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Record german coronavirus numbers. And way of blue cross welcome to the program joe biden is edging closer to the white house as final votes are being counted 3 days after the u. S. Election the democratic challenger is narrowly ahead in key states which have yet to declare their results lets have a quick look at where we are standing now it hasnt changed for a while Democrat Joe Biden has 264 Electoral College votes donald trump has 214 thats according to the a. P. News agency that were following now remember 270 is that magic number you need to win to claim the presidency now 2 big states pennsylvania that would be the big prize on the map left. Go 20 electoral votes joe bidens lead there is currently more than 15000 votes with 98 percent of the vote counted south of there georgia with 16 electoral votes its extremely close biden has pulled ahead of trump there with a difference of just over 4000. 00 votes and counting so it may go to a recount thats how close it will be over all looking at the map Donald Trumps path to victory is looking increasingly narrow states you see there in red or blue have been called by the a. P. For trump or biden states you see in lighter blue or in pink are leaning towards biden or trump respectively and remember any one state will give joe biden the win President Trump however needs a combination of states to hang on lets get more on whats happening with this vote count in those handful of decided states and with that we have with us. Bureau chief sorry were going to go to pier daw here 1st in the studio part of our u. S. Election team and over in washington our bureau chief in is paul innes we are looking at these vote counts that are trickling in and the numbers are slowly changing what more can you tell us. Right really im at the moment we are as you just mentioned still waiting on the results coming out of pennsylvania this is the most important state that that will determine the outcome of this election and will deliver the result i think the whole world kind of is waiting for at this point if we find out this is even pennsylvania is called for biden democrats will be celebrating the election of the 46. 00 president of these United States but we are also waiting to hear shortly from biden himself to see what he has to say Going Forward trump has been brash about the pending Election Results biden has been displaying leadership in a very very different way was this nation waits for a result right over to peter roll a doll here in the studio with me such. Margins how does the voting process in these states even handle that. How they handled that well theyre doing this very meticulously they we weve seen them several Election Officials saying that they you know they prefer accuracy over speed and i think thats very much what were seeing were seeing a couple of 100 votes being counted drip drip drip is very much what its been which has made a lot of people very impatient but rather i think this is proof that we need to trust the process that they are doing this very meticulously so any. Claims of fraud or irregularities i think quite contrary this should instill trust i think in the results of that were seeing coming out of this right from nevada to georgia to arizona to pennsylvania theyre all saying we will get you the results. As a matter of fact where were seeing georgia for instance where. A deep red a conservative state that started out very much in trumps favor but its also a state that has swung more democratic in the more urban centers around atlanta friends as in those areas have given by last minute boost so by even now up by about 4000. 00 votes there are only about 4000. 00 votes left to be counted also and that means that the georgia secretary of state is now coming out with these razor thin margins hes already set now that they want to recount to really make sure that people trust the numbers coming out of georgia and trust the result lets get a quick wrap of just everything that we experience in the last 24 hours or so peter and you know just stick with us President Trump has made a series of substantiated claims that hes being robbed of a 2nd term and he says the press ahead with a series of legal challenges even though state officials insist there is no evidence of any wrongdoing now trump says hell never give up fighting but hes facing an uphill battle. On friday state officials in georgia said they expected they would have to carry out a recount in georgia joe bidens razor thin advantage the focus for our office and for the county Election Officials for now remains on making sure that every legal vote is counted and recorded accurately. As we are closing in on a final count we can begin to look toward our next steps. With a margin that small there will be a recount in georgia. The news came as biden took the lead in both georgia and pennsylvania another pivotal battleground state bidens lead there is a little more comfortable with and enjoy but its still a tight race. What are you back is from both sides have been facing off outside vote counting sites in philadelphia. This state is crucial for both candidates if biden wins pennsylvania he will have enough Electoral College votes to get him to the white house effectively closing the door on trumps reelection chances. Election monitors from both parties have been allison force and there was no evidence of voting irregularities in pennsylvania or anywhere else in the u. S. Nevertheless donald trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated allegations of nationwide voter fraud he claims hes been cheated out of reelection 6 something which has resonated with many of his supporters nationwide that there is massive voter fraud it will be proven it will go to court because donald j. Trip is victorious he has been reelected we will not allow them to steal the peoples pope donald trump has been fighting for 4 years to keep the democrats from stealing the election both 2015 they try to fill 2016 and they try to theyre feeling 2020 as we speak right now republicans have offered no evidence for such claims. But trump is refusing to concede the official word out of the white house on friday this is not over yet. Back in the studio now with your porter peter vola doll and washington d. C. Bureau chief here one more question to you so we just heard the report these are on. The same stated claims theres not a lot theres no evidence for that use but there is a lot of evidence to refute them so walk us through some of that yet with with the claims of mail in ballots leading to more regularities that trump has really been very adamant about calling the question you know several studies have shown that there are no more regularities that theres no reason to trust mail in ballots less than in person voting trump himself as a matter of fact voted by mail several times. With the election irregularities when we seen Election Officials weve seen observers testify that these have been remarkably smooth elections despite taking place during a pandemic and i think one thing to keep in mind is really by casting into doubt the integrity of the election trump may think that he is hurting bited but what he needs to maybe keep in mind is also that this could backfire and really hurt republicans or the republicans if i have a very good election on a congressional on state and local levels picked up a lot more seats than many people had expected does that mean that they too are now illegitimate and if he turns out to win would he then be an illegitimate president you cant pick and choose your fraud i guess one question over to you so fraud no evidence for that but that doesnt mean that u. S. Elections are flawless what are some of the problems that voters face not just in this election but in many elections to ensure that their vote counts. William i just would like to pick up on something peter just said i think we have to bear in mind this is just a regular democratic process people go out and this year because of the pandemic they use the possibility to do to do mail in ballots and as many states of these 50 states of the United States arent used to handle this huge amount of mail and ballots it takes a little longer yes we are all waiting for a result but it shouldnt kind of drive us to question the whole process because from all we know from independent observers it goes fairly well overall but of course we have to remember that the people counting the ballots are human so mistakes do happen but its certainly not at the level that would change the outcome of the election in the way. Once it to happen so but there have been issues off axis toward in polls not only this year but also years before specially in places where many African Americans are living this is a problem in these United States well said miss poll in washington peter roald dahl here with me in berlin thank you both very much for following this story. And german champions byron munich traveled to dortmund on saturday to play their arch rivals in a buddhist a good game known as the classic this weekend once again though the sounds of the match will echo off empty seats the matches being played during a partial lockdown because of germanys record of coronavirus numbers. Dortmund germanys selfproclaimed football competition is in locked. On saturday it hosts germanys biggest game the socalled classic or the you wouldnt know that from looking around. Youd already be feeling the excitement and thats not the case anymore even at 12 oclock on a saturday even a game against byron is like any other day that was unthinkable 6 months ago the rules are strict no fans are allowed in the stadium and pubs must remain closed. For good if you want to go to the stadium. 80000 people in the floodlights go on instead you have to sit at home on the coach. Room to go for movies but if youre a proper fun. You get withdrawal symptoms. Its more. Well life football is viewed by many fans as a minor casualty of locked own social worker daniels sees it as a more serious problem he has worked for over 30 years with young football fans groups. The. Ball is not only the social glue that holds a lot of things together for ultras groups especially football is only a means to an end. Many areas where people can enjoy life like the kind with football especially here in the rural area and when its not they are a very Important Pillar of our Youth Culture is broken away. One of 3 largest groups was disbanded it said it couldnt see a future for itself amid the pandemic. Dont talk to the media but daniels knows them well. Positioned themselves very clearly and strongly against racism sexism and here in dortmund where its particularly needed against right wing tendencies. You cant lose young people who take this stance especially now. For many in germany football is about so much more than just the result less discerning fans can watch saturdays classic from their living rooms. And in the opening game of round. Come from behind to tie up the match against visitors cologne cologne playing in red here scored 1st on an own goal thanks to. Knocking the ball into his own net midway through the 2nd half. But then with just 8 minutes left in regulation time bremen were awarded a penalty shot for a handball. They are not obit in court made no mistake from the spot for the one all final school. Watching you dont hear news more headlines coming up at the top of the hour as we wait for an outcome from this historic u. S. Election coming up next my colleague any nigga jr with africa i did a show growing concern about a civil war east africas ethiopia for more news check out our website if you dot com follow us on twitter and instagram at u. W. News im going to merlin for me. Thanks for watching. Every day. For us and for our planetary. Bluebloods is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities streamer how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with a whole lot more waste. We can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling over disposable Smart Solutions oberstein said you know weve heard this truly unique and we know that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive the idea as the an ornamental soup in global 3000. 00 on g. W. And going on. This news off coming up on the program is the model for peace now its all if you can as Prime Minister made his face in his biggest test of. Yet as he advanced as his military in the tikrit region is this the same man who promised to give via the ethically the best nation. The virus fundament house calls that many in nigeria have to state as Food Security wessons there is hope. This try to rescue the situation. The name is that in my junior welcome to the program if your peers military says the country has entered into a shameful senseless war it did not anticipate in the region that is Prime Minister abu akhmed on friday said the military operation has limited objectives but there are still concerns about a possible prolonged war in the country earlier this week obvious said he had ordered the military into degree and not invasion that once dominated politics he claimed it was in response to one alleged attack on the federal military combat by its ruling party that Peoples Liberation front left the un has expressed deep concern by the fighting and appealed for calm. A show of strength by 2 grice special forces these soldiers loyal to the tea party which governs the region the National Government accuses them of attacking an Ethiopian Army base in the regions capital prompting the military response to grossly denies this calling it an excuse to attack. In the regions around there is a massing of military forces consequently i have announced a News Conference that they are surrounding us with their forces i stated that they have decided to go to war and we should all prepared to foil it this is our proclamation. The. So its been. Ever since 2 groene held the region and the election in september tensions have escalated with added savage Ethiopian Government did not want the election to go ahead because of the coronavirus the t. P. S. Used to be the dominant party anything but off the Prime Minister came to power in 2018 it split from the governing coalition clashes have been reported on 2 grounds border with the abhorrent region eyewitnesses have told the Ethiopian Military planes have also been circling above mackellar. In the south country has entered into a war that he did not want this war is a shameful war it does not have a point the people of 2 gras and its youth and its Security Forces should not die for this pointless war ethiopia is their country which fearing a civil war the un has called pretty escalation of tensions the bigger concern is of a wider regional conflicts. For more on the developments in ethiopia i am now joined by some all guitar too general is based in. Thanks for your time now ill be has vowed more military attacks on the region against International Calls for calm easy prepared to enter into a full blown war there. Didnt you know that even the Regional Government has called for the same kind of action against the government if i would be so its 22. 00 and when you look at it youll be because theyre making the same kinds of accusations but in 4th but the Prime Minister seems to be a determined in terms of. Fulfilling what he wants to do and from what we see in the us you know internet and forms are no longer in service i mean suspended so we dont know but it seems like he is weve prepared to go it alone its a great reach and the leadership of that team. So yes what the whats difficult to understand thats a great states used to be a part of obvious government so how are both sides now at war you know the president of the great rigid run for Prime Minister and. Against alqaeda and he lost and since then the relationship has gone down if you have to understand the p. P. L. It was in government for the last 27 years before i mean kids are so even people that we presented the 2 great region in parliament theyve resigned many of them and how they left for today and what are some of the most influential people we all know who are looking out for you know us ministers have all and its a very so its been about in for the accusations you know you dont beat wakes up one night and accuses the other side and so its its been about in force for the last 3 years and i mean everybody understood something was about to happen for the last few years because. B. And the leadership and to go to meeting they shot accusations against each other and they were talking to each other yeah shit yeah now now this Prime Minister. Go into war thats not sound like the same man who lost their won the Nobel Peace Prize what has changed. You know. For people there are 2 sides people who defend the 2 that and see that we tried for the last few years trying to bring peace not just in ethiopia but even in south sudan with different functions and even bringing peace in eritrea that actually were not going to be sports and even in somalia and kenya and everywhere i mean when the when there was a dispute between kenya and somalia it was. We negotiated the peaceful coexistence that we see today but the people that criticize our you always say that he grew up in a military lifestyle for a long long time he was mean to eat she joined the Ethiopian Army when he was a teenager so d it was people say that people that you know criticize him today he keeps saying that he really does not believe in peace he really believes that war is the only option to come to a conclusion or to come to fulfill the mission of every government now that there are 2 sets all kinds of steps ok and now he has been intervening in add up people situations trying to bring about peace but who could mediate in this particular crisis briefly. I mean. You know the capital city of the continent its where the African Union has been for the longest time for centuries so she can. Be alongside with the ambition of ethiopia in terms of Development Aid and so on you can see it. I mean if biden becomes the next president and they you know. Thats also an election i mean the government. You know they pointed. Disagreements with trump administration. Almost indorse egypt to potentially. The biggest Infrastructure Projects in the country which is their innocence down. There is a role for them to play better i mean its a work in progress but internet phones are always been done so its hard to get you know in person on the ground ok some want to touch you journalist based in ethiopia thanks for your insights thank you always. A cone of ours fundamentally on the continent has made it difficult for many to make ends meet in recent reports by the barrel of such a success since the start of covert 19 foot security has worsened and more than 70 percent of households have to skip meals to tackle this problem they leave us food bank on the farm Academy Teaching the residents of lagos how to grow the own food in a modernized way. That we dont receive true driven leaving their 5 square meter and check a house in one porteous neighborhood in the course christian of war as husband died 30 years ago since then. Has been completely shattered she says. Become very tough and. True. They were those. Who have not become easy way out of it is not his fault. Its not. Their 42 year old mother and 2 of her children sleep on their bed and the rest sleep on the floor not mattress as if theyre also her husband was not painful enough the course of 1000 pandemic is taking its toll on her life sometimes her true dont go to sleep without food. Some even wants. The leg were doing to us. So that may change any less. According to Nigerias National statistics more than 70 percent of the households in this country had to skip their ms especially during the 19 there goes the most populous state in this country people here are cannot afford to buy basic food like these. Test done 3 percent of the food on the market is rock or produced the rest is imported from the neighboring states making the food prices extremely high for average people the Food Security situation worsened since the beginning of the corner virus pandemic in march when millions of really good chance we can find in their houses to increase the Food Production in most needy communities there goes Food Bank Initiative is teaching their people how to grow food in their yards. What are 60 percent of our population live on less than 2. 00 but. There is that brings Food Security and we will to provide that immediate relief for them by giving them a present of of food relief that can last them for months from our warehouse. One of the trainees is a christian who is wild about what our children will eat in the coming days for a long Term Solution that we dont have started snail farming a business she hopes to live tougher in poverty. Well there is no record 2000 there was a series ford. 3 or. Make me like my car you go through the rubble. By. Its nails to cut to use 18 months to grow and get ready for the market in the meantime christiane has received food handouts from there goes food bank mishit a nice retail present its my own huff. And thats how you wrap up the week for more stories go to. Africa or check out our facebook and twitter pages so the u. S. Election had us and its group this week which im speaking off the story in a vote for much of the declaring himself the winner refusing to accept the results even before content was finished with leave you with some cartoons from our we spoke to the kenyan cartoonist but its got commentator earlier this week he said the u. S. Was not practicing what he preaches to africa and a lot from the african continent on that note good bye and have a great weekend. Modern. The most. Junior team electric. And restoring retro classic. Custom a. Power luxury. Well suited to lovers of high priced. Goods you wrote. 16. In the art of climate change. For. What seems to work. For the future. E. W. Dot com were going to go city hall to inside could enter. Or what a week for a market for stocks around the world this side of a need a breather from the reality of the last few days as they count continues in the u. S. Election. And in a d. W. Exclusive our reporter speaks to siemens c. E. O. Joe kayser about the future of transatlantic business in the next president ial term. Also on the show venezuela really opens its beaches to locals fun seekers and beachfront businesses. Welcome to d. W. Business im joined now the my lot one in berlin thanks very much for joining us. The u. S. President ial election continues to be front of mind for investors around the world but dreams of a weeklong rally were dashed on wall street after stocks stopped fine on friday Democrat Joe Biden picked up a lead in key states and traders held their breath stocks in hong kong edged up slightly while shanghai slipped and european stock markets frances cac and germanys dax both ended the week lower. Joining us now is a young scorer to yangs are you there very good yes can you tell us what happened isnt this precisely what markets wanted why did they start to waver and the closer we got to an outcome well i mean we might be on the other side to them soon when it comes to politics in washington but looking at the virus it seems less likely that we will be on the other side any time soon we recorded more than 120000 new corona infections just within one day thats a new negative record so maybe that was a bit on investors mind other than that if you look also on the new job numbers that weve gotten on friday much better than expected 2800000 jobs more than already estimated but maybe it was also just that the market was completely stressed out after this turbulent week and even if the market does not move much here on friday for the week of the actually are up by more than 7 percent and was that its still the best week on wall street since april. Now that was the best week but looking forward what do investors say expect from the biden presidency. Well a lot still also depends on the senate race and that might not be be decided before early january is still possible that the senate might be split 5050. 00 and it would mean that the democrats have the majority in congress because it was 5050. 00 of them coming to have as the Vice President if elected would actually be the decisive voice so if that should happen then the democrats change the country much more then as if the cause of the Congress Still might be split so joe biden in general promised a 2 trillion dollar infrastructure package to transform the country into a clean Energy Country so lets see if thats going to happen and also we will see if texas will increase if we will see more regulation but all of that really depends on how the majority but the place out in congress what were hearing about the next aid package so that seems to be much more likely under a President Joe Biden to go through and get something done in the near future so that could be a plus for the stock market if the economy would get this additional push. Everything depends on other factors but certainly something yen is core to isnt used to thank you very much for your analysis. Now its not just u. S. Investors planning for the next president ial term multinationals have a lot at stake to our reporters to me so misconduct spoke to c. N. N. C. E. O. Joe cave there about the future of transatlantic business. Mr case you were here for an historic election what are your wishes your hopes for the next president to be. Very 1st of all its a matter of the American People they voted them very clear to see that so many people are going to vote because if they did will of the people now what we open the woodbridge for is that there is going to be an improvement of care of the relationship between europe and the United States which people are good and certain about so thats certainly something which we believe would be very helpful for the world especially also if you look at the chinese. Dialogue so if europe were on the table i think it would be good for multilateral fair and open trade and the other thing we would really hope for is that the new administration would come back to the Paris Agreement i mean the world has a problem in terms of climate. To go for Solutions Together and the more you can join the better of everybody is you mentioned improvement of relations and more multimeter lateralus and siemens has about 50000. 00 employees across the u. S. How have the last 4 years look for business for you. But i have to say that you know we have very very reliable customers we have they gave us almost 27000000000. 00 worth of revenues last year its a lot. More than 25 percent of our revenue still believe we have great people here more than 50000 so they serve the customers really and i have to say that there was a good support from the u. S. Government in terms of business related topics really have to say theres been a lot of Business People in the administration who really understand the challenges and the opportunities so i believe there were also a lot of good things which you have seen from the corridor administration the last 4 years have also been. Im sure he did by this flare up in the trade conflict between china and the u. S. What do you hope to see there in particular. You know this is an important topic to the 2 countries that the companies to. Serve and see what happens and how they can support but the fact of the matter is this is now a topic between the number one and the number 2 because not big powers to the. United states is number one in many areas tied up with 1400000000 people. That they would be number why they need them so so i dont think that this inherent conflict. Will go away just because potentially the administration to this historic may change that. But how they talk to each other may change but the subject is so. So what we do hope is that you know china the United States europe come together and push martha got to do is if the world would you we could all be political order and have a good start into could make. Out was humans chief executive joel kayser talking to our correspondent. In washington now lets take a brief look at what else is going on in the Business World away from the u. S. Election. Discount retailer walmart says it is selling its operations in argentina which will result in a 1000000000. 00 loss over the last 25 years walmart has built a chain of 92. 00 stores with 9000. 00 employees in argentina the new owner. Operates 650 stores in 9 countries. Single poor airlines has posted a record 2nd quarter loss the airline has shut thousands of jobs and grounded many of its planes during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn the airline says revenues for that period. Are down 81 percent. Tell you what a has more than doubled its profit forecast fails rebalance from the Coronavirus Crisis the japanese automaker now expects to earn nearly 13000000000. 00 in the current Financial Year the big driver of the op the outlook is rebounding demand in china. Now the coronavirus of course cast that shadow over every aspect of life everywhere for 7 long months venezuelans have been banned from the beach the government closed them as a protective measure as part of its national locked out but the ban was lifted recently and sundry venezuelans have been returning to soak up some sun sad and salty air its also relief for beach vendors who can now finally earn some money again. Douglas early r. T. Has been waiting for this moment since march is back in business with his beach chairs. During looked he managed to squeak by with some side jobs but only just barely. You know. Were were not youre not feel happy i thank god mainly because those were 7 hard months. 7 months that well you really have to hustle and work for you. Thank god i have a little garden where ive been owners and plantings. From work and some odd jobs in britain laying and that was it it was 7 hard months for me for a good worker card come here. The beach is certainly a Welcome Change for most visitors it distracts them from the problems plaguing their country and as well as economy was already crippled and then the pandemic hit this year its predicted to fall by another 26 percent thanks to the lock down unemployment continues to rise with no stop in sight thats why liz that pinto is happy about the rollback of corona restrictions she can finally get out again and sell her and pan yacht as a type of fried pastry from a stand again. Well. The owner of the beach was not just a breath of fresh air it means the whole world in the sky and the stuff because you know in the cases where you can make a living. Not to get rich but you can find a way to make up for what you dont have in the. Thick haitian is on the beach i mean the local vendors can once again put good food on their own tables and maybe even a treat besides. And thats all from us thank you for watching. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. Trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime more united by the allied forces. Were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. And. Count them on. New years right. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on d w. Where the real palate resides. When i come to india to people in fact more than a 1000000000 to do that was nonsense democracy thats one reason why im passionate about people and aspirations and they can sense. The television reporters try checking the names onto the floor of the burning one member thinking at the time if the plan in broken hill with anything could happen if people come together and unite for a pool. When i do the news i often confront because situations for conflict mean does themselves i see despite my job to confront goodspeed as on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most. To security oppression national niceties seems. To not have been achieved so much more needs to be john and i have seen people who have to be at the Hoc Solutions my name is on mcclatchy and i welcome to. The full. Away from all those loud headlines out there a very quiet and of an era is happening here in berlin as the citys iconic take to the airport closes for good yes it is ugly so why are people so sad to see this cold war remnant go well tell you and a moment and paintings by children who were torn from their aboriginal families artworks by australias stolen generation. d but 1st coronavirus cases are. Going up but many artists and performers are doing their best not to throw in the towel jazz fest berlin is a perfect example of fully digital festival with performances not just but new york as well. Improvise ation is the essence of jazz but particularly important at this years jazz fest. Kickoff the 57 edition. New concert being played and streamed live but there are no audiences and no applause the performances take place with strict hygiene regulations in force. What is happening is an amazing. Theyve done it in a way that makes sense. Experiment and improvise their way such as. The festival organizers wait in various motions now a global audience can take part in conversations with musicians concerts and multimedia jazz projects. Its very very sad that this could only take place without audience but still the digital connection is a chance because we are now have events in 8 cities over the 4 days. For 2 days there will be a virtual bridge to new york vibraphone virtual. And other acts like sex oftenest nikki ship benjamin lifestream the sets at the roulette crop of brooklyn and enter into a virtual dialogue with bands like live. From berlin. Its not just live concerts there are multimedia projects like this video which will have its premiere online in the festival the film with shades of david lynch was produced by the kim collective joined the 1st krona lockdown in an empty pearl in hotel. The u. S. Election is of course also ever present over the 4 day festival musicians like drama jim black concerned about the situation in the u. S. After youre here for a while its going to be tough times for america im sad to say that but i dont see it going in the other way black lives matter protests the way that people are treated the economic injustice in america thats not going away its just in suspension during this strange election show. Artist moore mother has summed up her feelings about the mood in america in a poem pandemic long sing me i knew lullaby. Sees the shifting pictures instagram and graveyard of memory. At least he can still make news. Wow you may have heard of berlins fancy new airport the one that took 9 extra years and billions of extra euros to open well plenty of berliners dont even want it why because they love the citys other airport to go and its main terminal where passengers only take a few steps from curbside to check in to boarding take a isnt just efficient its also an icon of the cold war era but this weekend its finally set to close for good the airports architects went to say goodbye. Might hard for conflict when mark have come to say goodbye to their airport berlin table right before it closes down for good they wanted to take a walk down memory lane. He alone puzzle piece floorboards were here they were useful but an acoustic disaster because of their luggage carts suitcases who wheels came later the carts were allowed so we scrapped the original floorboards and replaced them with the cheapest materials. They designed every single detail in this terminal from the buildings shape to the interior styling and even the indoor and outdoor signs to go airport wasnt just a run of the mill project for these famous german architects it was their 1st Big Commission after getting their College Degrees in 1966 their design won the competition for the new airport in the divided city of berlin at that point in time table was just an airfield it was originally a takeoff and landing runway used for air lift planes bringing goods to the landlocked city of west berlin after the 2nd world war then it was repurposed in 1974 the new airport opened a verified for over 2000 people. Entrance ticket was a pair of glasses like these a little late so the Opening Ceremony took place. That the west berlin mayor trial should. Call should he or she got these glasses as a key table became the prototype of the short distance airport optimizing the space between arrival and departure gates it was popular with berliners and tourists the airport was the point of arrival for prominent guests it was the stage where emotional moments took place like the return of the german soccer world champions in 2014 but the airport became out of touch with modern needs it was Old Fashioned and too small for a booming capital city after german reunification it was necessary to build a new airport and close down tanker. If this is up now its time to say goodbye not without a touch of melancholy because this building documents a time when our job was all about peoples needs time when customer was king. Through. My colleague Melissa Holroyd here for more melissa this strikes me as a kind of weird moment for this city and this is this moment thats decades in the making when one airport closes another one opens hardly anyones flying theres very little fanfare yet the be the new the really opened with the wind the bare airport boss said this was nothing to celebrate after this years long delay the engineer said that they were ashamed so it just seems like Somebody Just opened the door one way one day where would one day a week ago and just let people know the main architect of the new airport is actually the same one we just saw of the old airport to. My head from dark on one of his big things that he hates airport shopping yeah yeah thats was that was one of the great things about the intake is that it wasnt about shopping it wasnt about entering into this huge moral filled with juicy free goods it wasnt about restaurants it wasnt about any of that stuff it was about flying flying flying one of the extraordinary things that you mentioned early on was the short distance between getting dropped off in a taxi and actually getting into the plane it really was just a few natives to get off that you just where the planes it was just just behind the woman behind you know just behind the counter with who was sitting was where the plane once but actually my understanding of it here is that he didnt want shopping in the near airport he made a plan with very little shopping and they tried to cram it in at the last minute and that led to all these other problems. So the delays that we saw a lot of people do have a lot of affection for take airport but goes back to the cold war yeah because because it was an island inside east germany and to avoid these transit roads the only way to avoid these transit roads was to fly in and out of order so a lot of these west berlin is really hold that close to their hearts i mean it was also i mean it was also very believing wasnt it was very gritty and it was really right yeah it wasnt beautiful to look at from the ground i dont think but i think once you go into the plug into a plane and you were flying in or you were flying out it really was impressive you got to see all these lovely the use of these hexagon forms i wasnt sure if it was sort of or it was an acquired taste but one that i think we all came to appreciate after we landed there a few different times anything planned for the farewell not that much planned for the fail well the building 5 Department Going to say goodbye with the ceremonial water oche moment there are people sort of still watching appliance watching planes going in and ask and theres not really that much plans of space is going to be used as an open quarter for of the 5000 people 5000 departments and space for more than 10000 right certainly got big plans and so we can you know we can certainly use those apartments but its a very quiet goodbye to a place with a lot of history melissa thanks for coming on the show. Now for decades and australia Government Agencies indigenous Australian Children from their families to educate them into white culture a new exhibition in australia now features the artworks of some of those children the stolen generations just let you know this report does contain images of Aboriginal People who have passed away which we know can be upsetting to aboriginal australians viewers. Childrens impressions of the surroundings the past created by young Aboriginal Children who were. The boys who made. The families and detained at the camera look. Back sure. To have. The works. Came across them in 1989. In new york and sat for storage for almost 50 years they were discovered again by chance in 2005 and 2 Curtin University in country the university has now launched a campaign to create a calorie truth to help the Wider Community in healing and reconciliation. With. Tony hanson. On the true story of the stolen generations. Fabled paris bookshop shakespeare and company has put out a call for help amid frances new walk down the owner says shes afraid for her store survival and shes asking people to order books through her shops website rather than from big Online Platforms this week top french authors and publishers signed an open letter to frances president imploring him to let book shops open up again. Thats it for this edition of arts and culture for more stories check us out online f. T. W. Dot com slash culture were also on facebook and twitter just look for you to keep your own. Style modern emo blaney. From a julia teen electric. Made restoration of the retro classic. Custom made power of luxury. Goods and well suited to lovers of high priced people like judy red. 13 w. Lowering the range and. Jellies most Long Distance hiking trail. Its going to be exhausting and maybe my shoes will look like this. This in style leather 170 kilometer trail and im spoiled. Again. 90 minutes w. O. In mexico many pushing cold blooded us thrown all over the world right now all climb a tree different awful story. This is my blessing when for just one week. How much worse can it really get. We still have time to act im doing. What it says. To some scribes and more like this. Letter we were. When we were. 80 percent of americans at some point in our lives really experience hardship that. Double. Binds. The. Plane. This is t w news live from berlin 72 hours later and still no final results in the u. S. President ial election tensions grow as the count drags on for supporters of both candidates protesting at counting centers inside joe biden and his every closer to victory will be going live to us or relates

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