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From our correspondent in washington also coming up. Germany celebrates 30 years of reunification president. The last 3 decades as a triumph of democracy over oppression but he warns against populism and extremism. A michael oak who thanks for joining us u. S. President donald trump has spoken out for the 1st time from the hospital where hes being treated for covert 19 he released a video message on twitter adding that the coming days will be the real test of his fight against the krona virus earlier the president s doctor also said he was doing well but follow up questions shifted to focus on the timing of trumps infection and diagnosis. And doing his best to reassure the United States i came here. I wasnt feeling so well i feel much better now were working hard to get me all the way back i have to be back because we still have to make America Great again we do awfully big job of that but we still have steps to go and we have to finish that job and ill be back i think ill be back soon. Finishing up the campaign the way we started we are things happening that look like were miracles but admitted the coming days will be crucial so i just want to tell you that starting to feel good. Over the next period of a few days i guess thats the real test so well be seeing what happens over those next next couple of days. Early on saturday the president s medical team had also given an update explaining their decision to transfer him to a Military Hospital as reported yesterday consultation with this group i recommended we bring the president up to walter reed is a precautionary measure measure to provide state of the art monitoring and any care that he may need. Just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it in a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness but that clarification caused confusion 72 hours into the diagnosis would mean he was confirmed infected on wednesday. Trump only announced that he and the 1st lady had contracted covert 19 early on friday the president s doctor sean conley later issued a statement correcting himself. Following an event at the white house rose garden last week a number of prominent republicans have also tested positive. Including 2 senators from the Judiciary Committee who are due to consider trumps new nomination for the supreme court. Though trump is reportedly on the mend his chief of staff says the next 2 days will be critical in the president s fight against covert 19. Joining us now is our correspondent carolyn us for more in washington greetings carol you know we just heard the president say hes doing well did he also defend his decision to continue containing without a mask well in this video of the 2nd one he released from the hospital his 70 trying to kill the room or as we heard yesterday saying that his Health Condition was quite serious we dont know though if this is going to change anything on his position towards the measures to stop the infections in the states like wearing a mask or keeping keeping a social distance we have to consider that the mask has almost become a political symbol in this country trying to trade as i say the mask and even made fun of joe biden for example during the president ial debate because he always wears a mask is he now going to change that position openly perhaps after having been hospitalized for several days due to his covets 1000 and faction so we dont know. As you know more people in the president s inner circle have tested positive in recent days how certain are we that that rose garden event was in fact a super spreader moment within the president s team. This has not been come for that ceremony last week at the white house was the place where several people got infected but we do know that at least 6 people including 2 public and Senate Service with attended that event. Are being tested have been tested positive for 19 so it is highly likely that this might have been the event where they contracted the infection also we have seen in the images that we got that they are not wearing a mask they are not keeping social distancing so this could be the spreader event vs how these infections affecting the trunk Campaign Team a month now from the president ial election the impact on the campaign is huge specially for republicans to cancel his Campaign Events for this week and in the video he published he says he thinks he is coming back very soon and that he wants to continue with his campaign to make America Great again as for now he has stopped the campaign and all the events by this campaign by the way said the kind of a joe biden will get tested more frequently and will continue in Person Campaign his results of the tests are going to be disclosed every day. Carolyn a few more in washington for us thank you so much carolina. Since donald trump announced his diagnosis on twitter late on thursday misinformation has been spreading on social media about the president some are even questioning if trump is actually ill who can we trust when it comes to the president s Health Reporter joins me now to talk more about this where do we begin to lay i mean tell us about the theories that are spreading on line you know 1st of all there is of course no evidence that trump was lying about his diagnosis is now being treated in hospital for covert 19 and as with any Conspiracy Theory it would have taken a lot of people to be in on it if it were if if their theories with what truth it is fair to question a statement that comes from donald trump Washington Post at the latest having said he had made 20000 false or misleading claims in 2020000. Might get to 25. 00 by the end of by the end of october. And so when this news broke on wednesday social media really exploded with with theories on both extremes of the political spectrum to be honest on the on the left you have the documentary Filmmaker Michael Moore for example he suggests that trump was faking this to somehow has postponed the election this was saying that he was faking it take to get out of more doing more Television Debates of the chaotic debate earlier in the week obvious again said it was a distraction from his tax scandal on the far right conspiracy theorists there suggest that this was part of his grand plan to take down the washington elite somehow the details of that are a bit murky were not going to get into those details but there are plenty of theories so given the on line theories that are written raising up all over the place and the fact that throughout history administrations have been shall we say careful about disclosing all medical details about the president can we. I believe the information thats coming out of the White House Well yes and no take the statement yesterday from his chief from his personal physician he did not on the question about oxygen and whether the president at any time had been on oxygen he didnt oncet those questions clearly the white house has the white house has also not been forthcoming when it comes to the timeline you know that hope picks the aide who 1st had symptoms she had symptoms for 24 hours before the news broke and when the news of her positive test broke that did not come from the white house that came from Bloomberg News we also know that the president went to a fundraising event in new jersey off a new best hope picks had tested positive and as you said in the past this white house especially has not been very forthcoming when it comes to the disclosing medical records there was a incidents a few years back of a letter written by trumps forma personal physician saying that he was that good health turned out that had been dictated by trump himself and there was also an unplanned hospital visit to the same hospital in november last year to which we still have no explanation was it so important that we get accurate information. The health of the u. S. President is very important its the biggest his the leader of the biggest economy in the world the markets were rattled this this week when news of his coverage broke if he is incapacitated say if he isnt oxygen if he is on a respirator thats a matter of National Security especially if you imagine how some Decision Making process is happening in this white house sometimes the president will make decisions and his the people below him might not even know about them so you you could see a breakdown of communication and. Its also of course an issue for Peoples Health it was a. This week saying that donald trump himself was the biggest the biggest source of misinformation about the coronavirus in the us and a lot of people gets most if not all of the news from social media so were dealing really here with differing realities differing versions of the story the physician yesterday said his his condition was improving the chief of staff said that his condition was very concerning and the president himself said we would see the severity of the illness in the next few days so who do you believe well whoever you believe i have a feeling that this discussion will continue long after donald trump gets out of the hospital. Thank you so much for that highlighting now some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour turnout has been high in the french archipelago of New Caledonia as Voters Decide whether to break away from france after almost 170 years if they choose independence in a referendum there will be a transition period otherwise the South Pacific territory will keep close ties with parents. At least 2 people have died and dozens are missing after storm alex hit Southern France in northwestern italy the storm brought record rainfall in places causing heavy flooding and washing away houses around the Southern City of nice its mayor described it as the worst flooding in living memory. Germany has been marking 30 years of National Reunification the previously divided east and west were officially brought back together on october 3rd 1900 it was an event that transformed europe and the world but the celebrations planned for this years anniversary were scaled back to the pandemic. A lay on market day out celebrating 30 years since a divided germany became once again the film studios in potsdam just outside berlin provided the stage for the official ceremony a toned down event due to the coronavirus pandemic only 230 guests were present about one 5th of the audience originally planned plans for a Big Street Party had to be abandoned. In this keynote speech german president. Said the pandemic couldnt blunt the countrys pride in the achievement of reunification he paid tribute to the peaceful revolution in communist east germany that brought down the berlin wall in november 1989 and. 2020 the German Federal republic is a country that has been molded by east germans and west germans well rooted family in migrants it is a country that draws hope from the victory of the ideas of 989. Many were the Lessons Learned from germanys the vision and reunification steinmeier said including the countrys strong belief in International Cooperation and approach now often being called into question around the world. If we germans are committed to International Cooperation even though it has become harder especially since it has become harder right. We want to stand up for a strong and Fair International order together with our partners in europe ladies and gentlemen dear guests this too is a lesson in mission weve inherited from our history. A day of remembrance but also of celebration accompanied by performances appealing to the musical tastes of all age groups including the almost 13000000 germans who are 30 years old or younger who never experienced a divided germany. A country now united but were economic and sometimes cultural differences still exist recent polls show 2 thirds of germans dont think the process of reunification is complete a task that will be up to younger generations to accomplish in the years to come. Youre watching news from grilling up next top film about saudi journalist and descent into melkus show believed to saturate in the saudi consulate in istanbul turkey im michel open for me in the entire news team here in berlin thanks so much for watching. Imagine how many push. Ups right now in the world climb a tree in Different Stores this is one place where for just one week. How much work and it really does. We still have time to our ongoing. Process

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