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To the. Qualifications of someone to be. Rather than trying to get this. Mourners lit candles for ginsberg on the steps of the Supreme Court while there was praise for her legacy from across the political divide the search for her successor threatens to be less dignified. We can ask me to detail the reporter stephen says here in studio more on stacy tell us more about Ruth Bader Ginsburgs korea well Justice John Burke was the tiny firebrand and she was the liberal conscience of the Supreme Court and she became a feminist icon known as the tories our b. G. Because she was so tough with her dissensions and so steadfast and what she believed was the hallmark of democracy but even before she made it to the bench she stood before the court 5 times to argue for landmark cases and they all had to do with equality for womens rights to have the onus of their their own body the right to have equal pay to be able to acquire housing as a get rid of laws that made it legal for women to be treated like 2nd class citizen and this was the bedrock of her work and you saw this when she was on the court the way she voted for reproductive rights and civil rights and gender and Marriage Equality so what would her legacy be well i guess hell be a fighter for all of those things i just mentioned but also just for what she felt was. The democracy that was at stake and she you know battled various forms of cancer for many years because she was trying to hold on so that she would get a president that would vote somebody for somebody who was in the same vein as she was to protect things like abortion rights so shell be remembered as a fighter somebody who opened the doors for a lot of women and reaction to the passing theres been tweets have been all sorts coming from alister the world what kinds of reactions are we were getting reaction from from both side of the our republican and democrat and even Enter National i read you a few of them President Trump tweeted a statement saying that jens bird had a brilliant mind and demonstrated that one can disagree without being disagreeable to those for different viewpoints from a president barack obama tweeted that jens birth to the end through her cancer with unwavering faith in our democracy and its ideals Hillary Clinton former secretary of state said justice jens berg paved the way for so many women women including me there will never be another like her and a voice from Europe Europe e. U. President fundal lyon tweeted that the whole world had lost a truly remarkable person and a pioneer for womens rights she proved their women belong and places of power and this is why we saw so many people coming out to more and are passing because she touched so many people in different parts of the world reactions coming from far and wide did a photo Stacey Bevans thank you for for that update in iraq. Now lets take a look at some other stories making news around the world. Russian Opposition Leader alexina vali has posted another picture of himself recovering in hospital the caption of the photo he shared on those social Network Instagram said his path to recovery was clear although long the volley is being treated in a bully in hospital after being poisoned with a nerve agent thats been used against kremlin critics before. Prodemocracy protesters rallying in thailand to demand the prime ministers resignation and reforms to the monocle tens of thousands have turned out so far for a weekend of protests the student led demonstrations are calling for democratic reforms and changes in tough laws against criticizing the royal house. The un is stepping up its support to refugees on the greek island of lesbos after a Migrant Reception Center but down last week new shelters are being set up alongside new 1000 testing sites an estimated 11000 Asylum Seekers seekers remain without adequate shelter on the island. Several countries in europe are facing a surge in corona virus infections leading to new restrictions across the continent spain was one of the hardest hit during the 1st wave of the pandemic the situation has again been deteriorating in recent weeks but authorities want to avoid the harsh nationwide lockdown ordered in march and are opting for more localized measures instead. Rapidly rising infections in madrid have sent the spanish capital into a partial 2nd looked at the areas most affected by the nearest frictions of the densely populated low income neighborhoods in the sight of the City Movement will be restricted and all bars and restaurants will be limited to 50 percent capacity. And remember not only are going to be i understand that we need to save the economy in the forward but health is more important without health theres no money. Running serbia i dont know and i think its good to avoid making the situation worse because there are people who go when they dont have to. Let those who really need to go do so so they dont lose their jobs. So they dont lose what little they have. No hope we will be broken up here and. Even those in the hardest hit regions will not be stopped from going to work as happened to non essential workers during the initial wave of the pandemic i give you that we need to avoid a state of emergency and a hard look done we need to avoid Economic Disaster hard looked on and states of emergency are an Economic Disaster and we need to avoid that by all means. Regional Health Officials say madrids Health Care System is under growing pressure as hospitals struggle to operate with limited Health Workers and resources. To sports now on the Opening Night of the bundesliga where by and munich the 8 time defending champions have already put themselves on top of the league in the new season just 4 minutes in buying work ahead thanks to surgical gnabry it was a blowout in the making after the break newcomer. Got into the act with an assist and chased down the ball and left it for gnabry to score his 2nd of 3 on the night. Of the finals. Alema. What do you see in this 1st game back for by munich i saw a buy and munich pick up exactly where they left off last season they absolutely annihilated child. I mean and this comes after just one week of training just one week of training and you do that and i think just a testament to by an insatiable desire to win titles its like 8 titles on enough they have to get they hence now on title number 9 you know after 8 in a row and they also had a record they become the 1st team in Minnesota History to score 8 goals on match day one. Credible ridiculous if it is not lost since december who can they be challenged and the supremacy of each other i know im running out of surprise sometimes just to describe how good this team is and how successful theyve been so in an ideal world tommy teams like teams like by a level cruisin boss your daughter mind and city as well they would all be challenging by on for the witnessing a title but thats not really happening and now teams like c. H. And leave a cruise and of course have been for the weekend cuz they lost a team of vienna and hobbits to the premier league so all hope right now is riding a dog i think dortmund opera haps right now the most capable team of breaking up by and monopoly over the German League i mean they have extremely talented Young Players they have a very solid coach and lucianne 5 are a bad theyve been inconsistent and they tend to fold when the going gets tough and we saw that the last 2 seasons and especially last season what started off as a really nice and unpredictable title race well mr howard all ended by in munich winning the title with a landslide 13 points ahead of everyone else have i was in the blunders league there will be fans watching some of these games but for munich by munich there wasnt need there wasnt any. Originally 7500 fans by and fans were supposed to watch the team win against a no but the local Health Authorities decided to play the game behind closed doors because the infection rates have been rising in the region and just to give you a bit of context we all know that the german politicians recently agreed that up to 20 percent of the Stadium Capacity can be filled but the local authorities have the final word. Its like you did of the sports thank you. Staying still in munich normally at this time of the year the city would be gearing up for october 1st the worlds biggest Drinking Party with millions of people from around the world donning rivers of beer but its been council due to the pandemic infection rates are rising and on friday munichs weekly infection rate passed a threshold that could trigger new restrictions. In munich the party is now over images like the use of nightlife in the city with groups of people meeting and drinking are now a mere memory thats after the number of new coverts 19 cases reached a critical level. You cant go to Public Places my familys more careful people want to enjoy the last days of summer but they also have to stick to certain rules. At munichs city hall no one surprised by the rising number of infections. To be for a good many were predicting that infection rates would rise after the Holiday Season and thats whats happened. So far authorities could not stop the virus from spreading the ban on public drinking and social distancing rules havent been enough. Sports and coronavirus hotspots developed for people spend time and party in close proximity. Just one infected person can spread the disease to a lot of other people. Which to. Put the infamous october 1st beer festival cancelled people in munich hope that no further restrictions on daily life will be needed for now. Youre watching news live from a member you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website dot com follow us on twitter and on instagram as well news and told me a logical for me and the team here in berlin thanks for watching. To. The people of the world over information they provide part of the pentagons want to stress g. W. Blog facebook and twitter up to date and in touch. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this. Just through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you like and new information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at the. Science. Debate. This week on world stories took heat waves of protests against famous selling russia opposition members in danger but we still lost in greece there was deep despair after the fire in the refugee camp in morea tensions between refugees and local news on the small mediterranean island. Baby emmanuelle is just 3 weeks old she was born in moria her parents say they fled from the congo to europe in hope of safety and a better life but what they found was hunger thirst. And homelessness just. Disappointed because the European Union could have helped us after all this time spent 4 days no one is taking care of us what are they thinking how can they abandon us the European Union to i dont know what theyre doing is there because the. Days after the fire in the morea refugee camp chaos reigns on the island of lesbos families like the mollies are left to fend for themselves thousands of refugees are camping on the hot asphalt the greek government promises hell but it is yet to be seen scenes like these showed just how great the desperation is. When the 1st deliveries of water finally arrived there were riots and some refugees were injured we do what we can the governor of the island explains but he points out that the fire was a catastrophe with a message lesbos has been left with a huge numbers of refugees for too long now he hopes things will change. For lesbian people and for myself. In a tragic way it was a good thing because. It was simply that. When it happened with this tragic way im very happy that we didnt have any people lost or people but still its a good its a big brother. The inhabitants of lesbos dont want it to be an island for refugees any more they repeatedly set up roadblocks they dont want to step in moria and say the refugees should leave their island marriot so my docky lives in moria their teacher experienced 1st hand how her neighborhood became radicalized at 1st many welcomed refugees but then the mood changed. Over time things happened. There were thefts and the refugees burned the olive trees for firewood. Yes then Public Opinion changed. Unlike many in her village maria some a doc is still has compassion with the refugees she and her friend donated food to be distributed to them but they both agree that it cant continue like this. All of more totally disappointed. As this is all these years weve heard talk of sympathy and support and more to the board but weve come to the conclusion that the only thing people are trying to do is make greece and especially the islands of the east a g. And a location for a permanent refugee camp hoarders. The refugees dont want to be cooped up in a camp again either but continue on to the rest of europe again and again they demonstrate on less post now the end patiently and increasingly desperate. Climate change is causing extreme weather changes worldwide in california he says schools forest fires that have devastated parts of the states the 1st returning residents are confronted with the destruction of their livelihoods. Nothing but destruction this is all that is left on the 5 acres of farmland in Northern California all the sorrow hawkins and her husband have created a Little Paradise over the last 17 years to go only 4 hours before everything was destroyed left are only shards of memories programmed mothers good china items they collected over decades the fire was coming across short grass it was coming across dirt there was no place that we knew for sure would be safe. Here in this barn several lost all her 17 baby goats to the flames we didnt have time to look at the trailer. We didnt know that we were in any kind of danger no fires ever move this fast out here ever you know and when we came back the next day. Ill never forget seeing the burned bodies in the barnyard. In claremont we speak with the director of environmental analysis char miller human beings are driving Climate Change theyre driving it because in fact were in cars in Southern California and elsewhere that were pumping affluence and to be air thats heating up the planet and the atmosphere and so when the fires start burning theyre actually burning as a result of our own actions. Sarah hawkings is not willing to give in and is already building a new born knowing that the next fire might take everything away again. He added one government wants to withdraw from the European Convention as the protection of women act resistance is grabbing future by the brazil murder of a young woman in western turkey which is not an isolated incident. The friends describe her as a fun loving young woman. This was the image turkey was left with of the 27 year old student pen ill go to can on july 16th exboyfriend strangled her to death remember her body. Flowers in a photo commemorate and her favorite. Now her friends baffin and layla sit here without still numb with grief and in constant fear of becoming the next victim of violence against women. Cant get him back maybe tomorrow theyll be announcing my death it starts right from the very 1st 30 seconds encounters they say you cant go there alone. You mustnt wear this or that you cant meet so and so on and on and on and mind thats just another form of violence that the brutal murder you know can see can understand wave of protest nationwide against the rampant violence against women and. Their thirtys and many communities responded with violence sending policemen to beat the protesting women. The number of women mad at each year intact he has more than doubled since 2012 now turkish women are no longer keeping sign that he made it. Back then as friends are also taking to the streets every week in the high in time. It no longer will they sit by and do nothing as violence against women steadily rises but progovernment passenger lists like. Check dont see the problem so much in a piece of men as in the Istanbul Convention on combating Domestic Violence turkeys them government signed and ratified it in 2012 the word of mouth and. Whatever happens inside the poor walls of the familys home to stay there. This convention is incompatible with our faith our culture and our traditions and the name. For years lawyer took has been representing the victims of Domestic Violence im a survivor as shes often seen the abusers appeal to the court for leniency and sympathy. Which they could. Say this woman has done this or that my male pride in a stain my car thats what motivated these actions charges something and based on their entire defense on it what are the men and cannot go to kansas hometowns how important to them is the protection of women. All evolution in the roots of the violence line or upbringing. That has to change anything with you get it. Murder victim cannot go to kims friends agree quite so not just a change in this country until it does the protests will go on. So. It is not yet clear who administers the deadly poison to russian Opposition Leader nobody what is clear is that critics of the russian government are in danger and yet many refuse to be set. To receive over is fighting for it but 2 years ago the activist was left fighting for his life struck down by a poison his situation was similar to that of election of only but unlike novell me there were no signs of the nerve agent. Or instead it wasnt even a good story and she had my poisoning wasnt as bad as his i was able to recover more quickly i was already able to speak in the 2nd week of recovery but navi chalk is an extremely strong point and it doesnt make a difference that you want to hurt someone or kill them. Chalk its perfect for committing murder war that was that it was for the corby way. Like never only brazil off was treated a berlin shower a terry hospital. No one could confidently identify the substance that had been given to him his symptoms prompted the doctors to suspect poisoning but with novell me it was the law says there is no doubt. Thinking to cope with the fact that not be caught but use clearly points to the russian president up to get this one thing is only secret agents have access to the specific poison where you get your call this operation could only have been carried out with the other group of law to me appear to have previously been there with the right were going to put the. Other opposition figures have been targeted with less deadly means among them is independent politician dmitri good cough one year ago he was barred from standing in the Moscow City Council elections and jailed for 36 days. When he was just another gallium enough an independent local politician and a prominent figure in the mass protests in moscow one year ago. She still faces charges for participating in demonstrations. That were going to lead to the group that is live in an authoritarian country in a dictatorship this began when Vladimir Putin was voted into Office Thousands of them but only in your human rights arent part of the equation here freedom and justice dont exist here you can be jailed every time you call for people to join a protest. In the face of intimidation pure. Reseal off refuses to be solid since his recovery he has become politically active in moscow again and that despite the fact that he has a young daughter sister with me. I want my friends my family and my daughter to live in a wonderful country without putin and his disgusting system the years of getting war im sure we can achieve this goal. Until them could also oversee life wont let his daughter go out alone and not on every morning hes bought a house solid on the way to school. Play. The sound of the alps and now open your eyes. To see a palace instead of a smuggler. Welcome to what may be the most unusual event of the year. The high rise concert of the tres din Symphony Orchestra the lads. Next. To me in the basement 77 percent of. Police brutality command south africa and brutal tactics are often news to impose law and order how much must speak to young people have in the justice system. To kill an innocent life such an innocent life the 77 percent. In 60 minutes w. Ws crime fighters are back at the capital africas most successful radio drama series continues to watch all of this so its are Available Online more so you can share and discuss on t w africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms such crime fighter 2 now. Its hard not to get lost in europes largest bamboo labyrinth good we will go there anyway to nature in this show. Hello welcome to new edition of euro max and this is one

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