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Challenging. The race is much closer than expected because of the president lastminute campaign. Meantime the impeachment inquiry continues with the release of the transcripts from depositions taken behind closed doors. Much attention was given to european union. Who said he now presumed aid to ukraine was delayed until it would investigate the business dealing of joe biden son hunter. And he told that to trump ukrainian official. The white house responded insisting there was never a quid pro quo. Along with the release, democrat adam schiff who is leading the investigation announced the first impeachment hearing will be held next week. The president continues to make a case with reelection attacking democrats over impeachment in the economy. And he summed it up in alltime high for the stock market and all the fake news want to talk about is the impeachment hoax. What is the impeachment and reelection prospect in strategy exactly . How does he plan to execute them . My guess is the ideal person to ask Kellyanne Conway and she joins me from the white house. Thanks so much for being here. An absolute pleasure. Thank you for having me. Let me start they reported this week including wall street journal that President Trump wanted his attorney general to publicly declare that the president hadnt broken any laws in his phone call with ukrainian president , you know why william barr refuse to do that . The president has denied that reporting was weber. The fact that the department of justice had already waited and there are locals december 26 the state the department of justice, Criminal Division looks into this and declined to investigate further because they concluded that no campaignfinance violation had occurred. So the department of justice had a ready put out very clear and compelling statement as to what they assessed this call could mean and not to me. Also attorney general barr and white House Counsel and the president himself who decided to release the transcript, the entire world has access to the call between ukrainian and american president. There was no discussion of william barr doing a press conference saying very publicly, the president broke my laws, and that phone call . I have no direct knowledge of that. I know the president has denied it through a series of trea twea private statement and i also think that reporting is a little odd because the department of justice under attorney general barr has publicly stated they sell no campaignfinance violation and no criminal conduct that would rise to the level of Department Justice investigation. In the reporting saying they wanted the attorney general dale dates to do something and something they already done. This belongs to the ambassadors statement this week. Despite what he earlier said, he did understand and presumed that there was a quid pro quo connecting the release of aid from the United States to ukraine with ukraine government willingness to conduct and publicly state they were conducting investigations. So you and the president continues to say there was no quid pro quo. What he said originally page 105 and 106 of his transcript for testimony, he called the president and asked him directly, what you want from ukraine and the president said i wanted to do what they ran on, i want them to weed out corruption. There is no quid pro quo. And he corrected his testimony or attic, but to this moment he admits that he presumed that he has no direct knowledge. Another witness said their interpretation and some video said i just assume that. They cannot impeach a president of the United States based on what staffers and investors or any of us presume, interpret, wish, hope, think imply, the competition has high crimes and misdemeanors before extreme events of impeaching a president and removing him from office particularly when he was elected over three years ago and will again in less than a year. You say again there was no quid pro quo, but you also say that the president and the president said this, the president the whole point was to root out corruption, what would be wrong, why would there be anything wrong with the president saying you need to root out corruption and if you dont were not going to do what we said we going to do. Governments do that all the time they say if you want a we have to require you to do this. Why the refusal to acknowledge there was a quid pro quo. We need to rephrase quid pro quo to build a case for impeachment. Adam schiff 20s not lying in leaking and cherry picking ten minutes worth of ten hours of an interview subject deposition. Is talking about quid pro quo is the road that leads to impeachment. Were not going to use their language. You are correct that governments including the u. S. Government condition for aid and military aid on any number of factors, every demonstration does that. But the president is saying here, is that ukraine got aid, it had 400 million worth of military aid that one presumes they are using as you and i speak right now. Ukrainian president said he noted aid was being held up and he felt no pressure and in fact this is much more aid than ukraine ever got under the obama ministration basically they were sending pillows and blankets in this president gave him 400 million of military aid. What you just said, if there was a quid pro quo why would it matter it happens all the time. This is something that is reported on the republican senators, i dont know if i have to assess one way or the other but i certainly dont think it rises to the level of an impeachable defense. That maybe when under many reason why not a single republican, in fact to democrats to not allow the impeachment inquiry to go forth because based on what they know from the secret hearings there is nothing that they see that rises to high crime or misdemeanor. What is the defense, you said some republicans are saying, the president did say this needed to be done and if they did not do it they would not get the aid, that was perfectly fine. But then you say in other say there wasnt even that condition. Its a confusing message. Is not confusing why worry even discussing the idea. Why are we discussing impeachment is a real central question. Why in the world is the congress not doing its job to keep this economy to help us lower Prescription Drug prices, getting infrastructure package with broadband, service transportation, air Traffic Control into the 21st victory it was built for 100,000 annual and now close to a billion. We cannot get them to the table to say without huffing and puffing and throwing arms up and walking out on the business. The real central question, why do we have an impeachment inquiry. Your question is it a confusing message, no, if the president were afforded a due process and this were a transparent open process that you or i would be afforded as citizens in the country if we are being accused of a crime or even in a civil matter, we would be able to present witnesses and evidence so the president would argue the alternative and say theres no quid pro quo but if there was is inot impeachable. Guess who bears the burden, the people who want to impeach them. We have to take a quick break. Please stay with us i want to discuss the role that Rudy Giuliani is playing in all this. To rembember sales event lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for 419 a month for 27 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. With sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Thouwhich is Breast Cancer metastthat has spreadcer, to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. 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And he was representing him in that capacity for quite a while. The july 25 call between the market president and ukrainian president occurred 120 after bob mueller testified to congress which was not a bombshell, it was a big bomb. The multireport comes out and bob mueller testifies on jul july 25, 1 day later President Trump was thinking i want to ask you can president about 2016 and i want to get to the bottom. And then he says wilensky may be the first dimension, but more important its wilensky who talks about how the United States is hopeful in the ukrainian president was he sister President Trump to drain the swamp and root out corruption. Giuliani also had this interest in ukraine and we know this is been widely reported. This is not just presumably financial interest, he was representing the president. I saw a conflict of interest, im wondering what efforts were made to ensure that that conflict of interest was dealt with. On the one hand going to ukraine representing the president of the United States and at the same time has been business interest. It sounds like a conflict of interest. I would need to refer the question to really giuliani because only he can answer them. I am struck by how much the media was trying to stretch their next and say we must remind our viewers and listeners, theres no evidence that they have done anything wrong or illegal and were presumptively negative goodlooking for criminal conduct and when donald trump and really giuliani and even connected with the United States is truly offensive respectively that they are all doing that and why were on the subject of bidens, there like the loch ness monster of the swamp. Hunter biden admitted to abc news that he had no Energy Experience in joe biden has no energy whatsoever but had no Energy Experience that would qualify him to have a 50000 on month retainer from this Energy Company in ukraine and move out to china to get more money out of it. But for his last name. Its not just his last name, at the time that he got a seat on the board of Energy Company of ukraine, his father was Vice President. Im glad was particularly relevant, it sounds rather similar to the position that giuliani found himself in. I never any giuliani was representing the president of the United States and the reasonable suspicion is that maybe as he was representing a powerful person the president , he was also doing business in ukraine the same way the biden no you cannot complete the two it all. Heres why joe biden was Vice President of the United States at that time, he was in charge of the cranium policy and he allowed his son with 0 experience and the right to be there on air force two as it pulleflew to china. This is exactly what bothers people about the swap and what bothers people about political views. Its white donald trump won in the first place. When people say why are you talking about bidens, because joe biden is on videotape and dinner 2018 bragging in front of the council that he was holding up a billion dollars worth of funding guaranteed to the ukrainians until they agreed to fire a prosecutor until they agreed not to investigate and he said if you dont believe me call barack obama im on the tarmac the 90 minute. Lets take another break and well be right back and i want to get your thoughts on the 2020 campaign especially the lack of this weeks elections. Stay with us. 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That includes modern standards of loan employment rate particular among africanamerican, asian americans, women but also the wage growth of bluecollar workers is significant. In the job production alone bringing the industries back to this country that were flat on their backs, manufacturing, warehousing, mining, construction, the fundamentals are strong and this is an economy that works for job creators, seekers and holders. The last is offering free stops in this president is offering freedom. Just do not have job security or job availability but job mobility you can choose a job closer to home if you want less commute. You can choose the job offers eye and dental. Unit is really cutting through the noise and the lies and making sure i also think he won the ballot in 2020 and a lot of suburbs will come back to him on the party. The latest nbc poll, a lot of these suburban areas are white collegeeducated women in the latest mbc pool last month said President Trump the Approval Rating with College White educated women is 34 . Thats the number we below and where was in 2016. A lot of people say the problem here and you blame the media to get the message across a lot of people say is the president s tone those people object to some of the things that he does and says and tweets. Will that change . Im not going to the media im saying we have to make sure the message of the people im hearing about the president s privacy for them specifically is one coming to the silent and being associated back to the president. I tell people all the time, you dont like the tone or tweet or the street, thats great i dont agree with anybody 100 of the time but i will gravitate towards people who have my best interest at heart. And this is the president who for three years has made to our military has had more than 700 billion for each of the three years. Our military and veterans have respect and resources that they deserve. Do you accept that the three year trend does demonstrate the republicans most of partly in the suburbs in this country . Think the suburban voters will have to look at who is better on healthcare, economy, military, drug crisis, things that hit close to home and we have the resources and most of partly President Trump and Vice President pence send a message. I will tell you, there were a lot of good thoughts with the Republican Party with the president. 13 of the 14 elections in mississippi and kentucky on last tuesday when republican in 17 really close, the president made that race competitive in the first africanamerican the first woman ever elected in Mississippi Attorney general were talking pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, those places. In neighboring new jersey republicans stand fairly well, we picked up a simile seat in one of the two democrats who voted them not to vote for the impeachment inquiry is a democratic freshman congressman from new jersey. He had his constituents get down to business and get the trade deal and get usmca i voted on and stop trying to investigate to impeach the president. Beat them at the ballot. Thank you for joining me. Just the head marks a major anniversary for a declining moment of the 20th century. Ill explain why that continues to resonate today. Tonight a cureall why medicare for all is raising red flags. Larry has a dose of reality on the roundtable. The magic moment. Congress really democratized wall street. I wanted to have a firm that wanted to get everybody in. Because people couldnt access wall street. We wanted to be agents of change. For the better. Are Critical Skills for scientists at 3m. One of the products i helped develop was a softer, more secure diaper closure. 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Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa this weekend marks the 30th anniversary of the burning wall. It exploded around the world the day has not aged well. Too many people the triumph of liberal democracy that it represented seems to be replaced by a rising authoritarianism across the globe. People are worried that populace nationalism are threatening the gains from the communism. I think thats gloomy of an assessment. Its important to realize both first and foremost they began in 1989 and resulted in improvement of the quality of life, for hundreds of millions of people around the world. Free from communism. Also important that those knowing the populace nationalism is a reimagining of it. The for globalization that followed the fall of the burning wall and 89 was related into the continued natural and cultural identities. Economic political and cultural elites, not itself was harmful to the democracy. Marking the beginning of the end of democracy in todays populism with its channels has an opportunity for renewal. One that is rooted in the will of the people rather than the elites that ruled since 1989. It was the first few holes in the wall that made this democratic revolution possible. That is for us, the leadership update, follow me on twitter, instagram, ill be up next week with mark and uptodate interviews. Thank you for joining us. Barrons roundtable sponsored, very mellow ways and other Companies New health talk and price of Prescription Drug. Billion Dollar Company sitting on piles of cash how barrons exclusive analysis. Edward jones chief with her recession quiz. Anbarronsbarronsroundtable. 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