 1000000 species face possible extinctions amphibians mammals coral reefs are also heavily affected. There are many reasons for this the worlds population has doubled in the last 50 years increasing consumption. More and more land is required for agriculture while resources like water and forests are being depleted. And even as efforts to combat deforestation increase too much logging is still going on im disturbed natural areas are hard to find and then there are the effects of Climate Change all that has had its effect on wildlife. According to a recent study the numbers in monitored wildlife populations around the world have to climbed by 68 percent in the last several decades. Scientists estimate that vastly more animals species including birds and mammals would have become extinct without legally protected areas Like National parks. For more now im joined by elizabeth maroon shes the executive secretary to the convention on biological diversity she was directly involved with this latest report liz but its good to have you on the program yeah the world has failed to meet any of these biodiversity targets set by the un 10 years ago when you read go through the numbers is there any reason to have hope. Unfortunately yes 20 taggants 0 aggregate 10 years ago no 21 will be met by the end of this year only about 6 progress has been made yes there are reasons why we have not met one many countries talk about 34 years you for that i changed them intentional their targets will begin because the countries began developing strategies and action plans that will not be repeated another lesson is. We needed the whole of government and so sad to to be in the implementation for many countries it seemed to them out i was left with the department of environment when a tab a they have is these everybodys business the n. G. O. S be there business be there private sector. Individuals so i think moving forward we need the political we have the highest level yet to ensure your horror of government as is the gauge in the implementation of these targets which will move into and youll buy a vis the. Framework global bay davis there from what you say that this is everyones business which it is so i wonder which species dying at an unprecedented rate how exactly is this sector human. Their report clearly has shown the way afghans invention has been forward to in place species have improved and actually where their progress has been made has been on species despite the fact that the numbers us or bed and that i mean over a 1000000 threatened with extinction extinction lets feel its part of the progress so even assuming this measure as we ted been taken place had not happened it would have even been in a waste situation than where we are today so its a lot of work needs to be done species us daily and dangerous. For people at home you know listening to this what can they do what can be done on the individual level do we all need to change our behavior in order to stop this i think we all need to understand nature needs us and we need nature there moss dangerous species on earth human beings our actions our t. V. It is every in the most dangerous one on nature so number one we need to realize and change our relationship between human wellbeing and nature and this is where everybody has a role to play even at the individual level where damn well we do it is our nature is that the food we eat is in their add to their farms where we go is it infrastructure where we live because its timber. So is it the food system so whatever we do nature we contact with nature as its changed our actions or nature has been the most dangerous one thats we need to change that elizabeth. We appreciate your time and your insights tonight elizabeth thank you thank you. Arts of sports news a german politicians have decided that fans can return to stadiums for this weekends 1st match day of the bundesliga season mondays german cup games feature limited numbers of fans in stadiums across the country now for a 6 week trial period bundesliga clubs will be allowed to use up to 20 percent of their stadiums capacities strict coronavirus measures will be in place but there are no plans for fans to be tested for the bus. I join me here now at the big table to talk about how the fans are coming back to the bundesliga as our Sports Reporter max miramax is good to see you so a long awaited return what do we know about these proposed plan well as you mentioned 20 percent of the capacity some stadia that are smaller will also be allowed a higher number than that proportion a 1000 fans is the minimum that theyre allowed to bring in 20 percent is that cap for the biggest stadia and there was still be no away supporters no. Standing seating which is a problem for some stadiums that have a little bit more of that proportionately and no alcohol germans do like a beer with football but this applies across all Sports Events now we saw a few friendly games cup games on a track and field event this weekend in berlin letting spectators in socially distance with posting lies take it in mosques thats going to be the same sort of procedure here and if a certain area has high cases then those clubs will not be allowed to make use of that 20 percent capacity but finally after much federal arguing the 16 states have come together as one solution is going to take a lot of organisation and i know that last season the bundesliga was the 1st major league to restart after the pandemic i mean what was it like without having anything ins in the stadium yeah i mean even to the casual football fan it was a little bit eerie and a little bit we it we can have a look at some of the footage from last seasons games for instance here the one of the biggest games in the season. And that so you celebrate go in corona times its not the same emotional atmospheric experience and here we see the daughter found sort of sarcastically celebrating in front of an empty stand this so it was there was some Creative Solutions some broadcasters especially abroad germany not so much but some brokaws just chose to play in fake crowd noises that kind of made you forget for just a moment that you werent living in the pandemic independent hes hard to forget that is and it makes me ill as always max thank you. A french free diver has set a new world diving record off the coast of the greek town of. Our new juror always dive is the deepest ever recorded using socalled by fins which were attached to his feet the 24 year old st 112 meters in a dive that lasted 3 minutes and 24 seconds last month he made 2 attempts to break the previous record of 111 meters but each time he failed to get his attempts validated. Oct 3rd times the charm. Youre watching news after a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around iraq that. Can inspire change. People make. It go africa fantastic. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another. Work together for a Better Future for. Many cars but shipping it for. On t. W. About is he when i arrived here i slept with people in a room in america it was hard i was fair. I even got white hair and. The language never. Gets me that a bunch maybe in china lets say you want to know their story. For margaret. Look closely. To see carefully. Soon again she needs to get. Discovered. Subscribe to the documentary. The United Arab Emirates in bahrain today agreed to normalize relations with israel a deal brokered by the us President Donald Trump no trump and these 3 middle east countries they tried to project a picture of the normality that they want us to see a picture of a middle east minus human rights abuses and mine is the israeli tell us

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