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Welcome to. Its good to have you with us the conflict in afghanistan has been going on for nearly 2 decades and ask him to tens of thousands of people but its hoped u. S. Backed talks between the Afghan Government and the taliban in qatar could lead to a Peace Agreement afghanistans chief negotiator. Is currently in pakistan a country also seen as crucial when it comes to securing a deal because of its influence but the taliban and its strategic interest in its neighbor will have more on islam about the role in a moment. But 1st a quick look buck of the conflict thats brought untold misery to the people of afghanistan. They are faces of the innocent. Victims of afghanistans long running conflict there have been tens of thousands more in fact and surviving family members want them to be remembered by those negotiating for peace in their country some simply because they are so desperate. They actually had never i would only forgive my sons killing if i could witness a lasting peace in the country. There shouldnt be any more war no conflicts so that our people can work and earn a living well maybe a lot of the will and all the people of afghanistan who have suffered from the war in the country want an end to this current conflict. Negotiations between tele band insurgents and the Afghan Government opened in Early September in cutter after months of talks between the taliban and the us just grit sides desperate to curb the killings a massive undertaking. By the hour we want afghanistan to be an independent united and developed country and it should have an islamic system. In which all tribes and ethnicities of the country. Who find themselves without any discrimination. And live their lives in love and brotherhood put out some in the outset are you one were pretty. Love and brotherhood in a country that in recent decades has witnessed so much bloodshed. And the threat of violence remains an ever present backdrop to the negotiations. Both sides posturing but keenly aware that more innocents will lose their lives more families will grieve if negotiators come up empty. And just to remind our viewers that afghanistans top negotiator is currently in pakistan seeking its support for the ongoing talks in the door for more on that im joined now by the shows sharmila shrubs sharma good to see you what is pakistans role in the afghan Peace Process. But says it is the process not just in dialogue which is happening in the Long Island Sound also facility u. S. Dollars. Just on believes that the deal which the u. S. And the taliban signed in a separate would not have been possible without without explicit literature and. So got into the government it is a Facilitation Group and we see this alliteration stoners not doing it for the us august on its not doing it for kabul boston is doing it or its just on as a strategic as a. Defense and political interests coniston which are quite complex but it is a fat and you must admit that the us dollar bond not have been possible because of a stance of. The bought some about spain at the moment in iraq on talks is also. You spoke about pakistani self interest what is pakistans self interest in the afghan Peace Process. Well pakistan wants to have a friendly government in pakistan was one of the very few countries in the 99. Accepted the taliban regime recognized supported it in 9096. 00 but then the u. S. Invasion of afghanistan happened in 2001 so the pakistani establishment clearly a pox on the army believes that it lost that kind of influence on afghanistan after the taliban regime dismantled in 2001 we saw that role of india an increase in students of. India an increase in afghanistan 2001 which the Pakistani Military did not like much irrespective of that stock believes that if they have a regime in god which is most of all the more understanding of its interests will have backers humans in the region so that is exactly. From Peace Process box on wants to have a regino the future Political Center of interest in afghanistan and. He spoke about exerting influence in afghanistan im having a friendly government that potentially counters indian influence i mean the United States and the Afghan Government have accused pakistan of giving the taliban a safe haven and its a point that you alluded to as well talking about the recognition that the taliban government had received in the early ninetys from pakistan is baathist on using the taliban potentially as a bargaining chip in these peace negotiations. I dont think that the new government stuff especially the military when we talk about on the fears all Foreign Policy about the military. Which is at the moment. I believe that boston does not have that kind of influence over thats all it will extend the calendar 90 ninetys but still considerable influence on the dollar. Definitely hasnt risen the dollar on to an extent and it was to use. Influence. To get the massive amount of the peace talks so on is a very next why we see up the law. Going to pakistani authorities because of the knows that it. Is not also the peace talks will not wait. We leave it there for the time being with thank you so much for speaking to us. Human Rights Organization Amnesty International says it is holding its work in india due to reprisals from the government the move comes after its Bank Accounts were sealed by authorities allegedly for violating rules on foreign funding the organization has been investigated in the past as well over sources of its finances it has been under fire recently for criticizing Company Policy in me and for alleging the police in the capital delhi had committed Human Rights Violations during the riots that happened in february. Shooks ryan is a writer on indian politics and society and a professor at the university in sweden he joins me now on the line francis when welcome one of the worlds most respected human Rights Organizations shutting its operations in the Worlds Largest democracy how concerned should we be. I think it is for the world to be really concerned about but this is nothing new that i have been of. Stopping the oil stopping the dissent. For a long time particularly since not in the more they came to power in 2048 there have been patios international. Organizations of those who have been operating in india and they have gone to the trouble and also the number of local organizing indian organizations and activists and they are also facing trouble if they are up for getting any services from abroad so i think this is not new but this is what does happen now is to clearly when they have stopped all amnesty has been forced to stop all its operation that is really scary they have been on the government trick or. Pressure eclipsed court last 2 years but this has gone through we are. Quite quite. Right but its not a just under the names or more the government is that i mean our nest is finances question in the past in 2009 as well when the Congress Government was at the center i suppose the question is why is it funding and has to do with its finances repeatedly under the scanner. Im mr he gets some support from outside but also put that i have been a number of indian donors those who have provided funding but i think the one thing is its about always the idea as you said in 2009 also im thats that came out of those kind of but peta has been sometimes that have been not them to be poor to stop these fires of dissent in india but what i said what are the happen now it has been a kind of vetting organized a way of deciding stopping the dissent what they were the war posthorses had come from and they have been what i dont want the polls and organizes and so its not only im this duty that are going to pose and pull up close and you are sob stops been stopped receiving my money from abroad im nestea has been kind of far more of to get this kind of help or start then some because of its International Type your and or so its it has been brought out a number of resource particularly in the last 2 months though it brought about but important in august why one gust mean then i think august 20th 28th on their daily lives and i think immediately after a back to the government quite strictly and stuck on what they were the accounts they had before that they had all still. But i get there and even some of the people from india those who have gone to because on 100000 contributions are people those who have contributed to india and even some of the smaller. One to put us i have been on top of the. Government. Backs up hundreds attack so this attack on Amnesty International if you can call it that that home theres image abroad. Indeed hide what they were dealt with International Live rich or International Law or premium interpret because its a democratic and secular character and i think that has been. Under attack for fear of for some years not only them and some particularly since 2014 but i think its in turn a smelly differently to muscle media or media. Putting it that this is this is what been happening in india and i think about going against the mystique stopping at all of our being all uppercase operations will be im not the be some to this kind of india losing its democratic character for us were never there for the timing but thank you so much for joining us professor a hoax line. And thats a for today theres more to do the dot com for whats left is shown you can follow us on facebook and twitter as well from back tomorrow the same time. What secrets lie behind things one. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. D. W. World heritage 360 get the maps now. Has a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crawl along or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. Slash science. And welcome to news from the world of arts and culture this weekend sees the 30th anniversary of german reunification and weve been digging deep into the d. W. I. And continue our series on the extraordinary decade of the 990. 00 s. That change society so much here in germany also coming up today. Becoming black a new film by ian is jones in spain who was led to believe it was a genetic peculiarity that she was born black into a white family back in 1966 gemini. And the belgian city of shah was forgotten industrial sites are becoming Tourist Attractions thanks to an intrepid tour guide. Today in germany between 60100000 people identify as transgender off to reunification germany became a place of advance a patient and sexual liberation like chaos or christopher street day parade it. While many transgender people feel more accepted in Todays Society this was always the case. For all series on the 990 s. The formative decade that followed the fall of the berlin wall we met up again with Michelle Meyer a transsexual woman with usual story who as a man was crowned a beauty queen and 991. At the beginning of the 1990 s. Freedom and equality were not a matter of course for germanys Clear Community the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of psychiatric disorders in 1990 but many people remained prejudiced. By george roden was relieved but i think. In the long view. Those who didnt conform to the traditional heterosexual gender norms continue to face struggles like i show my a pew decreasing from by point. People context and then im transsexual which means that ive altered my body to fit my sense of myself as a woman one of the Decisive Point is that i was crowned miss by a white 1991 when i was still a man. And man. Michelle was named michelle at birth before having any gender confirmation surgery she took part in a beauty contest and. She outed herself as transgender after her picture that was considered a scam. Came 29 years later we met up with her again. But. It was very difficult at the time to survive as a transgender or gay or lesbian person especially by white a small but very in town that was taboo of course he was really bad with all the threats i got Death Threats phone calls wrong and i wonder if that. Despite such adversity michelle doesnt regret coming out just the opposite shes proud of herself and of her past and she hopes to be a role model for others. In the pits open mentioned he thinks there are so many people who have the same problem i do who would like to go down the same path but dont know where to turn or what they should do that they hide themselves just as i had myself for years too afraid of coming out so i thought that was the opportunity to say people tolerate us were human beings just like everyone else yes or yes were thinking also mention the. Last tolerance a lot of people spoke about that in the ninetys on heat our t. V. Program for young people. The rise and fall outs while what hurt me the most was this ostracism of being told that youre a different kind of person that youre abnormal and dont belong anywhere. But a gay partnership isnt really all that accepted by society when he walk around Holding Hands or share a kiss on the subway people stay or you feel left alone and cast out. For a lot of people the ninetys turned out to be an era of change. Its with balance and exploring the twilight and i have to honestly say that after i came out things got a bit better in terms of tolerance id say that after about 5 to 7 years people got more tolerable because there was a phase of education t. V. Shows and newspapers got much better at explaining and showing why a person is transgender why theyre gay or why theyre lesbian the way. So the hope concert. With the left. Is slowly but surely there was a liberalization of society in the 1990 s. But for germanys Clear Community today there is still some way to go when it comes to equality and civil rights. A true story now from the former east germany has been into a documentary filmmaker in his johnsons spines own story a parents always told her about how darker skin was simply a coincidence conceiving the truth of how biological father was actually from africa. The coming black is johnson spains attempt to understand the past. Pictures of the happy family the son is white the daughter is black the children believe its just a whim of nature. Should take nothing feeling in my own homes and thank me is a nice act shops. Ceased did just for my 6. Klingon isnt them sign it dozens of amusing live isnt going country and. As a student. In a traditional of course i was looking for an explanation trying to make sense of it without having to doubt my parents are. My age but looking back i actually think that i always sensed that this could really be the answer. But that was the story young eunice grew up in former communist east germany in the 1960 s. She was 12 before she learned that her biological father came from togo in africa her mother met her father while he was studying in town now an affair that was never talked about the director confronts her adoptive father about how this was possible. This is selfish too much its not for. There for me and if you have the. Patience for it my next tons of money would go. In the prim social climate of the socialist worker state it seems this was a taboo subject for family and friends to. Garnish that obama could ask when he gets to any. Touch of fun p. R. But i have had. A child resulting from an infidelity and on top of it all a black child that was considered too much back then the result of resoundingly collective silence but being different and the hurtful looks he attracted were unsettling for even us as a teenager. Targus indicates to us more imagine. My no trouble spots and calls in home an image should have are much much more of those ministers. From mr milosevic and a half. Dozen times different time also these are just the terrible effects of racism the internalization of racism which leads to the grow in us not feeling comfortable in her skin and therefore to her rejecting everything that looks like her for her to know how to decide on is up into a source who to be bad but the film is not an indictment the director focuses on her search for identity in 2 parts of the world she did later meet her biological father in most high mando who she died in 2010 in the film the director travels to togo and meets his and her family. Experiencing. Enos brings a picture of lucianne back to his home. Where it takes its place in the gallery of Johnson Family ancestors. Becoming black is a haunting and poetic journey that sheds light on a neglected chapter of german history 2. Nature of holes a vacuum as the saying goes and abandon the dust or landscapes about exception what some people might consider souls are the focus of. Extremely popular in so far east the belgian city is crammed full of industrial of what might be called distressed architectural highlights as another saying goes beauty is in the eye of the behold isnt it. Actually this is also in the eye of the beholder so one man is offering to is of child line chosen by a dutch newspaper as the worlds ugliest city. Urban safari booked up precisely because people want to see the decay of belgiums one time industrial metropolis. I decided i wanted to do an anti top. If this city has a Bad Reputation then ill play that out with a make it the subject of the anti talk. At one time charlotte one just south of brussels numbered among europes wealthiest cities boasting several impressive estates. But then the big steel works and mines closed down. Now 40 year old. Shows visitors from the world around his city. Base are more mobile than the germans have a word for it that the french dont understand industry. You might compare it to the artists of the 19th century who travel to see the ruins of ancient rome up a whole generation. Has passed since the steelworks closed here the young people dont know the Old Industrial age so it gives them space for romanticising when. The top sightings in store for the tourists and their guide on this urban safari include Blast Furnace is cooling towers and factory homes hardly any of the Industrial Buildings along the somber and mass rivers are still in operation. Attracts artists not just from the area but even many from the capsule brussels they come looking for a creative outlet. I think of as a kind of freedom here there are plenty of very much new spaces and they offer lots of possibilities. We have. One such building is this one originally a steel forge founded in 832 it stood empty for 20 years before an artists collective revitalized it. Another highlight of this urban jungle or other subway stations they were finished over 30 years ago but never. Says the hill. Have made child richer than many believe. From up here you can see the city is very green poverty is born in the mind after all the cost of living in china was not high if youve got 3 friends a little garden and a social network of the world. He has no doubt someday shall who will prosper once again but that will take courage and a vision and thats what nicola hopes to inspire with his toys. Its always a matter of personal taste isnt it so fun i would look small arts and culture on our website at d. W. Dot com slash culture or on facebook at v. W. Culture ill buy. Here on the road and say people across the country listening to their hopes and their worries looking with them towards election. Native americans are one of the most underrepresented groups in the country and low voter turnout is one of the reasons why well meet up with members of those kota tribe for trying to change the culture report on job units. In mexico many polish muslims are thrown out of the water right now Climate Change event off the story. Faces life less the way photos one week. How much worse can really get. We still have time to act im going. To sort of set. That subscribe. Every 2 seconds person is forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences. Just sastra some of our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. Forget then you know he said i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and he got mad and if i dont theyll kill me. Kiki feels for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of course to stay behind its a. Little my husband went to peru because of the crisis that the wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger manana now bisla starts october 16th on. The book the be. This is due to be to use life form world in devastating milestone the Coronavirus Claims more than a 1000000 lives around the world in less than a year shattering lives and livelihoods across nearly 200 countries also coming up. Fighting players between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh armenia says turkey has shot down one of its warplanes an accusation turkey denies

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