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Its very difficult for some doctors to understand when they look at me. I look healthy. Physically, im reasonably strong. At least i appear to be and then you get dismissed very quickly. They say her mind is not ok. Im not afraid, but i still wonder if i will ever be the same again as a coded survivor, peggy has officially recovered from the illness. But she says it feels like corona virus has stolen her healthy body and left there with a sick one in its place. Peggy has been here for 2 weeks now. Her main goal is to get her Mental Health back on track. So more you live your life, 5 days, it was a weekend and so on. My life might be more intense than it was before. On the one hand, id like it to be like it was before on the other. The world is just falling apart because of the pandemic right now. At the moment, life is dramatically different for everyone. I think ill be a different person than i was before. Says thats ok. Peggy, good and has 3 more weeks of rehab ahead of her. All she wants to do is get back to a normal life again. Joining me now is coffey a doctor at the Gemelli University hospital in rome, and one of the authors of a recent study on long term covert 900 symptoms. A doctor, a very warm welcome. How common is peggy story . So i want to say the 1st message is that the majority of patients recovers pretty well from corbett, but biggest stories are not uncommon. And in the, the people who suffers from lung is nonnegligible part of the, of the patients. And we need to take care of them. What are the most common long term effects . Kovac patients grapple with out like a petty so the most common common are fatigue, shortness of breath and pain. Basically a pain in the chest and other muscles areas. But also cognitive symptoms are, are not uncommon. And in a story like this one could really happen. So people can, can be distracted easily and have hard times 2 to focus or to remember in short term memory. Now as you started out saying out and most people recover, do we know why some suffer from these long term effects to date we. d we are not yet able to elucidate which are the, the characteristics of the patients during the could phase that could predict or whats going to happen. After that, the acute illness goes away. So we are not able to, to give an answer to that. Whats your biggest worry when it comes about this particular aspect of the cover pandemic . So the, to me is the most important thing now is to, to, to treat properly the completions and to save their lives. And a part of that, we need to take care of this person who suffer for long quality of that. Because at least in the 1st wave of the pandemic, we limit gerrity of patients where quite young and healthy about the fiftys and the sixtys. So people which really, really are able to deliver a lot to the society and we need to bring fitness back to them. Dr. Im gentle caffie at the University Hospital in rome and coauthor of a recent study on long term covered 900 symptoms. Thank you so much for joining us. Lets take a look now at the developments in the current virus pandemic, the United States top Infectious Disease expert is warning of a surge after surge of new cases. He said a spike 2 to 3 weeks after last weeks thanksgiving. Holiday is likely to be followed by another after christmas and American Drug maker more der now says it is applying for emergency authorisation for its Coronavirus Vaccine in the u. S. And europe. But there nessus, its vaccine, is 94 percent effective with no serious safety concerns. And the 1st International Students have arrived in australia since the country closed its borders. In march, 63 students from various asian nations will go into quarantine before starting their class. And australia has amount of an apology. Now from beijing, after senior chinese official posted a falsified image on twitter in an attempt to criticize australian soldiers on the fake pictures appears to depict an australian soldier killing a young civilian holding a sheep all together with the words. Dont be afraid, were coming to bring you peace and foster report earlier this month about the conduct of australian soldiers in afghanistan. Id like to turn now to to the reporter joel, a dollar joe, joe, what was behind this tweet . Well, theres 2 different issues that are colliding here. There are allegations of war crimes against australia and troops. And secondly, an unrelated diplomatic dispute between australia and china. Now lets talk about the war crimes allegations 1st astray has been reeling in recent days by the findings of an official inquiry into the actions of its special forces in afghanistan. There were there for about 10 years up until 2016. Now this inquiry found that there was credible information to suggest a stray. The in troops had killed up to 39 afghani civilians and prisoners in ways that might amount to war crimes. And further, if found that there was a culture by which new troops were initiated and encouraged to kill afghanis as part of initiation rites. Now these terrible allegations are being investigated by the Australian Police and could result in prosecutions. And australias Prime Minister has apologized to the afghani, United Nation for the hurt caused. Lets focus now on the 3 and question, what can you tell us about that . Well, this acquiring report came out over a week ago. Well, today, an official at the Chinese Foreign on Foreign Ministry tweeted to say he was shocked by the murder of afghan civilians by australian soldiers, ottilie rages. And it cannot be justified on any vices whatsoever. The Chinese Government should be totally ashamed of this post. There are undoubtedly tensions that exist between china and the struggle, but this is not how you deal with them. So that was the Prime Minister, scott morrison, who was responding to this tweet that we talked about earlier and how this tweet was by the Chinese Foreign ministry and had the tweet only been in criticism of history. These actions, it might have gotten away with it, but they went further by adding these 5 fake image showing an australian soldier looking like he was threatening young child. Now, because this image was doctored, it gave the Prime Minister the chance to launch that criticism, criticism against china. But what are the tensions that hes talking about that, that are patently fueling, this face off . You know, the tensions are very deep, and in fact, australia and china are involved in one of the worst diplomatic disputes in decades. Now, china is furious at a stray idea for demanding a global inquiry into the origin of the coven, 19 virus. And in response, china has slapped many trade tariffs on important astray, exports such as beast, barley, and wine, and is left exports basically sitting on stranded in container ships. And this dispute doesnt look like its getting any better. In fact, today, this trade in Foreign Ministry, Chinese Foreign ministry has refused to issue an apology as morrison has their demanded. And in fact has intensified its criticism of a straight is saying that australia should feel ashamed for its actions. If a reporter, thank you and formula one, the racing at sundays the haina was overshadowed by a fiery crash. A french driver was slightly injured and hes been ruled out of next weekends race. But he was happy to walk away one piece. This was the moment when formula one held its breath careers into a crash barrier and is engulfed in a bowl of flame. Miraculously, girl shown a marriage to relatively unscathed from the inferno. But this was an accident that seemed to come from a bygone age. No car had been split in 2 in a crash in 1991, while a crash hadnt caused the car to catch fire since 1999. But there was an angel and groschens shoulder, the halo. The titanium structure protects the driver from head injury. Yet there was much skepticism when it was introduced in 2018, not least from the man whose life it almost certainly saved the hey do you think its a great thing that was there in the it was they think they will be as good and want you soon this is good. Another former hill skeptic World Champion Lewis Hamilton thanked the sports governing body for what he called the massive strikes theyve taken in try for safety. But while the sport rightly cuts itself on the back, the postmortem has already begun a sense of a crash that made scrap iron of car and barrier alike was able to happen at all. Theyre watching the door news coming up next in the w. News asia. A mass resignation will leave hong kongs Parliament Without an opposition lawmaker explains why he resigned and what it means for his constituents and sit in the beast and known as the worlds loneliest elephant goes on a trip a whole lifetime. But the promise of a new start and perhaps a new love gradual half of that story and a whole lot more for you coming, arrayed out on the iraq and going on behalf of the entire news team. Thank you for spending most of our video with us and science rather than fiction for a long time, automatic facial recognition. Cameras everywhere help us science. Identify us in seconds from our facial features. Software comes from interesting. For example. Its developer showing us the potential of the technology tomorrow. Does it say in 60 minutes, 2, dogs kick off. Ghost town atmosphere means listless. Play stuff from the looks of guns and the mentalist fights the system known stump. Excitement to the final match to sneak up on e. W. Give us your country. People who will make you rich people will provide you with jobs. The oil will take good care of you. Less intends to be a big hit will suffer. Took hold on the west coast going up in 2007. The investors make promises, but years later, reality looks very different. Lenders can choose a drink or shortage. High unemployment claims happened if youre gonna scream, if black gold oil promises starts december 4th place, this is the doctors news coming up today. Is hong kongs prodemocracy movement dead from us resignation of hong kong, all positions all because now removes any resistance in governments to beijing. We follow one lawmaker who joined in this stand of defiance. But a protester tells us, this defiance is too little, too late. The best time for the resignation has already passed, and that here now, minimal state you know why he believes the prodemocracy Movement Continues in subtle ways. And finally, a happy ending for the worlds no one hears elephant. Having been rescued from conditions in a pakistanis who lives in cambodia, where he retired in peace and good company. Welcome to day. Glad you could join us in less than 24 hours. Hong kongs fall about to in effect cease to have any opposition. Thats when the resignations of 15 prodemocracy lawmakers come into force. Theyre designed some 2 weeks back to protest. A law passed by beijing that gives the government the right to expend lawmakers without due process. The resignations mean the citys administration will be able to pass laws without even a mom or of protest. Lawmakers say they had no other option but to quit. But for many its not being able to do work that is vital for many in the city. For hong kong opposition lawmaker show culture and his last week in public office. Its all about prison for says hes going to meet the 1st man charged under the National Security law in post in july 2000 for another. I believe he still has to be in a car, so the 4 year or so before he gets a hefty sentence, i was told hes having some personal problems. So i applied for special official visit today to meet him in person. Like 132016. She was the citys most prominent legislator fighting for prisoners rights. His made over 200 of his 4 year term. And more than half of them to protest related prisoners. As a council member, he gets to meet inmates in private for an hour each visit. In contrast to the regular 15 minute public visits, but with his term coming to an end soon, he will no longer enjoy such privilege. I can no longer be on the front line and it will be a huge relief for the Correctional Services department. As i can put pressure on them anymore, its a shame because theres still so much i want to do. But i have to leave office to show solidarity with the democratic camp. Oh yeah, there was that hong kongs prodemocracy cam resigned on mass only and this month in protest at the expulsion of 4 other lawmakers. Catalyst for the action was a beijing resolution giving hong kong authorities power to unseat politicians without having to go through the city scots shield, cartoonist, counting down his time in the parliament. Although he could see the state coming, it still came as a shark. I never thought it would be so fast. So we also say its a new ampara, more ruthless and domineering and there are many leaders in the past. As mao zedong now, we see that he could even and one country 2 systems in a blink of an eye. After starting out as a social worker and university lecturer, she became one of the leading activists in the Umbrella Movement in 2014 and was sentenced to 8 months in jail last year. As a legislator. It was a traumatic experience for him, but he still keeps this belongings from prison to remind himself of his mission. I dont say that it was 4 years becoming a lawmaker. It was the peak of my life. But then i was sent to prison. The lowest point of my life, it was so tough in there and i had to find meaning of life by fighting for prisoners rights. I taught myself, im an undercover law maker in jail. Im here as a prisoner for the checks on possible abuse by prison officers. Im here to monitor the government since the Antigovernment Movement started in hong kong last year, over 10000, people have been arrested with the rise of a generation of political prisoners. Pressing need to provide support for these young people and their families. He knew shed had a pen friend scheme earlier this year and has had 026000 largest so far. He plans to organize 3 jail workshops after he leaves the console. Being in prison is losing freedom by having a lot of time. And it is the same with the leaving the Legislative Council and Public Resources have returned have more time to focus on this particular issue. I dont know how far i can go with the fight on prisoners right now, but i promise i will go as far with apple as i can. But what does the resignation of lobbying goes like should mean for ordinary hong kong . Its a question im going to put to 27 year old connor, who joins me on the line from hong kong. Nakano isnt my guests real name. He participated in last years antigovernment protests in the city and is hiding his face for fear of repercussions from the government cannot welcome. What does the resignation of all of hong kongs prodemocracy lawmakers mean to you . Well i think the best time for that resignation has already passed and the impact here now on the movement is minimal. So obviously they move this move has tremendous news value. But if we look back on the movement that has been multiple planes in time when they could have done this, for instance, they could have done this along with the other large lists candidates that also refused to participate in the Legislative Council. So thats an opportunity that they missed. So i think by now their resignation. Now its more to me anyway. Its more like theyre being forced out of the council and its not their conscious choice to leave the council. And yet the effect on the movement in general, i feel aside from the news value is minimal. What do you say to those people who syria, that these lawmakers being absent from the Legislative Council allow is the death of democracy in hong kong. Do you see democracy as having died in hong kong . Definitely. Yeah. So to me, along with the rule of law, right. Its been dead for quite some time now. And its just now that the people are beginning to see that its been dead for quite some time. Its only because i think the public tend to have their hopes pinned on these more established prodemocracy a panda, mathematic leaders in that before and seeing them fall just shows them the end of the facade. That there is democracy and rule of law and how come so yet said that this is just reckoning with the fact that its been dead . Yes. Where does that leave the prodemocracy movement in the city . Your movement that you, yourself participated in domestic resistance has a lot more restrictions now than they used to. But its true, really pivotal to diminishment in general, i think a major shift. Cope Going Forward with the a shift to its the stage and International Stage because obviously with a lot of the movements leaders being exiled, most of the proponents have moved to, to its the international community. But then going by your argument that would suggest that within hong kong, its of that antoni avenues left to protest or to stand up for democratic rights and support. A bit of the Democratic Movement in hong kong itself is dead. Right. So yeah, i dont think the movements that its just been that the course has been changed and a lot of the methods needs to be changed as well along with changing times. Yes. So its not that its just functioning in some other way. So i think domestic resistance, what is the kind of domestic resistance youre talking about . Right, so ive seen a lot of things being proposed by leaders of the movement. So one of 2 things that ive seen in the past couple of months. Its a push by a lot of grass roof, grassroots forces to its the rebuilding of the homecoming economy, a more diverse hong kong economy. If the Central Planning all and all that hung, call it for the past transit is after the handover in that time frame we have lost a lot of our domestic produce and domestic industry. We used to be in the face it in the faith with proponents in tech and manufacturing. But thats been that for quite some time. And we are all putting everything into travel and financials. So i think seeing a grassroots push to its the revival of our hong kong culture and hong kong community. Thats a way of resistance yet. So yes, thats the main thing. Well leave it there for the time being, but thank you so much for speaking to us. Conor, speaking to us from on kong. Thank you. The worlds loneliest elephant has arrived in cambodia to begin a new life at an elephant sanctuary. Spent his whole life in islamabad, pakistan. While there he developed psychological and physical problems due to the way in which he was treated. Freeing him became a cause for Animal Welfare experts. And in particular, u. S. Pop star cher, who campaigned actively for his release. Heres a look at his journey. Changed caged and restricted hatefully for the last time. Its a necessary measures to meet the lonely elephant out of islamabad. Many here support the me, but its also an emotional moment. We think are good regarding him after 37 years of giving to the people of joy to others. But he suffered the elephant, lived in miserable conditions and was forced to entertain crowds his whole life. His former handlers would profit him with trusty people, how to make them perform. In 2012, matus were made wes, female, partner and only companion, died of blood poisoning. Plunging the bull elephant into great. I remember his girlfriend. He was also her. We all remember her as she died many years ago. And ever since then he has been all alone. States started to change when Animal Rights activists got involved, and a high profile campaigner. Us pop legend, chef, spend years pushing for the elephants resettlement. Garnering the support of high profile politicians, including pakistans Prime Minister that campaigning has paid off. She said was there to welcome. As he touched down in cambodia, the elephant will now be transferred 2810000 hectare wildlife sanctuary. Whale spent the rest of his days free of chinese, kept full and no longer lonely. New home houses 3 potential new mates and to prepare him for his arrival. His cameras have made sure hes well fed and looking his best for the ladies. The fans and all the best. Thats of them today. Theres one our website did up with isha in 2 of the same time tomorrow. But the fight against the coronavirus endemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . Information and context . The coronavirus update. 19 special on t w e n b r e of climate change. Theres one dears, do they have their future going to dot com. Theyre distributing the multimedia could homeless during a pandemic. In the french capital, paris, Health Care Workers deliver a mosque. Sama ties or, and food to rough sleepers. In rome, volunteers conduct temperature checks to test for a fever. Seems like these are playing out over the world. Whether living on the streets or in close knit communal shelters, Homeless People are especially vulnerable to cope with 19. Cold weather bites in some parts of the world, they face a double threat. Many Homeless People are older and have underlying medical conditions which leave them as an increased risk for severe illness. Homelessness, organizations, say social distancing, and hygiene measures are often all but impossible to maintain. This is the job news covered 900 special. Im kate ferguson, thanks for joining me. An estimated 150000000 people around the world dont have a home, lack of affordable accommodation, unemployment, a family breakdown and an addiction are some of the major causes. Now, during the pandemic, Homeless People have been pushed into a more precarious situation than ever in our next report will meet lukey, a homeless man in the german city of cologne. Business used to be better every day and hopes for the good of the past. But since start of the pandemic, the 2 have dissipated, and most of the people keep their distance. There are fewer people around and fewer people who approach me because theyre scared of corona, i guess because im homeless, live on the street. On good days, lukey used to make up to 30 years in 3 hours enough to feed himself and his dogs. But in recent months has had to sit here for an entire day. Look, he spends his nights under a bridge. Hes 35 and came to germany from slovakia to find work. Hes been homeless on and off for the past 5 years. He lost his last home in august because his landlord didnt allow dogs before going there mother, i always have the dogs with me. When i look for work compliers want to see where im registered, but without a home i have no registered address without an address, i cant get a job without a job. I cant get a flight and money. A vicious circle at least twice a day. Look, he makes a stop at the a cafe for Homeless People learn central station. He comes here to eat, shower, and charges phone. But even here, things have changed. Only 8 people are nowadays allowed to sit in the cafe before corona, the host to 30 to 40 people at once. For many, here, this place is a lifeline. And despite the new lockdown measures its allowed to stay open. Thats one of the main problems for Homeless People, which will probably get even worse during the winter months, is that there are fewer day shelters and indoor spaces for them to spend time in. And were not the only institution which is have to restrict its numbers. Others have also been affected. Sleeping rough through the winter will definitely be challenging for the key. And hes also worried about corona, especially because he can do so little to protect himself. Because i want to stay healthy and are trying to be careful. But how can i take all the necessary precautions when i live on the street . Im always in town with my dogs. I meet other Homeless People. I can always get infected, and im always at more risk than other people. A roof over his head, thats in the keys. Biggest wish during the corona crisis. Then he can look for a job again and no longer has to rely on help from others. For more and if they see, lets talk to frank spain. Event it director of the European Federation of a National Organizations working with the homeless. Mr. Fane event. Welcome. What do we know about how the Homeless Community is experiencing this pandemic . I think its important to note that most Homeless People are homeless, people in general are more vulnerable to 19 than the general population. Basically for one reason is because they have beat existing Health Conditions that make them more vulnerable. And also because of their situation. The situation they leaf in make them more than the like most Homeless People live in shelters. I dont have to explain to you without following the guidelines imposed by the government, such as staying at home. Playing social distancing is extremely difficult when you live in a shelter. So i think the Homeless Population is really movable, or there are groups of society for the problem. And with all those factors in mind, what can you tell us about covert 1000 rights among the homeless . Are they getting access to testing and treatment . Well, in the rates, its difficult to see because it is very if you come countries are actually quite like they thought the infections amongst the Homeless People. But what we know is that, that hes a bit of a difference between the 1st wave and 2nd beef that were currently experiencing. In the 1st wave, the echoes we get from the homeless shelters is that the hot be able to contain the spread of the disease in the homeless shut the system. Now in the 2nd wave, that seems to be different. We hear from countries like france, for instance, where a study was, get it out of the system, but is in the but is a lesion. And they found that in all the shelters that they investigated, the over 50 percent of the book lesion, who was actually infected by 1000. So we think it took a little bit of fine for the vitus to end that into the shelter system into shelters. But that is currently the case in quite a few countries and when the fight is these circulating in the shelter system, its but its very quickly because so many people live together. There are many overcrowded what our governments doing to protect the home and either any best practices that you know off. Well, governments are many governments are doing things, certainly emergency measures. It has been quite remarkable how quickly many governments have been able to get people Homeless People, you could say off the streets as, but they cant measure. They were new shut. The banks were created as were used to accommodate Homeless People. Then put a leaf even some countries used a b. And b. Flats to find accommodation for Homeless People on the sea. So as, as Emergency Response, many countries did actually quite well. If i can give you one example of a concealed, its really well it is doubly in the house managed to keep the infection rates, anybody, anybody who it was. So thats one thing in terms of the long term solutions. Its only a few countries that actually use the 1000 pound they make to change the way they dress. Fulness is because its obvious that a shell that is not a solution to homelessness. Homeless people meet housing, often with supports, housing is important, but that is some countries that use the 1000 pound they make as a lever to actually change the way they address homelessness. And the netherlands would be a good example. The government there has just decided to invest 15000000 euro in Housing Solutions for Homeless People in order to get as groups they seem to use the abundant make to say, well, ok, we cannot, we have to go beyond the Emergency Response and actually think providing sustainable Housing Solutions weve supported necessary for Homeless People and you think that anything we can learn from the fund and make that might actually help tackle home if in the future . Well, what we learned is that it is over, but it is important. It is the housing is the best protection against good 1000 and gives any damage and actually against orders or vision for the health problem. So putting people into shelters as an emergency measure is fine. Its probably progress, but its not a safe place for Homeless People to be. So you actually need housing. Housing is the best pull that shit against a pandemic. And i hope that that will sink in with the governments with the decision makers, not in the future. They will put more emphasis on the people Homeless People as quickly as possible to housing and provide to support. Messes that housing is probably one of the most stark, the social determinants of health. And i think that has now become quite obvious. Franks been from the European Federation of National Organizations working with the whole mess. Thank you so much. Thank you. Robin time nightgowns or one of your questions over to our science correspondent, derrick williams. How long does it typically take in europe to approve a vaccine after phase 3, trial results are published under ordinary circumstances, not in the midst of a Public Health emergency. The scientific evaluation carried out after phase 3 trials by the e. M. A. The european medicines agency, it takes Time Developers 1st, have to submit testing data, and whats called a Marketing Authorization Application that governs general approvals for medicinal products. Throughout the e. U. A board at the agency called the committee for medicinal products for human use is required to submit a scientific verdict on the application within 210. 00 days. It then passes that opinion on to the european commission, which makes a decision on whether or not to grant an approval within 67. 00 more days. So all in all the process can take between 9 and 10 months. But thats under ordinary circumstances. In the midst of this pandemic, the e m a has set up a special task force to help fast track covert 19 treatments and therapies. It allows for accelerated action in a number of ways for vaccines. A key change is that developers dont have to wait until all of their data is final, before submitting it for approval, but have been able to submit it instead in batches while the trials are still ongoing. A process called a rolling review. So in the end, the formal assessment will take much less time for a covert 1000. 00 vaccines that have proven safe and effective in trials because the e m a has cleared the way for whats called conditional marketing authorisation. You can submit your questions for derek. Fi are huge of channel for all the nations on the pandemic. Go to g. W. Dot com slash covert 1000 until next time for me in the team and go back and take and the 1st in the science rather than fiction for a long time. Automatic facial recognition. Cameras everywhere help us image scientists identify ass in seconds from our facial features. The Software Comes from dresden, for example. Its developer shows the potential of the technology in 30 minutes, doubling from the get go to claim it is going to notice bobby popstars, rails against a couple of shutdown pilots determined to shock despite coming from a poor family loves to become president and he challenges around the pocket book, a credible story with bobby wind and mom starts december 10th on g. W. World 6. To go beyond the obvious things that live as we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to you, country life. What ever it is running down to nothing. How come you made for mines . We know that this is a scary time for us. The coronavirus is changing the world, changing a life. So please take care of yourself. Keep your distance, wash your hands. If you can date and how we deal with humans for here for you, we are working hard listening to keep you informed on all of our platforms. Were all in this city, get on together. Make sure to stay safe. Everybody stay safe, stay safe. Please stay safe. The boat and layla her oscar, welcome to the program. More than 100 people have been killed in what the u. N. Calls a massacre in the countries of Northern Borno state. I would miss said militants on motorcycles rounded up farmers from where they were bringing their harvest and tens of thousands flee. The deadly fighting in ethiopia. Steve gray reaches refugee

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