Transcripts For FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast 20171031 : vimarsa

FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast October 31, 2017

President made a couple of headlines. Stuart went through them. The tax bill from the house by thanksgiving. Wants a signing ceremony here at white house by christmas. When he was asked whether or not the corporate rate phased in, he said hopefully not. Well see the video here from the president. Deeper comments coming in upcoming minutes. Here is what i tell you about this meeting this is trade association types, for example. National soar of manufacturers, u. S. Chamber of commerce. Business roundtable. The way one source described this meeting was this the white house is trying to get the Business Community tied in together. Depending what association you might be in, you might have a different interest here while your colleague might have a different interest there. They try to unveil this republican tax bill tomorrow. At least the white house is trying to get all the different groups together, hey, lets set aside divides. Come with this, at this with a unified front. That message right now is being delivered by the president himself. Paul ryan will be headed here to the white house later this afternoon to meet with the president. The Vice President mike pence headed to capitol hill. He is there now. He will be there on the hill for hours trying to sway some republicans who might have some reservations on this. Bottom line the fullcourt press continues. We expect to hear from President Trump momentarily. Neil congratulations getting the only tax question asked at the briefing. You carried the nerd flag. Go thank you very much, my friend. I want to bring in Charlie Gasparino here. Were waiting two minute warning president addressing some of these business groups. What is your gut telling how it is going, where it will end up . Last night there was meeting where my producer Brian Schwartz first reported on your show. Neil very good. He beats fox news on the major stories. About the state and local Tax Deduction where people like peter king, new york state, new york republican from long island. Worried about ending the discuss. Where do we stand. He asked Steve Mnuchin, the treasury secretary and gary cohn, head of Economic Council and people leading the efforts, we dont know. The meeting ended after 30 minutes, where a bunch republican congressman said their concern, they listened and have no idea. I have no idea what is coming out tomorrow. When the president said i hope there is no phasein of the cut of Corporate Tax rate, that is not a very good sign and heres my problem. Neil why is it not a good sign . Because it means he doesnt know where he should come out on this you would think by now a day before after all this, you either believe neil telegraph this is in it or not in it. Why would he say i hope . Neil that is weird. Im worried that the president and republicans are stretching so much for a win that they will do anything. Neil we shall see. The president might telegraph some of that. This is from moments ago at the white house. Thank you very much for being here. With the incredible work youre doing to help us passed really historic tax cuts. There has never been anything like this in the history of our country. It is cuts and it is relief and it is also reform. And frankly it is also simplification. So were covering everything. There has never been anything like it and it is so important. The economy is having very well but it could do much better. A lot of jobs will come from this and a lot of companies will start pouring back into the United States. Well announce one big one sometime very shortly, a very big one coming back into the United States. All of you have done a tremendous job mobilizing your members, talking to the members of congress which is very important and making a strong case for tax reform in the meeting. The media is not all fake. So therefore we can get a fair shake. Now is the time to redouble our efforts. Your country needs you now more than ever before. You are leaders of this country and certainly leaders on this subject and you know more about it than anybody. We need you to be united, committed and proactive in order to overcome the forces fighting and there are forces fighting out there, that very much benefit by the way it is now, but that is bad for the country. They know that. But theyre fighting for themselves. Not fighting for the country n a few days i will travel to asia to advance americas economic and National Security priorities. Im counting on all of you to be back here, working to maintain our momentum on tax reform and tax cuts, and that will be a short period of time. I will be away for 10 1 2 days. And well get back very quickly. Were meeting in china, in south korea, in japan. Were going to vietnam. Were going to the philippines, which is a strategically important location where the Previous Administration was not exactly welcome as you probably remember. The democrats will say our tax bill is for the rich but they know its not and what they will do, they dont even know the tax bill. The tax bill hasnt even been really put out yet. It will be over the next short period of time. But they immediately say oh, it is for the rich, because that is the right thing to say for them but it doesnt work. They know that. In fact i think well have some democrats joining us and voting for us for reduced taxes because its a tax bill for middle class. Its a tax bill for jobs. It will bring a lot of companies in, and its a tax bill for business which will create the jobs. Were bringing it down from 35 down to 20. While im in asia, members of my cabinet will travel around the country talking directly to taxpayers and focusing on the regional media, which we find to be a much more Credible Media to be honest with you. I found it to be incredible how good they are. Secretary mnuchin, gary cohn and my entire Economic Team will be focused on tax reform. They will stay here and continue to work closely with all of you. They have a great relationship with most of the people in the room. We need your continued input to make sure the final bill gets all of the details right and we get that approval. I want the house to pass a bill by thanksgiving. I want all of the people standing by my side when we get ready to sign by christmas, hopefully before christmas, you will all be in the room standing front row center. I think well find a place where you all can stand front row center. It will be a big event. It will be the biggest tax event in history of our country. Thank you all for being here today. We have a couple of folks say a couple words while we leave the media. Tom donahue, member and president of the chamber of commerce for a long time. Tom, do you have anything to say. Thank you, mr. President. The Business Community has been waiting for a a long time for an administration and a president and a willing congress to do what we havent done for many decade and, we think we were lucky to arrange a budget so well have a better opportunity in the senate. I think youre right, there are some members of the Democratic Legislature that will come around on some of this, particularly if the numbers are as promised, and you hit it right on the head. We got to work on it. Were going to have some differences amongst the Business Community on what should be the takeaways and the adds but we just have to work on that. I think youre, i think youre plan something really quite good. Off to asia. Everybody else get it worked out. Come back and see what we have. Thank you very much. I appreciate you very much. What you said is important. We did get the budget passed. That is a big event that doesnt happen very often. It fairly easily passed and we have more than a couple votes if we needed them. And there is a great spirit of this. Well have no democrat support. We may have on the tax cuts because i think it will be very hard for five or six of them run success fully saying they want to raise taxes. The democrats want to raise taxes and really create obstruction and the republicans want to lower taxes. We want to get rid of regulations. Ive gotten rid of more regulations in the first nine months than any president has for tear term in office. Thats a big statement. But, we really just begun. I would say, we have at least another 50 that we want to do. So that is going to be fantastic. In some cases it is statutory. We have to give a notice. Then you have to give another notice. You have to wait 90 days. We go along the statutory process. I tell you, tom, you will see a lot of additional relief from these horrible regulations killing our country. They have been literally been killing. Gdp was just announced. Shockingly to many people, despite the hurricanes which could be considered to be one point, we were at three. Were at 3. 2 last quarter but we were at three. To be at three with a, that would have meant we would have four or thereabouts. Those are numbers that have not been seen for many years. So were doing well. Well continue to do well. The big thing is we have companies that really want to move back into the United States now pause of regulation, because of what were doing because of taxes. Some big ones will be announcing very soon. Dirk, could i ask you to say a few words from the National Association of wholesale distributors. That would be great . Thank you, mr. President. Appreciate the opportunity to be here. Few of us in the room are old enough to remember being in this same room when president reagan was working on tax reform. You and me. Two of us. You dont look that old. Tom was here. 30 years or so passed, the tax bill doesnt resemble what was done in 86. The reform is long, long overdue. I represent an industry with very high effective tack rates. Theyre tired of paying the other guys taxes. Unstated, but i assume the price of admission for being here today, that you support the process Going Forward. Obviously each of us have to see the details. There may be one thing or another we would like to see different, but, the broader perspective is, that for the good of the economy, the good of the country and frankly the i think the good of our members, you have to support the process Going Forward. You have our commitment to do precisely that. Thats great. Thats really great, i appreciate it. What is so important, we talk tax cuts, the big thing is the tax cut the, we desperately need them. But some things are happening including bringing 4 trillion back into the United States. That money will be put to work in our country for our people, creating our jobs and factories and plants. I think the number could be higher than 4 trillion. It has been 2 1 2 trillion for so long. Everyone said 2 1 2 trillion. It kept getting bigger. I think the number is over 4 trillion. I think 4 trillion will come back into our country, and so many other things. One of the elements that are important, karen, you will say a few words next, because im dying to hear what you have to say but one of the things so important is simplification. Too complicated. Were simplifying greatly. I want to thank all of my foals being here. Gary, steve, everybody. The process is complicated but the end result will not be that complicated. It will be, people will pay less tax by a lot. Companies are going to pay less tax by a lot. That is a big difference. And companies will start rebuilding and stay here and expand and bring in new plants. They wont go to other countries like they have been for many, many decades. Karen, can you say a few words, Small Business Entrepreneurship Council . Thank you very much, mr. President , for your support and leadership on this issue. This is one of the most Critical Issues for Small Business. They know if they get tax reform through, they will have more capital to put back into their businesses. They are going to invest more. They are going to provide higher wages, Better Benefits for their employees. You know, these Business Owners and entrepreneurs are leaders of the Community Back in their communities. They do see lack of dynamism, they dont see new business creation in their communities. That is real problem in this country, lack of entrepreneurship. According to our numbers, 3. 2 missing businesses in our country because people not taking risk. Right. So were very excited about tax reform in terms of the growth that it will bring, the investment it will bring. Making the u. S. A haven for capital again. Because we need to get that edge back. We need to encourage people, more people to start businesses particularly millenials. Thats true. Again add to our competitiveness, so thank you. One of the things weve been talking about, and that weve seen, has never been anything like it, is the level of enthusiasm, the enthusiasm for business, for manufacturing. It is highest level it has ever been. Highest level since the charts started. And we have a tremendous level now of enthusiasm for business and for manufacturing and nobody ever seen anything like it. Of course the stock market is at alltime high, historic high. There has never been, it is going up, i think 54 times since i was elected. We hit the record 54 times. I notice it is up again a little bit today. So that is always good. Well try to keep it going up. But we created almost 5. 5 trillion in stock market wealth. Think of that. 5. 5 trillion since november 8th. So were very honored by all of that but a very big part of it will be tax cuts and tax reform. Well work on that together. Thank you all very much. Thank you very much. [shutting questions] [shouting questions] were not looking for that, no. Were not looking for that. Hopefully not. Something, some people mentioned that. Hopefully not. Are you going to pardon manafort . Thank you. Thank you very much. [shouting questions] thank you. Thank you very much. Neil youre always leery to leave because you might get a final comment in there, asking about the multiple count indictment of Paul Manafort and two others. His focus is get tax cuts. Im back with Charlie Gasparino. Also forbes publisher, rich karlgaard. Charlie, one of the things he seems to indicate this is very big, reality, for all of you in the room National Association of manufacturers, Small Business, chamber of commerce. Individuals. Neil individuals this is there for you, ready to go. What do you think . Markets didnt really change much. I will say this, he has a tall order to live up to. I hope hes right. I hope it is what he says it is, the biggest ever. Remember he is saying this essentially bigger than Ronald Reagans tax cuts on the individual. Im just saying that is what he is saying. We will hole his feet to the fire. He is president of the United States. Neil we should be clear, what is he saying the biggest . Not saying. Neil not taking rate from a to b, or even aggregate size of it, but certainly biggest in a generation. He is saying this is the biggest ever. Neil yeah. If you listen to the noise coming out of washington, the trial balloons, why you have to see what they ultimately settle on, it wont be the biggest. As a matter of fact, it will be pretty much of a tax increase on the upper income people who basically neil we dont know for sure. If you listen to the noise. Lets hope they back away from that. Looks like theyre also really considering phasing in the Corporate Tax cut. You heard him say i hope they dont do that. I dont want to go there. Neil that is a very good point, rich karlgaard. Maybe this is kabuki theater and were over analyzing and well know the figures when houses ways and means comes out with its blue print print how these things look. Should he bounce this off the president , or they know how he is detailing things or are they unaware . I have no idea what is occurring between the president and congress on the details of this tax cut but i must say President Trump showed up today, the president ial trump showed up today. I thought it was a great press conference. He needs to lead like that more consistently. I think he was speaking passionately and authoritatively, and i really hope we get this done. Look, weve had neil in other words, you would not be a fan of tweets that keep coming out on this investigation into collusion and indicts and all that stuff, right . Weve talked about that before and i think charlie agrees. This is really big. The difference between having a sub2 growth economy over the last eight years versus 3 which is where we are now, is 3 trillion, is missing in this economy. I think about, you think about all the opportunity to create businesses, raise wages, all of that, this is where we need to get back to. I think if we get tax reform and tax cuts, in addition to the regulatory cuts, we put two important foundations that will sustain a 3 growth economy for years to come. Neil a lot depends on the growth figure. Listen i think it will be more than 3 if neil we get 3 backtoback quarters without this. If donald trump, and by the way, they do, mnuchin and gary cohn are working with congressional leaders what theyre going to do tomorrow. Neil Steve Mnuchin and gary cohn, national Economic Council. The main economic people, right. If they do produce what donald trump says here, the biggest tax cut ever, if they do produce something close to what he ran on, 4 growth is not unachievable. Were getting 3 growth now with just deregulatory agenda and decent corporate earnings. That goes to the bottom line. My fear, despite what donald trump says, theyre worried about being cast as giving tax breaks to the rich. Theyre worried about the firstyear, second year deficits that occur when you cut taxes before stimulus cuts in.

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