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Well be looking at the crippling problem and what can be done to alleviate. All that and more on making money. Charles break out the nasdaq 9,000 hats, folks. It has been a decade for technology, which now, influences all facets of our lives and the process has created wealth beyond anyones imagination. Even not too long ago, think about this, after the Technology Bubble burst, the nasdaq composite, slipped into a form of purgatory if you will. But once technology really began to catch up, the hype began to impact the daily lives, sparked a modernday gold rush that shows no signs of slowing down. Considering this, total volume of nasdaq, in 20,173,000,000,000,000. Now almost 18 trillion, even todays session, the big names in tech are leading nasdaq even higher. The question, can the biggest winners of the session of the year, of the decade, keep it going into the next year, even the next 10 years . Here with me jackie deangelis, money map chief investment strategist, keith fitzgerald. You have been all over the big tech names, momentum names. Mindboggling what happened here. They have regained momentum they lost a month ago. Where is the end . I dont think there is one, charles. That is one of the coolest things about this technology. We are very rapidly going to a point where big gains are not necessarily making a new widget or making a new hard good. The big gains are harnessing technology. We have not yet begun to tap that yet. Connell jackie, i should point out these names are able to morph themselves. Apple was a computer story. Then it became a phone story. Now it is becoming a perhaps a services story. Amazon has moved into the cloud. Netflix, started off selling dvds. Now theyre doing other things. Theyre not necessarily the same companies they were a decade ago but they have been able to power so much higher, trillions of dollars of wealth created. That is why they have been so successful. I think some of the pop youre seeing on apple and amazon is coming out of the Holiday Season as well the both of them appear to have done very well in terms of sales of the products, especially amazon with all the devices. Echo dot, the fire stick, alexa devices. They killed it, hit it out of the park. Charles named top five items theyre all apple products. Yeah. Charles Elizabeth Warren may hear that, bet upset. Youre right, number one stock is amazon. Apple number four stock. Nordstrom reflecting the consumer. Keith, it is also the semiconductors. I dont think many people realize, there is not really a household name in the chip sector per se but advanced micro on its way to being number one stock of the year. If you look at top 10 s p names of the year, six are chip names. Chips go into everything. Will continue to go into everything. You know, wont stop in 2020. It wont stop in 2020. No, it wont. That is nail on the head issue of the chips are in picture frames or your toaster these days. Not just about the big tech you and i grew up with. It will be what can tech do, how it impacts our life. We have to exchange information. This is very much a picks and shovel strategy, like old gold rush days. Charles it is a gold rush, jackie. The gift i came out was Nintendo Switch light. I gave it to every kid. Didnt matter how hold you were. Could barely crawl, take this kid. Years ago when all of this was happening there was the thing, you had a toothbrush with a chip in it, but it couldnt talk to other toothbrushes. Now about everything being connected as well. There are socioeconomic issues come with that. But from a pure investment point of view, it is still a viable thesis. Im looking at it from that perspective, reporter perspective. We both lived through the tech bubble in 2000. It was 5000 and plummeted. It was basically on fluff. There was no substance there. Youre absolutely right. Were becoming more interconnected forever. It is not just domestic market. There is a global market. There is demand for the chips. When im a reporter looking at 9,000 number im a little scared of it in some ways. I agree there is still more room to run as long as Technology Keeps driving us forward. Charles think about the world, not just the United States. Were already saturated. Think how many houses have to be wired up, netflix, disney plus or cell phone service. Billions of people on the planet still neat a cell phone. More evidence the consumer driving economy. Holiday retail tales up 3 . Driven by online purchasing. Were talking smashing records, whether jewelry, department stores, electronics, apparel. Up huge yearoveryear. Keith, department stores, overall down 1. 8 but online up 7 . Here is the thing i find intriguing. Amazon world brickandmortar names, putting them out of business, perhaps now saving some of these brickandmortar names. Oh, i think that is very real. The key here, whether the brickandmortar store offers something not replaceable f its a coming and going. Amazon is commodity, they will take your business before you realize it, focus on customer service, value add, something you cant get anywhere else, those bricks and mortars will do very, very well. We have number up in the northwest, related to kayaks, outdoor equipment. If business can transform itself to that, they have fighting chance. Charles nordstrom, you say you have been shopping. I thought it would be dead on arrival. The numbers are huge. Numbers are huge. There are a couple reasons why. Number one, i agree with keith you have to offer Something Special and different. People shopping online at nordstrom, they Love Convenience clicking, paying online. They make the returns easy too. Brickandmortar retailers are becoming smarter how they do it. Theyre synthesizing the process. When youre there you may pick up something there. Smart ones will ones that morph, able to do that. Charles theyre doing pretty well. Keith, jackie, appreciate it. Several big stories making economic headlines over the past decade. According to brookings, addressing issues, major upheaval, politics, also prosperity. Bring in university of maryland economist peter morici to break down last 10 years. What will happen the perhaps the next 10. Peter, i thought was interesting, one at a time with you, but lower Interest Rates had the fed backed into a corner. Many people are saying that the Central Banks around the world have left us in a pretear precarious situation in general. I dont think so. They may be thinking that way but they dont have to. If we go to electronic money, digital dollars, the fed can bypass the banks to stimulate the economy. There is big potential that way. Sweden is looking at it. China is looking at it. The fed is moving slowly. That is unfortunate but they do have options. Charles youre not worried about negative Interest Rates, asset bubbles, not worried about things historically associated with missteps with Central Banks. That is different than tools. In the short term it gives you a sugar hike, gives you help. Long term rots your teeth. My feeling Interest Rates should be in positive zone. You dont need to lower Interest Rates to get stimulus. For example, if the fed was giving Bank Accounts to ordinary businesses and citizens the federal government bibi pass the bank putting dollars in their accounts. The fed is printing all kinds of money that banks are piling up on their books. Charles let me ask you about this. Robbing the poor to give to the rich, essentially the income inequality story theyre saying has gotten worse. That there will be economic ramifications but could be upheaval from this. Its a topic well, were going to hear every single day during the campaign. Absolutely. Its a liberal talking point. The Brookings Institution is a liberal institution. Reality inequality is improving or getting less with donald trump. He inherited an unequal world. Now minorities are doing better, low income workers are doing better. Where there is problem are excesses of the financial system. For example, the way new car loans are run. There are pressure cookerrers at dealers, take peel that dont know any better, pile on services give them 900dollar payment on a car should be 600 a month. That is where the problems are. Taking advantage of folks where there is an issue. Charles real quick, free market in general, saying free market let us down. Again part of the thing, even quoting President Trump, who talked about the forgotten americans. Has the free market let us down . Will we substitute it with Something Else . I think government let us down. It permitted monopolization of markets. In the Financial Sector fewer institutions controlling more money. With drugs, look what is going on. We basically have monopoly prices for drugs, driving prices through the ceiling. Same thing with elite colleges and so forth. A lot has to do with Government Protection of privileged interests on the left. Charles peter, great stuff. Happy merry christmas. Always appreciate it. Take care. Charles peter morici, folks. Later in the show well look at the big business of returns. Are you by the way bringing back any of the gifts this season . Tweet me cvpayne. North koreas socalled Christmas Gift looking like a dud. While we may have dodged a nuke there are serious major geopolitical challenges were facing as we head into 2020. Well discuss them next. Maybe it is a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test, right . I may get a vase. I may get a nice present from him, you dont know. Ys drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. vo the flock blindly flying south for the winter. They never stray from their predetermined path. But this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. Ugh, another electronic signature. You have to print, walk, sign, scan, recycle, walk, email yourself. Really . More walking, try again, waiting, recycle, walk, email yourself, then get back to your day. Or not. This isnt working. Introducing samsung paperless workflow solutions. With the galaxy tab s6, you can sign Digital Documents onscreen, with a finger or your s pen. Samsung business solutions. With a finger or your s pen. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. ,. Charles well, folks christmas has come and gone with no signs of a surprise gift from north korea. This amid widespread fears they could conduct a Ballistic Missile test between now and end of the year. The president downplayed the possibility of that it is a nuclear gift. U. S. Flew four spyplanes to monitor the situation. There are many other geopolitical challenges we should expect here in 2020. Here to help us understand what they are, center, at center for National Interest director, harry kazianis. Harry, start with the Christmas Gift. Everyone was sort of bracing for it. We know kim jongun want attention, he wants more information, he wants to know where he goes from here. He rode the white horse, which im impressed with his riding skills, but the point is, we didnt get it but you say we should expect something very soon . Yeah, charles. There is a lot of reasons why. One of actually the biggest reasons a lot of people miss the north Korean Nuclear program isnt fully baked yet. They have shown the capability to have the range to hit the whole continental United States but there is one thing they havent done, they havent tested the warhead. That is a pretty big deal. The warhead has to separate from the actual apparatus goes into the space and drop down on a target like a city. They have not taken a warhead, put it on a missile, dropped it through the atmosphere and proven Nuclear Technology works. If were looking for big surprise from kim jongun. That might be what he does. That is the key to be able to threaten the United States. Charles i read anywhere they could have 20 to 40 nuclear warheads. But to your point, the ability to miniature rise them, put them on a missile, with pinpoint precision, one thing to be able to fly it from continent to continent, intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and be able to hit a target. At what point should we change our approach . How do we change our approach . Everything has been tried not just with kim jongun but with his father, his grandfather . This is the only currency they have to get respect from around the world. What gives them the respect to give it up . I dont think it will be easy. Our diplomatic track is only track. I gave a speech a year ago to improve the lives of his people. The only way to start doing that is roll back the nuclear program. Maybe well not get him to completely give it up. But for the president , his ultimate goal is secure lives and security of the American People. I think to do that is only way is some sort of arms control like Ronald Reagan did. There is a lot of Different Things that could happen there. I think the president s approach is correct. Charles i got a minute left. I want to jump to iran. 1500 protesters have died. The internet is cut off. Sense i get from people over there, social media, there could be a real revolution budding there. It almost happened before. Many say america missed an opportunity to help. What role should we play if indeed there is an attempt for a real grassroots revolution in iran . Well i think, look, i think were doing all the right things with trump and maximum pressure approach. A lot of people really slammed the president for saying no, you shin pull out of the Iranian Nuclear deal. The deal would expire in 15 years anyway. Iran would have all the tools to build a nuclear weapon. The Pressure Campaign made a big difference. Inflation is Something Like 30 in iran. They have had to get rid of Different Oil subsidies. The peel are starting to realize the evil nature of the regime. We have to help as much as we can. We dont want recommend gene change or military force but encouraging them to take their lives in their hands, support democracy or better government is the way to go. Charles 15,000 number was really a shocker. You have to assume it was a lot more than that, if indeed the government was willing to admit that much. Harry, always appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Charles coming up later why President Trump is warning california of possible federal funds or federal intervention with their homelessness crisis. Also our Defense Budget seeing a historic boost this year. What does it mean for our troops . Retired u. S. Marine corps gunny sergeant, Jesse Jane Duff weighs in next. At chevy, were all family. Were a festive family. Were a fourlegged family. Were a getupandgo family. Were a ski family. Were all part of the chevy family. And as we kick off the new year, wed like you to be a part of ours. Because our chevy employee discount is Still Available to everyone. The chevy price you pay is what we pay. Not a cent more. So happy new year, and welcome to the family. The chevy family the chevy employee discount for everyone ends soon. Male anchor . An update on the cat who captured our hearts. Female anchor how often should you clean your fridge . Stay tuned to find out. Male anchor beats the odds at the box office to become a rare nonfranchise hit. You can give help and hope to those in need. Charles critics blasting washingtons spending as nations debt continues to tick higher and higher. Under President Trump our Defense Budget seeing historic boost. The spending power is as large as 738 billion. Up from record 717 billion in fiscal year 2019. Military members seeing 3. 1 pay increase that is the largest raise in more than 10 years. Joining me retired u. S. Marine corps gunny sergeant, cochair of veterans for trump, Jesse Jane Duff. Gun any, thanks for joining us. Thank you, charles. Charles a lot of republicans grappled with the spending bill and the one before this. With our debt at 23 trillion and counting, the difference i guess was the troops. Military, dilapidated equipment that they were doing in espirit today corps. Has it been worth it . Absolutely. Military lost between 2011 and 2014 lost 100 billion due to sequestration. Keep in mind this wasnt sequestration designating waste. It was acrosstheboard cuts. Marines and army were rated as weak in readiness. They were incapable of fighting wars on two fronts. We had a very hardened fighting force . Absolutely, very strong but our bench was depleted. We were basically hocking parts to get the aircraft to fly. The United States navy was at its lowest level of capability in 99 years. The armys brigades normally to out to fight, 58 of them, only three were capable of combat ready. The remaining third would have taken 30 days to ramp up. Essentially troops were at alltime raise. When you talk about military pay raise, 3. 1, 3. 2 that is the highest they have almost in a decade. When you depleted military at cost of the rest of United States security i think President Trump has done a great thing to insure the military has a boost and capable of defending this nation, handling, china, russia, north korea if needed. Charles talk about good news, bad news. Good news, moment lessness among vets down to 37,000, decrease of 2 in the last year. It is down 50 since 2010 but, for all of us, 37,000 is still too much. What is being done there . Well, the va has received a budget of 86. 5 billion. Within that we also have Mental Health capability, 8. 6 billion was allocated for Mental Health. Many homeless problems are associated with issues that relate to Mental Health issues. When you start having walkin capability at va hospitals for veterans seeking help, these are nobrainers should have happened over a decade ago. When we saw veteran suicide skyrocket. We are seeing veteran unemployment, it dropped 37 , it is at the lowest level ever at 3 . It will be never ending challenge for this country to Pay Attention to the real world issues but the va and the military are those, are the heroes that have sustained our freedom. We must never forget them. We cant go back to what we had done in the past. We have to move forward. The president taken it very seriously, to insure the military is capable, that veterans are taken care of. Charles that is why we dot segments. We cant forget why we enjoy the Holiday Season were enjoying. Thank you for your service, see you soon. Thank you, charles. Merry christmas. Charles fox business alert on the notre dame cathedral. The director says only 50 chance it can be saved. The scaffolding is destroying the cathedral vaults and must be removed. Yesterday was the first time in 200 years the paris landmark did not hold christmas mass. Days after being blamed for surge in homelessness in the United States by hud, california is issuing a warning to President Trump. Well explain. Later in the show, is the New York Times losing faith in Nancy Pelosis impeachment tactics . Got the answer for you. Stay with us. Im really into this car, but how do i know if im getting a good deal . I tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Charles President Trump issuing a warning to californias governor, gavin newsom, fix your states homelessness crisis or there will be federal intervention. With more, fox news correspondent christina coleman. Reporter hi, charles. President trump is essentially saying enough is enough when it comes to the chronic homelessness crisis in the state. Today trump blasted House Speaker nancy pelosi over this, tweeted Nancy Pelosis district in california has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere in the u. S. When it comes to the homeless and crime. Gotten so bad, so fast, she has lost total control. Along with her equally incompetent governor, gavin newsom it is a very sad sight. Trumps warning comes after the department of housing and urban Development Reports show the nations recent overall 2. 7 rise in homelessness was caused by a 16. 4 increase here in california with its homeless population. The latest hud report analyzes data from 2018. California leads the nation in number of Homeless People with an estimated total over 129,000 in january of 2018. Now governor gavin newsom has been saying hud and the Trump Administration is playing politics when it comes to addressing this crisis. Newsom said the state is doing more than ever to tackle chronic homelessness. That they invested one billion dollars to help fight the problem. He says the federal government needs to step up and do more. I imagine if youre president of the United States, any leader like myself feels a deep sense of responsibility to address some of the most vexing issues in the country. Weve asked the Trump Administration for the one thing that he can do specifically, and that is address the Fair Market Rent issue and help us support with vouchers, Additional Resources so we can get people housing. The president could do a hell of a lot more. Reporter yesterday trump didnt specify how the feds might intervene. As of right now, governor gavin newsom hasnt addressed trumps warning. We reached out to the Governors Office for response but were waiting to hear back. Charles . Charles bring in democratic strategist laura fincke and Fox News Contributor deneen borelli. Not just california, california is number one, new york is number two. Washington is number five, massachusetts is number six, oregon is number seven. It is a shame bus you know, these are very wealthy places. For gavin newsom to place the blame on d. C. Seems disingenuous to me. Totally disingenuous, charles. What President Trump is doing, exposing how bad democrat policies are especially for the big cities. With them politics over people. The president targeted gavin newsom who is more concerned about Climate Change initiatives. Nancy pelosi who is more concerned with holding on to that gavel and trying to impeach President Trump. It is politics over people. This is an issue that they have been ignoring for many, many years. It just continues to get worse. Charles laura, essentially seems like gavin is saying or suggesting, that, the federal administration help people pay their rent instead of finding out what happens, why is there such a disparity . By the way i think california by far has the highest income inequality problem in the country. Absolutely. We have income inequality problem across the country. California is no exception. We have housing crisis. Im from california. This is not about politics or speaking out and blame. We have republican mayor in san diego. A gentleman i worked with. This is durable problem with cost of housing with california. It is about access to services. It isnt just helpful to call it out, do nothing about it. President trump should farm partnerships to address this problem. Imagine if you said the same thing about the Opioid Crisis in ohio or west virginia. I mean you dont just attack the leaders and do nothing. Charles but if the problem is created because of high taxes, extraordinarily high regulations, how much does it cost to build a home in california versus lets say alabama . It about creating Housing Stock and giving developers incentive to build housing workers can afford. We have wages inequality. Wages are not keeping up with cost of living. The cost of living is increasing too quickly. Housing is a huge part of that. Insuring we increase the stock of housing is an issue. It is about wraparound services. In san diego one out of 10 people homeless are veterans. It is ptsd, it is Mental Health issues, sub assistant abuse holded into one. Tough look at it as multilayered problem. President trump is not doing that. He is calling out blame and using political opportunity and Charles Charles go ahead. Laura mentioned incentives. How about cutting taxes . How about cutting spending . And charles, also mentioned the regulations that are harmful to businesses. That would be helpful as well because they can reinvest the money they theyre able to save in their businesses to hire people. You have companies that are fleeing california because of not true. Big government policies, high taxes, regulations. So you got to start there as well. Charles lets switch gears here a little bit. Now headline in teen vogue, out earlier this year, put it out again on twitter this week. It was designed in my mind to portray america as racist, right . People quote, quote, people of color, people of color defenseless in quotes. For me the bigotry of low expectations. Here is the title. How white people can hold each other accountable to stop institutional race i am. Let me start with you, laura. To me i think progressives dont think highly of black people. They like black people but they dont think highly of them. They dont think they can fend for themselves, can do things much the idea they have always got to come to the rescue. They dont think high enough of black people they dont give our kids the same education in kindergarten that are white kids in suburbs. When black kid gets to high school, not prepared for it. They make adjustments, do other things. If you believe in people you dont have to be paternalistic, if you believe theyre smart enough you dont have to come to the rescue. Use socalled White Privilege to rescue people. I agree with you. I dont think the article talks about. Inference of headlines we just brought it out, what well hear over and over with Democratic Campaign this year. Lets talk about it. I feel as a woman going into male dominated spaces i dont think the answer to sexism women saving themselves. Women should play a role and work hard to advance, but i think men having conversations with other men. Similarly, about white people having conversations with other white people about things youre talking about, education inequity, funding inequity how we perpetuate the systems dont make even playing field. I dont think that paternalism. I think having conversations is way forward. Charles this is propaganda. Charles they dont need a white representative to explain to other white people the problems of black people. We can articulate themselves. Youre not there all the times. Actually yeah. It is about victimization, charles. This is victimization mentality with democrats. Yeah they want blacks votes but they are so good in continuously calling out victimization. You cant get ahead because of your skin color which is absolutely ridiculous. How about supporting School Choice so that students could be educated so they can be prepared for future instead of relying on government to support you . You need to be able to be independent, educated, support yourself not fall for this propaganda nonsense. Charles ladies, getting wrap signal unfortunately. I love the conversation. Well pick it up again. It will be a central thing in 2020. Laura, thank you very much. Deneen, thank you very much. Nasdaq with the longest streak in a decade. Later in the show well look what is in store for technology stocks. Did nancy pelosi lose support of the New York Times . The headline has everyone buzzing is next. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Charles were at an impeachment impasse whether Speaker Nancy Pelosi decides whether or not to send the articles to the senate. President trump tweeting this morning, despite all the Great Success our country has had over the last three years it makes it much more difficult to deal with foreign leaders and others when i have to constantly defend myself against the do nothing democrats and their bogus impeachment scam. Bad for the usa. Check out this headline in todays New York Times. Is nancy pelosi caught in a trap or setting one . Bring in former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush, brad blakeman. This is the question many folks asked on the right. It is interesting to see the New York Times ask it out loud in this headline because people are wondering, what is the endgame for nancy pelosi . Look, she doesnt even know what the endgame is. The fact is she was sold a bill of goods by schiff and nadler. She should have known better. Nothing turned out as well as they thought with the russia collusion delusion. Then they moved on to any reason at all to bring articles of impeachment. They fail on its face as far as im concerned. Dont even state a cause of action. She put all her eggs in the nadlerschiff basket. I think she is rueing the day that happened. This is a absolute disaster for democrats. Charles brad, though do you think she was banking on the word impeachment blared across newspapers and on tv . Because the average person doesnt understand innerworkings of d. C. Like you do. Many people think impeachment is a form of guilt. That hey, the president , President Trump was one of the rare president s who has been impeached and thats a bad thing . Exactly right. They were hoping that that word would so taint the president and damage him, even if he werent remove, it is having opposite effect. American people, i give a lot more credit to than democrats. They know exactly whats going on and they dont like what they see. They see theyre hating a president out of office, taking their right to vote him out of office if they so choose. President has a record. The record is strong. Economy couldnt be better. Foreign relations couldnt be better. Trade is reaching a balance for once in a long time. So i think that, the American People get it. Charles now, there is some concern though that now republicans could be overplaying their hand. In fact a lot of the media today talking about senator lisa murkowski, her comments, she was quote disturbed by Mitch Mcconnell saying there had to be total coordination with the gop in the senate and white house on this impeachment trial. You know, some saying its a crack this armor. The first person to flee the ship, whatever term you want to use. Are you concerned that republicans are not playing the game, were impartial, not just coming out saying what they feel . Well, Mitch Mcconnell said it best. The charade that somehow this is impartial proceeding. It is a partisan proceeding. Its a political proceeding. It is not a traditional judicial process. Democrats said that all along. So, you know, republicans were only stating the obvious when Mitch Mcconnell said that it is basically dead on arrival. Why . Because they dont have bipartisan support. First in the lower house for the indictment or impeachment and a trial. There are not evidentiary details or facts in order to be considered. So i think Mitch Mcconnell stated the obvious. And by the way how is it possible to have six democrats in the Senate Running to unseat a president yet theyre supposed to be impartial . Come on everybody gets it. Charles they have already stated they think President Trump is guilty. All of them already said they think he should be tossed out of office. Not impartial jury pool there. Brad, thanks. Pleasure. Charles christmas, folks, sadly it is over, now the flood of Holiday Gift Returns kicks in. Well break down the big business of Holiday Gift Returns. What is the worst gift you received this christmas. Tweet me your worst and best cvpayne. Well be right back. What i love most about being a scientist at 3m is that im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. We are solving problems that improve lives. Male anchor . An update on the cat who captured our hearts. Female anchor how often should you clean your fridge . Stay tuned to find out. Male anchor beats the odds at the box office to become a rare nonfranchise hit. You can give help and hope to those in need. [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music playing ] [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] elliott . [ gasps ] elliott. You came back my son. My, my family. Lots changed since you were here. Its called the internet. Whoa whoa holiday movies. Im dreaming of a White Christmas family. Home. Woo [ gasps ] woohoo woo ill be right here. Charles it has been a wild year for big tech but what will 2020 have in store . Kristina partsinevelos filling in for liz claman joins me with a preview what to expect. Kristina . What to expect definitely on our show, well cover technology, given a strong, phenomenal sector in 2019. The big question for a few of our guests, can the momentum continue into 2020 . What should you be buying . Well have exclusive interview with the man who started or created etns. Very similar to an etf, Exchange Traded note. That would be greg king from rex shares. Go into details of pure play for 2020. Well focus on markets as a whole. What will we do going forward. How can you make money . Well have one segment on area i admit to need to get better at, sports, sports predictions. How monetize that. Online bet Something Big deal in the United States. Only set to grow. Well be talking about that. Of course, much, much more. For now, charles, you still have ten minutes of beautiful airtime. I will throw it back to you. Charles Kristina Partsinevelos thank you. Claman countdown begins at the top of this hour at the en. Show. Returning of gifts is getting started. Shoppers head back in store and online to return those very items. Jeff flock from the state street shopping district in chicago with that. Jeff . Reporter it is like summer out here. These people. Dont need a coat. It is 62 degrees. We hit an alltime record. The sales are on. As you report, it is about the returns today. Did you know, 77 , 3 4 of people got the gift this Holiday Season will return at least one of them. 20 say they will return half the gifts they got. Half will do it next three months. A lot of stores require that. 80 say they do it, want to do it at bricks and mortar, as opposed to sending gifts back online. Maybe thats a plus for guys on bricks and mortar. The cost of all of this . About 41 billion of online returns. That is online alone. That is 50 billion according to one estimate in online lost profits. The overall toll on the returns as we perhaps come back here to watch the folks along state street, that is the old Marshall Fields by the way, if youre back here live, it is now macys. But Marshall Fields still has a sign up there. Total cost of all returns, give you the numbers, 100 billion. That is up 10 from last year. I guess were more picky now, charles, i dont know. I dont know if youre a big return guy. You may have a issue with sizes maybe. Something they send you something, probably too big for you, got to send it back. Charles i hate all my stuff is baggie and whatnot. Here is the thing, jeff, i still get predominantly, ties, cufflinks, things like that. When i do get something doesnt fit. I say i keep it, use it as motivation to get there. Hasnt really worked out that way but im still trying. Reporter you look healthy, man. You look good. You could play football again. Charles you look great yourself. Enjoy warm weather while you can. Beautiful. Incredible. Charles is really. See you soon, buddy. Stocks are in record territory. Coming up we have read on the yearend rally. What is coming up for next year . Are you prepared . Get ready. Not magenta not magenta. Im not going back to the store. Magenta cartridges are so. buzzer vo the epson ecotank. No more cartridges. It comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of frustration. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill. Available at. Step up, please. Empty your pockets. Looks like youre all set for that business trip. Youve got your smartphone, laptop, your other smartphone. Woman is this all the devices you have . Your tablet. Seriously . Smartwatch, your backup tablet, and. Woman anything else in your bag . Whatever that is. beeping this isnt working. Introducing Samsung Mobile workspace solutions. With the galaxy note10 with dex software, you can run your entire business on the one device that does it all. Samsung business solutions. Charles stocks once again in record territory as we head into the final hour of trading i want to bring in todd horowitz. I had so many conversations this year about the market. You said be an investor but have a lot of caution. Where are we now . Success begets success, we know that. We saw 16 billion of individual investor money go back into funds, equity funds for the first time, although close to 200 billion came out this year. Where should our viewers be looking for opportunity next year . Stay the course with the same cautious eye . Happy new year, merry christmas. We are in the permanent c. P. Effect. We just keep going higher. Theres a lot of complacency out there. You just have to be cautious. But i think if you are an investor, theres a big difference, if you are an investor, if you are in Good Companies, stay the course because we know the markets go up year over year. They dont go up every year, but pai 8. 8 year over year in history, why fight that . Find Good Companies you want to own, try to find them at the best level you can and hold on to them. Personally, i hedge everything so im always protected, im always in my i. R. A. , in my s. E. P. , everywhere i have money, its always 100 invested in the stock market. Charles heres the thing. You said find Good Companies and good investment points. Listen, i started the show talking nasdaq 9,000, up 450 from 3 trillion to almost 18 trillion in value. If you are going to buy these, you will more than likely buy something at an alltime high. Thats what the individual is grappling with there, todd. Do i buy the stock at the alltime high or do i kick the tires on something thats been hit . Well, listen, you want to buy strength. If its already making alltime highs, im not a huge fan from a trading standpoint but if im investing im in a much longer time horizon so if it comes back down, i have an opportunity to buy more next time if i can buy it lower and average in. Listen, i bought amazon in 2008 at 30 a share. I sold it in 2009 at 60. Look at it today. So again, i have been saying you cant try to time these markets out. Its a known fact that if you bought the high every time one of these big rallies, you would end up being made of money. I think thats what its about. You are in the markets to make money. Lets not try to overthink ourselves and outpick the markets. Lets pick what we like and again, be prepared for the pullback but know that over time, the markets are going higher. Charles you know, everyone does those end of the year sort of things and one of the stocks, trying to get the stock of the year in my mind would be tesla and elon musk. He proved all his critics wrong. Hit the 420 target. Today he announced disney plus will be part of their entertainment package. Disney finally finding its stride. Are those names that would interest someone like you or is it too much risk, for instance, in tesla . Well, tesla, im a constant short in tesla, whenever i get the opportunity. Im looking for a spot to sell it again. I love the car, i think its great, but i dont think you can make any money. The only way that company ever gets out is if somebody buys them. Disney is just a stalwart that continues to grind higher, grind higher. Has its pullbacks and grinds higher again. As far as tesla, im always looking to short that stock. I think its well overvalued. But again, great car. Love the product. Dont like the balance sheet. Charles well, tell you what, a lot of shorts have been taken out on this one for sure. Elon musk really getting the last laugh so far this year. Todd, we always appreciate your insight and expertise and honesty. I wouldnt have told anyone i sold amazon at 60. Just joking. Hey, buddy, thank you very much. What can i tell you, it happens all the time. I made a lot of bad trades over the years. Charles heres Kristina Partsinevelos in for liz claman. Kristina thank you. Your fourth hour of tv done. Thank you. We have got a santa claus rally in full swing today. The dow, s p 500 and nasdaq all set to close at alltime highs. The dow looking for its 21st record close of the year. Youve got the nasdaq topping that magical 9,000 mark for the first time ever. It could see its tenth Straight Record close. It will be the longest record run in 22 years. And big tech powering the gains in 2019 but will Silicon Valley be the engine behind a runup in 2020 . Direct shares funder and ceo tells us how he sees tech in the next decade. Plus, 2020 could be a big year in sports

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