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Indeed, diplomatic work is extremely important , it requires certain skills, but during the war, all those people who want to work for the sake of ukraine, they learned to do what they did not know how to do yesterday, so of course, discipline, hard work , and the ability to work on oneself are clearly the advantages that each person has, i wish him to find those kind assistants who will first of all give him the advice that will be important and selfinterested and useful for ukraine, because at the beginning, believe me, it will be difficult, but in connection with the fact that britain really treats ukraine very well, we have high hopes, and also, understanding somewhere in the context of personnel changes, that the nearest time for him, as a military most likely somewhere saw the place itself. As an ambassador, i will not say much here, we all understand between the lines everything that partially happened, so i wish him to show himself there and the support that he personally has today in ukraine, to receive the same support in britain. We are joining our conversation yevhen karas, a nationalist, Deputy Commander of the 14th separate regiment of the armed forces of ukraine, we are dynamically moving on our air, mr. Yevhen, he says good evening to you and glory to ukraine, good evening , lets talk, of course, about the situation at the front, but lets go anyway, and your position is interesting, regarding the latest news, which is now, well, what we in the media call top news, about the appointment of a diligent ambassador to Great Britain, what do you think about it, how timely is this decision, can it to be effective, or on the contrary to harm, well, that must be asked. E valery fyodorovych zaluzhnyi, the president made his comment, i think zaluzhnyi is a general of the armed forces with a huge crisis experience over these two years, so in any position where he sees himself appropriate, it will be effective and will definitely strengthen it, so it will only be interesting to watch how events will develop, what steps will be taken and so on, well, we. We wont learn much about this, but its as if, well, we understand , this is a machine, that is , Valery Fedorovich zaluzhnyi has a huge experience, both military, administrative, and international, so in this position, i think that it is desirable to expect that england will now overtake both the United States and macron in terms of supplies and aggressiveness his statements about the displacement of troops in ukraine, that is, i think what is useful now, if, if roya appears here. Fedorovychs team put a lot of effort into this, well, lets see, that is, this is defense policy and a lot of its segments, about which our audience does not even imagine what can be done, where and what lines can be used and executed, so, well, i, for example, were happy, except that, it was obvious that odaluzhnyi would not sit idly by, but that he did not ask for some kind of rest there, although he could be there and so on, somewhere there, somehow, to do something more, well, not that. Affairs and still more there as he is drawn into politics and so on, that is, he found an interesting International Segment for himself, which he accepted, and perhaps he himself expressed an offer to occupy, therefore , i only wish that this position would bring at least as much benefit to the forces defense of ukraine. We also hope for this, we will monitor it, and in the end, maybe Valery Zaluzhnyi will have a little more time, for example, to go to some interviews, talk to the media, tell us something about some. Questions to answer for society we think it is it will be useful, because people needed this dialogue with him, there were often some questions and a desire to just hear, so i thought, its simple, mr. Yevhen, react if you think about it, you know, we constantly hear that a lot ukrainian servicemen, including those studying in britain, get new experience, we very often hear about british intelligence, which helps, well, maybe it will help to communicate with general zaluzhny, including in this direction, not only diplomatically, no, including, it is not assumed, well, in essence, this is the diplomacy of war, of course, it is everywhere. It includes, this includes both intelligence and defense issues, even if they are not permanently attached to this position, the diligent will deal with the entire scope of ukraine and british issues interaction and identification of the military support of ukraine, this is clear, it goes without saying, and including combat training, including, i think, combating armaments, including combating some political decisions, including, i think, some in the whole representation interests of ukraine in the diplomatic sphere. Field of the whole European Union, not only england , i mean, and not only, even, i mean, here even england as such, for example, this is aux, yes, there is also australia, new zealand, everything that is included including in the sphere of influence of britain, i think, well, it s simple, well, the issue of war, war diplomacy, International Political influence, that is , everywhere here, i think, Valery Fedorovich will do everything in his power to bring benefit, especially we we understand that many things are ours allies which now er, lets say, determine some deliveries and the weapons we receive, and the nomenclature we receive, and here , the student of his experience will apply himself so that we get exactly what we need in the quantities that we need to either do everything to convey this in the west, that is, here he is a serious figure, if, and we understand that it is not for nothing that he chose england, and for a reason, well, he understands that this is not exactly his topic , it is implied that this is. An army general, he went on a Diplomatic Mission such a mission, well, it is a very serious if International Diplomatic move on the part of ukraine, so i just want the average cog of the army system to simply observe the poditsia and work, i think that the narrowing will bring a lot of benefit. We will continue to talk about our front, about what we have now, what we need to do to bring this war to victory, the way we all want it. Lets start from the article of the wall street journal, we can refer to them, they write about it all over the world. And this is what one of the articles is about those recent materials they wrote that ukraine is gradually preparing for a new stage in the war against russia. Among the main problems currently faced by the Ukrainian Military are insufficiently fortified fortifications and a shortage of personnel due to mobilization problems. Just as they are saying that. In november 2023, ukraine began the construction of these fortifications along the front line, especially near avdiyivka, then president Volodymyr Zelenskyy called to speed up this process, to involve private companies, donors, allocated uah 31 billion for the construction of these structures, but western officials and the Ukrainian Military believe that this company, the campaign did not bring significant results, so they write in the material, we can see what it is. And see, the lack of echelon defense along the line of the front should cause some concern in ukraine, the situation will become quite critical for the ukrainian forces, the newspaper quotes viennese defense analyst franz stefan gadi, who recently visited the frontline areas in the east of donetsk region. Mr. Karas, what should i do . For ukrainians to understand now, what is our need, what is our. Involvement, what should it look like, what should we do . Ukrainians must support the armed forces. I know, its boring , i hope, by the way, on the air of this video it will be possible to display a Collection Bank for the 14th regiment, because if you speak for us, yes, then here is our third battalion, the 14th regiment of nakhtigal, it has recently been purely by force fpv pilots, sitting very close to the enemy, the distance is literally, well, about two kilometers, they repelled two enemy attacks. Armored vehicles and this helped the ukrainian paratroopers, our second battalion also works a lot, and people could see some videos in the news, i dont even guess that these are our cossacks, uh, well, what about the first battalion, it has a specific job, so we have a lot of debt now because the war has not stopped and no matter how people are not tired, and we have to win, we have to provide our units, so that they work, technology, so i ask you to invest in us, huh. Love us while we live, and then not there will be no more living occupants here, we are trying, i will be grateful if you include our collection jar. With regard to the western press , to be honest, i dont know how the audience and dear ukrainians, i, the wall street journal, the washington post, i dont know, the new yorker, the times, something there, limond, oh, yes, their comments, they investigated our defense line there, they found out there, they took a comment that we dont have enough people there, if you want to be informed about our war, dear western journalists there, and here they are, there they give some instructions, there are verdicts , so mobilize, here you will know how many promilitary Defense Forces are not segmented in a normal way, what is already fighting here, well , you cannot say a citizen of one country of the European Union, nor can you say there are more than 100 small countries of the European Union fighting here 100 people, resigned to join their armies, went here to fight, died, were wounded, why are so many people from south America Fighting here, or are there so many people from Different Countries fighting here, but they are digging everything, well, you mobilize already then, sign the contract already, yes already participation will be defense, so what i see in the western press is a lot of comments in. Oh my god, oh my god, we will not fight with putin, there is a comment from the president , we will not fight with putin, we cannot fight with russia , we can never fight from russia, mentor them, they are just bears , well, lets put it this way, they just run their foreheads with their sock, they say there we will reach paris, we will be in riga, we will bomb there, we will reach berlin, they just spat on, laughed at, and they cried, oh, we will not fight with nato cannot fight with nato, thats why im being honest. I dont know about you, dear ones, but the entire western press now makes me gag, what they dug there, dug up, the line of defense, what do they know about it, they took a few tired officers, soldiers, what do they know in general, if they sold information to intelligence, that is how they do intelligence here, then they have questions for the sbu, what are they doing here, what are they gathering here, what do they know about the defense line, where were they, they saw the entire line, what are they with her saw what we penetrated, we know that and already our heads flew, and how much more, but when the western press gives general. Comments about the general situation, without being an official, do not penetrate the line of defense, because if they penetrated, the question to counterintelligence, its like that , they pull a lot of examination couches on themselves, because i know, well, about the defense line, i know a lot of tricks, because we buy logs, logs now, they sell them to us at three oclock, we make dugouts now, here are our direct fighters, here is the second the battalion, the first company, the first group, we ourselves buy a log, for a second, if im not mistaken, there i dont remember how much there is, theres a thousand hryvnias, theres a hell of a lot. Yes, we make dugouts , yes, we dont, well, at the same time, our guys dont stop shouting, oh, there are no dugouts anywhere, we know that we have a problem there on our line, but in other places, i know, it is being dug in, built, how much in general, whether we have a traitor or a loser, this can only be known by an inspection, or they can know if the deputies from the inspection check, or now i am there i contacted the military who is dealing with this, i will check this, the western press does not know anything about this, or if they do know everything, then it is very strange that these people are so much informed, but not informed about it. How many shells do we lack or what equipment is the west giving us . Look, wow , they gave us an armored personnel carrier that was decommissioned 150 years ago. They gave us an armored personnel carrier from stalins time. They gave us a salushka that has already become grass. Here, the western press does not ask its politicians the question, but what . You in ukraine will not send bradley new ones bye korean bye, you bought new korean guns for europe , yes, please send them to ukraine, why dont you ask this question to your politicians, they understand our line of defense, thats why the western press is honest with me. Is he kidding, in my opinion, they are a bit too busy with that, let them deal with the polish farmers, the houthis have already declared a second front for europe here, they are blocking us at the border, we tolerate it, because poland is our friend, what is the western press, why these are all limonts, why are they all nyuk times, why dont they go dig about these farmers, where are they given to them russian dragons, they really understand our lines of defense, if the western press, to be honest, i perceive them very ironically now, this is an important position, thank you for expressing yourself. Why do i say that we push back from this, because, well, we understand that there are certain things that even when we invite military studios, we cannot discuss at all, because this is a live broadcast, we do not want our enemy to knew what we were doing, but we can react to what they write, what they serve, what may Pay Attention to ukrainians who read and see this, not only in our media, but also in other media, ivan buryak, you are welcome to share your opinion. React to what karas said , and in general, well, what is happening at the front right now, who do you need, you are looking for fighters for your brigade, talk to ukraine live, uh, well, i support karas in relation to the western press , because i completely agree with him on this issue, what ukraine needs, ukraine needs to realize again and again that if we all do not take lets. Rally together, unite, then no line of defense, no concrete barriers will save us, because in my opinion and my conviction, everything depends. From our desire, from the desire and vision of society, so that society realizes that we must and must go to the end, and we do not have the right to stop, we do not have the right to even think and think about what well, everyone likes to say that if there was no war, we dont even have to think about it, we dont even have to think about it, so. We we hope, we believe that, after all, such a person is now so asleep, i would say, a large part of society, that it will surely wake up, realize, remember the first days of the war, remember the first scare, fright, remember those long queues, remember those trips, let someone remember how he had a good time there in poland or abroad, let someone remember how they stood in lines, let someone remember. How they could never even realize it, but the russians came to their home , so you definitely need to wake up, remember once again, to realize that we are ahead and to mobilize as much as possible, gather, rally, take all our strength and power into a fist and go forward to victory. Mr. Andrekiv, the next question for you, there were and still are very anxious feelings after the russians first destroyed and then occupied the ruins of avdiyivka, but this is a defensive line that has been held since the 14th year, and now the situation is generally operational. In your opinion, was it possible to stabilize and again with regard to these fortifications, i understand that and i agree with the handsome, he says that indeed the western press, well, how can it know, but nevertheless, it is obvious that they are needed and do we have time with everything . Look, weve spent the last year and a half actually in very close communication with a huge number of Foreign Military experts who have dedicated their time, knowledge, experience to imparting some of their skills and what s happening now to my opinion, shows that philosophical worldview. With all these narratives, we are thrown into the past, we are not shown the future, because what are we . We dig trenches, or we dont dig trenches, or we build some line of conditional general there directly, it doesnt matter at all, in modern wars, with modern technologies, if you destroy the enemys communication, logistics, supply system. You see, if you have access to these technologies, the classic model of defense structures, defense lines, they dont mean anything, so when we re talking about 500,000 people or 300,00 or 100,00 that need to be taken into the army, i would say that we have to 500,000 new ground and air drones, we need 300,00 new robotic air Defense Systems , we need new pro. Software complexes, and what is really strange, what both surprises and pisses me off, when everyone talks about some kind of foreign aid, looks at america or europe, counts their opinion, we will forget , we forget the most important thing, that the power is actually in us, we defended kyiv when everyone doubted, i recently listened to ukrainian volunteers several times. Who communicated, and it was mainly women who communicated with blinkin in rzeszow in march 22, and no one believed in the fact that we can do something at all, people were openly told that you can prepare for only one thing, for a guerrilla war, ugh, and what people did by vertical selforganization, great courage, it is our greatest asset. Not Even International aid, the power is exclusively within us. Now the war enters a new and a new phase each time. When we used to use there, run, hit and run methods, when we hit the zanlavs, hit with javelin, and then cover the artillery, then the russians turned on the fire shaft system, then with small by mobile groups through cqb, capture of small areas in cities and villages, that is, war is a constant battle. And when you and i discuss something about the tactical, operational situation, we are actually discussing the past, and in my opinion, professional, military personnel should comment on such things. Press service of the general staff of a separate military unit, in the format they consider possible. And this huge number of comments by foreign journalists, in foreign publications, personally causes me great concern, because when the wall street journal publishes a map of the working class and shows the name of the units and gives almost the last name, the patronymic of our servicemen, then such friends. Sorry, we hardly need journalists, because they show, first of all, these are journalists of a very high quality, a very good level of training, and their financial, analytical capabilities, they greatly exceed you in this modest studio, and it turns out that foreign journalists who come unhindered to the contact line have greater access to information, and then show the western world what we are, therefore, in addition to approaches. Worldview, philosophical, proof of war of a completely different level, we must first review the information policy, evaluate foreign sources that inform us about what we have is happening, this is actually a laughing stock from ourselves, from our access as citizens to information about what is happening in ukraine, another question is whether we need it, i have another short comment, if everyone tells us that it is so bad that we they didnt dig trenches, which. Is bad for us mobilization and open the data for the last four days 300 units of equipment, armored personnel carriers, artillery systems, bmps, tanks were destroyed, imagine a convoy of 300 units of equipment, 15 planes were laid for 5025 Million Dollars each, if everything in ukraine is so bad, then what resource we are fighting, why does no one popularize this in the western world, in europe, they only talk about those problems. Which we face without recommending and without actually providing any tool solutions, but showing us again in the negative, thank you and you know right away we will move on to mr. Ryzhenko, again the same in the context of what the western media say, everything is bad there, well, not everything is bad, but not very good, but we, like the russians , were teased somewhere at the beginning of the war that we are a country without. A navy, but now its out there at sea that were giving them such a very serious screwup, your topic, and thats one of the important aspects of what s going on right now, and every week, every month , were getting new, successful operations, our drones are developing, whats the perspective, why, well by which we achieved this result at sea, although there we were told that we it was as if we would catch. For nothing they said so, well, look, the fact that we did not have a fleet at the beginning of the war is very bad, in fact, and it arose from the fact that we had normal plans in the 18th year , the 2035 strategy was worked out in the command of the navy of ukraine, and in principle there was an option, like , well, well, lets say, until the early 20s as part of the fleet. Have about 2025 small boats that could operate in the near sea zone and could perform such classic functions as control and denial, se control is the control of the sea area in order to ensure the freedom of navigation, it is very important, because 90 of the cargo that goes from ukraine, they go by sea, and sydynile is not allowing the enemys aggression from the sea. So that they simply did not fire on us , when the war started, the black sea was actually blocked for us, and the russians, in fact , you could observe them in odessa, and they were shelling odessa, then thanks to various, lets say, manipulations, including in we received a lot of help from our partners missile systems, we pushed them, at least 200 km, we remember the cruiser moscow, we remember from. The black sea. The next stage was the appearance of kamikaze naval drones. I cant say that this is a very new topic. They have been around for at least a quarter of a century. Well, lets say, in the market. They were developed in our country before the war, but no one looked at them. And when we offered them, we were told a little. The rest, well, thank god that in principle the situation has developed in such a way that the issue has become relevant, and indeed, due to new approaches in the plan. Innovation, the use of weapons, a combination of sea, air, and Cruise Missile drones, we actually managed to catch the large columbines of the russian fleet, which were built for the war, for the naval battles of the cold war, and simply destroy them, because they were not ready for this, and in in principle , now it turns out that there really is no. Well , lets say, a surface fleet, we closed the black sea fleet at the base points. At the beginning of the war, the russians had from 10 to 40 warships, boats and ships at sea every day, now sometimes they have not a single ship have in the sea, and when they appear, we strike, but in general, there is something to think about further, because. In order to completely open the northwestern part of the black sea to us, to restore shipping, such ports like mykolaiv, ochakiv, lets think further right after the commercial, a short commercial for espresso, after that well come back, but in youtube we work without it, and what do you think about lakalut fix, it fixes reliably, my dentist advised me, even particles of food do not get under prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for me pensions lacal fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums, so your choice is lacalut fix, meet the new product, a profitable package of 70 g. There are 15 discounts on anticatarrhal in pharmacies psarynyk vam and shchadnyk. There are discounts on kombigrib hotsip, 20 in plantain pharmacies, you will save money. Damn, stairs, my legs cant walk anymore, wait for me. That there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital. 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There are 20 discounts on pulmo priz in podorozhny bam and oskad pharmacies. The premium sponsor of the National Team represents. United by football, stronger together the conversation was interesting, so far it is not there, you will follow the announcements, we will return, we will return to the espresso broadcast. We are right, mr. Andriy, you are important mr. Andriy ryzhenko talked about things before the end of the advertisement about the prospects of what can be done. In order to effectively destroy our enemy on the water and in the black sea, here you know, i would like to hear from you about the most thorough analysis and forecasting, but, for sure, not everything can be said live on the air, but it will still complete its work, well they still have a lot of those ships there, we already look, now 30 of the russian combat fleet has been destroyed, i think that it is optimal to use the same tactics as now, then. We still expect f16 and they they can also do a lot at sea, but we need to develop a surface fleet, now its really Great Britain again, it started this maritime initiative, and now we are expecting just small boats that will come to ukraine, they can be delivered by air. By rail transport

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