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Pelosi says she does not believe any reason it will not pass tomorrow no in the morning, trumps leadership during coronavirus pandemic is resonating with the American People, despite the analyst attacks from radical dems and left Wing National media, President Trumps approval has never been hire. President s Approval Rating at an alltime high. His disapproval at lowest since the month after he was inaugurated. 60 of American People approve of how the president is handling the coronavirus. 116 16 than approval of how media is handling it. Dow exiting bear market today, rising 1352 points. S p 500 up 155. And nasdaq also up big time, 413. The Trump Administration actions to combat the coronavirus having an Immediate Impact on more than just the markets and americas pocketbooks, monday attorney general william barr had this warning for anyone hoarding the medical equipment. On a warehouse with masks, surgical masks, you will be hearing a knock on your door. David well, guess what. The Service Employees International Union urquidez und Healthcare Worker west were sitting on a warehouse of n95s, 39 million of them is how many they had. They will now be made available to state and local governments and Healthcare Systems to outfit the heroic Health Care Workers who are fighting the coronavirus. Story that has not had a lot of attention is the reform of the fisa court, in a new order courts pre presiding judge, i sorry weducing americas drug dependdependence on china couldd thousands of jobs and a new boost to the economy, researchers, say such a move could add more than 800,000 american jobs. Add 2 billion to the economy in the first year. It would give americans easier access to the drugs they need, and more critically remove our reliance on a foreign country. President trump sending a letter to nations governor today say his administration is working on new coronavirus guidelines, president writing this will incorporate robust surveillance testing which will allow to us monitor the spread of the virus. We will suggest guidelines categorizing counties as highrisk, and mediumrisk or lowrisk. Dr. Anthony fauci said that coronavirus outbreaks may be cyclical. Parts of Southern Hemisphere are getting more cases as it goes to winter. The ceo of modernarc saina saids might be able to give vaccine shots to Health Care Workers this fall. This good news, up next, Coronavirus Task force briefing led by President Trump is expected to get underway. A new study showing how reshoring americas pharmaceutical production could bring back nearly a million jobs for hard working americans. And pump billions of dollars back into the stagnant economy. We take up that and more after the break with congressman doug collins, stay with us. What makes you, you . 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Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. The bible teaches blessed is he whose help is in the god of jacob. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. [announcer] these special passover food packages represent a gift of life for destitute, elderly jews in the former soviet union. Just 25 provides one elderly holocaust survivor with a special emergency food package. Call right now. Please call the number on your screen. [yael] what i pray is that you wont turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. [announcer] we pray that god will move upon your heart and send an emergency gift of just twenty five dollars so that we can help more frail and lonely elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union before its too late. sorrowful music hes been around the world, hes seen it all, its always what you think of, [crowd] surprise right there, all the time, with over 40 fully integrated applications, you wont be able to contain your excitement either. From just a dollar a day per employee, run your entire business with zoho one. The operating system for business. David joining us now by phone, maybe skype, yes, there he is, the man himself, lou dobbs. I knew we could do it. Power of positive thinking. Lou always believe. We went through a number of stories that you are very familiar with, we have been talking about them all day. Lets start with one about president s executive order in the week, saying that no hoarding will be tolerated, that was backed up by attorney general saying if anyone is hoard anything equipment were getting them. No holds barred. Then, mirror ac next day. A Public Sector union finds a stash of 39 million n95 masks. What a coincidence . Lou i take it you doubt that is a coincidence. David maybe. Lou lets take attorney general at his word. He gave fair notice. He said, he put it well be knocking on your door. And the saiu, i think theyre Service Employees union. Out of a sense of Public Service discovered those, turned them over. And i would say thank you for doing so, our Health Care Workers, doctors, nurses, technicians, everyone in healthcare need them, it, it is an outrage they dont have them, thank you to saiu and attorney general. David another story that might have missed attention of some viewers in politico, just to sit it up for over three years now, we have been hearing from the president s critics, that he is such a an a headline is trumps an athousanan aother a author. What is it . Lou y think we should talk to the editorial board, they seem confused. They seem to be on one hand seeking a strong man, in presidency, and then next, wanting that weak man they write up. They are hardly masters of logic. They are so eager to attack this president. It is just too much to ask of people in the National Left wing media to be obam logical and ral and factual. Those are three things they want no part of. David lets talk about something on positive side, that is relief bill, that energized the market. Do you think it will be enough for American Worker . Lou i think that it is certainly a grand start. This is an extraordinary amount of money to push out, as you know treasury secretary mnuchin vowing to, declaring this money will be in their pockets in 3 weeks, working men and women of the country, middle class, and middle class families and all who aspire to that middle class, this see wonderful targeted and i think initial installment this is generous and timely. We could not however have put up with any more delays. Those folks, all of the hospitals and all of the First Responders in the country, they need that money as are folks that were talking about who are targeted. I want to say thank you to leaderships of both parties. This was we would have liked it faster, but in capitol hill time it was mach 3. David a couple of months ago we were in middle of a por a partin impeachment. Here a unam mouse vote in favor of something, you are expecting to pass house without problem. Lou i do, the house, has heard loudly, clearly, from their constituents. Whether they are a democrat or republican, they want this done. And their were the game playing by pelosi and schumer could only go on so many days, that was over yesterday, now well see Real Progress for the American People. It is terrific, what the president and steve mnuchin, treasury secretary, came up with here. This is just what the economy needed. David lets talk about what is happening overseas. There is another extraordinary story, a chinese firm, name of firm is bioeasy. Little too easy, they provide countries with the tests, only to take a few minutes, coronavirus tests. They were providing it to spanish and italians, the spaniards had a terrible time they came out with false positives and false negatives, the test is terrible and has done no good for the spanish. Lou and the italians, a number of other countries as well. 30 accuracy level. 30 . Imagine what that does. No question that is widely void of accuracy and. That would u unleash all sorts f people relying on those tests into general population and spread the disease faster. The chinese have not done the spanish or italians anfavors with this, hopefully they will make good, and hopefully well have a quick test here, so we could help europeans who need this eu with World Health Organization, a euro centric organization, what were witnessing in italy, and spain is just a tragedy. Devastating, yet everyone at w. H. O. Seems to have at least in leadership time to spend before cameras, and reporters with microphones attacking, criticizing the United States, in particular. I see head of w. H. O. Today late today said something nice about President Trump. And the administration and his performance. I think outstanding attack on this coronavirus. I think they deserve when w. H. O. Talking nonsense. David it is extraordinary we pay the lions share in money for the World Health Organization, and perhaps that had something to do with the turn of face with regard to the president. I dont know. What do you think . Lou i dont know, i think probably the back he got, they cant depend on a government. And something to do as well. A lot to explain, flirting a with president xi of china this chinese liars [inaudible] i am sorry, lou, your audio is breaking up, we got enough of you in thank you very much, we appreciate hearing you from. And again, stay well. Appreciate it. Lou good to see you, appreciate it. David story that has not had a lot of attention is reform of feesfisa court, grands Justice Department a weeklong extension about court orders reform, new deadline april 3, joining me now congressman doug collins, running for senate for state of georgia, good to see you congressman. Let me talk, first, lou was talking about china, a loot of peopla lot ofpeople drawn toward china solution. Total lockdown the country no matter what people prefer, president seems to be trying to find a more american solution of licking the virus while at same time reopening the economy. Some people like zeek emanual does not think this possible, i dont know. I am not sure i care what zeek cares about. I take a president who is working with people who actually listening to ideas, and trying to plans the two between the health of people, and the economy. He is never waiverred from waiv. He puts American People first and their health. And really, i think china the way they responded, after they lost control, they had a massive shut down. You can dodo in in communist s. I think staying we have our helhealth needs and business n. He has done a good job. It does not surprise me when they attack him. David virtually impossible to have Public Health without the resources from a private economy is it not . Not that to have best medical resources in world. There no one that i believe will question American Medical Community and research and development and treatment as best in the world, that is why people come here, and our scientists and doctors, and researchers of ones that send cures to the world. You have the partnerships with private industries, you have federal, state, an and all partners, always been. We have a healthy economy you can do a lot of things. And Healthy People that is iny integral part. People are always main part of any economy, the president understands that, that is why were moving forward ad as wells we are. David without Economic Growth you have no resource for any Public Health system. An economy that has been shout down like ours shut down like ours will not be able to feed to Public Health system until there is some start up of the economy. How do you begin it . Two ways, focus on taking care of yourself with social distancing, they are working. We start with what we have done in congress, hopefully will finish up tomorrow. It might get held up tomorrow, i hope it the not, this is a you were talk about lou, the package that president and secretary mnuchin and leaders on both sides have come forward with to tackle health care, making sure healthcare providers, have resources they need to win this fight, and we businesses and personal aspects could making sure that businesses have liquidity, and capitol hill to kee capital to keep the busins going and pay employees, in a way that keeps health and economy going. I think that president leading it getting out front, our governors, doing so as. Then people following guidelines that have been set forth. David i mentioned the stuff getting slipping through the coronavirus crack in congress. First among them, in your interest is the fisa reforms, we saw how much they were needed, does it concern you they are being delayed . Two thing concern me about fisa, the senate punted. They just pinted i punned and e. We found a way to get it passed, it would make real changes to those who attack the president and candidate trump, then to continue to have this delay, there seems there are a lot of delays, but fisa court needs to be changed and looked at now. To spy on american sinces, carter pages and investigation again candidate trump and President Trump have not to stop. David how do you feel . I feel great. Looking forward to continuing to work with our residents to make sure we get through this, come out on better side. David doug collins thank you, sir. Thank you. David we would like your thoughts, share your comments and follow us on twitter loudobbs, like lou on facebook, follow him on instl instagram, a programming note. Among our guests tomorrow. We hope and you join us. Next a look at White House Briefing room, any moment now president and his Coronavirus Task force will provide their Daily Briefing for us. And there is a lot of empty cities and towns right now across the nation. But president is telling governors there could soon be new guidelines on social distances while reving up the economy. Economy. We take it up with dr. Nicole my money should work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Can be tough. You diet. Exercise. But if youre also taking Fish Oil Supplements you should know they are not fda approved. They may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. To treat very high triglycerides, discover the science of prescription vascepa. 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Thats a lot of mulch challenges. All day. All conditions. All year round. Kubota. Together we do more. David and here is President Trump with his task force. Our on going fight to defeat the virus this morning at 7 55 i spoke with leaders of the g20, it a great meeting. We have a lot of different ideas, a lot of good ideas, were working together, leaders abougather to discuss the subjef the problem that right now 151 nations have got. We had president fernandez of argentina, Prime Minister Scott Morrison of australia, president of brad brazil, Prime Minister n trudeau of canada, president xi of china, president macron of france, and chancellor merkel of germany, Prime Minister modi of india, president of indonesia. Prime ministecante of italy, ant abe of japan. President Andres Obrador of mexico, i want to thank president of mexico have done such a great job with the military. With the soldiers on our southern border, very few people are get through. And we have a great relationship with mexico. President putin of russia, king solomon of saudi arabia. President ramposi of south africa, president moon of as you know, country we spend a lot of time in, south korea. Were working hard on that. Prime minister sanchez of spain. President erdogan of turkey, Prime Minister Boris Johnson ofs united kingdom. And president of European Commission vander land. President of European Council charles raquel. United nations secretarygeneral gutierrez. And World Health Organization director. World Bank President david mel pass and International Monetary Fund Director crystalina, a great group, they were all there. Every one of them, we talked about the problem. And hopefully it will not be a problem for too much longer, United States is working with our friends and part of partners is in the world, we discussed how american it is for our nations to immediately share information and data and we have been doing that to a lrn largic tent. Well do is more so, and inform our i guess you could say, form each of us on fight that we have got going one way or the other, a little bit different, but were handling it different wa ways. But there is great uniformity, it was a terrific meeting, tremendous spirit among the 20 countries plus the other people that i mentioned and tremendous spirit to get this over with, after the meeting with World Leaders i spoke with governors of 50 states, territories. Our team has been in communication with the governors and we had a terrific meeting, someone inflation at fake news said that governor said we need tom brady, we need that in a positive way, we need tom brady, he meant it positively, they think that tom brady should be leading the effort that only fake news, and i like tom brady, i spoke to him the other day, a great guy. But i wish the news could be real. I wish particula could be honesh it were not corrupt, so much is, it is so sad, we had a great meeting, i til tell you, i am se you have tapes of the meeting. 50 governors plus. And if you had tapes it was really it was no contention, i would say virtually none, maybe one person a little tiny bit of a raising of a voice, a wiseguy a little bit, but she usually a big wiseguy. We saw to it. He is we had i mean i a lot of folks were there. It was a great meeting, took place at about 12 00, we went from g20 to governors. We spoke about the Economic Relief with the governors, and the package that were moving through congress to deliver much needed Financial Assistance to hard working families and Small Businesses. I want to thank democrats and republicans in the senate for unanimously passing largest relief package in history, 960, the largest by far. And i am profoundly grateful that both partying came together to provide relief for American Workers and families, in this hour of need. The house of representatives must now pass this bill, hopefully without delay. I think it has tre tremendous support. When you are at 960, and as you know, a couple of those people are quarantined and rand paul is actually got it. But he will be better. He has been a great guy, a great friend of mine actually. The 2. 2 trillion relief package includes Job Retention loans for Small Businesses with forgiveness for Small Businesses keeping workers on payroll, direct Cash Payments to american citizens earning less than 99 thousand per year. 3400 for typical family of 4. Expanding Unemployment Benefits average worker lost his or her job will receive 100 of salary for up to powerful months, these are things that by the way we have more to go. But there are things that nobody has had any package like this. Done, i want to thank them, hopefully it will get approved equal i, easily in the house, really, i think it will go through well. From what i hear. Virtually everybody, there could be one vote, one vote, one grandstander maybe, you might have one. And for that well have to come back and take little more time, it will pass just a little bit longer, lets see whether or not we have a grandstander. Critical support for hardest hit industries with a ban on corporate stock buybacks and new safeguards, over 100 billion dollars for amazing doctors, and nurses and hospitals. 45 billion for the Disaster Relief fund, more than doubling amount available. 27 billion for the coronavirus response, including 16 billion to build up the Strategic National stock pile. With critical supplies including masks, respiratories, and all sorts of pharmaceuticals. 3. 5 billion to expand assistant to child care providers and child care benefits to Healthcare Worker, First Responders and others on the front lines of the crisis, these are real brave incredible people, i have to say. And some of them are getting sick. Some of them are getting very sick, some dont recover, they are incredible, 1 billion for defense production act procure am, were as you know using act but we use it when necessary. We use it as leverage, we generally dont are have to aus use it. Fema shipped over 9 million i n5 masks and ven laters and gowns, and gloves, and were sending more every day, and we have tremendous amounts of equipment coming in, a lot of Great Companies are making equipment right now, the ventilators they take a little long torer to mak. We have a lot of Companies Making them. We took over a very d depleted place in a lot of ways, as you know testing is going well, that was broken we fixed it. I think very important stock pile were filling it up we get we have it sent to states. Against the state has to be doing this thing also. Were sort of a we look from behind a little bit, we look hat how they are doing, if they need help we did it it is their first responsibility, sometimes they cant get it with you we load it up and send it out. If we can it sent directly to the state. We want to go directly too, the point where we want it. I can announce something they think is incredible, what they have done in navy, the incredible Naval Hospital ship, usns comin comfort. It is incredible. Will be underway to new york city on saturday. It is going to leave saturday, rather than 3 weeks from now. They did the maintenance quick quickly. It should be arriving, i told governor 20 minutes ago, Governor Cuomo that ship will arrive on new york harbor on monday. I think ill go out and kiss it goo goodbye. Ill go to it is in virginia. And i will go and well be waving together, i suspect the meadial bmedia will be followinn are you following . A great ship. It is. After being fully loaded with medical supplies it will be loaded to the top, and it is over at the naval base. That is where it departs. Is is expected then to saving about 3 to 4 weeks bee week by e incredible work done by the navy, i look forward to seeing it go saturday, the ship will arrive. I believe it will get a little bit of a ceremony, something very beautiful about it. Incredible. Piece of work. Will land at pier 90 in manhattan. To provide hospital surge capacity, they may use it for this or have other people coming from hospitals, unrelated to the virus, and then they use those hospitals on land for the virus. But, well see how they did it. They could do it either way. One way or the other. But it could be because set up so well for a regular hospital, they may take team out of peoplit out of hospitals and use those rooms are in virus. Working closely with fda continue to rate to discover and test treatments and therapies, that could effectively reduce the duration and system automatics of th symptoms ofs and help people recover, and i am continental ite come ited toe treatment to harke market quicke have a lot of tests going to with regard to different medicines. We have a lot of talented doctors and scientists that are working on therapeutics and cure, vaccine. Were doing well with that. I think were towing wel to doih regard to a lot of things, well see what happens, well know soon about a lot. But if is advanced, and vaccines are advances, prior to as you know fairly long test period over a year, every american should be proud of the incredible spir u spirit our coy has brought to this effort, citizens from all walks of life have come together to turn the tide in this battle. And were witnessing extraordinary power of american unity. Like we have never seen, even a vote of 960, were waging war in this virus. Using every packag financial, scientific, medical, pharmaceutical and military resource to halt the spread and protect our citizens, i want to express our thanks to American People for continuing to practice social distancing like you are right here. It so i dont know this room may never be the same. Maintaining good hygiene, and follow government guidelines. Vice president pence lifts up that card every time. And not very complicated. But, hopefully you can do that and your commitment will make all of the difference in the world, that is one of the big ones that will be for a while, stay home, relax, stay home. Make a lot of progress. As we continue to gather more information, and act separate e testing, were doing Record Number of testing now, i told you yesterday, 8 days here, you heard so much about south korea. We have a great relationship with president moon in south korea, but. Why hear so much about south korea, in 8 days, we do more testing than they did in 8 weeks. And it is a highly soness sophid test. Well be able to do more data driven and targeted approaches to slow the you know, the very devastating thing, but we will vanquish this virus and its a lot of pro press ha progress ha, today i sene letter to americas governors describing how well use data to update existing guysance on social distancing. Because of the sacrifices of our great doctors and nurses and healthcare professionals, brill brilliance of scientists and researchers and goodness and jen ross tigenesis invitationaljen. Well return. And we have to get back to work. Our people want to work, they want to go back. They have to go back. And well be talking about dates, well talking with a lot of great professionals. But, this country was built on getting it done. Our people want to go back to work, i am hearing it loud and clear. So well see what happens, well have a lot more information early next week. Wild b well be reporting that back, i want leave it with you, we have to go back. This is the United States of america, they dont want to sit around, and wait and they will be practicing, by the way, a lot of people, misinterpret when they say go back, they will be practicing, as much as you can social distancing. And washing your hands and not shaking hands and all of things we talk about so much. But they have to go back to work,. Our country has to go back, our country is based on, that. I think it is going to happen. Pretty quickly. I think it will happen pretty quickly. A lot of progress has been made but we have to going back to work, we make take sections of the country, but, we have to start the process soon. So, well be talking to you a little bit more about that next week. That with that, if you have any questions, you could ask, ill have Vice President stay behind. And he will take questions, and also introduce some people you can ask them questions, john . Mr. President unemployment numbers 3. 3 million, not a surprise, but still a staggering number. Your perspective on that. Nobodys fault. Not in this country. Nobodys fault, we got lucky when we made a decision not to allow people in from china, at an early date, i say that because some people dont want to accept it. But this was a great decision made by our country. Or numbers you talk about it would be far greater, far bigger. So when i heard that number, i heard it could be 6 million or 7 million, it 3. 3. It a lot of jobs, i think well come back strong, sooner we come back to work, every day we stay out it is harder to bring it back quickly. Our people dont want to stay out, i know those numbers, but i think you will see a fast turn around once we have a victory over the hidden enemy, as i say. Sometimes a hidden enemy is tougher than somebody that looks nuyou in the face. Well see, they are fully expected to numbers, at least. At least. U. S. Proposal to do deploy troops along Canadian Border president trudeau is complaining, why is it necessary . We have strong deployment on south esouthern border with mexe have troops in canada, ill find out about, that i guess equal justice to a tern certain extents. But in ca canada we have troopsn border, we have a lot of things coming in canada, illegal trade, and strong sanctions on some, we have strong tariffs on dumping steel. And we dont like steel coming through the border which has been dumped. In canada, they could avoid the tariff,. I charge a lot of tariff for the steel, it great for Steel Companies they can really you look at what happened with steel, it is incredible. But we taken billions of dollars in tariffs on style, much comes from china, but they come from canada border too. Numbers correctly, United States now has surpassed china as the country with highest number of virus cases. Does this surprise you . I think it a tribute to our testing, you, you dont know the numbers are in china, china tells you numbers, i am speaking to president xi tonight i believe well have a good conversation, you dont know, what are the numbers. It a tribute to our testing, we test tremendous numbers of people. And every day, the way that system works i want to thank roach has been fantastic. Great company. Roche, a great company, they have done a trimious aim, they have really stepped hupp up, ase others. So, you know, well see what happens there but, it is a tray tribute to the aim o amount of g were doing. That is hard to tell what china is testing. On 3. 3 jobless claims. A lot you said it could get to 7 million. I said some people were projecting it would be 6 or 7, it and i believe 3. 3. Millions of americaning out of work, small lose their insurance, what is youre plan to make sure no fall of their own, they stay insured. Will you fluff of subsidies for exchanged on obamacare, what is well, i mean things i head to you are. And other things are being considered. People are going to get big checks, not their fault, what happened to them is not their fault. The health care. Were doing a loot of a lot f Different Things to health insurance, we have meetings on it were taking care of our people, this is not their fault, we sending them big checks for family of 4 about 3,000. And we take care of our people our workers. This was not you know, this was not a financial crisis, this was a health crisis, a medical crisis. Were will take care of your people. Yes. Came out [inaudible] survey this morning saying that 3 of all restaurant in this country have shuttered for good, in last 3 weeks, 11 more are projected to close. What do you say too a restaurant owner, who w. H. O. I looking at s he has to close. I hate to i know the business well. I understand the Restaurant Business it is a delicate business, a business that not easy. I say in a Restaurant Business you could serve 30 great meals to a person or family, they love it one bad meal, number 31, they never come back again. A very tough business. But, they are great people that run restaurants, and i heard 3 could be lost, you could go to 10 or 11 , they will come back in one form or another, it might be a different restaurant, it is going to be a great business for a lot of people, and were making it easy look. What were doing in terms of loans, and terms of salaries, they will all am comeback, it may not be same restaurant but they will be back. Yes, sir. The pledge from American Companies to provide supplies. Is it 81 thousand cases in u. S. Does that make sense. I talked about defense production act a lot, and i have you know i have inacted it, i could do it with a pen, we used it to two minor occasions, then we with draw it for most part, we dont need it, we say, we need this they say well do it. We are dealing with ford, general motors, 3m, with Great Companies, they want to do this. They are doing things that they dont need someone to walk over there with a hammers and say do it they are getting it done. Making tremendous aims of equipment. Amounts of equipment, when this is over well be fully stock piled. It would have never been. This was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to the country, im not blame look, we inherit ai aideded a bn situation, no one would have thought of this. But, the production act, defense production act is a wonderful thing, i have not hea had to us. They be it is activated. But i have not had to. A question. My colleagues who are social distancing. Question with cruise liners, they want they are worried offshore to places like p panama they should move back to United States before they get a check, do you agree, should they pay u. S. Taxes to get u. S. Taxpayer relief. Im a big fan of senator holly, i also like the idea. There were some senators that didnt want to do anything. But they are based in different places. They are based in more than one place. Ships are registered in different locations. I do like the concept of perhaps coming in and registering here. Coming in to United States it is you know tough to make a loan to a company when they are based in a different country. With that said, they have thousands of people that work there, maybe almost as importantly that work onshore filling the ships with goods and products. And cruise line business is very important. I know carnival, a great job they do. And i would think that we could stick with senator holly and look at that. Look it is a big business, a great business, a business that employs trendous number of people outside of the ship itself, you look at ports it loaded with shops and people that are involved. Well work hard on the cruise line business, and try to work something out. But i like that concept. Thank you, sir. The senate bill includes, tied to airlines, and since before the pandemic, boeing suffered from you know losses of sure. Do you think it is appropriate to use this legislation to sort of provide them with 17 billion of aid ito top of 25 billion they could qualify for as a passenger airline. And 4 billion they could qualify for as a hard is that fair. Airline business is a tough. Over many years it has been very tough. 4, it has labor, and strong powerful you know, you look at cost of the airliners, it tough, highly technological, you look at how complicated and complex, it has unions. Airline business, has unions, this a tough business, always has been a tough business, with that said, we have to keep our airlines going. And were going to be using some maybe well take a piece of airlines or country for a country, where we loan money a piece, it is fully ready, were ready, but if we didnt know dot we would end up with no airline, Airline Business is very vital to the country, it a tough business, i could tell you other businesses that are different kinds of businesses, they are good businesses, but airlines are always been very reporter for you, mr. President. Please. I didnt call you. I called this gentleman. Reporter thanks a lot. Who are you with . Reporter with bloomberg. Is michael doing . Good . Reporter mr. President , on monday, did you speak with chinese president xi before you urged americans to not blame asianamericans for the coronavirus . We noticed that you backed off of that language. No i didnt. Im speaking to him tonight. I will have a call with president xi of china, very good relationship. No, i didnt like when they came up it wasnt him. Somebody at a lower level, midlevel we found out pretty much, they made a statement that our soldiers brought it into china. It came from china, and, you know, we just signed a very big deal with china. Theyre paying us a lot of money in tariffs and other things. They never paid us ten cents. China has taken advantage of the United States until i came here with Sleepy Joe Biden and obama and bush and everybody else. Im not blaming them. Im blaming everybody. They were allowed to five hundred billion dollars a year they were taking out. We had trade deficits that were so large, nobody has seen anything like it and, weve changed i. Look, now were taking in billions of dollars. We gave some to our farmers because china, they targeted our farmers, our farmers are very happy. Our farmers got through a very rough period what i was able to do. Took the money from china, gave it to the farmers. We had plenty left over after that. Now were going into a phase two negotiation with china but were getting 25 on 250 billion. Were getting a lot on money after this. So weve never had a deal with china. China took advantage of the United States. And you know what . I dont blame china for that. I blame the people right here pause they should have never allowed it to happen. But the relationship with china has been a very good one. John . Reporter mr. President , did president xi ask you to calm the language down or not use never asked me calm it down. Somebody might have spoken to somebody but nobody spoke to me bit. I think it was time though. Because you know, i talk about the chinese virus and, i mean it. That is where it came from. If you look at ebola, lyme, connecticut, horrible diseases come with a name with a location. This was this was the chinese virus. But i dont have to say if they feel so strongly about it. Well see. But you know, we have, we just made a great deal with china, great hopefully for both parties but we made a deal with china and well do another looks like. They want to do it very badly. Maybe they will want to wait, like iran, they want to see whether or not trump gets beaten in the election. Would they love to negotiate with biden or somebody else other than me, they would love it. That is their best dream in the world. So many others, some are maybe waiting until after november 3rd the election day. But i think were doing very well. It would be sad if we blew all of the advantages that we have right now because we made unbelievable trade deals. Whether its mexico, canada, japan, south korea, china, and others. We have, we have changed the whole thing around. Please . Reporter mr. President , earlier today you sent notification letter to the nations governors that you will soon come out with new guidelines about social distancing and other items. Do you have any data yet to suggest which specific areas of the country may have their guidelines

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