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Efforts to help out its. Eddie micah jr and youre welcome to the program the u. S. House as cameroon to investigate and prosecute the gunmen who shot and killed at least 8 children at the school the horrific attack happened in the town of southwest cameroon the area is a 1000000 habit said by the countrys English Speaking population where separatists seeking to create a break are we state. Blase young now reports from. A grandmother in mourning last week he really meant she highlevel year old grandson. Victual short did alongside all the children at his school in weston come rude. It has got the country and a family diversity to. The boy was possible boniface is only son. Of my soul so. Significant a man like. Me if. I will never ever go to these classrooms still bears the scars of the brutal attack schools have been targeted in the past but not like this sistering 17 fighting between government soldiers and the countrys under phone separatist militias has brought kills to the anger for regions separatist wants to create an independent state away from the majority of francophone leisure this is the scene of the crime where gunmen are believed to be under a false separatists fighters known as they are boys shot and killed children as young as 11 that you dont want start in french inside this classroom when gunmen stormed the school and shot them at least 8 children have died as a result of this attack. The conflict here between anger for separatist militias and the government has taken its toll on the local population sees that you dont was slaughtered the population has mobilized to do no source killings groups of mostly women across the country have been one individual to do such attack separatist militias and the government or the for the carnage however people here just want an end to the conflict. A lot of them are not one. Ive ever got i thought of yet another thought that if you then had we cannot have a record i thought i could read were going to have them by that crowd were going to buy that i think of it is not quote how very very hungry. I have given my spirit if i wont let on how i want to in time of the not its not good i am very very angry but we need income or when i was in africa when i think obama other local hospital to bless him is in pain she survived the attack but a bullet shot at has too much effect on her kidney and liver. She has been a pretty at a point twice. How more nice happy shes a life but also grieved. Means my have seen my dh that im going through all the spin was not something that was planned and if i knew something that he threw up on my doctor i just lemme go bendis on this one im feeling this pain in my heart my head seen my need to get crying every day and night pain. Camerons interior minister travel to the town to meet families and local authorities. They go missing what you done to return to school but affect their families do not agree. Joining me now is our correspondent blase young in cameroon who sent us the reports hello please can you explain to us why gunmen will enter a school off in a sense children and shoots to kill them. Im assuming can really reach by. On innocent children in cool bus only one thing comes to mind of many use of power so im a lot of people hear us through life. To separate system and soul just using that power and we are using that on a last cent syrians in this case. As well now we do not know for sure who carved out this attack but what we know who these that super despite is are almost a one and needs huge and going to school in that different region and some time for them to get attention is so uptight children like this but we cannot sue for shock when did this attack but it should be just to seek attention and also use of power because people are grunts and yes and with us to the end user. Now the conflict has been going on for some yes now what impacts called this leads us tragedy how the on the ongoing conflicts. These stridency house. To put the crisis because for dawson the government site the government has said it well when i was equal for didnt we got an official said youre going to be a crackdown like in seventys and from the experience you know whenever theres a crackdown its not just i get separatists he also upsets the local people because there is cursed you there is anyone who suspected to be a separatist county time get this same thing for separatist now you want to intensify the act acts against the government because the government said yes you can no war against us so this is a pity so the crisis was deep in with these resent happens. Now how does this attack affect education and i region already facing security concerns in schools. Yes as you rightly said before the past 3 years children here have not been able to go to school 3 according to the United Nations most of the schools in the average 4 regions have been shut down because of the separatist movement here and now with the recent attacks in cuba was talked to 100. 00 and parents was told this that they are not comfortable sending their kids to school this year after years it is for the very 1st time frame so as to it was it was time for them to set back to school so that you dont know if youre in this attack has spent 2 years of homo going to school because of the insecurity no good well im more free to say yes its to school because in this year what happened will happen again. Unfortunately blase young did of your correspondent in cameroon thank you so mali canadian peace activists a lot of the man has been awarded the prestigious 2020 german africa prize a foreign minister heikal mascotte defense shield arm on the way the inspiring and deeply human recipient a man is known among other things for her work in helping child soldiers victims of a combat trauma she moved to come about as a child returned to her homeland twentys to try to help resolve the conflict in the country together with her mother she needs the peace and Human Rights Foundation in mogadishu. And watto man joins us now hello in a wild welcome to d. W. News africa and congratulations on winning the german africa prize what does this mean to you. Thank you very much for having me when the award is a credible honor and it means a lot its an honor to be recognized for the work that my colleagues and i at the center are working for a single day to be supported and to be recognized but it also means a lot for putting young somalis on the map again for a positive representation. Was the representation a bit later on but now tell us a bit more about what you want to achieve most with your work peace and human rights that sense and mogadishu well at the core of it our aim is to create solutions to ending the conflict in somalia and we know that we can do that through only Service Delivery but we need to have a multipronged approach and thats what the work of amman pieces its Service Delivery to make sure that people that have been affected by the war in the conflict can have access to basic human rights and services its advocacy as social norms work and educating the community and this also working with the government to prevent these heinous attacks from happening again. Now. For reminding you of your pain but your father was killed and your sister was murdered in somalia there are constant attacks in the country by extremist groups but youre still there helping others deal with the trauma what inspires you to keep going. I think my motivations to keep going are the same as. Millions of other somalis around the world we are constantly waiting for the conflict to and work waiting for the situation to get better and. The role that i have taken on that my family has taken on is to be part of the solution and not to any longer and the best way to honor all that weve lost all the people that weve lost is to continue to live in service and purpose well youre definitely doing a great job now heres one thing i noticed when you received the award you said somalia is so much more than ruins and bullets what did you mean by that well although weve been conflict for 30 years we can be defined by the conflict theres so much more that happens there an entire generation is only ever known war but in that period theres also been significant invasion that happened theres development theres investment that happened from the diaspora we need to also recognize those things and if we focus too much on all that has been lost in the war its very hard to look forward more positively so one of my personal missions also is to change the image that people have of somalia and the small youth the overwhelming majority and thats important because that also has a deep impact on how Foreign Policy is engaged on how humanitarian interventions are designed and if we dont have more than just a conflict based outlook on entire people then limits the opportunities. Now theres definitely a lot of africans that youngest personally woman who are inspired by your work what is the one advice you want to give them. That despite the challenges despite the systems and all the odds i seem to be stacked against you your voice and your dreams and your ability is valid and its needed and i think its important for women across the continent young women particularly to forge partnerships not to reinvent the wheel or try to do their own thing all the time but to create alliances because only then we can be Strong Enough to challenge the status quo together. Ill tell you what i have definitely been inspired by those words while the somali activist when the german africa prize tweeted swedes you may need that for sharing your time with us thank you very much. Well thats it for now be sure to check out some of the stories on d. W. Dot com africa all you can also visit our facebook on twitter pages its by for now but definitely see you soon. In the height of climate change. For cosmic. Whats in store. For the future of. E. W. Dot com for the major cities to the multimedia insight. Into. How the virus spread. Why do we panic and trend will. You just through the tax burden and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the phone a virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and dot com and slash science. But countdown is on to the u. S. Election and american writers against trump are warning against what they see as the decline of democracy with acclaimed authors theory host food and paul auster 2 of the most prominent voices more on that as well as these stories coming up. The Cannes Film Festival originally scheduled for may kicked off in much reduced form on the co desire for a 3 day edition with pandemic restrictions and with little space in london increasingly scarce and pricey dont move improve is the new motto as architects search for Creative Space saving solutions. Welcome to the show well its only 6 days away the 2020 u. S. Election which from both domestic and geo political perspectives is wider believed to be a watershed moment for the deeply divided United States of america which is why multiple groups of artists and creatives have been using their voices and their art to inspire voters to get trump out of office. Donald trump during his 1st Election Campaign even back then a few well known artists and intellectuals supported him that hasnt changed. Now that people know what to expect warnings about reelecting trump as president has grown more urgent. Call stern series one of the most famous littery couples in the u. S. Theyve been married for nearly 40 years each time one of them writes a new book the other is its 1st reader and critic. Both of them believe terms reelection would pose a threat to democracy which is why together with. They set up the platform writers against term. During weekly online discussions and webinars they made the point that the us elections in 2020 could be the most important in a generation the pressure of living under the trumpet ministration and watching day to day their erosion of institutions that i think Many Americans thought were safe has been a shocking experience and its affected me personally i have been writing. More political than i ever have in my life. I have spent more time thinking about what i one person can do to. Counter what is happening i think we are in danger of losing this democratic republic. That also musician sophie allstar and her friends manage the social Media Presence of writers against. As writers we no matter they matter because the minute we have a choice to make for our future for the future of our children the reelection of trump and the Republican Party could mean the end of democracy in america discussions are brought into. An effort to get out the vote. The vote of young people on the Progressive Side of things who are not happy with the ticket and of the side of not to vote i mean there are a lot of these are young people who say i dont want to contaminate myself with so i i dont like any of it well. Its a dangerous position at this time to have because by not voting theyre essentially voting for what they dont want to riches trump and the republicans its a fight for the soul of america im a plan to do this pandemic responsible u. S. Intellectuals say its time to take a stand. And im joined once again by my colleague Adrian Kennedy from our culture desk welcome adrian but its not just intellectuals obviously who are speaking up against musicians and the number of singers have also been quite vocal and thats why theres been a series of high profile battles between musicians who objects to trumps use of their music in his Campaign Rallies john focused see for example has issued a cease and desist letter over the use of credence. Revival fortunate son. Neil young find a lawsuit in the use of rock in the free world saying he couldnt bear to hear it as a theme song for trump. And phil collins says objections to the use of the night which played a rally just this month. Ive even heard that american actor jack black and his infamous band tenacious d. Have launched an all star cover of time warp to mobilize and voters thirst for it and i think we can take a look at that. The jump to the left is just a jump to the left its just a jump to. Your hand on your head. Yes hes gotten stronger the rock the vote so its a stance about getting the votes out but jack black actually wanted to talk in support of the democrats and the image to encourage twisting to the left so go figure all the boys and supporters include. Taylor swift billy irish the list obviously goes on and i mean there obviously are some artists who have have supported a 2nd round for trump thats right including 50 cent who has been complaining about the means. Tax rates for high earners he said he didnt want to become 20 cent but hes since backtracked a bit on violence. Oscar winning actor jon voight has sparked trump posting his message on social media he said that. Was evil and finally standing up for trump kid rock he tweeted picture him self with trump on the golf course earlier and he had found a rally in michigan oh i have to say who has the most to sing about when the polls close next tuesday thank you very much adrian for bringing us that background on voters or artists against and for trump obviously Adrian Kennedy thanks very much thank you. All the Cannes Film Festival for 2020 was dealt a massive blow when widespread european lockdowns in the spring forced its cancellation last may organizers didnt want to forgo the event entirely though and so despite rising infection numbers in france a mini festival kicked off on tuesday offering 3 days of films and a symbolic if sobering red carpet. The 73rd special edition of the Cannes Film Festival got started on tuesday evening with stars conspicuous by their absence the red carpet was rolled out none the less the more it lacks charm said one visitor is just not the same said another. But as this punter said you cant stop everything people are depressed enough. The coronavirus pandemic has left the iconic festival a shadow of its former self the opening of usually a lavish affair but huge with the government mandated curfew it was a muted event this year held at 6 in the evening visitor numbers are restricted and the audience has to abide by social distancing rules. The opening film is a french comedy set in a prison and based on a true story it stars french algerian actor to cast mad as an out of work thats a who runs a theater workshop in a prison the troupe gets to take their staging of Samuel Becketts waiting for goto on top outside. 56. 00 films were supposed to screen in the competition now only 4 will be shown during the 3 day festival and only one golden palm will be awarded in the short film category. And on now to other culture news that was making headlines at the midweek germany will host one of 2 European Capitals of culture in 2025 and cabinets in the eastern state of saxony has been chosen from a shortlist of 5 cities and the other European Capital of culture will be in slovenia. And british street artist banksy has confirmed a new piece of goofy v. On a residential street in the central english city of nottingham the piece shows a girl who love hooping with a bicycle tire and its given quite a lift to a Community Hard hit by cope with 19. Well finally the british capital is notorious for its high cost of living and many of the older flats there are not only pricey but very tight on space and so for some years the independent for a new london architecture has been calling for Creative Solutions to the problem in their annual architecture competition dont move improve seeks out the most innovative friend of fish renovation ideas. Brand new top floor living space a courtyard integrated into the house. And a garden that celebrates all the seasons these Award Winning designs show how architects of finding creative ways to extend and improve london homes traditional victorian terrace houses for example are highly sought after but their layouts can be awkward thats why redesigns are often needed. Peace and mari is also familiar with this challenge he heads the new london Architecture Initiative which 10 years ago launched the annual dont move improve competition. Free for yourself with a free group 1st of all because london is becoming more dense because its growing we need to make more efficient use of our land so that one point. 2 we want to make sure that when people were extending their homes or improving their homes they got the best design advice they could. The spectacular sun green rooms an elaborate extension project to a 200 year old Georgian House won the competition in 2018 it was designed by architect and i loue and her partner mike tom can their idea was to transform their drab backyard into an organic space suitable to all seasons. In this space is for the appreciation of sun and may the ring water comes from the top of the roof comes down the pike along this perimeter here curving around and shooting up again and down into this tank which is the collection tank and we can draw from but that that water into this court to turn into reflecting pool so that at night light comes out from beneath that pool to capture the tops of the rain drops to really celebrate the. Experience of rain. Peter mary says making clever use of limited expensive in space is becoming increasingly important with more home working we all need to really religious sign the way people live in their homes i see in the future there is lots of opportunities for architects delivering really good improvements to the way people live and to the homes in the local environment plenty of opportunities for ingenious home extensions and improvements even in densely populated london time to let the creative juices flowing. Absolutely amazing what you can do with a couple of eaves troughs and a good imagination well thats all for this time from arts and culture sure to check us out on the web site e. W. Dot com slash culture or you can also find us on twitter and until next time all the best from us here in berlin do stay safe by and hopefully doesnt pursue this line just. To. Get. Into the conflict zone. Theres turmoil in israel with mounting demonstrations against the Prime Minister used of corruption and mishandling Health Crisis for years this week in jerusalem is near talk about sloma mayor of the city and the leading politician mr netanyahu says likud party all the use finally coming off the Prime Ministers wife. Cooks the food and 30 minutes of. Stories of people whove told over the information they provide. The means they want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter both today and in touch follow us. Its their upset for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature. Its their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife photographer in the world. This amazing. And traumatic. Confrontational. And stark. 5 adventurers. One goal. For the preservation of our planet. Is not just an issue of hard trees and saving pandas and. Thats dangerous surat. Full time starts november 6th on g. W. This is g w news live from berlin tonight germany pulling the emergency brake to slow the pandemic a partial lockdown for almost the entire month of november german chancellor Angela Merkel says the restrictions will begin next monday bars restaurants and hotels will close and Domestic Travel well but only in emergencies also coming up tonight claim in counter claim is fighting flares again over new Gordon Oconnor a box or by john accuses our media of killing at least 21 p

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