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States has never used before. And i am not even talking about nuclear. Retired fourstar general jack keane was in the pentagon 8 years ago 8 years ago when it was 18 years ago wirt was struck. Trish regan primetime begins now. Republicans with a big win in North Carolina after highprofile visits by President Trump. The republican beat out his democratic opposition. President trump won the district by points in 2016. President trump dan bishop worked hard and i worked hard with him. He made up a 17point lead in a few week. He won a great elect last night. Thats a tremendous win for the republican party. Trish former 2016 Trump Campaign director, corey lewandowski. Does this mean more success to come . This is a very important race as you look at the republicans opportunity to take back the majority of house of representatives. What we heard leading into this race is the democrats are going to win. It will be a reflect on Donald Trumps campaign and resurgence on the democratic party. A democrat hasnt won a statewide office in texas in 25 years. This particular district has been held by a republican for 6 years. Trump went in and solidified that candidate and make sure he won so we are back on the path of the republicans taking back the majority in 2020. Trish can it be repeated all over the country when you get to 2020 . Yes. Donald trump and mike pence were not on the ballot in 2018. They will be on the bat lot in North Carolina which is a battleground state. What he has done on behalf of the africanamerican community, the asian community. Female. Every demographic is doing better than they were doing when he came into office. When they look at donald trump and go down the Party Platform to make sure they have the right people working with them. Trish a lot of polls have showed the president might have an uphill battle here. Yet we saw that in 2016 as well. I guess, corey. People arent as honest as they should be. Dont tell me people lie. Dont tell me the media is dishonest. This is news to me. When you are a trump supporter they boycott your business. They call you names, they call you xenophobic and racist and bigot. If you are getting a phone call from a polling entity and they are saying are you with donald trump or with sleepy joe or crazy bernie or kamala or pocahontas. Their answer is hey, i dont want to talk about it. The media has divide this country so badly against this president , the supporters fear the presence of donald trump. When they go into the sanctity of that ballot box they place the checkmark for donald trump. Trish speaking of polls, you are doing well yourself. There is talk of you running for senate in our home state i should say, New Hampshire, live free or die. You are 10 points behind jeanne shaheen. She has been a career politician for a long time. On a day like this, those planes cong out of boston. Today is a day of reflection. As i look at a senate race, i think what the people of New Hampshire need in washington, d. C. What we have seen in New Hampshire is a failure of leadership with pour federal elected officials. These are the people who voted to continue to fund stink wary cities, to say Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch werent qualified to be on the supreme court. I dont believe those are the values of New Hampshire. When i look back at the tragedies of 9 11, im so disappointed that our federal elected officials havent done more to bring the values of washington, d. C. If i get in this race not only am i going to run to win, ill bring the values of smaller government, lower taxes and less regulation to washington. And work in a bipartisan fashion. Jeanne shaheen has not called out Rashida Tlaib or aoc for any of the craziness they have said. The fact that aoc thinks the world is going to end in 10 years. She hasnt said anything. You have a short time in d. C. , you accomplish something and you leave. Trish its a state that i think has core values. Live free or die being one of them. They dont want taxes there. I group in a democratic family. Even the democrats i know, dont put own income tax in. Whatever government has, government will spend. These are New Hampshire values and its not there in washington right now. New hampshire and alaska dont have an income tax or sales tax. Our state has a balanced budget requirement that says dont spend more than you bring in. But in washington, d. C. , they have a different set of rules. There is no accountability. She has been part of the problem. We had an opportunity for 12 years to help the people of the state of New Hampshire and you cant point to one signature piece of legislation you accomplished . I think its time for a new u. S. Senator in New Hampshire. I want to hear it here. From miss New Hampshire herself. I want to know. Corey lewandowski, its good to see you. Coming up. President trump is considering to be his next National Security advisor. Hes already a cabinet member. What have if i told you a small region in italy will paying you 800 a month just to move there. But there is a catch. Abby hornacek is here and shell tell you what it is. Socialist alexandria ocasiocortez loves to complain about her student loan debt. A year ago was waiting tables in a restaurant. And it was literally easier for me to become the youngest woman in American History elected to congress than it is to pay off my student loan debt. Trish three guesses who she is blaming. When we return. You know, baker, i can help you with with that. Oh, no, its fine. Thanks, though. A man should cut his own lawn. [ lawnmower engine rattling ] [ engine starts ] with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. 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And i 19,000. We saw two arguments from the republican side. One is the issue is not germane to the committee. I heard people on the Committee Say its not our job. This our job. Trish aoc blaming republicans for College Loan Debt . Apparently she takes no responsible whatsoever. She is the one to decided to go to Boston University to get that fancy degree. She takes no responsibility herself or puts studenision to spend all this money. Nor does she go after the colleges themselves. The colleges, they are the ones that are increasing tuition at record rates all out of pace with inflation. Nor does she go after the government overall. Because think about the lenders who are incentivized to keep lending. I mean, the government lends money to anyone who wants to go to school, regardless of whether they will ever be able to pay it back. Effectively the colleges themselves and the federal government are somehow in cahoots on this and basically leaving a lot of people to take out a lot of the money they should never take out to begin with. Joining us right now is Madison Gesiotto and would beer patello. We should be looking at this. But its not just blame republicans. Its to do some soul searching about one big messed up market. According to the liberals, almost everything wrong in our country today is to be blamed on republics. As someone who had to take out student loans. I know how heard it is to back. F something republicans did necessarily. Assuming young people actually believe when they hear the democrats on the president ial campaign trail saying it doesnt eliminate student loan debt. Proposing it and getting it done are two different things. Trish robert patello, get the federal government out of the business of lending money to college students. Then colleges will have to charge market rates. I think that might be a solution going forward. But we have an entire generation of people of who have to make life decisions based on student loan debt. We are dragging the heads of these clodges and universities to explain why their tuition is going up. Trish Elizabeth Warren is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a few lectures. Doe when it comes down to it. Lets take this thing seriously. Trish when it comes down to it, we have one messed up market. You have got u. S. Colleges freaking out because they are concerned they are not going to have enough Chinese Students paying the full boat of tuition. They are take out understand policies against a drop in International Students because they have seen the 10 decline in International Enrollment they think is tied to the trade war with china. In the case of the university of illinois thats all concerned about this. These are taxpayer dollars that are funding this education and you are out there enrolling Chinese Students. It seems kind of warped, if you ask me. There are a lot of misguided pry towards when it comes to the decisions they are making and what they are focusing on. I dont think they are focusing on the correct issues. When it comes to people across this country, they want to see americans put first. Thats something that helps this president get elected. Trish i dont know if they are always going after intellectual talents. They are going after the big old mighty dollar. Whether you are chinese and can pay for tuition or a poor american kid who will have to take out a zillion loans. It seems to care about getting paid. I think that is a problem, robert. What happened to education being education . Somewhat we have seen, we saw with the cheating scandal with becky a felicity huffman. When the cheating scandal got announced her daughter was on a yacht with the board of trustees. We have multiple College Basketball and football coaches making 100 million in their contract. We need to drag them before congress and get solutions to control tuition. As long as foreign and indian and Chinese Students can come here and jack up tuition. Whoever wants to do it first, im with you. Trish i have some cousins who live in france. This is france, by the way. The tuition, the most of tuition is 4,000 a year. Hows that, guys. Madison, robert. A live look at the 9 11 tribute in light. Vertical columns of light representing the between towers that once stood in manhattan. Coming up, a closer look at our war against terror and well never forget the horrific events that took place 18 years ago today. I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. The world is built for you. So why isnt it all about you when it comes to your money . So. Whats on your mind . We are a 97yearold firm built for right now. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. 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Welcome on this very difficult day. Certainly for you. I know you were right there as the pentagon was getting attacked. Tell us about your experience about what happened. Well, personally it was an intense horrific day. The airplane hit the pentagon. We knew there was a terrorist attack give what took place in new york city. Smoke immediately filled my office. I knew the plane had hit us. I told my people to call home and track wait. I took my aide and my executive officer. I gave them my old tshirts, we wet them up and went down in the area where the plane hit to assist people getting out of there. Then my executive officer said we have to leave the recovery to others, you have to take charge it army. Lets go to the Operations Center, which i did. At 11 00 at night went to see all the wound in the hospital before telling our folks in the Operations Center this is the first battle of a new war. Well prepare for it and go at this 24 7. It wont be too long before we are on the ground in afghanistan dealing with the thugs and killers. In the hospital i saw horrific sights. Many of our teammates were terribly burned by the jet fuel. They were conscious and it was very challenging trying to comfort them. And i got incredible reports from the doctors and nurses about the medical attention that was provided to the wounded on the scene at the sight of the incident because there were so many military people there who know how to take care of people that the major bleeding that was taking place was stopped. The people didnt bleed out and they were being treated for shock. A lot of those patients were already stabilized to some degree when the First Responders got there. It was a horrific day, something riveted in my mind forever. Trish you have seen your share of battles, you fought in vietnam. But to have it here at home. Going to work on a normal day going through your normal routine takes that war to a whole new level. As a career military person, what was that like to have them strike the pentagon. For many of us, including myself, i never felt so much anger. It was one thing for us in the military to be dealing with could be applicant and enemy and something we have had a lot of experience at. Its quite another for people to be going to work in the towers and 7 buildings in the World Trade Center and in the pentagon and flying in an airplane who are innocent. They are not involved in the conflict. Thats clearly what the radicals had in mind. And it awakened us in america. They had declared on us years before that. They dropped two of our embassies in north africa. We didnt do much about it. They hit the u. S. S. Cole and we didnt do much about it. I think that was a catalyst for them to do something more dramatic. They believed america was morally weak. They didnt understand we would be motivated and inspired by it. Trish a united country. And people were united in trying to do something about them. I wont go down the path of getting into iraq and whether we squandered some of that. But i will ask you this. Where are we today . What is the threat today. Could Something Like this tragically happen again . Its a great question. Something we should be talking about given the pros and prod conservatives of d pros and cons of leaving afghanistan. It doesnt have an end in a conventional sense on the battlefield as we have won all the wars. It has an end when those people who want to be part of that ideology choose to do Something Else with their life and it dries up because of the lack of people willing to participate and give their lives to it. We have to keep that in our mind. What we have done in these 18 years is only focused on those organizations in the radical Islamic Movement that have aspirations to come to america and hurt us. Thats in five or six places. Afghanistan being one of them. What three president s have done. Lets give all three of them credit. They had Different Levels of execution in doing this. The job was, lets take them on over there where they are. And prevent them from conduct catastrophic attack on the United States again. After 18 years, that mission is being accomplished. And still being sustained. And we can never forget that. The sacrifice thats been made in afghanistan which is currently under the spectrum, do we day or go. The soldiers who made that sacrifice and civilians, they havent squandered anything, they have protected us by doing this. We have to stay in this game. It doesnt require a lot of commitment. But it requires us keeping our foot on the neck of these guys. All modest commitments. We are in and out of yemen and libya and somalia for the same reason. Trish you cant just say we are out of here . No, you cant. Most of of the places where the radicals are, we are not there. And we are not interested because we cant do it all. In these five or six places, why are we interested . Because they all have aspirationshit america at home. No one wants to hear this. But this is the hard truth of it. We have got to stay focused on it indefinitely until that threat stosms. We cant just say this is over for us now. If we do that. God forbid to come here and kill us again. That would be shameful for us to put americans in that kind of position. Knowing what we know about this threat. Trish jack keane, thank you. Tino you will never forget. Well never forget. Take a live look at lower manhattan. Remember 9 11. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. 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Trish iran saying President Trump sangs would need to be lifted for there to be any negotiation over a new nuclear deal. But those same sanctions are actually kind of what is the impetus to getting something going. They have been acting like an economic chokehold. It could actually force iranians to the table as early as next week at the general assembly. Get ready for some big news. Here is President Trump. Watch. President trump they have tremendous financial difficulty. And the sanctions areetting tougher and tougher. I think iran has tremendous potential. They are incredible people. We are not looking for regime change. We hope that we can make a deal. If we cant make a deal, thats fine, too. But i think they have to make a deal. Trish they have to make a deal. Does that mean President Trump will be meeting with iranian enjoys in new york city . He just might. Joining me, graymont ceo. Its been a while. Starting with iran, do you think there is real potential there . You think a deal could be worked out with the iranians where they do a little more to pull off on the en whats bugging us while we get involved economically . I think there is an opportunity to push the dead like out for the nuclear enrichment. But the biggest part of the jpcoa which i think donald trump was talking about there in that piece is this is one of the biggest untapped markets in the world. They have been under sanctions for a long time. They like venezuela, the iranian people want to buy american good. So jcpoa opened the doors for European Companies to do business in iran. It didnt open the door for u. S. Companies. So go to the table and say, guys, we dont like the Nuclear Weapons and we want your market to open to our goods. Trish this in your view is a lousy deal for the u. S. , for americans because it left all the benefits that you might even have with some kind of deal. For security we wanted to stop the nuclear activity. Thats still going to be in there, you can probably do more to say you are going to have to stop the israel stuff. You will have to back off and this is that component of it. But that aside from just an economic standpoint, it stunk for us and it was awesome for the europeans. You have spoken to some of the same people i have around the iranian camp who know we got a raw deal economically. President obama, economics was not his forte. Business was not his forte. This is a president who understands business and the economy. Absolutely. I 100 agree. The real solution for iran is to integrate iran into the international marketplace. I know most of iranians remember the days when they were our biggest allies in the region. They spent a lot of time under the Islamic Republic that they are sick of. The demand for goods in iran are huge. Obama did not understand that that should be part of the deal. He came up through academia, i guess he did a lot of grassroots political work. Thats great. President trump, you heard it right there, great place, great people, they know how to do business. Who should they do business with . What makes america great. We do business. Trish its an interesting take on it, hans. John bolton is no longer there. I think the last time i was on with you i was expressing some frustration about john Bolton Holding up Donald Trumps instincts toward creating Business Opportunities in the rest of the world. What are we giving away in iran . What are we giving away in venezuela . The stuff we have a real domestic all its a Great America first policy. John bolton was responsible for. We were going in the right direction before he came on board in my opinion. Donald trump has the right instincts to make the America First policy. If he can cut a deal. Why are we giving away the oil business in venezuela . The people we know who have Oil Concessions on the ground in venezuela, you have chevron able to do business there. In a little while thats going to be given to a rug company and juan guaido said those contracts will stand. I cant as an investor buy venezuelan bond. We have a crazy america last policy that i think donald trump understands is off the mark, whether its iran or venezuela. I think last years general assembly, you heard the story, its been in the press. After bashing iran in the general assembly, donald trump reached out to rouhani to say lets have dinner. It sound weird. But it worked. And be the principle guy. The principal guy. He said he would be willing to talk to maduro and he was pulled back. Today he said it again. Trish now that bolton is out of the way. Get some of the others off to the sidelines how do we keep america great, its by doing business with the world. Trish interesting. Good to see you. Thank you so much. Coming up, everyone. Want to live in italy . I was just actually over in rome this summer for vacation. Apparently now is our chance. One Italian Region is going to offer big bucks to go and live there. So we get paid to live in italy. I like that idea. There is a little catch, Abby Hornacek will tell you wait i. But first no consequences for bad behavior. Wait until you hear what liberal state just got rid of suspensions at public schools. The answer when we return. With sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. Our most awarded luxury suv. [ scoffs ] if you say so. Im sorry . What teach here isnt telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers with discounts on car insurance. What . Or maybe he didnt know. [ chuckles ] im done with this class. Youre not even enrolled in this class. I know. Im supposed to be in ceramics. Do you know room 303. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. Good luck, everybody. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. Here, hello starts with hi mple. How can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Trish liberal California Governor Gavin Newsom ignoring californias homeless epidemic. The president is trying to do what he can. Hes signing a law that prohibits Elementary Schools from suspending disruptive students. So whats the solution here . What are teachers supposed to do when you have some kid thats disruptive in school . What about the poor kid trying to learn in school . Do they have to continue to deal with that . With the kid that should be suspended . Joining me now from the daily caller, stephanie hamill. You know what bugs me about this. The left, they are always trying to rework society for the lowest common denominator up stead of thinking about the rest of the student body, the 99 behaving every day. They are catering to the ones that cant behave. Its stunning. Its hard to believe, but then it is california. I livedth for five years. Whats up is down and what down is up when it comes to the lawmakers and the bills they are pushing through. I wanted to make sure i wasnt totally off. So i reached out to one of my best friends who was a former san diego unified teacher. I wanted to read her text message to me. She just learned today that gavin signed this bill. She couldnt believe it. She he all schools are filled with disruptive and plainly disrespectful kids who wreck learning for others. Schools have turned into Daycare Centers whose job it is to keep disruptive dangerous kid away from the public with parent who are contributing and enabling the behavior. She is telling me the teachers are pretty lenient. She said some of the student would dance around on the desk at one point one of her student slashed a teachers tires. Then they suspended the student. Trish what are they going to do. Are they saying you teachers just deal with it . They are not going to get suspended. Or expelled. This is grade 68. They had a similar rule 1 through third grade. These are little kid. But for 68 thats an important time to show kid that there will be consequences for your behavior. If you think back when we were kid. The most of frightening thing i cant imagine the logic behind it is the democrats think this will stop the schools bring prison pipeline. It will affect the good student and the teachers who are afraid to speak out. All of the teachers she talked to are not happy with this because they know it will make their jobs difficult. You think about all the other issues with classroom crowding and the amount of student they have. The lack of funding, if you will. Its crazy. Trish i feel bad for the teachers, i really do. And i feel bad for 9. 9 of the 99. 9 of the kid behaving in class, because this drags them down. Coming up, matthew in the kitchen. Is that not sweet in oh, my goodness. Also, you want to get paid to live in italy . Foxnations Abby Hornacek has nose stories and a lot more when nose stories and a lot more when we are all Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Dimitris on it. Eating right . On it getting those steps in . 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Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . This very intriguing. Well look into it. We are going to plan it right now. Trish im such a sucker for any video, really. This one is so cute. This little guy helps in the kitchen. He can help you cook. That dog is making a sandwich. The first time i watched this, i said wow, im so concerned for our future that people are so lazy that we need our dogs to make our and wiches. Then i thought that takes more effort to teach your dog to do that than to make your own sandwich. Trish i should train my kids to do a lot of things. Right now im trying to train them to do their homework. I will do their homework. Trish i know they want to play basketball with you. So speaking of food, since we are on the subject. Apparently americans love it when someone else is people are spending money eating out more, but not everyone is a winner. Well, there are, you look at all of the top food chains, first of all we saw a 6 increase in spending on eating out in 2018, 4 so far in 2019. As already outnumbered 3 spent on retail. So many numbers. It tells the story so well, we are eating out more and more. Donald for instance, three and 3. 85 in sales. I heard it through the grapevine. You have starbucks, subway, i was surprised to see on the list, they are the only one who dropped in sales but they are still at number three. The winners would be the ones who are carrying Healthy Options and hamburgers, where they. They do not go hand in hand. People are really into that. People order of hamburg without a bond and just use lettuce and they think its healthy. Will have the dogs in the kitchen making for sandwiches. [laughter] you have a new showy show coming up. I went around to the areas around the country, i look forward to that. Field of dreams, people traveled all over, from all over the country for the 30th anniversary for the field of dreams. That movie means so much to people. Seeing how they maintain the corn in the field is still there. A lot of history there. Ive never seen that movie. Did i just admit that . Maybe we could just cut that out. [laughter] we look forward to seeing the show. Thanks for being here, as always. Thank you to all of you for tuning in. We have another big show for you tomorrow night. Ill see you right back here. Good night. Democrats say its time to take the gloves off in less than 24 hours, the donkeys debating on one stage altogether for the very first time. Whos going to steal the show . Who will pack it up and go home . The third debate of the Campaign Season tomorrow night in houston. We call it here, houston. Joe biden, Saint Bernard sanders, also a lot of want to bes

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