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Who holds himself out as paragone of d. C. Virtue. Now, seriously trying to topspin today to protect his own personal miss. After a stinging rebuke by the doj Inspector General who found dozens of times comey broke the rules. He is a dangerous example for fbi workers. That is what the i. G. Says. He failed to protect Civil Liberties in order to manufacture a special counsel probe to bring down trump. The debate how comey embodies everything voter fears about the deep state. How comey again, today, continues to be disingenuous with misleading tweets. Also, more officials could be in trouble. To the markets, popping news on china, now wants to resolve the trade fight. Those china tariffs do kick in on sunday. The hot debate, stopping this fight, will it stop the medias recession obsession . We have pro and cons debate there. Democrats reportedly ringing a fire engine red alarm bells. Democrat national committee. The house is on fire. Youre still smoking in bed. Youre making same mistakes hillary did. We have the story coming up. To the big border fight between Homeland Security and democrats on House Oversight, blocked from visiting border facilities. Border patrol says their quote, rude behavior caused operational burdens an House Oversight chair cummings firing off a letter, fighting back, disputing all of that. We have more on msnbcs Larry Odonnell walking back his bombshell report due to virtually no sourcing, that a Russian Oligarch cosigned some bank loans. How far does this problem go in the media. Im elizabeth mccdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Liz a lot of action in d. C. Edward lawrence with more, edward . Reporter President Donald Trump canceling the trip to poland because after hurricane with its sights set on florida. The president sending Vice President mike pence to poland in his place. That is in case the president needs to oversee any type of response. The president also a few hours ago launching the u. S. Space command. He wants to make that the 6th branch of the military underneath the air force. The president needs congressional approval for that, but he does want to make sure that this goes into play. Listen. We opened another great chapter in the extraordinary history of the United States military. Spacecom will insure that americas dominance in space is never questioned, never threatened. Reporter the president , says that space force will protect the United States from threats from above. The president also protecting his reputation after two years of bashing former fbi director james comey, the president now has some backup through Inspector General report. That report says that comey set a dangerous example for fbi employees in his handling of Sensitive Information but the Justice Department declining to prosecute. On twitter comey fired back asking for an apology. No apology needed for the markets today. They liked the news coming out of china. The markets seeing or hearing chinese spokespeople say current level of tariffs are sufficient. No more, going after the u. S. And titfortat. The president has support from republicans and democrats over china, but trade groups are starting to balk. We thrive on certainty, business thrives on certainty. I tell you talking to members, continuously over the last few month, when they were planning to invest in job creation or in systems, innovation, all those investment plans have been placed on hold to kind of deal with uncertainty of tariffs. Reporter we are expecting facetoface meet national september. When the chinese do come to the United States, the u. S. Delegation wants to see what concessions they will put back, that the u. S. Trade representative Robert Lighthizer said they eliminated. One more thing before i go. Wall street journal reporting late today, that u. S. Prosecutors are looking at new allegations into huawei about stealing intellectual property. The wall street journal saying in one case, the companies stole from an individual in portugal, Camera Technology for its phones. So the u. S. Trying to get a trade deal. Going after huawei as a National Security threat. Liz edward, there is so much news in washington, well get you a special oxygen tank. There is so much. Edward lawrence. Thank you so much. James comey taking shots at President Trump, ig found that neither comey or attorneys released any classified information. A quick story we lied about you would be nice. Ask yourselves why you still trust people that gave you the information for so long including the president . There is a lot of Bad Information in what comey tweet the out. He left out this from his tweets, that the i. G. Found the man who holds himself out as a paragone of virtue broke dozens of government rules, failed to live up to his responsibility to protect Civil Liberties, set a dangerous example for 35,000 fbi workers. His conduct, so bad, he quote, shocked and stunned his colleagues. Joining me now for his reaction, former federal prosecutor. This was a pretty damning report, andrew. Absolutely. It shows mr. Comey was acting with a personal agenda, he had no respect for the rule of law. He touts virtue but acts as a renegade. It is pretty shocking. Liz from the getgo, it was clear from the ig report that james comey felt that President Trump was misleading fundamentally in his character. It is clear there was bias in what james comey was doing according to what the ig found. Show what the ig found. Comey would have fired any worker who did what comey did. He routinely hid information from the president. He also knew about the steele dossier shoddy credibility and how the democrats paid for it. Didnt tell the president about that. Your reaction to what the doj specifically found . With regard to the ig report, i think the reaction is, almost disappointing that there can be so many violations of policies and rules, yet seems to avoid any real consequence where he is not currently working for the department of justice. It was instance after instance after instance where there is, really incredulous arguments he was making, what documents he was maintaining after his employment. It really at end of the day, reaction is shocking there isnt some sort of a tool to show a consequence. Liz when the doj inspect sore general cited quote, comeys threats to Civil Liberties he didnt protect, didnt live up to the responsibility to protect Civil Liberties he leaked to the media to get a special counsel appointed, to manufacture evidence after he did not have enough evidence to pursue that in his own official capacity, finding no criminal conspiracy . The idea of what it seems like mr. Comey was doing, he felt stymied by inadinadequacies what the doj was letting him do, the idea that mr. Trump was getting away with something. He took it on his own to go outside of bounds of what rules and regulations, policies call for. You have to be concerned when you have people inside of the state doing things outside of what it allows you to do. Liz if we could show again, put up on the screen, james comeys tweet today. Again, disingenuous. He says that the ig found no evidence that he or his lawyers leaked any classified information. Here is the fastball comey ising by or trying to whip by everyone. He himself got to determine in his role as fbi director what is classified. And he is relying on the fact that at the time, at the time he leaked his memos, that they were not categorized as classified or having Sensitive Information, because he buried his memos. People at fbi didnt know them. They were only deemed classified after he was fired. After the fact. After he leaked to the new york times. Even his tweet is disingenuous, andrew. So i have worked with classified information on many instances. The idea is, not just that at the moment that you obtain it or look at it do you have to think about responsibilities but you have a continuing obligation afterwards. So what he, what the evidence essentially shows he had a document, he later gave it to his attorneys, after that saw, that the document was classified, but didnt disclose the fact that he had given it to his attorneys, something that he arguably had a legal obligation to do at that time. I say arguably because im trying to be as neutral as possible but really does to the look good, especially for somebody who had so many experience with classified information. Liz he is the guy who sets tone for 35,000 fbi workers. He too used his own personal devices in dealing with these memos. The same thing that Hillary Clinton was accused of shockingly. You know, the fact that even leaked sets the wrong tone for the fbi officials. Your final word on this if by the way andrew, more shoes will drop here, right . There are probably more people in trouble here. What do you think . Anybody who has their hands in this, the idea there is actions that are going on outside of what the policies and regulations allow for, that is going to get you fired. If people, who are in now dealt with that, theyre going to be gone. But i think beg picture, real concern there has to be teeth, when somebody does this sort of behavior, policy violations, rule violations one step short of the law, there is not enough consequences. That is a real concern i have. Liz because he was fired for mishandling the Hillary Clinton email probe in his press conferences there. Andrew, thank you very. Really appreciate it. Okay. Liz Hurricane Dorian is gaining strength into a potential category 4. It is barreling towards the east coast of florida. Well get you updated here, winds gusting over 100 Miles Per Hour expected to hit this weekend. Here is a warning from a former fema administrator. The most important thing, anybody from the florida keys well into the georgia coast should be paying very close attention to what happens. Any small change in the forecast at this point can have huge ramifications along the coast three days from now. But talking with the National Hurricane center, others that are in there working these forecasts, there is nothing in the way of this storm that will keep it from rapidly intensifying. Liz get you more information from rick reichmuth. He is live from the fox news weather center. Rick . Liz, he is right nothing really should stop it. We could see dry air get in the middle. That could maybe do it a little bit. But overall conditions are pretty ripe for it to continue to strengthen. This is the official forecast from the National Hurricane center, brings it to category 3 storm tomorrow. Gets into major strength. Maybe up to category 4 by sunday. What you will in the, there is sunday, there is monday and theres tuesday. It stops its forward progression, starts moving much more slowly. That means well see prolonged events of rain, prolonged wind. That causes more and more damage, more and more flooding. This is very uncertain. When you look at this, that means, center of it five days from now could could be anywhere within those points. There is still a ton of uncertainty where the storm will go. Let me bring you down why were looking at that. We are seeing pretty organized storm still. Pressure dropped today. But correspondingly the wind, sustained winds have not gone up. We think that will start to happen tomorrow. When you look at the track, seems like everything is going much better than it was yesterday. At least looking like were seeing more consensus, continuing to move off towards the west. Eventually the righthand turn. One thinking, we saw we were seeing a the love consensus. One of our really reliable computer models, european model is familiar, we talked about, earlier model runs were pretty lined up. Latest model run of european, that is monday. One showing landfall monday. The official track showing landfall on monday. This guy suddenly gets much slower and doesnt make any kind of a landfall, tuesday, wednesday, right along the coast. There is thursday. Our american model, winds it around the eastern seaboard for about a week after that. My point is, liz, everybody will be tired of us talking about this storm. This will be a long, with us for a very, very long time. And florida obviously is first spot well liz rick youre always spot on with the forecasts every period i worked with you. It will be with us a long time. Rick requiring mute. Thank you so much. President trump slamming Msnbcs Lawrence Odonnell after odonnell retract ad thinly sourced bombshell with virtually no corroboration alleging the president got loans from Deutsche Bank with Russian Oligarchs as cosigners this fight is not over rao yet. Tariffs kicking in on sunday. Democrat, media hamminger away at the it again with recession obsession. This debate affects the president s reelection. We take the pros and cons of recession debate. More fake news. There is a lot of fake news out there. The media never writes about. They only like to write about the bad things. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. 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Click, call or visit a store today. [shouting] liz latest on brexit. Over a Million People signed a petition against Prime Minister Boris Johnsons plan to suspend parliament, in order to push through brexit. Meantime joe biden raised eyebrows with this comment about Boris Johnson. I dont know of the new Prime Minister of england. He looks like donald trump. I dont know [laughter] liz okay. Fox news amy kellogg has more in london about brexit. Amy . Liz, there has been three years of angst over brexit here. It didnt seem possible that the issue could become anymore fraught or contentious but it has. Prime minister Boris Johnson to paws parliament for a month, towards very end of brexit countdown, led to some calls of constitutional outrage, that one commentator called it, an outrage olympics around here. There have been protests. Parliament will reconvene next week. Have a week to 10 days to debate how to prevent brexit happening without a deal with the eu. End of october. Parliament will break until october 14th. Some day there has been plenty of time already to come up with that elusive deal with the eu. So perhaps a Nodeal Brexit is the only way out. But up certainty of what no deal means strikes dread in hearts of some millions of europeans that live in the uk, like this portuguese woman who says she has been a carrier of some sort working with children and elderly in two decades of britain, she considers this her home. Loads of english friends never do this to me. Why this unelected parliament did this to us . Liz, parliament was elected. Prime minister johnson took over from theresa may was chosen by a coterie of conservative party members. Pausing parliament is necessary for putting through his own agenda, finally, but the opposition is convinced that this is about pushing through a Nodeal Brexit. There will be a holy confrontation in Parliament Next Week when it reconvenes and opposition is already plotting ways to overturn what johnson is proposing to do. And, there are many options theyre talking aabout, including a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister johnson. Liz . Liz amy kellogg in london. Thank you so much. Back home here were watching markets. Markets are taking this in stride. That tariffs on china are kicking in on sunday. China at the same time, sending fresh troops into hong kong, what it is calling a routine rotation. Many see this as a move by china to stop hong kongs upcoming citywide prodemocracy protests. Bring in apple metro chair, ceo zane tankel to break this down. First on china. You do a lot of business in china. Taking what is going on there . My take is, that it is, no one start as trade war without thinking theyre going to win. We began it. Theyre responding. Reminds me, liz a lot, i dont know, saudis in yemen. They should have won the war in 24 hours. Here they are four years later with the best air force, best mechanic anythings, best everything. They are still at war. We embarked on this trade war with the chinese. The chinese are responding in a way that we cant really figure out. So my best analogy i can give you, liz, this is a chess match, not a checkers game. Liz interesting. I want to move on to the recession obsession. Word, im seeing this word coming in right now. Democrat party will really go after President Trump to stop his reelection by attacking his stewardship of the economy. Okay, lets go through the pros and cons of this debate. The pros, that the prodebate, that there is a recession, were seeing car sales down. Were seeing home sales not so great. Were seeing yield curve. All of that is global recession indicator. The debate that there will not be a recession is 2 gdp growth. Were seeing that coming in. New data coming in, that Job Satisfaction is at a twodecade high. Also we have Consumer Confidence above the longterm average. Jobless rate at 50year low. Democrats will try to stop trump from getting reelected by attacking the economy. Do you see recession coming . Here is what i see, liz . I talk to people on the street. I talk to the people in our restaurants. I was in puerto rico last week. Im a director of a company there. What i see is the longer we keep talking recession, the more likelihood we conceivably could enter a recession because the guy on the street doesnt understand the date that that youre referring to. The guy on the street doesnt understand metrics and indicators, the indices, or indexes. Liz indices. I want to be correct. Indices. They dont understand that. They keep hering recession, recession. Makes them pulling their horns in a little bit. Well get a trade deal. Im not a diplomat, far from it. Anyone knows me tells you im last guy should be one. Im picking top five things are critical. So, went to Wharton School of business. Here is what i learned about negotiating. If both people leave the table unhappy, it is probably a fair deal. If one dominates, the other one got screwed. Or vice versa. So, were not going to be happy. We better be resolved to that. President has to get resolved to that. Were not getting them all. Lets pick the top two. If that happens, recession is something that is so far in the rear view mirror, that nobody is even going to remember it was mentioned. Liz yield curve is distorted. I hate to be wonky, big one media, people citing. Central banks around the world are driving yields down, going into negative interest territory. Buying long note. 10year note. Pension funds by the long note. China buys the long note. Sure. Liz that yield has been suppressed going south for some time. When you have countries going into negative rate territory, people look for to us buy our rates. 10year note. Exactly. Liz not even recession indicator anymore. Fed Officials Say that too. Zane, final word. Its a good indicator for the sense, for reasons you just said. Everybody is flocking here to buy our paper. Would i say that is positive, isnt it . Liz zane, you are terrific of come back soon. Thank you, liz. Liz we have our eyes on several stories tonight. The new school year is about to begin. Health officials now urging parents to vaccinate their kids. Notably for measles, to stop measles outbreaks. Some states like new york have enacted laws eliminating religious grounds for not vaccinating children. As of august 22nd, 31 states had reported measles cases. Milwaukee issuing a health alert. Strongly urging state resident, city residents, rather to stop vaping immediately. After 16 people hospitalized this month alone in the city with severe lung diseases. Much 193 cases of lung disease now reported in teens and young adults, for the summer from vaping. The ftc, launching an investigation into marketing practices of ecigarette company juul. Aaa, warning deaths caused by drivers running red lights, 10year high. The executive director of the Aaa Foundation for Traffic Safety may have to deal with distracted driving in 2017. Look at the number. 939 People Killed by vehicles running through red lights. Aaa advising drivers and pedestrians, use caution at traffic signals. Nasa, now sending a helicopter to mars before it plans to send humans to the planets surface. Engineers now planning on attaching the helicopter to the mars 2020 rover. The helicopter will be solar powered, collect ground samples. Also give scientist as snapshot of aerial views the rover could not capture. Helicopter to marchs not expected to reach the surface of that planet until 2021. This is too close for comfort a boat of tourists came close the eruption after volcano off the coast of sicily. The boat was full of tourists. It quickly evade ad plume of ash, getting close to that boat. Look at that. Eye weaponses heard a loud roar before the eruption. No injuries reported so far. Jeopardy host, good news here, alex trebek will be back hosting the show. He is coming back on september 9th. In march the 79yearold announced he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He announced i have gone through a lot of chemotherapy. Thankfully im on the mend. That is all i can hope for right now. Good luck to, alex trebek. Democratic officials ring in fire alarm bells, dnc is making same mistakes hillary did, not reaching out to voters in key midwestern states. The trump machine is carpet bombing the states. That is what democratic Officials Say. Media complaining that Deutsche Bank is purposely slow rolling the release of trumps tax returns . Well show you the things the media is is missing here in this story. More on that next. September 3rd. My hands are everything to me. But i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture. And it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. Thought surgery was my only option. 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Here is odonnell last night walking it back. Last night on this show i discussed information that wasnt ready for reporting. I repeated statement as Single Source told me about the president s finances and loan documents. I should not have said it on air or posted it on twitter. I was wrong to do so. We are retracting the story. Liz joining me the Heritage Foundation hans van sposky. Im sure the nb. C lawyers had heart palpitations. Lawyers sent him a letter well see you. These documents are recorded. Simple investigation would have shown it isnt true, Russian Oligarchs did not cosign the loan. Liz what if the lawyers, as the president s lawyers did not send the letter threatening legal action . What if that didnt happen . Well then i think odonnell probably would not have backed down, although obviously he needed to because he was coming out with a false story. And that is certainly why he did it so quickly and so fast because of the defamation threat. Liz what is and what is verification process at msnbc that you can go on the air with that . Well there obviously isnt one. Look, it is very clear they didnt meet the most minimal standards for investigating a report like that. Actually they could have met very high standards public figures have, when they are suing for defamation. They have to show that someone demonstrated reckless disregard for the truth. Not doing the most basic investigation shows they didnt do that. Cnn seems to think that Deutsche Bank is purposely slow rolling the release of the president s tax returns. Lets watch this sound bite. Why are they slow rolling it . Why would Deutsche Bank slow roll the information. They are looking at their own interests. They are accused of money laundering. They are protecting their interests. Liz are they forgetting deutch cant release the information because the president and his bank sued to block that, suing capital one, saying you cant release information . Dont banks have confidentiality agreements with their clients . They cant just release information . Theyre disregarding the fact that Deutsche Bank, other companies are caught in a legal battle between congress and the president. The president s lawyers have bonn to court to squash these subpoenas and saying that congress does not have a legitimate legislative purpose in issuing them. Liz thank you, hans. Finish your point. Clearly Deutsche Bank is trying to follow the law. That is what theyre doing here. Liz media not happy theyre following the law. Hans, thank you so much. Coming up the fight between dhs and House Oversight democrats blocked visiting 11 border facilities. Border patrol said they disrupted operations, were rude. House oversight chair Elijah Cummings firing off a letter disputing all of that. First, democratic officials, hey, Democrat National committee. Youre making exact same mistake Hillary Clinton did. That fire engine red alarm bell is dnc hearing it . The Trump Campaign is hearing it. Theyre carpet bombing key battleground states. That is a direct quote from a democrat official. That story next. A vote for any democrat in 2020, is a vote for the rise of radical socialism and the destruction of the american dream. Drivewise. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Thand find inspiration who win new places. Ct. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Its the final days of the lincoln summer invitation even. 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Liz Democrat Officials ringing the alarm bells that dnc youre making same mistakes hillary did, not reaching voters in key battleground state like ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, that trump won. Get right to Fox News Contributor deneen borelli. The Trump Campaign is carpet bombing these states. Deneen, what are they doing . President showing results from promises across the campaign trail, seeing it across the country. Looking at very states that you mention, the dnc is in real serious trouble right now, theyre one big hot mess, liz. When you look how theyre having problems fundraising, for example. The month of june they raised 8. 5 million. Rnc raised 20. 7. You look at their ununified message. There are way too many candidates. The dnc cant get behind one, there are so many of them. They have a lot of issues going on with the dnc and with the democrat party. Liz president one these states, pennsylvania, michigan, didnt vote for republicans since 1988. Wisconsin since 1984. I want to get to what judge deneen pirro said about president warren or president sanders. Watch this. Theyre convinced in the end rich will pay for it. This guy cant do basic math which is no surprise since you never had a real job. They cant possibly pay for any of this stuff. The bottom line with Bernie Sanders is, that there is no such thing as democrat socialism, unless it is just socialism for the democrats. Maybe they will buy into it, but america is not. Liz talking about president sanders. To judge janines point, 60 trillion for cost of his plan to overhaul the entire u. S. Economy. Do voters want a president warren or president sanders, deneen . No, that is just outrageous. What sanders wants to do is raise taxes on hardworking americans. What americans are seeing is more money in their wallets, from the tax cuts and roll back in regulations. So theyre seeing bonuses. Theyre seeing wage growth. What sanders wants to do, turn all of that around. That is not good for hardworking americans. Liz criticism, getting back to the dnc, democrats focused on expanding their base, not targeting voters they need in the swing states. It is astonishing what is going on right now. Theyre putting up candidates, who say we will win white house, raise everybody taxes, overhauling entire u. S. Economy, green new deal, free tuition, break up tech companies, banks, agribusiness, hower grid all of it. It is really unprecedented, deneen. Never seen anything like this. This is a radical plan and it is off the charts. If you work in the energy industry, liz, democrats talking about doing away with fossil fuels completely, doing away with goodpaying jobs, not minimum wage jobs. Folks are listening, paying attention. Democrats want bigger government, more money, and less money in your pockets. Liz deneen, come back anytime soon. Thank you, liz. Liz president you will trump out with a big push to build more border wall as the 2020 election looms. Well dig deep near the james comey ig report coming up soon. Stay here. Democrats want open borders, and republicans want strong borders. That is your difference. One wants open borders. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Sleep number 360 smart bed. St sale of the year on a can it help keep us asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. 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Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. I think it sends a message, look if you want to come down here do the role youre supposed to be, learn, how which fix the problem, not simply demagogue the problem. We can make sure it is open. If you go to interrupt what is happening, when you become the distraction, you become the problem. That is over the long. They took steps at this point saying well not have this. Liz that was republican doug collins on the dhs barring democrat staffers from House Oversight, visiting 11 border facilities, saying the reason that theyre blocked is because theyre rude and disruptive, disrupting our operations down there. Bring in texas republican brian babin. Congressman, your reaction to this . My reaction is theyre rude, disruptive, i think the cpb commissioner did the right thing. I believe that he, barring those folks coming back, those staffers refused to leave, that wanted to interview children, that they didnt have permission to do so, and then not being respectful, following the rules of Border Patrol, i think they deserve not to come back. Liz Elijah Cummings, fired off a letter, you, Border Patrol are trying to block oversight. Shoddy treatment of children, poor contractors, rotten food, not enough diapers, blankets and clothes. Youre reaction . My reaction this is more political theater. Theyre trying to grandstand down on the border. I think doug collins was right on the money. These staffers, these people, from the Oversight Committee on democrat side are becoming the story themselves. I think that is what theyre trying to do. Instead of trying to cooperate, reach across the aisle, do something about this real crisis, this most destructive crisis on our border, where you have essentially 100,000 people a month coming in. Some good things have happened though. If well talk about that here in just a second. Liz to your point, the president is getting the wall built. I think 52 miles out of 500 miles planned. Can he get it done . Can he get even more built . Absolutely. I think the president can get this thing done. I agree with him 100 . Barrier protection works. Most certainly does. The good things happening is cooperation with mexico that were getting, which has kept 39,000 illegal aliens inside of mexico that would have ordinarily been inside under, detainment or released into the interior of the United States. That has happened because of mexican cooperation. It is unprecedented. We also have the really, a game changer. Is the, new flores regulation where we can detain family units, not separate them, but keep them in detainment until they have their immigration hearings. That is a huge thing, that ought to really relieve the problems we have down on the border. Liz congressman, Quick Reaction to the dojig report, stringing rebuke of james comey. Your quick thought there . I can just tell you that i agree with that, 100 . I think mr. Comey is proven to be a leaker. He hasnt told the truth. And i think it is, it is high time that we realize whats going on there. Liz congressman i agree with the ig. Liz congressman brian babin. Thank for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you, liz. Good to be with you. Liz thank you so much, coming up we dig more into the i. G. Report from james comey. He routinely hid information from the president about the steele dossier shoddy credibility, how the democrats paid for it. The i. G. Didnt have a chance to get into it but well debate it. The debate over cnn whether it will report on newly hired analyst, director Andrew Mccabe facing possible indictment. We have darrell issa joining us next. Stay there. Andrew mccabe made a fool out of himself, what he was trying to do was terrible. He was caught, im very proud to say we caught him. Play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Tum tum tum tums content on their endless quest, to nowhere. S, run hopelessly in their cage. But perhaps this year, a more exhilarating endeavor awaits. Defy the laws of human nature,at the summer of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Should always be working harder. Oney thats why, your cash automatically goes into a Money Market Fund when you open a new account. Just another reminder of the value youll find at fidelity. Open an account today. They had just hired the alleged architect of a no conspiracy against Trump Campaign how much time and attention do you think the give the horowitz report when the higher the guy that horowitz investigated. Liz that was Lindsey Graham talking about former deputy instructor Andrew Mccabe. Matthew whitaker believed Andrew Mccabe i be indicted on federal charges soon and Andrew Mccabes attorneys that with the oday officials. Defense lawyers is usually with 70s would be charged, they tried to get to the Deputy Attorney general and plead their case. Liz joining me now former House Oversight committee chair. What do you think star . Will he be indicted . He would be the first highranking department indicted for lying to the department of justice. But it is long overdue. Weve had people in other parts of the executive branch, congress, private citizens repeatedly be charged and convicted, not of an underlying crime but in fact of a false statement to the investigators. That is exactly what Andrew Mccabe did systematically and repeatedly even after he was given a chance to come with the truth he then lied to more claiming he was authorized to do some of these things. Liz go ahead to your point. That the unusual situation. You have a repeat liar who was also part of an attempt to before, during and after the election to undo the president s legitimacy but that is not what he will be tried for, and be tried for lying to the officials and its exactly what other people face. Citizens say he wont face in all likelihood and enter mccabe will face. Martha stewart oliver. Liz former assistant Andrew Mccarthy said this about mccabe, the former deputy director, fbi, clinton, trump now he seeks clemency to get back his job. That is another takedown of enter mccabe. Your quick thought on the department of justice on comey. It is never going to be the indictment that we want for comey for being part of the vast conspiracy if you will to undo the result of an election. What it is is a recognition that it was people doing wrong whether or not hes currently charge, people doing things wrong that ultimately vindicate the president for saying there shouldve been a special counsel, mueller entire investigation was propagated by the actions, wrongful actions that are laid out in the Inspector General report. I think its a second vindication of the president and ultimately we now have somebody that can say we had all this all these problems that the bullet report in the last two years, we had them because of this mans actions even infected bees not charge. Liz thank you so much. Come back soon we love having you on. And thank you for having us in your homes and think of for watching. Lou dobbs is next on the fox business network. Have a good evening. Good evening everybody, the republic is in some trouble. Our nation former top Law Enforcement officer disgraced, fired fbi director james comey escaping prosecution despite violating fbi rules, leaking documents and being something less than candid. As it is preciously put at what is now the scandal written fbi. Today the release of a long report from an fbi Inspector General Michael Horovitz for separate addition about his handling of classified memos turning out to

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