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Resulted in the trump file. The now infamous dossier contained false allegations that russian government collected compromising information about mr. Trump. And that the kremlin was engaged in an active effort to assist his campaign for president. If the Washington Post reporting is fully ground, it was paid for by clinton and the dnc. The shocking new Development Comes as three House Republican committees are finally moving forward with investigations into the clinton web of corruption probing deeper into the money machine that was the clinton foundation, the clintons collusion with russia and hillarys ever expanding email scandal. The House Intelligence Committee announcing its joining the Oversight Committee investigating why the Obama Administration approved the sale of uranium one to russia, giving moscow control of 20 of americas uranium supply without a whisper of opposition from the president of the United States. Chairman devin nunes telling reporters he wants to know whether the Obama Justice department was investigating russian bribery and corruption before putting the uranium assets in the hands of the russians. Wear here to announce an inquiry into russias involvement in the uranium deal that was done several years ago. This is just the beginning of this probe. We are we are not going to jump to any conclusion at this time. But one of the things as you know that we are concerned about is whether there was fbi investigation. Was there a doj investigation . And if so, why was congress not informed of this matter. So that would be the start of the probe. Lou an Oversight Committee member congressman ron desantis called on the Justice Department to immediately lift the gag order on the fbi informant who helped uncover the bribery scheme by russian officials. We do have a witness who was a confidential informant who wants to talk about his role in this, and we are in contact with the Justice Department to release him from a nondisclosure agreement. If that doesnt work out we would be able to subpoena him. On the overnight committee they will be focusing on how the Agency Process worked. We dont think it worked out very well. So we have jurisdiction over the National Security agencies and we want to get as much information as we can so we can see what happened. Lou victoria tun sin tunsing oe broadcast last night says they are waiting foreign for an appeal to the attorney general for the immediate lifting of that order. Hillary clinton responded to the increased scrutiny and renewed concern about that scandal. She dismissed it as she does sometimes as simply a partisan attack. Its the same baloney they have been peddling for years, and there has been no credible evidence by anyone. It has den debunked repeatedly. President obama, we are the ones they like to put into the crosshairs. Lou but its not just clinton collusion being investigated. The oversight and Judiciary Committees are investigating how the Justice Department handled the issue of clintons private server when she was secretary of state. The chief strategist for the make America Great again coalition, dr. Sebastian gorka. This is stunning news. Its what many of us suspected. But its broad, and it is a powerful statement on the level of corruption in the d. C. Swamp. Werent we just complains last time we spoke about the news cycle is too much news out there . But this reminiscent of my favorite movie, the hunt for red october. In the end of the evil soviet submarine commander launches a torpedo to strike down sean conrys submarine and it circles back and kills him. This was fabricated by the left to explain the disaster that was hillarys campaign, and it has come back to blast a hole through the heart of the dnc. Lou its taken an extraordinary order of magnitude leap. With three committees now, beginning their investigations, as we have talked about from the very incipient point of this, the dnc is at the center of so much. We knew of it to be hack bid russians, we knew that the dnc had sufficient power to telled the fbi to go away, you are not going to investigate that hacking or the presence of the Russian Hackers within the dnc processes. This is an amazing story already and we dont ebb have the details. It goes on and on, whether its Debbie Wassermanschultz telling the police they are not allowed to look at her computers. Or the way the fbi allows one of the suspects in clintons server scandal to serve as her counsel. All the blackberries and laptops destroyed by federal order. Our the then attorney general meeting with the suspects, the person that investigated Hillary Clinton meeting with her husband on a tarmac private meeting. If you read this in a fictional tom clancy book, you would say clancy pushed the envelope, this is unbelievable. This is the dnc today. This is the level of corruption that we have to deal with in which the president has to cope. Lou this is tom clancy night for you with red october. But its all true. Lou we are watching the politics of this. Well have much, much more on the revelations about the dnc, the Hillary Clinton campaign. The Infamous Trump dossier. And the role that senator mccain, senator john mccain played in turning it over to the fbi when we do not know conclusively whether or not the fbi had a role in the creation of that dossier. Well obviously try to move towards the answers to that. But no doubt there is a primary role for james comey, the primary director of the fbi. I want to turn to two developments. Senator corker reigniting a contest of twitter ferocity. And also, senator jeff flake who they say he cant stand being in the arena anymore. Knows his fate is assures, and 25 points down in the polls decided he wont run for reelection. Your thoughts . Its a great day for the make America Great again agenda that propelled the range outside of donald trump to the most of powerful position in the world its disgraceful, these people who are political cowards, that they wont be resnrectd their own constituencies. What have they done . They attacked the president. I dont think i can recall in modern history a sitting president being attacked so vociferously by a member of his own party. Questioning his mental capacity. Senator corker didnt do any of this when there was a democrat from the white house. He facilitated the iran deal. With the corker amendment he eviscerated the treaty requirements of the u. S. Constitution. Who is this man batting for, whose side is he on . When he runs to cnn first, that tells you everything you need to know. Lou when gutless wonders blame the president for what is their own doomed fate, they blame the president rather than the voters. They fear even in deciding not to run, they fear insulting their true views. Sebastian gorka, always glad to have you here. The tide seems to be turning. There is a change in the wind. Let us say its a satisfying Inflection Point in american president ial history. The winds of change, lou, the winds of change. Lou much more on our breaking news that Hillary Clinton and the dnc were the ones paying for the dossier, and the special counsel who now has far less to do, it would seem. We are coming back with much much more. We have some new targets for the special counsel, if he would like to enter taken a few suggestions, well have them. Stay with us. We are coming right back. President trump promises his historic tax reform will benefit the hardworking men and women of america. If we get this passed which i believe well, it will bring back 4 trillion. Lou we take up the president s battle to pass his America First agenda with ed rollins. Another one bites the dust and there are a lot of dry eyes in the senate. Antitrumper, jeff flake, not running for reelection. The lesson . Take on trump, you may lose your job and likely lose all job and likely lose all perspective o o o o o can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone the u. S. Needs to develop more renewable and Clean Energy Resources because there are limits to the amount of fossil fuels that we can burn. Since 1925, we have depended on diesel generators, burning approximately a million gallons of diesel fuel a year. Our mission is to make offshore wind one of the principle new sources of energy. Not every bank is willing to get involved in a first of its kind project. Citi saw the promise of clean energy and they worked really closely with us, the wind farm will lower power prices. Were polluting the air less. 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Lou President Trump taking on obstructionist senator bob corker who also decided he will leave at 1w5u67leave the swamp t sat bob corker will now fight tax cuts plus. Sarah huckabeesanders addressed the war of words in the white house briefing. You have got an individual in the president webs a fighter. The people of this country didnt elect somebody to be weak. They elected somebody to be strong. And when he gets hit, hes going to hit back. I think senator corker knows that. He will be trying to get a headline or two on his way out the door. Lou joining us, fox news political analyst, Great American head, ed rollins. Lets start with to me that seems like some of the sorriest language i have heard from two senators who are obviously running from a defeat they would experience at the polls in their home states attacking the president of the United States. Ed the president just didnt get this hands to him. He beat most of significant field i have seen in long time and went on to beat a candidate people didnt think was beatable, an beat her effectively. The agenda he ran on is the agenda these republicans ran on. To stand up and attack him is the unique pettiness of sometimes the house. Lou these are not what you would call big men. They are small and petty. They have been beaten by this president , and they are being rolled up and sent out of town. Ed in a short period of time they will be totally irrelevant. I hope they do the right thing and move with the president s programs. Lou they seem to be in bad places distant from doing the right thing. They are not showering glory upon themselves. Ed it comes down to the pressure their fellow republicans need to put on them. Lou you may say its not trumps agenda, i will say its his agenda. Because you know why . There is no five people or 10 people in the city of washington, d. C. Work as hard as this president. Ed he advocated his policies and he pushed the policies and hes make it happen. At the end of the day they should be comfortable voting for him. Lou lets turn to this latest news break from the Washington Post. The dnc and the Hillary Campaign paid for that smear job, the dossier, the trump dossier they con koctd, which is concocted. That dossier utterly discredited was the basis for fisa warrants being down. The basis of the special counsel. This changes everything in the mathematics, the algorithm and calculus of the special counsel and these investigation. I think because of the circumstances of this and the facts it did trigger all of this stuff. Opposition research is always part of the campaign. Ing this was secur this was s stuff. Lou the dnc is paying for the doesier. The prima facie evidence of collusion resting with the democrats. Ed there is a whole bunch of people of in the Justice Department who should have known. And if they didnt know, they should have been thrown out of the agency. This is the ultimate coverup. Maybe its time to call a halt to the Mueller Report or shift the attention back to the Clinton Campaign. Lou mueller seems to be part of the issue of. Comey, the fired fbi director seems to be part of the issue. Rod rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general seems to be parts of whats going on here. There is a nexus at which all of these folks meet and that happens to be at the fbi and the Justice Department and their rolls in the current probe and special counsel of russian collusion with the trump campaign. This turns that all on its head. Ed it has been a terrible distraction to this president who is trying to move an agenda forward. At the beginning of the clintons presidency she went on tv and lied about jennifer flowers. In my sense there were a lot of people who got fooled by her for many years. But now they are trying to say we didnt know this stuff was going on, and i say to that, thats a bunch of b. S. Lou hopefully the attorney general right this moment is lifting that gag order on the fbi informant who can bring us up to date on the bribery conclusion between the clintons and russia. Ed rollins, good to see you. Be sure to vote in our poll. The question is, are you encouraged that congress is finally beginning to investigate clinton and obama corruption . Cast your vote on twitter loudobbs. Follow me on instagram loudobbstonight. The dow up 168 points. The s p gained 4. The nasdaq up 12. Record highs. Caterpillar shares leaving the dow higher. Boosting its outlook following the earnings beat. Sears announcing it will no longer sell whirlpool products after a surprising dispute. A reminder to listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem radio network. President trump wants historic tax cuts to help working men and women and our middle class. 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He kept spelling my name with an i but its bryan with a y. yeah, since birth. That drives me crazy. Yes. Its on all your email. Yes. They should know this . Yeah. The guy was my brotherinlaw. Thats ridiculous. Well, i happen to know some people. Do they listen . What . Theyre amazing listeners. Nice. Guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you. Ca yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone can i kick it . To all the people who can quest like a tribe does. Lou republicans in the house are preparing to roll out their tax reform bill. Mike emanuel brings us up to date. After the Senate Republican luncheon Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said the gop tax plan could bring them all together. If there is anything that unifies republicans, its tax reform. We have a president who will seen it, who believe in what we are trying to do. We are going to concentrate on what our agenda is and not these distractions you may all be interested in. Money that wants to come back into the United States cannot come back. But under our plan that money will flow back in. It will be very quick and very easy, and its a lot of money. Reporter senator Chuck Schumer is attack can the tax proposal before its released saying the math doesnt work. This plan is a disaster for america. Its not surprising our republican colleagues wants to rush it through in the dark of night. The moistures exposed to sunlight the more it smells. Reporter Speaker Paul Ryan says a critical first step comes thursday with a budget vote. Thats one big step closer towards historic tax reform. We are one big step closer towards a pay raise for middle income families. Reporter top house leaders are focusing on the next fight. This is about a tax cut. Reporter some conservatives are grumbling about the leaders not releasing the details of the tax plan yet. Some of the secrecy is due to concerns lobbyists and special interests will start attacking the plan. We should get a better sense of in once the house approvals the budget later this week. Lou mike emanuel from capitol hill. Stay with us. Crooked Hillary Clinton shroud in scandal. Her strategy the same as its always been. Deny, deny, deny. Its been debungd repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. We take up clinton corruption and real investigation of that corruption and the coverup with sarah carter. Well be back with her. More news. Nothing want to miss. Believe me. Well be right back. These adrenaline junkies challenging themselves to build one of the longest ever rope swings. You dont want to miss the amazing video. Stay with us. Can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone can i kick it . To all the people who can quest like a tribe does. Yes or no . Gin. 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He did have a role in part of that case, but apparently was not in a position to know all about it nor about the gag order that had been put into effect against the informant. Joining us tonight. Circa news Investigative Reporter sarah carter who has been reporting on this case and broader corruption in the swamp for some time now. Sarah, good to have you with us. Congratulations on yourr your terrific reporting. John roberts saying the gag order as the informants attorney said last night, all she wanted was for that gag order to be lifted. The informant ready to Tell Congress and anyone who will listen on what is five years of corruption in which the clintons are implicated allegedly. I have had the opportunity to meet through his attorney the informant myself. He is hes bound by a nondisclosure agreement which he desperately wants lifted so he can talk about his time as he spent as a confidential informant for the fbi for four years during which time the fbi was investigating both the Russian Nuclear arm and People Associated with it that were committing bribery and kickbacks. Money laundering. International Money Laundering and affecting businesses in the u. S. As well as their attempt by Vladimir Putin to expand his uranium global reach. So this is huge news, lou, this is incredible news. So at this point in time there has never been an actual eyewitness into the uranium one deal. Also developing was the announcement made by the House Intelligence Committee and Oversight Committee that is right behind senator grassley and the Judiciary Committee are now conduct their own investigation into this. Credit to congressman ron desantis and congressman jim jordan as well. But at the same time, its not movement on the part of the Justice Department led by attorney general Jeff Sessions. Without the grand juries and Justice Department engagement we may learn far more and i expect well. But we cant bring to justice the russians, the conspirators in this country and the dirty cops and dirty politicians, all of whom were engaged in conspiring against the u. S. National interests. According to sources i have spoken with. Attorney general Jeff Sessions is have much involved in this right now. I dont want to make any assumptions he wont follow through. I want to sit back and wait, see what develops tomorrow as far as lifting that nondisclosure agreement. The Justice Department also has to work with the fbi. This criminal case we exposed started out as a Counter Intelligence operation. Thats considered highly classified. Lou no longer do i believe that many of the people in washington who represent us, that is congress and the senate are buying the bull that its a Counter Intelligence operation on the part of an also Law Enforcement agency, namely the fbi within the Justice Department in which the usual result is just to shroud the truth and shroud those who are guilty whether its benghazi or fast and furious, the irs case. Whatever it may be. The fbi ends up being a cloak rather than a ray of sunshine and bright light on corruption. You know, i couldnt agree with you more on a lot of the points you just made. But i can tell you this, the informants attorney is insisting that the full nda be lifted. Lou i understand. I think this will be a push, a complete lift so he can tell everyone his story, and particularly lawmakers who are asking these questions and who are now conducting the first Major Investigation into uranium one. Lou i just want the Justice Department to change what has been their culture for so long, which is to get out of the shroud business and get into the search light business, if you will. Its time this is the United States of america, folks. This is not the soviet union, and we are being treated by this government over the past particularly 8 years, being treated as if it were a soviet government rather than an american one. We have got to change this, including the jfk files that come up on the 26th. The president announcing he will open those up. Think about this. 54 years later. Its incredible. There are so many reporters and so Many Americans and people all over the world that are finally going to get a chance to see what happened with john f. Kennedy. This is an incredible time its one step at a time. One layer of onion, one peel back. Lou i say rip it to pieces. Im so sick of this crap, i cant stand it. Its just time to quit treating us like mushrooms. Sarah, thanks so much. Sarah carter. Keep up the great work. Sarah carter. Circa news. Watch as these day devils as these daredevils fly 100 feet above lake tahoe. They built a rope swing to go airborne. That looks like so much fun. Except im afraid that landing would not suit me. Plunging into the water from such heights. Look at that. Thats terrific. Im just trying to calculate the odds of me landing feet first rather than belly first. Not good. Up next. Revelations that the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National committee paid for the dossier that was the basis of the fisa warrant. Well take you have the latest developments on fusion gps. Gregg jarrett joins us next. Stay with us. Today, were out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. 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Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. There. I can also help with this. Does your bed do that . Oh. I dont actually talk. Though im smart enough to. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Lets meet at a sleep number store. Lou joining we fox news legal analyst, gregg jarrett. Washington post reporting we understand who was behind the fusion gps discredited dossier. It was the Hillary Clinton campaign and the dnc. You know when i knew they were in trouble when hillary said its debungd, its over. She had to make a special point, and its only now beginning. Gregg its a vast rightwing conspiracy, right . Republicans forced bill clinton to have sex with a white house intern. Christopher steel, the british spy who composed the dossier got a lot of his information from the kremlin. Lou you mean made up a lot of the information. Gregg to borrow hillarys word, its been debunked. Hillary and the dnc are paying for a dossier composed principally by the russians. That strikes me as hillaryrussian collusion. And the victim of course is donald trump. Lou the victim is donald trump, and he said so from the outset. Still one of the most of infuriating moments in all of this. But to hear senator richard burr of the Senate Intelligence committee, the chair, say he would like to tell the assembled reporters a couple weeks ago, here are our preliminary findings on collusion. The problem is we dont have any findings. But we are going to wink, nod, expand the investigation. This is stupidity and the corruption ignorance and incompetence aflame in the swamp gregg did it strike you that burr is just a tool . Lou it struck me. Gregg what else bothers me about this is there are four individuals who appear to have covered under the uranium one collusion, ron rod reasons stein, Andrew Wiseman and james comey. These are the guys involved in the strum russian collusion. Its no coincidence. I dont believe in coincidences, especially when it comes to crimes and political corruption. We are supposed to believe it was just a counderstand jones 150 million float to Hillary Clintons foundation and half a million to bill clinton . Howe. Lou how is it on its face that United States government under president obama could rationalize in any way selling to russia of all nations, 20 of american uranium . It is a strategic ferrell, and its insane. No matter the price, no matter what. Why would any president do it . Gregg there are two things you dont give to your enemy. You thats our rainup and plutonium because it thats our rainuthatsuranium and plut. Lou very quickly as we wrap up. Your sense of how large the Development Finding out that fusion gps was paid by Hillary Clintons campaign and the dnc. Gregg i was tblaitd came from t came from the liberal media Washington Post. Not you liberal media can no longer ignore this like they have been. Lou we finally got where we bloongd year ago. A big win for the publics right to know. The final set of documents on the kennedy assassination to be released this week. President ial historian doug wead joins us after the break to talk about the president s decision. Six in the morning. She thought it was a fire. It was worse. A sinkhole opened up under our museum. Eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. Chubb was there within hours. They helped make sure it was safe. We had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. Can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone yes or no . Gin. Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Lou in our online poll we asked do you believe the our rainup one fbi informant should be able toll Tell Congress and the American People all he knows about the clintonobama collusion . 99 say absolutely yes. Joining us, author and doug wead, former president ial assistant to president george w. Bush. The president deciding to let these documents that have been seated for 54 years, released them to the decision. A great decision . Let the sunshine in. People are so sick and tired of coverups, the benghazi and coverup for the clinton scandals and coverups for the elitist insiders. Its like they are prinss and lords. How dare the people vote for somebody they havent approved. George w. Bush when he was elected president. One of his First Executive orders was to extend the amount of time president ial papers could be withheld from the public. Donald trumps First Executive orders were about jobs. Its about time to show some renext for the people of and not show some respect for the people and not treat them like children. Lou the question now becomes for all the conspiracy theorists, what will the cia and the fbi do . What will the deep state do with this information and the first question is, was there one assassin or more, doug . I try to hang on to the one. The Warren Commission said the one. But the Senate Select committee on assassination who had access to some of the ci starks information well see thursday said there were two. Thats the government. So the Warren Commission was overruled by the senate years later. Lou the president who put together the Warren Commission, Lyndon Johnson sold Walter Cronkite in an interview at the ranch that was held back for years from the public, that he wasnt entirely sure there werent others involved as he put it. Gerald ford who served on that commission, he had a similar feeling and admitted to me that much pulling their punches on the washen commission had to do with treating the Kennedy Family with deference. There was great concern all these secrets would come spilling out. Lou 54 years of deference is a lot of deference. Even populists get i am patient after a quarter century. History is that version Events People have decided to agree on. History isnt the truth its a version of Events People decided to agree on. Usually its the aleastists that make that decision. I dont expect it to immediately and the question. I dont think that will be answer merchandise my lifetime of who did it. Lou well have to finds out because its coming up quick. Good night from new york. Kennedy tonight, Hillary Clinton has the iranian problem on her hands. Its starting to get radioactive. Why is she calling it baloney. President trump heads to the hill toll push his tax reform plan. John mccain calling for a review of the war authorization act of 2001. Will we finally stop sending our troops to so many shell holes . Fill your canteen. Its time to march. How did russia get its hands on 20 of the u. S. Uranium supply. Through bribes and the children tons. If thats not collusion, i dont think anything meets the definition

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