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Gender gap and women. What about democrats policing their own irresponsible language. I have no problem shining the right back on the donors who fund this kind oficationized hate. I want pitchfork and torches outside this mans house in the hamptons. Trish unfortunately there is a lot more where that came from on the left. Why are these Little Creatures taking over neighborhoods . Trish regan primetime begins right now. Tonight, bombshell new evidence from documents obtained by fox showing that the fbi knew all about Christopher Steeles antitrump bias and yet continuing to cite his unterrified unforced dossier to renew multiple warrant. In fact bruce ohr knew Christopher Steele was totally desperate to stop trump more than a month before the official application to spy on the campaign was filed. Joining my, former chairman of the House Oversight committee, jason chaffetz, along with former fbi assistant director dan colton. Whats your reaction . Im not surprised. You have tremendous animus against mr. Trump, now President Trump. These individuals used the power of their office to try to interfere with his election. I think they violated the civil rights of people in the Trump Campaign putting together a false document to get a warrant to spy on them. I was on the fbi 30 years and i may have missed something. But i have never seen in my entire lifetime anything this egregious and destructive to their the reputation of the fbi and those who serve them. I suspect you are not surprised either. You may not have been in the fbi for 30 years, but you have been in congress and you felt you were a victim of the deep state as well, werent you, sir . Yes. Its terribly disappointing. This is the highest echelon of the federal bureau of investigation. I was on the House Judiciary Committee when they were trying to reauthorize the fisa court. It allows the senior most of people to go before that court and present information that has to be balanced. But what we are learning here thats so newsworthy about this. We are seeing the documents that the doj knows have been there for a long time that show they knew this person was discredited. It was acting director of the fbi, mr. Mccabe who testified under oath that without this feele dossier they wouldnt have gotten these warrant to go out and spy on a president ial campaign. And does it get any worse than that . Trish it doesnt. They never bothered to red flag it for the judge. To say none of this stuff was verified. You would think if you had such salacious sterile you would think about dotting the is and crossing the ts. It is the fbi. They ought to have the resources to investigate something and not rely on attacking Christopher Steele who had his own biases. Lets talk about bruce ohr married to nellie ohr who worked for fusion gps who employed christopheChristopher Steele. A lot of them, incestuous nature of the material as to who knew what. The director of the fbi did not let field agents do this case. He brought it back to headquarters. Had this cronies, his immediate subordinates do this case. Agents in the field wrote not have done this. You have to clear with field supervisors and field commanders. Comey knew that. So he didnt let the field do it. He had headquarters people who owed him and he had them do it. He was critical so he took it away from us. Trish by the fall of 2016, bruce ohr knew that steele was quote desperate. Christopher steele felt so strongly about this and was willing to push and push and do what was needed. This is right before that first fisa application. So they know Christopher Steele has a massive bias and they never bothered to check his work jason . Well, remember jason . Well, remember who is paying for all this. This is the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National committee. Of course, hes desperate to get this information. Hes being paid to generate it. John ratcliffe from the judiciary committee, congressman from texas read the unredacted version of these fisa applications and at the very top it says verified application. At some point they will have to have the courts. Justice roberts is in charge of that fisa court. At some point the court have to stand up for itself and say how did you provide this information so the judges stamped their approval. Trish if you are the judge rubber stamping this stuff. The fisa court is scary enough because they dont though what goes on there. Now we are learning bit by bit apparently a lot goes on. They never bother to get the right verified materials. Danny, with im a reporter, right . Do you think i would go with a story because one person says this is true . Never. Never. Yet the fbi goes with the story, a salacious story from Christopher Steele who never even went to russia. You want to talk about foreign intel influencing our campaign. This is a foreigner sitting overseas calling his buddies in russia to get intel on a president ial candidate in the u. S. I dont fault him as i do the fbi. Its their job to be truthful to the fisa court. I have made fisa court applications. I signed off on many of them. The most of important relationship we have is with that court. We have to be honest and forthcoming. And you cant hold back bad information. Trish a Political Year and the presidency of the United States is on the line . If trump had not been elected, we wouldnt be talking about this tonight. None of this would have come out. The fbi fired steele. They put him off the payroll. But there is a reason why they had bruce ohr do this. Ohrs wife is working for fusion gps hired by the democrats, a group of less than 20 people, its just a coincidence, nellie ohr, the wife of bruce ohr is there and they have him interact with steele. Mr. Durham, the u. S. Attorney in konl will do it. Trish what is taking mr. Horowitz so long to provide the information i think america desperately needs . Guys its good to see you. Well keep asking that question. Top democrats blaming President Trump for division and the mass shootings. Lets not mince words. This president is encouraging greater racism. There is no question White Nationalism is condoned at the highest level of our government. We have a president of the United States who is particularly responsible. Trish one msnbc guest is calling for torches and pitchforks tie want torches and pitchforks outside this mans house in the hamptons. There is no reason he should be able to have a nice little party. Trish our next guest says liberals are blind to the way they are dividing our country. Thousands of crabs are taking over a neighborhood. Democrats complaining President Trump isnt getting enough done on gun control, they say. This as the president publicly pushes back against the almighty nra on the background check issue. My next guest says President Trump is doing what no other president in history has tried. Syndicated radio talk show host John Fredericks is here. He joins me right after this. We have tremendous support for really common sense, for really common sense, sensible, important background all Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Expedia. 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Adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Its your last chance to save up to 600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus no interest until january 2022 on all smart beds. Ends wednesday. President trump frankly, we need intelligent background checks. This isnt a question of republican, democrat. We dont want people that are mentally ill. People that are sick. We dont want them having guns. Trish thank you, President Trump. Thank you for saying that. It needs to be said. You dont want people who are mentally ill having gun or access to guns. The funny thing about all this, in the that there is anything funny about this. I imagine right about not you nra is wishing President Trump this could be this president s nixon in china moment. Something many think will help him politically. Radio talk show host John Fredericks. Welcome. Trish, thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Trish the nra, they have a big voice. They are pretty powerful and they dont like the idea of anybody telling them anything on this one. But the president is saying we need a Little Common sense here. Hell also tell you, and i agree with this. Its a multiprong approach. Its Mental Health and social media, and making it harder for a guy to kill if he does havent a gun. This president is the change agent to get things done. Hes the only republican president who can stopped up to the nra and bullying gun advocates. We have a major problem with guns. What President Trump proposed is common sense gun solutions. Very simple. 92 of americans in the latest rasmussen poll have said we have to do something on guns. Its outrageous whats happening. Trish americans dont want background checks, thats their talking point. They are saying it because they are bullies and they push back. You have to have the courage to stand up to them. The alternative is republican complete armageddon in 2020 amongst congress. There are a whole bunch of people who are going to lose. We are behind in suburban women. When you have moms in suburbs shopping for backpacks with bulletproof vests for fifth graders you have a problem. Trish it breaks my heart. I have three little ones. And we get newspapers delivered to the house every morning. My kids say, what is it we try to shield them from this and from the tv with all the news. Its not easy when you are a news reporter. But you try to save your kids from know being this stuff because you dont want them scared when they go to school. But i think that politically speaking, there is an opportunity to do something in a way that is the right thing to do for the country, is the right thing to do for society at this point in time, and yes is the right thing to do if you are looking to bridge that gap right now with suburban moms who like me are trying to hide the newspapers from their kids. Does he have the ability to really i mean, it means breaking some glass, john. You know . You have to have the courage to stand up for whats right. What the president has proposed, trish, is Common Sense Solutions that have no impact on the infringement of Second Amendment rights. I am for the Second Amendment, i now, too. We are both gun owners. Trish im not. You are alone on that one. But i believe in gun rights. But the nra wants you to think that if you put in more in the way of background checks or say, maybe we ought to think about not having assault weapons out there except at the shooting ranges, that somehow is you taking away their Second Amendment. Is that a brainwashing thats happened in society that the Republican Party and conservatives frankly have allowed . If you are going to win in 2020 you have to have Common Sense Solutions to these problems. And this president has to be able to break the chokehold that the National Rifle association and other state gun lobby organizations have on republicans who are scared to death that they are going to get pry married. Here is my message to them tonight. As a trump conservative here is my message. There will be no primary because you are going to get beat in november 2020. You have got to win in 2020. You have to go to the voters and have the courage to say i am not going to be beholden to some lobby stopping me from doing common sense legislation. Trish common sense more than 92 support. Trish it has nothing to do with your Second Amendment rights. Im taking heat. The nra doesnt like me have much. But i am with you. At some point someone has to stand up and say this is the elephant in the room. We dont need to be beholding to lobbyists or the gun industry that profits off this by exploiting peoples fears. I credit you for speaking out as well. Thank you so much. John frederick. Another biden gaffe to add to the list. Remember this . My mother believed and my father believed if i wanted to be president of the United States, i could be, i could be vice president. His mom lived in long side for 10 years or so, god rest her soul your mom is still alive trish this time biden said quote, poor kid are just as bright and talented as white kid. What . You are going to hear this for yourself. Can you think what would happen if President Trump said that . Disgusting video of a Grocery Store overrun by a gang of rats. But first the u. S. Is blaming china for having a thuggish regime after they released american personnel information. K. T. Macfarland and bret your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You need decision tech. The Doctors Office might mejust for a shot. O but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta® reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 a 94 decrease. Neulasta® onpro is designed to deliver neulasta® the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta® is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. 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Now our state department is calling chinas leak typical of quote a thuggish regime. As these tensions threaten to boil over President Trump says he is not ready to make a trade deal with china. Kt macfarland and former special operations veteran Brett Velicovich are with us. Walk us through the doxxing effort and why this is significant and why they are acting like thugs. They are acting like thugs. The chinese leadership are paranoid about demonstrations. Whats happening in hong kong, these are prolonged demonstrations that have gone on for a number of days and weeks. The chinese leadership is very nervous for a couple reasons. Hong kong is suppose to be the centerpiece of their liberal policy of friendliness toward their neighbors. And their fellow countrymen. Number two, if they are worried what happens in hon hong kong cn happen in beijing. The trade wash with trump isnt going very well for the chinese. They are having a lot of pushback from some of their Foreign Policy in the region. They are acting like thugs. They have to blame this on somebody. It must be americans, its not the Chinese People in hong kong. Here is proof its americans and they are releasing the name of a diplomat. Trish how should we be thinking about china in the long run . China is always out there trying to break them up like the soviet union. That may not be such a bad idea to break them up ala the soviet union because you are talking about such a massive place with such a massive economy. The bigger your economy, the bigger your military. That could be kind of a problem, especially for us. Fast forward 20 years, what are you thinking about . Its typical for the Chinese Government to blame external influences for their political disturbance. So this weekend marks the tenth weekend of continued protests with no end in sight. The chinese are trying to act like its not their fault. And they are trying to tell their citizens to stop buying iphones and stop bying u. S. Product and stop traveling to the u. S. For tourism. This justification of painting the u. S. As a black hand behind the protests, it allows them to send in military boots on the ground and tell the world and their citizens they are going in there to root out these foreigners. But the Trump Administration is not meddling in these hong kong protests. The Administration Made it very clear that state Department Officers have maintained a measured response. Stay out of this because number one priority is the u. S. Trade deal. We dont need to stoke more of these protests and its already a fragile enough relationship. Trish there is a nationalism, right, kt . I saw it with my discussion with the anchor from their television station there. There was a kind of sort of nationalism effort at least on social media in china, big bad, u. S. Yes. And the reason they are feeling they have to do that. Whats the glue that holds china together . They have been promising their people an increased standard of living for decade and their economy is slowing down and its far worse than they are letting us know. What they are seeing is pushback particularly to xi jinping personally. He responded by trying to have a complete total Surveillance Society at all times. 24 7. If you dissent you dont get an apartment, you dont get on a bus, you dont get a job. You are only a good chinese citizen if you do everything the Supreme Leader and the president Xi Jinping Tells you to do its an indication of weakness on their part, not strength. Trish i have a feeling the hong kong protests are just beginning. We have a lot more coming up. Top democrats blaming trump for the division. This one msnbc guest calls for torches and pitchforks outside a trump fundraiser. I want pitchforks and torches outside this mans house in the hamptons. I have been to the ham tons. Its very nice. There is no reason why he should be able to have a nice little party. Trish my next guest says the left is out of touch with the way they are dividing their party. Biden says poor kid are just as talented and smart as white kids. I mean, if you havent thought about switching to geico, frankly, youre missing out. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . Managingaudreys on it. S . Eating right . On it staying active . On it. Audrey thinks shes doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk . [sfx crash of Football Players colliding offcamera. ] maybe not. 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Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Trish the New York Times says its most of live liberal leadership that is increasing trumps personal favorabiliti. Joining me right now, former Hillary Clinton advicor Antjuan Seawright and jana ellis. This is the New York Times saying look, more people like him now than liked him in 2016. But you wouldnt know that by reading the New York Times on a regular basis or watching msnbc. It seems like the world hates donald trump. Whats the disconnect . The disconnect is the mainstream media. They are reporting what they want to report instead of reporting the facts it was nice to seat piece in the New York Times thats fact based. They are look at the difference between 2016 when people were hesitant because they werent sure President Trump would fulfill his promises as opposed to the 2020 election. He prioritized families and the federal benches putting conservative judges on them. Jerry nadler is resuscitating the impeachment crazy claims. I think his Approval Rating is of course going up. Trish related to this is joe biden out there. He made another gaffe today. Antjuan, i want to get your take on this. The gaffe was saying something i think if donald trump said this he would have been labeled an immediate racist and they would have said it was a dog whistle but bind they latest off and say its a gaffe. We should challenge students in these schools. They have advanced placement program. We have a notion that if you are poor you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids, asian kids. Trish i get what he was trying to say it was an honest mistake and he screwed up. But had donald trump said that, what would the reaction be . I would have been raising hell as i always do because i believe when you compare donald trump and his history and comments compared to joe biden reason panel people will agree there is a big difference in the two and the things they advocate for. I will go back to something jenna i said on your program and others, i believe the president is a racist. But i dont want that to dominate the conversation because we know that already. Trish you have keep saying hes a racist. Thats where im going about the polls. The polls are a snapshot in time. Im not surprised the Approval Rating is consolidating among his republican base. Approval ratings and where they are now does not translate to people showing up to the polls for them. What we know in this country, there are three or four or five states that determine the pathway to 270, and that does not mean those placessage people will translate into a victory for donald trump because his Approval Rating is improving among his republican base. I think people are more vocal and active Trump Supporters than they were in 2016. We can compare President Trump to any of the 2020 candidate and they are not running on any policy that will increase the freedom for the american people. Thats a friday night lie. Trish its not. You watch those debates. We could play another sot string. But they are talking about very socialist policies antjuan. Trish im out of time. Thank you so much. Terrifying video of hundreds of crabs take over an american neighborhood. Top democrats are blaming the report for division and the mass shootings. This is one msnbc guest calling for torches and pitchforks to be for torches and pitchforks to be put outside of President Trumps with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. People of color are targeted under this administration. I have no problem shining the right back on the donors who fund this racialized hate. I go further. I want torches and pitchforks outside this mans house. You own it. You own the blood. You cant do it. Thats what swing voters have got to understand and be shamed into. Trish dangerous and reckless rhetoric coming from members of the liberal media talking about stephen ross who owns soulcycle. Joining us, doug schoen san gabriel. I know the left is blaming the right. And the right likes to blame the left. Trish is there any truth that will happen in this environment . I am less interested in truces than results. I would like to see leader mcconnell call the senate back into session to work on background checks, red flag legislation. Lie and fry legislation and assault weapons bans. We dont need ordinary citizens legally buying guns that can shoot 30100 round a minute. Cut the rhetoric. Get things done. Sadly, we are getting the opposite. Trish this program has said some things you wouldnt expect this president has said some things you wouldnt expect if you were the nra. I go back to a book he wrote called the america we deserve by donald j. Trump. In that beak talked about needing a ban on assault weapons and he talked about the need for vigilant stronger back ground checks. This is a man who i think in his heart is not fully aligned with the nra. He has said all along, i believe in the Second Amendment. But does the Second Amendment really give somebody the right to have the ability to fire off and kill so many people so fast with Something Like an assault weapon, gabriel . I think guns arent the issue here. I want to go back to what the msnbc host did. Trish humor me. Can you answer that question . Maybe this president has an opportunity to actually do something for doug schoens comment and maybe from the earlier gift helps him politically and helps him with all those moms buying backpacks and back to school that would shield their kid from bullets. President trump has been doing a great job in a lot of different policies. A lot of people on the left want to paint President Trump as a horrible person just because hes a republican. Unfortunately we hear rhetoric like this from this income contributor. Trish a lot of conservatives dont want to go near this because the nra is trying to convince all of america they are going to take away your guns, and that is nothing of any substance to that. I couldnt agree more. But my position on the issue is pretty simple. I heard what the president said. Put your leadership on the line to get things done. Call mitch mcconnell, and say i want the senate back next week. Get them to take up assault weapons, lie and try, red flag and background checks not in september. But right now. And you know what . Let the chips fall where they may. Trish can he do an executive order . I dont think you can do enough with an executive order but i would be happy to see him try. Trish now gabriel i will humor you and get back to what is an important issue. Its disgusting to see the commentary coming out of msnbc. At what point does this really and truly lead to a violent nation that is on the brink of some kind of civil war . I think its already there is a lot of rhetoric feeding this. When i was in antifa i went to the home of a ceo and yelled obscenities in front of his house. But now they are a row kateing violence. We dont need violence. We need action. Results. Trish rats having their way with a Grocery Store. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. carrying up to 50 times its tbody weight. Essly marches on. It never questions the tasks at hand. But this year, theres a more thrilling path to follow. father kids. Change of plans vo defy the laws of human nature. At the summer of audi sales event get exceptional offers now its something we take personally, and believe in passionately. Its the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated . Thats exactly how we care for you. With answers and actions. To hear your concerns, quiet your fears, lift your spirits. 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We go to taylor swift to my kids just love but theyve actually, have the mouth of two girls they shouldnt really should be so political. Apparently she thought that way back in 2015 because she is a new article invoked , right . She say why she did not endorse hillary and 2016. Thats right. Many may remember she was quiet in 2016. A lot of us are thinking maybe its because hes a secret conservative. Now she is speaking at saint she is not a conservative and the reason she was was that she did not want to harm the campaign she told vogue that resident tromp or candidate trumpet the time had weapon eyes to celebrity endorsements so she did not want to use her celebrity status damage clinton anyway but i think trish, the reason she was quiet, is because she has a lot of fans from her Country Music career in law there may be conservative. Maybe she didnt want to alienate them. Look, theres something to be said, if youre an artist just focus on the art. Two way into politics and be commenting on it, you run the risk of really alienating a lot of people. Anyway, hundreds of crabs. Overtaking a fellow neighborhood. Can we see it . Icky whats this about . Israel has been making its rounds. Hundreds of crabs all over the street. It has been called a crab invasion. You can see the cars are even having trouble just navigating the streets without running them over. People on twitter are kind of responding to this with horror and disgust but i have to tell you, trish, i think the crabs are kind of cute now if it were spiders or something of that have a much different reaction but i thought it was kind of adorable. I would not interact with them but i do think crabs are kind of adorable. Maria one tokyo, will go from this to worst because everything that crabs are cute, please do not tell me think that these guys are cute, these are rats in tokyo. Grocery store. Totally different scenario here this is utterly terrifying and disgusting a store in japan is closed down because a gang of rats overtook it. This video shows rats basically bungee jumping off of atm machines, looking through frozen foods, tearing down from high up shelves. It is utterly the stuff of nightmares the video has been viewed many times. The store is shut down and apparently being cleaned out. I cannot imagine who would want to shop there when it reopens. One last story for you. One sister is calling out her sibling who posted a misleading picture on instagram. How is it misleading . A girl was called out by her own sister for posting a fake picture of herself. In which she appeared she was about to go take a hike. The girl was wearing hiking gear and sitting in front of trees and a very inviting looking path. But then her sister on instagram pointed out that the girl was actually in their own backyard. She was not in fact goingon a hike. People find this kind of funny. You know we offer as opposed misleading instagram pictures. It was just kind of a funny callout. Yet, her sisters like yeah, yeah, youre not quite all that. Kristen, really good to see you, thank you for joining me tonight. And thank you everyone for joining me all week, have a wonderful weekend i will see you back here monday night. Maria bartiromos wall street is next. Maria happy weekend everyone. Welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was an helps position you for the week ahead. I am maria bartiromo. What a week it was in a few moments, former Federal Reserve chairman Allen Greenspan is my special guest this weekend. Were going to talk about the economy and this week that was wild in terms of the stock market. Also ahead, we will talk with not one but two golf superstars this weekend. Brooks kept a and rory mcllroy, coming up right here. But first the dow halting is losing

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