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The parades and massively slowing down this year leading many to remember their loved ones in isolation. Im from welcome to the Program German chancellor im going to mexico has warned of tough months ahead as she defended a new partial lockdown that came into force today the chancellor said it was crucial to ensure the German Health system does not reach breaking point and bad she needed everyone to reduce social contact to a minimum over the next 4 weeks she said the government was relying on the public to follow the new rules which include the closure of bars restaurants and most Leisure Facilities the chancellor also said it was too early to make promises for december but did say her christmas and new years celebrations would need to be scaled back is more of what chancellor merkel had to say. This isnt hard these measures are tough we know that but at this point in time we cannot do this or that small variation or simply rely on the basic social distancing or. View of the in the hope that would be have heard it and the various politicians have heartedness to do it and not relief of course this means that for the next 4 weeks we will have to go without a lot of the things that make life worthwhile and we all know that the state leaders as well as we in the government we spent a long time considering whether there was a better or milder way but we did not see one thats why with heavy hearts we decided on these measures as they are the right ones to achieve our goal. Lets get more Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow welcome thomas this press conference was held at short notice what does this tell us about the Current Situation in germany. That it is essentially very urgent that the situation is not good and that that explains why the german chancellor but also the regional leaders had to announce this new partial lockdown im going to hold stressing based on statistics how fast the virus is actually spreading here in germany how that is actually affecting the public Health System and how if nothing is done then the Health System would be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks and thats why im going to go felt the need to come to the federal press center and explain those policies once again it is very unusual for the chancellor to do that you know when it comes feel once a year to the federal press center here in in berlin for a yearly sum of press conference and the fact that he decided on very short notice he was previously scheduled to simply come here today on the 1st day of this possible lockdown just gives you the sense of how the government is feeling about these cases and why the government in particular the german chancellor feel that urgency to explain these new policies here in germany im going to mco also stressed that she understands that theres frustration that this kept his them by that that just makes the need even greater for her to explain why these decisions were actually made an urgent look to you say but it could have been a lot harsher. It could have been a lot harsher but thats the reason why its also being described as a sort of lock down light or a partial lockdown schools will room it will remain open daycare will remain open churches will remain open shop will remain open but basically Everything Else will have to close for the month of november so bars restaurants james museums theaters and so on and there has been criticism as to why exactly these areas were targeted and not other areas but thats also why the german chancellor explained that since germany at this point cannot track and trace most infections in fact 75 percent of infections then there is a need to come up with these measures then why for example schools were left open Angela Merkel has had that as a clear goal right from the start schools have to remain open as much as possible thats important socially also economically and at the same time the German Government wants to make sure that the businesses under the economy in general are affected as little as possible chancellor merkel has been seen. In National Leader who generally has a grip on this pandemic what does this lockdown mean for her politically it is also a big challenge for Angela Merkel politically in her last year as german chancellor theres no doubt that this could also mock her legacy especially the color me as badly affected and thats why for her in particular theres also a lot at stake here she wants to make sure that germany comes out of this pandemic in a healthy way as much as possible obviously these affect not only germany but other countries around the world im german and who wants to make sure that germany still continues if i told possible to fare better comparatively than other countries around the world and thats why the challenge is a very big challenge not only for the contrie in general but also for Angela Merkel in particular if you dont have Political Correspondent thomas starr thank you. To the u. S. Elections where today is the last a full day of campaigning in one of the most anticipated elections for decades u. S. President donald trump is heading for several states including North Carolina and Wisconsin Democratic rival joe biden and running mate to cobble house are focusing their efforts on the key state of pennsylvania most major polls show biden ahead in crucial battleground states but during campaigning on sunday President Trump was undeterred. The final dance before the big election day on tuesday. U. S. President donald trump addressed for net take fans in 5 different swing states on sunday with his usual self confidence were going to win 4 more years in that very beautiful white house. With your vote we will continue to cut your taxes cut regulations and ensure that poor products are made and raised in grown in the usa. With only a couple of days left to complain trump focused on crucial swing states like michigan and iowa before heading to georgia and florida. Despite that leave rising coronavirus cases in the u. S. Supporters packed into the rallies most of them not adhering to social distancing rules or wearing masks. They were very different scenes at joe bidens Campaign Rallies in pennsylvania most supporters stayed in their cars as the Democratic Candidates welcome them president dropping terrified of what will happen to the president you know if the people president get their say if you have your say he doesnt stand a chance biden also blasted trump for dividing the country and thats exactly what trump are trying to do for the verb to get a divided america. Very strong words related to gender National Origin its wrong its not who we are biden has a Comfortable Lead in most of the polls but he knows that election day turnout will be crucial in deciding the new president of the United States. A lot of eyes will be on florida the biggest swing state in the union the past 2 elections have seen way for phone margins between winners and losers President Trump is banking on the support of the States Latino acts community w. s catalina chinmoy has been to florida to find out how the president S Republican Party has been acute appealing to cuban americans. They want to see donald trump stay in the white house and theyre determined to deliver florida for him its a must win state for the presidency even at this scale back democrat rally in orlando the triumph orders are far louder. Trump has strong support from a large part of the Latino Community here in florida this despite things which would seem almost designed to put latinos off like the harsh words he has used to describe immigrants i mean here to find out why the hispanic vote leans more republican here in florida nearly a 3rd of the latino voters in florida have cuban roots including betty got coveted armories head of latinas for trump in orlando she was 15 when her family fled cuba after losing everything to the government a female cast they just not won there the door and they said this is ours now we had lost everything you know we had lost our beautiful home. The ranch the chauffeur but we had a different life and you adopt. Thats why voting is so important to me because its the gift that this country has given me that i didnt have they took away. One of her biggest fears like many other cuban americans is the idea that the system they fled could be adopted in the United States no i dont think joe biden is a socialist or a communist but i do believe the people around him are and they have the same socialist ideas that i lived through in cuba and ive seen in venezuela so yes i do believe that hes surrounded with that and a leader is as good as the people around them being pro trump is slowly becoming something to president s supporters keep to themselves because there can be consequences mike or plumber is also a devoted trump support i have received you know i have 000 right. For your press you have a letter from the left over i was there but he says youre not appropriate and theres no word because you dont want to do the job you were trying choice already provided for just to do the job thats already going to work. Its not just a fear of socialism driving support for trump. Many latino voters are catholic and support the republican position against abortion and it may seem counter intuitive but many also supports trumps hard line on immigration even from latin american countries. Trying to tell the truth i dont want other hispanics to come into the u. S. Even if they are from my country peru if they dont pay taxes that is not fair so if more hispanics come and dump a taxes they seal and live off the money they get from the government then im a racist too and i also say get out its not fair that those that come through the border border illegally dana call you already 10000. 00 to come here and we dont know who they are they could be rate based here in florida support for President Trump and the republicans steeply emotional if that support is reflected at the ballot box it could decide the election. Well carlina chinmoy is now back in washington and joins us now from that welcome guy catalina you mentioned in your report that abortion and immigration are big issues with latino communities why so. While abortion is not illegal in that in america so were talking about a very conservative group a very religious group talking about the immigrants coming from that in america 11 america only 3 countries that are for abortion for legal or from allow illegal abortion and these are cuba or wise or really very small countries also in the region and so in the region many and there is town and abortion as a surgery that killed saliva and lives and this is why many people coming from that region still think that they. Had an enemy because he and the democrats they strongly support abortion and this is why one of the reasons they are for trying they see and trump a man a leader who would protect life as they say and this is the same for religion do they see. Religion you mentioned that most a lot of them a catholic do they sway them in one direction a lot of them another. Well theyre not only catholic but also christian have until he calls and that is a very Important Group because christian evangelicals these are groups are growing in latin america lets talk for example of our brazil votes and i had a large support from brazil this is one of the main groups who helped to become the president of brazil and the christian evangelicals coming from latin america are also very very strong here and this is also a very Important Group for for donald trump yes so what about joe biden and what is he doing to try and talk to to win over this community. Well joe biden talks his narrative is mainly about uniting the country and. Aims to reach not only African Americans saying he wants to unite the United States of america again but also immigrants who are from latin america he also of course who fares to the narrative of donald trump to his harsh words to his suspected way of talking about immigrants from latin america but as we saw also in the report many of them see the narrative of the democrats and afterward by them as a socialist way of making politics and this is a very Important Group its around 26 percent of eligible voters in florida are from cuba or venezuela and if they think that biden is a socialist system they fled from this of course takes their support for them across and it underlines their support for for donald trump and even that carol you know more in washington. Well take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at least 19 people have been killed after a gunman stormed Kabul University during an iranian bookfair officials from iran and afghanistan have been expected to attend with the attack targeted students the taliban have denied responsibility though similar attacks have been carried out in the past by the islamic state. Of

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