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Several of those wedding directly and informally dependent on these mines. I have not seen the use as they are not treated in an unfair manner, and we also take care of them as we move towards aquino, future cooperative projects. And government initiatives are such as be benefiting hundreds in the school in community. But taking that number from hundreds to millions is the challenge that india faces to create a Just Transition for all. And so as we explored in our last to the possibility is on a journey to stays out court. But this will need gap for planning and execution, and everyone has their own blueprint about this. The considerations are the through the strategies are disciplined and even the timelines for different nations august. So lets take a look at all of these plans that the various nations have, the politics thats it owns these plans and the nothings that we have when it comes to Renewable Energys india has on the basis goals. The government is investing massively as quote and assets to become climate neutral by 2017, but its complex of millions of jobs depends on call. India is also important call from a broad to satisfy its growing energy needs. On it is to expect these impulse to decline, but assume the country will continue its domestic production. Over here in india, especially, its not so much the speaking about coal fans out, but they speak of a coal fist island to speak of a coal transition. Which sometimes also means that they dont want to exit coal entirely, but they couldnt imagine that which is ation of color with c c. S technology which within the basically you have a cold pelt. The emissions from the cold fall time captured and stored underground. I dont think that this is the realistic, the choice as even now globally receive that for the good type poll fence Renewable Energy can actually be cheaper than coal poplars. Indonesia is also focused on college. In fact, its the Worlds Largest cold exposure to still engine easier aims to make hold of it. 17000. 00 plus islands climate neutral by 2016 but its policy is contradictory. So basically. Busy of the paradigm is also, well, we will maybe start using coal, but we still export close to our neighbors, which will then have emissions in their countries. Indonesia itself has a lot of potential for Geothermal Energy for, for the. Ready time cetera, but at the moment we see very little implementation yet of what, what type, for example, because is limited plus ability to enter the market. The United States would also have to say to bind, to call long term. The plan right now is to take all called 5 pounds offline by 2036, but some states suppose the plan because of the many jobs tied to the industry. Still its well recognized that Renewable Energy is our liquid. Youve option 2 and the use is increasing. This is some federal or states such as freaks up a texas where you would think that they are basic nothing but fossil fuels. Theres also a lot of businesses who basically realize they can make a lot of money with big problems. This photo, we type problems because texas, it apparently has a lot of fun. It has a lot of when its out of space and a lot of people dont care what you would build their ease. Open space. Gemini also wants to face out coal within the next 15 years. At the latest right now, its still needed with it. Sizable industry, gemini, still lives on coal for 40 percent of its power supply. The country could transition to Renewable Energy use more quickly, but the process is full with challenges. And therefore, standardized procedures taken care of environmental concerns, taken care of the also for humans of preferences, not building too close to villages and taking care of animals and also using the potential a lot on your on show, but also offshore wind energy. This additional elements that your current through brick and china is the Worlds Largest c o 2 emitter. Its a numerous Economic Growth and recent decades has been powered by huge amounts of coal. But china to has discovered that renewables can be lucrative and safe and not Global Market leader in the sector. The basic aim for 2060 phones and come. Ready as they should of this society, which is very a vicious, if you consider it pays where its coming from. And china has shown within the 5 year funds that if there was something, be able to basically meet these targets. Maybe also at the cost of additional aspects such as social elements, the quality of democracy. So theres a lot of other aspects to criticize you. All right, these things. Ready sounds off, i guess, still gets 99, cheapest sentiments, electricity from cold. But 7 years ago, the government included the co exit and its National Development plan. The world bank estimates, itll cost south africa, maybe 550000000000 euros by 2030. So without Investment Partners or private donors, its unlikely to succeed. As i mentioned, another fortune todd con. D. Audi or distributed Renewable Energy is an upcoming solution with a lot of hope. To me d. R e is the centralized power, both as an Energy Source and hence also enabling economic and social problems. Of course it has its own constrains, but it has created some major impact in remote villages across the country. Of the its something of a special date challenge about how those things on the go to produce is harvesting. The last pumpkins of the season is picked up 700 kilograms in recent days. The vegetables ripened foster, then he can sell them. So for years now, hes taking his entire hallway to a cold Storage Facility and it says about no problem. I used to have lost his mom. Imagine i have to to wait and close the vegetables, these little bag and the case of the lady fingers that would cost me to these 300. 00 or you know, as to them. Yeah. For the piece. Viable and sell them and the whole market will look the market a day or 2 later in the of just india. A large part of the hallways still suppose every year before it can be sweet. There are no thousands of goods, those which would prevent losses. But its not quite that simple to say it over the does not like im to say to you very, the Electricity Supply is constant. A public got locked, its a few minutes because of the, draws from a malfunction. The problem might be also 5, but thats why. So these combined mr. Bob was, hes going Storage Facility using by was from how was raised. This means hes not dependent on electricity from the natural great, a huge bonus for the fall, most will store. They always hear Green Electricity generated right where it is needed. It is what exports called the centralized as Renewable Energy, or the audi appreciate general becomes an Energy Environment and what to has examined. How do yadi could help improve the lady is the communities im going to need to know team not just for the household for the vehicles, but also need energy for a lot of the Economic Activities beer to power the machine, the to process the green in the flood good foods into products and juices and splashes. By 2030 in the plans to generate 500 gigabytes of electricity. Yo yo. From the new booth sauces. Thats more than 3 times as much as know. Additive c d, audi projects. Lewis could provide clean energy to some parties. 7000000 people. Right now, only a few 1000 benefit thats spotty because farm was struggling to get loans for the technologies who go to a bank and say ok, please give me a loan for this one or die out and be like, what is it . A bank that has never seen this one of that. They do not know how to evaluate those credit application for the sooner that like that if this is a viable loan for them to give or not, they have no idea. 1000 kilometers we in the village of women are learning to produce safety on on machines. This would allow them to become financially independent of the project. Life next door in the shape of solar panels is supplying the electricity for each machine it consumes only 15. What follows would thats why its very easy to run it on full above the the what the, what full up on. And we are able to run this machine for about 8 to 10 hours and at the same time, charge a battery. So when it can be done and getting the dock off of our vendors, v no, i think the Indian Government subsidizes the Renewable Energy solutions being up to 20 percent of the cost for the initial outlay, but exports calling for more, especially when the technologies are used to generate income, one idea is to expand and combine existing government programs. If you have promoting the floor plan, you promote the the board for them and vinyl to help them more than your goal is to did you promote the enabled power quote storage. So by bringing the policy convergence, we can see a lot more deployments on the generating file as easily exactly bought as needed for millions of People Living in 3 areas. Dionte presents a clear a. Fortunately to improve the economy will be as the one transitions into clean energy that are going to be 7 another transitions like social reward. I cannot make that with fargo, but ensuring that that are going to lose us along this last journey is going to be a major challenge when developing countries. You will have reno, what do you think . And what story is, would you like to see more or you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media . I will see you next week until then take care. Goodbye. Douglas gosh, the the the league guaranteed to take off the c minutes on the w. C. Credit slide, we discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. Both heritage selling dw World Heritage 360 now dw store on pick socks. We, in fact david wrote caches to us, i a texas father, its really worldwide to work for free time, like because we can take the different w calling world unpack pops up on your info is and all the input the w story. Now on to the, [000 00 00;00] the old, we can be the generation, the ends that feel good. Malaria must die. So millions can live the this is dw news, light from ballot facing and uncertain future. They floated in the 10s of thousands. Now these refugees from the gone occur box must contemplates the next move. Also on the program, germany celebrates unity that we take a look at how unit fights and germans actually feel more than fuzzy. Here is also

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