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Status of the lands of the far east, where in fact the chinese enter and invest in this territory of russia. They are outside the regulation of the National Legislation of russia federation, especially the issue of land regulation and taxation , it is obvious to me that there will continue to be a rapprochement between beijing and moscow to the extent that he , lets say, can bring the situation to our understanding, for example, there was the soviet union, this will not happen, but the fact that at the level of force cooperation, strategic tactical cooperation , these regimes will cooperate, i have no doubt, and the topic of cooperation of regimes, such as the belarusian lukashenko, the iranian aatol, the chinese red dictators, i am not talking about the north chinese anymore absolutely natural, because these are totalitarian regimes and how deep they will go in this regard, well, everyone understands very well that putin and the entire top of the criminal top of the kremlin, they all walk in the crown. They do not see the world, whatever it is was a great, powerful, civilized country with colossal achievements for them, russia is everything, and china, well, china after mao zedong and khrushchev. They beat the pots so badly that these wounds remain in the history of many generations, and by the way, i would advise many ukrainian analysts to symptoms that have lasted until today, and sisinpin understands this well as the son of a party worker. The union is very difficult, but moscow and beijing will be satellites and they will remain, and this small town is a small appendix in the form of dictator lukashenka. They both need him because it is a kind of transit hub in this quartet, mr. Roman, a meeting was held two weeks ago in saudi arabia, representatives of 40 countries met and discussed zelenskyis peace formula, and to put it simply, there is a plan how to bring peace to ukraine to ukraine, it is clear that zelenskyis peace formula is not yet a formula the defeat of russia, that is, although in principle, according to the evidence, according to the documents, according to that statement, what are the tasks and, in principle , what should be according to this formula, russia should leave ukraine, that is, suffer a defeat, which according to you , for the world, which declares that ukraine must must win this war. What does the defeat of russia mean for them, that is, or what do we mean by defeat . Is it something more . The fact is that the scale of victories and defeats for a dictatorial regime, for the civilized world, they are not on the same plane, and i understand very well when says the president of the United States to the chancellor of germany, the president of france , the Prime Minister of britain, volodymyr, that even putins departure from power is already a defeat, but im not saying it anymore. When the appropriate legal steps were completed there. This is already a victory, but the point is that this is not a defeat for russia and not the end of the war for russia, and here the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine zanuzhny is absolutely right, but he said that the exit of ukrainians to the state border he does not end the war, well, actually. Now we confirm this every night in the shelling, from here it is obvious that the victory in the war over the fuhrer and the bandit regime of russia is capitulation, capitulation according to the classic conditions of the end of the war, laying down weapons, paying reparations, bringing to court establishing justice for the victims of this war is a matter of course , and in fact, when such serious things as the peace formula are attempted in jeddah, first of all, as a summit , a global summit of peace, then in this situation they have to be entered the interests of georgia with the restoration of territorial integrity the interests of moldova with the restoration of territorial integrity the interests of finland with the restoration of territorial integrity the interests of japan with the restoration of territorial integrity intere congratulations on the restoration of territorial integrity i can dictate this list for a very long time because in fact it is tsarist russia soviet system Russian Federation a lot of such problems have been created, which today are called vysyaks in International Law and by writing these norms into the format of the global peace summit, the whole world can be interested in obtaining not only 141 famines that were obtained for the resolution of the un General Assembly, which absorbed the initiatives of the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, but also all 190 or 193 formally as stated in the statute of the General Assembly the un assembly of the participants in this process would establish an order that would be based on the law of ot and would correspond to the norms of International Law and the world order that is in effect today. And what do you think prevents the ukrainian side from expanding this frame because, well, the same african countries, despite the wars that take place inside the continent there between states, but they do not cross state borders and occupy the territory without annexing it , as far as i remember. There is no other state there, and that is, in principle , what you are saying is a good formula for peace for the whole world. What prevents ukraine from articulating exactly such a formula for peace, because these territorial conflicts and even military conflicts there are enough of them on the territory of the soviet union, that is, uh, and you are telling the truth that this peace formula would definitely gather at the un General Assembly there , well, mostly the majority of votes. I dont even doubt that sooner or later it will happen because the number of such problems in the world is growing, it is growing every year and there will come a moment when an appropriate decision will have to be made. The fact is that in order to do such things, one must think geopolitically, one must look a little further under your feet and the scale of the states, the scale of the political leader , the scale of the politicians of this or that country, this is a matter that requires a global view of the world, a view of decades ahead. The koali was formed by a Civilized Coalition of the world or the world will go through another continental global war and this will all equally lead the world to the formula of peace to the new world order and er here on the one hand i understand that when er the war against ukraine since 2013, the world has been thinking about these things, especially these ideas exploded in 2022, and it is obvious that those figures who were at the same time who discussed all these things are largescale figures, well, in particular, the former secretary general of nato and the former Prime Ministers, ministers of european states , and actually the name itself came from there , well, you know what exists today. In jita appears there. As you correctly show, jake sullivan, who today formats the Foreign Policy of the next term of president biden, because he is convinced of this , he also thinks on a large scale in this regard, but when it descends on ukrainian soil, forgive me, but and of course the issue of Energy Security is important in the country, but when the document is called the peace formula and the global peace summit. And in my opinion , generators, heat generators and so on are attributed there in the seventh point, i understand very well that well, a little those who worked on it did not have enough genius to, if they were to look ahead for a few years, offer asians and africans and those who live next door to imperial russia and unfortunately have acquired this neighborhood to actively involve in this process , and this is very well shown by the crimean platform mr. Serhiyevich, it is a great idea, a great idea, but the lack of scale in the deployment of this idea in the involvement of those who are interested in Peaceful Development in the middle black sea middle earth basin, they do not give even attention to fully implement the Montreux Convention on safe Economic Activity in the basin of the black and mediterranean seas and then the question arises, how largescale things can be under the name of the peace formula, the global peace itself with the texts with which we work. Moreover, i do not want to reproach here people who work in this regard understand, they are doing something, they are doing something, but it is clear that they lack the scale in understanding the problem and the tool for its promotion. By the way, from another Volodymyr Zelensky took the initiative to hold a forum of Defense Industries , which is to be held in the fall of this year. Lets hear what zelensky said. Such a largescale event will be held at the state level for the first time. Ukrainian and foreign arms manufacturers are our power , the power of our partners. Protection against any kind of terror, the world can be united even with this format of cooperation , we plan the forum as the first record of the achievements of our Defense Industrial complex to demonstrate what we can already consider what we can add to our capabilities, in particular through the creation of new production facilities in ukraine through localization with partners, well, obviously, roman, in order to hold a forum of Defense Industries, it is probably necessary to have this powerful industry in order to , well, have some primacy or at least to play the first violin, this is the first and the second , that is, in what way can we demonstrate to the world what we can do if we have practically all production, well, that is, the militaryIndustrial Complex or partially destroyed by the russians or before the war, this defense complex was not developed for one reason or another, and we met the beginning of the war in principle well, with modest results , modest reserves in terms of missiles, in terms of weapons , what was always produced in ukraine in sufficient quantity and i would in this regard i would refer to the last interview, which at one time was about 1. 5 months ago, back back, the chairman of the committee of the chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the United States of america, mark milley, in one of the sections of his interview, well, that was then when brown was just being introduced to the new head of the corresponding structure, he uh, thats roughly how i dont remember the details. Thats how he roughly described the Current Situation, that the current war in ukraine makes it possible to calculate the future configuration of the armed forces and its industrial and technical components provision further, he continues that it is obvious that in the current format part of the troops will remain as they are, but it is obvious that Artificial Intelligence and such components as drones, including the Armored Vehicles of aviation of naval units, they will to increase, and thats why its good that mr. Zelensky or those who are close to him have such ideas, because they understand very well that the Current Situation shows that , in principle, industry is not capable of fully meeting the needs of the current war, this means that we need to sit down at the negotiating table and talk, simply discuss these things, but i, analyzing this interview with mark milli, understand that the answer to this question for the team has not been formed either in the United States of america, Great Britain , or in europe, and this clearly shows how things are going supply, help to the armed forces of ukraine in this war. Pay attention that we are talking about ee leopard 1 2 we deliver the first, we say abrams2 we deliver the first and the same applies to ee planes, the same applies to helicopters and so on, that is, for now, if not take into account unmanned aviation and the unique discovery of ukrainian developers, this is drones on water, then Everything Else this is a traditional, somewhat modernized system, and due to the fact that they initially dominated the soviet and now russian weapons, despite their smaller number they can withstand the balance in a duel with the Russian Military machine, from here it is obvious that these measures are necessary, but i still do not see the need for a political level at the political level, and in this part, it is most likely necessary to talk about the technological level. But what about the political level then it is needed in the rammstein format, there is an absolute need for an answer to the question of washing this war of time and period, the creation of a joint command, the creation of a joint headquarters , the formation of a joint combatcapable, powerful fist of the armed forces that would respond to the question of a quick victory over the united axis minsk moscow tehran beijing and conditionally the beginning of appropriate tactical steps on the part of these united forces, then we can talk about the fact that in the course of the implementation of the plans of the united armed forces, such a coalition will have to be closed very quickly the things about which the president of ukraine zelensky spoke now and the questions we asked regarding the Industrial Complex regarding the Defense Industrial complex regarding cooperation within the framework of nato or within the framework of hocus pocus or within the framework of bilateral ogo agreements of such Industrial Complexes and so on, that is, in fact, there are a lot of questions here, and from my point of view, looking at how the situation is developing now, until the rooster crows, it is unlikely that they will run to the formation of an answer to this question. A fairly simple example of the creation of ukrainian drones is a mass of Small Companies who produce in an artisanal way, who could put it on industrial rails, well , again, this all needs erer moderation at the state level, that is, there must be a moderator who can do it, who can understand and see the scale of creating a state order to find all the possibilities for this enterprise to work and not be shelled , well, that is, very, very much, but at the same time, we see that the west has already dared to provide f16 to ukraine well, at least by reporting today, washington gave its consent to the netherlands as well because the americans are building this plane and according to the current rules in the world, they must give their consent to the transfer of these planes, ee, the netherlands is ready to transfer the f16 to us as soon as the training of our pilots is completed e Anthony Blinken sent letters with guarantees that washington supports this step. Is it possible to perceive this news as the fact that the west has decided to put an end to the history of putins regime because the delay in the transfer of modern weapons. Although there are more modern aircraft, for us , the modern one is the f16 and the transfer of longrange attack weapons we have not yet received from the United States of america and in germany there are still discussions about the taurus longrange missile, but if the f16 comes to ukraine, this means that it changes the balance of power and ukraine will have e much more than it currently has, and it is possible that it is not allowed to carry out a counteroffensive faster than it was expected in ukraine and in the west, mr. Serhiu, i am looking at the answer given by the secretary of state of the United States of america, which is the answer to the information attack that the kremlin carried out about the fact that the f16 will not be and no more. I am convinced that it is a matter of time. E orders of the military the command will take a little time for this. I am not saying a lot. Pay attention. I am saying it will take a little time. There are two reasons. The first reason is the presence of the necessary number of such aircraft that are ready to perform combat missions in the coordinate system of the armed forces of ukraine, not too much of the armed forces of ukraine, because it is necessary to do a whole series of works so that they can be incorporated into this system. Yes, it is somehow integrated into nato. But for now it remains autonomous , these are not small things, and these things are not solved in two days two weeks and two months is a very serious reconstruction and modernization of these planes, this is the first, the second, i think that the situation with the pilots has been resolved. And it seems that this issue has not been discussed since the summer of last year, because we must give credit to the military and the ukrainian and american especially to the british, they usually talk about what has already been done, so in this regard i am more or less calm, but the topic that concerns the combat component of these weapons is that these planes must carry the appropriate configuration of weapons. How do you you see, he hasnt said anything about it yet. Well, i think were giving ourselves an account of the fact that the former soviets are there. Are those who use it, or the amounts and so on . These planes cant be used from here. Its obvious that and this issue needs to be resolved. Yazuvati well, there are a number of problems that are connected , say, with the maintenance of aircraft. 16 which is located today in the armed forces of the aviation of the United States of america, only 25 are capable of performing a combat mission at any moment, i understand very well that the topic of servicing these aircraft with spare parts and their modernization is a difficult topic today, and Pay Attention there in the letters and in the statement of the secretary of state to blinkin is about the fact that as soon as we do, we will all give permission at once , we will all find you about one permission. What we agree, this means that there is a complex of things, they are not so difficult to define, this is a technical component, this is a combat component, this is a component of the Communication System communication price, service system. This is what we are working on and what state secretary blingala olena said in her answer. This work is progressing. I am convinced that it is progressing as required by the regulations, because it is a very serious weapon. It is a very serious technique that you need to be able to work with. Roman, i would like to ask you about indias decision not to invite ukraine or not to send an invitation to ukraine to the meeting of the g20 which is to be held on september 910 in new delhi and where, in principle, according to the organizers, there will be a lot of talk about Economic Development and not about security, they say we are not inviting ukraine because we are going to talk about Economic Development, is it possible in the modern world to talk about Economic Development without talking about or bypassing the topic of security well, the topic of grain supply of grain is a vivid illustration the fact that there is no way to do without the general rules of returning to the general rules of security in the world, and sergey, i have the impression that the hindus have thrown a touchstone and are now waiting for a reaction, what will anyone say about this, and i am convinced that we will soon receive reaction and we get an answer to this question, because usually the topic of the invitation is the topic of generally closed consultations, especially in the part of those who do not belong to the 20 and especially in the part of russia. They are looking at who will go round now if they say that russia has been invited, so we will not go there, it will be the other way around , so they will not be invited in russia, but i am just talking about countries that are not, do not belong to, or 20 there, bohdan, there are ee leaders in the list q20 next come the invited ones. And there is also a third status these are those who come to observe, that is , they do not participate in any plenary sessions at all. I just listen to everything that is happening on the radio like journalists. And they hold some meetings in the fields. I would not be in a hurry to react to this now because knowing the tricky indian diplomacy and i understand that the end of this issue has not yet been put to rest, especially since there is still time, by the way , brazil will participate in the big 20, today there was information that brazil became an active buyer of Russian Petroleum products, this happened after the European Union joined the oil embargo against moscow, and it became the second largest buyer of russian diesel fuel after turkey. The formula of peace, well, thats right. A remark on the margins of our conversation, you are absolutely right, because within the framework of this association, where do you go like brazil, russiaindia, china bricks and south africa today is actually being modeled as a new economy with a different financial unit, with a different banking system, with a Different Energy system, but its peculiarity is that it exists semilegally, because now take away the hydrocarbons from here, which actually move illegally , and there is a natural exchange, well, this movement on i think that they themselves understand this very well, but they are playing while there is an opportunity to milk russia. Thank you, mr. Roman, we should put an end to our conversation. It was a novel. Immortal politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2011201011, it was Serhiy Rudenko with the verbekti program, i say goodbye to you until monday, goodbye. Congratulations, this is bbc ukraine in the studio, olga palamaryuk , and today we are talking about saudi arabia, which is returning as a powerful player to the International Arena can this country become a peacemaker in the russianukrainian war, and this is the reason why Prince Mohammed bin salman of saudi arabia has been invited to Great Britain, this fact, which has not been confirmed, is already being called historic, on the one hand, it gives understand that saudi arabia remains an important player, and on the other hand, can ukraine take advantage of this . Prince of saudi arabia , muhammad, salman, will probably come to

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