Sixteenth Annual Scholarship Recipients Announced Published online: May 14, 2021 Articles, Education And Arts Viewed 93 time(s) Web Exclusive BLACKFOOT – In keeping with its decade-old tradition of supporting outstanding high school seniors, the Eastern Idaho State Fair, in partnership with Butler Amusements, Inc., announced six finalists who have been awarded a $1,000 scholarship to the college of her choice. Since its inception sixteen years ago, this scholarship fund has awarded over $92,000 to deserving college-bound 4-H/FFA participants. A five-member scholarship committee had the difficult task of selecting winners out of the numerous commendable applicants. “We were so impressed this year in the quality of applicants that we received. This year’s decision was the most difficult that we have ever had to work through. The applicants came from all over our 16 County Fair Districts. We look forward to seeing the future success of these scholarship winners,” said EISF General Manager Brandon Bird.