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Night. Look at the chaos in there coming up. All that and so much more on making money. Snow. Charles weve been whipsawing like crazy. Up as much as 400 points today. After the index dropped 6 in backtoback sessions. This by the way has happened eight times since 1993. Seven of those times the market was actually higher a month later. With ultralow rates coupled with a strong u. S. Economy, could a surge be in the making . I want to bring in to discuss, rosecliff capital mike murphy, kevin kelly and delance sy strategy chief strategist jared levy. Let me start with you, mike. You and i were talking before the show. You never know when to exactly buy these sort of dips, but, buying the dip has been a successful strategy for 10 years and where are people . Im getting more than half of people are asking me what should they be looking to buy . Yeah. I think buying the dip has been a successful strategy for 100 years i would say, charles. Charles good point. Quality names like disney. Shakeup at top there leading to more of a selloff. Disney 20 retracement in the last four to six weeks. That is a name were buying. Were looking at names like microsoft, looking at names like apple. Trying to fired quality trying to find a bottom, you know what they say with picking bottoms, not going to work with coronavirus but if you have a quality name buy it. Charles not pinpointing the exact bottom but owning great names at discount price from where they were a week ago . Absolutely. Disney on the last Earnings Report after they announced how many signed up for disney plus the stock ran from 140 to 153. Today you can buy it at 122. If you liked it at 140. Youre getting a discount buying it at 122. Charles to that point, kevin, 200 names reported already in the earnings season. For many of them the dynamics do change. We know that for a chance. We know which companies are executing. Still unknown of the coronavirus makes for interesting push and pull here. Yeah. I think you need to focus on names that are executing and dont have impact from the coronavirus. Look at out front media today. It is up 5 off of their earnings. Their revenues blew pass any of the estimates, even highest estimate. And is out front media . Theyre a billboard company. What is coming . 5g. So whats happening . Were putting antennas on the billboards to process that critical information. Listen, whether coronavirus happens or not in the United States, sprint, at t, verizon, tmobile will still buildout 5g networks and put antennas on billboard. Youre getting paid a 5 yield. There is great Investment Opportunities in front ever us all the time. That stock by the way is at a 52week high. There are names you can buy at 52 week highs not impacted by the coronavirus. Charles i want to say. That was a making money special. I highlighted that stock a month ago. I didnt look at it today. I did know they raised their yield. Jared, new homes came in at the best level in over like 15 years. The National Retail Federation Just came out saying well grow retail over 4 , almost 4 trillion. They say coronavirus and president ial elections are wild cards. You know, so again, one part of this were saying the economy of course has been doing extraordinarily well. Parts of it actually gaining momentum but the unknown, i mean just the headline about Nassau County in new york sent the market tumbling. We erased 400 points. We were down 500 off the top. Everythings that to be put in perspective. Number one, coronavirus right now is a quasisupply problem. In other words it is disrupting supplies in certain parts ever the world for Certain Industries right . Cars, hyundai not able to get some of their parts. Apple obviously feeling the strain partially. What we need to see, what i dont think, hope is going to happen, become as major demand problem. In other words, if it shifts demand globally, people say, im done with buying things i dont need because of coronavirus. Another thing to put in context is, it is not, listen, there are certainly horrible effects of the virus but when you compare it to Something Like the common flu we deal with every single year on a global level it is nowhere near as volatile, nowhere near as deadly. So im not trying to discount it but we need to put it into perspective of its real he affects. It is a wild card. Charles 8200 people died in america this flu season including pediatric influenza, is 05 children, most on record. Youre right, that doesnt move the market. Here is the thing, the coronavirus is an unknown, right . We know it is coming here. We dont know what is going to happen and it is interesting, a week ago i was thinking when china puts out much better news on the virus. Their news is pretty good but italy, south korea, and now spreading more and more. So, it is just something you have to deal with and but, how do you, how do you brace or should you brace for a worstcase scenario . I think that is hard to do, charles. I feel comfortable saying we will get past this at some point. Why i think the president scheduled a News Conference later today at 6 00 to get the facts out what the coronavirus is, what were looking at. This is bad so far. It could get worse. But long term, when you look at the portfolio for retirement. When you look toward end of this year, the coronavirus will not have major impact. Dont make decisions, or run out to buy the next hot cure for the coronavirus or sell something in the portfolio because it is down a few days. Look past this and make your Investment Decisions based on that. Charles to your point, kevin. Youre out in california. Gavin newsom declared a state of emergency. Everyone wants to be a cautious to a fault. The animal spirits, linchpin of everything we enjoyed from the stock market to everything else, how close could we be to maybe snuffing out that those animal spirits . Maybe people wont go out this weekend to the movies or to the mall or go shopping . I think those animal spirits are alive and well. You can see it in retail numbers especially on the ecommerce side. Women are not actually going out into the stores necessarily. What are they going to be doing . They will play videogames or buying things online and having them delivered to them. Were 70 Services Economy. The Services Economy is doing exceptionally well especially on the enterprise side and also the consumer side is still very strong. So i think it is important to note in this low Interest Rate environment you need to generate real returns. You can do that by investing in u. S. Stocks, that even pay above average yields. You can wait this out while the demand is still there and then the supply catches back up. So i think the most important thing is actually to buy Good Companies at good pieces you know and like. Prices. Charles thank you very much. Jared, well bring you back in real soon. Youre three of the best, i appreciate our conversation, i really do and im sure the audience does as well. Is the sentiment echoed on the Trading Floor . I want to go down there to get a feel what is going on with kristina partsinevelos. She is the at new york stock exchange. Kristine that what is thed into down there . Jittery. You mentioned 83 in Nassau County. Everybody is talking about it. Many people live not too far away. One trader described it to me as drip, drip, drip. Well constantly get little numbers, 20 people here, five people there and how they will be contained. It will cause roughly somewhat of a selloff what were seeing today, over 500 point swing across the markets with typical ones that often get sold off in pandemic, epidemic, whatever words you want to use at moment. That is the airlines and travel stocks. Look across the board. Several airlines said they will rerouting themselves from targeted regions. Delta will change flights there. Waiving fees if you bought a flight to south korea. Spirit and southwest, theyre more domestically focused getting hammered across the board. This has to do with larger International Corporations like nestle, for example, warning the staff they should refrain international travel, cut back on Domestic Travel until we get more details. Were talking about face masks. Earlier this morning i was asked about whether we see people with face masks. Im not seeing it just yet but seeing makers of face masks climb dramatically. Apt, alpha protect. It had a circuit halt because the stock climbed so high. Trading at 12. 40 cents. That is 23 higher today. Lakeland makes that. Another winner is pell ton and zoom. Pell ton the assumption from one analyst people will stay home. Peloton. That share the stock is up 6 . And zoom which is the telecommunication, like, i should say, skype, there you go, like skype for businesses. More people will stay at home and using that to get into conferences so the share price for zoom up 15 because perhaps more people will stay at home as we try to grapple with this virus and how to deal with it, and how to trade with it too. Charles i just want to say i think we have the the wrong symbol for that zoom. The zoom were talking about is zm. Right. We had the wrong one up on the screen. Just for the audience so they understand. The stock has been a juggernaut because everyone, a lot of people say well have to work from home, even here in this country. Great stuff, kristina. Really appreciate it. Thank you very much. Thank you. Charles folks we had one of our guests say theyre looking to buy disney which is now in the market and after a shocking shakeup. Bob iger making a shocking announcement he is stepping down as ceo effective immediately. Under igers tenure disney became media empire with purchases of marvel, pixar, fox entertainment. That is just a few. He will remain on as chairman through the next year. Bop chapek, he was the chairman of disney parks. He is now the ceo of entire company. Were watching the volatile markets throughout the hour including will the coronavirus force the Federal Reserves hand . Will they make a move . Next how Chuck Schumer and the democrats are trying to politicize the coronavirus, looking for any reason to hit President Trump but sometimes there is unnecessary collateral damage. Later in the hour, is Bernie Sanders just the logical outcome of president obama . As a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. At liberty butchumal cut. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Can you help keep these iguys protected online . . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. What about wireless data options for the family . Of course, you can customize and save. Can you save me from this conversation . That we cant do, but come in and see what we can do. Were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover. At your local xfinity store today. Charles President Trump set to give america an update on the fight against the coronavirus tonight but, well, democrats are trying to politicize the outbreak, criticizing the Trump Administration instead of working together and President Trump, well, he is firing back on twitter saying, low ratings, fake news, msdnc and cnn are doing Everything Possible to make the coronavirus look as bad as possible including panicking markets. Likewise, incompetent do nothing democrat comrades are all talk, no action. Usa is in great shape. If we come together to fight the Global Health crisis, can we come together on anything . Really . For i would like to bring in independent womens forum policy director hadley heath manning. Yesterday, when senator schumer spoke, hadley, the way he spoke as if coronavirus was already in america and we were, in the throes of a worstcase scenario, that we were caught flatfooted, there was nothing we could do. I dont think it helped the stock market at all and i think more than anything else, im looking for Public Officials to sort of be strong now and, you know, give us some confidence rather than fanning these political flames. Right. And both sides are politicizing this virus and its shameful but not surprising, charles. Is there anything in that day and age people wont poe little size . Our leaders have a large mouthpiece and have the opportunity to criticize. It is much easier to criticize than to govern to make the right decisions and it is fair enough to hold the leaders accountable to say i think youre doing this wrong but where we really go south in the political discourse we ascribe bad motives to the political opposition. I dont think anyone in the country wants to see the economy suffer or Public Health crisis and no one is acting out a lack of concern for american lives and what is best for the public. That is where i think this conversation goes really badly. Charles yeah. I got to tell you though, i think there is some political folks out there who think the only way the democrats can win if something went wrong with this economy. Weve heard some people say it out lied like a bill maher, for instance. The glue really has been the animal spirits. Almost instantaneously within hours of President Trumps election, certain factors, certain numbers i look at, National Federation of independent businesses, the National Association of homebuilders, their confidence numbers went through the roof to numbers they hadnt been in decades. I think there is something wrong when we deliberately try to snuff that out for political points, even the white house. I agree with you, i think it is wrong to hope for any bad outcome and i think very few people do. I think those people are actually at the margins and not really the majority of americans. Certainly were all rooting for our own schools and Public Transportation to stay safe and sanitized, healthy. Were all rooting for the economy and our investments to grow but there are unfortunately some bad actors with large, megaphones that they can speak to. They may root for americas demise. I think the people are really outlyers. Charles i hope theyre outlyers. I dont like what im seeing in the last 24 hours from Congress Though from some very influential folks. Meanwhile, what do you think about the American People . I got to tell you, Morning Consult does almost a Daily Consumer Confidence update. Amazing how confident people are. Gallup shows 77 are confident in the way the government is handling it, cdc. Ranks higher than ebola, bird flu, swine flu. Weve never been this confident in the cdc. Do you think that holds . I think so. Im hopeful it will hold. It is a strong trend when it comes to individual consumers but small businesses, big businesses, people are enjoying the strong labor market. Things are looking on the bright side. Turning into warmer Spring Season ahead. With that i hope the economy continues to run warm, not too hot. Just right for people to see more prosperity. Charles i love talking to you, hadley, youre a lot less cynical than i am. Thanks, charles. Charles sue you soon. As see you soon. As black history morning closes im looking into something signed by abraham lincoln, it opened door for blacks to have vital banking relationships. And they found themselves in a magical land. And then what happened . Wheres our family from . Was he my age . So nana and pops eloped . And then what happened, daddy . Well, before us, there were your great, great, great grandparents. Turn questions youve always had into stories you cant wait to share; with ancestry. Charles next tuesday marks the 155th anniversary of the freedmens savings bank and trust, authorized by republicancontrolled congress, signed into existence by abraham lincoln. It allowed black war veterans and former slaves to establish banking relationships. Sadly the bank closed in 1874 after the onset of the panic of 1873 which was also known as the long depression as some financial historians say it lasted until 1896. During the brief existence the bank boasted 3offices in 1states, 70,000 depositors and 57 million in deposits. Unfortunately the depositors were left in the lurch when the bank failed. Even after Congress Approved a 62 cents on the dollar payment for lost savings, most of the depositors never received any of their money back. The panic took a toll on veterans which saw diverse sieve words, tramp and bum were used to describe the veterans in their plight but it was the failure of the freedmens bank had harsh impact on black con community continues today. The distrust in the Financial System which leaves many people underbanked. I will be in d. C. Next week to commemorate the freedmens bank and trust with a suck sesful list of luminaries. It is my hope we look back to the importance of banking back then and today as a route to economic independence. The market seeing wild swings all day long this after a market rally of 200, 400 points failing, triggering a massive route yesterday. We saw it all over the place. Now the big key, should we be looking for buying opportunities . But first it was a chaotic loud debate ahead of South Carolinas primary and well, bloomberg admitted to buying a democratic majority in the house. Well discuss when we come back. I think were talking about mr. Sanders, mr. Steyer. First of all,. Let me go. Tom, i think she was talking about my plan, not yours. I think we were talking about math. It doesnt take two hours to do the math. Lets talk about math. Charles did you get any of that . I mean it was chaos at the South Carolina debate. That was just a snippet of the cone assistant interruptions, yelling, pettiness, the goal was to stop bernies momentum, the result may have been stopping entire partys momentum with the true winner look like president donald trump. To break it down a republican strategist and democratic strategist and from the sanders 2016 campaign, tezlyn figaro. Everyone was throwing blows. I couldnt understand what they were saying. It was perfect with Bernie Sanders in the middle of it all. I think it was good. Finally time they through punches they hadnt the last several debates. Important they learn haw to spar. I dont know why democrats clutching their pearls. Everyone is arguing. We remember the same thing when we had 17 candidates on the republican dais. If they want to spar against President Trump you have to know how to throw a punch and certainly how to take one. I didnt have problem with last night, to be honest with you. Charles who threw the best punch as took the best punches . I dont know taking a pun is ever fun, but senator warren fell flat if we use a boxing analogy. She threw a punch but didnt land like last week. Bernie sanders took the most incoming. He is not used to that they allowed him to get a pastime after time. Joe biden stood his ground. He knew the last time to make a showing and he did that i wouldnt say anybody was impressive but i think what they needed to do and mission accomplished. Bloomberg did survive. He was in the ring. He survived but we wont say he noned anyone out. I love the analogy. We can do it all day. Charles biden got the nod from clyburn today as well. Lauren, i dont know, listen im not a political expert, but i didnt get much from it as a potential voter. That is the problem. All the discussion about chaos, hitting by moderators there were no clear narratives you take away as a vote here is how they will make my life better. With all the hype going into it, people with a strategy to blunt bernies momentum, i think they failed pretty miserably there. Every time they tried to attack him, for example, on his fed dell castro remarks what he made, widely considered a blunder and he doubled down and able to divert that back to bloomberg, for example. Kind of steel away the thunder from that moment what should have been a critical moment for him. I think very successfully diffused some of the criticism around him. Charles you know. It is interesting, bernie said his name was mentioned a few times on stage. Pete buttigieg seemed to be really the one who came out swinging against the frontrunner. Lets take a listen. I am not looking forward to a scenario where it comes down to donald trump with his nostalgia for the social order of the 1950s and Bernie Sanders with nostalgia for the revolutionary politics of the 1960s. Well not win these critical, critical house and senate races if people in those races have to explain why the nominee of the Democratic Party is telling people to look at the bright side of the castro regime. Charles kevin, your thoughts . Who won . Did anyone land anything . Sticking with the analogy. Well, pete was throwing the most. I mean he had the most punches thrown for sure and he landed. He has been showing himself that he has got the ability to mix it up. He is willing to do that. He took on sanders a few times. He has taken on klobuchar. The last debate they had a couple back and forth exchanges and i think that he did well for himself but he wont win South Carolina. I dont think it really helps him with black voters. In fact i dont think anyone really but joe biden really resonated with africanamerican voters. They talked about it. Charles there is a lot of pandering. Pandering but no specifics. That is my problem. For the candidate who put out a plan, they could have gone into their plans and talked about exactly what they would do. Michael bloomberg has a plan and buttigieg released a plan but they didnt talk about it. But i think biden probably did the best. Seemed to be the most come forrable that he has been really this whole campaign season. Because maybe he is in South Carolina and the room seemed to be full of his supporters. They booed Bernie Sanders at one point which you dont hear very often. I think that threw him off a little bit. Certainly was full of people trading shots so to speak. Well see. I think joe biden has to be feel pretty good going into saturday. Charles we must be grading them on a curve system. One part was intriguing to me. Mayor bloomberg, as everyone knows had a better performance although that is not really saying much. He did have a pretty big gaffe. Take a listen to this. All of the new democrats that came in, put nancy pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president i got them. Charles tezlyn, he bought them. He started pulling out receipts and ious on the stage. What do you make of that . I thought that was the exact opposite thing this Democratic Party was going against this year . I think that the, im sorry . Charles yes. I think the buying the election thing is fun to throw around but at the end of the day why is tom steyer money not spending . He had zero numbers on the board and spent money last several years. Why is mayor peet doing so well, outdo u. S. Senators and be one of the final people standing . I dont believe buying ads is important but we know ads certainly resonate with folks. Go back to the movie, the mack. The woman chose me. At end of the day 30 second ad takes your girlfriend she was probably never your girlfriend in the beginning. Charles i hear you. That is easy punch to throw but i think democrats are looking for a moderate because they didnt see joe biden pulling it off. Maybe he was able to convince people last night he can still pull off the moderate vote. Charles i get the sense, lauren, just listening to democrats talk particularly after a week ago theyre sort of rallying back around biden. For a moment there bloomberg was the great hope. He is more or less fallen flat. He is really not resonating in these super tuesday polls. So feels like the chips are moving back to biden. Could it be formidable if he wins South Carolina . He is polling within the margin of error in texas. Could that reignite his campaign . I dont think so. Everybody says this is like his firewall state, if he does well in South Carolina that is somehow going to thrust him into a good position for super tuesday and he may. I think he will be a solid second or third tier candidate. He will definitely stay in i think for as long as possible. I think that is why you continue to hear conversations around a brokered convention because these are not winnertakeall. The delegates are getting split up. So when youre doing the math, super tuesday is really important but a piece here, a piece there. You will have two or three candidates going into the convention are probably going to be really strong. Why even bloomberg has been talking behind closed doors with the super delegates already to try to go ahead and manuever himself into a good position if biden should fail and bernie is the nominee, he could swoop in to the savior for the party so. Charles kevin, real quick we were talking about pandering a moment ago, bloomberg, he was really, on marijuana, on charter schools, i thought he had a real good chance to make, clarify his positions but it was, what sanders said about helping black americans set up weed shops. Did that go too far with respect to the pandering . I know he is trying to steal South Carolina, but i felt like, my man, there is a few more things we would like to get accomplished besides that, you know . I dont even know if South Carolina is really the right state for that message. I dont know if that will resonate there. Support for legalizing marijuana, breaking down barriers for people of color to take part in sort of that green revolution is definitely there but South Carolina theyre still a little bit behind the curve. A lot of states in the south are. I dont know if that crowd would be as open to it but i think you saw a lot of Bernie Sanders playing to his base. Obviously very strong with younger people. Charles sure. Legalization of marijuana is more popular with the younger crowd. That is where sanders really has his most strength. Really struggles with older voters. I wanted to see more specifics. I think that, you know there were a lot of sort of lofty rhetoric coming out of everybody but not a lot of actual details. We need more of that. Well see. I do think the South Carolina winner will have momentum. They are the most delegates up for grabs so far in South Carolina and it will propel whoever wins into super tuesday because a lot of the polling is very close and like you said within the margin of error where several candidates are so well see. Charles for what it is a worth, sanders won in my opinion only because he took a lot of punches including ones he gave himself. Thank you all very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Charles two futuristic companies to tell you about. First, Virgin Galactic said it received nearly 8,000 online reservations for the First Successful spaceflight a year ago. Seats are expected to go for more than a quarter of a Million Dollars apiece. Tesla may lose a partner. Panasonic will end the four year deal to produce solar panels in new york. The company will still make batteries for tesla vehicles. Were watching the market on a very volatile day. The 10year treasury hitting a record moments ago. A lot of social media reaction to nye fox friends interview this morning. Why Bernie Sanders is the logical out come of president obama. President obama did a wave with fidel castro. There is serious push to normalize cuba. Why is anyone shocked this is what weve seen out of that. Under the Obama Presidency those seeds were planted. He has taken them to the extreme but he knew they would grow. Limu emu doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. What i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. That cuba made progress on education. Yes, i think [booing] really . Really . What barack obama said is they made great progress on education. You are making excuse. That was barack obama. Charles i got to tell you what bernie was Say Something right. Many ways he is the logical outcome of barack obama and it is not just on cuba. Almost everything on cuba talks about are the extremes of what barack obama planted as president. Those seeds are growing and Bernie Sanders, well he is latched on to many of them. Joining me to discuss is contributor to the spectator carol markowitz. Carol, great to see you. Great to see you. Charles i had this topic on fox friends this morning. If you think about the obama administration, with college tuition, some of the things they did, some of the winkwink, at some point the government will pay this for you. Again it was, you know, the Big Government spending. Then of course he went to cuba. It wasnt that he just went to cuba. The media fawned all over the trip. It was the berlin wall all over again. It was the last nail in the could have fin of the cold war. 1200 people went with him. He did the wave with raul castro. Im shocked that the democrats are acting like this is the direction the party has been going in anyway . I caught you on fox friends this morning. I agreed completely. It is absolutely where the democrats are heading. They cant act surprised that Bernie Sanders is using barack obama as a shield after obama posed in front of a che guevara mural. This is long in the works of the democrats where they normalize these leftist theocracies and Bernie Sanders is the latest example of that. Charles your origins are from i was born in the soviet union. Charles so you understand what is happening more than a lot of people. Yeah. Charles i think a lot of americans who might have even forgot the cold war. That is really the fault of our education system, that somebody like Bernie Sanders can go to the soviet union and marvel at the train stations, not know that so many people were killed or imprisoned or so on because of the ideas that he espouses. He keeps saying, i dont believe in soviet socialism. The socialism i want is nordic countries. All he talks about how great the soviet union was, how great cuba was. Im just talking about literacy. That is smoke screen. Has even been to sweden or denmark or any other places . Charles didnt honeymoon in them thats for sure. Exactly. Charles sanders defending his position on cube but israel where he trained extreme Harsh Criticism on Bibi Netanyahu take a lesson. What i happen to believe, sadly, tragically in israel, through Bibi Netanyahu you have reactionary racist who is now running that country. And i happen to believe i happen to believe, that what our Foreign Policy in the middle east should be about is absolutely protecting the independence and security of israel but you cannot ignore the suffering of the palestinians people. Charles one of the loudest applause lines of the evening. Im shocked. I mean im not but you know, this is coming to a head for the democrats. I think it has been heading in that direction for a long time. The democrats have to really decide whether they will be israelhating party these leftists are pushing them into. I like to remind people alexandria ocasiocortez got in trouble for saying she wanted a twostate solution. That is no longer the position of the left. There is now only one state solution where there is no israel. Democrats have to face reality this is their leadership. This is what their people are saying. Whether or not they agree with them will be seen in 2020. Charles carol, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Charles want to get back on the markets. The all the rallies earlier today have been wiped out. I want to bring in claman countdown host liz claman. So how surprised are you at the wild swings were seeing today, liz . Today is just the same as yesterday in that we are seeing this drip, drip, drip, of oh, there is a new case in this country, there is a new case in that country. Now, i know you reported this, new yorks westchester county, which is just north of manhattan there, has eight people under quarantine after potential coronavirus exposure. So now it is getting very real. Certainly right here. Were on 4th and 6th. Were 48th and 6th. Were not too far from there. The markets are sensitive and open to these kind of swings especially when that is the news. Looking at nasdaq, and Dow Jones Industrials. Look at the dow, it fumbled most of the gains from earlier this morning we were up 460 points. Now were down 135. The nasdaq is still up seven flirting near the top of show, in the red. My question to experts is this a buying opportunity . Well we have a expert here. He is a fascinating guy because he is saying buy china. I know thats crazy, right, to some people who are very nervous, but say buy chinese stocks because this will look in retrospect like the number one opportunity. He is not just throwing that out there, he will point out, his name is mark galacfsky, point out biggest opportunities have become at end or year out from avian flu, sars, ebola fears. Well have a bullbear debate, gordon chang says stay out. Well have a debate on this one. Charles looks like the most exciting hour of the day. Well buckle up and watching. Folks be sure you tune in. The claman countdown is at the top of the hour. Boston city council is issuing park asking tickets based on income of the vehicles owner. The democratic law i can mare said the system would ease financial burden of low income families who would pay a smaller fine this coming one week after it was revealed washington, d. C. , issued, get, this, one billion dollars in parking and traffic tickets over a threeyear period. Charles back to the markets. Maybe what liz says, the dow may not be doing so bad as these reports keep dripping in. The question though, will the coronavirus force the Federal Reserve which many consider a nowin situation . One of our favorites, best market watch earns, fed hater i will say, gary kaltbaum, will way in. He is next. Lets get down to business. The business of hard work. Hustle. And high fives. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Quadrupled their money by 2012, and even now, many experts predict the next gold rush is just beginning . So dont wait another day. Physical coins are easy to buy and sell, and one of the best ways to protect your life savings from the next financial meltdown. [announcer] today, the u. S. Money reserve is releasing official Gold American eagle coins at cost, for the incredible price of only 159 each. These Gold American eagles are official gold coins of the United States and are being sold for only 159 each. 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Money reserve has proudly served hundreds of thousands of clients worldwide. Dont wait another minute. Call now to purchase 1 10th ounce Gold American eagles for the amazing prices of only 159 each. Charles starbucks bringing fake meat to canada. The coffee chain will start to soon sell beyond meat sandwiches. It will also have egg and cheddar cheese. The patties will be available starting next month. Beyond meat shares jumping up higher on that news. As we head into the final hour of trading, the market now in the red except for the nasdaq, after a strong rebound at the open. More and more speculation about maybe getting some help from the Federal Reserve. I would like to bring in one of the feds biggest cheerleaders, kaltbaum Capital Management president , fox business contributor gary kaltbaum. Gary k, i know you dont like when the fed comes to the rescue but you have been tweeting over and over that you expect it to happen sooner rather than later. Im just going by precedent. Since christmas of 2018, every correction in the market had jay powell going easier and he has a great excuse now. Im not even talking the virus. The tenyear is at like 1. 3 something and hes still at 1. 5 so hes got room to lower rates and i would not be surprised even in the march meeting that they pull a little rabbit out of their hat and hopefully it helps. Charles we have heard from kaplan and metzger, both saying they are comfortable watching the virus, suggesting its too early to go. As you pointed out, the tenyear at an alltime low. Thats giving some signals out there. The ten and two, you have a 17 basis point spread between them. Thats flattening out. All these kind of things that typically make the fed anxious, but the other side of the coin, gary, is if they do go too soon, could that actually spark panic . I dont think so. Because the market is dictating policy. Im a big believer in following the market and when you are at 1. 3 and change and you are the fed and you are higher, you should be actually a little bit lower. I expect 1. 25 dash 1. 5 by them real soon, especially if we continue to drop in the market. Thats one thing, i think jay powell watches the market more than donald trump does, put it that way. Charles whone of the groups yo have liked are the semis. You say watch the semiconductors. Obviously they are wobbly here and got a major downgrade today from a second tier firm, second level firm. Is that the group to watch, particularly since they do have exposure to china and south korea . Well, its led the markets up and down for a couple decades so its always something i watch. Look, semiconductors are just about in everything and if everything is slowing down, i can promise you the semiconductors are going to drop also. I think thats my concern this second but look, i have a motto in this market right now and thats dont blink. Its not even 3 00, i couldnt tell you whether we would be up 400 points or down another 4 or whether we gap up another 400 tomorrow or gap down. We are in no mans land. Im taking a step back and watching. I will be a spectator for a time. Charles you have been pressing it for the last two weeks talking about the complexion, you have seen it here and there, certain signs. What would the signs be that maybe its getting a little better . Because a lot of folks want to know when should they start buying some of these names . We thought the complexion was changing midlast week. You know, i dont think it ends so soon. When you drop a couple thousand points, its like a big body blow and it usually takes a little bit of time. I just want to see a couple of days when we are down 300 and finish up 200. That will tell me the big institutional crowd is defending markets. We dont want to see up 400 today and i think we are down as of right now, as we speak. We want to start seeing the opposite. Charles i agree 1,000 . Its how we close and it aint been pretty. Catch gary on bulls bears. We are off 155 points. Liz claman. Liz what we are going to do in this final hour is strap you in. We know it might very well be another wild ride on wall street as the dow swings 651 points from bottom to top and now heading back down, following the biggest twoday point loss in history. At this hour, we do have the Dow Jones Industrials falling 143 after more than 2 trillion in losses over just the last two sessions. For now, the nasdaq is that one index in the green, up five points. We will see if it holds. Meantime, the dow started giving up its gains at 1 55 p. M. Eastern time. This intraday picture, it shows you best exactly when that happened. Why . Well, thats when a r

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