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About congressman emer, what is his position and track record in supporting ukraine . In general, it is worth noting and emphasizing again to our viewers that now the Republican Party is divided into, so to speak, classical republicans and farright republicans. Yes, there is tom emer a representative of classical conservative republicans, he himself was also nominated and supported for this position by the former speaker of the house of representatives, kevin mccarthy. As for his position on ukraine, the organization. Republicans for ukraine rated him excellent, that is, the highest score according to his voting for bills in support of ukraine. In fact, tom emer voted for all the bills in support of ukraine, to help ukraine, which were put to the vote. Also, at the same time, despite the fact that he is, he has strong position in the conservative, classical part of the republicans, he actually has some confrontation with the farright republicans. In particular. This is because tom emmer voted to accept the results of the election, the 2020 president ial election, which in fact the us media is said to have angered donald trump, who believes that the results of the 2020 election were allegedly stolen, and the us media itself claims , that tom emer has a certain confrontation with donald trump, and that, they say, it is precisely not the support of donald trump can play a negative role in the vote to support emer for the position of speaker. Tom emer himself, when journalists ask him about it, and he is asked about it often enough, often, claims that he has a Good Relationship with donald trump. I suggest listening to his comment right now. Will there be problems in your relationship with trump . No, we have a great relationship. Can emer win the support of the democrats. What is their position regarding his candidacy. Will they still insist on their candidate . Or a possible coalition between republicans and democrats . This is a great question. Nataliya, this is now a big discussion inside the congress, because one way or another, emer needs to get those magical 217 votes of his fellow party members, that is, the overwhelming majority of republicans in the house of representatives. As you know, he can lose, at most, four or five votes of his fellow party members, depending on the total number of legislators at. In the meeting hall, but he can lose a very small part of the votes of his fellow party members, and he needs these 217 republican votes to support him in this position, but i will note that already during the voting, so to speak, the republicans have a closed vote among all republicans, where, when they have already nominated their candidate, they practice, so to speak, whether he will succeed in getting the position of speaker , in fact, and according to the American Media during this vote, not all republicans supported tom emer and , according to the American Media, at least 25 republicans voted against him, among them, in particular, the far right the republicans, they actually did not vote against him, but said that they were nominating other candidates, repeating other candidates who already actually lost this nomination, and thus did not support him in this position, but i will note that one way or another, many now there is talk inside congress among experts and lawmakers, although publicly they are so to speak rejecting such a possibility, but nevertheless discussing the possibility of a coalition of republicans with democrats to gain the few votes that will not be enough for to put an actual republican speaker, because the republicans now represent the majority of the house of representatives, the democrats themselves have said that they are not against going to work, the republicans actually say that they reject that possibility and say, some of them say that this it would be treason to go to a coalition, to cooperate with the democrats, but anyway, such conversations are being held now, i suggest that you listen to what representatives of both democrats and republicans told me in the comments this morning about the possibility of creating a coalition between republicans and democrats to actually end this crisis and still put a single speaker to lead the house of representatives. Our leader Hakeem Jeffries says we are always ready for dialogue if. Compromise, but in fact, there are no formal or informal changes at the moment. We cant control who they decide to nominate or dont decide to nominate, but at the end of the day , nothing gets done without bipartisan support because the senate is controlled by democrats. We are now seeing open attacks on any candidate for speaker who allegedly worked with democrats to reach a deal on the debt ceiling in june. It is because of such cooperation that they got rid of but even if they choose a speaker, the first thing they will have to do is to finance the government, and this requires coordination with the democrats. I dont think so, a coalition is not a necessity, after all the republicans have a majority in the house of representatives, because among the republicans, unfortunately, there are some differences at the moment, but i hope that before the coalition wont come im keeping my choice private but i will say that whoever our candidate is, whoever gets the most votes within the party will get my final vote because im a party, but how long can it take to finally agree on a speaker . Ask me about it tomorrow, then i will know better, but i hope, if all goes well, we can get a speaker today. Thank you katya for your work, Kateryna Lisunova was in direct contact with us, she is closely monitoring the development of events in the congress, where she has been for almost three weeks lawmakers are trying to elect a speaker of the house of representatives. Nearly 2 in 10 voters say supporting ukraine in its war against russia is in the United States national interest. These are the results of a new quinnipiac survey. Among the surveyed supporters of the democratic party, 87 were in favor of the us continuing to support ukraine. But among republicans, 49 . Other opinion polls also showed a drop in support for ukraine among Republican Voters. However, about half of the Republican Party. Remains devoted to helping ukraine, about how some conservative republicans try to convince others to support ukraine, tetyana voroshko learned. To those who are against sending aid to ukraine, i would say please reconsider your views, just separate yourself from all politics and think these are civilians who are being indiscriminately killed, bombed, raped, tortured, strangled. Please rethink that reagan, we all understood how important it is to protect democracy, otherwise whats the point of even having a foreign politics, during the first cold war we were willing to risk everything to defend half a city, west berlin, and now we hesitate to send weapons to a country the size of estejas, a democracy the size of estejas, you are kidding me. I fully support sending more aid to ukraine, it needs it to protect itself and to protect its democracy. I think it is important to support democracy abroad because we are the de facto leader of democracy. These are the opinions of ordinary voters who support the Republican Party. 50 such personal ones appeals were recorded as part of the republicans for ukraine campaign. This project was launched in august by the organization of conservative republicans, defense. Democracy together. Just as the fight in congress was about to begin for further funding for aid to ukraine, their polls showed a sharp drop in support for ukraine among Republican Voters. We conducted focus groups with Republican Voters and noticed that the isolationist part of the party, inspired by donald trump, is gaining ground. Because trump refuses to stand up vladimir putin, it is not surprising that support for ukraine among some republicans has begun to weaken, but we hope that ours. We show ordinary republicans other republicans who look and sound just like them, but this is how they feel about what we think is a very important issue. The most difficult thing, says the spokesperson of the campaign, was to ensure that the voices in support of ukraine were heard, the campaign spent a significant part of its budget on placing these appeals during the debates of the election participants races among republicans. I am afraid. That because these republicans consume a limited amount of media targeted at them, they simply dont hear those voices. Thats why they thought it was important to run it as an ad during the debate, since many republicans were watching the debate. As part of this campaign, its organizers also rate republican congressmen on a fivepoint scale for their support for ukraine. We wanted to give a tool to everyone who wanted to understand the position of republicans in the house of representatives regarding support for ukraine. So we looked at the statements of republicans in support or against ukraine and at their votes for laws related to the financing of ukraine. Reimer says that among those congressmen who were given low marks, there are those who understand the need to help ukraine, but are afraid of a negative reaction from their constituents, so it is necessary to work both with the peoples elected representatives and their constituents, he says. An incredibly effective argument is the information that for 5 of our defense budget, we were able to help ukraine defeat about 50 of Vladimir Putins army, and we think thats a very good investment because the Vital National security interest of the United States is to stand up to someone like putin to send a signal to china that you cant challenge the United States states. Sociologists note a slight drop in support for aid to ukraine, generally in the us, but significant among Republican Voters. Based on our surveys, as well as some other recent surveys, id say the most important reason right now. Is current the state of the economy, especially the cost of basic products and fuel. So, for example, when we asked the question about the willingness to pay for fuel in order to maintain sanctions against russia, we found that 54 of americans are no longer willing to pay for it in exchange for sanctions, including 40 of democrats and 66 of republicans. This was not the case before. Andrii futei heads the ukrainian Congressional Committee of america, a Diaspora Organization that has been promoting the interests of ukraine in the United States for more than 80 years. He says that any votes in support of ukraine are aimed at voters republicans are extremely important today. Unfortunately, a large minority has the biggest say. And i continue to believe that two Party Support still exists, i continue to believe that the majority of republican congressmen want and continue to support ukraine, but it has again become some kind of internal struggle between. In the Republican Party, so i just want organizations that are out there, that really understand world politics, and then make their events an opportunity to inform those republicans who might be a little hesitant, the republicans for ukraine has a budget of 2 million until the end of the year, after which, its spokesman says, they will analyze its impact and decide whether it should be continued. Tatyana voroshko, oleksii osyka, voice of america. The civilian population of gaza should not have to pay for the crimes of hamas. This was stated by us undersecretary Anthony Blinken during the meeting of the un security council. He believes that the World Community should do everything to protect ordinary people. In conflict. Between israel and hamas , about 7,000 people have already died. Voon claim the gas sector is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe. Andriy borys will tell more. This video from car recorders and body cameras of Hamas Terrorists was released by representatives of the israeli army. According to tsahal representatives, the 43minute story was edited from hundreds of hours of video footage collected after the attack. The goal is to show horst. With which the militants acted when they attacked the south of israel. In total, according to official data from tel aviv, as a result of the attack from the gaza strip, which began on october 7, 1,400 israelis died. Sprat hundreds of people were taken hostage by hamas, two elderly women were released the day before. To tell the truth, i went through hell, they ran amok in our kibbutz, kidnapped me. We put them on motorcycles, flew in the direction of the border with gaza. On the way i was beaten with sticks. In response to the hamas attack, the Israeli Air Force conducts massive airstrikes in the gaza strip. As a result , civilians also suffer. The Palestinian Authority claims that more than 5,000 people have already died. A humanitarian crisis has arisen in the region, there is no water and electricity, and no generators to operate is running out of fuel, israel blocked its supply of gas, fearing that it would fall into the hands of terrorists. Local hospitals suffer the most. I am deeply concerned about the violation of International Humanitarian law in the gas. It is also important to understand that the attacks by hamas did not. Happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People suffered 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have watched their land steadily taken away, and the discontent of the Palestinian People cannot justify the horrific attacks of hamas. Because of events in the middle east, in new york convened a meeting of the un security council. In the first resolution of the security council, the United States proposed to condemn the actions of iran, which sponsors hamas and is interested in fueling the conflict. Some countries have come forward. In his speech, us secretary of state Anthony Blinken did not mention specific countries. We call on all Member States to send a strong unified message to any state or individual that is considering opening a new front in this conflict against israel, or that may target israels partners, including the United States. Do not pour oil into the wagon. The members of this council, in particular the permanent members, are responsible for preventing the spread of this conflict. According to american political scientist david kramer, russia is no less interested in a new war in the middle east. Russia has not recognized hamas as a terrorist organization. She hosted representatives of hamas in moscow, and i think that what happened in israel is perceived by them as a diversion of the attention of the World Community from what putin is doing with ukraine. Meanwhile , israel is preparing to conduct a ground operations in the gas sector. Among the local population. Are handing out leaflets calling for evacuation, israel has given hamas an ultimatum to release all hostages and surrender without any conditions. Andriy borys, voice of america. On monday, information appeared in the ukrainian and Russian Media that President Biden abruptly interrupted a press conference on the Economic Situation in the country due to alleged explosions at three american bases in the middle east. Today, the pentagon announced 13 attempts to attack troops. Usa in the region during the last week. However, there was no mention of explosions at three American Military bases yesterday. Gustap jaras will help us figure out what actually happened. A number of ukrainian media on monday spread the news that joe biden allegedly abruptly interrupted his communication with journalists, allegedly because of the explosions at three american bases in the middle east. These news were quickly picked up by telegram channels, they began to be distributed in social networks and appeared. There is a lot of speculation around about this, what actually happened, indeed, joe biden talked to reporters about the economic vision, the development of the United States, later, after his opening speech , he apologized, said he had to go to the situation room to deal with other issues, took two more questions from reporters and only then left the room. Just as news broke that hamas had released two more hostages, there was no confirmation from the administration on monday that there had been three bombings at us bases, though. Indeed, the pantheon declared that in the morning at on monday there was an attempt to attack one of americas military bases in syria, this attack was repelled, we also remember that a series of such raids took place last week, the pentagon is talking about it, they admit that the situation looks quite tense, and now they are taking all measures to these attacks were successfully repelled, and the photo that was used to purportedly illustrate mondays attacks, this photo dates back to 2021, there were other photos from 2019 as well, but they have nothing to do with the United States or what is happening in near east in recent days, more unverified information has appeared more often than not about the events that are developing in the middle east , about the support of the United States of ukraine, and these leaks are spread through telegram channels, in social networks, often the original sources of such false information are russian resources, so you need to be very careful Pay Attention to the information that appears on social networks, sometimes it can be very loud. Very scandalous headlines that can simply amaze, you want to spread them, however you must always consider and remember that not all information that appears on social networks, especially shocking information, is true. We at accents of america closely follow what is happening, we only provide verified information, verified news, so follow our social networks, we will keep you updated with the main and most importantly, verified information. Ukrainian students studying in the us are uniting to raise funds and spread information about the war in ukraine. One of such centers is ukrainian home, with the beginning of a fullscale invasion, became active at Yale University. Students from ukraine organize various events, at which they collect funds to support the armed forces of ukraine, and also carry out educational work. Iryna solomko and Pavlo Terekhov attended one of these events at Yale University. Natalia yaretska , former minister of finance of ukraine and executive director of the council for Financial Management and control of puerto rico, has extensive experience in anticrisis management, listen to her at an event in yale organized by the ukrainian house, both students and teachers came. We need to change the world. Take our president as an example. He speaks to every audience where he can. And thus, from the very first day, the world understood what was happening in ukraine. That is, today among the students who are forming their worldviews, we told them how we see the world, how ukrainians are now. Why they are fighting, why they must continue to fight. She is survived by her daughter natalya yaressko, darina, a yale student and a volunteer of the ukrainian house. She is responsible for organizing events. In this way, the community tries to tell teachers and students about the Current Events in ukraine, as well as to maintain their attention to ukraine. Daryna says kyiv is her home, where her family and friends are now in danger. I wasnt living in ukraine when. I was when the semiscale invasion started, but i knew that somehow i needed to help, i couldnt just sit and do what the americans are doing, i know what i can do, and i it is necessary, well, this is ukraine, this, i want to live there again and there, evgennia poderets, vicepresident of the ukrainian house, says, almost all ukrainians studying at Yale University are involved in the activities of their organization. Everyone makes the contribution that, according to his life path, how he got here, he can be most useful, and, that is, someone can contribute some resources there, that is, i dont know, it is informative or there is some new perspective to contribute, someone there can bring some materials for fundraising, thats why its currently there, its all very well organized and works, when its all together, such activists, says the president of the ukrainian house 25, and the number of ukrainians entering Yale University is increasing, in general, until 2022, yale had, on average, about five, maybe even less, ukrainian students, the last two years, yale takes about 10 firstyear students each year, yurii stetsyuk , the vicepresident of the house, adds that the increase in the number of students from ukraine is the merit of the previous president of the organization , oleksiy antoniuk, who was involved in the administration of the educational institution, why do they need to accept more ukrainians . Ukrainians here are all very smart, talented, with incredible experiences and an incredible part of the community, they paid more attention to us and understood that we will be an important part of the university, and that we will then, after we graduate, return to ukraine, or work here for the benefit of ukraine, and to some extent even do well my university. One great victory of ukrainian house activists is the appearance at Yale University of a permanent teacher and a course on the ukrainian language. Earlier students who wanted to learn the language took an online course at columbia university. Former the president actively worked with the university, found people, and wrote petitions, found people who would sign that they would take ukrainian courses. Another important direction of the organizations work is fundraising. Yurii says that it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this. It was easy to work at the beginning of the invasion, and even then everyone did a lot of everything, but now there is even a feeling of fatigue, in fact, among ukrainians, that much more effort is needed to achieve the same result. To collect funds, volunteers organize various events, including parties. For example, on halloween , they will talk about the slavic traditions of this holiday and weave motanka dolls. To collect funds, volunteers try to bring interesting things from ukraine to sell them later. Among the popular items are bracelets from azovstal, which were handed over to the volunteers by the ambassador of uninaid24 andriy shevchenko, his eldest son jordan, also a volunteer of the ukrainian house, americans have the opportunity to do a good deed and get such a souvenir, which, well, will just be another as a reminder of what ukrainians went through back then, and what they continue to go through, daria valska says that activists plan to hold a large conference on the second anniversary of the invasion to discuss the reconstruction of ukraine. Also, bring students, ukrainian students from various american universities, so that it becomes such a platform for unification. Ukrainian house activists have also set themselves another ambitious goal, the emergence of individual ukrainian studies at Yale University. This should help they say, or the study of Eastern Europe in the west rather moved away from the paradigm of examining the region through the prism of russia, from newhaven ironoselo. Pavlo terikhov, voice of america. Our next story is about texans with the post neutron. He has been fighting in the east of ukraine for more than seven months. Despite the experience of working in the military. He did not come to ukraine as a military member of the us forces. Neutrons task is to provide electrical support to his brothers from the International Legion. The man is sure that modern war is primarily technological, so there is no rear without engineers get around he told anna kostyuchenko and pavlo sukhodolsky the details of his work. A 36yearold american with the call sign neutron joined the International Legion in june 2022. He says the landscapes of donetsk region. Remind him of his native texas. Actually, it reminds me a lot of my home, the wheat fields, the sunflowers, the vast blue sky. The brothers caught the similarity of the texan with the character of the cartoon of the same name about the boy genius jimmy neutron, says the man, and now they call him only that. Neutron trains with a machine gun with his brothers, rather for company. Because all his work is on the phone. The man is engaged in the rear Technical Support of the fighters of the International Legion. He is an engineer by profession, but he also has military Service Experience in the United States of america. I used to be a Nuclear Electronics technician in the us navy. Before that , he studied technical engineering at a university in the usa. After leaving the service, he went to work for a medical company, and then for a processing center. Neutrons main task is the Technical Support of fighters. For example, a drone can fail due to enemy Electronic Warfare systems or mechanical damage, and then neutron repairs them. The military needs people who would provide them with Technical Support. With the right skill set, i keep our Electronic Systems running. Neutron calls it his moral duty. Its just the right thing to do. I am here to make sure that all evil, big or small, the Russian Federation and russian soldiers, any people who seek to harm innocent ukrainians, do not have such an opportunity. Stopping russian imperialism is important, it will come a strong signal to the rest of the world. That such actions are unacceptable from anyone. Neutron promises to help ukrainians until the full restoration of the internationally recognized border of ukraine. Anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from donetsk region. Download the voice of america mobile app. The application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the builtin vpn service. Read news, watch informative. Programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. At this point, we will say goodbye, you watched the Ukrainian Program voice of america time time. Also join our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18 00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook. You can ask your questions to our presenters Yulia Yarmolenko and astapovyshov live. Im natalya leonova, all is well. We are looking for nineyearold victoria changal, who lived in mariupol and disappeared at the beginning of the fullscale war, on february 24 last year. During this time, there was no news about the child, and no one knows where the girl may be now. That is why yours is important help. Look carefully at the photo and remember victoria changals face. If you know any. Information about it, immediately call us on the hotline at the short number 11630. Calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. If suddenly there is no mobile connection, write to the chatbot of the child Search Service in telegram. Believe me, even a small clue can become very important. I also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for fiveyearold anastasia tolstoorova. The search for her has also been going on for two hours. And all this time about the girls fate is unknown. I know that nastya lived with her parents in mariupol on zelinsky street. When the war started, the family was in no hurry to leave their hometown. Nastyas aunt, the girls godmother, who also lived in mariupol, not far from her niece, told me about this. We havent been in touch since march 2nd, thats for sure. Ago

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