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The fall back man. How do i negotiate a heel const man bike rode hard shoulder i ride close to the hard shoulder until im over the top and the pressures off when i conquered the hill and the more i look around and admire the landscape the less efficient it is and less. Important the man on the bike is a monk and hes heading for plancks devon abbey in bavaria. Im abbott bader ive been head of the benedictine abbey of plancks deafness since 2010 so previously i was administered prior here. To. The. Area. That. Aura at slab ora pray and work thats the benedictine model plank staton abbey has an annual turnover of around 5000000. 00 euros. Added beda is like its c. E. O. Hes also the librarian responsible for some 120000 books they include his doctoral thesis on electing an abbot from a historical perspective. He never imagined he would one day become abbot himself when he wrote these lines. Its the richly endowed with eyes like the abbot has a 360 degree view in the spectrum of foresight there are both the people who are interested to him and everything in the monastery. So foresight also includes what is hidden from the eye and can only be grasped through intuition into it. Well thats the theory the reality looks a bit different these days so up time its being out it is no fun its kind for here to this if you constantly have to deal with some conflict or stupid issue came into the thinking as this. Is a. Then i think to myself is well there are things you can do well as happened but there are also a lot of issues where i think oh no those are things that. Im meeting with the guest house staff. With these corona rules we just have to play trial and error. Somethings always changing as were using the ventilation strategy that means the doors and windows in the dining room are open but then people get up and close them because theres a draft. They could also leave their dishes in the farmhouse room and go up the new stairs thats another possibility. Because we can establish an alternative route but whether people use it or not is out of our hands. So there has to be one staircase leading down and another leading up to its home of the lawn for the well at least we have a plan for what we should do if it gets really bad and gunshy a bit so you can are this team not hard from the 12 monks there are some 120 lay people employed at the abbey otherwise it couldnt function of course cut my names copy and im the manager of the guest house a Conference Center. Organizes more than 15000 overnight stays annually qualified Hotel Manager previously worked in normal hotels shes been at plank step and for 10 years now very tough people have the work is the same whether its in a monastery a guest house or a hotel its no worse and no better and no more or less strenuous. When things get busy and hop also helps out serving food. The abbey operates like a family business. In gifting halls there are no distractions in a guest house no telephones new radio cell phones of course but no television no radio and so the guests make a conscious choice. To imagine this a must as a fresh from our garden but up its a cant. Usually the monks eat in their refectory in the cloistered area where outsiders are not allowed. If they want to eat with this it hers they have to come to the guest house dining room and the meeting places to come in. All the food is organically produced and from the region most of it was cultivated by the monks themselves home grown vegetables and meat from healthily fed animals its a source of pride in plant staton. Here for example until i became an apprentice at 16 i didnt care what kind of meat was suddenly front of me or of was how the animal had lived or where the meat came from the gulf and get out how much pesticide the grain and everything was covered with right to do should control but its why i decided to work here richard the farmer often comes by and then he asks do you need potatoes or do you need fruit for obama you dont have to ship everything halfway around the world so that food is cheap thats my opinion any way myself. In addition to running a guest house and Conference Center the monks also grow crops and keep animals. The abbey owns 350. 00 hectares of land some of it is pasture some arable the rest forest plunks thetan is known for its organic produce. That it is the at. The end of the of. The abbey is down in the valley a road through the forest leads uphill to the farmland. They need to create green as cost get us if i give the cows green grass which they like then im also happy its a pleasure to keep animals thats at least as it is for me but theyre also gods creatures that was that and when theyre grateful for something good to eat i feel one with god i feel fulfilled and happy friedan bleakly. Hello im brother richard im the economist and i manage the brunt of it all. When you. Really are focusing in on what. These are not dairy cows in plunk staton cattle to the monks that all the animals are treated humanely and have everything they need even if theyre destined for slaughter. Benedictine monks have an obligation to pray together 5 times a day but brother richard has his own Little Chapel for when he cant get away from the farm. The talk of the day is structured so that prayer sustains the work but in practice the work becomes prayer the goal is not work but prayer always and finding fulfillment in god. Thats really iseman here as monks were supposed to set an example. We give laypeople a space where they can relax mentally emotionally and physically be de niro talking then they go back to their everyday lives so what uses we monks provide this for them it was meant. This monk also works hard so that guests feel well cared for his job involves getting up at half past 11 at night 6 days a week. Im brother boney fox yes and i run the bakery where. Brother boney has been master baker here for 30 years and his sauerkraut bread has won prizes hundreds of loaves and bread rolls are baked here every night. I sleep when i have time in the mornings when i finished work usually until noon around 2 or 3 hours and then again in the evening. Benedictine monastery are selfsupporting they dont receive any money from the diocese producing organic food isnt just idealism it also has to be profitable. This kind of a long think. Its not a romantic life where you make a little bread and then slaughter a few pigs the next day because its a fun. Little pushes this is thats not what its about creative mind of course so many of my customers say its lovely that we do everything ourselves from the earth to the bread this is it and well sort it out on the hunt people appreciate that. Our businesses give us an income ard from them most people its our livelihood. This is. St benedicts rule says guests must always be welcomed as if they were christ himself. Many visitors also call at the abbey shop. Everything here is homegrown or homemade. Its a good place to buy a souvenir. In addition the monks supply for 30 organic food stores they also sell their produce at weekly markets in the region like here in allen and some 90 kilometers from the abbey today abba data has stopped by. Hello how are things everythings great. The meatloaf the m. M. Bread is sold out we could sell Something Else hope is the planted bread is terrific sensational yes its sensational. Avick bedo was born here in alan and this brief visit is also an opportunity to see his parents. He always wanted to do some kind of social work then he decided to become a monk for me that came as a real blow to me it wasnt easy for me. As well i wanted im far from it and decide but hes done well so far i did start off im proud of him now really proud of him because when you this is my work by hand. I sow the abbotts robes for him for all the monks. The. The area right. Here the st benedicts ruled that his monks should come together for prayer 5 times a day but its seldom that all 12 brothers can assemble in plank stack navvy their busy lives make it impossible for me to sit. Yeah. Oh oh oh yeah. Yeah. Youre. The crypt underneath the abbey church is a special place one of the monks shows us around. My im father christophe heinzman. I teach religion at 4 state schools. Want to be here in the monastery i am responsible for the orthodox ecumenism with a focus on the liturgy here in this Beautiful Church and to keep him. From his distinct image here i need to me this is have an instant in him and i call him as a window on heaven conan the saints gaze down at us through the icon i see above all the most holy mother of god the virgin mary but all other saints as well its a visualize ation of the saints who are already made perfect and. He prays here every day for the deceased monks. That he will also be buried in this wall someday is a beautiful prospect for him to to what he says. Is not the right word for what we experience is the withering away from this world a process of being born into the fullness of life where christ the lord will meet us because thats something beautiful we. Should sign more than we dont have anyone a rising to my right. Up in the guest house god is handing over to brother patrick for the weekend. Still theres a misprint in the newspaper it says mass is it 1015 from ft and if someone calls its 9 oclock theres no mass at 1015. My name is father im brother patrick and im the porter at planks that is closest blanket and it was certainly thank you it was you to. Clang stead nattie brother patrick hello the porters job is to act as a communication channel between the monastery and the outside world. Oh so. His family wish him happy birthday although monks dont celebrate their birthdays religious feasts are more important. Also your. Own people think life must be perfect in a monastery as that we stroll in silence through the cloisters all day of the fall while those times are over if they ever existed among so many people think a monastery is an ideal world. Of but we are just ordinary human beings but different and so ill put it this way. With any group of men theres always going to be friction. Although there is a lack of newcomers plunks death is investing in the future a crane towers over the abbey church and the green tarpaulin conceals a new guest house. Currently our house of straw is our greatest innovation. Is from our own forest and the straw is a renewable raw material derived from our own organic agriculture thats how we came up with the idea for the new building. With straw you know itll probably be the largest building using wooden straw in the whole of southern germany still holds to the house with. No. Like at home on my parents farm the straw tasted just like this childhood memories its been for im brother andreas here in the monastery im the seller responsible for the finances. Im the abbes Business Manager and sort of to solution to that even. The estimated building costs are 6000000. 00 euros although most of the Raw Materials are produced on the estate it about every beam is a tree concept all the temper comes from our own forest for the ticket brother richard had the trees felled and the timber cut in the sawmill last the great thing is that it is bound c o 2 which means that the c o 2 in this wood is taken out of the atmosphere for the next 100 years or even longer thats active climate protection. Act 2 for commercial its. A guest house that also stores c o 2. Brother andrew as his hobby is beekeeping which has a long tradition in monasteries. To him closer to him in the sense im a good beekeeper checks on his bees at least once a week from today im doing just a quick check to see if there are any irregularities around the entrance so seen since. To send it but this is a brood comb and you can see the brood areas like this i hold it up to the light to see the fresh brewed that has not yet been kept that way i know that a queen is on a boar that is. To be in the midst and get it in from the bees with the yellow feet are actually still finding pollen in the poignance them theyll get through the winter and shuffled into seizure. The prayer and work that earths us i think we benedictines dont take off that easily and i think thats a good spirituality. This is the 3rd method could also floyd it fills me with joy to know that for 25 years you are Monastic Community here in plancks that has been doing Everything Possible to protect the environment to live in harmony with gods creations. Income with. The bees are more than just a hobby as well as providing honey they pollinate the vegetable plants and the fruit trees the apple trees for instance where brother richard is working. To 456. The best apples are sold directly. And there are all the same. But most of the harvest is immediately processed the monks produce 60000 liters of apple juice annually all of it in organic quality for over 20 years now it was a tough decision organic farming is more expensive and more labor intensive. But Climate Change cant be ignored and the monks are committed to sustainable farming. Is the core meaning of our of our poverty is that nothing belongs to us. I dont own a book of heroes i dont own a tree so it is i dont turn the car and i dont own the bike either be violent to me or my uses so i take good care of them. And the more we also take care of the land which doesnt belong to brother reshad or brother or to abbottabad. This has been entrusted to the community and we take care of it. A hiking trail begins and ends at the monastery. Abbot beta and the local mayor came up with the idea the town maintains the path at the beta provides the spiritual input. Quotations from st benedict to stimulate the hikers thoughts. Been hooked on through hiking has a lot to do with letting go of places starting out moving on starting out moving on a whole lifes like that and leave. Us a little peace and quiet in the busy every day life of the monks. But theres a Business Concept here too. The past connects the abbey with the medieval town of bashing. So it brings tourists from one place to the other the town and monastery are closely linked economically and spiritually the hiking trail isnt the only link between avid data and mayor eyes and. Backing also supports the abbey financially for instance with renovation costs. To schools the abbey is the intellectual and Spiritual Center of the region not just the town but the whole region i like to say its not just a monastery its our planks that mammy and circles are blank but. At the thanksgiving Service Everything is a bit different this year. Instead of holy water theres disinfectant spray at the entrance. Usually the church is bursting at the seams but due to the coronavirus social distancing must be adhered to this year. Used by as a god is with us we trust in his presence knowing that eventually well understand. Their needs and he will enlighten us on how to continue and it will be a new path to since its already happened countless times we have to be open we should always make plans with this in mind ill make a plan but also leave room for god of missions. The threat of corona has played havoc with the guest house business. But up on the farm this years harvest has been good. One more reason to thank god on this day. All d obey all the way i. Told. A ball. Oh. Good. Hes quite as simple as that 6. To understand the world better we need to take a closer. Experience knowledge tomorrow just. Exploring the range and. Jellies most Long Distance hiking trail. Its going to be exhausting it may be my shoes it will look like this. Is it then style 170 kilometer trail unspoilt nature chicken. In 60 minutes w. What are people knocking for coming. There are many answers. There are many reasons. And there are many alternatives. To make up your own mind. D. W. Make for minds. We know this is a scary time for of course the coronavirus is changing the world changing. So please take care of yourself a good distance and wash your hands if you can stay at home we do w. Me for here for you were all working tirelessly to keep you informed on over problems were all in this together and together and well make it through. The state usage of the bill and stacy the stairs that lead stay safe increased use to say. It. Played. Last. This is a double your news a live shot from berlin at the new day and a new era in america washington gets ready to welcome a joe biden to the white house in just over 10 weeks time the president elect goes to church and begins to shape his plans to top of the agenda a task force to tackle the coronavirus debt did while President Donald Trump heads back to the golf course hes got to convince you to seek and is vowing to press ahead with legal challenges it to the election process. Im playing Richard Sennett welcome to the show joe biden has begun his 1st full day as u. S. President elect by getting down to work by the end 1st went to mass at a catholic. In his hometown wilmington delaware where his son a boat is buried is planning an overhaul of government but the task force to tackle the coronavirus pandemic as his top priority earlier biden used his victory speech to reinforce his message that its time to feel a divided nation. And meanwhile a defiant President Donald Trump has returned to the golf course where he was playing when u. S. Networks declared that biden had won the election trump has yet to concede defeat he insists the election was stolen from him and is vowing to press ahead with legal challenges. As well joe bidens running mate a couple of paris will make history as the 1st woman and the 1st person of color to become Vice President heres a closer look at her rise from California Attorney general to the u. S. Senates 2nd in command at the white house. Harris grew up here a quiet neighborhood in berkeley california outside of San Francisco her mother raised her to be strong and prove herself through her work she studied economics and Political Science at the historically black Howard University in washington she then got her law degree in San Francisco her Career Center began in california in 2003 she was elected as San Franciscos 1st female District Attorney in 2011 she became californias attorney general where she oversaw the states legalization of gay marriage. How much revenue did in 2017 paris was elected to the u. S. Senate she quickly gained a reputation as a tough question on reeling facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg and Donald Trumps Supreme Court pick brett kavanaugh. Im not remembering but if you have something. Im just trying to think do i know anyone who works that firm or might know if you have thats not my question my question is have you had a conversation with anyone at that firm about their investigation. Its a really specific question. In january 29 team she announced her run for the white house. I think. I stand before you today so now my candidacy. Harris eventually bowed out of the democratic race she outlined some Guiding Principles on how she hoped to govern. I am not her. Lord knows i am not perfect. But i will always speak with decency and moral clarity and treat all people with dignity and respect i. Her time as Vice President will be judged in part by how well she lives up to those words. When joining me here in the studio now is days events from our u. S. Election team. In his victory speech biden has vowed to unify the country we know that more than 70000000 people did in fact vote for donald trump how is biden going to be able to make good on that promise well hes already started to do that and were used to this vitriolic talk with donald trump the 4 years that weve had with him and heres joe biden newly elected reaching out to the other side saying its time for us to stop demonizing each other and instead give each other the benefit of the doubt and what weve learned also in the 4 years with donald trump is that the president s words matter and so its important that joe biden you know while he thanked his base reached out to the other side and also encouraged democrats to reach out to republicans as well and this is how the country can start to heal and florida right now the Vice President elect kamel harris has made history in a number of ways what sort of changes do you think she represents in u. S. Politics well she represents what america looks like now shes the chill shes a child of immigrants shes part of a blended family her relationship is kind of different because her career is kind of the forefront so her husband has been very supportive and now hes going to be what weve never had before which is a 2nd gentleman thats true the 1st lady of the 2nd woman so thats interesting and as we saw in the piece before shes imminently qualified for the job but for black and brown girls what she represents this era of hope that you dont have to limit your dreams based on. The color of your skin or how you think other people see you that you can pursue your goal right now at the same time trump has no plan to concede any time soon as weve heard what do you think happens now how can if the nation really move forward well again it starts with joe biden reaching out to the other side but it also requires republicans to do something that they havent done in the past 4 years show some bravery. You know they kind of cower in the corner and allow donald trump to kind of run things because theyre afraid if theres wrath his power his very loyal supporters but at some point youre going to need to have more people high ranking people say you know what donna its time to pack your bags and move it along president former president george w. Bush sent congratulations to joe biden very few republicans that are in office now have congratulated the biden heris ticket or have encouraged trump to leave at least publicly and this is how you start to heal the nation right from our u. S. Elections thank you so much as. World leaders have lost no time in sending messages of congratulations to president elect biden and his running mate couple harris say theyre ready to strengthen their ties with washington after nearly 4 years of off intense relations with donald trump how Joe Biden Joe bidens triumph is being celebrated well beyond the borders of the u. S. World leaders from every continent have congratulated the new president elect. This year will push on you in the years stands ready to intensify cooperation with the new administration and the new congress theres a lot to do if you go we can strengthen our ties from our foundation of friendship and partnership. Britain germany france and other European Countries were the 1st along with canada to send their congratulations most expressed parts of our new unity and cooperation following 4 years of tense diplomacy. Very much to working with President Biden and his team on a lot of crucial stuff for us in that in the weeks and months ahead. Climate change trade is National Security many many many many other issues on the streets there appears to have been a collective sigh of relief from europe. I am relieved because these last days of insecurity that were weighing on my heart have been lifted or not merit the last few years is over. For us to see what i meant that he said ill know more about that will certainly be a new political direction especially when it comes to the environment. The french and the like to see a Brighter Future than before. To asia. But in seems open to accepting peoples different viewpoints and wants to move forward in a united manner thats positive. Africa. I am absolutely thrilled that bidens one little bits. About what i do next while. I think hes a part of scary unpredictable. And the middle east they say charms better for as raul but i think when youre better for the world youre better for israel to pull to this office us hard bargain is very different from trump trying to bully dos and wanted us to appease him with. Countries with a historically difficult relationship with the us biden selection of burkes little 1000000 can alter your the future development of the china u. S. Relationship trump didnt do a good job i dont hold much hope for biden turned. Around. To do but im a drummer we talked about improving relations with russia but it didnt come to anything. When you deal with biden is certainly against russia. Right here. And now on biden and what changes he may bring to foreign diplomacy for the u. S. Well for a european perspective on bidens when it lets bring in dan will haul irish ambassador to the u. S. To give us that view adana many here in europe were a member of the president was in saver of the United Kingdom leaving the e. U. How will this new presidency affect transatlantic relations. Well i hope in a positive way i dont think any relations have been frayed over the last few years trade disputes over the boiling your boss issue and so on led to tyrants being employed by both sides and i think frankly in the light of the pandemic and the need to revive our economies the e. U. U. S. Economic and trade link is vital indeed and therefore i hope that we will see a revival all of the good relations between our 2 parts of the world because remember one 3rd of the global g. D. P. Is contributed by trade between the 2 york beginning of United States so it is absolutely vital that trade relationship should should be enhanced rather than held back you know what joe biden a person or whats he like as the private man different from the public persona that we see in the media is absolutely the same because ill tell you now hes been at the embassy a number of times during my 3 years here and i think i i really valued by his that he comes he doesnt just come and go again as a Vice President could easily go just make an appearance and then leave he usually stays for quite a long time he talks to everyone hes very genial very warm and gracious and i i would go a long time for him personally i think hes a very warm and gracious individual and thats come out to me and all of the congo had with him that he has is staying hes talked to people hes been engaging he was here about a year and a half ago to launch i mean just give out and he spoke very passionately about his irish very very gently even read a poem by his great grandfather about his irish roots and irish identity so i think that the private joe biden is exactly the same as the public face that you see and often as a man of empathy and a man of i think generosity of spirit all right down the hall irish ambassador to the United States thank you so much for joining us on tapping as you very well thank you. Lets go now to some of the other stories making news around the world its thousands have rallied in the georgian capital tbilisi to protest over last months parliamentary elections the Electoral Commission that says the ruling a georgian adriene party won the vote but the opposition have rejected the results and are calling for a fresh hole of police in bellerose have detained more than 300 protesters as thousands took to the streets again to protest against the reelection of hardline leader Alexander Lukashenko Police Deployed water cannon the center of mens and Internet Access was restricted. Members of the British Royal family and Prime Minister Boris Johnson have laid wreaths at the main war memorial in london on remembrance sunday a 2 minute silence was held during the traditional ceremony paying tribute to those killed in war commemorations also took place across the u. K. Since the last passenger flight has taken off from berlin table airport which is officially closed after 6 decades of service the final departure was a special air France Flight paris packed with guests of honor and journalists the airline also flew the 1st plane to arrive at table when it opened in 1060. 00. Well to sports now and the biggest match of the weekend in germany by or munich travel to dortmund with the top spot in the league table at stake the hosts were looking for their 1st league win over byron in nearly 2 years but the visitors were boosted by the return of their superstar striker. By its main man robert levin was back in legal action after missing last weeks game through injury a sight that would have struck fear into dortmund supporters watching from their living rooms with a tight local looked own meaning no funds in the ground or in the pubs but it was the hosts who struck 1st a minute before half time captain mark made it one nil. Yet dortmund couldnt even hold their lead until the break down the aisle it was deflected free kick at the champions level. His inevitable goal 3 minutes after the restart a sequence to Lucas Hernandez is cross. To put the result beyond dont when he made it 3110 minutes from time. Then 3 minutes later Erling Holland strike to dortmund a lifeline. But by and held on to take a deserved victory and reclaim their spot at the top of the bindis league while dortmund wait for League Success in the classic a goes on. Youre watching news stay tuned for more headlines at the top of the hour so i mean up next reporter on location looks at the nuremberg trials of topknots 5. Time play richards and by the end of i mean the whole new to this Program Thanks for watching its. Been tough it is for me. For. Beethoven. Beethoven is for. Beethoven is for every one played by the children 2020. The 50th anniversary here on. W. s crime fighters are back to that africas most successful radio drama series continues from the olympus odes are Available Online course you can share and discuss on w. Africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms to crime fighters to nino. To. Germany in 1945 hitler was dead his nazi regime had taken the lives of 6000000 jews. The countrys leading representatives were to be held accountable for their actions by an International Military tribunal for the 1st time in world history. 24 high ranking nazis were charged and made to stand trial in the german city of moore and back to school with. The us islamist needs i dont think you can consider the holocaust in terms of classical justice at all. Thats in the end there is no forgiving what happened thats high school saying yes. But at least the perpetrators could be tried in court how do the victims and the children of the war criminals view the norm back trials 75 years on. The nominees my name is paid to your hunger after those in 1944 we were all deported to auschwitz my entire family was murdered there. Goes wrong im the class tunk the son of hans fung hitlers deputy in occupied poland he was the governor general and politically responsible for every murder committed there between 19391945. So. She could not in my name is claimed not to play in my maiden name is toma my my father was the assigned defense counsel for a friend to hold him back. Hitlers chief idealogue of loopholes and bag and the 1st deputy in poland hans funk were among the leading nazis who were in the dock in nuremberg on nov 20th 1945 many other high ranking nazis had gone into hiding or like hitler and his propaganda minister use of google those had committed suicide the trials were held in iran back of all places the city where the nazi party had staged its rallies where the fascist had flexed their muscles. Now for the 1st time in history a states rulers were to be held personally responsible for their crimes by an International Tribunal the for war time allied powers the us the soviet Union Britain and france had agreed to this even before the hostilities ceased in what might be called an irony of history nuremberg the palace of justice was left virtually undamaged by the war room 600 the largest in the criminal court was remodeled to accommodate the trial of the century. I fled toma a retired judge was asked by the americans to defend walls and bag there were too few lawyers who hadnt been compromised during the nazi era. Loon who was 17 at the time later accompanied her father to the trial on several occasions. A mind found my father was picked up by a jeep it was the cia. And i need. To look a few hours later he returned and said. Ive been called on to be the Court Appointed defense counsel for 2 accused who still dont have any defense lawyers enough kind. Wont mind. My father was very distressed and said i had no other choice i had to except. For Nicholas Funk the trials mark the abrupt end of a carefree childhood his father hans frank hitlers deputy and occupied poland was one of the major war criminals he was called the butcher of poland a fact that didnt escape nicholas who was just 6 at the time of the trial. After school someone taunted me minister minister gas canister because i was the son of a rice minister that wasnt so bad another said hey nicky thats what they called me your dads going to hang soon all i said was yes. More than 600. 00 journalists from around the world followed the nuremberg trials. Mind who could do new or do you mushy all you could hear was the translators machines. And. I. If im even me it was a tense oppressive atmosphere. Reach. That was also charged with shame. Most fear the response to the major war criminals were indicted on the following charges conspiring to commit crimes against peace planning initiating and waging a war of aggression participating in war crimes and crimes against humanity. Because i mention it i did articulate it. All of the accused pleaded not guilty. God dawlish was just 14 years old when he was sent to auschwitz in 1944 along with his mother and his little sister both of them were killed in the gas chambers pay to god or she survived. For 4 with girls again too so i followed the proceedings and was gratified to see that at least the main war criminals were put in the dark by the allies. And that in the end they got the punishment they deserved. During the trial testimony from witnesses and documents show that the jewish victims had been murdered systematically. All these corpses died of suffocation. But the major war criminals denied responsibility for the killings. The accused didnt exactly cover themselves in glory at the nuremberg trials they denied responsibility and blamed everything on their superiors they were just following orders they pinned it all on their dead leader hitler. So they tried to deny everything. And then in the trial they were shown films of the concentration camps with the mountains of corpses. Even killing was stunning you could see that. When one is a. Doctor to houma for the defendant rosen bag. For alclad toma an avowed opponent of the nazi regime who now had to defend a nazi war criminal the proceedings were ruling on him and to dust behind. If i was a real shock for everyone involved basically all of the lawyers. Because theyd never suspected the dimension of the crime. But action. Nish. They didnt know the extent of the atrocities committed at auschwitz. Stood tall back and doesnt pass my father certainly didnt. It was conducted with the so many germans only learned the full extent of the nazis crimes during the trial including those committed by nicholas kongs father. So i have the feeling that he was rightfully charged on these because i saw photos of the corpses of the concentration camps including the bodies of children who were my age at the time and that shocked me because it only said underneath them poland i thought poland belong to us the funk family my oldest brother norman saw the photos and he went to our mother and said mom if the photos are real dad doesnt stand a chance of you can you show us. On october 1st 1946 the verdicts were announced of the accused 3 were acquitted 3 received lifetime sentences and 4 were given prison sentences. 12 were sentenced to death the executions took place not long afterwards in the trial courts former gym. You know i saw it at the cinema they showed that theyre not how they were hanging about them wanting in their coffins with the white and black stripe robe around their necks i thought they all deserved to wear those neckties is it kind of a good. 12 more trials took place at the u. S. Military tribunal in iran back. Of the 185. 00 additional defendants 24. 00 were initially sentenced to death. We need i dont think that we germans back then or even later on condemned those criminals. The allies did it for us is vice niched v d. C. Applies i dont know how those trials would have gone in a german court. After the last of the american led trials few attempts were made to capture and prosecute other nazi war criminals the world was preoccupied by the cold war and germans once again had the say in their own courtrooms so many former nazis remained in positions of authority in the young federal republic of germany. And many of the others who had blood on their hands were never caught. After being led in the direction of democracy by the allies the victors who freed us it would really have been good to clean house and charge everyone. But naturally people didnt want that especially those guilty of crimes. When. They used their connections to prevent that and then the Supreme Court exonerated all of the judges. Teach ya the Justice System never really cleaned house. The old judges and Department Heads were back again too. And sitting on the Constitutional Court and cost us no skittish. Still the nuremberg trials were a historic milestone. And they later pave the way for the creation of the International Criminal court in the hague. Because i you know she give us poor g. P. S. On him for but you only positive thing to come out of my fathers criminal life was that due to him those 4 indictments were invented or found to put people like him on trial. For you wish to to. Nicholas fog always carries a photo of his father who was sentenced to death and hanged whenever he feels just the tiniest sense of pity for his father he thinks about the images of auschwitz and that restores his belief that justice was served at the northern bad trials. Move. Hes going to simply as it seems. To me understand why. We need to take a closer. Experience knowledge tomorrow to. Exploring just the range of. Germanys most distance hiking trail. Its going to be exhausting and maybe even my shoes it will look like this. This is in style 170 kilometers a trail. And then. Again in the. And 30 minutes w. In the art of Climate Change. Africa. Whats in store. For the future. Cant forget megacities. Insight. Into. Music is one of the oldest forms of cultural expression and language of immense diversity that has accompanied us across time and space for tens of thousands of years. Our brains seem to be able to process music from an early age music itself might be rather ephemeral but ancient instruments pay testimony to bygone cultures. A fresh look on Human History welcome to 2

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