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Lauren stocks in rally mode as the market dared to open higher. Right now you can see the cac in the dax in paris and germany turned lower. Trench at the nikkei and the lower point in chinas shanghai composite siding 1 . And at the grammys. This country was built by dreamers, for dreamers chasing the american dream. We offer you two words. Time up. Lauren more politics than music at the Grammy Awards are the highlights in the low lights. Fbn am starts right now. Train 25 01 a. M. In new york and monday from a january 20. Good morning. Im cheryl casone. Lauren good morning. Im lauren simonetti. Cheryl just a thought that politics are in the career award shows, the grammys have been. Lauren i had no hope that graham is the dramatic politics, but more than we thought. President trump is set to lay out his 2018 agenda. His first state of the Union Address tomorrow night. Tax cuts come immigration from the trade agreements, National Security as well as infrastructure plans. The president to make an appeal to democrats to say we need to rebuild our country and make an appeal that to do infrastructure redo it in a bipartisan way. Where we are in congress is the cant pass the spending bill that funds our military because democrats continue to hold the military hostage and he will ask that its time to rebuild our military to keep america strong. Cheryl the white house plans to release details on its immigration plan today. Many democrats and republicans oppose the framework the president is planning to release. A lot of details lasteek. Presidt trump treed over the weekend on it. Ive offered daca including a doubling in the number of recipients and told a to citizenship for two reasons. One because republicans want to fix a longtime terrible problem. Too, too showed democrat do not want to solve daca, only as a papacy that the unit will begin 7 00 p. M. Eastern time tomorrow night right here on the fox business network. Lauren the president looking at possible retaliation for what he called unfair trade policies. Ive had a lot of problems with the European Union and it may be something very big from the trade standpoint. The European Union has treated the United States very unfairly when it came to trade. I could name many countries and places, but the European Union has been very unfair to the United States. Lauren comments coming days after it trades on solar panel as well as washing machines imported to the u. S. Mainly from asian countries. Cheryl President Trump is called a fake news. The president tried to fire Robert Mueller last summer. Republican lawmakers remain supportive of smaller. I told my republican colleagues leave him him alone in that stomatitis. I will do what it takes to make sure he can do is job. We are going to be a nation after President Trump. At the same time with cartoonish about funding for the military. Mohler continues whether the President Campaign colluded with russia over the interference of last years election. Also looking into whether the president with james comey. The top fundraiser for the Republican National committee stepping down following Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault going back decades. Nicole in resigning as the finance chair following this report in nature investigation in the wall street journal raising 180 million during the president s first year in office. Senator Susan Collins calling on republicans not to get the money, the donations back. Of basics such as contributions recently from him but have not been spent from absolutely. I dont even think its a close call to return the money. Republicans call for democrats to do that after the Harvey Weinstein allegations. Lauren win is denying allegations that the news took a toll on the stock price. Shares tumbled 10 . Cheryl there is more fallout from security fraud. The wall street journal reported that intel told Chinese Technology companies about the potential problems but not the u. S. Government. Security experts say that may have given the Chinese Government a headsup about the flaws known aspect during meltdown which can allow hackers to access personal data. Researchers say no signs of the information exploited pictures are up more than 30 over the past year. Lauren the wall street journal says sean p. Barrington Capital Group in the orient partners plan to send a letter to the board saying the company has run out of time and it needs new leadership. The journal says the move could result in a fight. Avon ceo sherry mccoy is expected to leave at the end of march. Shares have tumbled more than 55 from a year ago when so many stocks are in a bull market. They are a. Cheryl baserunner claiming to the top of the box office. Your name to a plague wiping out the human race. Do you think your readers sacrificed in finding a cure. Cheryl raking in more than 23 million over the weekend. The third of final installment of the maze runner series and it pushes jumanji to second place coming in third. Hostile to 10 million. The greatest showman in the post rounding out the top five. A couple of potential oscar names in there as well. Lauren early march. The president said to those controversial plan today. Strong fire for not just the left that the right as well. Cheryl you may be able to roll over than ever trumper is, but former tremper is this going to be a much more difficult category for him. Lauren will he lose the support of the space . Are the fitness trackers like fate that a Security Threat to our troops . Well have that story. You are watching fbn am. Lauren good morning. Good morning. The pitcher got up at seven this monday morning. Negotiations to rework nafta, the north American Free trade association to remake the system that is a key part of the deal. The u. S. Wants to build to optout at the panels that let u. S. Courts decide that mexico do not trust. Another deadly attack in afghanistan today. 11 soldiers have been killed. 16 others wounded in a predawn assault on the military compound in kabul only two days after but that 100 people were killed in a Suicide Attack in the afghan capital. The group is claiming responsibility for todays death. A popular fitness at this revealing topsecret information about the location of u. S. Military bases. The Washington Post reported the app shows heat that can point to soldiers for a godsend as far as strong as gps data gathering available in smartphones and of course said that. Cheryl sometimes a little too information can be harmful. President trump two of the details of the new immigration plan today. It would protect 2 million dreamers in exchange for porter while funding and dramatic cuts to border wall pathway. The proposal sparking criticism on the left and the right. The most important thing we can do is protect dreamers. They appreciated addresses the issue, but some of the issues they are proposing are devastating to our immigration system. Amnesty is twice as many people like president obama didnt have citizens on top of that. Cheryl can lawmakers find Common Ground with another funding deadline around the corner . Former congresswoman and a width the independent forum board of directors and democratic strategist and senior aide backed that both have been. In particular the infighting between republicans and democrats on immigration. No one can seem to agree in what Immigration Reform needs to be if the president made the first chance at over a decade, the first republican to do something meaningful on immigration. Cheryl, i agree with you. What we are seeing at the twofold driven by policy and bad politics. I agree with you completely, President Trump has presented a sensible plan, reasonable plan, fair and balanced plan that delays the concerns of those who primarily on the left are more so worried about the daca beneficiaries and their being able to stay in the country they know is their home and also addresses the concerns of those who feel rightly so that our immigration system needs reform and we need to enhance that emphasize security going forward. The president has done a smart and sensible thing and i am hopeful that as was the case of the tax cuts and jobs act, he will bring the sides together for the american people. Trade todays issues on the republican side, but also the democratic side who were fighting all along towards the dreamers or not they are backtracking on that. Listening to nancy pelosi and give me your thoughts afterwards. Last minute the president put forth a plan. That plan is a campaign to make america what it began. We dont need that rhetoric on either side from nancy, paul ryan or anybody else did the president has laid out the template. Look at the template and work with it. Cheryl when democrats have no way. Together as saying yeah, weve got to figure this out. I agree with the senator on both. One that the House Democratic leaders comments contribute very little to the conversation and that some sort of resolution and compromised me to be reached. At the very definition of a compromise to the politics and policy cannot be separated here. Everybody should get something and be unhappy. Thats the very nature of it. The balance is people not be unhappy and feel that theyre getting nothing but regardless of who the occupant in the white house says, folks the none have been worried they are not good enough and others get too much as the nature of political compromise. I have no problem with the senators remarks. Ms. Pelosi had a line. Cheryl man, what is the need to highlight . He needs to hit the markets and talk about how great the economy is doing. I agree. I agree commissioner appeared to Many Americans have been put back to work in 2017 and thanks to the combination of regulatory cuts and tax cut and that is a synergy that is going to be rocket fuel for the economy going forward. Not only for the stock market which he should emphasize helps all of us because we all are involved in the Retirement Systems in one or another way and the fact that we are putting americans back to work in record numbers. Unemployment figures are down in every sector and including among communities of color who really did need that boost. Trade do what should he talk about tomorrow night . He should stay away from policy as usual tendency to the backwards and criticize secretary clinton and former occupants and it should be an interesting speech. Cheryl certainly will. Michael, man by thank you for coming so early. Lauren the grammys got political with hillary clinton. He had a longtime feared being poisoned. One reason he liked to admit donalds. Lauren there are some big winners however including bird omar is. Solar panels exchange in the way one did business. We will tell you just how when we come back. Manatees in novelty ts . Surprising. Whats come at me bro . Its something you say to a friend. Whats not surprising . How much money matt saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. We use so why do we pay touters thave a phone connected. When were already paying for internet . Shouldnt it all just be one thing . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You can get 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. Choose by the gig or unlimited. And now, get a 200 prepaid card when you buy an iphone. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfnitymobile. Com. Lauren the 50th Grammy Awards celebrations typically a celebration of music. Everything from daca to the times that movement and of course President Trump. Cheryl here. Cheryl here to. Cheryl hear it. Cheryl here to weigh in, journalists and grim according member for everything. Good morning. Hillary clinton made a surprise appearance at the award show last night you take a listen. He had a longtime feared being poisoned. One reason he liked to eat at mcdonalds. No one knew he was coming. Cheryl big hit with the audience. What did she think . One way or the other it didnt matter to me it was in there. Is this real . A very tumultuous life herself. Some people i thoughtf the satire. I actually like the subway Carpool Karaoke a lot more. Lauren also the street from the keeley. Ive always loved the grammys. Dont ruin great music with trash for some of us love music without the politics for a minute. Does this affect the numbers, the ratings that people want to see the word shall inherit rate music and not it drawn into political i dont think thats shouting. What was interesting when they made the great speech [inaudible] it was done without mentioning congress. It was more emotional than i thought she was great to make that speech. She did a good job. I dont know. I think people want to see more performances come absolutely. They did cut down the number of words if you years ago could they not done two dozen actually. Cheryl they brought up things like daca. Under the dreamers actually. Watch this. This country was built by dreamers, for dreamers, chasing the american dream. These kids can be forgotten and are worth fighting for. Cheryl obviously committed me to tell about every issue we talk about during the week. Do we really need that i think . At least it was a hopeful speech. I thought it was from the heart. Also getting up in talking about encouraging Artistic Development regardless of ratings or anything. I thought that was quite cool as well. Lauren talking about the words themselves come you words themselves come you said there werent as many. To me to move them, they were big fans again although not many female award recipients. Ladybug the only male in that category than people thought it is underrepresented, but the wine. And at the same time look at where nomar is winning the three top categories. You wouldve thought that these deceptive issues like jayzs album, but the feelgood album is that people gravitated to. We live in these Tumultuous Times and people want to feel good. He said it when he got up there. He was kind of lit when he won the last word. Dont cut me off. I want people to feel good in dance. Cheryl weve got to rent, but jayz got the most nominations. Do you think any of that has to do with this research that he had with cnn in trump, the outcome with those voters . 231 mike 21 grammys. But they are big awards. They gave him this industry icon award. It is interesting. Sometimes you cant always predict. There is 13,000 Grammy Awards. Metallica gets the best rock performance nomination but doesnt get it in metal. Thats just the way it works. Lauren Dave Chapelle did this whole thing, jayz for president. Thank you very much. Cheryl thanks for being up with us this morning. Now you get some sleep. Coming up, President Trump announcing 2018 agenda city of the Union Address tomorrow night. Well have a preview for you. The solar panels for one company to change the way they are doing business. The cto for sun pacific coming out. Stay with us this morning. The today, innovation in the finger lakes is helping build the new new york. Once home to the worlds image center, new york state is now a leader in optics, photonics and imaging. Fueled by strong university partnerships, providing the worlds best talent. And supported with Workforce Development to create even more opportunities. All across new york state, were building the new new york. To grow your business with us in new york state, visit esd. Ny. Gov. Music yea, you can be the greatest you can be the best you can be the king kong bangin on your chest you can beat the world you can beat the war you can talk to god while bangin on his door you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock you can move a mountain you can break rocks you can be a master dont wait for luck dedicate yourself and you can find yourself standin in the hall of fame yea and the worlds gonna know your name, yea and youll be on the walls of the hall of fame you can be a champion be a champion in the walls of the hall of fame be students, be teachers be politicians, be preachers yea, yea be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions standin in the hall of fame the president talked about where we are today as far as growing an economy. Lauren braking is this monday morning. President trump to unveil its 2018 agenda of the Union Address to the nation tomorrow. Infrastructure and immigration topping the list. Cheryl on wall street or major averages continue to set records. For three current Economic Center in news, today a different story. We are looking lower but with pull back a little bit from red arrows to bring markets this morning. Lauren they did open higher, but since then you see the cac in paris some fractionally the dax down a quarter of 1 . Cheryl the nikkei ending flat in japan as you can see the shanghai composite slid 1 . Lauren Solar Panel Prices going up. President trump 30 tariffs on imports. Well talk to one solar ceo. Fbn am continues right now. 5 30 in the morning in new york. Monday, january 29th. Cheryl good morning, everybody. Im cheryl casone. Here we are on a monday. Big week. Take speech tomorrow night. Cheryl save the union. Apple apple, amazon attempted without this week. Cheryl lets get back in with a need on the numbers. The layout of the 2018 agenda of the first date of the Union Address tomorrow night. Lauren Chris Jenkins eyes. Cheryl lauren and cheryl, good morning. The white house working on its first eight of the union predicts the union predicts he will be be building the face, strong and proud america and the headline is americas back in the economy booming. The little preview from the white house director of strategic communications, mercedes schlock. Spin that the president is going to be from his heart. Hes going to bring up domestic message to all americans about a treatise on, safe, strong and proud america. We talk about his Top Priorities including job, infrastructure, trade, immigration and National Security. Jobs, economy, infrastructure, trade and National Security. Shooting for a unifying tone that the two space which is important when it comes to immigration at the white house releasing the plane today which offers a path to citizenship of 120 million dreamers. Some in the audience tuesday night. Of the seven democrats have announced they are boycotting print the list includes icon john lewis, Maxine Waters to give her cvg can address on another channel and congressman explains why hes skipping. I cannot give this man who does not risk back to me the respect of that audience. At every opportunity he has disrespected me in individuals who look like me. I cannot respect. One Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg previously scheduled event. Lauren and cheryl, itll be fascinating to see whether we getting on that for the president really surprises us. Future pop unready tuesday night. Cheryl as he goes off on script here that the question. Special coverage of this dated the union 7 00 p. M. Eastern time tomorrow night right here on the fox news network. Trendy one of the themes of the speech will be trade living up to his trade partners had last week he imposed tariffs on important solar panels, making it marks unfit to buy panels from overseas and he said he did it in the name of u. S. Jobs. Being that this is panels and products, it generally solar. Now ill be making it in the United States. A lot of workers, a lot of jobs. Reaction has been mixed. Nick campanella is ceo of Sun Pacific Holdings corp. In new jersey. Good morning. Its been a good morning, thanks for having me. Lauren will that translate to new jobs . I am imposing tariffs is creating a level Playing Field for manufacturing to be conducted here. Weve been trying to develop solar panels for many years and we started this Initiative Several years back and because of this tariffs by believing on the economics change that is going to allow us to manufacture here in the u. S. Lauren have you been manufacturing overseas . Can i prevent importing modules to produce topics weve been doing. Right now its very annexed fences. The 30 tariff increased possibly 5 on residential and as much as 10 on utility scale projects. Before able to manufacture in the u. S. , we will create job and utilize our new technology to create stateoftheart panels weve created. Lauren how many employees you have now and how many do you hope to higher russia were right now we have 30 employees and when the process of setting up a manufacturing facility in florida where we hope to create as many as 800 jobs. Lauren 800 . Can you have how many right now i should mark 30 russian marat 30 employees. Drain through right now theres 30 solar panels are just this manufactured in the much bigger part installation, thats the part that boomed over the past five years. Do you see there being the loss of jobs because the trade for the industries and 23,000 job losses because this is the segment is going to get hit with these two tariffs. I hope the terrorists hes imposing is able to utilize that funding to come back into the United States by either applying it to the absurd tax on it for some sort of incentive service to be able to install solar panels on the u. S. Lauren you are relatively optimistic. Yes. Its kind of like Auto Assembly when you talk about solar panels. The parts are at least dangerous so now you and the price will be made here in the total assembly made here as well. Is that correct. Lauren total prou. S. Jobs filling a campaign promise. He imposed a terrifying modules. The good thing is im solar cells, which are manufactured overseas, we are brought into the u. S. In these of those Component Parts to create jobs into creator of u. S. And American Made out of. Cheryl prices for consumers, are they going down and if so by how much . As far as the availability, the incentives are what drives the installation in the manufacturing. The pricing have not gone down. The incentives need to be increased from local government and federal government to make it more affordable and feasible for us to become a green economic facility. Cheryl nick campanella, but not to you. Thank you or image. Cheryl welcome the news coming in a couple. Apple cutting its iphone 10 production have been or is cornered due to disappointing sales in the u. S. And china. Japans nikkei reported they lower their Production Target to 20 Million Units part of the problem here could be the price tag but is it about a thousand dollars you will talk about other guys in a few moments. Shares of apple traded slightly lower than for americans took a pretty big hit last week on august. Lauren we both have iphone 10. Its okay. Cheryl i like thing. Lauren a major week for technology earnings. This book on amazon from a group couple all due to report their latest Financial Group order. Look to you you exactly what to expect fair. The eagles have landed in minneapolis for sundays super bowl. Tom brady and the patriots arrived today. Jerry matt with the latest sports highlight. Well be right that. Hey, what are you guys doing here . Weve been helping you prepare and invest for retirement since day one. Why would we leave now . Because im retired now. So . Were voya. We stay with you to and through retirement. With solutions to help provide income throughout. So, youll still be here to help me make smart choices . Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that, uh, tie. Or the suit. Or the shirt. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Lauren lets get you caught up on whats happening right now. Schools in 11 states have closed as the worst flu epidemic in a decade gets worse. Closings anywhere for a day to a week as administrators try to stop the spread of the virus and disinfect buildings. This years flu epidemic is blamed for the deaths of at least 37 children and is expected to cause more over the next several weeks. We still have eight weeks left to flu season. A new threat related to the erupting volcano in the philippines with mudslides now forcing evacuations of tens of thousands of people. Heavy rain has flooded villages as they continues with lava as though the sash. This is amazing. A california freeway literally turns into a Landing Strip with the pilot of a small plane diving in traffic to make an Emergency Landing on the freeway last night. The pilot just 24 years old vine over the ocean a mile or two off the coast when the plane lost power. He said he couldnt make it to the nearby airport which forced him to make a pretty quick decision, so he literally landed the plane on the freeway under an overpass as well. Can you imagine if youre driving and see that . Good news, cheryl, no one was hurt. Cheryl thank you, lauren. Apple cutting its iphone 10 production up in the First Quarter due to disappointing holiday sales in u. S. And china. The new report on apple. Joining us now with state reaction it got the point capital. Good morning. There is this a report that just crossed only being reported right now in japans nikkei that basically they are going to lower Production Units down to 20 million for the iphone 10. I wonder what is going on at the reports come to fruition maybe they will talk about the Earnings Call this week. The staff actually did fall last week. The Overall Health of the company, you have to remember this is the most expensive phone in the lineup at a 1000 price point and it still has fabulous functionality at a lower price point. So it is just an issue of consumers opting for the other fronts in the lineup that they feel meet their needs. Hennessey having a huge impact on the stock. Lauren is to get this report later this week, the expectations are earnings per expectations are earningspershare grow 13 yearoveryear. Revenue jumping 10 yearoveryear if theres pressure in the holiday numbers, and they could miss the sustenance. And if that happens, thats a nearterm issue. The longerterm issue for apple is they are repatriating cash over the due to the tax law change in investments in the u. S. As well as the ability to raise the dividend and repurchase stock is going to be a driver over the long term. Cheryl we shall see. The other Companies Reporting this. Facebook coming out this week, amazon, alphabet of course the Parent Company of google in general tech one of the sectors on fire in 2019. Do you think the immigration debate could be good news for particular changes to the visa lottery system today, do they do could be more good news for Technology Companies . Certainly Technology Companies were concerned they would not be what to bring in high skilled workers to the Immigration Program based on the new Immigration Program those concerns should be set aside and once again come all these companies have cash to deploy based on the repatriation, so not only through their cap ex spending and raising acquisitions as well as repurchasing stock should put a good floor under things. That said, weve had a good run. The stocks make up 13 of the s p 500, so this it could be a pivotal week to continue to rally her finally see one or two companies disappointed. Cheryl before letting go, asking about the news on intel with the report on technology that intel told the chinese that they were flawed and budding hackers potentially good information before they told the u. S. Government. What do you make of that and that is a very unpatriotic is an insult to say the very least . Always a difficult situation like we sing with data breaches whether its credit cards or securities. You want to reach out for Channel Partners and contained what is going on and fix it before you make the information widely known. Intel got a situation where the taliban january 9th the daily at january 3rd said they sort of got caught in between things. They were telling Channel Partners in china and the close relationship between Chinese Government is where they are being called into question. Certainly they didnt tell the u. S. Government. Cheryl therell be questions nonetheless from u. S. Authorities over this. Thank you for the perspective. Well see how the numbers but this week. Absolutely. Have a great day. Lauren tiger woods finished at three under par, but even better if not for this. Transferred are you kidding me . Bass fan, what happened to them . Adam klotz is coming up to tell us how long the returning cold temperatures are going to last right here in the northeast. 41 degrees in new york. Will be right here. The bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com lauren if you live in the northeast, the cold weather is returning this weekend maybe even some worse now. Cheryl fox meteorologist is here with the monday forecast. Reporter just what you want to hear, colder air on the way. The warm air lingered around to running right up the east coast with a couple the east coast with a couple spots hanging in your 41 degrees in new york city. Writing a war where we feel a couple showers are spots in the Northern Plains in single digits. The rain we are seeing especially in the southeast will continue to push up the coast later in the day. Otherwise mostly clear. One trouble spot on monday it agreed into tuesday as well. The system running on the coast for the last several days with rounds and rounds of rain showers in the Pacific Northwest will continue. Future raider running through monday. Several more rounds of heavy rain was this runs into Higher Elevations and snowfall because of this system as well one where you can see some standing water on the roadway says they run on shore over the next several days to otherwise high temperatures for the day with the real colder in the middle of the country stretching up into the midwest, otherwise things look fairly comfortable for today. The colder continues to settle in the next couple days. Cheryl things come out of. Lauren 83 phoenix. Super bowl week is here. Cheryl jared max has all the sports for us this weekend. One team on the ground in minneapolis or and we will be there later today. Tiger woods on the 13th hole yesterday at the Farmers Insurance of the month up for a 10foot putt was suddenly it was like we are russian cabbie shot can somebody yelled newman, mr. Get in the hall. Tiger missed the putt. He did bounce back with a birdie on the next hole. First time since august 2015 tiger healthy enough to get through four rounds of the pga event finished tied for 23rd place. The final two will finish up today in the sixth playoff hole. Biased on sunday for the greatest tennis player in the world. The challenge at that point. Roger federer with five sets of discourse the 20th grand slam singles title. The eagles have landed in minneapolis. Underdogs in the super bowl but not by as many points as the same time last week. Patriots open 555 favorites. The money going on philadelphia. The defending super bowl champion. Tom brady, stitches removed from his hand. Rob krakowski with a concussion. The patriots hold a rally and then they will fly to the frigid twins are these in time for media day. Even a tribute to minnesota native print tonight. Check this out. The same time last monday these are the prices on the secondary market for the cheapest super bowl ticket. Look at what they are this morning, cheryl. 2100 bucks cheaper. 1600 plus cheaper. Forecast calls for a high of seven degrees super bowl sunday. Cheryl nothing like watching the super bowl from your couch. Boley dangling a carrot. Players on the winning team wont get 50,000. Instead 100. And the losers at 25,000. The nfl pro bowl in orlando. Delaney walker with his second touchdown of the game. Kfc came back from senate. 5 and beat the tennessee 2023. 85 miles away the nhl allstar game for the Anaheim Ducks lifted the pacific by a count of 52. 45 years old waived by the Calgary Flames will try to finish his career reportedly moving on back to europe. Second alltime leading scorer of the nhl. Cheryl what is the deal with this guy. Hes going to sign with the l. A. Galaxy they hope that this could be a huge thing. 36 euros soccer player. True three yeah, sorry guys. Thats all you. Jared max comic thank you good catches sports reports on fox news headline sirius xm sirius xm channel 115. Cheryl strong games but there are some concerns. We will go to london straightahead on fbn am. Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Cheryl global stocks on fire so far this year but investors are nervous about the exchange. Good morning. What is the concern here . We like seeing all these green numbers are for polio. Good morning. Hell got a terrific start to the year on one of the best notches in the u. S. , but globally for decades. The problem when you look at measures of how bullish or peep of, how much money are people putting into stocks and how fast they climb a meager two that make any investor caution is. Valuations are getting increasingly stretched and it seems things cant be this good for so long, particularly a years worth of gains in just under a month. Lauren today we see not as much money pile in, especially of the past year. The note is that markets is actually helping drive the u. S. Dollar down. Right . A lot of analysts seem to be pointing to u. S. Equities and into the lobos box putting pressure on the dollar. While its not only the biggest driver, the inflows into the markets is absolutely huge and people are pouring tons and tons of money into emerging markets. Stocks and bonds into Japanese Equities in europe and that is really the cost of the most recent years, so could be adding further pressure to the dollar. Train to thank you. Appreciated. Lauren thank you for watching fbn am. Welcome back and good morning to maria bartiromo. Maria cave bear, good morning. Happy monday, everyone. Happy to be back. I maria bartiromo. Monday, january 29th grade 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. President trump, America First message being tested in mexico and canada rejected a proposal by the white house to reject a key part of the north American Free trade agreement program. Possible paybacks over what he called unfair trade policies with you on trent e. U. Ive had a lot of problems with the European Union. The European Union has treated the United States very unfairly when it comes to

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